Cfe 2 Prelim

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CFE 2 -Truthfulness and Confidentiality

Christian Morality In our Times -Autonomy and Informed Consent

A. Definition of Morality -Beneficence

-the rightness and wrongness of a human action. -Non- maleficence

-The practice of “ethics” - Justice

-important because it serves as the primary force B. Misconceptions on Morality

for all of our actions as individuals or as a member  Morality is outside the world of “practical
of a particular society. people.”
-the human person is bestowed with knowledge -Survival is the key.
and free will
-No material progress if you are moral.
-Science concerned about what ought to be
(norms); judging right and wrong in light of who we **Becoming rich is not our sole purpose, is a fruit
are; dealing with free human conduct in light of of our labor. Wealth is tied with patient, hard
revelation; summed up by the word responsibility. work and faith.

Two Forms:  Morality develops guilt and moral obligation

that makes life miserable.
1. Descriptive Morality.- the standard of conduct
which is the law is exclusive and applicable only to -morality removes the sense of “enjoyment of sin”.
a certain society.
- morality produces inconvenience and suffering.
Ex. Eating of pork or “dinuguan”
*This is wrong because morality guides us to our
2.Normative Morality – the standard of conduct real and proper goal in life.
which is the law is a universal guide to govern the
 Morality is centered only on the act itself
behavior of all rational persons.
setting aside the circumstances and intention
Knowledge and free will - two faculties that we behind theaction.
use to determine/decide our actions.
-Morality judges on ‘face-value’ only, i.e. the
How to become moral? ACTION only.

If we live our lives patterned after the life of Jesus *This is wrong because Moral Judgment is done by
and when we follow the teachings of the Catholic looking at the ACT, the INTENTION of the Agent
Church. and the CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the Act and
the Agent.
Ethics - Systematic study of the rightness and
wrongness of a human action. C. Object of Morality

-The science of “morals” Object – is the main concern of Morality

-Provide systems of moral principles and the  Human acts (gawaing pantao) - those
reasons why these principles are valid
which man performs knowingly, freely, and
voluntarily. These actions are deliberate,
-Respect for persons intentional or voluntary
 Acts of Man – instinctive and are not within 2. Intention or End – the reason or purpose behind
the one’s action or acting.

control of the will. Such are the biological and - also known as Motive or Purpose.
physiological movements in man such as
-- This can modify human actions.
metabolism, respiration, fear, and anger.
3. Circumstance/s
– are certain accidental conditions w/c can modify
the act in some external way, either increasing or
diminishing the responsibility attending them.
– it answers the reality revealing questions:
a. WHO? With Whom? Sino? – Person/s involved
b. WHEN? Kelan? - Time of Event
c. WHERE? Saan? - Place of Event
D. Constituents of Human Acts
d. HOW? Sa papaanong paraan? - Manner or
1. There must be knowledge of the Human Act –
the human act is performed by the moral agent
who is aware of what he/she is doing and of its Depending on the answers to those questions, the
quality or morality of a human act can be
2. Human acts are free – it is free from internal/
Moral Principles:
external forces. No force from within and without
a. It can either increase or decrease the morality of
that prevents the person to commit/omit a Human a human act.
act. b. It may change a good or indifferent act into a
punishable one.
3. Voluntariness – the resolution/willingness to
Human Person as a Moral Agent
perform the act here and now, or in some future
1. As a Creation of God (Human person is a
Subject,Human person as an embodied Subject)
E. Determinants of the Morality of a Human Act
-the person is in charge of his/her own life.
1. Object/Act:
- to act according to his conscience, in freedom,
- the basic factor of morality. and with knowledge.
- it is where the moral goodness of an act depends. -The great moral implication of the person as
- refers to the human act performed by the agent. subject is that no one may ever use a human
person as an object or as a means to an end the
- it is either good (moral), bad (immoral),
way we do other things of the world
indifferent (neutral).
--That God is the source and ground of the person’s
- It answers the question WHAT?
being (galing sa Diyos)
2. As an image and Likeness of God (unique, TEN COMMANDMENTS
believer, redeemed by Jesus, temple of the Holy
1. I am the Lord your God: You shall not have
strange Gods before me.
-This aspect is among the essential dimensions of
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your
being a human person God in vain.
-“know and worship God” 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s day.
-The roots of this dimension do not lie in our 4. Honor your father and your mother.
ignorance, the fact that we encounter certain
5. You shall not kill.
phenomena whose causes we cannot determine
for the present. 6. You shall not commit adultery
--That the person is made in God’s basic 7. You shall not steal
characteristic – His GOODNESS.
8. You shall not bear false witness against your
3. As a social Being (Human Person is essentially
inter relational with other human persons, Human
Person are interdependent social beings) 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
-the fact that we are all members of the human 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s good
--Fundamental equality as members of the one
species goes hand in hand with uniqueness as
individuals within that species - summons man to believe in God, to hope in him
and to love him above all else.
4. As a steward (Human person is Part of the
Material world, Human Person is a historical being) -This is a command against taking the name of the
Lord in vain. We are not to treat God’s name
--As body persons we are part of the material
lightly. We are to show reverence to God by only
mentioning Him in respectful and honoring ways.
-created in God’s image with the mandate to bring
I. “you shall worship the Lord your God and Him
the earth under human control, only you shall serve”
-we can act as co-agents with God to make the II. Him only you shall serve
world a continuously more livable place.
-The developments of science & technology are -prayer
certainly helping us to do the -sacrifice
-promises and vows
III. You shall have no other Gods before me
I. The Name of the Lord is Holy
-This is a command to set aside the Sabbath SIXTH COMMANDMENT
(Saturday, the last day of the week) as a day of
-This is a command against having sexual
Rest dedicated to the Lord
Relations with anyone other than one’s spouse.
I. Male and Female he created them
-This is a command to always treat one’s
II. The Vocation to Chastity
Parents with honor and respect.
-lust- masturbation-fornication-pornography -
I. The Family in God’s Plan prostitution -rape
-the nature of the family III. The Love of Husband and Wife
-the Christian family -conjugal fidelity
II. The Family and Society -the fecundity of marriage
III. The Duties of Family -the gift of the child
-the duties of children IV. Offenses against the dignity of marriage
-the duties of parents -Adultery -Divorce
-This is a command against the premeditated This is a command against taking anything that is
murder of another human being. not one’s own, without the permission of the
person to whom it belongs.
I. Respect for human life
I. The Universal Destination and The Private
-the witness of sacred history
Ownership of Goods
-legitimate defense
II. Respect for the goods of others
-intentional homicide
-Respect for the goods of others
-Respect for the integrity of creation
III. The Social doctrine of the church
IV. Economic Activity and Social Justice
II. Respect for the Dignity of person
V. Justice and Solidarity among nations
-respect for the souls and others: scandal
VI. Love of the poor
-respect for health
-respect for the person and scientific research
-This is a command prohibiting testifying against
-respect for bodily integrity
another person falsely. It is essentially a command
-respect for the dead
against lying.
III. Safeguarding peace
-Peace -Avoiding war
I. Purification of the heart
II. The battle for purity
-Purity of heart will enable us to see God: it enables
us even now to see things according to God. (CCC,
-Purification of the heart demands prayer, thethe
practice of chastity, purity of intention and of
(CCC. 2532)
-Purity of heart requires the modesty which is
patience, decency and discretion. Modesty protects
the intimate center of the person. (CCC, 2533)
three kinds of covetousness or concupiscence: lust
of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life.
I. The disorder of covetous desires
II. The desire of the spirit
III. Poverty of heart
IV. “I want to see God”

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