GD35 Series VFD Manual - V3.8

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GD35 -5R5G -4

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Preface

Thanks for choosing our products.

Goodrive35 series variable-frequency drives (VFDs) are high performance closed-loop vector VFDs
for controlling asynchronous AC induction motors and permanent magnet synchronous motors.
Applying the most advanced non-velocity sensor vector control technology which keeps pace with the
leading international technology and DSP control system, our products enhances its reliability to meet
the adaptability to the environment, customized and industrialized design with more optimized
functions, more flexible application and more stable performance.

The control performance of Goodrive35 series VFDs is as outstanding as that of the leading
sophisticated VFDs on worldwide market. Goodrive35 series VFDs integrate the drive of
asynchronous motors and synchronous motors, torque control and speed control, meeting the high
performance requirement of the customer applications and stepping on the unique incorporated VFDs
with superexcellent control functions in this circle. Simultaneously, comparing with the other kinds,
Goodrive35 series VFDs can adapt to worse grid, temperature, humidity and dust with a better
performance of anti-tripping and improved the reliability.

Goodrive35 series VFDs apply modularized design to meet the specific demand of customers, as well
as the demand of the whole industry flexibly and follow the trend of industrial application to the VFDs
on the premise of meeting general need of the market. Powerful speed control, torque control, simple
PLC, flexible input/output terminals, pulse frequency given, traverse control can realize various
complicate high-accuracy drives and provide integrative solution for the manufacturers of industrial
devices, which contributes a lot to the cost reducing and improves reliability.

Goodrive35 series VFDs can meet the demand of environmental protection which focuses on low
noise and weakening electromagnetic interference in the application sites for the customers.

This manual provides installation and configuration, parameters setting, fault diagnoses and daily
maintenance and relative precautions to customers. Please read this manual carefully before the
installation to ensure a proper installation and operation and high performance of Goodrive35 series

If the end user is a military unit or the product is used for weapon manufacturing, please comply with
relevant export control regulations in the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China, and
complete necessary formalities.

Our company reserves the right to update the information of our products.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................................ i
Contents ............................................................................................................................................. ii
Chapter 1 Safety precautions ........................................................................................................... 1
1.1 What this chapter contains ....................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Safety definition ........................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Warning symbols ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Safety guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1 Delivery and installation .................................................................................................... 2
1.4.2 Commission and running .................................................................................................. 3
1.4.3 Maintenance and replacement of components ................................................................. 4
1.4.4 Scrap treatment ................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Quick start-up ................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 What this chapter contains ....................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Unpacking inspection ............................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Application confirmation............................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Environment ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.5 Installation confirmation ............................................................................................................ 6
2.6 Basic commission ..................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 3 Product overview ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 What this chapter contains ....................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Basic principles......................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Product specification ................................................................................................................ 8
3.4 Product nameplate ................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Model code ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.6 Rated values .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.6.1 Rated value of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%) ..................................................... 11
3.6.2 Rated value of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) ..................................................... 12
3.7 Structure diagram ................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 4 Installation guide............................................................................................................ 15
4.1 What this chapter contains ..................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Mechanical installation ........................................................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Installation environment .................................................................................................. 15
4.2.2 Installation direction ........................................................................................................ 16
4.2.3 Installation manner ......................................................................................................... 16
4.2.4 Single installation............................................................................................................ 17
4.2.5 Multiple installations ....................................................................................................... 18
4.2.6 Vertical installation .......................................................................................................... 19
4.2.7 Tilt installation ................................................................................................................. 20

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

4.3 Standard wiring ....................................................................................................................... 21

4.3.1 Main circuit connection diagram ..................................................................................... 21
4.3.2 Terminals figure of main circuit ....................................................................................... 22
4.3.3 Wiring of terminals in main circuit ................................................................................... 27
4.4 Standard wiring (control circuit) .............................................................................................. 28
4.4.1 Wiring diagram of basic control circuit ............................................................................ 28
4.4.2 C1 terminal (EC-PG301-24) instruction and the wiring diagram ..................................... 31
4.4.3 D1 terminal (EC-PG304-05) instruction and the wiring diagram ..................................... 32
4.4.4 H1 terminal (EC-PG305-12) instruction and the wiring diagram ..................................... 33
4.4.5 H2 terminal (EC-PG305-05) instruction and the wiring diagram ..................................... 34
4.4.6 S1 terminal (EC-PG302-05) instruction .......................................................................... 36
4.4.7 Input/output signal connection diagram .......................................................................... 38
4.5 Wiring protection..................................................................................................................... 39
4.5.1 Protecting the VFD and input power cable in short-circuit situations .............................. 39
4.5.2 Protecting the motor and motor cable in short-circuit situations ..................................... 39
4.5.3 Protecting the motor against thermal overload ............................................................... 39
4.5.4 Implementing a bypass connection ................................................................................ 39
Chapter 5 Keypad operation procedures ...................................................................................... 40
5.1 What this chapter contains ..................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Keypad ................................................................................................................................... 40
5.3 Keypad displaying .................................................................................................................. 42
5.3.1 Displayed state of stopping parameter ........................................................................... 42
5.3.2 Displayed state of running parameters ........................................................................... 42
5.3.3 Displayed state of fault ................................................................................................... 43
5.3.4 Displayed state of function codes editing ....................................................................... 43
5.4 Keypad operation ................................................................................................................... 43
5.4.1 How to modify the function codes of the VFD ................................................................. 43
5.4.2 How to set the password of the VFD .............................................................................. 44
5.4.3 How to watch the VFD state through function codes ...................................................... 45
Chapter 6 Function parameters...................................................................................................... 46
6.1 What this chapter contains ..................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Goodrive35 general series function parameters ..................................................................... 46
P00 Group Basic functions ...................................................................................................... 47
P01 Group Start and stop control ............................................................................................ 54
P02 Group Motor 1 parameters ............................................................................................... 60
P03 Group Vector control ........................................................................................................ 65
P04 Group SVPWM control ..................................................................................................... 70
P05 Group Input terminals....................................................................................................... 74
P06 Group Output terminals .................................................................................................... 82
P07 Group HMI ....................................................................................................................... 86

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

P08 Group Enhanced functions ............................................................................................... 93

P09 Group PID control .......................................................................................................... 100
P10 Group Simple PLC and multi-step speed control ........................................................... 104
P11 Group Protective parameters ......................................................................................... 108
P12 Group Motor 2 parameters ............................................................................................. 112
P13 Group SM control ........................................................................................................... 117
P14 Group Serial communication .......................................................................................... 118
P15 Group PROFIBUS/CANopen function ............................................................................ 120
P16 Group Ethernet function ................................................................................................. 123
P17 Group Status viewing ..................................................................................................... 124
P18 Group States viewing 2 .................................................................................................. 127
P20 Group Encoder ............................................................................................................... 129
P21 Group Position control.................................................................................................... 132
P22 Group Spindle positioning .............................................................................................. 139
Chapter 7 Basic operation instruction......................................................................................... 142
7.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 142
7.2 First powering on .................................................................................................................. 142
7.3 Vector control ....................................................................................................................... 146
7.4 SVPWM control .................................................................................................................... 150
7.5 Torque control ....................................................................................................................... 155
7.6 Parameters of the motor ....................................................................................................... 159
7.7 Start and stop control............................................................................................................ 163
7.8 Frequency setting ................................................................................................................. 167
7.9 Analog input .......................................................................................................................... 171
7.10 Analog output ..................................................................................................................... 173
7.11 Digital input ......................................................................................................................... 176
7.12 Digital input ......................................................................................................................... 184
7.13 Simple PLC ........................................................................................................................ 188
7.14 Multi-step speed running .................................................................................................... 190
7.15 PID control .......................................................................................................................... 192
7.15.1 General steps of PID parameters setting: ................................................................... 193
7.15.2 PID inching ................................................................................................................. 193
7.16 Commissioning for special functions .................................................................................. 196
7.16.1 Wiring mode of the encoder and pulse reference terminal ......................................... 196
7.16.2 Commissioning steps ................................................................................................. 198
7.17 Fault solutions .................................................................................................................... 204
Chapter 8 Fault tracking ............................................................................................................... 207
8.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 207
8.2 Alarm and fault indications .................................................................................................... 207
8.3 How to reset ......................................................................................................................... 207

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

8.4 Fault history .......................................................................................................................... 207

8.5 Fault instruction and solution ................................................................................................ 207
8.5.1 VFD faults and solutions ............................................................................................... 207
8.5.2 Other states .................................................................................................................. 212
8.6 Common fault analysis ......................................................................................................... 212
8.6.1 The motor does not work .............................................................................................. 212
8.6.2 Motor vibration .............................................................................................................. 213
8.6.3 Overvoltage .................................................................................................................. 213
8.6.4 Undervoltage fault ........................................................................................................ 214
8.6.5 Abnormal heating of the motor ..................................................................................... 215
8.6.6 Overheat of the VFD..................................................................................................... 216
8.6.7 Motor stall during ACC .................................................................................................. 216
8.6.8 Overcurrent .................................................................................................................. 217
Chapter 9 Routine maintenance ................................................................................................... 218
9.1 What this chapter contains. .................................................................................................. 218
9.2 Maintenance intervals........................................................................................................... 218
9.3 Cooling fan ........................................................................................................................... 220
9.3.1 Replacing the cooling fan ............................................................................................. 220
9.4 Capacitors ............................................................................................................................ 221
9.4.1 Capacitors reforming .................................................................................................... 221
9.4.2 Change electrolytic capacitors ...................................................................................... 222
9.5 Power cable .......................................................................................................................... 222
Chapter 10 Communication protocol........................................................................................... 223
10.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................. 223
10.2 Brief instruction to Modbus protocol ................................................................................... 223
10.3 Application of the VFD ........................................................................................................ 223
10.3.1 RS485 ........................................................................................................................ 223
10.3.2 RTU mode .................................................................................................................. 226
10.4 RTU command code and communication data illustration .................................................. 229
10.4.1 Command code: 03H, reading N words (continuously reading up to 16 words) ......... 229
10.4.2 Command code: 06H, writing a word .......................................................................... 231
10.4.3 Command code: 08H, diagnosis ................................................................................ 232
10.4.4 Command code: 10H, continuous writing ................................................................... 233
10.4.5 The definition of data address .................................................................................... 233
10.4.6 Fieldbus ratio values................................................................................................... 237
10.4.7 Fault message response ............................................................................................ 238
10.4.8 Example of writing and reading .................................................................................. 240
10.5 Common communication fault ............................................................................................ 245
Appendix A Extension card .......................................................................................................... 246
A.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 246

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

A.2 PROFIBUS extension card .................................................................................................. 246

A.2.1 Product naming rules ................................................................................................... 246
A.2.2 EC-TX-103 communication card .................................................................................. 247
A.2.3 The appearance of EC-TX-103 communication card ................................................... 248
A.2.4 Compatible motor of EC-TX-103 communication card ................................................. 248
A.2.5 Delivery list ................................................................................................................... 249
A.2.6 Installation of EC-TX-103 communication card ............................................................ 249
A.2.7 System configuration.................................................................................................... 253
A.2.8 PROFIBUS-DP communication.................................................................................... 255
A.2.9 Fault information .......................................................................................................... 263
A.3 CANopen optional cards ...................................................................................................... 263
Appendix B Technical data ........................................................................................................... 264
B.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 264
B.2 Ratings ................................................................................................................................. 264
B.2.1 Capacity ....................................................................................................................... 264
B.2.2 Derating ....................................................................................................................... 264
B.3 Grid specifications ................................................................................................................ 265
B.4 Motor connection data .......................................................................................................... 265
B.4.1 EMC compatibility and motor cable length ................................................................... 265
B.5 Applicable standards ............................................................................................................ 265
B.5.1 CE marking .................................................................................................................. 266
B.5.2 EMC compliance declaration ....................................................................................... 266
B.6 EMC regulations................................................................................................................... 266
B.6.1 Category C2 ................................................................................................................. 267
B.6.2 Category C3 ................................................................................................................. 267
Appendix C Dimension drawings................................................................................................. 268
C.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 268
C.2 Keypad structure .................................................................................................................. 268
C.2.1 Structure chart ............................................................................................................. 268
C.2.2 Installation bracket ....................................................................................................... 268
C.3 VFD structure ....................................................................................................................... 269
C.4 Dimensions for VFDs of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%) ........................................... 270
C.4.1 Wall installation (unit: mm) ........................................................................................... 270
C.4.2 Flange installation (unit: mm) ....................................................................................... 272
C.4.3 Floor installation (unit: mm) .......................................................................................... 273
C.5 Dimensions for VFDs of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) ........................................... 274
C.5.1 Wall installation (unit: mm) ........................................................................................... 274
C.5.2 Flange installation (unit: mm) ....................................................................................... 275
C.5.3 Floor installation (unit: mm) .......................................................................................... 276
Appendix D Optional peripheral accessories ............................................................................. 278

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Contents

D.1 What this chapter contains ................................................................................................... 278

D.2 Peripheral wiring .................................................................................................................. 278
D.3 Power supply ....................................................................................................................... 280
D.4 Cables.................................................................................................................................. 280
D.4.1 Power cables ............................................................................................................... 280
D.4.2 Control cables .............................................................................................................. 281
D.4.3 Routing the cables ....................................................................................................... 284
D.4.4 Insulation checking ...................................................................................................... 285
D.5 Breaker and electromagnetic contactor ............................................................................... 285
D.5.1 AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%) .......................................................................... 285
D.5.2 AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) .......................................................................... 286
D.6 Reactors .............................................................................................................................. 287
D.6.1 Reactors for AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%) ...................................................... 288
D.6.2 Reactors for AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) ...................................................... 289
D.7 Filter ..................................................................................................................................... 290
D.7.1 Filter model instruction ................................................................................................. 290
D.7.2 Filters for AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%) .......................................................... 291
D.7.3 Filters for AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) .......................................................... 292
D.8 Brake system ....................................................................................................................... 292
D.8.1 Selecting the brake components .................................................................................. 292
D.8.2 Selecting the brake resistor cables .............................................................................. 296
D.8.3 Installing the brake resistor .......................................................................................... 296
Appendix E Further information .................................................................................................. 298
E.1 Product and service queries ................................................................................................. 298
E.2 Feedback on INVT VFD manuals ......................................................................................... 298
E.3 Documents on the Internet ................................................................................................... 298

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Safety precautions

Chapter 1 Safety precautions

1.1 What this chapter contains
Please read this manual carefully and follow all safety precautions before moving, installing, operating
and servicing the variable-frequency drive (VFD). If ignored, physical injury or death may occur, or
damage may occur to the devices.

If any physical injury or death or damage to the devices occurs for ignoring to the safety precautions
in the manual, our company will not be responsible for any damages and we are not legally bound in
any manner.
1.2 Safety definition
Danger: Serious physical injury or even death may occur if not follow relevant
Warning: Physical injury or damage to the devices may occur if not follow
relevant requirements
Note: Physical hurt may occur if not follow relevant requirements
Qualified People working on the device should take part in professional electrical
electricians: and safety training, receive the certification and be familiar with all
steps and requirements of installing, commissioning, operating and
maintaining the device to avoid any emergency.
1.3 Warning symbols
Warnings caution you about conditions which can result in serious injury or death and/or damage to
the equipment, and advice on how to avoid the danger. Following warning symbols are used in this

Symbols Name Instruction Abbreviation

Serious physical injury or even death

may occur if not follow the relative
Danger Danger
Physical injury or damage to the
devices may occur if not follow the
Warning danger
relative requirements

Electrostatic Damage to the PCBA board may occur

Do not discharge if not follow the relative requirements

Sides of the device may become hot.

Hot sides
Hot sides Do not touch.

Physical hurt may occur if not follow the

Note Note Note
relative requirements

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Safety precautions

1.4 Safety guidelines

 Only qualified electricians are allowed to operate on the VFD.
 Do not carry out any wiring and inspection or changing components when the
power supply is applied. Ensure all input power supply is disconnected before
wiring and checking and always wait for at least the time designated on the
VFD or until the DC bus voltage is less than 36 V. Below is the table of the
waiting time:
VFD module Minimum waiting time
380 V 1.5 kW-110 kW 5 minutes
380 V 132 kW -315 kW 15 minutes
660 V 22 kW-132 kW 5 minutes
660 V 160 kW-350 kW 15 minutes
660 V 400 kW-630 kW 25 minutes

 Do not refit the VFD unless authorized; otherwise fire, electric shock or other
injury may occur.

 The base of the radiator may become hot during running. Do not touch to avoid

 The electrical parts and components inside the VFD are electrostatic. Take
measurements to avoid electrostatic discharge during relevant operation.

1.4.1 Delivery and installation

 Please install the VFD on fire-retardant material and keep the VFD away from
combustible materials.
 Connect the brake optional parts (brake resistors, brake units or feedback
units) according to the wiring diagram.
 Do not operate on the VFD if there is any damage or components loss to the
 Do not touch the VFD with wet items or your body, otherwise electric shock
may occur.


 Select appropriate moving and installing tools to ensure a safe and normal running of the VFD
and avoid physical injury or death. For physical safety, the erector should take some mechanical
protective measurements, such as wearing exposure shoes and working uniforms.

 Ensure to avoid physical shock or vibration during delivery and installation.

 Do not carry the VFD by its cover. The cover may fall off.

 Install away from children and other public places.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Safety precautions

 Please use the VFD on appropriate condition (See section 4.2.1 "Installation environment" for
detailed information).

 Don't allow screws, cables and other conductive items to fall inside the VFD.

 The leakage current of the VFD may be larger than 3.5 mA during operation. Perform reliable
grounding and ensure that the grounding resistance is lower than 10 Ω. The conductivity of the
PE grounding conductor is the same as that of the phase conductor. For models higher than 30
kW, the cross sectional area of the PE grounding conductor can be slightly less than the
recommended area.

 R, S and T are the input terminals of the power supply, while U, V and W are the motor terminals.
Please connect the input power cables and motor cables with proper techniques; otherwise the
damage to the VFD may occur.
1.4.2 Commission and running
 Disconnect all power supplies applied to the VFD before the terminal wiring
and wait for at least the designated time after disconnecting the power supply.
 High voltage is present inside the VFD during running. Do not carry out any
operation except for the keypad setting. It must be noted that the control
terminals of the VFDs of 3PH AC 500V and 3PH AC 660V are ELV (Extra Low
Voltage) circuit, which cannot be connected directly to the accessible terminals
of other devices if no protective isolation measure is taken.
 Control terminals of products -5 and -6 are ELV (Extra Low Voltage) circuits.
Without protection insulation, you need to avoid directly connecting control
terminals to accessible terminals of other devices.
 The VFD may start up by itself when P01.21=1. Do not get close to the VFD
and motor.
 The VFD cannot be used as "Emergency-stop device".
 The VFD cannot be used to break the motor suddenly. A mechanical brake
device should be provided.
 Besides the above items, check to ensure the following ones before the
installation and maintenance during the running of the permanent
synchronization motor:
1. All input power supply is disconnected (including the main power supply
and the control power supply).
2. The permanent magnet synchronization motor has stopped running and
measured to ensure the output voltage of the VFD is less than 36 V.
3. The waiting time of the permanent magnet synchronization motor after
stopping is no less than the time designated and measure to ensure the
voltage between + and – is less than 36 V.
4. Ensure the permanent magnet synchronization motor does not rotate

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Safety precautions

again because of the external load. It is recommended to install effectively

external brake devices or disconnect the electric wiring between the motor
and the VFD directly.


 Do not switch on or off the input power supply of the VFD frequently.

 For VFDs that have been stored for a long time, check and fix the capacitance and try to run it
again before utilization (see Chapter 9 "Routine maintenance").

 Cover the front board before running, otherwise electric shock may occur.
1.4.3 Maintenance and replacement of components
 Only qualified electricians are allowed to perform the maintenance, inspection,
and components replacement of the VFD.
 Disconnect all power supplies to the VFD before the terminal wiring. Wait for at
least the time designated on the VFD after disconnection.
 Take measures to avoid screws, cables and other conductive matters to fall
into the VFD during maintenance and component replacement.


 Please select proper torque to tighten screws.

 Keep the VFD, parts and components away from combustible materials during maintenance and
component replacement.

 Do not carry out any isolation and pressure test on the VFD and do not measure the control
circuit of the VFD by megameter.

 Carry out a sound anti-electrostatic protection to the VFD and its internal components during
maintenance and component replacement.
1.4.4 Scrap treatment

 There are heavy metals in the VFD. Deal with it as industrial waste.

 When the life cycle ends, the product should enter the recycling system.
Dispose of it separately at an appropriate collection point instead of placing it
in the normal waste stream.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Quick start-up

Chapter 2 Quick start-up

2.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter mainly describes the basic guidelines during the installation and commission procedures
on the VFD, which you may follow to install and commission the VFD quickly.
2.2 Unpacking inspection
Check as followings after receiving products:
1. Check that there are no damage and humidification to the package. If not, please contact
with local agents or company offices.
2. Check the information on the type designation label on the outside of the package to verify
that the drive is of the correct type. If not, please contact with local dealers or company
3. Check that there are no signs of water in the package and no signs of damage or breach to
the VFD. If not, please contact with local dealers or company offices.
4. Check the information on the type designation label on the outside of the package to verify
that the name plate is of the correct type. If not, please contact with local dealers or company
5. Check to ensure the accessories (including user’s manual, control keypad and extension
card) inside the device is complete. If not, please contact with local dealers or company
2.3 Application confirmation
Check the machine before beginning to use the VFD:
1. Check the load type to verify that there is no overload of the VFD during work and check that
whether the drive needs to modify the power degree.
2. Check that the actual current of the motor is less than the rated current of the VFD.
3. Check that the control accuracy of the load is the same of the VFD.
4. Check that the incoming supply voltage is correspondent to the rated voltage of the VFD.
5. Check that the communication needs option card or not.
2.4 Environment
Check as followings before the actual installation and usage:
1. Check that the ambient temperature of the VFD is below 40°C. If exceeds, derate 1% for
every additional 1°C. Additionally, the VFD cannot be used if the ambient temperature is
above 50°C.
Note: for the cabinet VFD, the ambient temperature means the air temperature inside the
2. Check that the ambient temperature of the VFD in actual usage is above -10°C. If not, add
heating facilities.
Note: for the cabinet VFD, the ambient temperature means the air temperature inside the

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Quick start-up

3. When the altitude exceeds 1000m, derate by 1% for every increase of 100m. When the
altitude exceeds 3000m, consult the local INVT dealer or office for details.
4. Check that the humidity of the actual usage site is below 90% and condensation is not
allowed. If not, add additional protection VFDs.
5. Check that the actual usage site is away from direct sunlight and foreign objects cannot
enter the VFD. If not, add additional protective measures.
6. Check that there is no conductive dust or flammable gas in the actual usage site. If not, add
additional protection to VFDs.
2.5 Installation confirmation
Check as followings after the installation:

1. Check that the load range of the input and output cables meet the need of actual load.
2. Check that the accessories of the VFD are correctly and properly installed. The installation
cables should meet the needs of every component (including reactors, input filters, output
reactors, output filters, DC reactors, brake units and brake resistors).
3. Check that the VFD is installed on non-flammable materials and the calorific accessories
(reactors and brake resistors) are away from flammable materials.
4. Check that all control cables and power cables are run separately and the route complies
with EMC requirement.
5. Check that all grounding systems are properly grounded according to the requirements of
the VFD.
6. Check that the free space during installation is sufficient according to the instructions in
user’s manual.
7. Check that the installation conforms to the instructions in user’s manual. The drive must be
installed in an upright position.
8. Check that the external connection terminals are tightly fastened and the torque is
9. Check that there are no screws, cables and other conductive items left in the VFD. If not, get
them out.
2.6 Basic commission
Complete the basic commissioning as followings before actual utilization:

1. Select the motor type, set correct motor parameters and select control mode of the VFD
according to the actual motor parameters.
2. Autotune. If possible, de-coupled from the motor load to start dynamic autotune. Or if not,
static autotune is available.
3. Adjust the ACC/DEC time according to the actual running of the load.
4. Commission the device via jogging and check that the rotation direction is as required. If not,
change the rotation direction by changing the wiring of motor.
5. Set all control parameters and then operate.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

Chapter 3 Product overview

3.1 What this chapter contains
The chapter briefly describes the operation principle, product characteristics, layout, name plate and
type designation information.
3.2 Basic principles
Goodrive35 series VFDs are wall, floor and flange mountable devices for controlling asynchronous
AC induction motors and permanent magnet synchronous motors. It supports wall, fange, and floor

The diagram below shows the simplified main circuit diagram of the VFD. The rectifier converts
three-phase AC voltage to DC voltage. The capacitor bank of the intermediate circuit stabilizes the
DC voltage. The inverter transforms the DC voltage back to AC voltage for the AC motor. The brake
pipe connects the external brake resistor to the intermediate DC circuit to consume the feedback
energy when the voltage in the circuit exceeds its maximum limit.


Figure 3-1 The simplified main circuit diagram (VFDs of 380 V≤30 kW)
DC reactor (+)




Figure 3-2 The simplified main circuit diagram (VFDs of 380 V≥37 kW)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

DC reactor (+)




Figure 3-3 The simplified main circuit diagram (VFDs of 660 V)


 The VFDs of 380 V (≥37 kW) supports external DC reactors and external brake units, but it is
necessary to remove the copper tag between P1 and (+) before connecting. DC reactors and
brake units are optional.

 The VFDs of 380 V (≤30 kW) supports external brake resistors which are optional.

 The VFDs of 660 V supports external DC reactors and external brake units, but it is necessary to
remove the copper tag between P1 and (+) before connecting. DC reactors and brake units are
3.3 Product specification
Function Specification
AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
Rated voltage: 380 V
Input voltage (V)
AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
Power input Rated voltage: 660 V
Input current (A) Refer to section 3.6 "Rated values"
50 Hz or 60 Hz
Input frequency (Hz)
Allowed range: 47–63 Hz
Output voltage (V) 0–input voltage
Output current (A) Refer to section 3.6 "Rated values"
Power output
Output power (kW) Refer to section 3.6 "Rated values"
Output frequency (Hz) 0–400 Hz
Control mode SVPWM, SVC and VC
Technical Asynchronous motor and permanent magnet
Motor type
control synchronous motor
feature Asynchronous motor 1: 200 (SVC) synchronous motor 1:
Adjustable-speed ratio
20 (SVC) 1: 1000 (VC)
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

Function Specification
Speed control accuracy ±0.2% (SVC) ±0.02% (VC)
Speed fluctuation ± 0.3% (SVC)
Torque response <20 ms (SVC), <10 ms (VC)
Torque control accuracy 10% (SVC), 5% (VC)
Asynchronous motor: 0.25 Hz/150% (SVC)
Starting torque Synchronous motor: 2.5 Hz/150% (SVC)
0 Hz/200% (VC)
150% of rated current: 1 minute
Overload capability 180% of rated current: 10 seconds
200% of rated current: 1 second
Digital setting, analog setting, pulse frequency setting,
multi-step speed running setting, simple PLC setting, PID
Frequency setting setting, Modbus communication setting, and PROFIBUS
method communication setting.
Switch between the combination and single setting
Running channel
control Auto-adjustment of the Keep constant voltage automatically when the grid
feature voltage voltage transients
Provide more than 30 fault protection functions:
Fault protection overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, overheating,
phase loss and overload, etc.
Restart after rotating Smooth starting of the rotating motor
speed tracking Note: Only for the VFD≥4 kW
Terminal analog input
≤ 20 mV
Terminal switch input
≤ 2 ms
Analog input 2 (AI1, AI2) 0–10 V/0–20 mA and 1 (AI3) -10–10 V
Analog output 2 (AO1, AO2) 0–10 V/0–20 mA
8 common inputs, the Max frequency: 1 kHz, internal
Digital input impedance: 3.3 kΩ;
1 high speed input, the Max frequency: 50 kHz
1 high speed pulse output, the Max frequency: 50 kHz;
Digital output
1 Y terminal open collector output
2 programmable relay outputs
RO1A NO, RO1B NC, RO1C common terminal
Relay output
RO2A NO, RO2B NC, RO2C common terminal
Contactor capability: 3 A/AC 250 V,1 A/DC 30 V

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

Function Specification
For spindle positioning and control sequence
Spindle stopping
Internal 7 scale marks and 4 zero marks
External zero-position detection switch positioning
Position reference
Encoder Z phase positioning
Servo control Pulse train reference: position control
Frequency division Encoder frequency division output
output (H1 and H2 VFDs)
Speed/position mode Terminal shifting
C1 support 100 kHz, D1 support 500 kHz, H1 support
300 kHz and H2 support 400 kHz
Pulse Z and photoelectric switch positioning. Positioning
is accurate without overmodulation.
Mountable method Wall, flange and floor mountable
Temperature of the -10–50°C, if temperature is above 40°C, derate 1% for
running environment every additional 1°C.
Average non-fault time 2 years (25°C ambient temperature)
Protective degree IP20
Pollution level Level 2
Others Cooling Air-cooling
Built-in for VFDs of 380 V (≤30 kW)
Brake unit
External for others
All products of the 380V series meet the IEC61800-3 C3
EMC filter
External filters that meet the IEC61800-3 C2
requirements are optional.
3.4 Product nameplate

Figure 3-4 Product nameplate

Note: This is an example of the nameplate of standard Goodrive350 products. The
CE/TUV/IP20marking on the top right will be marked according to actual certification conditions.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

3.5 Model code

The model code contains information on the VFD. The user can find the model code from the
nameplate on the the VFD or from the simplified nameplate.

① ② ③ ④
Figure 3-5 Model code

Key Sign Instruction Content

Abbreviation ① Abbreviation Goodrive35: Goodrive35 close-loop vector control VFDs
5R5-5.5 kW
Rated power ② Power + Load
G—constant torque load
4: AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
Voltage Rated voltage: 380 V
③ Voltage degree
degree 6: AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
Rated voltage: 660 V
C1: Support 24 V incremental encoder
D1: Support rotary transformer
Optional PG cards with functions of pulse and direction
pulse input reference
H1: Support 5 V/12 V incremental encoder, differential,
push-pull, and open collector signals;
Lot number ④ Lot number Pulse + direction pulse input reference
H2: Support 5 V incremental encoder for high-speed
differential signal processing;
Pulse + direction pulse input reference (specific for
machine tools)
S1: Support sin/cos encoder, sin/cos (1 Vpp) eg
Heidenhain ERN1387; support quadrature pulse input
3.6 Rated values
3.6.1 Rated value of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
Output Input current Output Carrier
power (kW) (A) current (A) frequency (kHz)
GD35-1R5G-4-C1/D1/H1 1.5 5.0 3.7 1–15 (8)
GD35-2R2G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.2 5.8 5 1–15 (8)
GD35-004G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 4 13.5 9.5 1–15 (8)
GD35-5R5G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 5.5 19.5 14 1–15 (8)
GD35-7R5G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 7.5 25 18.5 1–15 (8)
GD35-011G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 11 32 25 1–1s5 (8)
GD35-015G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 15 40 32 1–15 (4)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

Output Input current Output Carrier

power (kW) (A) current (A) frequency (kHz)
GD35-018G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 18.5 47 38 1–15 (4)
GD35-022G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 22 56 45 1–15 (4)
GD35-030G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2/S1 30 70 60 1–15 (4)
GD35-037G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 37 80 75 1–15 (4)
GD35-045G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 45 94 92 1–15 (4)
GD35-055G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 55 128 115 1–15 (4)
GD35-075G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 75 160 150 1–15 (2)
GD35-090G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 90 190 180 1–15 (2)
GD35-110G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 110 225 215 1–15 (2)
GD35-132G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 132 265 260 1–15 (2)
GD35-160G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 160 310 305 1–15 (2)
GD35-185G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 185 345 340 1–15 (2)
GD35-200G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 200 385 380 1–15 (2)
GD35-220G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 220 430 425 1–15 (2)
GD35-250G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 250 485 480 1–15 (2)
GD35-280G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 280 545 530 1–15 (2)
GD35-315G-4-C1/D1/H1/S1 315 610 600 1–15 (2)

 The input current of VFDs 1.5–315 kW is detected when the input voltage is 380 V and there is
no DC reactors and input/output reactors.

 The rated output current is defined when the output voltage is 380 V.

 The output current cannot exceed the rated output current and the output power cannot exceed
the rated output power in the voltage range.
3.6.2 Rated value of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
Output Input current Output current Carrier frequency
power (kW) (A) (A) ( kHz)
GD35-022G-6-C1/D1/H1 22 35 27 1–15 (4)
GD35-030G-6-C1/D1/H1 30 40 34 1–15 (4)
GD35-037G-6-C1/D1/H1 37 47 42 1–15 (4)
GD35-045G-6-C1/D1/H1 45 52 54 1–15 (4)
GD35-055G-6-C1/D1/H1 55 65 62 1–15 (4)
GD35-075G-6-C1/D1/H1 75 85 86 1–15 (2)
GD35-090G-6-C1/D1/H1 90 95 95 1–15 (2)
GD35-110G-6-C1/D1/H1 110 118 131 1–15 (2)
GD35-132G-6-C1/D1/H1 132 145 147 1–15 (2)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

Output Input current Output current Carrier frequency

power (kW) (A) (A) ( kHz)
GD35-160G-6-C1/D1/H1 160 165 163 1–15 (2)
GD35-185G-6-C1/D1/H1 185 190 198 1–15 (2)
GD35-200G-6-C1/D1/H1 200 210 216 1–15 (2)
GD35-220G-6-C1/D1/H1 220 230 240 1–15 (2)
GD35-250G-6-C1/D1/H1 250 255 274 1–15 (2)
GD35-280G-6-C1/D1/H1 280 286 300 1–15 (2)
GD35-315G-6-C1/D1/H1 315 334 328 1–15 (2)
GD35-350G-6-C1/D1/H1 350 360 380 1–15 (2)
GD35-400G-6-C1/D1/H1 400 411 426 1–15 (2)
GD35-500G-6-C1/D1/H1 500 518 540 1–15 (2)
GD35-560G-6-C1/D1/H1 560 578 600 1–15 (2)
GD35-630G-6-C1/D1/H1 630 655 680 1–15 (2)


 The input current of VFDs 22–350 kW is detected when the input voltage is 660 V and there is no
DC reactors and input/output reactors.

 The input current of VFDs 400–630 kW is detected when the input voltage is 660 V and there are
input reactors.

 The rated output current is defined when the output voltage is 660 V.

 The output current cannot exceed the rated output current and the output power cannot exceed
the rated output power in the voltage range.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Product overview

3.7 Structure diagram

The VFD layout is shown below (take 380 V 30 kW as an example).



2 9

3 11


Fig 3-6 Structure diagram

Serial No. Name Illustration

1 Keypad interface Connect the keypad
2 Upper cover plate Protect the internal parts and components
See Chapter 5 "Keypad operation procedures" for detailed
3 Keypad
See Chapter 9 "Routine maintenance" for detailed
4 Cooling fan
5 Wiring interface Connect to the control board and the drive board
6 Nameplate See Chapter 3 "Product overview" for detailed information
Optional. The ventilation hole cover plate will increase the
Ventilation hole cover
7 protection level as well as the internal temperature of the
VFD, which requiring the VFD to be used under derating.
8 Control terminals See Chapter 4 "Installation guide" for detailed information
9 Main circuit terminals See Chapter 4 "Installation guide" for detailed information
10 Main circuit cable inlet Fix the main circuit cable
11 POWER light Power indicator
12 Simple nameplate See section 3.5 "Model code" for detailed information
13 Lower cover plate Protect the internal parts and components

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Chapter 4 Installation guide

4.1 What this chapter contains
The chapter describes the mechanical installation and electric installation.

 Only qualified electricians are allowed to carry out what described in this
chapter. Please operate as the instructions in Chapter 1 "Safety precautions".
Ignoring these may cause physical injury or death or damage to the devices.
 Ensure the power supply of the VFD is disconnected during the operation. Wait
for at least the time designated until the POWER indicator is off after the
disconnection if the power supply is applied. It is recommended to use the
multimeter to monitor that the DC bus voltage of the drive is under 36 V.
 The installation and design of the VFD should be complied with the
requirement of the local laws and regulations in the installation site. If the
installation infringes the requirement, our company will exempt from any
responsibility. Additionally, if users do not comply with the suggestion, some
damage beyond the assured maintenance range may occur.
4.2 Mechanical installation
4.2.1 Installation environment
The installation environment is the safeguard for a full performance and long-term stable functions of
the VFD. Check the installation environment as followings:

Environment Conditions
Installation site Indoor
 -10–+50°C
 If the ambient temperature of the VFD is above 40°C, derate 1% for every
additional 1°C.
 It is not recommended to use the VFD if the ambient temperature exceeds
 In order to improve the reliability of the device, do not use the VFD if the
ambient temperature changes frequently.
 Please provide cooling fan or air conditioner to control the internal ambient
temperature below the required one if the VFD is used in a close space such
as in the control cabinet.
 When the temperature is too low, if the VFD needs to restart to run after a
long stop, it is necessary to provide an external heating device to increase
the internal temperature, otherwise damage to the devices may occur.
 RH ≤ 90%, no condensation is allowed.
 The max relative humility should be equal to or less than 60% in corrosive air.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Environment Conditions
Install the VFD on a site described as follows:
 Far away from electromagnetic radiation sources;
 Without oil mist, corrosive gas, flammable gas, or other contaminative air;
 Keeping foreign objects, such as metal power, dust, oil, and water, from
dropping into the VFD (do not install it on the flammable materials such as
 Without radioactive and flammable materials;
 Without harmful gas or liquid;
 With less salt spray;
 Without direct sunlight.
 When the altitude exceeds 1000m, derate by 1% for every increase of 100m.
Altitude  When the altitude exceeds 3000m, consult the local INVT dealer or office for
Vibration ≤ 5.88m/s2 (0.6g)
The VFD should be installed in upright position to ensure sufficient cooling effect.


 Goodrive35 series VFDs should be installed in a clean and well ventilated environment according
to enclosure classification.

 Cooling air must be clean, free from corrosive materials and electrically conductive dust.
4.2.2 Installation direction
The VFD may be installed on the wall or in a cabinet.

The VFD must be installed in an upright position. Check the installation site according to the
requirements below. Refer to Appendix C "Dimension drawings" for frame details.

a. Vertical installation b. Level installation c. Transverse installation

Figure 4-1 Installation direction of the VFD

4.2.3 Installation manner
The VFD can be installed in three different ways, depending on the frame size:

a) Wall mounting (for the VFDs of 380 V≤315 kW and the VFDs of 660 V≤350 kW)
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

b) Flange mounting (for the VFDs of 380 V≤200 kW and the VFDs of 660 V≤220 kW)

c) Floor mounting (for the VFDs of 380 V 220-500 kW and the VFDs of 660 V 250–630 kW)

Wall mounting Flange mounting

Figure 4-2 Installation manner

(1) Mark the hole location. The location of the holes is shown in the Appendix C "Dimension drawings".

(2) Fix the screws or bolts to the marked locations.

(3) Put the VFD against the wall.

(4)Tighten the screws in the wall securely.


 The flange installation of the VFDs of 380 V 1.5–30 kW need flange board, while the flange
installation of the VFDs of 380 V 37–200 kW and 660 V 22–220 kW does not need.

 The VFDs of 380 V 220–315 kW and 660 V 250–350 kW need optional bases and there is an
input AC reactor (or DC reactor) and output AC reactor in the base.
4.2.4 Single installation

A Warm air C

A B B Cold air C

Figure 4-3 Single installation

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Note: The minimum space of B and C is 100mm.

4.2.5 Multiple installations

A Warm air C

A B D B Cold air C

Figure 4-4 Parallel installation


 When installing VFDs with different sizes, align with the upper part of the VFD before installation
for the convenience of future maintenance;

 The minimum space of B, D and C is 100mm.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.2.6 Vertical installation

Cold Windscreen
Warm air

Cold air

Warm air

Figure 4-5 Vertical installation

Note: Windscreen should be installed in vertical installation for avoiding mutual impact and
insufficient cooling.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.2.7 Tilt installation


Cold air


Cold air


Cold air

Figure 4-6 Tilt installation

Note: Ensure the separation of the wind input and output channels in tilt installation for avoiding
mutual impact.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

4.3 Standard wiring

4.3.1 Main circuit connection diagram For VFDs of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)

Brake resistor

(+) PB (-)
1PH 220V optional
U Output
Input R reactor
3PH power supply reactor V M
380V±15% S 30kW and below Output
Input W filter
filter T PE

Brake unit
DC reactor DC+
Brake resistor
P1 (+) (-)
1PH 220V optional
A2 U Output
Input R V M
3PH power supply reactor Output
380V±15% S W filter
50/60Hz Input 37kW and above

Figure 4-7 Connection diagram of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V
 The fuse, DC reactor, brake unit, brake resistor, input reactor, input filter, output reactor, and
output filter are optional parts. Please refer to Appendix D "Optional peripheral accessories" for
detailed information. Brake resistor

 A1 and A2 are optional parts.

(+) PB (-)
 P1 and (+) are1PH
short circuited in factory for the VFDs of 380 V (≥37 kW), if need to connect with
220V optional
the DC rector, please remove the contact
Input R
tag between P1 andU(+). reactor
3PH power supply reactor V M
380V±15% 30kW and below Output
 Before connecting the brakeInput
S cable, remove the yellowW labels filter
of PB, (+), and (-) from the
filter T PE
terminal blocks. Otherwise,
Fuse poor connection may occur. For VFDs of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)

Brake unit
DC reactor DC+
Brake resistor
P1 (+) (-)
1PH 220V optional
A2 U Output
Input R V M
3PH power supply reactor Output
380V±15% S W filter
50/60Hz Input 37kW and above

Figure 4-8 Connection diagram of main circuit for the VFDs of 660 V

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide


 The fuse, DC reactor, brake unit, brake resistor, input reactor, input filter, output reactor, output
filter are optional parts. Please refer to Appendix D "Optional peripheral accessories" for detailed

 P1 and (+) are short circuited in factory, if need to connect with the DC rector, please remove the
contact tag between P1 and (+).

 When connecting the brake resistor, take off the yellow warning label marked with (+) and (-) on
the terminal bar before connecting brake resistor wire, otherwise, poor contact will occur.
4.3.2 Terminals figure of main circuit

Figure 4-9 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 1.5–2.2 kW

Figure 4-10 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 4–5.5 kW

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Figure 4-11 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 7.5–11 kW

Figure 4-12 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 15–18 kW

Figure 4-13 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 22–30 kW

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Figure 4-14 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 37–55 kW and 660 V 22–45 kW

Figure 4-15 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 75–110 kW and 660 V 55–132 kW

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Figure 4-16 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 132–200 kW and 660 V 160–220 kW

Figure 4-17 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 380 V 220–315 kW and 660 V 250–350 kW

Figure 4-18 Terminals of main circuit for the VFDs of 660 V 400–630 kW

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Terminal name
Terminal 380 V 380 V ≥37 kW Function
≤30 kW 660 V
3-phase AC input terminals which are generally
R, S, T Power input of the main circuit
connected with the power supply.
3-phase AC output terminals which are generally
U, V, W The VFD output
connected with the motor.
P1 / DC reactor terminal 1 P1 and (+) are connected with the terminals of DC
Brake DC reactor terminal 2, reactor.
resistor 1 brake unit terminal 1 (+) and (-) are connected with the terminals of
(-) / Brake unit terminal 2 brake unit.
Brake PB and (+) are connected with the terminals of
PB /
resistor 2 brake resistor.
380 V: the grounding resistor is Protective grounding terminals, every machine is
less than 10Ohm provided 2 PE terminals as the standard
660 V: the grounding resistor is configuration. These terminals should be grounded
less than 10Ohm with proper techniques.
Optional for the VFDs of 380 V, standard for the
VFDs of 660 V (with external 220 V control power)
A1 and A2 Control power supply terminal If no voltage is present on the main circuit, more
convenient and safer commissioning is available
through the auxiliary power supply.


 Do not use an asymmetrically constructed motor cable. If there is a symmetrically constructed

grounding conductor in the motor cable in addition to the conductive shield, connect the
grounding conductor to the grounding terminal at the VFD and motor ends.

 Brake resistor, brake unit and DC reactor are optional parts.

 Route the motor cable, input power cable and control cables separately.

 If the terminal description is "/", the machine does not provide the terminal as the external

 GD series VFDs cannot share the DC bus with CH series VFDs.

 When sharing the DC bus, the VFDs must be the same in power and must be simultaneously
powered on or off.

 In shared DC bus running mode, current balance on the VFD input side must be considered
during wiring, and equalizing reactors are recommended to be configured.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.3.3 Wiring of terminals in main circuit
1. Connect the ground wire of the input power cable to the ground terminal (PE) of the VFD, and
connect the 3PH input cable to the terminals R, S, and T, and fasten them up.

2. Connect the ground wire of the motor cable to the ground terminal of the VFD, and connect the
3PH motor cable to the terminals U, V, and W, and fasten them up.

3. Connect the brake resistor and other accessories that are equipped with cables to the specified

4. Fasten all the cables outside of the VFD mechanically, if possible.

The screw is not fastened The screw is not fastened

Figure 4-19 Diagram of screw installation

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

4.4 Standard wiring (control circuit)

4.4.1 Wiring diagram of basic control circuit

Goodrive35 VFD

Multi-function input terminal 1 S1 External Standard
extension DB9 plug
S2 card
Multi-function input terminal 2

Multi-function input terminal 3 S3

J1 AO1
S4 Analog output
Multi-function input terminal 4
Multi-function input terminal 5 S5

Multi-function input terminal 6 S6 J2 AO2

Analog output
Multi-function input terminal 7 S7 0–10V/0–20mA

Multi-function input terminal 8 S8

High-speed pulse input collection HDI
Open collector output
Open collector input CME

+24V High-speed pulse output

and electrode open output selection

Twisted pair Shield layer

J5 485- RS485
+10V Power supply
AI2 J4
AI3 Multi-function RO2A
analog input
- 10V
() external PE RO2C

Figure 4-20 Wiring of control circuit

Terminal name Description

+10V Local power supply +10 V

AI1 1. Input range: AI1/AI2 voltage and current can be chosen:

0–10 V/0–20mA; AI1 can be shifted by J3 while AI2 can be
shifted by J4; AI3: -10 V–+10 V
2. Input impedance: voltage input: 20kΩ; current input: 500Ω
3. Resolution: the minimum one is 5m V when 10 V
corresponds to 50 Hz
4. Deviation ±1%, 25°C

GND +10 V reference null potential

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Terminal name Description

AO1 1. Output range: 0–10 V or -20–20mA; The voltage or the

current output is depended on the jumper. AO1 is switched by
J1 and AO2 is switched by J2
AO2 2. Deviation±1%, 25°C

Terminal name Description

RO1 relay output; RO1A is NO, RO1B is NC, RO1C is
RO1B common port
Contact capacity: 3A/AC250V, 1A/DC30V

RO2 relay output; RO2A is NO, RO2B is NC, RO2C is
RO2B common port
Contact capacity: 3A/AC250V, 1A/DC30V

Terminal name Description

1. Switch capacity: 50mA/30V;
2. Range of output frequency: 0–50kHz

COM Common port of +24V

CME Common port of open collector output

1. Switch capacity: 50mA/30V;

2. Range of output frequency: 0–1kHz

485+ For 485 communication port, 485 differential signal port and
standard 485 communication interfaces, use twisted pairs or
485- shielded cables.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

Terminalname Description

PE Grounding terminal

Provide input digital working power from external to internal;

Voltage range: 12–30V
The VFD provides user power; the maximum output current is

COM Common port of +24V

S1 Digital input 1

S2 Digital input 2
1. Internal impedance: 3.3kΩ
S3 Digital input 3 2. Accept 12–30V voltage input
3. This terminal is bi-directional input
S4 Digital input 4 terminal and supports NPN/PNP
connection modes
S5 Digital input 5 4. Max. input frequency: 1kHz
5. All are programmable digital input
S6 Digital input 6 terminals, and users can set the terminal
function via function codes
S7 Digital input 7

S8 Digital input 8

Besides S1–S8 functions, it can also act as high frequency pulse

HDI input channel
Max. input frequency: 50kHz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

4.4.2 C1 terminal (EC-PG301-24) instruction and the wiring diagram Terminal arrangement
AO1 AO2 AI1 AI 2 485



J1 J2 J3 J4 J5

S1 S2 S3 S4 HDI AI1 AI2 AI3 +10V


RO2A RO2B RO2C +24V COM Z+ Z- +24V PW COM COM CME Y1 485+ 485- PE Terminal instruction

Terminal name Instruction
Encoder power supply.
+24 V
It can provide power supply of 24 V, 200 mA.
Support encoder signal differential, push-pull, and open
A+, A-, B+, B-, Z+, Z-
collector input.
COM1 Power supply ground of the encoder

Note: Refer to section 4.4.1 for detailed information of AO1, AO2, AI1, AI2, 485 and other terminals. Wiring diagram



Spindle rotates forward S1

Spindle rotates backward
Fault reset
Spindle zeroing S4
Spindle positioning S5
disabled B+
Spindle scaling selection S6
Spindle scaling selection S7
2 Z+
Spindle scaling selection S8
3 Z-
High-speed pulse input HD1
and open collector input


Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.4.3 D1 terminal (EC-PG304-05) instruction and the wiring diagram Terminal arrangement
AO1 AO2 AI1 AI 2 485



J1 J2 J3 J4 J5

S1 S2 S3 S4 HDI A+ A- AI1 AI2 AI3 +10V SIN+ SIN- AO+ AO-


RO2A RO2B RO2C +24V PW COM COM CME Y1 485+ 485- PE GND EXC+ EXC- ZO+ ZO- PE Terminal instruction

Terminal name Instruction
Exciting signal of 10k Hz, and max. output current of 100
SIN+, SIN- , COS+ and COS- Encoder differential signal input.
Pulse reference signal, default as 5 V input. External
A+, A-, B+, B- current-limiting resistor is needed when the input voltage
is above 10 V.
Frequency-divided output of encoder signals, 5 V
AO+, AO-, BO+, BO-, ZO+, ZO- differential signals
Frequency dividing ratio: 1:1

Note: Refer to section 4.4.1 for detailed information of AO1, AO2, AI1, AI2, 485 and other terminals. Wiring diagram



Spindle rotates forward S1

Fault reset





pulse A
BO- B+ Upper PC
pulse B ZO+ B-

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.4.4 H1 terminal (EC-PG305-12) instruction and the wiring diagram Terminal arrangement
AO1 AO2 AI1 AI 2 485



J1 J2 J3 J4 J5

PWR A1+ A1- S1 S2 S3 S4 A2+ A2- AI1 AI2 AI3 +10V AO+ AO-

RO1A RO1B RO1C COM B1+ B1- S5 S6 S7 S8 HDI B2+ B2- AO1 AO2 GND BO+ BO-

RO2A RO2B RO2C Z1+ Z1- PE +24V PW COM COM CME HDO Y1 485+ 485- PE ZO+ ZO- Terminal instruction

Terminal name Instruction
PWR Power supply, provide 5 V/12 V, 200mA power supply
Encoder differential, open collector, and push-pull
A1+, A1-, B1+, B1-, Z1+, Z1-
signal input
Support encoder differential, open collector, and
push-pull pulse reference signal. Pulse reference
A2+, A2-, B2+, B2-,
signal, default as 5 V input. External current-limiting
resistor is needed when the input voltage is above 10 V
Frequency-divided output of encoder pulse signals, 5 V
AO+, AO-, BO+, BO-, ZO+ and ZO- differential signals
Frequency dividing ratio: 1:1
COM Power supply ground of the encoder
Note: Refer to section 4.4.1 for detailed information of AO1, AO2, AI1, AI2, 485 and other terminals.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide Wiring diagram



Spindle rotates forward S1

Fault reset

A1- PG



pulse A
BO- B2+ Upper PC
pulse B ZO+ B2-

4.4.5 H2 terminal (EC-PG305-05) instruction and the wiring diagram Terminal arrangement
AO1 AO2 AI1 AI 2 485



5 1
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 10 6 CNC

S1 S2 S3 S4 HDI AI1 AI2 AI3 +10V

5 1

RO2A RO2B RO2C +24V PW COM COM CME Y1 485+ 485- PE Interfaces instruction

DB15 CNC system interface DB15 Encoder interface
(CNC) signal (ENCODER) signal
1 AO+ 1 +5 V
2 AO- 2 A1+
3 BO+ 3 B1+
4 BO- 4 Z1+
5 ZO+ 5 U+
6 ZO- 6 U-
7 CME 7 V+
8 COM 8 V-

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

DB15 CNC system interface DB15 Encoder interface

(CNC) signal (ENCODER) signal
9 S7 9 GND
10 S8 10 A1-
11 A2+ 11 B1-
12 A2- 12 Z1-
13 B2+ 13 W+
14 B2- 14 W-
15 COM 15 Terminal instruction
Terminal name (CNC) Instruction
5 V differential pulse + direction reference signal, Support
A2+, A2-, B2+, B2-
400 kHz at maximum
Frequency-divided output of encoder pulse signals, 5 V
AO+, AO-, BO+, BO-, ZO+, ZO- differential signals
Frequency dividing ratio: 1:1
Alarm output (If use this function, it is necessary to
CME, COM short-connect Y terminal to +24 V terminal, and remove the
tag between CME and COM terminal)
Terminal name (ENCODER) Instruction
S7 Common digital input
+5 V, GND Encoder power supply, support 5 V±5%, 200mA power
The encoder differential input signal, support 400 kHz at
A1+, A1-, B1+, B1-, Z1+, Z1-
Difference angle input signal input of UVW encoders (not for
U+, U-, V+, V-, W+, W-
incremental encoders)

Note: Refer to section 4.4.1 for detailed information of AO1, AO2, AI1, AI2, 485 and other terminals.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide Wiring diagram



. A1+
S8 Encoder
Ground one terminal
+24V PE


AO+ A+
AO- A-
BO+ B+
BO- B- Encoder Feedback

ZO+ C+
ZO- C-


pulse A A2+ CW+

A2- CW-

B2+ CCW+
pulse B B2- CCW-
Ground one terminal


4.4.6 S1 terminal (EC-PG302-05) instruction Sin/cos terminal layout

5 1
10 6
Upper layer:
S1 S2 S3 S4 HDI AI1 AI3 GND +10V
11 Reference and output
5 1
10 6
Lower layer: sin/cos
+24V PW COM COM CME Y1 485+ 485- PE 11 PG interface
15 DB15 interface instruction

DB15 (upper Pulse reference and output DB15 (Lower Sin/cos encoder
layer) interface signal layer) interface signal
1 AO+ 1 B-
2 AO- 2 Null
3 BO+ 3 R+
4 BO- 4 R-

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

DB15 (upper Pulse reference and output DB15 (Lower Sin/cos encoder
layer) interface signal layer) interface signal
5 ZO+ 5 A+
6 ZO- 6 A-
7 / 7 0V
8 / 8 B+
9 / 9 5V
10 / 10 C-
11 A2+ 11 C+
12 A2- 12 D+
13 B2+ 13 D-
14 B2- 14 Null
15 / 15 Null DB15 pin function instruction
Name of upper layer terminal
(pulse reference interface)
5 V differential quadrature pulse reference signal,
A2+, A2-, B2+, B2-,
support 400 kHz at maximum
Frequency-divided output of encoder pulse signals, 5 V
AO+, AO-, BO+, BO-, ZO+, ZO- differential signals
Frequency dividing ratio: 1:1
Name of lower layer terminal
(sin/cos encoder interface)
+5 V, 0 V Encoder power, can provide 5 V±5%, 200mA.
Sin/cos encoder signal input, support
A+, A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, D+, D-, R+,
SINA/SINB/SINC/SIND 0.8–1.2 Vpp, SINR 0.2–0.85
Vpp, 200 kHz at maximum

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide
4.4.7 Input/output signal connection diagram
Use U-type tag to set the NPN/PNP mode and internal/external power sources. The default setting is
NPN internal mode.

U-type shorting U-type shorting

bar of +24V and bar of COM and

Figure 4-21 U-shaped contact tag

If the signal is from NPN transistor, please set the U-shaped contact tag between +24 V and PW as
below according to the used power supply.

S1 S1

S2 S2

+ 24V + 24V + 24V
+ 24V + 24V

Internal power supply (NPN mode) External power supply (NPN mode)

Figure 4-22 NPN modes

If the signal is from PNP transistor, please set the U-shaped contact tag as below according to the
used power supply.

S1 S1

S2 S2


+24V +24V
+ 24V + 24V

Internal power supply (PNP mode) External power supply (PNP mode)

Figure 4-23 PNP modes

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Installation guide

4.5 Wiring protection

4.5.1 Protecting the VFD and input power cable in short-circuit situations
Protect the VFD and input power cable in short circuit situations and against thermal overload.

Arrange the protection according to the following guidelines.


Input cable


Fig 4-25 Fuse configuration

Note: Select the fuse as the manual indicated. The fuse will protect the input power cable from
damage in short-circuit situations. It will protect the surrounding devices when the internal of the VFD
is short circuited.
4.5.2 Protecting the motor and motor cable in short-circuit situations
The VFD protects the motor and motor cable in a short-circuit situation when the motor cable is
dimensioned according to the rated current of the VFD. No additional protection devices are needed.

 If the VFD is connected to multiple motors, a separate thermal overload switch

or a circuit breaker must be used for protecting each cable and motor. These
devices may require a separate fuse to cut off the short-circuit current.
4.5.3 Protecting the motor against thermal overload
According to regulations, the motor must be protected against thermal overload and the current must
be switched off when overload is detected. The VFD includes a motor thermal protection function that
protects the motor and closes the output to switch off the current when necessary.
4.5.4 Implementing a bypass connection
It is necessary to set power frequency and variable frequency conversion circuits for the assurance of
continuous normal work of the VFD if faults occur in some significant situations.

In some special situations, for example, if it is only used in soft start, the VFD can be converted into
power frequency running after starting and some corresponding bypass should be added.

 Never connect the supply power to the VFD output terminals U, V and W.
Power line voltage applied to the output can result in permanent damage to the
If frequent shifting is required, employ mechanically connected switches or contactors to ensure that
the motor terminals are not connected to AC power line and VFD output terminals simultaneously.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures

Chapter 5 Keypad operation procedures

5.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter describes the keys, indicators, and display of the keypad, and how to view and modify
function code settings through the keypad.
5.2 Keypad
The keypad is used to control Goodrive35 series VFDs, read the state data, and modify parameters. If
you need to use the keypad in another place rather than on the VFD, use a network cable with a
standard RJ45 crystal head as the extension cable.

Figure 5-1 Keypad


 The LED keypad is standard but the LCD keypad which can support various languages,
parameters copy, 10-line displaying is optional and its installation dimension is compatible with
the LED keypad.

 It is necessary to use M3 screw or installation bracket to fix the external keypad. The installation
bracket for VFDs of 380 V 1.5–30 kW is optional but it is standard for the VFDs of 380 V 37–500
kW and the VFDs of 660 V.

No. Name Description

LED off means that the VFD is in the stopping
state; LED blinking means the VFD is in the
parameter autotune state; LED on means the
VFD is in the running state.
LED off means the VFD is in the forward
rotation state; LED on means the VFD is in the
reverse rotation state
LED for keypad operation, terminals operation
and remote communication control
LED off means that the VFD is in the keypad
operation state; LED blinking means the VFD
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures

No. Name Description

is in the terminals operation state; LED on
means the VFD is in the remote
communication control state.
LED for faults
LED on when the VFD is in the fault state; LED
off in normal state; LED blinking means the
VFD is in the pre-alarm state.
Mean the unit displayed currently
Hz Frequency unit

RPM Rotating speed unit

2 Unit LED
A Current unit

% Percentage

V Voltage unit
5-figure LED display displays various monitoring data and alarm code such as
set frequency and output frequency.
Displayed Correspon Displayed Correspon Displayed Correspon
word ding word word ding word word ding word
0 0 1 1 2 2
3 3 4 4 5 5
6 6 7 7 8 8
3 displaying
9 9 A A B B
C C d d E E
L L N N n n
O o P P r r
S S t t U U
V v . . – -
4 potentiom Tuning frequency. Please refer to P08.42.
PRG Programming Enter or escape from the first level menu and
ESC key remove the parameter quickly
5 Buttons
DATA Enter the menu step-by-step
Entry key
ENT Confirm parameters

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures

No. Name Description

UP key Increase data or function code progressively

DOWN key Decrease data or function code progressively

Move right to select the displaying parameter

circularly in stopping and running mode.
Right-shift key
Shift Select the parameter modifying digit during the
parameter modification
This key is used to operate on the VFD in key
Run key
operation mode
This key is used to stop in running state and it
Stop/ is limited by function code P07.04
Reset key This key is used to reset all control modes in
the fault alarm state

QUICK The function of this key is confirmed by

JOG Quick key
function code P07.02.

5.3 Keypad displaying

The keypad displaying state of Goodrive35 series VFDs is divided into stopping state parameter,
running state parameter, function code parameter editing state and fault alarm state and so on.
5.3.1 Displayed state of stopping parameter
When the VFD is in the stopping state, the keypad will display stopping parameters which is shown in
Figure 5-2.

In the stopping state, various kinds of parameters can be displayed. Select the parameters to be
displayed or not by P07.07. See the instructions of P07.07 for the detailed definition of each bit.

In the stopping state, there are 14 stopping parameters can be selected to be displayed or not. They
are: set frequency, bus voltage, input terminals state, output terminals state, PID given value, PID
feedback value, torque set value, AI1, AI2, AI3, HDI, PLC and the current stage of multi-step speeds,
pulse counting value, length value. P07.07 can select the parameter to be displayed or not by bit
and》/SHIFT can shift the parameters form left to right, QUICK/JOG (P07.02=2) can shift the
parameters form right to left.
5.3.2 Displayed state of running parameters
After the VFD receives valid running commands, the VFD will enter into the running state and the
keypad will display the running parameters. RUN/TUNE LED on the keypad is on, while the
FWD/REV is determined by the current running direction which is shown as Figure 5-2.

In the running state, there are 24 parameters can be selected to be displayed or not. They are:
running frequency, set frequency, bus voltage, output voltage, output torque, PID given value, PID

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures

feedback value, input terminals state, output terminals state, torque set value, length value, PLC and
the current stage of multi-step speeds, pulse counting value, AI1, AI2, AI3, HDI, percentage of motor
overload, percentage of VFD overload, ramp given value, linear speed, AC input current. P07.05 and
P07.06 can select the parameter to be displayed or not by bit and》/SHIFT can shift the parameters
form left to right, QUICK/JOG (P07.02=2) can shift the parameters from right to left.
5.3.3 Displayed state of fault
If the VFD detects the fault signal, it will enter into the fault pre-alarm displaying state. The keypad will
display the fault code by flicking. The TRIP LED on the keypad is on, and the fault reset can be
operated by the STOP/RST on the keypad, control terminals or communication commands.
5.3.4 Displayed state of function codes editing
In the state of stopping, running or fault, press PRG/ESC to enter into the editing state (if there is a
password, see P07.00).The editing state is displayed on two classes of menu, and the order is:
function code group/function code number→function code parameter, press DATA/ENT into the
displayed state of function parameter. On this state, you can press DATA/ENT to save the parameters
or press PRG/ESC to retreat.



A % A % A %








Displayed state of Displayed state of Displayed state of

stopping parameters running parameters fault parameters

Figure 5-2 Displayed state

5.4 Keypad operation
Operate the VFD via operation panel. See the detailed structure description of function codes in the
brief diagram of function codes.
5.4.1 How to modify the function codes of the VFD
The VFD has three levels menu, which are:

1. Group number of function code (first-level menu)

2. Tab of function code (second-level menu)

3. Set value of function code (third-level menu)

Remarks: Press both the PRG/ESC and the DATA/ENT can return to the second-level menu from the
third-level menu. The difference is: pressing DATA/ENT will save the set parameters into the control

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures

panel, and then return to the second-level menu with shifting to the next function code automatically;
while pressing PRG/ESC will directly return to the second-level menu without saving the parameters,
and keep staying at the current function code.

Under the third-level menu, if the parameter has no flickering bit, it means the function code cannot be
modified. The possible reasons could be:

1) This function code is not modifiable parameter, such as actual detected parameter, operation
records and so on;

2) This function code is not modifiable in running state, but modifiable in stop state.
Example: Set function code P00.01 from 0 to 1.

The units place PRG The units place is
All digits are ESC ESC The units place
is blinking blinking
blinking is blinking


The units place is blinking

Note: When setting the value, you can press and + to modify the value.

Figure 5-3 Sketch map of modifying parameters

5.4.2 How to set the password of the VFD

Goodrive35 series VFDs provide the user password protection function. When you set P07.00 to a
non-zero value, the value is the user password. After you exit the function code editing interface, the
password protection function is enabled within 1 minute. If password protection is enabled, ""
is displayed when you press the PRG/ESC key again to enter the function code editing interface. You
need to enter the correct user password to enter the interface.

To disable the password protection function, you need only to set P07.00 to 0.


All digits are ESC The units place The units place is blinking
blinking is blinking DATA


The units place The units place is blinking ESC The units place is blinking
is blinking
Note: When setting the value, you can press and + to modify the value.

Figure 5-4 Sketch map of password setting

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Keypad operation procedures
5.4.3 How to watch the VFD state through function codes
Goodrive35 series VFDs provide group P17 as the state inspection group. Users can enter into P17
directly to watch the state.

All digits are PRG

ESC The units place The units place is blinking
blinking is blinking DATA


ENT The units place is blinking
The units place is blinking
Note: When setting the value, you can press and + to modify the value.

Figure 5-5 Sketch map of state watching

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Chapter 6 Function parameters

6.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter lists and describes the function parameters.
6.2 Goodrive35 general series function parameters
The function parameters of Goodrive35 series VFDs have been divided into 30 groups (P00–P29)
according to the function, of which P18–P28 are reserved. Each function group contains certain
function codes applying 3-level menus. For example, "P08.08" means the eighth function code in the
P8 group function, P29 group is factory reserved, and users are forbidden to access these

For the convenience of function codes setting, the function group number corresponds to the first
level menu, the function code corresponds to the second level menu and the function code
corresponds to the third level menu.

1. Below is the instruction of the function lists:

The first line "Function code": codes of function parameter group and parameters;

The second line "Name": full name of function parameters;

The third line "Description ": detailed illustration of the function parameters

The fourth line "Default ": the original factory values of the function parameter;

The fifth line "Modify": the modifying character of function codes (the parameters can be modified or
not and the modifying conditions), below is the instruction:

"○": means the set value of the parameter can be modified on stop and running state;

"◎": means the set value of the parameter cannot be modified on the running state;

"●": means the value of the parameter is the real detection value which cannot be modified.

(The VFD has limited the automatic inspection of the modifying character of the parameters to help
users avoid mismodifying)

2. "Parameter radix" is decimal (DEC), if the parameter is expressed by hex, then the parameter is
separated from each other when editing. The setting range of certain bits is 0–F (hex).

3. "The default value" means the function parameter will restore to the default value during default
parameters restoring. But the detected parameter or recorded value won’t be restored.

4. For a better parameter protection, the VFD provides password protection to the parameters. After
setting the password (set P07.00 to any non-zero number), the system will come into the state of
password verification firstly after the user press PRG/ESC to come into the function code editing state.
And then "" will be displayed. Unless the user input right password, they cannot enter into
the system. For the factory setting parameter zone, it needs correct factory password (remind that the
users cannot modify the factory parameters by themselves, otherwise, if the parameter setting is

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

incorrect, damage to the VFD may occur). If the password protection is unlocked, the user can modify
the password freely and the VFD will work as the last setting one. When P07.00 is set to 0, the
password can be canceled. If P07.00 is not 0 during powering on, then the parameter is protected by
the password. When modify the parameters by serial communication, the function of the password
follows the above rules, too.
P00 Group Basic functions
Name Description Default Modify
0: Sensorless vector control mode 0 (apply to AM
and SM)
No need to install encoders. It is suitable in cases
with low frequency, big torque and high speed
control accuracy for accurate speed and torque
control. Relative to mode 1, this mode is more
suitable for medium and small power.
1: Sensorless vector control mode 1 (applying to
No need to install encoders. It is suitable in cases
with high speed control accuracy for accurate
speed and torque control at all power ratings.
Speed control 2: SVPWM control
P00.00 2 ◎
mode No need to install encoders. It can improve the
control accuracy with the advantages of stable
operation, valid low-frequency torque boost and
current vibration suppression and the functions of
slip compensation and voltage adjustment.
3: Closed-loop vector control
Need to install encoders. It is suitable in cases with
low frequency, high speed control accuracy for
accurate speed and torque control.
Note: AM-Asynchronous Motor; SM-Synchronous
Motor; motor parameter autotuning should be
performed on the VFD before vector mode is
Select the run command channel of the VFD.
The control command of the VFD includes:
Run command start-up, stop, forward, reverse, jogging and fault
P00.01 0 ○
channel reset.
0: Keypad running command channel
("LOCAL/REMOT" light off)
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Carry out the command control by RUN,
STOP/RST on the keypad.
Set the multi-function key QUICK/JOG to
FWD/REV shifting function (P07.02=3) to change
the running direction; press RUN and STOP/RST
simultaneously in running state to make the VFD
coast to stop.
1: Terminal running command channel
("LOCAL/REMOT" flickering)
Carry out the running command control by the
forward rotation, reverse rotation and forward
jogging and reverse jogging of the multi-function
2: Communication running command channel
The running command is controlled by the upper
monitor via communication
Select the controlling communication command
channel of the VFD.
0: Modbus communication channel
1: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication channel
P00.02 running 0 ○
2: Ethernet communication channel
3: Reserved
Note: 1, 2 and 3 are extension functions which
need corresponding extension cards.
This parameter is used to set the maximum output
frequency of the VFD. Users should pay attention
Max. output to this parameter because it is the foundation of 50.00
P00.03 ◎
frequency the frequency setting and the speed of Hz
acceleration and deceleration.
Setting range: P00.04–400.00 Hz
The upper limit of the running frequency is the
upper limit of the output frequency of the VFD
Upper limit of the which is lower than or equal to the maximum 50.00
P00.04 ◎
running frequency frequency. Hz
Setting range: P00.05–P00.03 (max. output

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
The lower limit of the running frequency is that of
the output frequency of the VFD.
The VFD runs at the lower limit frequency if the set
Lower limit of the frequency is lower than the lower limit one. 0.00
P00.05 ◎
running frequency Note: Max. output frequency ≥ Upper limit Hz
frequency ≥ Lower limit frequency
Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.04 (Upper limit of the
running frequency)
A frequency Note: Frequency A and frequency B cannot use
P00.06 0 ○
command the same frequency setting mode. The frequency
source can be set by P00.09.
0: Keypad
Modify the value P00.10 (set the frequency by
keypad) to modify the frequency by the keypad.
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
Set the frequency by analog input terminals.
Goodrive35 series VFDs provide 3 analog input
terminals as the standard configuration, of which
AI1/AI2 are the voltage/current option (0–10
V/0–20mA) which can be shifted by jumpers; while
AI3 is voltage input (-10 V–+10 V).
B frequency Note: When AI1/AI2 select 0–20mA input, the
P00.07 2 ○
command corresponding voltage of 20mA is 10 V.
100.0% of the analog input setting corresponds to
the maximum frequency (function code P00.03) in
forward direction and -100.0% corresponds to the
maximum frequency in reverse direction (function
code P00.03)
4: High-speed pulse HDI setting
The frequency is set by high-speed pulse
terminals. Goodrive35 series VFDs provide 1 high
speed pulse input as the standard configuration.
The pulse frequency range is 0.00–50.00 kHz.
100.0% of the high speed pulse input setting
corresponds to the maximum frequency in forward
direction (P00.03) and -100.0% corresponds to the

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
maximum frequency in reverse direction (P00.03).
Note: The pulse setting can only be input by
multi-function terminals HDI. Set P05.00 (HDI input
selection) to high speed pulse input, and set
P05.49 (HDI high speed pulse input function
selection) to frequency setting input.
5: Simple PLC program setting
The VFD runs at simple PLC program mode when
P00.06=5 or P00.07=5. Set P10 (simple PLC and
multi-step speed control) to select the running
frequency, running direction, ACC/DEC time and
the keeping time of corresponding stage. See the
function description of P10 for detailed information.
6: Multi-step speed running setting
The VFD runs at multi-step speed mode when
P00.06=6 or P00.07=6. Set P05 to select the
current running stage, and set P10 to select the
current running frequency.
The multi-step speed has the priority when P00.06
or P00.07 does not equal to 6, but the setting stage
can only be the 1–15 stage. The setting stage is
0–15 if P00.06 or P00.07 equals to 6.
7: PID control setting
The running mode of the VFD is process PID
control when P00.06=7 or P00.07=7. It is
necessary to set P09. The running frequency of
the VFD is the value after PID effect. See P09 for
the detailed information of the given source, given
value, feedback source of PID.
8: Modbus communication setting
The frequency is set by Modbus communication.
See P14 for detailed information.
9: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication setting
The frequency is set by PROFIBUS/ CANopen
communication. See P15 for the detailed
10: Ethernet communication setting (reserved)
See P16 for the detailed information.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
11: Reserved
12: Pulse string AB setting
0: Maximum output frequency, 100% of B
frequency setting corresponds to the maximum
B frequency output frequency
P00.08 command 1: A frequency command, 100% of B frequency 0 ○
reference setting corresponds to the maximum output
frequency. Select this setting if it needs to adjust
on the base of A frequency command
0: A, the current frequency setting is A frequency
1: B, the current frequency setting is B frequency
2: A+B, the current frequency setting is A
frequency command + B frequency command
3: A-B, the current frequency setting is A frequency
Combination of
P00.09 command - B frequency command 0 ○
setting source
4: Max (A, B): The bigger one between A
frequency command and B frequency is the set
5: Min (A, B): The lower one between A frequency
command and B frequency is the set frequency.
Note: The combination manner can be shifted by
P05 (terminal function)
When A and B frequency commands are selected
as "keypad setting", the value of the function code
Keypad set is the original setting one of the frequency data of 50.00
P00.10 ○
frequency the VFD. Hz
Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output

ACC time means the time needed if the VFD

speeds up from 0 Hz to max. output frequency Depend
P00.11 ACC time 1 (P00.03). on ○
DEC time means the time needed if the VFD model
speeds down from max. output frequency to 0 Hz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Goodrive35 series VFDs define four groups of
ACC/DEC time which can be selected by P05. The
P00.12 DEC time 1 on ○
factory default ACC/DEC time of the VFD is the
first group.
Setting range of P00.11 and P00.12: 0.0–3600.0s
0: Runs at the default direction, the VFD runs in
the forward direction. FWD/REV indicator is off.
1: Runs at the reverse direction, the VFD runs in
the reverse direction. FWD/REV indicator is on.
Modify the function code to shift the rotation
direction of the motor. This effect equals to the
shifting the rotation direction by adjusting either
two of the motor lines (U, V and W). The motor
rotation direction can be changed by QUICK/JOG
P00.13 Running direction on the keypad. Refer to parameter P07.02. 0 ○
Note: When the function parameter comes back to
the default value, the motor’s running direction will
come back to the factory default state, too. In
some cases it should be used with caution after
commissioning if the change of rotation direction is
2: Forbid to run in reverse direction: It can be used
in some special cases if reverse running is
Carrier Electro magnetic Noise and leakage Cooling
frequency noise current level

1kHz High Low Low


Carrier frequency 15kHz Low High High
P00.14 on ○
The relationship table of the motor type and carrier
The factory value of
carrier frequency
380 V 1.5–11 kW 8 kHz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
15–55 kW 4 kHz
Above 75 kW 2 kHz
22–55 kW 4 kHz
660 V
Above 75 kW 2 kHz
The advantage of high carrier frequency: ideal
current waveform, little current harmonic wave and
motor noise.
The disadvantage of high carrier frequency:
increasing the switch loss, increasing VFD
temperature and the impact to the output capacity.
The VFD needs to derate on high carrier
frequency. At the same time, the leakage and
electrical magnetic interference will increase.
Applying low carrier frequency is contrary to the
above, too low carrier frequency will cause
unstable running, torque decreasing and surge.
The manufacturer has set a reasonable carrier
frequency when the VFD is in factory. In general,
users do not need to change the parameter.
When the frequency used exceeds the default
carrier frequency, the VFD needs to derate 10% for
each additional 1k carrier frequency.
Setting range: 1.2–15.0 kHz
0: No operation
1: Rotation autotuning
Comprehensive motor parameter autotune
It is recommended to use rotation autotuning when
high control accuracy is needed.
2: Static autotuning 1 (autotune totally); It is
Motor parameter suitable in the cases when the motor cannot
P00.15 0 ◎
autotuning de-couple from the load. The autotuning for the
motor parameter will impact the control accuracy.
3: Static autotuning 2 (autotune part parameters);
when the current motor is motor 1, autotune
P02.06, P02.07, P02.08; and when the current
motor is motor 2, autotune P12.06, P12.07,

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: Invalid
1: Valid during the whole procedure
AVR function
P00.16 The auto-adjusting function of the VFD can cancel 1 ○
the impact on the output voltage of the VFD
because of the bus voltage fluctuation.
P00.17 Reserved Reserved 0 ◎
0: No operation
1: Restore the default value
2: Cancel the fault record
Function Note: The function code will restore to 0 after
P00.18 0 ◎
restore parameter finishing the operation of the selected function
Restoring to the default value will cancel the user
password, please use this function with caution.
P01 Group Start and stop control
Name Description Default Modify
0: Start-up directly: start from the starting
frequency P01.01
1: Start-up after DC brake: start the motor from the
starting frequency after DC brake (set the
parameter P01.03 and P01.04). It is suitable in the
cases where reverse rotation may occur to the low
P01.00 Start mode inertia load during starting. 0 ◎
2: Start-up after speed tracing: start the rotating
motor smoothly after tracking the rotation speed
and direction automatically. It is suitable in the
cases where reverse rotation may occur to the big
inertia load during starting.
Note: The VFDs above 4 kW have the function.
Starting frequency of direct start-up means the
Starting frequency original frequency during the VFD starting. See 0.00
P01.01 ◎
of direct start P01.02 for detailed information. Hz
Setting range: 0.00–50.00 Hz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Frequency f



Time t
f1 set by P01.01
t1 t1 set by P01.02

Set a proper starting frequency to increase the

Retention time of
P01.02 torque of the VFD during starting. During the 0.0 s ◎
starting frequency
retention time of the starting frequency, the output
frequency of the VFD is the starting frequency. And
then, the VFD will run from the starting frequency
to the set frequency. If the set frequency is lower
than the starting frequency, the VFD will stop
running and keep in the stand-by state. The
starting frequency is not limited in the lower limit
Setting range: 0.0–50.0s
The brake current The VFD will carry out DC brake at the brake
P01.03 0.0% ◎
before starting current set before starting and it will speed up after
the DC brake time. If the DC brake time is set to 0,
the DC brake is invalid.
The stronger the brake current, the bigger the
The brake time brake power. The DC brake current before starting
P01.04 0.0 s ◎
before starting means the percentage of the rated current of the
Setting range of P01.03: 0.0–100.0%
Setting range of P01.04: 0.0–30.0s
The changing mode of the frequency during
start-up and running.
0: Linear type. The output frequency increases or

ACC/DEC decreases linearly.

P01.05 1: S curve. The output frequency increases or 0 ◎
decreases according to the S curve.
S curve is generally used in cases where smooth
startup/stop is required eg elevator, conveyor belt,

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Output frequency f


Time t
t1 t2

Output frequency f

Time t
t1 t2

ACC time of the The curve rate of S curve is determined by the

P01.06 starting step of S acceleration range and acceleration/deceleration 0.1 s ◎
curve time.
Output frequency f
DEC time of the
P01.07 ending step of S 0.1 s ◎
Time t
t1 t2 t1 t2

Setting range: 0.0–50.0s

0: Decelerate to stop: after the stop command
becomes valid, the VFD decelerates to decrease
the output frequency during the set time. When the
P01.08 Stop mode frequency decreases to P01.15, the VFD stops. 0 ○
1: Coast to stop: after the stop command becomes
valid, the VFD ceases the output immediately. And
the load coasts to stop at the mechanical inertia.
Starting frequency The starting frequency of stop brake: The VFD will 0.00
P01.09 ○
of DC brake carry on stop DC brake when the frequency is Hz
Demagnetizing arrived during the procedure of decelerating to
P01.10 0.00 s ○
time stop.
P01.11 DC brake current Demagnetizing time: Before the stop DC brake, 0.0% ○
the VFD will close output and begin to carry on the
P01.12 DC brake time DC brake after the waiting time. This function is 0.0 s ○
used to avoid the overcurrent fault caused by DC

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
brake when the speed is too high.
Stop DC brake current: the DC brake added. The
stronger the current, the bigger the DC brake
The brake time of stop brake: the retention time of
DC brake. If the time is 0, the DC brake is invalid.
The VFD will stop at the set deceleration time.


Time t
Acceleration Constant speed P13.15

P01.23 P13.14 P01.04 Deceleration

P01.10 P01.12
In running

Setting range of P01.09: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max.

output frequency)
Setting range of P01.10: 0.00–30.00s
Setting range of P01.11: 0.0–100.0%
Setting range of P01.12: 0.0–50.0s
During the procedure of switching for/rev rotation,
set the threshold by P01.14, which is as the table
Output frequency f

Dead time of Switch over after
P01.13 starting frequency 0.0 s ○
FWD/REV rotation Starting Switch over after
frequency zero frequency
Time t


Setting range: 0.0–3600.0s

Set the threshold point of the VFD:
Shifting between
P01.14 0: Switch after zero frequency 0 ◎
FWD/REV rotation
1: Switch after the starting frequency
P01.15 Stopping speed 0.00–100.00 Hz ◎
0: Detect according to speed setting (no stopping
Detection of delay)
P01.16 0 ◎
stopping speed 1: Detect according to speed feedback (only valid
for vector control)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
If set P01.16 to 1, the feedback frequency is less
than or equal to P01.15 and detect in the set time
of P01.17, the VFD will stop; otherwise the VFD
will stop after the set time of P01.17.
Frequency f
Detection time of
P01.17 the feedback Stop
Ramp reference
A B 0.5 s ◎
speed speed
P01.24 P0117
Time t
Running A
Running B
Running C

Setting range: 0.0–100.0s (only valid when

When the running commands are controlled by the
terminal, the system will detect the state of the
running terminal during powering on.
0: The terminal running command is invalid when
powering on. Even the running command is
detected to be valid during powering on, the VFD
Terminal running won’t run and the system keeps in the protection
P01.18 protection when state until the running command is canceled and 0 ○
powering on enabled again.
1: The terminal running command is valid when
powering on. If the running command is detected
to be valid during powering on, the system will start
the VFD automatically after the initialization.
Note: this function should be selected with
cautions, or serious result may follow.
This function code determines the running state of
the VFD when the set frequency is lower than the
lower-limit one.
Action if running 0: Run at the lower-limit frequency
frequency< lower 1: Stop
P01.19 0 ◎
limit frequency 2: Hibernation
(valid >0) 3: Run at zero frequency
The VFD will coast to stop when the set frequency
is lower than the lower-limit one. If the set
frequency is above the lower limit one again and it

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
lasts for the time set by P01.20, the VFD will come
back to the running state automatically.
This function code determines the hibernation
delay time. When the running frequency of the
VFD is lower than the lower limit one, the VFD will
pause to stand by.
When the set frequency is above the lower limit
one again and it lasts for the time set by P01.20,

Hibernation the VFD will run automatically.

P01.20 Frequency f t1 < P01.20, the VFD does not run Set frequency curve: 0.0 s ○
restore delay time t1+t2 ≥P01.20, the VFD runs Running frequency curve:

lower limit f0 t2

Time t
Run Coast to Sleep Run

Setting range: 0.0–3600.0s (valid when P01.19=2)

This function can enable the VFD start or not after
the power off and then power on.
Restart after 0: Disable
P01.21 0 ○
power off 1: Enable, if the starting need is met, the VFD will
run automatically after waiting for the time defined
by P01.22.
The function determines the waiting time before
the automatic running of the VFD when powering
off and then powering on.
Output frequency f t1=P01.22
The waiting time t2=P01.23

P01.22 of restart after 1.0 s ○

power off
t1 t2 Time t

Running Power off Power on

Setting range: 0.0–3600.0 s (valid when P01.21=1)

The function determines the brake release after
the running command is given, and the VFD is in a
P01.23 Start delay time stand-by state and wait for the delay time set by 0.00 s ○
Setting range: 0.00–60.00 s

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Delay time of the
P01.24 Setting range: 0.0–60.0 s 0.0 s ○
stop speed
DEC time of DEC time of E-stop (terminal function is set to 56).
P01.25 2.00 s ○
E-stop Setting range: 0.00–60.00 s
P02 Group Motor 1 parameters
Name Description Default Modify
0: AM
1: SM
P02.00 Motor type 1 0 ◎
Note: Switch the current motor by the switching
channel of P08.31.
Set the parameters of the Depend
Rated power of
P02.01 0.1–3000.0 kW controlled AM. on ◎
AM 1
In order to ensure control model
Rated frequency 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. performance, set the 50.00
P02.02 ◎
of AM 1 output frequency) value of P02.01–P02.05 Hz
based on the nameplate Depend
Rated speed of
P02.03 1–36000rpm parameters. on ◎
AM 1
Goodrive35 series VFD model
provides parameter Depend
Rated voltage of
P02.04 0–1200 V autotuning function. The on ◎
AM 1
accurate parameter model
autotuning requires
proper parameter setup.
In order to ensure control
performance, configure
the motor based on the
motor which matches with
the VFD. If the gap
Rated current of between motor power
P02.05 0.8–6000.0A on ◎
AM 1 and the matched motor is
too large, the control
performance of the VFD
will be deteriorated
Note: P02.02–P02.10
can be initialized by
resetting rated motor
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
power P02.01.
Stator resistor of After motor parameter
P02.06 0.001–65.535Ω on ○
AM 1 autotuning finishes, the
setting value of
Rotor resistor of P02.06–P02.10 will be
P02.07 0.001–65.535Ω on ○
AM 1 updated automatically.
These parameters are the
Leakage Depend
basic parameters for
P02.08 inductance of AM 0.1–6553.5mH on ○
high-performance vector
1 model
control, which will impact
Mutual inductance the control performance
P02.09 0.1–6553.5mH on ○
of AM 1 directly.
Note: Users cannot
Non-load current change this group of
P02.10 0.1–6553.5A on ○
of AM 1 parameters at will.
P02.11 0.0–100.0% 80.0% ◎
coefficient 1 for
iron core of AM1
P02.12 0.0–100.0% 68.0% ◎
coefficient 2 for
iron core of AM1
P02.13 0.0–100.0% 55.0% ◎
coefficient 3 for
iron core of AM1
P02.14 0.0–100.0% 40.0% ◎
coefficient 4 for
iron core of AM1
Set the parameters of Depend
Rated power of
P02.15 0.1–3000.0 kW controlled SM. on ◎
SM 1
In order to ensure control model
Rated frequency 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. performance, set the 50.00
P02.16 ◎
of SM 1 output frequency) value of P02.15–P02.19 Hz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Number of poles based on the nameplate
P02.17 1–128 2 ◎
pairs for SM 1 parameters of the motor.
Goodrive35 series VFD Depend
Rated voltage of
P02.18 0–1200 V provides parameter on ◎
SM 1
autotuning function. The model
accurate parameter
autotuning requires
proper parameter setup.
In order to ensure control
performance, configure
the motor based on the
motor which matches with
the VFD. If the gap
Rated current of between motor power
P02.19 0.8–6000.0 A on ◎
SM 1 and the matching motor is
too large, the control
performance of the VFD
will be deteriorated
Note: P02.16–P02.19
can be initialized by
resetting rated motor
power P02.15.
After motor parameter Depend
Stator resistor of
P02.20 0.001–65.535 Ω autotuning finishes, the on ○
SM 1
set value of model
Direct axis P02.20–P02.22 will be Depend
P02.21 inductance of SM 0.01–6553.5 mH updated automatically. on ○
1 These parameters are the model
Quadrature axis basic parameters for high Depend
P02.22 inductance of SM 0.01–655.35 mH performance vector on ○
1 control, which will impact model
When P00.15=2, the set the control performance
value of P02.23 cannot directly.
Back EMF be updated by When P00.15=1 (rotary
P02.23 320 ○
constant of SM 1 autotuning, please autotuning), the set value
count according to the of P02.23 can be updated
following method. automatically via
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
The counter- autotuning; when
electromotive force P00.15=2 (static
constant can be autotuning), the set value
counted according to of P02.23 cannot be
the parameters on the updated via autotuning,
name plate of the motor. calculate the value of
There are three ways to P02.23 and update it
count: manually.
1. If the name plate
designate the
force constant Ke, then:
E= (Ke*nN*2π)/ 60
2. If the name plate
designate the
force constant E’
(V/1000r/min), then:
3. If the name plate
does not designate the
above parameters, then:
In the above formulas:
nN is the rated rotation
speed, P is the rated
power and I is the rated
Setting range: 0–10000
P02.24 Reserved
P02.25 Reserved
0: No protection
1: Common motor (with low speed compensation).
Motor 1 overload Because the heat-releasing effect of the common
P02.26 2 ◎
protection motors will be weakened, the corresponding
electric heat protection will be adjusted properly.
The low speed compensation characteristic

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
mentioned here means reducing the threshold of
the overload protection of the motor whose running
frequency is below 30 Hz.
2: Variable frequency motor (without low speed
compensation) Because the heat-releasing effect
of the specific motors won’t be impacted by the
rotation speed, it is not necessary to adjust the
protection value during low-speed running.
Motor overload multiple M = Iout/(In × K)
In is the rated current of the motor, Iout is the
output current of the VFD and K is the motor
overload protection coefficient.
The smaller K is, the greater M is, and the more
likely protection is implemented.
When M=116%, protection is performed after
motor overload lasts for 1 hour; when M=150%,
protection is performed after motor overload lasts
for 12 minutes; when M=180%, protection is
performed after motor overload lasts for 5 minutes;
Motor 1 overload when M=200%, protection is performed after motor
P02.27 protection overload lasts for 60 seconds; and when M ≥ ○
coefficient 400%, protection is performed immediately.
Time (min)



Motor overload
5 multiple
116% 150% 180% 200%

Setting range: 20.0%–120.0%

Motor 1 power This function code is used to adjust the power
P02.28 display correction display value of motor 1 only. 1.00 ○
coefficient Setting range: 0.00–3.00
Parameter display 0: Display according to the motor type
P02.29 0 ○
of motor 1 1: Display all

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P03 Group Vector control
Name Description Default Modify
ASR proportional The parameters of P03.00–P03.05 are applicable
P03.00 20.0 ○
gain1 only to the vector control mode. When the
ASR integral frequency is lower than P03.02 (Low-point 0.200
P03.01 ○
time1 frequency for switching), the ASR PI parameters s
Low-point are P03.00 and P03.01. When the frequency is
P03.02 frequency for higher than P03.05 (High-point frequency for ○
switching switching), the ASR PI parameters are P03.03 and
ASR proportional P03.04. When the frequency is between P03.02
P03.03 20.0 ○
gain 2 and P03.05, the PI parameters are obtained based
ASR integral time on the linear change of these two groups of 0.200
P03.04 ○
2 parameters, as shown in the following figure. s
PI parameters



P03.02 P03.05 Output frequency f

You can adjust the dynamic response

characteristics of the automatic speed regulator
(ASR) in vector control by setting the ASR
proportional gain and integral time. Both increasing
the proportional gain and decreasing the integral
High-point time can accelerate the dynamic response of the 10.00
P03.05 frequency for ASR. However, if the proportional gain is too large Hz ○
switching or the integral time is too short, system oscillation
or overadjustment may be caused. If the
proportional gain is too small, system steady-state
oscillation may be easily caused, and static speed
error may also occur.
The ASR PI parameters are closely related to the
inertia of the system. The default PI parameters
need to be modified based on the characteristics of
loads to meet requirements of various scenarios.
Setting range of P03.00: 0.0–200.0
Setting range of P03.01: 0.000–10.000s
Setting range of P03.02: 0.00 Hz–P03.05

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Setting range of P03.03: 0.0–200.0
Setting range of P03.04: 0.000–10.000s
Setting range of P03.05: P03.02–P00.03 (max.
output frequency)
P03.06 ASR output filter 0–8 (corresponds to 0–28/10 ms) 0 ○
Compensation Slip compensation coefficient is used to adjust the
P03.07 coefficient of slip frequency of the vector control and improve 100% ○
electromotion slip the speed control accuracy of the system.
Compensation Adjusting the parameter properly can control the
P03.08 coefficient of speed steady-state error. 100% ○
brake slip Setting range: 50%–200%
ACR proportional Note:
P03.09 1000 ○
coefficient P 1. These two parameters adjust the PI adjustment
parameter of the automatic current regulator
(ACR). They directly affect the dynamic
responding speed and control accuracy of the
system. In general, you do not need to modify their
default values.
ACR integral
P03.10 2. Applied to SVC 0 (P00.00=0) and closed-loop 1000 ○
coefficient I
vector control mode only (P00.00=3)
3. The value of this function code will be updated
automatically after parameter autotuning of
synchronous motor.
Setting range: 0–20000
This parameter is used to enable the torque control
mode, and set the torque.
0: Torque control is invalid
1: Keypad setting torque (P03.12)
2: Analog AI1 setting torque
3: Analog AI2 setting torque
Torque setting
P03.11 4: Analog AI3 setting torque 0 ○
5: Pulse frequency HDI setting torque
6: Multi-step torque setting
7: Modbus communication setting torque
8: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication setting
9: Ethernet communication setting torque

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
10: Reserved
Note: Setting modes 2–10, 100% corresponds to
three times of the rated current of the motor.
Keypad setting Setting range: -300.0%–300.0% (rated current of
P03.12 10.0% ○
torque the motor)
Torque reference 0.100
P03.13 0.000–10.000s ○
filter time s
Upper frequency 0: Keypad (P03.16 sets P03.14, P03.17 sets
P03.14 of forward rotation P03.15) 0 ○
in vector control 1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: Pulse frequency HDI setting upper-limit
5: Multi-step setting upper-limit frequency
Upper frequency 6: Modbus communication setting upper-limit
P03.15 of reverse rotation frequency 0 ○
in vector control 7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication setting
upper-limit frequency
8: Ethernet communication setting upper-limit
Note: Setting method 0–8, 100% corresponds to
the maximum frequency
Keypad setting for This function is used to set the upper limit of the
P03.16 upper frequency frequency. P03.16 determines the setting when ○
of forward rotation P03.14=1; P03.17 determines the setting when
Keypad setting for P03.15=1.
P03.17 upper frequency Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output ○
of reverse rotation frequency)
Upper This function code is used to select the
P03.18 electromotion electromotion and brake torque upper-limit setting 0 ○
torque source source selection.
0: Keypad setting upper-limit frequency (P03.20
sets P03.18, P03.21 sets P03.19)
Upper brake 1: AI1
P03.19 2: AI2 0 ○
torque source
3: AI3
4: HDI

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
5: Modbus communication
6: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
7: Ethernet communication
Note: setting mode 1–7,100% corresponds to
three times of the motor current.
Keypad setting of
P03.20 electromotion The function code is used to set the limit of the ○
torque torque.
Keypad setting of Setting range: 0.0–300.0% (motor rated current) 180.0
P03.21 ○
brake torque %
Weakening The usage of AM in weakening control.
coefficient in T
P03.22 1.00 ○
constant power
coefficient of motor


Min. flux-weakening limit of motor

Function code P03.22 and P03.23 are effective at

Lowest weakening
constant power. The motor will enter into the
P03.23 point in constant 20% ○
weakening state when the motor runs at rated
power zone
speed. Change the weakening curve by modifying
the weakening control coefficient. The bigger the
weakening control coefficient is, the steeper the
weak curve is.
Setting range of P03.22: 0.10–2.00
Setting range of P03.23: 5%–50%
P03.24 set the max voltage of the VFD, which is
P03.24 Max voltage limit dependent on the site situation. ◎
The setting range: 0.0–120.0%
Preactivate the motor when the VFD starts up.
Build up a magnetic field inside the VFD to
P03.25 Pre-exciting time improve the torque performance during the starting ○
The setting time: 0.000–10.000s
Weak proportional The response characteristic of the flux weakening
P03.26 1200 ○
gain controller is relative to P03.26 and P03.27. It can
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Integral gain of the be adjusted properly.
P03.27 1200 ○
flux weakening Setting range: 0–8000
Ones: Control mode selection
0: Mode 0;
1: Mode 1;
2: Mode 2
Control mode of
P03.28 Tens: Inductance compensation selection 0x000 ○
flux weakening
0: Compensate
1: Not compensate
Hundreds: High-speed control mode
0: Mode 0
1: Mode 1
Ones: Torque command selection
0: Torque reference
1: Torque current reference
Tens: Torque compensation direction at 0 speed
0: Positive
1: Negative
Hundreds: ASR integral separation setting
0: Disabled
Torque control 1: Enabled
P03.29 0x0001 ○
mode Thousands: Torque control word setting
Bit0: Torque command filtering mode
0: Inertia filter
1: Linear ACC/DEC filtering
Bit1–2: ACC/DEC time for rotating speed upper
0: No ACC/DEC time
1: ACC/DEC time 1
2: ACC/DEC time 2
3: ACC/DEC time 3
Low-speed friction P03.30 is the compensation value of low-speed
P03.30 0.0% ○
torque (<1.0 Hz) friction torque.
High-speed P03.31 is the compensation value of high-speed
P03.31 0.0% ○
friction torque (>P03.32) friction torque. The friction torque
P03.32 Corresponding between low and high speed is the liner scale of 50.00 ○
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
frequency of P03.30 and P03.31. Hz
high-speed friction Note: Torque compensation is valid only in the
torque torque control mode (P03.11≠0).
Setting range of P03.30: 0.0–50.0% (rated torque
of the motor)
Setting range of P03.31: 0.0–50.0% (rated torque
of the motor)
Setting range of P03.32: 1.00 Hz–400.00 Hz
P04 Group SVPWM control
Name Description Default Modify
These function codes define the V/F curve of
Goodrive35 motor 1 to meet the need of different
0: Straight line V/F curve; applying to the constant
torque load
1: Multi-dots V/F curve
2: 1.3th power low torque V/F curve
3: 1.7th power low torque V/F curve
4: 2.0th power low torque V/F curve
Curves 2–4 apply to the torque loads such as fans
and water pumps. Users can adjust according to
the features of the loads to achieve a best
Motor 1 V/F curve
P04.00 energy-consuming effect. 0 ◎
5: Customized V/F (V/F separation); on this mode,
V and F can be separated from f and f can be
adjusted through the frequency given channel set
by P00.06 or the voltage given channel set by
P04.27 to change the feature of the curve.
Note: Vb in the below picture is the motor rated
voltage and fb is the motor rated frequency.
Output voltage

Torque step-down V/F curve (1.3th order)

Linear type
Torque step-down V/F curve (1.7th order)
Torque step-down V/F curve (2.0nd order)
Square type
Output frequency

Torque boost of Torque boost to the output voltage for the features
P04.01 0.0% ○
motor 1 of low frequency torque. P04.01 is for the Max

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Output voltage Vb.
P04.02 defines the percentage of closing
frequency of manual torque to fb.
Torque boost should be selected according to the
load. The bigger the load is, the bigger the boost
is. Too big torque boost is inappropriate because
the motor will run with over-magnetic, and the
current of the VFD will increase to raise the
temperature of the VFD and decrease the
When the torque boost is set to 0.0%, the VFD is
Torque boost automatic torque boost.
P04.02 20.0% ○
close of motor 1 Torque boost threshold: under the threshold, the
torque boost is valid, but over the threshold, the
torque boost is invalid.
Output voltage
v b

boost Output
f Cut-off f

Setting range of P04.01: 0.0%: (automatic)

Setting range of P04.02: 0.0%–50.0%
V/F frequency 1 of When P04.00 =1, the user can set V//F curve 0.00
P04.03 ○
motor 1 through P04.03–P04.08. Hz
V/F voltage 1 of V/F is generally set according to the load of the
P04.04 0.0% ○
motor 1 motor.
V/F frequency 2 of Note: V1< V2< V3,f1<f2<f3. Too high low 0.00
P04.05 ○
motor 1 frequency voltage will heat the motor excessively Hz
V/F voltage 2 of or cause damage. The VFD may stall when
P04.06 0.0% ○
motor 1 overcurrent or overcurrent protection.
V/F frequency 3 of Output voltage 0.00
P04.07 100.0% Vb ○
motor 1 V3 Hz


V/F voltage 3 of V1
P04.08 frequency(Hz)
0.0% ○
motor 1 f1 f2 f3 fb

Setting range of P04.03: 0.00 Hz–P04.05

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Setting range of P04.04: 0.0%–110.0%
Setting range of P04.05: P04.03–P04.07
Setting range of P04.06: 0.0%–110.0% (the rated
voltage of motor 1)
Setting range of P04.07: P04.05–P02.02 (the rated
frequency of motor 1) or P04.05–P02.16 (the rated
frequency of motor 1)
Setting range of P04.08: 0.0%–110.0% (the rated
voltage of motor 1)
This function code is used to compensate the
change of the rotation speed caused by load
during compensation SVPWM control to improve
the rigidity of the motor. It can be set to the rated
slip frequency of the motor which is counted as
V/F slip below:
P04.09 compensation △f=fb-n*p/60 ○
gain of motor 1 Of which, fb is the rated frequency of the motor, its
function code is P02.02; n is the rated rotating
speed of the motor and its function code is P02.03;
p is the pole pair of the motor. 100.0% corresponds
to the rated slip frequency△f.
Setting range: 0.0–200.0%
Vibration control
In SVPWM control mode, current fluctuation may
factor at low
P04.10 occur to the motor at some frequency, especially 10 ○
frequency of motor
the motor with big power. The motor cannot run
stably or overcurrent may occur. These
Vibration control
phenomena can be canceled by adjusting this
factor at high
P04.11 parameter. 10 ○
frequency of motor
Setting range of P04.10: 0–100
Setting range of P04.11: 0–100
Vibration control
Setting range of P04.12: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. 30.00
P04.12 threshold of motor ○
output frequency) Hz
P04.13 Motor 2 V/F curve This group of parameters defines the V/F setting 0 ◎
Torque boost of means of Goodrive35 motor 2 to meet various
P04.14 0.0% ○
motor 2 requirements of different loads. See

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Torque boost P04.00–P04.12 for the detailed function code
P04.15 20.0% ○
close of motor 2 instruction.
V/F frequency 1 of Note: P04 group includes two sets of V/F 0.00
P04.16 ○
motor 2 parameters of the motor which cannot display Hz
V/F voltage 1 of simultaneously. Only the selected V/F parameter
P04.17 0.0% ○
motor 2 can be shown. The motor selection can be defined
V/F frequency 2 of by terminals function "the shift between motor 1 0.00
P04.18 ○
motor 2 and motor 2" Hz
V/F voltage 2 of
P04.19 0.0% ○
motor 2
V/F frequency 3 of 0.00
P04.20 ○
motor 2 Hz
V/F voltage 3 of
P04.21 0.0% ○
motor 2
V/F slip
P04.22 compensation ○
gain of motor 2
Vibration control
In SVPWM control mode, current fluctuation may
factor at low
P04.23 occur to the motor on some frequency, especially 10 ○
frequency of motor
the motor with big power. The motor cannot run
stably or overcurrent may occur. These
Vibration control
phenomena can be canceled by adjusting this
factor at high
P04.24 parameter. 10 ○
frequency of motor
Setting range of P04.23: 0–100
Setting range of P04.24: 0–100
Vibration control
Setting range of P04.25: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. 30.00
P04.25 threshold of motor ○
output frequency) Hz
0: No operation
Energy-saving 1: Automatic energy-saving operation (reserved)
P04.26 0 ◎
operation Motors will automatically adjust the output voltage
to save energy when light loads.
Select the output setting channel at V/F curve
P04.27 Voltage setting 0: Keypad: the output voltage is determined by 0 ○
1: AI1 ;

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
2: AI2;
3: AI3;
4: HDI;
5: Multi-step speed;
6: PID;
7: Modbus communication;
8: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication;
9: Ethernet communication;
10: Reserved
Note: 100% corresponds to the rated motor
The function code is the voltage displaying when
Keypad setting 100.0
P04.28 the voltage is set through keypad. ○
voltage %
The setting range: 0.0%–100.0%
Voltage increasing Voltage increasing time is the time when the VFD
P04.29 5.0 s ○
time accelerates from the output minimum voltage to
the output maximum voltage.
Voltage decreasing time is the time when the VFD
P04.30 decelerates from the output maximum voltage to 5.0 s ○
decreasing time
the output minimum voltage.
The setting range: 0.0–3600.0s
Maximum output Set the upper and low limit of the output voltage. 100.0
P04.31 ◎
voltage %
Vmax t1=P04.29

Minimum output Vmin

P04.32 t1 t2 T 0.0% ◎

Setting range of P04.31: P04.32–100.0% (the

rated voltage of the motor)
Setting range of P04.32: 0.0%–P04.31
P05 Group Input terminals
Name Description Default Modify
0: High pulse input. See P05.49–P05.54
P05.00 HDI input 0 ◎
1: Digital input. See P05.09

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: No function
S1 terminal
P05.01 1: Forward rotation operation (FWD) 1 ◎
2: Reverse rotation operation (REV)
S2 terminal 3: 3-wire control operation (SIn)
P05.02 4 ◎
function 4: Forward jogging
5: Reverse jogging
S3 terminal
P05.03 6: Coast to stop 7 ◎
7: Fault reset
S4 terminal 8: Operation pause
P05.04 0 ◎
function 9: External fault input
10: Increasing frequency setting (UP)
S5 terminal 11: Decreasing frequency setting (DOWN)
P05.05 0 ◎
function 12: Frequency setting clear

S6 terminal 13: Shift between A setting and B setting

P05.06 14: Shift between combination setting and A 0 ◎
S7 terminal 15: Shift between combination setting and B
P05.07 0 ◎
function setting
16: Multi-step speed terminal 1
S8 terminal
P05.08 17: Multi-step speed terminal 2 0 ◎
18: Multi-step speed terminal 3
19: Multi- step speed terminal 4
20: Multi- step speed pause
21: ACC/DEC time 1
22: ACC/DEC time 2
23: Simple PLC stop reset
24: Simple PLC pause
25: PID control pause
26: Forward rotation limit
HDI terminal 27: Reverse rotation limit
P05.09 0 ◎
function 28: Electronic gear selection
29: Torque control disabling
30: ACC/DEC disabling
31: Pulse ascending
32: Pulse descending
33: Cancel the frequency change setting
34: DC brake
35: Shift the motor 1 into motor 2

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
36: Shift the command to the keypad
37: Shift the command to the terminals
38: Shift the command to the communication
39: Pre-magnetized command
40: Consumption power clear
41: Consumption power holding
42: Keypad setting of the torque upper limit
43: Position reference input (only S8 valid)
44: Spindle direction prohibit
45: Spindle returning /Local position returning
46: Zero position selection 1
47: Zero position selection 2
48: Spindle scaling selection 1
49: Spindle scaling selection 2
50: Spindle scaling selection 3/Pulse superposition
51: Switching terminal of position control and
speed control
52: Pulse input disabled
53: Position deviation clear
54: Position proportional gain switch
55: Digital position cycle positioning enabled
56: E-stop
57: Motor overtemperature fault input
58: Rigid tapping enable
59: Switch to SVPWM control
60: Switch to FVC control
61: PID pole switching
62: Undervoltage stopping input
63: Servo enabling
The function code is used to set the polarity of the
input terminals.
Set the bit to 0, the input terminal is anode.
Polarity selection
Set the bit to 1, the input terminal is cathode.
P05.10 of the input 0x000 ○
HDI S8 S7 S6
S5 S4 S3 S2 S1

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Setting range: 0x000–0x1FF

Set the sample filter time of S1–S8 and HDI

terminals. If the interference is strong, increase the 0.010
P05.11 ON-OFF filter time ○
parameter to avoid the disoperation. s
0x000–0x1FF (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled )
BIT0: S1 virtual terminal
BIT1: S2 virtual terminal
BIT2: S3 virtual terminal
BIT3: S4 virtual terminal
BIT4: S5 virtual terminal
Virtual terminals BIT5: S6 virtual terminal
P05.12 0x000 ◎
setting BIT6: S7 virtual terminal
BIT7: S8 virtual terminal
BIT8: HDI virtual terminal
Note: After a virtual terminal is enabled, the state
of the terminal can only be modified through
communication, and the communication address is
This parameter is used to set the terminal-based
control mode.

0: 2-wire control mode 1, integrating the enabling

and direction setting functions. This is the most
common 2-wire mode. The forward or reverse
running of the motor is determined by the defined
FWD and REV terminals.
Terminals control FWD
P05.13 K1 OFF OFF Stop 0 ◎
running mode

1: 2-wire control mode 2, separating the enabling

and direction setting functions. The defined FWD
terminal is used for enabling, and the direction is
determined by the defined REV terminal.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify

ON ON Reverse

2: 3-wire control mode 1. In this mode, SIn is

defined as the enabling terminal, the running
command is determined by the FWD terminal, and
the direction is determined by the REV terminal.
When the VFD is running, terminal SIn must be in
the connected state. When terminal FWD
generates a rising edge signal, the VFD starts to
run, and the running direction is determined by
terminal REV. To stop the running of the VFD, you
need to disconnect terminal SIn.


The direction control is as below during operation:

Previous Current
direction direction
Forward Reverse
Reverse Forward
Reverse Forward
Forward Reverse
Decelerate to stop
SIn: 3-wire control; FWD: Forward running; REV:
Reverse running
3: 3-wire control mode 2. In this mode, SIn is
defined as the enabling terminal, the running
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
command is determined by the FWD or REV
terminal, and the direction is determined by the
FWD and REV terminals. When the VFD is
running, terminal SIn must be in the connected
state. Terminal FWD or REV generates a rising
edge signal to run the VFD and determine its
running direction, and the running direction is
determined by terminal REV. To stop the running of
the VFD, you need to disconnect terminal SIn.


Sln FWD REV Direction

ON Forward
OFF Reverse
ON Forward
OFF Reverse

to stop

SIn: 3-wire control; FWD: Forward running; REV:

Reverse running
Note: In 2-wire control modes, if stop commands
are generated by other sources, the VFD stops
running and does not run again even the FWD and
REV terminal are enabled. To run the VFD, you
need to trigger the FWD and REV terminals again,
users need to trigger FWD/REV again. Other
sources that can generate stop commands include
PLC single-cycle stop, fixed-length stop, and
enabled STOP/RST stop in terminal-based control.
(see P07.04).

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
P05.14 S1 switch-on delay ○
P05.15 S1 switch-off delay ○
P05.16 S2 switch-on delay ○
P05.17 S2 switch-off delay ○
P05.18 S3 switch-on delay ○
P05.19 S3 switch-off delay ○
P05.20 S4 switch-on delay The function code defines the corresponding delay ○
time of electrical level of the programmable 0.000
P05.21 S4 switch-off delay terminals from switching on to switching off. ○
Si electrical level 0.000
P05.22 S5 switch-on delay ○
Si valid invalid valid invalid s
Switcn-on Switcn-off 0.000
P05.23 S5 switch-off delay delay delay ○
Note: P05.30 and P05.31 are valid when 0.000
P05.24 S6 switch-on delay ○
P05.00=1. s
P05.25 S6 switch-off delay Setting range: 0.000–50.000s ○
P05.26 S7 switch-on delay ○
P05.27 S7 switch-off delay ○
P05.28 S8 switch-on delay ○
P05.29 S8 switch-off delay ○
P05.30 HDI switch-on delay ○
P05.31 HDI switch-off delay ○

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
P05.32 Lower limit of AI1 0.00 V ○
The function code defines the relationship between
the analog input voltage and its corresponding set
P05.33 setting of the 0.0% ○
value. If the analog input voltage beyond the set
lower limit of AI1
minimum or maximum input value, the VFD will
P05.34 Upper limit of AI1 count at the minimum or maximum one. ○
When the analog input is the current input, the
corresponding voltage of 0–20mA is 0–10 V.
setting of 100.0
P05.35 In different cases, the corresponding rated value of ○
the upper limit of %
100.0% is different. See the application for detailed
AI1 input filter
P05.36 The figure below illustrates different applications: 0.030s ○
Corresponding setting
P05.37 Lower limit of AI2 100% 0.00 V ○
P05.38 setting of lower 0.0% ○
limit of AI2 -10V 0 AI
20mA 10.00
P05.39 Upper limit of AI2 ○
-100% 100.0
P05.40 setting of ○
upper limit of AI2
Input filter time: this parameter is used to adjust the
AI2 input filter
P05.41 sensitivity of the analog input. Increasing the value 0.100s ○
properly can enhance the anti-interference of the
P05.42 Lower limit of AI3 analog, but weaken the sensitivity of the analog ○
Note: Analog AI1 and AI2 can support 0–10 V or -100.0
P05.43 setting of lower ○
0–20mA input, when AI1 and AI2 selects 0–20mA %
limit of AI3
input, the corresponding voltage of 20mA is 5 V.
Zero-drift value of
P05.44 AI3 can support the output of -10 V–+10 V. 0.00 V ○
Setting range of P05.32: 0.00 V–P05.34
Setting range of P05.33: -300.0%–300.0%
P05.45 deadzone voltage 0.04 V ○
Setting range of P05.34: P05.32–10.00 V
of AI3
Setting range of P05.35: -300.0%–300.0%
P05.46 Upper limit of AI3 Setting range of P05.36: 0.000s–10.000s ○
Setting range of P05.37: 0.00 V–P05.39
Setting range of P05.38: -300.0%–300.0% 100.0
P05.47 setting of upper ○
Setting range of P05.39: P05.37–10.00 V %
limit of AI3
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Setting range of P05.40: -300.0%–300.0%
Setting range of P05.41: 0.000s–10.000s
Setting range of P05.42: -10.00 V–P05.44
Setting range of P05.43: -300.0%–300.0%
AI3 input filter 0.030
P05.48 Setting range of P05.44: P05.42–P05.46 ○
time s
Setting range of P05.45: 0.00–10.00 V
Setting range of P05.46: P05.44–10.00 V
Setting range of P05.47: -300.0%–300.0%
Setting range of P05.48: 0.000s–10.000s
The function selection when HDI terminals is
HDI high-speed high-speed pulse input
P05.49 pulse input 0: Frequency setting input, frequency setting 0 ◎
function source
1–2: Reserved
Lower limit 0.000
P05.50 0.000 kHz–P05.52 ○
frequency of HDI kHz
P05.51 setting of HDI low -300.0%–300.0% 0.0% ○
Upper limit 50.00
P05.52 P05.50–50.000 kHz ○
frequency of HDI 0 kHz
setting of upper 100.0
P05.53 -300.0%–300.0% ○
limit frequency of %
HDI frequency
P05.54 0.000s–10.000s 0.030s ○
input filter time
P06 Group Output terminals
Name Description Default Modify
The function selection of the high-speed pulse
output terminals.
0: Open collector pole high speed pulse output:
P06.00 HDO output The Max pulse frequency is 50.0 kHz. See 0 ◎
P06.27–P06.31 for detailed information of the
related functions.
1: Open collector pole output. See P06.02 for

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
detailed information of the related functions.
P06.01 Y1 output 0: Invalid 0 ○
P06.02 HDO output 1: In operation 0 ○
2: Forward rotation operation
P06.03 Relay RO1 output 1 ○
3: Reverse rotation operation
4: Jogging operation
5: The VFD fault
6: Frequency degree test FDT1
7: Frequency degree test FDT2
8: Frequency arrival
9: Zero speed running
10: Upper limit frequency arrival
11: Lower limit frequency arrival
12: Ready for operation
13: In pre-exciting
14: Overload pre-alarm
15: Underload pre-alarm
16: Completion of simple PLC stage
17: Completion of simple PLC cycle
18: Reach set counting value
19: Reach specified counting value
P06.04 Relay RO2 output 20: External fault is valid 5 ○
21: Reserved
22: Reach running time
23: Modbus communication virtual terminals
24: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication virtual
terminals output
25: Ethernet communication virtual terminals
26: DC bus voltage established
27: Reserved 28: Pulse superposing 29: Reserved
30: Positioning finished
31: Zero returning
32: Spindle scaling
33: Speed limiting
34: Low bus voltage
35: Undervoltage stopping output

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
36: Speed/position switching finished
37–40: Reserved

The function code is used to set the pole of the

output terminal.
When the current bit is set to 0, input terminal is
Polarity of output
P06.05 When the current bit is set to 1, input terminal is 0x0 ○
Setting range: 0x0–0xF
P06.06 Y1 switch-on delay ○
P06.07 Y1 switch-off delay ○
The function code defines the corresponding delay s
HDO switch-on time of the electrical level change during the 0.000
P06.08 ○
delay programmable terminal switching on and off. s
HDO switch-off 0.000
P06.09 Y electric level ○
delay invalid s
Y valid Invalid Valid
RO1 switch-on Switch on Switch off 0.000
P06.10 delay delay ○
delay s
RO1 switch-off The setting range : 0.000–50.000s 0.000
P06.11 ○
delay Note: P06.08 and P06.08 are valid only when s
RO2 switch-on P06.00=1. 0.000
P06.12 ○
delay s
RO2 switch-off 0.000
P06.13 ○
delay s
P06.14 AO1 output 0: Running frequency 0 ○
P06.15 1: Set frequency 0 ○
AO2 output
2: Ramps reference frequency
3: Running speed
4: Output current (relative to 2 times the rated
current of the VFD)
HDO high-speed
P06.16 0 ○
pulse output 5: Output current (relative to 2 times the rated
current of the motor)
6: Output voltage (relative to 1.5 times the rated
voltage of the VFD)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
7: Output power (relative to 2 times the rated
power of the motor)
8: Set torque value (relative to 2 times the rated
torque of the motor)
9: Output torque (relative to 2 times the rated
torque of the motor)
10: Analog AI1 input value
11: Analog AI2 input value
12: Analog AI3 input value
13: Input value of high-speed pulse HDIA
14: Set value 1 of Modbus communication
15: Set value 2 of Modbus communication
16: Set value 1 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
17: Set value 2 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
18: Set value 1 of Ethernet communication
19: Set value 2 of Ethernet communication
20–21: Reserved
22: Torque current (bipolar, 100% corresponds to
10 V)
23: Excitation current (100% corresponds to 10 V)
24: Setting frequency (bipolar)
25: Ramp reference frequency (bipolar)
26: Operation speed (bipolar)
27: Reserved
Lower output limit The above function codes define the relative
P06.17 0.0% ○
of AO1 relationship between the output value and analog
Corresponding output. When the output value exceeds the range
P06.18 AO1 output of of set maximum or minimum output, it will count 0.00 V ○
lower limit according to the low-limit or upper-limit output.
Upper output limit When the analog output is current output, 1mA 100.0
P06.19 ○
of AO1 equals to 0.5 V. %
Corresponding In different cases, the corresponding analog output
P06.20 AO1 output of of 100% of the output value is different. See each ○
upper limit application for detailed information. Please refer to

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
AO1 output filter section 7.10 "Analog output" for more details. 0.000
P06.21 ○
time AO s
10V (20mA)

Lower output limit

P06.22 0.0% ○
of AO2
P06.23 AO2 output of 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 V ○
lower limit Setting range of P06.17: -300.0%–P06.19
Upper output limit Setting range of P06.18: 0.00 V–10.00 V 100.0
P06.24 ○
of AO2 Setting range of P06.19: P06.17–300.0% %
Corresponding Setting range of P06.20: 0.00 V–10.00 V
P06.25 AO2 output of Setting range of P06.21: 0.000s–10.000s ○
upper limit Setting range of P06.22: -300.0%–P06.24
AO2 output filter Setting range of P06.23: 0.00 V–10.00 V 0.000
P06.26 ○
time Setting range of P06.24: P06.22–300.0% s
Lower output limit Setting range of P06.25: 0.00 V–10.00 V
P06.27 0.00% ○
of HDO Setting range of P06.26: 0.000s–10.000s
Corresponding Setting range of P06.27: -300.0%–P06.29
P06.28 HDO output of Setting range of P06.28: 0.00–50.00 kHz ○
lower limit Setting range of P06.29: P06.27–300.0%
Upper output limit Setting range of P06.30: 0.00–50.00 kHz 100.0
P06.29 ○
of HDO Setting range of P06.31: 0.000s–10.000s %
P06.30 HDO output of ○
upper limit
HDO output filter 0.000
P06.31 ○
time s
P07 Group HMI
Name Description Default Modify
The password protection will be valid when setting
any non-zero number.
00000: Clear the previous user’s password, and
P07.00 User’s password 0 ○
make the password protection invalid.
After the set user’s password becomes valid, if the
password is incorrect, users cannot enter the
parameter menu. Only correct password can make

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
the user check or modify the parameters. Please
remember all users’ passwords.
Retreat editing state of the function codes and the
password protection will become valid in minute. If
the valid password is available, press PRG/ESC to
enter into the editing state of the function codes,
and then "" will be displayed. Unless input
right password, the operator cannot enter into it.
Note: Restoring to the default value can clear the
password, please use it with caution.
The function code determines the manner of
parameters copy.
0: No operation
1: Upload the local function parameter to the
2: Download the keypad function parameter to
local address (including the motor parameters)
3: Download the keypad function parameter to
P07.01 Parameter copy local address (excluding the motor parameter of 0 ◎
P02 and P12 group)
4: Download the keypad function parameters to
local address (only for the motor parameter of P02
and P12 group)
Note: After completing the 1–4 operations, the
parameter will come back to 0 automatically; the
function of upload and download excludes the
factory parameters of P29.
0: No function
1: Jogging. Press QUICK/JOG to begin the
jogging running.
2: Shift the display state by the shifting key. Press
QUICK/JOG to shift the displayed function code
P07.02 from right to left. 1 ◎
function selection
3: Shift between forward rotations and reverse
rotations. Press QUICK/JOG to shift the direction
of the frequency commands. This function is only
valid in the keypad commands channels.
4: Clear UP/DOWN settings. Press QUICK/JOG

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
to clear the set value of UP/DOWN.
5: Coast to stop. Press QUICK/JOG to coast to
6: Shift the given manner of running commands.
Press QUICK/JOG to shift the given manner of
running commands.
7: Quick commission mode (commission according
to the non-factory parameter)
Note: Press QUICK/JOG to shift between forward
rotation and reverse rotation, the VFD does not
remember the state after shifting during powering
off. The VFD will run in the running direction set
according to parameter P00.13 during next
powering on.
When P07.06=6, set the shifting sequence of
running command channels.
Shifting sequence
0: Keypad control→terminals control
selection of
P07.03 →communication control 0 ○
1: Keypad control←→terminals control
2: Keypad control←→communication control
3: Terminals control←→communication control
STOP/RST is valid for stop function. STOP/RST is
valid in any state for the fault reset.
0: Only valid for the keypad control
P07.04 1: Both valid for keypad and terminals control 0 ○
2: Both valid for keypad and communication
3: Valid for all control modes
BIT0: Running frequency (Hz on)
BIT1: Set frequency (Hz flickering)
BIT2: Bus voltage (Hz on)
Parameters state 0x03F
P07.05 BIT3: Output voltage (V on) ○
1 F
BIT4: Output current (A on)
BIT5: Running rotation speed (rpm on)
BIT6: Output power (% on)
BIT7: Output torque (% on)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
BIT8: PID reference (% flickering)
BIT9: PID feedback value (% on)
BIT10: Input terminals state
BIT11: Output terminals state
BIT12: Torque set value (% on)
BIT13: Pulse counter value
BIT14: Length value
BIT15: PLC and the current stage in multi-step
BIT0: AI1 (V on)
BIT1: AI2 (V on)
BIT2: AI3 (V on)
BIT3: HDI frequency
Parameters state 0x000
P07.06 BIT4: Motor overload percentage (% on)
2 0
BIT5: VFD overload percentage (% on)
BIT6: Ramp frequency given value (Hz on)
BIT7: Linear speed
BIT8: AC inlet current (A on)
BIT9–15: Reserved
BIT0: Set frequency (Hz on, frequency flickering
BIT1: Bus voltage (V on)
BIT2: Input terminals state
BIT3: Output terminals state
BIT4: PID reference (% flickering)
BIT5: PID feedback value (% flickering)
Parameters for BIT6: Torque reference (% flickering) 0x00F
P07.07 ○
stopping state BIT7: AI1 (V on) F
BIT8: AI2 (V on)
BIT9: AI3 (V on)
BIT10: HDI frequency
BIT11: PLC and the current stage in multi-step
BIT12: Pulse counters
BIT13: Length value
BIT14–BIT15: Reserved
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Frequency 0.01–10.00
P07.08 1.00 ○
coefficient Displayed frequency=running frequency* P07.08
Rotation speed 100.0
P07.09 Mechanical rotation speed =120*displayed running ○
coefficient %
frequency×P07.09/motor pole pairs
Linear speed 0.1–999.9%
P07.10 1.0% ○
coefficient Linear speed= Mechanical rotation speed×P07.10
Rectifier bridge
P07.11 module -20.0–120.0°C ●
Inverter module
P07.12 -20.0–120.0°C ●
P07.13 Software version 1.00–655.35 ●
P07.14 accumulative 0–65535h ●
running time
MSB of power Display the power used by the VFD.
P07.15 ●
consumption The power consumption of the VFD
LSB of power
P07.16 Setting range of P07.15: 0–65535 kWh (*1000) ●
Setting range of P07.16: 0.0–999.9 kWh
P07.17 Reserved Reserved ●
P07.18 Rated VFD power 0.4–3000.0 kW ●
P07.19 Rated VFD voltage 50–1200 V ●
P07.20 Rated VFD current 0.1–6000.0A ●
P07.21 Factory barcode 1 0x0000–0xFFFF ●
P07.22 Factory barcode 2 0x0000–0xFFFF ●
P07.23 Factory barcode 3 0x0000–0xFFFF ●
P07.24 Factory barcode 4 0x0000–0xFFFF ●
P07.25 Factory barcode 5 0x0000–0xFFFF ●
P07.26 Factory barcode 6 0x0000–0xFFFF ●

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: No fault
1: Inverter unit phase protection (OUt1)
2: Inverter unit V phase protection (OUt2)
3: Inverter unit W phase protection (OUt3)
4: ACC overcurrent (OC1)
5: DEC overcurrent (OC2)
P07.27 Current fault type 6: Constant-speed overcurrent (OC3) ●
7: ACC overvoltage (OV1)
8: DEC overvoltage (OV2)
9: Constant-speed overvoltage (OV3)
10: Bus undervoltage (UV)
11: Motor overload (OL1)
12: VFD overload (OL2)
13: Input side phase loss (SPI)
14: Output side phase loss (SPO)
15: Overheat of the rectifier module (OH1)
16: Overheat fault of the inverter module (OH2)
17: External fault (EF)
Type of the last 18: 485 communication fault (CE)
P07.28 19: Current detection fault (ItE) ●
20: Motor autotune fault (tE)
21: EEPROM operation fault (EEP)
22: PID response offline fault (PIDE)
23: Brake unit fault (bCE)
24: Running time arrival (END)
Type of the last 25: Electrical overload (OL3)
P07.29 ●
but one fault 26: Panel communication fault (PCE)
Type of the last 27: Parameter uploading fault (UPE)
P07.30 ●
but two fault 28: Parameter downloading fault (DNE)
Type of the last 29: PROFIBUS communication fault (E-DP)
P07.31 ●
but three fault 30: Ethernet communication fault (E-NET)
31: CANopen communication fault (E-CAN)
32: Grounding short circuit fault 1 (ETH1)
33: Grounding short circuit fault 2 (ETH2)
Type of the last
P07.32 34: Speed deviation fault (dEu) ●
but four fault
35: Maladjustment (STu)
36: Undervoltage fault (LL)
37: Encoder offline fault (ENC1O)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
38: Encoder reverse fault (ENC1D)
39: Encoder pulse Z offline fault (ENC1Z)
43: Motor overtemperature fault (OT)
P07.33 Running frequency at present fault ●
P07.34 Ramp reference frequency at present fault
P07.35 Output voltage at present fault 0V
P07.36 Output current at present fault 0.0 A
P07.37 Bus voltage at present fault 0.0 V
P07.38 Max temperature at present fault 0.0°C
P07.39 Input terminal state at present fault 0 ●
P07.40 Output terminal state at present fault 0 ●
P07.41 Running frequency at last fault ●
P07.42 Ramp reference frequency at last fault ●
P07.43 Output voltage at last fault 0V ●
P07.44 Output current at last fault 0.0 A ●
P07.45 Bus voltage at last fault 0.0 V ●
P07.46 Max temperature at last fault 0.0°C ●
P07.47 Input terminals state at last fault 0 ●
P07.48 Output terminal state at last fault 0 ●
P07.49 Running frequency at last but one fault ●
P07.50 Output voltage at last but one fault ●
P07.51 Output current at last but one fault 0V ●
P07.52 Output current at last but one fault 0.0 A ●
P07.53 Bus voltage at last but one fault 0.0 V ●
P07.54 Highest temperature at last but one fault 0.0°C ●
P07.55 Input terminal state at last but one fault 0 ●
P07.56 Output terminal state at last but one fault 0 ●

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P08 Group Enhanced functions
Name Description Default Modify
P08.00 ACC time 2 on ○
P08.01 DEC time 2 on ○
For detailed definition, see the description of
P00.11 and P00.12.
Four groups of ACC and DEC time are defined for
P08.02 ACC time 3 on ○
the Goodrive35 series. You can set the ACC and
DEC time through the corresponding multi-function
digital input terminals (in the P05 group). For the
P08.03 DEC time 3 on ○
Goodrive35 series VFD, the default setting is the
first group of ACC and DEC time.
Setting range: 0.0–3600.0s
P08.04 ACC time 4 on ○
P08.05 DEC time 4 on ○
This parameter is used to set the reference
frequency of the VFD during jogging.
P08.06 Jogging frequency 5.00 Hz ○
Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P08.07 indicates the time the VFD takes to Depend
P08.07 Jogging ACC time accelerate from 0 Hz to P00.03 (max. output on ○
frequency). model
P08.08 indicates the time the VFD takes to
decelerate from P00.03 (max. output frequency) to Depend
P08.08 Jogging DEC time 0 Hz. on ○
Setting range: 0.0–3600.0s
Jumping 0.00
P08.09 When the set frequency is in the range of jumping ○
frequency 1 Hz
frequency, the VFD will run at the edge of the
Jumping 0.00
P08.10 jumping frequency. ○
frequency range 1 Hz
The VFD can avoid the mechanical resonance
Jumping 0.00
P08.11 point by setting the jumping frequency. The VFD ○
frequency 2 Hz
can set three jumping frequency. But this function
Jumping 0.00
P08.12 will be invalid if all jumping points are 0. ○
frequency range 2 Hz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Jumping Set frequency f 0.00
P08.13 1/2* jump amplitude 3 ○
frequency 3 Jump
frequency 3
1/2* jump amplitude 3

1/2* jump amplitude 2

frequency 2 1/2* jump amplitude 2

1/2* jump amplitude 1

Jumping Jump 0.00
P08.14 frequency 1 1/2* jump amplitude 1 ○
frequency range 3 Hz
Time t

Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output

Overvoltage stall
P08.15 Setting range: 0.0–1000.0 12.0 ○
modulator gain
ASR differential
P08.16 Setting range: 0.00–10.00s 0.00 s ○
Limit the max. inertia compensation torque to
Max torque of prevent the inertia compensation torque from
P08.17 inertia being too large. 20.0% ○
compensation Setting range: 0.0–150.0% (rated torque of the
Inertia Filter times of inertia compensation torque is used
P08.18 compensation to smooth the inertia compensation torque. 7 ○
filter times Setting range: 0–10
High-frequency In the closed-loop vector control mode (P00.00=3),
P08.19 ACR proportional when the running frequency is lower than the ACR 1000 ○
coefficient high frequency switching point (P08.21), the ACR
High-frequency PI parameters are P03.09 and P03.10; and when
P08.20 ACR integral the running frequency is higher than the ACR high 1000 ○
coefficient frequency switching point, the ACR PI parameters
are P08.19 and P08.20.
ACR high Setting range of P08.19: 0–20000
P08.21 frequency Setting range of P08.20: 0–20000 ○
switching point Setting range of P08.21: 0.0–100.0% (relative max
Because of the friction, it is necessary to set
identification torque for normal inertia
P08.22 identification 10.0% ◎
0.0–100.0% (rated torque of the motor)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: No operation
1: Starting identification: press "RUN" to enter into
P08.23 the program after starting identification until display 0 ◎
"-END-"; the identified system inertia is saved in
The identified system inertia can be set manually
when the system inertia is known. The displayed
P08.24 System inertia system inertia may be less than 0.001kgm2 for the ○
motors below 1 kW.
Setting range: 0.000–30.000 kgm2
Identifying the system inertia correctly and
Inertia enabling the inertia compensation can improve the
P08.25 compensation dynamic response of the system. 0 ○
enabled 0: Enabled
1: Disabled
Ones: Enabling
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Stopping Tens: Voltage selection
P08.26 protection for 0: Internal setting 0x00 ○
undervoltage 1: P8.27 setting
After the valid undervoltage stopping, the VFD will
decelerate to stop according to the DEC time set
by P08.05.
Stopping voltage 450.0
P08.27 Setting range: 250.0–1000.0 V ○
for undervoltage V
Automatic fault Automatic fault reset times: When the VFD selects
P08.28 0 ○
reset times automatic fault reset, it is used to set the times of
automatic reset, if the continuous reset times
exceeds the value set by P08.28, the VFD will
report fault and stop to wait for repair.
Interval of automatic fault reset: Select the interval
Interval time of
time from when fault occurred to automatic fault
P08.29 automatic fault 1.0 s ○
reset actions.
After VFD starts, if no fault occurred during 60s,
the fault reset times will be zeroed out.
Setting range of P08.28: 0–10
Setting range of P08.29: 0.1–3600.0s

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Frequency The output frequency of the VFD changes as the
decreasing ratio of load. And it is mainly used to balance the power 0.00
P08.30 ○
the dropping when several VFDs drive one load. Hz
control Setting range: 0.00–50.00 Hz
Goodrive35 supports the shift between two motors.
This function is used to select the shifting channel.
LED ones: shifting channel
P08.31 Motor shifting 0 ◎
0: Terminal shifting; digital terminal is 35
1: Modbus communication shifting
2: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication shifting
FDT1 electrical When the output frequency exceeds the
P08.32 level detection corresponding frequency of FDT electrical level, ○
value the multi-function digital output terminals will
FDT1 retention output the signal of "frequency level detect FDT"
P08.33 5.0% ○
detection value until the output frequency decreases to a value
FDT2 electrical lower than (FDT electrical level—FDT retention
P08.34 level detection detection value) the corresponding frequency, the ○
value signal is invalid. Below is the waveform diagram:
Output frequency f
FDT level FDT lag

Time t

RO1, RO2 Time t

FDT2 retention
P08.35 Setting range of P08.32: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. 5.0% ○
detection value
output frequency)
Setting range of P08.33: -200.0–100.0% (FDT1
electrical level)
Setting range of P08.34: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max.
output frequency)
Setting range of P08.35: -200.0–100.0% (FDT2
electrical level)
When the output frequency is among the positive
Amplitude value or negative detection range of the set frequency,
P08.36 for frequency the multi-function digital output terminal will output ○
arrival detection the signal of "frequency arrival", see the diagram
below for detailed information:

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Output frequency

Set Detection amplitude


Time t

RO1, RO2
Time t

The setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output

This parameter is used to control the internal brake
pipe inside the VFD.
Energy brake
P08.37 0: Disable 1 ○
1: Enable
Note: Only applied to internal brake pipe.
380 V
Set the starting bus voltage of dynamic brake,
adjust this value properly to brake the load
Threshold voltage 700.0 V
P08.38 effectively. The default value changes with ○
of dynamic brake 660 V
voltage level
Setting range: 200.0–2000.0 V
Cooling fan 0: Normal mode
P08.39 0 ○
running mode 1: The fan keeps running after power on
LED ones: PWM mode setting
0: PWM mode 1, 3PH and 2PH modulation
1: PWM mode 2, 3PH modulation
LED tens: Low-speed carrier frequency limiting
P08.40 PWM selection 0x001 ◎
0: Reducing the carrier frequency at low speed,
limiting the carrier frequency to 4 kHz when the
machine runs at low speed. This mode is valid only
for the closed-loop vector mode (P00.00=3).
1: No reducing the carrier frequency at low speed
Hundreds place: Dead-zone compensation
method setting
0: Method 1
1: Method 2 97
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Ones: Overmodulation selection
0: Invalid
P08.41 Overmodulation 0x01 ◎
1: Valid
Tens: Heavy overmodulation factor
LED ones: Frequency enable selection
0: Both ∧ / ∨ keys and digital potentiometer
adjustments are valid
1: Only ∧/∨ keys adjustment is valid
2: Only digital potentiometer adjustments is valid
3: Neither ∧/∨ keys nor digital potentiometer
adjustments are valid
LED tens: Frequency control selection
0: Only valid when P00.06=0 or P00.07=0
Keypad data 1: Valid for all frequency setting manner 0x000
P08.42 ○
control 2: Invalid for multi-step speed when multi-step 0
speed has the priority
LED hundreds: Action selection during stopping
0: Setting is valid
1: Valid during running, cleared after stopping
2: Valid during running, cleared after receiving the
stop command
LED thousands: ∧ / ∨ keys and digital
potentiometer integral function
0: The integral function is valid
1: The integral function is invalid
Integral ratio of
P08.43 keypad 0.01–10.00 s ○

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
LED ones: frequency control selection
0: UP/DOWN terminals setting valid
1: UP/DOWN terminals setting valid
LED tens: frequency control selection
0: Only valid when P00.06=0 or P00.07=0
UP/DOWN 1: All frequency means are valid
P08.44 0x000 ○
terminals control 2: When the multi-step are priority, it is invalid to
the multi-step
LED hundreds: action selection when stop
0: Setting valid
1: Valid in the running, clear after stop
2: Valid in the running, clear after receiving the
stop commands

UP terminals
P08.45 frequency 0.01–50.00 Hz/s ○
changing ratio

DOWN terminals
P08.46 frequency 0.01–50.00 Hz/s ○
changing ratio
LED ones: Action selection when power off.
0: Save when power off
1: Clear when power off
LED tens: Action selection when Modbus set
frequency off
Frequency setting
P08.47 0: Save when power off 0x000 ○
at power loss
1: Clear when power off
2: Clear when stop
LED hundreds: The action selection when other
frequency set frequency off
0: Save when power off
1: Clear when power off
MSB of initial This parameter is used to set the original value of
P08.48 power the power consumption. 0° ○
consumption The original value of the power consumption

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
LSB of initial =P08.48*1000+ P08.49
P08.49 power Setting range of P08.48: 0–59999 kWh (k) 0.0° ○
consumption Setting range of P08.49: 0.0–999.9 kWh
This function code is used to enable magnetic flux.
0: Invalid.
100–150: The bigger the coefficient, the stronger
the brake is.
This VFD is used to increase the magnetic flux to
decelerate the motor. The energy generated by the
motor during brake can be converted into heat
energy by increasing the magnetic flux.
The VFD monitors the state of the motor
Magnetic flux
P08.50 continuously even during the magnetic flux period. 0 ●
So the magnetic flux can be used in the motor
stop, as well as to change the rotation speed of the
motor. Its other advantages are:
Brake immediately after the stop command. It does
not need to wait the magnetic flux weaken.
Better cooling for motors. The current of the stator
other than the rotor increases during magnetic flux
brake, while the cooling of the stator is more
effective than the rotor.
Current regulation This function code is used to adjust the displayed
P08.51 coefficient on current of the AC input side. 0.56 ○
input side Setting range: 0.00–1.00
P09 Group PID control
Name Description Default Modify
When the frequency command selection (P00.06,
P00. 07) is 7 or the voltage setting channel
selection (P04.27) is 6, the running mode of the
VFD is procedure PID controlled.
PID reference The parameter determines the target given
P09.00 0 ○
source channel during the PID procures.
0: Keypad (P09.01)
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
4: HDI
5: Multi-step speed set
6: Modbus communication set
7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication set
8: Ethernet communication set
9: Reserved
The setting target of procedure PID is a relative
one, 100% of the setting equals to 100% of the
response of the controlled system.
The system is calculated according to the relative
value (0–100.0%).
Multi-step speed reference, it is realized by setting
P10 group parameters. PROFIBUS, Ethernet and
CANopen communication setting need
corresponding extension cards.
When P09.00=0, set the parameter whose basic
Keypad PID
P09.01 value is the response value of the system. 0.0% ○
The setting range: -100.0%–100.0%
Select the PID channel by the parameter.
0: AI1
1: AI2
2: AI3
3: HDI
PID feedback
P09.02 4: Modbus communication feedback 0 ○
5: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication feedback
6: Ethernet communication feedback
7: Reserved
Note: The reference and feedback channel cannot
coincide, otherwise, PID cannot control effectively.
0: PID output is positive: when the feedback signal
exceeds the PID given value, the output frequency
of the VFD will decrease to balance the PID. For
example, the strain PID control during winding.
P09.03 PID output feature 1: PID output is negative: When the feedback 0 ○
signal is stronger than the PID given value, the
output frequency of the VFD will increase to
balance PID. For example, the strain PID control
during unwinding.
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
The function is applied to the proportional gain P of
PID input.
P determines the strength of the whole PID
adjuster. The parameter of 100 means that when
Proportional gain
P09.04 the offset of PID feedback and given value is 1.00 ○
100%, the adjusting range of PID adjustor is the
Max frequency (ignoring integral and differential
Setting range: 0.00–100.00
This parameter determines the speed of PID
adjustor to carry out integral adjustment on the
deviation of PID feedback and reference.
When the deviation of PID feedback and reference
is 100%, the integral adjustor works continuously
P09.05 Integral time (Ti) after the time (ignoring the proportional effect and 1.00 s ○
differential effect) to achieve max. output
frequency (P00.03) or the max voltage (P04.31).
Shorter the integral time, stronger is the
Setting range: 0.00–50.00s
This parameter determines the strength of the
change ratio when PID adjustor carries out integral
adjustment on the deviation of PID feedback and
If the PID feedback changes 100% during the time,
Differential time
P09.06 the adjustment of integral adjustor (ignoring the 0.00 s ○
proportional effect and differential effect) is max.
output frequency (P00.03) or the max voltage
(P04.31). Longer the integral time, stronger is the
Setting range: 0.00–10.00s
This parameter means the sampling cycle of the
feedback. The adjustor operates each sampling
Sampling cycle 0.001
P09.07 cycle. The longer the sapling cycle is, the slower ○
(T) s
the response is.
Setting range: 0.001–1.000 s
PID control The output of PID system is the maximum
P09.08 0.0% ○
deviation limit deviation relative to closed-loop reference. As
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
shown in the diagram below, PID adjustor stops to
work during the deviation limit. Set the function
properly to adjust the accuracy and stability of the


Time t

frequency f

Time t

Setting range: 0.0–100.0%

Output upper limit This parameter is used to set the upper and lower 100.0
P09.09 ○
of PID limit of the PID adjustor output. %
100.0 % corresponds to max. output frequency
Output lower limit (P00.03) or the max voltage of (P04.31) -50.0
P09.10 ○
of PID Setting range of P09.09: P09.10–100.0% %
Setting range of P09.10: -100.0%–P09.09
Detection value of Set the detection value of feedback offline, when
P09.11 0.0% ○
feedback offline the feedback detection value is smaller than or
equals to the detected value, and the lasting time
exceeds the set value in P09.12, the VFD will
report "PID feedback offline fault" and keypad will
display PIDE.
Output frequency f
t1<t2, so the VFD continues running
Detection time of t2=P09.12
P09.12 1.0 s ○
feedback offline
Time t

t1 t2
Running Fault output PIDE

Setting range of P09.11: 0.0–100.0%

Setting range of P09.12: 0.0–3600.0 s
P09.13 PID adjustment 0x001 ○
LED ones:

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: Keep on integral adjustment when the frequency
achieves the upper and low limit; the integration
shows the change between the reference and the
feedback unless it reaches the internal integral
limit. When the trend between the reference and
the feedback changes, it needs more time to offset
the impact of continuous working and the
integration will change with the trend.
1: Stop integral adjustment when the frequency
achieves the upper and low limit. If the integration
keeps stable, and the trend between the reference
and the feedback changes, the integration will
change with the trend quickly.
LED tens: P00.08 is 0
0: The same with the setting direction; if the output
of PID adjustment is different from the current
running direction, the internal will output 0 forcedly.
1: Opposite to the setting direction; if the output of
PID adjustment is different from the current
running direction, operate the close-loop
adjustment output that is opposite to current
running direction..
LED hundreds: P00.08 is 0
0: Limit to the maximum frequency
1: Limit to frequency A
P09.14 PID deviation limit 0.0–200.0% ○
PID command of
P09.15 0.0–1000.0s 0.0 s ○
ACC/DEC time
PID output filter 0.000
P09.16 0.000–10.000s ○
time s
P09.17 PID pre-setting -100.0–100.0% 0.0% ○
P10 Group Simple PLC and multi-step speed control
Name Description Default Modify
0: Stop after running once. The VFD has to be
P10.00 Simple PLC 0 ○
commanded again after finishing a cycle.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
1: Run at the final value after running once. After
finish a signal, the VFD will keep the running
frequency and direction of the last run.
2: Cycle running. The VFD keeps running until
receiving a stop command, then system will stop.
0: Power loss without memory
Simple PLC
P10.01 1: Power loss with memory; PLC record the 0 ○
running stage and frequency when power loss.
P10.02 Multi-step speed 0 0.0% ○
Running time of The frequency setting range of stage 0–15:
P10.03 0.0 s ○
step 0 -100.0–100.0%, 100.0% of the frequency setting
P10.04 Multi-step speed 1 corresponds to max. output frequency P00.03. 0.0% ○
The operation time setting of stage 0–15: the time
The running time
P10.05 unit is determined by P10.37.. 0.0 s ○
of step 1
When selecting simple PLC running, set
P10.06 Multi-step speed 2 0.0% ○
P10.02–P10.33 to define the running frequency
The running time
P10.07 and time of all stages. 0.0 s ○
of step 2
Note: The symbol of multi-step determines the
P10.08 Multi-step speed 3 0.0% ○
running direction of simple PLC. The negative
The running time value means reverse rotation.
P10.09 0.0 s ○
of step 3 Deceleration time P10.28
(two sections)
P10.04 P10.30
P10.10 Multi-step speed 4 P10.02
0.0% ○
The running time
P10.11 Acceleration time 0.0 s ○
of step 4 (two sections)

P10.12 Multi-step speed 5 0.0% ○

P10.03 P10.05 P10.07 P10.31 P10.33
The running time
P10.13 If multi-step speed operation is selected, multi-step 0.0 s ○
of step 5
speeds are in the range of --fmax–fmax and it can be
P10.14 Multi-step speed 6 0.0% ○
set continuously. The start/stop of multi-step
The running time
P10.15 running is also determined by P00.01. 0.0 s ○
of step 6
Goodrive35 series VFDs can set 16 stages speed,
P10.16 Multi-step speed 7 0.0% ○
selected by the combination of multi-step terminals
The running time 1–4 (select the setting by S terminals, the
P10.17 0.0 s ○
of step 7 corresponding function codes are
P10.18 Multi-step speed 8 P05.01–P05.09), corresponding to the speed 1 to 0.0% ○
The running time speed 15.
P10.19 0.0 s ○
of step 8

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Output frequency
P10.20 Multi-step speed 9 3
0.0% ○
The running time 6 14

P10.21 7 13
t 0.0 s
of step 9 8
9 11
Multi-step speed
P10.22 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON t 0.0% ○
10 Terminal 1
Terminal 2
The running time
P10.23 Terminal 3
ON ON t 0.0 s ○
of step 10
ON t
Terminal 4
Multi-step speed
P10.24 0.0% ○
11 When terminal 1, 2, 3, 4=OFF, the frequency input
The running time mode is selected via P00.06 or P00.07. When
P10.25 0.0 s ○
of step 11 terminal 1, 2, 3, and 4 are not off, they run at
Multi-step speed multi-step which takes precedence of keypad,
P10.26 0.0% ○
12 analog value, high-speed pulse, PLC, and
The running time communication frequency input.
P10.27 0.0 s ○
of step 12 The relation between terminal 1, 2, 3, 4 and
Multi-step speed multi-step speed is as following:
P10.28 0.0% ○

Running time of Terminal 2 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON

P10.29 0.0 s ○
step 13 Terminal 3 OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON

Multi-step speed Terminal 4 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF
P10.30 0.0% ○
14 Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Running time of Terminal 1 OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON

P10.31 0.0 s ○
step 14 Terminal 2 OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON

Multi-step speed Terminal 3 OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON

P10.32 0.0% ○
15 Terminal 4 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON
Running time of Step 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
P10.33 0.0 s ○
step 15
Simple PLC 0–7 Below is the detailed instruction:
P10.34 step ACC/DEC Functio ACC/ ACC/ ACC/ ACC/ ○
Binary bit Step 0
time n code DEC 0 DEC 1 DEC 2 DEC 3

BIT1 BIT0 0 00 01 10 11

BIT3 BIT2 1 00 01 10 11
Simple PLC 8–15
BIT5 BIT4 2 00 01 10 11 0x000
P10.35 step ACC/DEC P10.34 ○
BIT7 BIT6 3 00 01 10 11 0
BIT9 BIT8 4 00 01 10 11

BIT11 BIT10 5 00 01 10 11

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
BIT13 BIT12 6 00 01 10 11

BIT15 BIT14 7 00 01 10 11

BIT1 BIT0 8 00 01 10 11

BIT3 BIT2 9 00 01 10 11

BIT5 BIT4 10 00 01 10 11

BIT7 BIT6 11 00 01 10 11
BIT9 BIT8 12 00 01 10 11

BIT11 BIT10 13 00 01 10 11

BIT13 BIT12 14 00 01 10 11

BIT15 BIT14 15 00 01 10 11

After users select the corresponding ACC/DEC

time, the combining 16 binary bit can be changed
into hexadecimal bit, and then set the
corresponding function codes.
ACC/DEC time 1 is set by P00.11 and P00.12;
ACC/DEC time 2 is set by P08.00 and P08.01;
ACC/DEC time 3 is set by P08.02 and P08.03;
ACC/DEC time 4 is set by P08.04 and P08.05.
Setting range: 0x0000–0xFFFF
0: Restart from the first step; stop during running
(cause by the stop command, fault or power loss),
run from the first stage after restart.
1: Continue to run from the stop frequency; stop
P10.36 PLC restart 0 ◎
during running (cause by stop command and fault),
the VFD will record the running time automatically,
enter into the stage after restart and keep the
remaining running at the setting frequency.
0: Seconds; the running time of all steps is counted
Multi-step time by second
P10.37 0 ◎
unit 1: Minutes; the running time of all steps is counted
by minute

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P11 Group Protective parameters
Name Description Default Modify
LED ones:
0: Input phase loss protection disable
1: Input phase loss protection enable
Phase loss
P11.00 LED tens: 11 ○
0: Output phase loss protection disable
1: Output phase loss protection enable
Note: The default value is 0x10 for models below
2.2 kW
0: Enable
P11.01 sing at sudden 0 ○
1: Disable
power loss
Setting range: 0.00 Hz/s–P00.03 (max. output
After the power loss of the grid, the bus voltage
drops to the sudden frequency-decreasing point,
the VFD begin to decrease the running frequency
at P11.02, to make the VFD generate power again.
The returning power can maintain the bus voltage
Frequency to ensure a normal running of the VFD until the
decreasing ratio at recovery of power. 10.00
P11.02 ○
sudden power Voltage degree 380 V 660 V Hz/s
loss Frequency-decreasin
460 V 800 V
g threshold
1. Adjust the parameter properly to avoid the
stopping caused by VFD protection during the
switching of the grid.
2. Prohibition of input phase loss protection can
enable this function.
Overvoltage stall 0: Disable
P11.03 0 ○
protection 1: Enable

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
DC bus voltage V

Overvoltage stall

Time t

Time t

Voltage protection 120–150% (standard bus voltage) (380 V) 136%

P11.04 of overvoltage ○
120–150% (standard bus voltage) ( 660 V) 120%
The actual increasing ratio of motor speed is lower
than the ratio of output frequency because of the
big load during ACC running. It is necessary to
Current limit take measures to avoid overcurrent fault and the
P11.05 1 ◎
action selection VFD trips.
Ones: current limit setting
0: Invalid
1: Valid
During the running of the VFD, it will detect the
output current and compare it with the limit level
Automatic current 160.0
P11.06 defined in P11.06. If it exceeds the level, the VFD ◎
limit %
will run at stable frequency in ACC running, or the
VFD will derate to run during the constant running.
If it exceeds the level continuously, the output
frequency will keep on decreasing to the lower
limit. If the output current is detected to be lower
than the limit level, the VFD will accelerate to run.
Output current A
P11.07 sing ratio during ◎
Time t
current limit Output frequency f


Acceleration speed

Time t

Setting range of P11.06: 50.0–200.0%

Setting range of P11.07: 0.00–50.00 Hz/s
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Overload The output current of the VFD or the motor is
P11.08 pre-alarm of above P11.09 and the lasting time is beyond 0x000 ○
motor/VFD P11.10, overload pre-alarm will be output.
Output current

Overload Overload pre-alarm


P11.09 pre-alarm 150% ○

Time t

Pre-alarm time t Pre-alarm time t

RO1, RO2

Time t

Setting range of P11.08:

Enable and define the overload pre-alarm of the
VFD and the motor.
Setting range: 0x000–0x131
LED ones:
0: Overload/underload pre-alarm for the motor,
relative to the rated current of the motor
1: Overload/underload pre-alarm for the VFD,
relative to the rated current of the VFD
Overload LED tens:
P11.10 pre-alarm 0: The VFD continues to work after an 1.0 s ○
detection time overload/underload pre-alarm is generated.
1: The VFD continues to work after an underload
pre-alarm is generated, and stops after an
overload fault is reported.
2: The VFD continues to work after an overload
pre-alarm is generated, and stops after an
underload fault is reported.
3: The VFD stops after an overload/underload fault
is reported.
LED hundreds:
0: Detection all the time
1: Detection in constant-speed running
Setting range of P11.09: P11.11–200%
Setting range of P11.10: 0.1–3600.0s
P11.11 Underload If the VFD current or the output current is lower 50% ○

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
pre-alarm than P11.11, and its lasting time is beyond P11.12,
detection the VFD will output underload pre-alarm signal.
Underload Setting range of P11.11: 0–P11.09
P11.12 pre-alarm Setting range of P11.12: 0.1–3600.0s 1.0 s ○
detection time
Select the action of fault output terminals on
undervoltage and fault reset.
LED ones:
Output terminal
P11.13 0: Action under fault undervoltage 0x00 ○
action during fault
1: No action under fault undervoltage
LED tens:
0: Action during the automatic reset
1: No action during the automatic reset
Speed deviation 0.0–50.0%
P11.14 10.0% ●
detection Set the speed deviation detection time
This parameter is used to see the speed deviation
detection time.
Note: Speed deviation protection will be invalid if
P11.15 is set to 0.0.

Actual detection
Speed deviation
P11.15 Set detection
1.0 s ○
detection time

t1 t2 Time t

Running Fault output dEu

T1<t2, so the VFD continues running

Setting range: 0.0–10.0s

Open loop vector 0: Invalid
P11.16 and VF 0 Hz 1: Valid; ensure rated output torque when voltage 0 ○
output drop

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P12 Group Motor 2 parameters
Name Description Default Modify
0: AM
1: SM
P12.00 Motor type 2 0 ◎
Note: Switch the current motor by the switching
channel of P08.31.
Set the parameter of Depend
Rated power of
P12.01 0.1–3000.0 kW the controlled AM. on ◎
AM 2
In order to ensure the model
Rated frequency 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. controlling 50.00
P12.02 ◎
of AM 2 output frequency) performance, set the Hz
P12.01–P12.05 Depend
Rated speed of according to the name
P12.03 1–36000 rpm on ◎
AM 2 plate of the AM. model
Goodrive35 series Depend
Rated voltage of VFDs provide the
P12.04 0–1200 V on ◎
AM 2 function of parameter model
autotuning. Correct
parameter autotuning
comes from the correct
setting of the motor
name plate.
In order to ensure the
performance, please
configure the motor
according to the Depend
Rated current of
P12.05 0.8–6000.0 A standard principles, ifon ◎
AM 2
the gap between the model
motor and the standard
one is huge, the
features of the VFD will
Note: Reset the rated
power of the motor
(P12.01), and initialize
the motor parameter of

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Stator resistor of
P12.06 0.001–65.535 Ω After finish the motor on ○
AM 2
parameter autotuning, model
the set value of Depend
Rotor resistor of
P12.07 0.001–65.535 Ω P12.06–P12.10 will on ○
AM 2
renew automatically. model
Leakage These parameters are Depend
P12.08 inductance of AM 0.1–6553.5 mH basic parameters on ○
2 controlled by vectors model
which directly impact Depend
Mutual inductance
P12.09 0.1–6553.5 mH the features. on ○
of AM 2
Note: Userscannot model
modify the parameters Depend
Non-load current freely.
P12.10 0.1–6553.5 A on ○
of AM 2
P12.11 0.0–100.0% 85.0% ○
coefficient 1 for
iron core of AM2
P12.12 0.0–100.0% 75.0% ○
coefficient 2 for
iron core of AM2
P12.13 0.0–100.0% 68.0% ○
coefficient 3 for
iron core of AM2
P12.14 0.0–100.0% 40.0% ○
coefficient 4 for
iron core of AM2
Set the parameter of Depend
Rated power of
P12.15 0.1–3000.0 kW the controlled AM. on ◎
SM 2
In order to ensure the model
Rated frequency 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. controlling 50.00
P12.16 ◎
of SM 2 output frequency) performance, set the Hz
Number of poles P12.15–P12.19
P12.17 1–128 2 ◎
pairs for SM 2 according to the name
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
plate of the AM. Depend
Rated voltage of
P12.18 0–1200 V Goodrive35 series on ◎
SM 2
VFDs provide the model
function of parameter Depend
autotuning. Correct on ◎
parameter autotuning model
comes from the correct
setting of the motor
name plate.
In order to ensure the
performance, please
configure the motor
Rated current of according to the
P12.19 0.8–6000.0 A
SM 2 standard principles, if Depend
the gap between the on ◎
motor and the standard model
one is huge, the
features of the VFD will
Note: Reset the rated
power of the motor
(P12.15), and initialize
the motor parameter of
P12.16– P12.19.
After finish the motor Depend
Stator resistor of
P12.20 0.001–65.535 Ω parameter autotuning, on ○
SM 2
the set value of model
Direct axis P12.20–P12.22 will Depend
P12.21 inductance of SM 0.01–655.35 mH renew automatically. on ○
2 These parameters are model
Quadrature axis basic parameters
P12.22 inductance of SM 0.01–655.35 mH controlled by vectors
2 which directly impact
the features.
When P00.15=2, the set
When P00.15=1, the
Back EMF value of P12.23 cannot
P12.23 set value of P12.23 can 320 ○
constant of SM 2 be updated by
be updated through
autotuning, please count
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
according to the following automatically, and
method. there is no need to
The counter- change the value of
electromotive force P12.23; when
constant can be counted P00.15=2, the set
according to the value of P12.23 cannot
parameters on the name be updated through
plate of the motor. There autotuning, please
are three ways to count: account and update the
1. If the name plate value of P12.23.
designate the Note: Users cannot
counter-electromotive modify the parameters
force constant Ke, then: freely.
E= (Ke*nN*2π)/ 60
2. If the name plate
designate the
force constant E’
(V/1000r/min), then:
3. If the name plate does
not designate the above
parameters, then:
In the above formulas: nN
is the rated rotation
speed, P is the rated
power and I is the rated
Setting range: 0–10000
Initial pole position 0x000
P12.24 0–FFFFH (reserved) ●
of SM 2 (reserved) 0
0%–50% (the rated current of the motor)
P12.25 current of SM 2 10% ●

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: No protection
Motor 2 overload 1: Common motor (with low speed compensation)
P12.26 2 ◎
protection 2: Variable-frequency motor (without low speed
Motor overload multiple M = Iout/(In × K)
In is the rated current of the motor, Iout is the
output current of the VFD and K is the motor
overload protection coefficient.
The smaller K is, the greater M is, and the more
likely protection is implemented.
When M=116%, protection is performed after
motor overload lasts for 1 hour; when M=150%,
protection is performed after motor overload lasts
for 12 minutes; when M=180%, protection is

Motor 2 overload performed after motor overload lasts for 5 minutes;

P12.27 protection when M=200%, protection is performed after motor 100.0 ○
overload lasts for 60 seconds; and when M ≥ %
400%, protection is performed immediately.
Time (min)



Motor overload
5 multiple
116% 150% 180% 200%

Setting range: 20.0%–120.0%

P12.28 Reserved
0: Display according to the motor type: only the
parameters relative to the current motor type are
Parameter display displayed for the convenient for the customers in
P12.29 0 ○
of motor 2 this mode.
1: All parameters are displayed: all parameters are
displayed in this mode.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P13 Group SM control
Name Description Default Modify
P13.00 coefficient of 0.0–100.0% (rated current of the motor) 80.0% ◎
source current
0: No test
Original pole test
P13.01 1: High-frequency superposition (reserved) 0 ◎
2: Pulse superposition (reserved)
Source current is the positioning current of the
magnetic pole position. Source current 1 is valid
under the frequency point of current shifting.
P13.02 Source current 1 20.0% ○
Increasing the value can raise the starting torque.
Setting range: 0.0%–100.0% (rated current of the
Source current is directional current of the
magnetic pole position. Source current 2 is valid
under the frequency point of current shifting. There
P13.03 Source current 2 10.0% ○
is no need to modify the value generally.
Setting range: 0.0%–100.0% (rated current of
Shift frequency of
P13.04 0.0%–80.0% (max frequency) 20.0% ○
source current
P13.05 Reserved
P13.06 superposing 0.0–300.0% (rated voltage of the motor) ◎
P13.07 Control parameter 0 0.0–400.0% 0.0% ○
P13.08 Control parameter 1 0x0000–0xFFFF ○
P13.09 Control parameter 2 0.00–655.35 2.00 ○
Initial angle
compensation of
P13.10 0.0–359.9 0.0 ○
Adjust the response of anti-maladjustment. Bigger
Maladjustment load inertia may increase the value, but the
P13.11 0.5 s ○
detection time response will be slower.
Setting range: 0.0–10.0 s
High-frequency When the motor speed is faster than the rated
P13.12 0.0% ○
compensation speed, the parameter is valid, if vibration occurs to

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
coefficient of the motor, please adjust the parameter.
synchronous Setting range: 0.0–100.0%
Brake current of When P01.00=0 during the starting of the VFD, set
P13.13 0.0% ○
short-circuit P13.14 to a non-zero value to enter the short
Brake retention circuit brake.
P13.14 time before When the running frequency is lower than P01.09 0.0 s ○
starting during the stopping of the VFD, set 13.15 to a
non-zero value to enter into stopping short
circuited brake and then carry out the DC brake at
The brake the time set by P01.12 (refer to the instruction of
P13.15 retention time P01.09–P01.12) . 0.0 s ○
when stopping Setting range of P13.13: 0.0–150.0% (the VFD)
Setting range of P13.14: 0.0–50.0s
Setting range of 13.15: 0.0–50.0s
P14 Group Serial communication
Name Description Default Modify
The setting range: 1–247
When the master is writing the frame, the
communication address of the slave is set to 0; the
address is the communication address. All slaves
Local on the Modbus fieldbus can receive the frame, but
P14.00 communication the salve doesn’t answer. 1 ○
address The communication of the drive is unique in the
communication net. This is the fundamental for the
point to point communication between the upper
monitor and the VFD.
Note: The address of the slave cannot set to 0.
Set the digital transmission speed between the
upper monitor and the VFD.
0: 1200 BPS
1: 2400 BPS
Communication 2: 4800 BPS
P14.01 4 ○
baud ratio 3: 9600 BPS
4: 19200 BPS
5: 38400 BPS
6: 57600 BPS
7: 115200 BPS

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Note: The baud rate between the upper PC and
the VFD must be the same. Otherwise, the
communication is not applied. The bigger the baud
rate, the quicker the communication speed.
The data format between the upper monitor and
the VFD must be the same. Otherwise, the
communication is not applied.
0: No check (N, 8, 1) for RTU
P14.02 Digital bit check 1: Even check (E, 8, 1) for RTU 1 ○
2: Odd check (O, 8, 1) for RTU
3: No check (N, 8, 2) for RTU
4: Even check (E, 8, 2) for RTU
5: Odd check (O, 8, 2) for RTU
0–200 ms
The interval time when the VFD receives the data
and sent it to the upper monitor. If the answer
delay is shorter than the system processing time,
P14.03 Answer delay then the answer delay time is the system 5 ms ○
processing time, if the answer delay is longer than
the system processing time, then after the system
deal with the data, waits until achieving the answer
delay time to send the data to the upper monitor
0.0 (invalid), 0.1–60.0 s
When the function code is set as 0.0, the
communication overtime parameter is invalid
When the function code is set as non-zero, if the
Fault time of
interval time between two communications
P14.04 communication 0.0 s ○
exceeds the communication overtime, the system
will report "485 communication faults" (CE).
Generally, set it as invalid; set the parameter in the
continuous communication to monitor the
communication state.
0: Alarm and stop freely
1: No alarm and continue to run
Transmission fault 2: No alarm and stop according to the stop mode
P14.05 0 ○
processing (only under the communication control)
3: No alarm and stop according to the stop mode
(under all control modes)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
LED ones:
0: Write with response: the VFD will respond to all
reading and writing commands of the upper
1: Write without response: the VFD only responds
to the reading command rather than the writing
command of the drive, thus improving
communication efficiency.
P14.06 LED tens: 0x000 ○
0: Communication encrypting invalid
1: Communication encrypting valid
LED hundreds:
0: Function code parameters changed by
communication are stored during Poff;
1: Function codes are stored based on the MSB of
communication address (1 or 0), which means the
function codes will be stored during Pof if the MSB
is 1 or stored immediately if the MSB is 0.
P15 Group PROFIBUS/CANopen function
Name Description Default Modify
P15.00 Module type 1: CANopen 0 ◎
Select communication protocol
This function code is used to designate the
address of the VFD.
Note: 0 is the broadcast address, when set it as
P15.01 Module address broadcast address, only receive the radio 2 ◎
command of the upper monitor other than
answering the upper monitor. After the function
code has been modified, it takes effect only after
you power off to restart.
P15.02 PZD2 receiving 0 ○
0: Invalid
P15.03 PZD3 receiving 1: Setting frequency (0–Fmax (unit: 0.01 Hz)) 0 ○
P15.04 PZD4 receiving 2: PID reference, range (0–1000, 1000 0 ○
corresponds to 100.0%)
P15.05 PZD5 receiving 0 ○

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
P15.06 PZD6 receiving 3: PID feedback, range (0–1000, 1000 0 ○
corresponds to 100.0%)
P15.07 PZD7 receiving 0 ○
4: Torque setting (-3000–3000, 1000 corresponds
P15.08 PZD8 receiving 0 ○
to 100.0% the rated current of the motor)
P15.09 PZD9 receiving 5: Upper frequency of forward rotation 0 ○
P15.10 PZD10 receiving (0–Fmax unit: 0.01 Hz)) 0 ○
6: Upper frequency of reverse rotation (0–Fmax
P15.11 PZD11 receiving 0 ○
(unit: 0.01 Hz))
7: Electromotion torque upper limit (0–3000, 1000
corresponds to 100.0% of the rated current of the
8: Brake torque upper limit (0–2000, 1000
corresponds to 100.0% of the rated current of the
9: Virtual input terminals command
Range: 0x000–0x1FF
10: Virtual output terminals command
Range: 0x00–0x0F
11: Voltage setting value (special for V/F
separation) (0–1000,1000 corresponds to 100.0%
P15.12 PZD12 receiving the rated voltage of the motor) 0 ○
12: AO output set value 1 (-1000–+1000, 1000
corresponds to 100.0%)
13: AO output set value 2 (-1000–+1000, 1000
corresponds to 100.0%)
14: MSB of position reference (signed digit)
15: LSB of position reference (unsigned digit)
16: MSB of position feedback (signed digit)
17: LSB of position feedback (unsigned digit)
18: Position feedback setting flag (Position
feedback can be set only after you set this flag to 1
first and then set it to 0.)
19–20: Reserved
P15.13 PZD2 sending 0 ○
0: Invalid
P15.14 PZD3 sending 1: Running frequency (*100, Hz) 0 ○
P15.15 PZD4 sending 2: Setting frequency (*100, Hz) 0 ○
3: Bus voltage (*10, V)
P15.16 PZD5 sending 0 ○

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
P15.17 PZD6 sending 4: Output voltage (*1, V) 0 ○
5: Output current (*10, A)
P15.18 PZD7 sending 0 ○
6: Output torque actual value (*10, %)
P15.19 PZD8 sending 0 ○
7: Output power actual value (*10, %)
P15.20 PZD9 sending 8: Running rotating speed (*1, RPM) 0 ○
P15.21 PZD10 sending 9: Running linear speed (*1, m/s) 0 ○
10: Ramp reference frequency
P15.22 PZD11 sending 0 ○
11: Fault code
12: AI1 value (*100, V)
13: AI2 value (*100, V)
14: AI3 value (*100, V)
15: PULSE frequency value (*100, kHz)
16: Terminals input state
17: Terminals output state
P15.23 PZD12 sending 18: PID given (*100, %) 0 ○
19: PID feedback (*100, %)
20: Motor rated torque
21: MSB of position reference (signed digit)
22: LSB of position reference (unsigned digit)
23: MSB of position feedback (signed digit)
24: LSB of position feedback (unsigned digit)
25: State words
P15.24 variable 1 for PZD 0–65535 0 ○
0.0 (invalid), 0.1–60.0s
When this function code is set as 0.0, this function
is invalid.
Fault time of DP
When the function code is set as nonzero value, if
P15.25 communication 0.0 s ○
the internal time between two communication
exceeds the communication overtime, the system
will report "PROFIBUS communication fault"
0.0 (invalid),0.1–60.0 s
Fault time of
When this function code is set as 0.0, this function
P15.26 is invalid 0.0 s
When the function code is set as nonzero value, if
the internal time between two communication

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
exceeds the communication overtime, the system
will report "CANopen communication fault"
Set the data transmission rate.
0: 1000 k
1: 800 k
2: 500 k
3: 250 k
CANopen baud
P15.27 4: 125 k
rate 0 ●
5: 100 k
6: 50 k
7: 20 k
Note: After the function code has been modified, it
takes effect only after you power off to restart.
P16 Group Ethernet function
Name Description Default Modify
0: Self-adapting
1: 100M full duplex
2: 100M semiduplex
Speed setting of 3: 10M full duplex
P16.00 Ethernet 4: 10M semiduplex 0 ◎
communication The function code is used to set the Ethernet
communication speed.
Note: After the function code has been modified, it
takes effect only after you power off to restart.
P16.01 IP address 1 0–255 192 ◎
Set the IP address of Ethernet communication
P16.02 IP address 2 168 ◎
The format of IP address:
P16.03 IP address 3 0 ◎
For example: IP address is
P16.04 IP address 4 Note: After function codes have been modified, 1 ◎
they take effect only after you power off to restart.
P16.05 Subnet mask 1 0–255 255 ◎
Set the subnet mask of Ethernet communication.
P16.06 Subnet mask 2 255 ◎
The format of IP subnet mask:
P16.07 Subnet mask 3 255 ◎
P16.08 Subnet mask 4 For example: The mask is 0 ◎

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Note: After function codes have been modified,
they take effect only after you power off to restart.
P16.09 Gateway 1 192 ◎
P16.10 Gateway 2 0–255 168 ◎
P16.11 Gateway 3 Set the gateway of Ethernet communication 1 ◎
P16.12 Gateway 4 1 ◎
P17 Group Status viewing
Name Description Default Modify
Display current set frequency of the VFD 0.00
P17.00 Setting frequency ●
Range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 Hz
Display current output frequency of the VFD 0.00
P17.01 Output frequency ●
Range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 Hz
Display current ramp reference frequency of the
Ramp reference 0.00
P17.02 VFD ●
frequency Hz
Range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03
Display current output voltage of the VFD
P17.03 Output voltage 0V ●
Range: 0–1200 V
Display present output current of the VFD
P17.04 Output current 0.0 A ●
Range: 0.0–5000.0 A
Display the rotation speed of the motor.
P17.05 Motor speed 0 RPM ●
Range: 0–65535 RPM
Display present torque current of the VFD
P17.06 Torque current 0.0 A ●
Range: -3000.0–3000.0 A
Display present exciting current of the VFD
P17.07 Exciting current 0.0 A ●
Range: -3000.0–3000.0 A
Display present power of the motor.
P17.08 Motor power Setting range: -300.0%–300.0% (rated power of the 0.0% ●
Display the current output torque of the VFD;
100% relative to rated torque of the motor. During
forward running, the positive value is the motoring
P17.09 Output torque state while the negative value is generating state. 0.0% ●
During reverse running, the positive value is the
generating state while the negative value is the
motoring state.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Range: -250.0–250.0%
Evaluate the motor rotor frequency on closed-loop
Evaluated motor 0.00
P17.10 vector ●
frequency Hz
Range: 0.00–P00.03
Display current DC bus voltage of the VFD
P17.11 DC bus voltage 0.0 V ●
Range: 0.0–2000.0 V
Display present digital input terminals state of the
Digital input
P17.12 HDI S8 S7 S6 0 ●
terminals state
S5 S4 S3 S2 S1
Range: 0000–01FF
Display present digital output terminals state of the
Digital output
P17.13 BIT3 BIT2 BIT1 BIT0 0 ●
terminals state
Range: 0000–000F
Display the adjustment via the VFD keypad 0.00
P17.14 Digital adjustment ●
Range : 0.00 Hz–P00.03 Hz
Display the torque given, the percentage to the
current rated torque of the motor.
P17.15 Torque reference 0.0% ●
Setting range: -300.0%–300.0% (rated current of
the motor)
AI1 adjustment Display A1 adjustment voltage.
P17.16 0.00 V ●
voltage 0.00–10.00 V
AI2 adjustment Display A2 adjustment voltage.
P17.17 0.00 V ●
voltage 0.00–10.00 V
AI3 adjustment Display A3 adjustment voltage.
P17.18 0.00 V ●
voltage 0.00–10.00 V
Display analog AI1 input signal
P17.19 AI1 input voltage 0.00 V ●
Range: 0.00–10.00 V
Display analog AI2 input signal
P17.20 AI2 input voltage 0.00 V ●
Range: 0.00–10.00 V
Display analog AI3 input signal
P17.21 AI3 input voltage 0.00 V ●
Range: -10.00–10.00 V

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
HDI input Display HDI input frequency 0.00
P17.22 ●
frequency Range: 0.00–50.00 kHz kHz
Display PID reference value.
P17.23 PID reference 0.0% ●
Range: -100.0–100.0%
Display PID feedback value
P17.24 PID feedback 0.0% ●
Range: -100.0–100.0%
Power factor of Display the current power factor of the motor.
P17.25 0.00 ●
the motor Range: -1.00–1.00
Current running Display the current running time of the VFD.
P17.26 0 min ●
time Range: 0–65535 min
Simple PLC and
Display simple PLC and the current stage of the
the current step of
P17.27 multi-step speed 0 ●
the multi-step
Range: 0–15
This parameter is used to display the output value
of the automatic speed regulator (ASR). The value
ASR controller
P17.28 is relative to the rated torque of the motor. 0.0% ●
Range: -300.0%–+300.0% (the rated torque of the
initial identification
Display initial identification angle of synchronous
angle of
P17.29 machine 0.0 ●
Range: 0.0–359.9
Display SM phase compensation
P17.30 compensation of 0.0 ●
Range: -180.0–180.0
P17.31 Reserved
P17.32 Reserved
Display the exciting current reference in the vector
Exciting current
P17.33 control mode 0.0 A ●
Range: -3000.0–3000.0 A
Display the torque current reference in the vector
Torque current
P17.34 control mode 0.0 A ●
Range: -3000.0–3000.0 A
Display the value of inlet current in AC side
P17.35 AC current 0.0 A ●
Range: 0.0–5000.0 A

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Display the output torque value. During forward
running, the positive value is the motoring state
while the negative value is generating state. During
P17.36 Output torque reverse running, the positive value is the ●
generating state while the negative value is the
motoring state.
Range : -3000.0Nm–3000.0 Nm
P17.37 PID deviation -100.0%–100.0% 0.0% ●
P17.38 PID output –200.00%–200.00% 0.00% ●
Wrong download
P17.39 0.00–29.00 0.00 ●
of parameters
P18 Group States viewing 2
Name Description Default Modify
P18.00 is the actual frequency of the encoder. If
Actual frequency
the motor rotates forward, the value is positive; if
P18.00 detected by the 0.0 Hz ●
the motor rotates reverse, the value is negative.
Range: -3276.8–3276.7 Hz
Position counting of the encoder, 4 times of the
Position counting
P18.01 frequency 0 ●
of the encoder
Range: 0–65535
Pulse Z counting Pulse Z counting of the encoder
P18.02 0 ●
of the encoder Range: 0–65535
MSB of the The value will be cleared if stopping.
P18.03 0 ●
position reference Range: 0–30000
LSB of the The value will be cleared if stopping.
P18.04 0 ●
position reference Range: 0–65535
MSB of the The value will be cleared if stopping.
P18.05 0 ●
position feedback Range: 0–30000
LSB of the The value will be cleared if stopping.
P18.06 0 ●
position feedback Range: 0–65535
The deviation between reference position and
P18.07 Position deviation actual operation position. 0 ●
Range: -32768–32767
The reference position of pulse Z when spindle
P18.08 Position reference stops. 0 ●
Range: 0–65535
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Current position of Current position setting when spindle stops.
P18.09 0.00 ●
the spindle Range: 0–359.99
Current position of the spindle at the oriented
Current position at
P18.10 spindle stop. 0 ●
spindle orientation
Range: 0–65535
Display of pulse Z direction. When the spindle
stops, the stopping position of forward and reverse
rotation may have a deviation of a few pulses. After
Reverse of pulse
P18.11 adjusting the direction of pulse Z or the AB phase 0 ●
of encoder, the stopping position will be same.
0: Forward
1: Reverse
P18.12 pulse Z angle 0.00 ●
Range: 0–359.99
Fault times of Reserved
P18.13 0 ●
pulse Z Range: 0–65535
After power on, the value will be counted
MSB of encoder
P18.14 continuously. 0 ●
pulse counting
Range: 0–65535
After power on, the value will be counted
LSB of encoder
P18.15 continuously. 0 ●
pulse counting
Range: 0–65535
Pulse command (terminals A2 and B2) is
Pulse command converted into setting frequency and keeps valid in
P18.17 0.0 Hz ●
frequency pulse position mode and pulse speed mode
Range: 0.0–400.0 Hz
Pulse command (terminals A2 and B2) is
Pulse command converted into setting frequency and keeps valid in
P18.18 0.0 Hz ●
forward feedback pulse position mode and pulse speed mode
Range: 0.0–400.0 Hz
The position regulator output frequency in position
Position regulator
P18.19 control. 0.00 Hz ●
Range: 0.00–400.00 Hz
Rotary transformer counting, 0–1024.
P18.20 transformer 0 ●
Range: 0–65535

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
The magnetic position angle from the rotary
P18.21 transformer. 0.00 ●
transformer angle
Range: 0.00–359.99
Current magnetic position.
P18.22 Pole angle 0.00 ●
Range: 0.00–359.99
State control word
P18.23 Range: 0–65535 0 ●
MSB of pulse After power on, the value will be counted
P18.24 reference continuously. 0 ●
counting Range: 0–65535
LSB of pulse After power on, the value will be counted
P18.25 reference continuously. 0 ●
counting Range: 0–65535
Inertia compensation torque
P18.26 compensation 0.0% ●
Range: -100.0%–100.0%
The torque value of friction compensation.
P18.27 compensation 0.0% ●
Range: -100.0%–100.0%
The drive ratio of encoder installation shaft to
P18.28 Spindle drive ratio spindle when the spindle stops. 0.000 ●
Range: 0.000–65.535
P18.30 Reserved
P20 Group Encoder
Name Description Default Modify
0: Incremental encoder
1: ABZUVW encoder
P20.00 Encoder type 2: Resolver encoder 0 ◎
3: Sin/cos encoder without CD signal
4: Sin/cos encoder with CD signal
Pulse number when the encoder rotates a circle.
P20.01 Pulse number 1024 ◎
Range: 0–60000
Setting range: 0x000–0x111
Ones: Encoder AB direction
P20.02 Encoder direction 0x000 ◎
0: Forward
1: Reverse

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
When encoder offline fault (ENC10) or encoder
reverse fault (ENC1D) is reported, adjust this
function code to change the AB pulse direction,
removing the need of re-adjusting the wiring of AB
Tens: Pulse Z direction
0: Forward
1; Reverse
No setting required
Hundreds: Direction of magnetic pole signal
0: Forward
1: Reverse
Perform rotary autotuning on magnetic pole
position (P20.11=1 or 3), if autotuning is
succeeded, the magnetic pole signal direction will
be set automatically.
disconnection Detection time of encoder offline fault.
P20.03 1.0 s ○
fault reporting Range: 0.0–100.0 s
threshold time
Encoder reverse
running fault Detection time of encoder reverse fault.
P20.04 0.8 s ○
reporting Range: 0.0–100.0 s
threshold time
Setting range: 0x00–0x99
Number of Ones place: Number of low-speed filtering times;
P20.05 encoder detection corresponding to 2^(0–9)×125 μs 0x33 ○
filtering times Tens place: Number of high-speed filtering times;
corresponding to 2^(0–9)×125 μs
When the encoder is not mounted on the shaft of
Rotating speed
the motor and the drive ratio is not 1, you need to
P20.06 ratio of the motor 1.000 ○
set this parameter.
to encoder
Setting range: 0.001–65.535
Setting range: 0x0000–0xFFFF
Generally, you do not need to modify this
P20.07 parameter. 0x0003 ○
parameters of SM
Bit0: Enabling pulse Z calibration
Bit1: Enabling encoder angle calibration

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Bit2: Enabling SVC speed measurement
Bit3: Setting resolver speed measurement mode
Bit4: Setting pulse Z capture mode
Bit12: Deleting pulse Z arrival signal when the
machine is stopped
ENC1Z indicates pulse Z disconnection fault.
When the spindle orientation function is used or an
incremental encoder is used for the synchronous
Enabling pulse Z
machine, you can enable pulse Z detection to
P20.08 disconnection 0 ○
prevent inaccurate orientation or synchronous
machine control failure caused due to pulse Z loss.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Electrical degree between pulse Z of the encoder
Initial angle of
P20.09 and the magnetic pole position of the motor. 0.00 ○
pulse Z
Setting range: 0.00–359.99
Electrical degree between the position of the
encoder and the magnetic pole position of the
P20.10 Pole initial angle motor. 0.00 ○

Setting range: 0.00–359.99

Setting range: 0–3
0: No operation
1: Rotary autotuning (no load)
2: Static autotuning (fit for resolver and sin/cos
3: Rotary autotuning (loaded)
Autotuning of After setting the value to 1 or 2, the keypad will
P20.11 magnetic pole display "-RUN-", then press "RUN" to begin the 0 ◎
initial angle autotuning until the keypad display "-END-". The
identified initial angle is saved in P20.09 and
The pole initial angle obtained from rotary
autotuning 1 is more accurate. Generally it is
necessary to de-couple the motor or lighten the
motor load for rotary autotuning.
Encoder signal
P20.12 Range: 0.0–20.0us 0.5 us ○
filter width

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
0: Disabled
P20.13 optimization 0–1 ◎
1: Enabled
P21 Group Position control
Name Description Default Modify
Setting range: 0x00–0x21
Ones: Control mode setting, setting the position
control mode in closed-loop vector control.
0: Speed control
1: Position control
Tens: Position command source
0: Pulse string, adopting terminal pulse signals A2
and B2 to implement positioning control
1: Digital position. Positioning through P21.17 and
the positioning modes can be set through P21.16
2: Photoelectric switch positioning. After the
terminal receives the signal (set S8 to 43), the
stopping positioning begins and the stopping
distance is set through P21.17.
Hundreds: Reserved
P21.00 Positioning mode Thousands: Servo mode
Bit0:Position deviation mode
0: Unbiased
1: Biased
Bit1:Servo enabled
0: Disabled (Terminal enabled)
1: Enabled
Under the pulse string positioning mode or the
spindle positioning mode, Servo enable signal is
valid, the VFD will run into the servo mode, if there
is no servo enable signal, the VFD needs to
receive the forward or reverse run command to
perform the servo operation mode.
Bit2:Speed exchange position mode
0: First stop and the switch
1: Direct switching

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Setting range: 0x0000–0x3133
Pulse command in pulse position mode
Ones: pulse mode
0: A/B quadrature pulse, A is forward to B
2: A: Positive PULSE
3: A: Negative PULSE
Tens: Pulse direction
Bit0: Direction setting
0: Forward
1: Reverse
Bit1: Pulse direction determined by the operation
P21.01 Pulse command direction 0x0000 ◎
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Hundreds: Pulse and direction selection
0: No frequency multiplication
1: Frequency multiplication
Thousands: Pulse control
Bit0: Pulse filtering selection
0: Inertial filter
1: Moving average filtering
Bit1: Overspeed suppression
0: No suppression
1: Suppression
P21.02 APR gain 1 Two automatic position regulator (APR) gains are 20.0 ○
provided. You can switch between these two gains
through the switching mode set in P21.04. When
the spindle orientation function is used, the gains
are switched automatically, regardless of the
P21.03 APR gain 2 30.0 ○
setting of P21.04. P21.03 is used for dynamic
running, and P21.02 is used for maintaining the
locked state.
Setting range: 0.0–400.0
This parameter is used to set the APR gain
switching mode. To use torque command-based
APR gain
P21.04 switching, you need to set P21.05; and to use 0 ○
switching mode
speed command-based switching, you need to set
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
1: Torque command
2: Speed command
3–5: Reserved
Position gain Setting range: 0.0–100.0% (rated torque of the
P21.05 10.0% ○
torque shifting motor)
Position gain Setting range: 0.0–100.0% (rated torque of the
P21.06 10.0% ○
speed shifting motor)
Smooth filter
Smooth filter coefficient of position gain shifting.
P21.07 coefficient of gain 5 ○
Range: 0–15
Output limit of the position controller. If the limit
Output of the value is 0, the controller is invalid for position
P21.08 20.0% ○
position controller control, but valid for speed control.
Range: 0.0–100.0% (P00.03)
The positing finished signal of output position
Positioning when the position deviation is below P21.09 and
P21.09 10 ○
finished range the lasting time is above P21.10.
Range: 0–1000
Detection time of
P21.10 Range: 0.0–1000.0 ms 10.0 ms ○
the positioning
Used to change the corresponding relationship of
Numerator of the
adjusting position commands and actual operation
P21.11 position command 1000 ○
Range: 1–65535
Denominator of
P21.12 the position Range: 1–65535 1000 ○
command ratio
Position gain for pulse string-based position
Position reference. Generally, you do not need to modify 100.00
P21.13 ○
feedforward gain this parameter. %
Range: 0.00–120.00%
Position forward Position forward feedback filter time coefficient
P21.14 feedback filter when the position of pulse string is given. 3.0 ms ○
time coefficient Range: 0.0–3200.0 ms
Position Filter time coefficient of position reference for pulse
P21.15 command filter string. 0.0 ms ◎
time coefficient Range: 0.0–3200.0 ms

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Bit 0: Positioning mode
0: Relative position
1: Absolute position (origin point)
Bit1: Cyclic positioning setting. You can enable
positioning through a terminal (function no. 55) or
choose automatic cyclic positioning. Terminals
support only the enabling of continuous
positioning, and automatic cyclic positioning can
be set to cyclic positioning or reciprocating
positioning through Bit2 of P21.16.
0: Terminal-based cyclic positioning
1: Automatic cyclic positioning
Bit 2: Cyclic mode, valid in the automatic cyclic
positioning mode
0: Continuous
1: Reciprocating
Bit 3: P21.17 digital setting mode. Users can select
incremental or position type. The incremental type
Digital positioning
P21.16 indicates that P21.17 needs to be conducted again 0x0000 ○
after each positioning is enabled. When the
position reference bit command is enabled, the
displacement is set through P21.17. When P21.17
is changed, new position is be positioned
0: Incremental mode
1: Position mode
Bit 4: Origin searching mode. This function is
0: Searching for the origin only for once
1: Searching for the origin in every time of running
Bit 5: Origin calibration mode. This function is
0: Calibration in real time
1: One-time calibration
Bit 6: Positioning completion signal setting. You
can set the positioning completion signal in the
pulse or electrical level form. The positioning
completion signal is valid in the positioning
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
completion signal holding time set in P21.25.
0: Valid in the positioning completion signal holding
time (P21.25)
1: Always valid
Bit 7: First positioning setting. You can set whether
the first positioning is performed when a running
command is received. If no, the first positioning is
performed only after the positioning enabling
terminal or automatic cyclic positioning is enabled.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Bit 8: Positioning enabling signal setting (for
terminal-based cyclic positioning). In the pulse
form, after positioning is completed or in the first
positioning, the jump edge of the positioning
enabling terminal needs to be detected for
performing positioning. In the electrical level mode,
after positioning is completed or in the first
positioning, positioning is performed after it is
detected that the positioning enabling terminal is
switched on.
0: Pulse signal
1: Electrical level signal
Bit 9: Position source
0: Set in P21.17
1: PROFIBUS/CANopen setting
Set the position place of digital setting
Location figures
P21.17 Actual position =P21.17*P21.11/P21.12 0 ○
Positioning speed setting
0: P21.19 digital setting
Positioning speed 1: AI1 setting
P21.18 0 ○
setting 2: AI2 setting
3: AI3 setting
4: HDI setting
Digital setting of Select the positioning speed
P21.19 20.0% ○
positioning speed Range: 0.1–100.0% of the max frequency

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Positioning ACC Set the ACC/DEC time during the positioning
P21.20 3.00s ○
time Position ACC time is the interval time accelerating
from 0 Hz to P00.03
Position DEC time is the interval time decelerating
Positioning DEC
P21.21 from P00.03 to 0 Hz 3.00s ○
Setting range of P21.20: 0.01–300.00s
Setting range of P21.21: 0.01–300.00s
Set the hold waiting time after arriving to the target
Hold time of
P21.22 position 0.100s ○
positioning arrival
Range: 0.000–60.000 s
Origin search Reserved.
P21.23 2.00 Hz ○
speed 0.00–50.00 Hz
Origin position Reserved.
P21.24 0 ○
offset Range: 0–64000
The hold time of positioning complete signal and
Hold time of
also valid to the positioning complete signal of
P21.25 positioning 0.200 s ○
spindle stopping
complete signal
Range: 0.000–60.000 s
Pulse P21.26: -9999–32767
P21.26 superposition P21.27: 0–3000.0/ ms 0 ○
value The functions are valid when P00.06=12 or
1. Input terminal function 50 (pulse superposition
If the terminal rising edge is detected, the pulse
setting is increased by the value specified by
P21.26. Pulses are compensated to the pulse
setting channel at the rate specified by P21.27.
Pulse 2. Input terminal function 31 (pulse ascending)
P21.27 8.0/ ms ○
superposition rate If the terminal is valid, pulses are superposed to
the pulse setting channel at the rate specified by
Note: P05.11 may impose a slight impact on the
actual superposition value.
P21.27 = 1.0/ms
P5.05 = 31

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
If terminal S5 input signal lasts 0.5s, the actual
superposed pulse count is 500.
3. Input terminal function 32 (pulse descending)
The timing sequence of this function is similar to
that of the previous one, but the superposed
pulse count in this function is a negative number.
Note: The pulses are superposed to A2 and B2
of the pulse setting channel. The functions such
as pulse filtering and electronic gear are still valid
for superposed pulses.
4. Output terminal function 28 (pulse
The output terminal is valid during pulse
superposing, but it is invalid after pulse
ACC/DEC time
P21.28 after pulse Range: 0.00–300.00 s 0.50 s ○
Filter time When P00.06=12 or P00.07=12, it is the filter time
P21.29 constant of speed constant detected by pulse string 10.0 ms ○
feedforward Range: 0–3200.0 ms
Ones: Enabling selection
0: Terminal enabling (terminal function 58)
1: Internal enabling
P21.30 Rigid tapping 0x00 ◎
Tens: Analog port selection
0: AI3
1: AI1
2: AI2
Range: 1–65535
P21.31 Electronic gear 2 1000 ○
It can be selected through terminal function 28.
P21.32 frequency of rigid Range: 0.0–400.00 Hz ○
Pulse setting
P21.34 Range: 0.0–20.0 us 0.5 us ○
signal filter width

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters
P22 Group Spindle positioning
Name Description Default Modify
Setting range: 0x0000–0xFFFF
Bit0: Enable spindle positioning. This parameter is
used to enable the spindle orientation function.
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
Bit1: Spindle positioning reference point. You can
set pulse Z of the encoder or a photoelectric switch
(setting S6/S7 to function #43) to function as the
reference point for spindle orientation.
0: Pulse Z input
1: S6/S7/S8 terminal input
Bit2: Searching reference point setting. You can
set whether to search for the reference point in
every time of running.
0: Searching only for once
1: Searching in every time of running
Bit3: Enabling reference point calibration
0: Disabled
Spindle position
P22.00 1: Enabled 0x0000 ○
Bit4: Positioning mode 1, setting the direction for
spindle orientation
0: Position at the set direction
1: Position at the nearest direction
Bit5: Position mode 2. When Bit4 is set to 0, you
can set forward or reverse orientation.
0: Forward position
1: Reverse position
Bit6: Zero-point returning form
0: Electrical level form. The positioning commands
(zero-point returning and indexing) can be
executed only when a running command is
1: Pulse form. The positioning commands
(zero-point returning and indexing) can be
executed without a running command. If a running
command is received, the operation mode is
automatically switched to speed control mode.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Bit7: Reference point calibration mode, setting
whether to perform position calibration every time
when the reference point is passed.
0: Calibrated when the reference point is passed
for the first time
1: Calibrated in real time
Bit8: Reserved
Bit9: Positioning completion signal setting
0: Electrical level signal
1: Pulse signal
Bit10: Pulse Z signal source
0: From the motor
1: From the spindle
Bit 11–15: Reserved
Speed for searching for the orientation start
position point. After the orientation start position
Spindle point is found, the operation mode is switched to 10.00
P22.01 ○
orientation speed the position control mode and orientation is Hz
Range: 0.00–100.00 Hz
DEC time in spindle orientation.
It indicates the time the VFD takes to decelerate
P22.02 orientation DEC 3.0 s ○
from the max. output frequency (P00.03) to 0 Hz.
Setting range: 0.0–100.0s
You can set 4 spindle zero-point positions through
Spindle zero-point
P22.03 terminals (functions #46 and 47). 0 ○
position 0
Range: 0–39999
Spindle zero-point
P22.04 Range: 0–39999 0 ○
position 1
Spindle zero-point
P22.05 Range: 0–39999 0 ○
position 2
Spindle zero-point
P22.06 Range: 0–39999 0 ○
position 3
You can set 7 spindle indexing angles through
Spindle indexing
P22.07 terminals (function #48, 49, and 50). 15.00 ○
angle 1
Range: 0.00–359.99

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Function parameters

Name Description Default Modify
Spindle indexing
P22.08 Range: 0.00–359.99 30.00 ○
angle 2
Spindle indexing
P22.09 Range: 0.00–359.99 45.00 ○
angle 3
Spindle indexing
P22.10 Range: 0.00–359.99 60.00 ○
angle 4
Spindle indexing
P22.11 Range: 0.00–359.99 90.00 ○
angle 5
Spindle indexing
P22.12 Range: 0.00–359.99 120.00 ○
angle 6
Spindle indexing
P22.13 Range: 0.00–359.99 180.00 ○
angle 7
This parameter is used to set the deceleration ratio
of the spindle to shaft where the encoder is
P22.14 Spindle drive ratio 1.000 ○
Range: 0.000–30.000
P22.15 is used to set the zero-point offset of the
Spindle zero-point spindle. If you set P22.03 as the zero point of the
P22.15 communication spindle, the final zero point of the spindle is P22.03 0 ○
setting plus P22.15.
Range: 0–39999

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Chapter 7 Basic operation instruction

7.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter describes the internal function mode of the VFD in details.

 Check all terminals are connected properly and tightly.

 Check that the power of the motor corresponds to that of the VFD.

7.2 First powering on

Check before powering on

Please check according to the installation list in Chapter 2.

Original powering operation

Check to ensure there is no mistake in wiring and power supply, switch on the air switch of the AC
power supply on the input side of the VFD to power on the VFD. will be displayed on the
keypad, and the contactor closes normally. When the character on the nixie tubs changes to the set
frequency, the VFD has finished the initialization and it is in the stand-by state.

LED displays “88888”and Stand-by state

7 indicators are on.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Below diagram shows the first operation: (take motor 1 as the example)

Power on after right wiring

Restore to the factory


Motor type selection


Set P02.01~P02.05 Set P02.15~P02.19

Press QUICK/JOG to jog

If the rotation direction is wrong, power

off to change the wires and repower on

Set autotuning

Set P00.15=2 to achieve

Set P00.15=1 to achieve Set P00.15=3 to achieve
static autotuning 1
rotation autotuning static autotuning 2

Press RUN to autotune

and then stop

Set running command

channel (P00.01,P00.02)

Set running frequency

Set speed control mode


P00.00=0 P00.00=1 P00.00=2

Set P03 group parameters Set P03 group parameters Set P04 group parameters

Set P01 group parameters

Run after a run command

is received

Stop after a stop

command is received


Note: If fault occurs, please do as the "Fault Tracking". Estimate the fault reason and settle the issue.
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Besides P00.01 and P00.02, terminal command setting can also be used to set running command

Current running Multi-function terminal Multi-function

Multi-function terminal 38
command channel 36 terminal 37
Switch to communication
P00.01 Switch to keypad Switch to terminal
Keypad running Terminal running Communication running
command channel command channel command channel
Terminal running Keypad running command Communication running
command channel channel command channel
Keypad running command Terminal running
running command /
channel command channel

Note: "/" means the multi-function terminal is invalid on the current given channel.

Relative parameters table:

Name Description Default
0: Sensorless vector control mode 0 (apply to
AM and SM)
P00.00 Speed control mode 1: Sensorless vector control mode 1 (applying to 2
2: SVPWM control
0: Keypad running command
1: Terminal running command channel
P00.01 Run command channel ("LOCAL/REMOT" flickering) 0
2: Communication running command channel
0: Modbus communication channel
1: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
Communication running
P00.02 channel 0
2: Ethernet communication channel
3: Reserved
0: No operation
P00.18 1: Restore the default value 0
restore parameter
2: Cancel the fault record
0: No operation
Motor parameter 1: Rotation autotuning
P00.15 0
autotuning 2: Static autotuning 1 (autotune totally)
3: Static autotuning 2 (autotune part parameters)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
0: Asynchronous motor
P02.00 Motor type 1 1
1: Synchronous motor
Rated power of Depend on
P02.01 0.1–3000.0 kW
asynchronous motor 1 model
Rated frequency of
P02.02 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 50.00 Hz
asynchronous motor 1

Rated speed of Depend on

P02.03 1–36000 rpm
asynchronous motor 1 model

Rated voltage of Depend on

P02.04 0–1200 V
asynchronous motor 1 model
Rated current of Depend on
P02.05 0.8–6000.0 A
asynchronous motor 1 model
Rated power of Depend on
P02.15 0.1–3000.0 kW
synchronous motor 1 model
Rated frequency of
P02.16 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 50.00 Hz
synchronous motor 1
Number of poles pairs
P02.17 1–128 2
for synchronous motor 1
Rated voltage of Depend on
P02.18 0–1200 V
synchronous motor 1 model
Rated current of Depend on
P02.19 0.8–6000.0 A
synchronous motor 1 model
Multi-function digital
36: Shift the command to keypad
P05.01–P input terminals
37: Shift the command to terminals
05.09 (S1–S8,HDI) function
38: Shift the command to communication
The function code determines the manner of
parameters copy.
0: No operation
1: Upload the local function parameter to the
P07.01 Parameter copy 2: Download the keypad function parameter to 0
local address (including the motor parameters)
3: Download the keypad function parameter to
local address (excluding the motor parameter of
P02 and P12 group)
4: Download the keypad function parameters to
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
local address (only for the motor parameter of
P02 and P12 group)
0: No function
1: Jogging. Press QUICK/JOG to begin the
jogging running.
2: Shift the display state by the shifting key.
Press QUICK/JOG to shift the displayed
function code from right to left.
3: Shift between forward rotations and reverse
rotations. Press QUICK/JOG to shift the
direction of the frequency commands. This
function is only valid in the keypad commands
QUICK/JOG function
P07.02 channels. 1
4: Clear UP/DOWN settings. Press
QUICK/JOG to clear the set value of
5: Coast to stop. Press QUICK/JOG to coast to
6: Shift the given manner of running commands.
Press QUICK/JOG to shift the given manner of
running commands.
7: Quick commission mode (commission
according to the non-factory parameter)
7.3 Vector control
Because asynchronous motors have the characteristics of high stage, nonlinear, strong coupling and
various variables, the actual control of the asynchronous motor is very difficult. Vector control is
mainly used to settle this problem with the theme of that divide the stator current vector into exciting
current (the current heft generating internal magnetic field of the motor) and torque current (the
current heft generating torque) by controlling and measuring the stator current vector according to the
principles of beamed magnetic field to control the range and phase of these two hefts. This method
can realize the decoupling of exciting current and torque current to adjust the high performance of
asynchronous motors.

Goodrive35 series VFDs are embedded speedless sensor vector control calculation for driving both
asynchronous motors and synchronous motors. Because the core calculation of vector control is
based on exact motor parameter models, the accuracy of motor parameter will impact on the
performance of vector control. It is recommended to input the motor parameters and carry out
autotune before vector running.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Because the vector control calculation is very complicated, high technical theory is needed for the
user during internal autotune. It is recommended to use the specific function parameters in vector
control with cautions.



φ + ACR
Calculate im Excitation
- current Park PWM
change pulse Inverter

+ + ACR
Calculate iT Torque Uu UW UV
- - current
φ Position Uu
1wr observation UV Voltage
Speed detection
1wr UW
tion iU
Park Clark Current iV
iM change
change detection


Name Description Default
0: Sensorless vector control mode 1
1: Sensorless vector control mode 2
P00.00 Speed control mode 2
2: SVPWM control
3: Closed-loop vector control mode
0: No operation
1: Rotation autotuning
P00.15 Motor parameter autotuning 2: Static autotuning 1 (autotune totally) 0
3: Static autotuning 2 (autotune part
0: Asynchronous motor
P02.00 Motor type 1 1
1: Synchronous motor
P03.00 ASR proportional gain1 0–200.0 16.0
P03.01 ASR integral time1 0.000–10.000 s 0.200 s
Low-point frequency for
P03.02 0.00 Hz–P03.05 5.00 Hz
P03.03 ASR proportional gain 2 0–200.0 10.0
P03.04 ASR integral time 2 0.000–10.000 s 0.200 s
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
High-point frequency for
P03.05 P03.02–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 10.00 Hz
P03.06 ASR output filter 0–8 (corresponds to 0–28/10 ms) 0
Compensation coefficient of
P03.07 50%–200% 100%
electromotion slip
Compensation coefficient of
P03.08 50%–200% 100%
brake slip
P03.09 ACR proportional coefficient P 0–20000 1000
P03.10 ACR integral coefficient I 0–20000 1000
0: Torque control is invalid
1: Keypad setting torque (P03.12)
2: Analog AI1 setting torque
3: Analog AI2 setting torque
4: Analog AI3 setting torque
5: Pulse frequency HDI setting torque
6: Multi-step torque setting
7: Modbus communication setting torque
P03.11 Torque setting method 0
8: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
setting torque (the same as above)
9: Ethernet communication setting torque
(the same as above)
10: Reserved
Note: Setting modes 2–10, 100%
corresponds to three times of the rated
current of the motor.
P03.12 Keypad setting torque -300.0%–300.0% (rated motor current) 10.0%
P03.13 Torque reference filter time 0.000–10.000s 0.100 s
0: Keypad (P03.16)
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
Upper frequency of forward 4: Pulse frequency HDI setting upper-limit
rotation in vector control frequency
5: Multi-step setting upper-limit frequency
6: Modbus communication setting
upper-limit frequency
7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
setting upper-limit frequency
8: Ethernet communication setting
upper-limit frequency (the same as above)
Note: Setting method 0–8, 100%
corresponds to the maximum frequency.
Upper frequency of reverse 0: Keypad (P03.17)
rotation in vector control 1–8: The same as P03.14
Keypad setting for upper
P03.16 50.00 Hz
frequency of forward rotation Setting range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max.
Keypad setting for upper output frequency)
P03.17 50.00 Hz
frequency of reverse rotation
0: Keypad setting upper-limit frequency
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
Upper electromotion torque
P03.18 4: HDI
5: Modbus communication
6: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
7: Ethernet communication
Note: Set mode 1–7, 100% corresponds to
three times of the motor current.
0: Keypad (P03.21)
P03.19 Upper brake torque source
1–7: The same as P03.18
Keypad setting of
P03.20 180.0%
electromotion torque 0.0–300.0% (rated current of the motor)
P03.21 Keypad setting of brake torque 180.0%
Weakening coefficient in
P03.22 0.01–2.00 1.00
constant power zone
Lowest weakening point in
P03.23 5%–50% 10%
constant power zone
P03.24 Max voltage limit 0.0–120.0% 100.0%
P03.25 Pre-exciting time 0.000–10.000 s 0.0 s
P03.26 Weak proportional gain 0–8000 1200
Integral gain of the flux
P03.27 0–8000 1200
P03.28 Control mode of the flux 0x000–0x112 0x000

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
weakening Ones: Control mode selection
Tens: Inductance compensation selection
0: Compensate
1: Not compensate
Hundreds: High speed control mode
0: Mode 0
1: Mode 1
Ones: Torque command selection
0: Torque reference
1: Torque current reference
Tens: Torque compensation direction at 0
0: Positive
1: Negative
Hundreds: ASR integral separation setting
0: Disabled
P03.29 Torque control mode 1: Enabled 0x0001
Thousands: Torque control word setting
Bit0: Torque command filtering mode
0: Inertia filter
1: Linear ACC/DEC filtering
Bit1–2: ACC/DEC time for rotating speed
upper limit
0: No ACC/DEC time
1: ACC/DEC time 1
2: ACC/DEC time 2
3: ACC/DEC time 3
P03.30 Low-speed friction torque 0–50.0% (rated torque of the motor) 0.0%
P03.31 High-speed friction torque 0–50.0% (rated torque of the motor) 0.0%
Corresponding frequency of
P03.32 1.00 Hz–400.00 Hz 50.00 Hz
high-speed friction torque
7.4 SVPWM control
Goodrive35 series VFDs provide internal SVPWM control which can be used in the cases where it
does not need high control accuracy. It is also recommended to use SVPWM control when one VFD
drives multiple motors.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Goodrive35 series VFDs provide multiple V/F curve modes. The user can select the corresponding
V/F curve to the site needs. Or they can set the corresponding V/F curve to their own needs.


1. For the load of constant torque, such as the conveyor belt which runs linearly. It is properly to select
linear V/F curve because it needs constant torque.

2. For the load of decreasing torque, such as fans and water pumps, it is properly to select
corresponding 1.3th, 1.7th or 2th power of V/F curve because the actual torque is 2-squared or
3-squared of the rotating speed.
Output voltage

Torque step-down V/F curve (1.3 order)

Linear type
Torque step-down V/F curve (1.7 order)
Torque step-down V/F curve (2.0 order)
Square type
Output frequency

Goodrive35 series VFDs provide multi-dots V/F curve, the user can change the output V/F curve by
setting the voltage and frequency of three middle dots. The whole curve is consisted of 5 dots. The
starting dot is (0 Hz, 0 V), and the ending dot is (the basic frequency of the motor, the rated voltage
of the motor). During the setting processing: 0≤f1≤f2≤f3≤the basic frequency of the motor; 0≤ V1≤ V2≤
V3≤the rated voltage of the motor.

Output voltage



V1 frequency
f1 f2 f3

Goodrive35 series VFDs provide special function code for SVPWM control mode which can improve
the performance of SVPWM control by means of setting.

1. Torque boost

Torque boost function can effectively compensate for the performance of low speed torque during
SVPWM control. Automatic torque boost has been set by default to enable the VFD to adjust the
torque boost value based on the actual load conditions.


The torque boost takes effect only when the frequency is under the cap frequency of the boost. If the
torque boost is too big, low frequency vibration or overcurrent fault may occur to the motor. If such
situation occurs, lower the torque boost value..
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
Output voltage



2. Energy-saving running
In the actual operation, the VFD can search by itself to achieve a better effect point. The VFD can
work with high effect to save energy.
This function is usually used in the cases where the load is light or empty. If the load transients
frequently, this function is not appropriate to be selected.
3. V/F slips compensation gain
SVPWM control belongs to the open loop mode. If the load of the motor transients suddenly, the
fluctuation of the rotation speed may occur. In the cases where the high accuracy speed is needed,
slip compensation gain (internal output adjustment) can be set to compensate the speed change
caused by load fluctuation.
Setting range of slip compensation gain: 0–200%, of which 100% corresponds to rated slip frequency.
Note: Rated slip frequency= (rated synchronous rotation speed of the motor-rated rotation speed of
the motor) *number of pole pairs/60.
4. Vibration control
Motor vibration occurs frequently when applying SVPWM control mode in the cases where high
power is needed. In order to settle this problem, Goodrive35 series VFDs add two function codes
which are set to control the vibration factors. The user can set the corresponding function code
according to the vibration frequency.
Note: Bigger the set value, more effective is the control. If the set value is too big, overcurrent may
occur to the VFD.
User-defined V/F curve (V/F separation) function

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
P04.28 Keypad Voltage
Keypad setting
voltage AI1
AI3 2
3 Linear V/F curve
4 Multi-dots V/F curve
Torque-stepdown V/F curve 1
Multi-stage speed 5
(1.3 order) 2
6 Torque-stepdown V/F curve
PID (1.7 order) 3
Torque-stepdown V/F curve 4
MODBUS 8 (2.0 order)
Self-defined V/F curve
P04.29 voltage ACC time P04.31 output Max. voltage
10 P04.30 voltage DEC time P04.32 output Mini voltage P04.00 motor 1V/F curve setting
P04.27(voltage setting
channel selection) Keypad Frequency
AI3 2
Keypad setting frequency
3 V /F curve
Simple PLC 5
Multi-stage speed P00.11 ACC 1 P00.04 upper limit of the
7 running frequency
PID P00.12 DEC 1 P00.05 lower limit of the
running frequency

CAN (A frequency command selection)

When the user selects the user-defined V/F curve function in Goodrive35 series VFDs, they can set
the reference channel of voltage and frequency and the corresponding ACC/DEC time, or the two can
be combined to form a real-time curve.

Note: The application of V/F curve separation can be used in many cases with various kinds of power
supply of the VFD. But the users should set and adjust the parameters with caution. Incorrect
parameters may cause damage to the VFD.

Name Description Default
0: Sensorless vector control mode 1
1: Sensorless vector control mode 2
P00.00 Speed control mode 2
2: SVPWM control
3: Closed-loop vector control mode
P00.03 Max. output frequency P00.04–400.00 Hz 50.00 Hz
Upper limit of running
P00.04 P00.05–P00.03 50.00 Hz
Lower limit of running
P00.05 0.00 Hz–P00.04 0.00 Hz
Depend on
P00.11 ACC time 1 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P00.12 DEC time 1 0.0–3600.0 s
0: Asynchronous motor
P02.00 Motor type 1 1
1: Synchronous motor

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
Rated frequency of
P02.02 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 50.00
asynchronous motor 1
Rated voltage of Depend on
P02.04 0–1200 V
asynchronous motor 1 model
0: Straight line V/F curve
1: Multi-dots V/F curve
2: 1.3th power low torque V/F curve
P04.00 Motor 1 V/F curve setting 0
3: 1.7th power low torque V/F curve
4: 2.0th power low torque V/F curve
5: Customized V/F (V/F separation)
P04.01 Torque boost of motor 1 0.0%: (automatic) 0.1%–10.0% 0.0%
Torque boost close of 0.0%–50.0% (rated frequency of motor 1
P04.02 20.0%
motor 1 frequency)
P04.03 V/F frequency 1 of motor 1 0.00 Hz–P04.05 0.00 Hz
P04.04 V/F voltage 1 of motor 1 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
P04.05 V/F frequency 2 of motor 1 P04.03–P04.07 00.00 Hz
P04.06 V/F voltage 2 of motor 1 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
P04.07 V/F frequency 3 of motor 1 P04.05–P02.02 or P04.05–P02.16 00.00 Hz
P04.08 V/F voltage 3 of motor 1 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
V/F slip compensation
P04.09 0.0–200.0% 100.0%
gain of motor 1
Vibration control factor at
P04.10 0–100 10
low frequency of motor 1
Vibration control factor at
P04.11 0–100 10
high frequency of motor 1
Vibration control threshold
P04.12 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 30.00 Hz
of motor 1
0: Straight line V/F curve
1: Multi-dots V/F curve
2: 1.3th power low torque V/F curve
P04.13 Motor 2 V/F curve setting 0
3: 1.7th power low torque V/F curve
4: 2.0 power low torque V/F curve
5: Customized V/F (V/F separation)
P04.14 Torque boost of motor 2 0.0%: (automatic) 0.1%–10.0% 0.0%
Torque boost close of
P04.15 0.0%–50.0% (rated frequency of motor 1) 20.0%
motor 2
P04.16 V/F frequency 1 of motor 2 0.00 Hz–P04.18 0.00 Hz

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P04.17 V/F voltage 1 of motor 2 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
P04.18 V/F frequency 2 of motor 2 P04.16–P04.20 00.00 Hz
P04.19 V/F voltage 2 of motor 2 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
P04.18–P12.02 (rated frequency of AM 2) or
P04.20 V/F frequency 3 of motor 2 00.00 Hz
P04.18–P12.16 (rated frequency of SM 2)
P04.21 V/F voltage 3 of motor 2 0.0%–110.0% 00.0%
V/F slip compensation
P04.22 0.0–200.0% 100.0%
gain of motor 2
Vibration control factor at
P04.23 0–100 10
low frequency of motor 2
Vibration control factor at
P04.24 0–100 10
high frequency of motor 2
Vibration control threshold
P04.25 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 30.00 Hz
of motor 2
0: No action
P04.26 Energy-saving operation 0
1: Automatic energy-saving running
0: Keypad: the output voltage is determined
by P04.28.
1: AI1;
2: AI2;
3: AI3;
4: HDI1;
P04.27 Voltage setting 0
5: Multi-step speed;
6: PID;
7: Modbus communication;
8: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication;
9: Ethernet communication (reserved)
10: Reserved
P04.28 Keypad setting voltage 0.0%–100.0% (rated voltage of motor) 100.0%
P04.29 Voltage increasing time 0.0–3600.0s 5.0 s
P04.30 Voltage decreasing time 0.0–3600.0s 5.0 s
P04.31 Maximum output voltage P04.32–100.0% (rated voltage of motor) 100.0%
P04.32 Minimum output voltage 0.0%–P04.31 (rated voltage of motor) 0.0%
7.5 Torque control
Goodrive35 series VFDs support two kinds of control mode: torque control and rotation speed control.
The core of rotation speed is that the whole control focuses on the stable speed and ensures the
setting speed is the same as the actual running speed. The Max Load should be in the range of the
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

torque limit. The core of torque control is that the whole control focus on the stable torque and
ensures the setting torque is the same as the actual output torque. At the same time, the output
frequency is among the upper limit or the lower limit.
P00.00(speed control mode)
Speed 2
1 Starting
Keypad setting Keypad
1 Setting upper limit
AI2 Terminal function 29 Output torque
2 Torque given filter time Electro
Torque control limit
Torque control disabling motion P17.09
3 Upper
Upper limit of
4 Valid Speed limit of electro
HDI 5 control brake motion
Invali torque
Multi-stage speed 6 torque Torque
9 P17.15
Erthernet 10
Torque given Brake
Reserved P03.11
Torque setting method Keypad
0 P03.16
Keypad P03.19 1 AI1

2 AI2
0 AI3
P03.21 1
Braking torque AI2 4 HDI
upper limit keypad 2 Multi-stage speed
AI3 5
setting 3
6 Modbus
Modbus 5 Erthernet
6 Reserved
Erthernet 8 P03.15
0 Keypad P03.17
P03.20 AI1 0
1 1 AI1
2 2 AI2
3 3

5 5 Multi-stage speed
6 6 Modbus
7 7
Erthernet 8 8 Erthernet

9 Reserved

Name Description Default
0: Sensorless vector control mode 1
1: Sensorless vector control mode 2
P00.00 Speed control mode 2
2: SVPWM control
3: Closed-loop vector control mode
0: Torque control is invalid
1: Keypad setting torque (P03.11)
2: Analog AI1 setting torque (100%
corresponds to three times of the rated current
of the motor)
3: Analog AI2 setting torque (the same as
P03.11 Torque setting method 0
4: Analog AI3 setting torque (the same as
5: Pulse frequency HDI setting torque (the
same as above)
6: Multi-step torque setting (the same as
7: Modbus communication setting torque (the

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
same as above)
8: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
setting torque (the same as above)
9: Ethernet communication setting torque (the
same as above)
10: Reserved
P03.12 Keypad setting torque -300.0%–300.0% (rated current of the motor) 10.0%
Torque reference filter
P03.13 0.000–10.000 s 0.100s
0: Keypad (P03.16)
1: AI1 (100% corresponds to max. frequency)
2: AI2 (the same as above)
3: AI3 (the same as above)
4: Pulse frequency HDI (the same as above)
Upper frequency of
5: Multi-step (the same as above)
P03.14 forward rotation in 0
6: Modbus communication (the same as
vector control
7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication (the
same as above)
8: Ethernet communication (the same as
0: Keypad (P03.17)
1: AI1 (100% corresponds to max. frequency)
2: AI2 (the same as above)
3: AI3 (the same as above)
4: Pulse frequency HDI (the same as above)
Upper frequency of
5: Multi-step (the same as above)
P03.15 reverse rotation in 0
6: Modbus communication (the same as
vector control
7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication (the
same as above)
8: Ethernet communication (the same as
Keypad setting for
P03.16 upper frequency of 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 50.00 Hz
forward rotation

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
Keypad setting for
P03.17 upper frequency of 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 50.00 Hz
reverse rotation
0: Keypad setting upper-limit frequency
1: AI1 (100% corresponds to three times of the
rated current of the motor)
2: AI2 (the same as above)
3: AI3 (the same as above)
Upper electromotion
P03.18 4: HDI (the same as above) 0
torque source
5: Modbus communication (the same as
6: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication (the
same as above)
7: Ethernet communication (the same as
0: Keypad setting upper-limit frequency
1: AI1 (100% corresponds to three times of the
rated current of the motor)
2: AI2 (the same as above)
3: AI3 (the same as above)
Upper brake torque
P03.19 4: HDI (the same as above) 0
5: Modbus communication (the same as
6: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication (the
same as above)
7: Ethernet communication (the same as
Keypad setting of
P03.20 0.0–300.0% (rated current of the motor) 180.0%
electromotion torque
Keypad setting of brake
P03.21 0.0–300.0% (rated current of the motor) 180.0%
P17.09 Output torque -250.0–250.0% 0.0%
P17.15 Torque reference -300.0–300.0% (rated current of the motor) 0.0%

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

7.6 Parameters of the motor

 Physical accident may occur if the motor starts up suddenly during autotune.
Please check the safety of surrounding environment of the motor and the load
before autotune.
 The power is still applied even the motor stops running during static autotune.
Please do not touch the motor until the autotune is completed, otherwise there
would be electric shock.
 Do not carry out the rotation autotune if the motor is coupled with the load,
please do not operate on the rotation autotune. Otherwise misacts or damage
may occur to the VFD or the mechanical devices. When carry out autotune on
the motor which is coupled with load, the motor parameter won’t be counted
correctly and misacts may occur. It is proper to de-couple the motor from the
load during autotune when necessary.

Goodrive35 series VFDs can drive both asynchronous motors and synchronous motors. And at the
same time, they can support two sets of motor parameters which can shift between two motors
through multi-function digital input terminal or communication.


Select running
command channel

Terminal (P00.01=1) Keypad (P00.01=0)

P08.31 LED ones

place set to 0 Motor 1 and motor 2
switching channel
selection (P08.31) P08.31 LED ones
P08.31 LED ones
place set to 2 place set to 3
Modbus Ethernet
function 35 CANopen
communication communication
motor 1 switches to communication
P08.31 LED ones channel channel
motor 2 channel
place set to 1

Communication set
Invalid Valid
BIT0~1=00 BIT0~1=01

Motor 1 Motor 2

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

The control performance of the VFD is based on the established accurate motor model. The user
has to carry out the motor autotuning before initial running (take motor 1 as an example).


P00.01=0 (keypad control)

SM Motor type AM

P02.00=1 P02.00=0

Input motor nameplate Input motor nameplate

(P02.12~P02.19) (P02.01~P02.05)

Set autotuning mode


Set P00.15=1 Set P00.15=2 Set P00.15=3

(rotary autotuning) (static autotuning 1) (static autotuning 2)

Press “RUN”key to start


In autotuning




 Set the motor parameters according to the name plate of the motor.
 During the motor autotune, de-couple the motor form the load if rotation autotune is selected to
make the motor is in a static and empty state, otherwise the result of autotune is incorrect. The
asynchronous motors can autotune the parameters of P02.06–P02.10, while the synchronous
motors can autotune the parameters of P02.20–P02.23.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

3. During the motor autotune, do not to de-couple the motor form the load if static autotune is selected.
Because only some parameters of the motor are involved, the control performance is not as better as
the rotation autotune. The asynchronous motors can autotune the parameters of P02.06–P02.10,
while the synchronous motors can autotune the parameters of P02.20–P02.22. P02.23 (synchronous
motor 1 counter-electromotive force constant) can be counted to attain.

4. Motor autotune only involves the current motor. Switch the motor through P08.31 to carry out the
autotune on the other motor.

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Keypad running command (LED off)
1: Terminal running command channel
P00.01 Run command channel (LED flickering) 0
2: Communication running command
channel (LED on)
0: No operation
1: Rotation autotuning
P00.15 Motor parameter autotuning 2: Static autotuning 1 (autotune totally) 0
3: Static autotuning 2 (autotune part
0: Asynchronous motor
P02.00 Motor 1 1
1: Synchronous motor
Rated power of asynchronous Depend on
P02.01 0.1–3000.0 kW
motor 1 model
Rated frequency of 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P02.02 50.00 Hz
asynchronous motor 1 frequency)
Rated speed of asynchronous Depend on
P02.03 1–36000rpm
motor 1 model
Rated voltage of asynchronous Depend on
P02.04 0–1200 V
motor 1 model
Rated current of asynchronous Depend on
P02.05 0.8–6000.0A
motor 1 model
Stator resistor of asynchronous Depend on
P02.06 0.001–65.535Ω
motor 1 model
Rotor resistor of asynchronous Depend on
P02.07 0.001–65.535Ω
motor 1 model
Leakage inductance of Depend on
P02.08 0.1–6553.5 mH
asynchronous motor 1 model

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
Mutual inductance of Depend on
P02.09 0.1–6553.5 mH
asynchronous motor 1 model
Non-load current of Depend on
P02.10 0.1–6553.5 A
asynchronous motor 1 model
Rated power of synchronous Depend on
P02.15 0.1–3000.0 kW
motor 1 model
Rated frequency of synchronous 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P02.16 50.00 Hz
motor 1 frequency)
Number of poles pairs for
P02.17 1–128 2
synchronous motor 1
Rated voltage of synchronous Depend on
P02.18 0–1200 V
motor 1 model
Rated current of synchronous Depend on
P02.19 0.8–6000.0 A
motor 1 model
Stator resistor of synchronous Depend on
P02.20 0.001–65.535 Ω
motor 1 model
Direct axis inductance of Depend on
P02.21 0.01–655.35 mH
synchronous motor 1 model
Quadrature axis inductance of Depend on
P02.22 0.01–655.35 mH
synchronous motor 1 model
Back EMF constant of
P02.23 0–10000 300
synchronous motor 1
Multi-function digital input
terminals 35: Shift from motor 1 to motor 2
(S1–S8, HDI) function selection
0: Terminal shifting;
1: Modbus communication shifting
P08.31 Motor shifting 0
communication shifting
0: Asynchronous motor
P12.00 Motor 2 1
1: Synchronous motor
Rated power of asynchronous Depend on
P12.01 0.1–3000.0 kW
motor 2 model
Rated frequency of 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P12.02 50.00 Hz
asynchronous motor 2 frequency)
Rated speed of asynchronous Depend on
P12.03 1–36000 rpm
motor 2 model

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
Rated voltage of asynchronous Depend on
P12.04 0–1200 V
motor 2 model
Rated current of asynchronous Depend on
P12.05 0.8–6000.0 A
motor 2 model
Stator resistor of asynchronous Depend on
P12.06 0.001–65.535 Ω
motor 2 model
Rotor resistor of asynchronous Depend on
P12.07 0.001–65.535 Ω
motor 2 model
Leakage inductance of Depend on
P12.08 0.1–6553.5 mH
asynchronous motor 2 model
Mutual inductance of Depend on
P12.09 0.1–6553.5 mH
asynchronous motor 2 model
Non-load current of Depend on
P12.10 0.1–6553.5 A
asynchronous motor 2 model
Rated power of synchronous Depend on
P12.15 0.1–3000.0 kW
motor 2 model
Rated frequency of synchronous 0.01 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P12.16 50.00 Hz
motor 2 frequency)
Number of poles pairs for
P12.17 1–128 2
synchronous motor 2
Rated voltage of synchronous Depend on
P12.18 0–1200 V
motor 2 model
Rated current of synchronous Depend on
P12.19 0.8–6000.0 A
motor 2 model
Stator resistor of synchronous Depend on
P12.20 0.001–65.535 Ω
motor 2 model
Direct axis inductance of Depend on
P12.21 0.01–655.35 mH
synchronous motor 2 model
Quadrature axis inductance of Depend on
P12.22 0.01–655.35 mH
synchronous motor 2 model
Back EMF constant of
P12.23 0–10000 300
synchronous motor 2
7.7 Start and stop control
The start-up and stop control of the VFD includes three states: start after the running command during
normal powering on, start after the restarting function becomes valid during normal powering on and
start after the automatic fault reset.

There are three starting modes for the VFD: start from the starting frequency directly, start after the
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

AC brake and start after the rotation speed tracking. The user can select according to different
situations to meet their needs.

For the load with big inertia, especially in the cases where the reverse rotation may occur, it is better
to select starting after DC brake and then starting after rotation speed tracking.

Note: It is recommended to use the direct starting to drive synchronous motor.

1. The starting logic figure of starting after the running command during the normal powering on.

Start directly

Linear ACC/DEC

Start directly


The starting frequency

Starting running

The starting frequency

The retention time 1t

0 Start after DC braking 0
P00.11 P00.12
ACC time DEC time 1/2*jumping range 3
N 1 frequency3 1/2*jumping range 3
Jogging running?
Jumping 1/2*jumping range 2
ACC/DEC method selection
1 frequency 2 1/2*jumping range 2
The braking current before starting
Y 1/2*jumping range 1
1f S curve ACC/DEC frequency1 1/2*jumping range 1
The braking time before starting


Start after rotation speed tracking

P00.11 P00.12
ACC time DEC time


Jogging running frequency




P08.07 P08.08
ACC time DEC time

2. The starting logic figure of starting after the restarting function becomes valid during the normal
powering on.

Stand by

Keypad Stoppin
0 The running state before g stopping
0 power off
Restart after Comm
the power off unicati
1 Y The retention time of the Y on
The waiting time of the restarting 2
after power off >P01.22
>P01.23 N

(restarting after the power off 0
selection )
1 Terminal FWD/REV Y
Whether the running command terminal
is valid
P00.01 Running
Running command channel
(the running protection of the powering on
terminal selection)

3. The starting logic figure of starting after the automatic fault reset.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
In running

The VFD fault

The fault reset times of the N


The interval time of the fault N

reset time of the VFD >P08.29

Fault reset and the VFD Display the fault code

starts to run. and the VFD stops

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Keypad running command (LED off)
1: Terminal running command channel
P00.01 Run command channel (LED flickering) 0
2: Communication running command
channel (LED on)
Depend on
P00.11 ACC time 1 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P00.12 DEC time 1 0.0–3600.0 s
0: Start-up directly
P01.00 Start mode 1: Start-up after DC brake 0
2: Start-up after rotation speed tracking
P01.01 Starting frequency of direct start 0.00–50.00 Hz 0.00 Hz
Retention time of the starting
P01.02 0.0–50.00 s 0.00s
P01.03 The brake current before starting 0.0–100.0% 0.0%
P01.04 The brake time before starting 0.0–30.0 s 0.0s
0: Linear type
P01.05 ACC/DEC selection 0
1: S curve
ACC time of the starting step of S
P01.06 0.0–50.0s 0.1s

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
DEC time of the ending step of S
P01.07 0.0–50.0s 0.1s
0: Decelerate to stop
P01.08 Stop mode 0
1: Coast to stop
0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P01.09 Starting frequency of DC brake 0.00 Hz
P01.10 Waiting time of DC brake 0.00–30.00 s 0.00s
P01.11 DC brake current 0.0–100.0% 0.0%
P01.12 DC brake time 0.0–50.0 s 0.0 s
P01.13 Dead time of FWD/REV rotation 0.0–3600.0 s 0.0 s
Shifting between FWD/REV 0: Switch after zero frequency
P01.14 0
rotation 1: Switch after the starting frequency
P01.15 Stopping speed 0.00–100.00 Hz 0.20 Hz
0: Speed setting (the only detection
P01.16 Detection of stopping speed method in SVPWM mode) 0
1: Speed detecting value
0: The terminal running command is
invalid when powering on
P01.18 running protection when 0
1: The terminal running command is
powering on
valid when powering on
0: Run at the lower-limit frequency
Action if running frequency< 1: Stop
P01.19 0
lower limit frequency (valid >0) 2: Hibernation
3: Run at zero frequency
P01.20 Hibernation restore delay time 0.0–3600.0s (valid when P01.19=2) 0.0s
0: Disable
P01.21 Restart after power off 0
1: Enable
The waiting time of restart after
P01.22 0.0–3600.0 s (valid when P01.21=1) 1.0s
power off
P01.23 Start delay time 0.00–60.00 s 0.00s
P01.24 Delay time of the stopping speed 0.00–60.00 s 0.00s
1: Forward rotation operation
2: Reverse rotation operation
4: Forward rotation jogging
Digital input function selection 5: Reverse rotation jogging
6: Coast to stop
7: Fault reset
8: Operation pause
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
21: ACC/DEC time option 1
22: ACC/DEC time option 2
30: ACC/DEC prohibition
Depend on
P08.00 ACC time 2 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.01 DEC time 2 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.02 ACC time 3 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.03 DEC time 3 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.04 ACC time 4 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.05 DEC time 4 0.0–3600.0 s
P08.06 Jogging frequency 0.00–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 5.00 Hz
Depend on
P08.07 Jogging ACC time 0.0–3600.0 s
Depend on
P08.08 Jogging DEC time 0.0–3600.0 s
P08.28 Fault reset times 0–10 0
Interval time of automatic fault
P08.29 0.1–3200.0 s 1.0 s
7.8 Frequency setting
Goodrive35 series VFDs can set the frequency by various means. The given channel can be divided
into main given channel and assistant given channel.

There are two main given channels: A frequency given channel and B frequency given channel.
These two given channels can carry out mutual simple math calculation between each other. And the
given channels can be shifted dynamically through set multi-function terminals.

There are three assistant given channels: keypad UP/DOWN input, terminals UP/DOWN switch input
and digital potentiometer input. The three ways equal to the effect of input UP/DOWN given in
internal assistant given of the VFD. The user can enable the given method and the effect of the
method to the frequency given by setting function codes.

The actual given of the VFD is consisted of main given channel and assistant given channel.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
P00.10 Keypad
Keypad setting frequency (A frequency command selection)


AI3 2

4 P17.00 P17.02
Setting Ramp reference
Simple PLC 5 frequency frequency

Multi-stage speed
7 A
PID P00.04 (the upper limit of the running
8 0 frequency)
9 1
A+B 2 +
11 A A-B +
frequ 4
com Max(A,B) 5 P00.05 (the lower limit of the running
Reserved man frequency)
d P00.09
Min(A,B) (the setting source combination)

P00.10 Keypad
P00.07 1
Keypad setting frequency (B frequency command selection)
AI1 0
0 (Max. output frequency)

AI3 2
P00.08 (B frequency command reference selection)

Simple PLC 5

Multi-stage speed


Modbus 9

11 Terminal function 33 P17.14 Terminal function 12
Erthernet Frequency increasing/decreasing Keypad digital Frequency increasing/decreasing
setting temporal clear adjustment setting temporal clear

Reserved valid valid

0 0
invalid Invalid

UP terminal
P08.44 ones
P08.42 ones 0,1 (UP/DOWN terminal valid 0 P08.44 tens setting
UP/DOWN UP/DOWN enabling UP/DOWN enabling (frequency control selection)
selection) +
DOWN terminal Digital potentiometer
Digital potentiometer P08.42 tens setting +
Digital enabling (frequency control selection)

Goodrive35 series VFDs support the shifting between different given channels, and the detailed
shifting rules is as below:

Current Multi-function terminal Multi-function terminal Multi-function terminal

reference function 13 function 14 function 15
channel Switch from A channel Switch from combination Switch from combination
P00.09 to B channel setting to A channel setting to B channel
A B / /
B / / /
A+B / A B
A-B / A B
Max (A, B) / A B
Min (A, B) / A B

Note: "/" means the multi-function terminal is invalid under the current given channel.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

When select multi-function terminal UP (10) and DOWN (11) to set the internal assistant frequency,
P08.44 and P08.45 can be set to increase or decrease the set frequency quickly.

UP terminal frequency increasing integral rate P08.45

F DOWN terminal frequency increasing integral rate P08.46

UP terminal state

Up terminal function
selection=10 Sx
DOWN terminal state
DOWN terminal function Sy
selection=11 T

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
P00.03 Max. output frequency P00.04–400.00 Hz 50.00 Hz
Upper limit of the running
P00.04 P00.05–P00.03 50.00 Hz
Lower limit of the running
P00.05 0.00 Hz–P00.04 0.00 Hz
P00.06 A frequency command 0: Keypad 0
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: High-speed pulse HDI setting
5: Simple PLC program setting
6: Multi-step speed running setting
P00.07 B frequency command 7: PID control setting 2
8: Modbus communication setting
9: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
10: Ethernet communication setting
11: Reserved
12: Pulse string AB setting
B frequency command 0: Maximum output frequency
P00.08 0
reference 1: A frequency command
Combination of the setting 0: A
P00.09 0
source 1: B

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
2: (A+B) combination
3: (A-B) combination
4: Max (A, B) combination
5: Min (A, B) combination
10: Increasing frequency setting (UP)
11: Decreasing frequency setting (DOWN)
Multi-function digital input 12: Cancel the frequency change setting
P05.01–P terminals 13: Shift between A setting and B setting
05.09 (S1–S8,HDI) function 14: Shift between combination setting and A
selection setting
15: Shift between combination setting and B
LED ones: Frequency enable selection
0: Both ∧/∨ keys and digital potentiometer
adjustments are valid
1: Only ∧/∨ keys adjustment is valid
2: Only digital potentiometer adjustments is
3: Neither ∧ / ∨ keys nor digital
potentiometer adjustments are valid
LED tens: Frequency control selection
0: Only valid when P00.06=0 or P00.07=0
P08.42 Keypad data control 1: Valid for all frequency setting manner 0x0000
2: Invalid for multi-step speed when multi-step
speed has the priority
LED hundreds: Action during stopping
0: Setting is valid
1: Valid during running, cleared after stopping
2: Valid during running, cleared after
receiving the stop command
LED thousands: ∧ / ∨ keys and digital
potentiometer Integral function
0: The Integral function is valid
1: The Integral function is invalid
Integral ratio of the keypad
P08.43 0.01–10.00 Hz/s 0.10 Hz/s
P08.44 UP/DOWN terminals 0x00–0x221 0x000
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
control LED ones: Frequency control selection
0: UP/DOWN terminals setting valid
1: UP/DOWN terminals setting valid
LED tens: Frequency control selection
0: Only valid when P00.06=0 or P00.07=0
1: All frequency means are valid
2: Invalid for multi-step speed when multi-step
speed takes priority
LED hundreds: Action selection when stop
0: Setting valid
1: Valid in the running, clear after stop
2: Valid in the running, clear after receiving
the stop commands
UP terminals frequency
P08.45 0.01–50.00 Hz/s 0.50 Hz/s
changing ratio
DOWN terminals
P08.46 0.01–50.00 Hz/s 0.50 Hz/s
frequency changing ratio
Range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P17.00 Setting frequency 0.00 Hz
Range: 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output
P17.02 Ramp reference frequency 0.00 Hz
P17.14 Digital adjustment 0.00 Hz–P00.03 0.00 Hz
7.9 Analog input
Goodrive35 series VFDs have three analog input terminals and 1 high-speed pulse input terminals (of
which, AI1 and AI2 are 0–10 V/0–20mA and Al can select voltage input or current input by J3, AI2 can
select voltage input or current input by J4 and AI3 is for -10–10 V) as the standard configuration. The
inputs can be filtered and the maximum and minimum values can be adjusted.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
AI1 input voltage
P17.19 Analog input curve setting Analog input filter
AI1 P05.33 P05.36
AI2 input voltage P05.34
AI2 P05.38
AI3 input voltage P05.40
AI3 P05.43 P05.48
P05.46 AI3
HDI input frequency P05.47

0 P17.22 AI1/AI2/
0 P05.50 HDI
HDI P05.51 P05.54
1 P05.52
2 P05.53

P05.00 P05.49
(HDI input type selection )(HDI high speed pulse input function selection )

0: HDI is high speed pulse 0: Frequency setting

P05.00 input P05.49 input
1: HDI is digital input 1-2: Reserved

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: High pulse input
P05.00 HDI input selection 0
1: Digital input.
P05.32 Lower limit of AI1 0.00 V–P05.34 0.00 V
P05.33 Corresponding setting of lower limit of AI1 -300.0%–300.0% 0.0%
P05.34 Upper limit of AI1 P05.23–10.00 V 10.00 V
P05.35 Corresponding setting of upper limit of AI1 -300.0%–300.0% 100.0%
P05.36 AI1 input filter time 0.000s–10.000s 0.030 s
P05.37 Lower limit of AI2 0.00 V–P05.39 0.00 V
P05.38 Corresponding setting of lower limit of AI2 -300.0%–300.0% 0.0%
P05.39 Upper limit of AI2 P05.37–10.00 V 10.00 V
P05.40 Corresponding setting of upper limit of AI2 -300.0%–300.0% 100.0%
P05.41 AI2 input filter time 0.000s–10.000 s 0.030 s
P05.42 Lower limit of AI3 -10.00 V–P05.44 -10.00 V
P05.43 Corresponding setting of lower limit of AI3 -300.0%–300.0% -100.0%
P05.44 Zero-drift value of AI3 P05.42–P05.46 0.00 V
P05.45 Zero-point deadzone voltage of AI3 0.00–10.00 V 0.04 V
P05.46 Upper limit of AI3 P05.44–10.00 V 10.00 V

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P05.47 Corresponding setting of upper limit of AI3 -300.0%–300.0% 100.0%
P05.48 AI3 input filter time 0.000s–10.000 s 0.030 s
0: Frequency setting input
P05.49 HDI high-speed pulse input function 0
1–2: Reserved
P05.50 Lower limit frequency of HDI 0.00 kHz – P05.43 0.000 kHz
Corresponding setting of HDI low
P05.51 -300.0%–300.0% 0.0%
frequency setting
P05.52 Upper limit frequency of HDI P05.41–50.00 kHz 50.000 kHz
Corresponding setting of upper limit
P05.53 -300.0%–300.0% 100.0%
frequency of HDI
P05.54 HDI frequency input filter time 0.000s–10.000 s 0.030 s
7.10 Analog output
Goodrive35 series VFDs have 2 analog output terminals (0–10 V or 0–20mA) and 1 high speed pulse
output terminal. Analog output signal can be filtered and the maximum and minimum values can be
adjusted. The analog output signals can be proportional to motor speed, output frequency, output
current, motor torque, motor power, etc. 100% of the output current is relative to 2 times of the rated
current of the VFD.

Analog output selection Analog output curve setting Analog output filter setting

1 P06.17
P06.14 P06.18 P06.21 AO1
(default value is 0) P06.20

. P06.23
P06.15 P06.26 AO2
. P06.25
(default value is 0)

P06.00 .
(HDO output type selection)
0 . P06.28
P06.16 P06.29 P06.31 HDO
19 P06.30
1 (default value is 0)

0: open collector high speed P06.01、P06.02、P06.03、P06.04 output selection

P06.00 pulse output
1: open collector output
0 Running frequency 1 Set frequency 2 Ramp given frequency

Output current (relative to the Output current (relative to the

3 Running rotation speed 4 5
VFD) motor)

6 Output voltage 7 Output power 8 Set torque

9 Output torque 10 Analog AI1 input value 11 Analog AI2 input value

MODBUS communication
12 Analog AI3 input value 13 HDI input value 14
setting 1
MODBUS communication PROFIBUS communication PROFIBUS communication
15 16 17
setting 2 setting 1 setting 1

18 Torque current (relative to the 19 Exciting current (relative to the 20 Reserved

nominal current of the motor) nominal current of the motor)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Output instructions:

Function Instructions
0 Running frequency 0–max. output frequency
1 Set frequency 0–max. output frequency
2 Ramp reference frequency 0–max. output frequency
0–2 times of the rated synchronous rotation
3 Running speed
speed of the motor
4 Output current (relative to the VFD) 0–2 times of rated current of the VFD
5 Output current (relative to the motor) 0–2 times of rated current of the VFD
6 Output voltage 0–1.5 times of the rated VFD voltage
7 Output power 0–2 times of the rated power
8 Setting torque value 0–2 times of rated current of the motor
9 Output torque 0–2 times of rated current of the motor
10 AI1 0–10 V/0–20 mA
11 AI2 0–10 V/0–20 mA
12 AI3 -10 V–10 V
13 HDI 0.00–50.00 kHz
14 Setting value 1 of Modbus communication -1000–1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%
15 Setting value 2 of Modbus communication -1000–1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%
Setting value 1 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
16 -1000–1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%
Setting value 2 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
17 -1000–1000, 100 corresponds to 100.0%
18 Setting value 1 of Ethernet communication -1000–1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%
19 Setting value 2 of Ethernet communication -1000–1000, 100 corresponds to 100.0%
20–21 Reserved
Torque current (bipolar, 100% corresponds
22 0–2 times of the rated current of the motor
to 10 V)
23 Exciting current (100% corresponds to 10 V) 0–1 time of the rated current of the motor
24 Setting frequency (bipolar) 0–max. output frequency
25 Ramp reference frequency (bipolar) 0–max. output frequency
26 Operation speed (bipolar) 0–max. output frequency
27–30 Reserved

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Open collector pole high speed pulse output
P06.00 HDO output 0
1: Open collector pole output.
P06.14 AO1 output 0: Running frequency 0
1: Set frequency
P06.15 AO2 output 0
2: Ramps reference frequency
3: Running speed
4: Output current (relative to 2 times the rated
current of the VFD)
5: Output current (relative to 2 times the rated
current of the motor)
6: Output voltage (relative to 1.5 times the
rated voltage of the VFD)
7: Output power (relative to 2 times the rated
power of the motor)
8: Set torque value (relative to 2 times the
rated torque of the motor)
9: Output torque (relative to 2 times the rated
torque of the motor)
10: Analog AI1 input value

HDO high-speed pulse 11: Analog AI2 input value

P06.16 12: Analog AI3 input value 0
13: Input value of high-speed pulse HDIA
14: Set value 1 of Modbus communication
15: Set value 2 of Modbus communication
16: Set value 1 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
17: Set value 2 of PROFIBUS/CANopen
18: Set value 1 of Ethernet communication
19: Set value 2 of Ethernet communication
20–21: Reserved
22: Torque current (bipolar, 100%
corresponds to 10 V)
23: Excitation current (100% corresponds to
10 V)
24: Setting frequency (bipolar)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
25: Ramp reference frequency (bipolar)
26: Operation speed (bipolar)
27: Reserved
P06.17 Lower output limit of AO1 -300.0%–P06.19 0.0%
Corresponding AO1 output
P06.18 0.00 V–10.00 V 0.00 V
of lower limit
P06.19 Upper output limit of AO1 P06.13–300.0% 100.0%
Corresponding AO1 output
P06.20 0.00 V–10.00 V 10.00 V
of upper limit
P06.21 AO1 output filter time 0.000 s–10.000 s 0.000 s
P06.22 Lower output limit of AO2 -300.0%–P06.24 0.0%
Corresponding AO2 output
P06.23 0.00 V–10.00 V 0.00 V
of lower limit
P06.24 Upper output limit of AO2 P06.18–300.0% 100.0%
The corresponding AO2
P06.25 0.00 V–10.00 V 10.00 V
output of upper limit
P06.26 AO2 output filter time 0.000 s–10.000 s 0.000 s
P06.27 Lower output limit of HDO -300.0%–P06.29 0.0%
Corresponding HDO
P06.28 0.00–50.00 kHz 0.0 kHz
output of lower limit
P06.29 Upper output limit of HDO P06.23–300.0% 100.0%
Corresponding HDO
P06.30 0.00–50.00 kHz 50.00 kHz
output of upper limit
P06.31 HDO output filter time 0.000 s–10.000 s 0.000 s
7.11 Digital input
Goodrive35 series VFDs have 8 programmable digital input terminals and 1 open circuit electrode
output terminal in the standard configuration. All functions of the digital input terminals are
programmable by the function codes. Open collector pole input can be selected into high speed pulse
input terminal or common switch input terminal by function code. When selected into HDI, the user
can select HDI high speed pulse input as frequency reference, counting input or length pulse input by

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
P05.10 P05.11
Switch function selection
0 P05.14 P05.15 0
S1 T delay T delay P05.01
1 -1 P17.11
(default value is 1) 1 Switch input
0 P05.16 P05.17 terminal state
S2 T delay T delay P05.02 2
1 -1 Fault?
(default value is 4)
0 P05.18 P05.19 3 Fault The current
S3 T delay T delay P05.03 fault switch
1 -1
(default value is 7) input terminal
P05.20 state
0 P05.21
S4 T delay T delay P05.04
1 -1 5
(default value is 0)
0 P05.22 P05.23
S5 T delay T delay P05.05
1 -1 .
P05.10, P17.11, P07.37 display
(default value is 0)
0 P05.24 P05.25 S1 BIT0 S2 BIT1
S6 T delay T delay P05.06 .
1 -1 S3 BIT2 S4 BIT3
(default value is 0)
0 P05.26 P05.27 .
S7 T delay T delay P05.07
P05.00 1 -1 HDI BIT8
(default value is 0)
0 P05.28 P05.29 . 0: HDI is high speed
S8 T delay T delay P05.08 P05.00 pulse input
0 1 -1 1: HDI is switch input
(default value is 0) 29
0 P05.30 P05.31
HD1 T delay T delay P05.09
1 -1 30
(default value is 0)

0 No function 1 Forward running 2 Reverse running 3 3-wire running control

4 Forward jogging 5 Reverse jogging 6 Coast to stop 7 Fault reset

Frequency setting increasing Frequency setting decreasing

8 Running pause 9 External fault input 10 11
Frequency increase/decrease Shifting between A frequency Shifting between combination Shifting between combination
12 13 14 15
setting clear and B frequency setting and A frequency setting and B frequency

16 Multi-stage speed terminal 1 17 Multi-stage speed terminal 2 18 Multi-stage speed terminal 3 19 Multi-stage speed terminal 4

20 Multi-stage speed pause 21 ACC/DEC time selection 1 22 ACC/DEC time selection 2 23 Simple PLC stopping reset

Traverse pause (stop at the Traverse reset (stop at the

23 Simple PLC pause 25 PID control pause 26 27
current frequency) middle frequency)

28 Counter reset 29 Torque control disabling 30 ACC/DEC disabling 31 Counter trigging

Frequency increase/decrease
32 Length reset 33 34 DC braking 35 Shift from motor 1 to motor 2
setting clear
Shift the command to the Shift the command to the Shift the command to the
36 37 38 39 Pre-exciting command
keypad terminal communication
40 Power consumption clear 41 Power consumption keeping 42~63 Reserved

This parameter is used to set the function corresponds to the digital multi-function terminals.

Note: Two different multi-function terminals cannot be set as one function.

Set value Function Instructions

The VFD does not work even there is input signal. It is
0 No function necessary to set the terminal which cannot be used to
non-function to avoid misacting.
1 Forward running (FWD) The forward or reverse rotation of the VFD can be
2 Reverse running (REV) controlled by the external terminals.
The terminal can determine the running mode of the VFD
3 3-wire running control is 3-wire control mode. Refer to P05.13 for detailed
instruction of 3-wire control mode.
4 Forward jogging See P08.06, P08.07 and P08.08 for jogging frequency,
5 Reverse jogging and jogging ACC/DEC time.
The VFD closes off the output. The motor is not controlled
by the VFD during the stopping. This method is usually to
be used when the load inertia is big and it has no
6 Coast to stop
requirement to the stopping time.
It has the same meaning with the "coast to stop" in P01.08
and usually used in remote control.
7 Fault reset External fault reset. It has the same function with the reset
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Set value Function Instructions

function of STOP/RST on the keypad. This function can
realize remote fault reset.
The VFD decelerates to stop. But all running parameters
are in the memory state. For example, PLC parameters,
8 Operation pause traverse parameters and PID parameters. After the signal
disappears, the VFD will come back to the state before
When the external fault signal is sent to the VFD, the VFD
9 External fault input
will report the fault and stop.
10 Frequency setting up (UP) This parameter is used to modify the increasing and
Frequency setting down decreasing command during the external terminal given
(DOWN) frequency.

K1 UP terminal
DOWN terminal
clear terminal
Frequency COM
12 increasing/decreasing
setting clear Frequency increasing/decreasing setting clear terminal
can cancel the assistant channel frequency set by the
internal UP/DOWN of the VFD to make the given
frequency restore to the frequency given by the main
given frequency channel.
Switch between A setting This function can realize the shifting between the
and B setting frequency setting channels.
Switch between A setting The 13 function can realize the shifting between A
and combination setting frequency given channel and B frequency given channel.
The 14th function can realize the shifting between A
frequency given channel and the combination setting
Switch between B setting
15 channel set by P00.09. The 15th function can realize the
and combination setting
shifting between B frequency given channel and the
combination setting channel set by P00.09.
16 Multi-step speed terminal 1 The 16 stage speeds can be set by the combination of
17 Multi-step speed terminal 2 digital state of four terminals.
18 Multi-step speed terminal 3 Note: Multi-step speed 1 is the LSB; multi-step speed 4 is
the MSB.
Multi-step Multi-step Multi-step Multi-step
19 Multi-step speed terminal 4
speed 4 speed 3 speed 2 speed 1

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Set value Function Instructions

Shield the multi-step speed selection terminal function to
20 Multi-step speed pause
keep the setting value at the current state.
21 ACC/DEC time selection 1 Select 4 ACC/DEC time by the combination of the 2
Terminal Terminal ACC/DEC time Corresponding
1 2 selection parameter
ACC/DEC time
OFF OFF P00.11/P00.12

22 ACC/DEC time selection 2 ACC/DEC time

ON OFF P08.00/P08.01
ACC/DEC time
OFF ON P08.02/P08.03
ACC/DEC time
ON ON P08.04/P08.05

23 Simple PLC stop reset Restart simple PLC and clear memory state of PLC.
Program pause during PLC implement. Run at the current
24 Simple PLC pause speed stage. After cancel the function, simple PLC
continues to run.
Temporal PID invalid and the VFD will output at the current
25 PID control pause
26 Limit of forward run The function is valid only for forward run.
27 Limit of reverse run The function is valid only for reverse run.
28 Counter reset Counter clear
The VFD shifts from torque control mode to speed control
29 Torque control disabling
Ensure the VFD will not be affected by the external signals
30 ACC/DEC disabling (except for the stopping command) and keep the current
output frequency.
31 Counter trigging Enable the pulse counter.
32 Length reset Length counter clear
When the terminal closes, the frequency set by UP/DOWN
Frequency can be cleared. All set frequency will be restored into the
33 increasing/decreasing given frequency by the frequency command channel and
setting temporal clear the frequency will come back to the value after the
frequency increasing or decreasing.
34 DC brake The VFD will begin DC brake after valid command.
Switch between motor1
35 Motor-shifting can be controlled after terminal is valid.
and motor2
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Set value Function Instructions

After the function terminal become valid, the running
command channel will be shifted into keypad running
Switch commands to
36 command channel and the running command channel will
come back to the original state if the function terminal is
After the function terminal become valid, the running
command channel will be shifted into terminal running
Switch commands to
37 command channel and the running command channel will
come back to the original state if the function terminal is
After the function terminal become valid, the running
command channel will be shifted into communication
Switch commands to
38 running command channel and the running command
channel will come back to the original state if the function
terminal is invalid.
Perform pre-exciting if the terminal is valid until the
39 Pre-excitation commands
terminal is invalid.
The power consumption will be cleared after the command
40 Power consumption clear
is valid.
Power consumption If the command is valid, the current running of the VFD will
retention not affect its power consumption.
Keypad setting of the The upper limit is set by the keypad if the command is
torque upper limit valid.
Position reference input
43 If S8 is set to 43, the external reference can be detected.
(only S8 valid)
44 Spindle direction prohibit The function is disabled if the command is valid.
Spindle returning /Local
45 The function is enabled if the command is valid.
position returning
46 Zero position selection 1 46 and 47 can select 4 returning positions and correspond
47 Zero position selection 2 to the returning position of P22.
48 Spindle scaling selection 1
7 scaling selections are available through 48, 49, and 50
49 Spindle scaling selection 2
and correspond to the scaling position of P22.
50 Spindle scaling selection 3
Switching terminal of
Position control and speed control can be switched to
51 position control and speed
achieve the pulse string reference control.
52 Pulse input disabled Pulse input is disabled if the command is valid.
53 Position deviation clear Position deviation can be cleared if the command is valid.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Set value Function Instructions

Position proportional gain
54 Position proportional gain can be switched.
Digital position cycle When command is valid, repeated positioning in the digital
positioning enabled position mode is available.
When command valid, the motor will stop within the time
56 E-stop
designated by P1.25.
Motor overtemperature
57 The motor will stop when fault occurs.
fault input
58 Rigid tapping enable The mode is enabled if the terminal is valid
If the terminal is valid in stopping mode, it will switch to V/F
59 Switch to SVPWM control
If the terminal is valid in stopping mode, it will switch to
60 Switch to FVC control
FVC control
61 PID pole switching The terminal is used with P09.03 to switch the output pole
Undervoltage stopping The terminal and the enabling bit is valid, the VFD will stop
input at the time set by P08.05
Under the position mode, Servo enable signal is valid, the
VFD will run into the servo mode, if there is no servo
63 Servo enabling enable signal, the VFD needs to receive the forward or
reverse run command to perform the servo operation
63 Reserved
Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: High pulse input
P05.00 HDI input selection 0
1: Digital input
P05.01 S1 terminals function 0: No function 1
P05.02 S2 terminals function 1: Forward rotation operation 4
P05.03 S3 terminals function 2: Reverse rotation operation 7
P05.04 S4 terminals function 3: 3-wire control operation 0
P05.05 S5 terminals function 4: Forward jogging 0
P05.06 S6 terminals function 5: Reverse jogging 0
P05.07 S7 terminals function 6: Coast to stop 0
P05.08 S8 terminals function 7: Fault reset 0
8: Operation pause
P05.09 HDI terminal function 9: External fault input 0
10: Increasing frequency setting (UP)
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
11: Decreasing frequency setting (DOWN)
12: Frequency setting clear
13: Shift between A setting and B setting
14: Shift between combination setting and A
15: Shift between combination setting and B
16: Multi-step speed terminal 1
17: Multi-step speed terminal 2
18: Multi-step speed terminal 3
19: Multi- step speed terminal 4
20: Multi- step speed pause
21: ACC/DEC time 1
22: ACC/DEC time 2
23: Simple PLC stop reset
24: Simple PLC pause
25: PID control pause
26: Limit of forward running
27: Limit of reverse running
28: Electronic gear selection
29: Torque control disabling
30: ACC/DEC disabling
31: Pulse ascending
32: Pulse descending
33: Cancel the frequency change setting
34: DC brake
35: Shift the motor 1 into motor 2
36: Shift the command to the keypad
37: Shift the command to the terminals
38: Shift the command to the communication
39: Pre-magnetized command
40: Consumption power clear
41: Consumption power holding
42: Keypad setting of the torque upper limit
43: Position reference input (only S8 valid)
44: Spindle direction prohibit
45: Spindle returning/local position returning

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
46: Zero position selection 1
47: Zero position selection 2
48: Spindle scaling selection 1
49: Spindle scaling selection 2
50: Spindle scaling selection 3/pulse
superposition enabling
51: Switching terminal of position control and
speed control
52: Pulse input disabled
53: Position deviation clear
54: Position proportional gain switch
55: Digital position cycle positioning enabled
56: E-stop
57: Motor overtemperature fault input
58: Rigid tapping enable
59: Switch to SVPWM control
60: Switch to FVC control
61: PID pole switching
62: Undervoltage stopping input
63: Servo enabling
Polarity selection of the
P05.10 0x000–0x1FF 0x000
input terminals
P05.11 ON-OFF filter time 0.000–1.000 s 0.010 s
0x000–0x1FF (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)
BIT0: S1 virtual terminal
BIT1: S2 virtual terminal
BIT2: S3 virtual terminal
BIT3: S4 virtual terminal
BIT4: S5 virtual terminal
BIT5: S6 virtual terminal
P05.12 Virtual terminals setting 0
BIT6: S7 virtual terminal
BIT7: S8 virtual terminal
BIT8: HDI virtual terminal
Note: After a virtual terminal is enabled, the
state of the terminal can only be modified
through communication, and the
communication address is 0x200A.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
0: 2-wire control 1
Terminals control running 1: 2-wire control 2
P05.13 0
mode 2: 3-wire control 1
3: 3-wire control 2
P05.14 Switch-on delay of S1 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.15 Switch-off delay of S1 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.16 Switch-on delay of S2 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.17 Switch-off delay of S2 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.18 Switch-on delay of S3 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.19 Switch-off delay of S3 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.20 Switch-on delay of S4 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.21 Switch-off delay of S4 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.22 Switch-on delay of S5 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.23 Switch-off delay of S5 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.24 Switch-on delay of S6 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.25 Switch-off delay of S6 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.26 Switch-on delay of S7 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.27 Switch-off delay of S7 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.28 Switch-on delay of S8 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.29 Switch-off delay of S8 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.30 Switch-on delay of HDI 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P05.31 Switch-off delay of HDI 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
Present fault input
P07.39 0
terminal state
ON/OFF input terminals
P17.12 0000–01FF 0
7.12 Digital input
Goodrive35 series VFDs have 2 relay output terminals and 1 Y output terminal and 1 high speed
pulse output terminal in the standard configuration. All functions of the digital input terminals are
programmable by the function codes. Open collector pole input can be selected into high speed pulse
input terminal or common switch input terminal by function code.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
Digital output Digital switch-on delay time P06.05 output polarity Digital switch-off delay time
Runnin P17.12
P06.06 0 P06.07 g ON/OFF output
1 Y
P06.01 T delay T delay
2 1 -1 Fault?
(default value is 0)
0 P07.38
3 Fault present fault
HDO P06.08 0 P06.09 ON/OFF output
1 4 P06.02 T delay T delay terminal state
5 (default value is 0) -1
Output type . ROI 0
P06.10 P06.11
Delay Delay
. P06.03 T delay T delay P06.05, P17.12, P07.38 display
1 -1
(default value is 0) Y BIT0 HDO BIT1
RO2 P06.12 0 P06.13 0: Open collector high
P06.04 T delay T delay P06.00 speed pulse output
1 1: Open collector output
29 (default value is 0) -1


The below table is the option ofInvalidthe four function
1 In running
parameters and2 selecting
In forward running
the repeated output
3 In reverse running 4 In jogging 5 Inverter fault

terminal function is allowed. 6

Frequency level detection
Frequency level detection
8 Frequency reached

9 In zero speed running 10 Reach upper limit frequency 11 Reach lower limit frequency
Set 12 Ready to run 13 In pre-exciting 14 Overload pre-alarm
Function Instructions
value 15 Underload prealarm 16 Simple PLC stage completed 17 Simple PLC cycle completed

18 Reach the set counting value ·19 Reach specified count value 20 External fault reached
0 Invalid The output terminal has no function.
MODBUS communication
21 Length reached 22 Reach running time 23
virtual terminal output

24 Output 25~30
PROFIBUS communication ON signal
Reserved when the VFD is running and there is
1 Running virtual terminal output

frequency output.
Output ON signal when the VFD is running forward and
2 Forward running
there is frequency output.
Output ON signal when the VFD is running reverse and
3 Reverse running
there is frequency output.
Output ON signal when the VFD is jogging and there is
4 Jogging
frequency output.
5 VFD fault Output ON signal when the VFD is in fault
Please refer to P08.32 and P08.33 for detailed
6 FDT1
Please refer to P08.34 and P08.35 for detailed
7 FDT2
8 Frequency arrival Please refer to P08.36 for detailed information.
Output ON signal when the output frequency and given
9 Zero-speed running
frequency of the VFD is 0 at the same time.
Output ON signal when the running frequency of the VFD
10 Upper-limit frequency arrival
is the upper limit frequency.
Output ON signal when the running frequency of the VFD
11 Upper-limit frequency arrival
is the lower limit frequency.
When the main circuit and the control circuit are
established and the protection function of the VFD is not
12 Ready to run
active. The VFD is in the running state and it will output
ON signal.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Function Instructions
Output ON signal when the VFD is in the pre-exciting
13 Pre-exciting
Output ON signal if the VFD is beyond the pre-alarm point.
14 Overload pre-alarm
Refer to P11.08–P11.10 for the detailed instruction.
Output ON signal if the VFD is beyond the pre-alarm point.
15 Underload pre-alarm
Refer to P11.11–P11.12 for the detailed instruction.
16 Simple PLC stage completion Output signal if the simple PLC stage is completed.
Simple PLC cycle
17 Output signal if the 1 simple PLC cycle is completed.
Output corresponding signal according to the setting value
Modbus communication
23 of Modbus. Output ON signal if the setting value is 1 and
virtual terminal output
output OFF signal if the setting value is 0.
POROFIBUS/CANopen Output corresponding signal according to the setting value
24 communication virtual of PROFIBUS/CANOPEN. Output ON signal if the setting
terminal output value is 1 and output OFF signal if the setting value is 0.
Output the corresponding signal according to the Ethernet
Ethernet communication
25 signal. Output ON when setting as1 and output OFF when
virtual terminal output
setting as 0.
26 Bus voltage established Output ON according to the establishment of bus voltage
27–29 Reserved
30 Positioning finished Output ON when the positioning is finished
31 Spindle returning finished Output ON when the returning is finished
32 Spindle scaling finished Output ON when the scaling is finished
33 Speed limiting Output ON when the speed is the upper or lower limit
34 Low bus voltage Output ON when the value is below P8.27
If enabling bit of P08.26 is valid, and it is in underload
35 Underload stopping output
state, ON signal will be output
Speed/position switching When the speed is switched to position control, output ON
finished signal
Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Open collector pole high speed pulse
P06.00 HDO output output 0
1: Open collector pole output
P06.01 Y1 output 0: Invalid 0

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P06.02 HDO output 1: In operation 0
2: Forward rotation operation
P06.03 Relay RO1 output 1
3: Reverse rotation operation
4: Jogging operation
5: VFD fault
6: Frequency degree test FDT1
7: Frequency degree test FDT2
8: Frequency arrival
9: Zero speed running
10: Upper limit frequency arrival
11: Lower limit frequency arrival
12: Ready for operation
13: In pre-exciting
14: Overload pre-alarm
15: Underload pre-alarm
16: Completion of simple PLC stage
17: Completion of simple PLC cycle
18–22: Reserved
23: Modbus communication virtual
P06.04 Relay RO2 output terminals output 5
24: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
virtual terminals output
25: Ethernet communication virtual
terminals output
26: Bus voltage established
27: Reserved
28: Pulse superposing
29: Reserved
30: Positioning finished
31: Spindle zeroing finished
32: Spindle scaling finished
33: Speed limiting
34: Bus voltage too low
35: Bus undervoltage stop state output
36: Speed/position control switching
37–40: Reserved
P06.05 Polarity of output terminals 0x00–0x0F 0x00
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P06.06 Y1 switch-on delay time 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P06.07 Y1 switch-off delay time 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
0.000–50.000 s (valid only when
P06.08 HDO switch-on delay 0.000 s
0.000–50.000 s (valid only when
P06.09 HDO switch-off delay 0.000 s
P06.10 RO1 switch-on delay 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P06.11 RO1 switch-off delay 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P06.12 RO2 switch-on delay 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
P06.13 RO2 switch-off delay 0.000–50.000 s 0.000 s
Output terminal state at present
P07.40 0
P17.13 Digital output terminals state 0
7.13 Simple PLC
Simple PLC function is also a multi-step speed generator. The VFD can change the running frequency,
direction to meet the need of processing according to the running time automatically. In the past, this
function needs to be assisted by external PLC, but now the VFD can realize this function by itself.

The series VFDs can control 16-stage speed with 4 groups of ACC/DEC time.

The multi-function digital output terminals or multi-function relay output an ON signal when the set
PLC finishes a circle (or a stage).
P10.01 (simple PLC memory selection)
P10.00(simle PLC)
0 Power off
without memory
0 Stop after Set frequency
running one time Power off during 1 Power off with
running memory 0 Restart from the
first stage
1 Run at the final parameter setting
value after in all stages in
running for one
time PLC 0
Normal running P17.00
2 Restart form the
Cycle 1
1 frequency of the
pause stage
PLC method P10.36 Terminal function 23
(PLC starting selection) Simple PLC stop reset

Digital output 15
Simple PLC stage
Digital output 20
Simple PLC cycle

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Stop after running once
P10.00 Simple PLC 1: Run at the final value after running once 0
2: Cycle running
0: Power loss without memory
P10.01 Simple PLC memory 0
1: Power loss with memory
P10.02 Multi-step speed 0 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.03 The running time of step 0 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.04 Multi-step speed 1 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.05 The running time of step 1 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.06 Multi-step speed 2 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.07 The running time of step 2 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.08 Multi-step speed 3 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.09 The running time of step 3 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0s
P10.10 Multi-step speed 4 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.11 The running time of step 4 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.12 Multi-step speed 5 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.13 The running time of step 5 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.14 Multi-step speed 6 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.15 The running time of step 6 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.16 Multi-step speed 7 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.17 The running time of step 7 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.18 Multi-step speed 8 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.19 The running time of step 8 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.20 Multi-step speed 9 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.21 The running time of step 9 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.22 Multi-step speed 10 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.23 The running time of step 10 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.24 Multi-step speed 11 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.25 The running time of step 11 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.26 Multi-step speed 12 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.27 The running time of step 12 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.28 Multi-step speed 13 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.29 The running time of step 13 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.30 Multi-step speed 14 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.31 The running time of step 14 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.32 Multi-step speed 15 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P10.33 The running time of step 15 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
Simple PLC 0–7 step
P10.34 0x0000–0XFFFF 0000
ACC/DEC time
Simple PLC 8–15 step
P10.35 0x0000–0XFFFF 0000
ACC/DEC time
0: Restart from the first stage
P10.36 PLC restart 0
1: Continue to run from the stop frequency
23: Simple PLC stop reset
Digital input function selection 24: Simple PLC pause
25: PID control pause
P06.01–P 15: Underload pre-alarm
Digital output function
06.04 16: Completion of simple PLC stage
P17.00 Set frequency 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 0.00 Hz
Simple PLC and present
P17.27 0–15 0
stage of the multi-step speed
7.14 Multi-step speed running
Set the parameters when the VFD carries out multi-step speed running. Goodrive35 series VFDs can
set 16-stage speed which can be selected by the combination code of multi-step speed terminals 1–4.
They correspond to multi-step speed 0 to 15.
P10.02 multi-stage speed 0 BIT0
P10.03 the running time of stage 0 BIT1 P10.34
Terminal function 16
Multi-stage speed OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON The ACC/DEC time selection
terminal 1
of Stage 0~7 of PLC
Terminal function 17 P10.04 multi-stage speed 1 BIT2
Multi-stage speed OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON
P10.05 the running time of stage 1 BIT3
terminal 21
Terminal function 18
Multi-stage speed OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON 00 P00.10 ACC time 1
terminal 3 P10.06 multi-stage speed 2 BIT4 P00.12 DEC time 1
Terminal function 19 P10.07 the running time of stage 2 BIT5
terminal 4
01 P08.00 ACC time 2
P10.08 multi-stage speed 3 BIT6 P08.01 DEC time 2
Multi-stage 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P10.09 the running time of stage 3 BIT7

10 P08.02 ACC time 3

Multi-stage P10.10 multi-stage speed 4 BIT8 P08.03 DEC time 3
speed 15 P10.11 the running time of stage 4 BIT9

11 P08.04 ACC time 4

P10.12 multi-stage speed 5 BIT10 P08.15 DEC time 4
P10.13 the running time of stage 5 BIT11

speed 0
Multi-stage P10.14 multi-stage speed 6 BIT12
speed 1 P10.15 the running time of stage 6 BIT13

P10.16 multi-stage speed 7 BIT14

P10.17 the running time of stage 7 BIT15 Valid Frequency
Running command
Invalid Multi-stage speed
P10.18 multi-stage speed 8 BIT0 output
P10.19 the running time of stage 8 BIT1 The ACC/DEC time selection
Terminal function 16
Multi-stage speed 1 of Stage 8~15 of PLC

Terminal function 17 P10.20 multi-stage speed 9 BIT2

Multi-stage speed 2 P10.21 the running time of stage 9 BIT3
Terminal function 18
Multi-stage speed 00 P00.10 ACC time 1
terminal 3 P10.22 multi-stage speed 10
BIT4 P00.12 DEC time 1
Terminal function 19 P10.23 the running time of stage
Multi-stage speed 10
terminal 1
01 P08.00 ACC time 2
P10.24 multi-stage speed 11
BIT6 P08.01 DEC time 2
P10.25 the running time of stage
Terminal function 16
Multi-stage speed OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON 10 P08.02 ACC time 3
P10.26 multi-stage speed 12
terminal 1 BIT8 P08.03 DEC time 3
P10.27 the running time of stage
Terminal function 17 12
Multi-stage speed OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON
terminal 2
11 P08.04 ACC time 4
Terminal function 18 P10.28 multi-stage speed 13
BIT10 P08.15 DEC time 4
Multi-stage speed OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON P10.29 the running time of stage
terminal 3 13

Terminal function 19
Multi-stage speed ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON
P10.30 multi-stage speed 14
terminal 4 BIT12
P10.31 the running time of stage
Multi-stage 14
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

P10.32 multi-stage speed 15 BIT14

P10.33 the running time of stage 15 BIT15

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction
Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
P10.02 Multi-step speed 0 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.03 The running time of step 0 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.04 Multi-step speed 1 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.05 The running time of step 1 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.06 Multi-step speed 2 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.07 The running time of step 2 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.08 Multi-step speed 3 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.09 The running time of step 3 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.10 Multi-step speed 4 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.11 The running time of step 4 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.12 Multi-step speed 5 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.13 The running time of step 5 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.14 Multi-step speed 6 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.15 The running time of step 6 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.16 Multi-step speed 7 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.17 The running time of step 7 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.18 Multi-step speed 8 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.19 The running time of step 8 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.20 Multi-step speed 9 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.21 The running time of step 9 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.22 Multi-step speed 10 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.23 The running time of step 10 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.24 Multi-step speed 11 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.25 The running time of step 11 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.26 Multi-step speed 12 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.27 The running time of step 12 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.28 Multi-step speed 13 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.29 The running time of step 13 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.30 Multi-step speed 14 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.31 The running time of step 14 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
P10.32 Multi-step speed 15 -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P10.33 The running time of step 15 0.0–6553.5 s (min) 0.0 s
Simple PLC 0–7 step
P10.34 0x0000–0XFFFF 0000
ACC/DEC time

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
Simple PLC 8–15 step
P10.35 0x0000–0XFFFF 0000
ACC/DEC time
16: Multi-step speed terminal 1
17: Multi-step speed terminal 2
P05.01–P0 Digital input function
18: Multi-step speed terminal 3
5.09 selection
19: Multi-step speed terminal 4
20: Multi-step speed pause
Simple PLC and the current
P17.27 0–15 0
step of the multi-step speed
7.15 PID control
PID control is commonly used to control the procedure through the controlled procedure. Adjust the
output frequency by proportional, integral, differential operation with the dispersion of the target
signals to stabilize the value on the target. It is possible to apply to the flow, pressure and temperature
control. Figure of basic control is as below:

Keypad setting PID given

P09.00 PID stop
P09.01 Keypad (PID given source selection) adjustment

AI1 PID given value

Terminal function 25 Set frequency
0 P09.09
AI2 P17.23 PID control pause
1 Y (the upper limit of PID output) P17.00
Keep the current
AI3 Valid
2 frequency
3 0
HDI Invali
4 + Given - N
Multi-stage d
5 feedback<P09.08?
speed 1 PID output
6 -
7 P09.08 (PID control deviation limit) P09.03
PROFIBUS (the chrematistic of PID output)
P09.02 P09.10
Ethernet (PID feedback source selection) (lower limit of PID output)
Kp P09.04 (proportional gain)
Ti P09.05 (integral time)
AI2 Td P09.06 (differential time)
2 AI3

P17.24 5 MODBUS

PID feedback 6 PROFIBUS

value 7


Simple illustration of the PID control operation and adjustment:

Proportional adjustment (Kp): when there is an error between the feedback and the reference, a
proportional adjustment will be output. If the error is constant, the adjustment will be constant, too.
Proportional adjustment can respond to the feedback change quickly, but it cannot realize non-fault
control. The gain will increase with the adjustment speed, but too much gain may cause vibration. The
adjustment method is: set a long integral time and derivative time to 0 first. Secondly make the
system run by proportional adjustment and change the reference. And then watch the error of the
feedback signal and the reference. If the static error is available (for example, increasing the
reference, the feedback will be less than the reference after a stable system), continue to increase the
gain, vice versa. Repeat the action until the static error achieves a little value.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Integral time (Ti): the output adjustment will accumulate if there is an error between the feedback and
the reference. The adjustment will keep on increasing until the error disappears. If the error is existent
all the time, the integration adjustor can cancel the static error effectively. Vibration may occur as a
result of unstable system caused by repeated over-adjustment if the integration adjustor is too strong.
The features of this kind of vibration are: the fluctuating feedback signal (around the reference) and
increasing traverse range will cause vibration. Adjust the integral time parameter from a big value to a
little one to change the integral time and monitor the result until a stable system speed is available.

Derivative time (Td): when the error between the feedback and the reference, a proportional
adjustment will be output. The adjustment only depends on the direction and value of the error
change other than the error itself. The derivation adjustment controls the change of feedback signals
according to the changing trend when it fluctuates. Because the derivation may enlarge the
interference to the system, especially the frequent-changing interference, please use it carefully.

When P00.06, P00. 07=7 or P04.27=6, the running mode of the VFD is procedure PID control.
7.15.1 General steps of PID parameters setting:
1. Ensure the gain P

When ensure the gain P, firstly cancel the PID integration and derivation (set Ti=0 and Td=0, see the
PID parameter setting for detailed information) to make proportional adjustment is the only method to
PID. Set the input as 60%–70% of the permitted max value and increase gain P from 0 until the
system vibration occurs, vice versa, and record the PID value and set it to 60%–70% of the current
value. Then the gain P commission is finished.

2. Ensure the integral time Ti

After ensuring the gain P, set an original value of a bigger integral time and decrease it until the
system vibration occurs, vice versa, until the system vibration disappear. Record the Ti and set the
integral time to 150%–180% of the current value. Then integral time commission is finished.

3. Ensure the derivative time Td

Generally, it is not necessary to set Td which is 0.

If it needs to be set, set it to 30% of the value without vibration via the same method with P and Ti.

4. Commission the system with and without load and then adjust the PID parameter until it is
7.15.2 PID inching
After setting the PID control parameters, inching is possible by following means:

Control overmodulation: Shorten the derivative time and prolong the integral time when overshoot

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Response Before adjustment

After adjustment

Time t

Achieve the stable state as soon as possible: Shorten the integral time (Ti) and prolong the
derivative time (Td) even the overshoot occurs, but the control should be stable as soon as possible.

Response After adjustment

Before adjustment

Time t

Control long vibration: If the vibration periods are longer than the set value of integral time (Ti), it is
necessary to prolong the integral time (Ti) to control the vibration for the strong integration.

Response Before adjustment

After adjustment

Time t

Control short vibration: Short vibration period and the same set value with the derivative time (Td)
mean that the derivative time is strong. Shortening the derivative time (Td) can control the vibration.
When setting the derivative time as 0.00 (ire no derivation control) is useless to control the vibration,
decrease the gain.

Response After adjustment

Before adjustment

Time t

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
0: Keypad (P09.01)
1: AI1
2: AI2
3: AI3
4: HDI
P09.00 PID reference source 0
5: Multi-step speed
6: Modbus communication
7: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
8: Ethernet communication
9: Reserved
P09.01 Keypad PID preset -100.0%–100.0% 0.0%
0: AI1
1: AI2
2: AI3
3: HDI
P09.02 PID feedback source 4: Modbus communication feedback 0
5: PROFIBUS/CANopen communication
6: Ethernet communication feedback
7: Reserved
0: PID output is positive
P09.03 PID output feature 0
1: PID output is negative
P09.04 Proportional gain (Kp) 0.00–100.00 1.00
P09.05 Integral time (Ti) 0.00–50.00s 100 s
P09.06 Differential time (Td) 0.00–10.00s 0.00 s
P09.07 Sampling cycle (T) 0.001–1.000s 0.001 s
P09.08 PID control deviation limit 0.0–100.0% 0.0%
P09.10–100.0% (max frequency or max
P09.09 Output upper limit of PID 100.0%
-100.0%–P09.09 (max frequency or max
P09.10 Output lower limit of PID 0.0%
Detection value of
P09.11 0.0–100.0% 0.0%
feedback offline
Detection time of
P09.12 0.0–3600.0s 1.0 s
feedback offline
P09.13 PID adjustment 0x000–0x111 0x001

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
LED ones:
0: Keep integral adjustment ON while the
frequency achieves upper or lower limit.
1: Stop integral adjustment while the
frequency achieves upper or lower limit
LED tens:
0: The same with the setting direction
1: Opposite to the setting direction
LED hundreds: when P00.08 is 0
0: Limit to the maximum frequency
1: Limit to A frequency
P17.00 Set frequency 0.00 Hz–P00.03 (max. output frequency) 0.00 Hz
P17.23 PID reference -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
P17.24 PID feedback -100.0–100.0% 0.0%
7.16 Commissioning for special functions
7.16.1 Wiring mode of the encoder and pulse reference terminal
1. Differential output (suitable toC1, H1 and H2)

Use shield cables

Differential 5V
output GND
A+ A+
A- A-

B+ B+
B- B-

Z+ Z+
Z- Z-


Note: The diagram of differential output is given to the H1 interface, C1 interface applies opto-isolator
and H2 interface applies differential chips. The external wiring is the same as that of H1.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

2. Open collector output (suitable to C1 and H1)

Use shield cables
Open collector output
0V +5V
A+ A

A A-

B+ B

B B-

Z Z-


3. Complementary output (suitable to C1 and H1)

Use shield cables
0V +5V
A A+ A


B B+ B


Z Z+ Z


Above diagram are given to the features of common encoder and suitable to H1 interface.
The diagram of differential output is given to the H1 interface, C1 interface applies opto-isolator and
H2 interface applies differential chips. The external wiring is the same as that of H1.
If the external current is limited, C1and H1 interface is suitable to encoder signal and pulse reference
signal input with greater voltage.

4. Push-pull output encoder connection

Use shield cable

0V +5V
Vcc A+ A
output A A-
OV +5V
B+ B

B B-

Z+ Z

Z Z-


Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Push-pull output mode wiring diagram 1

Use shield cable
0V +5V
A A+ A
output OV A-
B B+ B


Z Z+ Z



Push-pull output mode wiring diagram 2

Note: When this output mode is used, please refer to the electrical specifications of output current in
the encoder manual.

1. If the flowing–in current of the output current is more than 25mA and the flowing-out current is less
than 25mA and , please apply mode 1

2. If the flowing-in current of the output current is less than 25mA and the flowing–out current is more
than 25mA, please apply mode 2

3. If the flowing-in and flowing–out current of the output current are more than 25mA, please apply
mode 1 or 2.

Note: Z signal is needed for the spindle positioning VFD and the wiring is the same as that of A and B
7.16.2 Commissioning steps
1. Closed-loop vector debugging of AM

(1) Set P00.18=1 and restore to the factory settings.

(2) Set the parameters of P00.03, P00.04 and P02 group

(3) Motor autotuning

a) Set P00.15=1 and begin rotating autotuning

b) Set P00.15=2 and begin static autotuning

De-couple the load from the motor to carry out rotating autotuning; otherwise, carry out static
autotuning. The parameters after autotuning can be saved in P02 group automatically.

(4) Check the encoder is installed and correctly set

a) Ensure the encoder direction and parameters setting

Set P20.01 and set P00.00=2, P00.10=20 Hz. Start the VFD and watch the value of P18.00. If the
value is negative, the direction of the encoder is reversed and it is necessary to set P20.02=1, if a
huge bias exists, then the set value of P20.01 is wrong. Check if the fluctuation of P18.02 exists, then

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

the set value of P20.01 is wrong and check the wiring and the shield layer.

b) Ensure the direction of pulse Z

Set P00.10=20 Hz and P00.13 and observe the offset of P18.02 to ensure the value is less than 5. If
the reverse function of pulse Z are not available after setting P20.02, then exchange A and B phase of
the encoder after power off. And then observe the rotating value of P18.02 to ensure how far the
forward value derivate from the reverse value. The direction of pulse Z only impacts the positioning
accuracy of forward/reverse rotating if pulse Z is applied in the spindle positioning.

(5) Trial running of the closed-loop vector

Set P00.00=3 to carry out closed-loop vector control. Adjust P00.10 and the ASR and ACR PI
parameters in the P03 group to ensure the smooth running.

(6) The weak magnetism control

Set P03.26=0–2000 and observe the weak magnetism control. Adjust P03.22–P03.24 according the
actual need.

2. Closed-loop vector debugging of SM

(1) Set P00.18=1 and restore to the factory settings.

(2) Set P00.03=3, P00.03, P00.04 and the parameters in P02 group.

(3) Set P20.00 and P20.01.

If rotary transformer encoder is selected, please set the pulse pair of the encoder (the number of pole
pair*1024), if the pole pair is 4, please set P20.01=4096.

(4) Check the encoder is installed and correctly set.

Observe the value of P18.21 after motor stopping to ensure the value has no fluctuations or small
fluctuations. But check the wiring and grounding if the fluctuation is huge. Rotate the motor slowly and
the value of P18.21 may change slowly, too. If the value of P18.02 does not change and not equal to
0 after several cycles, then the signal of encoder Z is correct.

(5) Autotuning of the pole initial angle

Set P20.11=1 or 2 (1 is the rotating autotuning and 2 is the static autotuning) and press "RUN".

a) Rotating autotuning (P20.11=1)

Detect the pole position in the beginning, and then accelerate to 10 Hz to autotune the pole position of
pulse Z, after that decelerate to stop.

If ENC1O or ENC1D occurs during the operation, please set P20.02=1 and then re-autotune. If
ENC1Z occurs, check the connection of pulse Z.

The result will be saved in P20.09 and P20.10 after autotuning.

b) Static autotuning

It is recommended to apply rotating autotuning P20.11=1 to get higher autotuning precision if the load
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

can be de-coupled. The other autotuning mode is also available if the load cannot de-couple. The
pole position after autotuning is saved in P20.09 and P20.10.

(6) Trial running of the closed-loop vector

Adjust P0.10 and the ASR and ACR PI parameters in P3 group to ensure the smooth running. If
fluctuation occurs, reduce the value of P03.00 and P03.03, and P03.09 and P03.10. If the current
fluctuates at low speed, adjust P20.05.

Note: Reset P20.02 after change the motor or encoder wiring and re-autotune the angle of pulse Z.

3. Debugging steps of pulse string control

Pulse input is based on closed-loop vector control and speed detection is applied in the subsequent

(1) Set P00.18=1 and restore to the factory settings.

(2) Set P00.03 and P0.04 and the parameters in P02 group.

(3) Motor autotuning: rotating autotuning and static autotuning.

(4) Check the encoder is installed and correctly set. Set P00.00=3 and P00.10=20 Hz and operate.
Check the control and performance of the system.

(5)Set P21.00=0001 and select the position control as the position mode. There are 4 pulse
command modes which can be selected by P21.01.

In the position mode, the user can select the high/LSB of the reference and feedback value, P18.02,
P18.00, P18.17, P18.19 and the relationship between P18.08 and P18.02, P18.17, P18.18 and

(6) P21.02 and P21.03 can be shifted through speed command, torque command and terminal

(7) If set P21.08 to 0, the position control is invalid, the pulse train is the frequency source and P21.13
is 100%. The deceleration and acceleration time are determined by the deceleration and acceleration
time of the pulse train, but the deceleration and acceleration time of the pulse train in the system can
be adjusted. If the pulse train is selected to control the speed, set P21.00=0000, P00.06 or
P00.07=12, AB pulse train, then the acceleration and deceleration time depend on the time of the
VFD and the parameter setting is determined by P21. In speed control mode, set the filter time of AB
pulse by P21.29.

(8)The input frequency of the pulse train is the same as the feedback frequency of the encoder pulse.
The relationship between them can be changed by modifying P21.11 and P21.12.

(9)When run command or servo enable is valid by setting P21.00 or terminal function 63, the VFD will
run into the pulse string servo mode.

4. Debugging steps of spindle positioning

The spindle positioning is the function of stopping such as zeroing and scaling on the basis of

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

closed-loop vector control.





command ON

terminal 1
Position ON ON
finished signal

The steps of (1)–(4) are the same as the 4 steps in close-loop vector control mode. The function of
spindle positioning is available in the position control mode and speed control mode.

(5) Set P22.00.bit0=1 and P22.00.bit1. If the system applies encoder to detect the speed, set
P22.00.bit1=0, and if the system applies the photoelectric switch to detect the speed, set
P22.00.bit1=1; set P22.00.bit2, P22.00.bit3 and P22.00.bit7

(6)Spindle zeroing

a) Set P22.00.bit4 to select the positioning direction.

b) There are 4 zero positions in P22 group. Set P05 to select the zeroing position. Operation on
P18.10 can watch the stopping state.

c) The positioning length is determined by the deceleration time and the deceleration speed.

(7) Spindle scaling

There are 7 scale positions in P22 group. Set P05 to select the scale position. Enable corresponding
terminal after motor stopping, the motor will inquiry the scaling state and turn to corresponding
position. Operation on P18.09 can watch the state.

(8) Priority of the speed control, position control, zeroing and scaling

The priority of speed control > The priority of scaling. If the system runs at the scaling mode, when the
spindle positioning is disabled, the motor will runs at the speed mode or position mode.

The priority of zeroing > The priority of scaling. The scaling commands are valid if the scaling terminal
is turning from 000state to non-000state. If 000–011, then the spindle will operate scaling 3, the
transition time of terminal switching is less than 10 ms, otherwise wrong scaling command may be
carried out.

(9) Positioning retention

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

In positioning, the gain of position loop is P21.03, but when the positioning is finished, it is P21.02.
Adjust P03.00, P03.01, P20.05 and P21.02 to keep the position and stabilize the system.

(10) Positioning command (bit6 of P22.00)

Signal of electrical level: Positioning command can only be executed after operation command or
servo enable.

(11) Spindle reference selection (bit0 of P22.00)

Below positioning modes are available in encoder pulse Z positioning:

a) The encoder is installed on the motor shaft and the shaft is rigid-connected to the spindle with the
ratio of 1: 1.

b) The encoder is installed on the motor shaft and the shaft is connected to the spindle by belt with the
ratio of 1: 1.

It is recommended to begin positioning at the area close to the switch because the belt may slide
when the spindle rotates at a high speed to cause inaccurate positioning.

c) The encoder is installed on the spindle and the motor shaft is connected to the spindle by belt. The
drive ratio cannot be 1: 1.

It is necessary to set P20.06 and set P22.14 to be 1. The control performance of closed-loop vector
may be affected if the encoder is not installed on the motor.

Below spindle positioning mode is available:

d) The encoder is installed on the motor shaft. The drive ratio cannot be 1: 1.

It is necessary to set P22.14 at the same time.

5. Digital positioning

The figure is shown as below:

P21.21 P21.20
Positioning P21.20 P21.21

P21.22 Time


Terminal of
enabling signal
finished signal

The steps of (1)–(4) are the same as the 4 steps in close-loop vector control mode. After the 4 steps,
the control requirements can be met.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

(5) Set P21.00=0011 and set P21.17, P21.11, P21.12, P21.18, P21.19, P21.20 and P21.21 according
to actual needs.

(6) Single positioning operation

Set P21.16.bit1=0, and the motor will set as step (5) and keep on the positioning place.

(7) Cycle positioning operation

Set P21.16.bit1=1 to enable the loop positioning which includes continuous mode and repeated mode.
The operation is also available by terminals function.

6. Photoelectric switch positioning

Photoelectric switch positioning is to position in the closed-loop vector control mode.

Direct deceleration Direct deceleration
positioning positioning
Constant + DEC Constant + DEC
positioning positioning


switch arrival

enabling signal

The steps of (1)–(4) are the same as the 4 steps in close-loop vector control mode. After the 4 steps,
the control requirements can be met.

(5) Set P21.00=0021 to enable the positioning. The signal is only connected with S8. Set P05.08=43
and P21.17, P21.11, P21.12 and P21.21. If the operation speed is big or the setting placement is too
small, the positioning deceleration time is invalid and it will enter into the direct deceleration mode.

(6) Cycle positioning operation

The motor will keep on the current position after positioning. Set group P05. If the terminal receives
the enabling signal, the motor will operate at the setting speed in speed mode, after receiving
photoelectric switch signal, it will position again.

(7) Positioning retention

During the positioning, the position loop gain is P21.03, but after positioning, it is P21.02. Adjust
P03.00, P03.01, P20.05 and P21.02 to keep the position and avoid vibration.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

7.17 Fault solutions

Goodrive35 series VFDs provide sufficient fault procedure information for the convenience of user’s

In running

Fault occurs and the

keypad displays the
fault code

Look up the fault

reason according
to the fault code

According to
P07.33~P07.40 to
estimate the best reason

Settle the fault

consult INVT

Normal running

Relative parameters list:

Name Description Default
P07.27 Present fault type 0: No fault 0
P07.28 Type of the last fault 1: Inverter unit phase protection (OUt1)
Type of the last but one 2: Inverter unit V phase protection
fault (OUt2)
Type of the last but two 3: Inverter unit W phase protection
fault (OUt3)
Type of the last but three 4: ACC overcurrent (OC1)
fault 5: DEC overcurrent (OC2)
6: Constant-speed overcurrent (OC3)
7: ACC overvoltage (OV1)
Type of the last but four
P07.32 8: DEC overvoltage (OV2)
9: Constant-speed overvoltage (OV3)
10: Bus undervoltage (UV)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
11: Motor overload (OL1)
12: VFD overload (OL2)
13: Input side phase loss (SPI)
14: Output side phase loss (SPO)
15: Overheat of the rectifier module
16: Overheat fault of the inverter module
17: External fault (EF)
18: 485 communication fault (CE)
19: Current detection fault (ItE)
20: Motor autotune fault (tE)
21: EEPROM operation fault (EEP)
22: PID response offline fault (PIDE)
23: Brake unit fault (bCE)
24: Running time arrival (END)
25: Electrical overload (OL3)
26: Panel communication fault (PCE)
27: Parameter uploading fault (UPE)
28: Parameter downloading fault (DNE)
29: PROFIBUS communication fault
30: Ethernet communication fault
31: CANopen communication fault
32: Grounding short circuit fault 1 (ETH1)
33: Grounding short circuit fault 2 (ETH2)
34: Speed deviation fault (dEu)
35: Maladjustment (STu)
36: Undervoltage fault (LL)
37: Encoder offline fault (ENC1O)
38: Encoder reverse fault (ENC1D)
39: Encoder pulse Z offline fault
43: Motor overtemperature fault (OT)
P07.33 Running frequency at present fault 0.00 Hz
P07.34 Ramp reference frequency at present fault 0.00 Hz
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Basic operation instruction

Name Description Default
P07.35 Output voltage at present fault 0V
P07.36 Output current at present fault 0.0 A
P07.37 Bus voltage at present fault 0.0 V
P07.38 Max temperature at present fault 0.0°C
P07.39 Input terminal state at present fault 0
P07.40 Output terminal state at present fault 0
P07.41 Running frequency at last fault 0.00 Hz
P07.42 Ramp reference frequency at last fault 0.00 Hz
P07.43 Output voltage at last fault 0V
P07.44 Output current at last fault 0.0 A
P07.45 Bus voltage at last fault 0.0 V
P07.46 Max temperature at last fault 0.0°C
P07.47 Input terminals state at last fault 0
P07.48 Output terminal state at last fault 0
P07.49 Running frequency at last but one fault 0.00 Hz
P07.50 Output voltage at last but one fault 0.00 Hz
P07.51 Output current at last but one fault 0V
P07.52 Output current at last but one fault 0.0 A
P07.53 Bus voltage at last but one fault 0.0 V
P07.54 Highest temperature at last but one fault 0.0°C
P07.55 Input terminal state at last but one fault 0
P07.56 Output terminal state at last but one fault 0

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Chapter 8 Fault tracking

8.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter tells how to reset faults and view fault history. It also lists all alarm and fault messages
including the possible cause and corrective actions.

 Only qualified electricians are allowed to maintain the VFD. Read the safety
instructions in chapter Safety precautions before working on the VFD.

8.2 Alarm and fault indications

Fault is indicated by LEDs. See Chapter 5 "Keypad operation procedures". When TRIP light is on, an
alarm or fault message on the panel display indicates abnormal VFD state. Using the information
given in this chapter, most alarm and fault cause can be identified and corrected. If not, contact the
INVT office.
8.3 How to reset
The VFD can be reset by pressing the keypad key STOP/RST, through digital input, or by switching
the power light. When the fault has been removed, the motor can be restarted.
8.4 Fault history
Function codes P07.27–P07.32 store 6 recent faults. Function codes P07.33–P07.40, P07.41–P7.48,
P07.49–P07.56 show drive operation data at the time the latest 3 faults occurred.
8.5 Fault instruction and solution
Do as the following after the VFD fault:
1. Check to ensure there is nothing wrong with the keypad. If not, contact the local INVT office.
2. If there is nothing wrong, please check P07 and ensure the corresponding recorded fault
parameters to confirm the real state when the current fault occurs by all parameters.
3. See the following table for detailed solution and check the corresponding abnormal state.
4. Eliminate the fault and ask for relative help.
5. Check to eliminate the fault and carry out fault reset to run the VFD.
8.5.1 VFD faults and solutions
Code Fault Cause Solution
Inverter unit U The acceleration is too fast
phase protection There is damage to the internal
 Increase acceleration time
Inverter unit V to IGBT of the phase
OUt2  Change the power unit
phase protection Misoperation is caused by
 Check the driving wires
 Check if there is strong interference
Inverter unit W The connection of the driving
OUt3 to the external equipment
phase protection wires is not good
Short-to-ground occurs.
OV1 ACC overvoltage The input voltage is abnormal Check the input power
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Code Fault Cause Solution

OV2 DEC overvoltage There is large energy feedback Check if the DEC time of the load is
No brake components too short, or the motor is started
Brake energy is not open when it is rotating.
OV3 Install a dynamic brake components
Check the setting of relative function
OC1 ACC overcurrent The acceleration or deceleration
Increase the ACC time
OC2 DEC overcurrent is too fast
Check the input power
The voltage of the grid is too low
Select the VFD with a larger power
The power of VFD is too low
Check if the load is short circuited
The load transients or is
(the grounding short circuited or the
wire short circuited) or the rotation is
Constant-speed The grounding is short circuited
OC3 not smooth
overcurrent or the output is phase loss
Check the output configuration.
There is strong external
Check if there is strong interference
Check the setting of relative function
The overvoltage stall protection
is not open
The voltage of the grid is too low Check the input power of the grid;
UV Bus undervoltage The overvoltage stall protection Check the setting of relative function
is not open codes
The voltage of the grid is too low
Check the power of the grid
The rated current of the motor is
Reset the rated current of the motor
OL1 Motor overload not correctly set
Check the load and adjust the torque
The motor stall or load transients
is too strong
The acceleration is too fast Increase the ACC time
Restart the rotating motor Avoid the restarting after stopping.
OL2 VFD overload The voltage of the grid is too low. Check the power of the grid
The load is too heavy. Select a VFD with bigger power.
The motor power is too small. Select a proper motor.
Input side phase Phase loss or fluctuation of input Check input power
loss R,S,T Check installation distribution
U, V,W phase loss input (or
Output side phase Check the output distribution
SPO serious asymmetrical three
loss Check the motor and cable
phase of the load)
Rectifying module Air duct jam or fan damage Dredge the vent duct or replace the
overheated Ambient temperature is too high. fan

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Code Fault Cause Solution

Inverter module The time of overload running is Lower the ambient temperature
overheated too long.
SI external fault input terminals
EF External fault Check the external device input
The baud rate setting is Set proper baud rate
incorrect. Check the communication
485 Fault occurs to the connection distribution
CE communication communication wiring. Set proper communication address.
fault Communication address is wrong. Chang or replace the connection
There is strong interference to distribution or improve the
the communication. anti-interference capability.
The connection of the control
board is not good Check the connector and re-plug
ItE Hall components is broken Change the Hall
The modifying circuit is Change the main control panel
The motor capacity does not Change the VFD mode
comply with VFD capability Set the rated parameter according to
The rated parameter of the motor the motor name plate
Motor-autotuning does not set correctly. Empty the motor load and re-identify
fault The offset between the Check the motor connection and set
parameters from autotune and the parameter.
the standard parameter is huge Check if the upper limit frequency is
Autotune overtime above 2/3 of the rated frequency.
Error of controlling the write and
EEPROM Press STOP/RST to reset
EEP read of the parameters
operation fault Change the main control panel
Damage to EEPROM
PID feedback PID feedback offline Check the PID feedback signal
outline fault PID feedback source disappear Check the PID feedback source
Brake circuit fault or damage to
Check the brake unit and , change
the brake pipes
bCE Brake unit fault new brake pipe
External brake resistor is
Increase the brake resistor
The actual running time of the
Running time Ask for the supplier and adjust the
END VFD is above the internal setting
arrival setting running time.
running time.
Electrical VFD will report overload Check the load and the overload
overload pre-alarm based on the set value. pre-alarm threshold.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Code Fault Cause Solution

The connection of the keypad
Check the keypad wires and ensure
wires is not good or broken.
whether there is mistake.
Keypad The keypad wire is too long and
Check the environment and avoid
PCE communication affected by strong interference.
the interference source.
fault There is circuit fault on the
Change the hardware and ask for
communication of the keypad
and main board.
The connection of the keypad
wires is not good or broken.
Check the keypad wires and ensure
The keypad wire is too long and
Parameters whether there is mistake.
UPE affected by strong interference.
uploading fault Change hardware and ask for service.
There is circuit fault on the
Change hardware and ask for service.
communication of the keypad
and main board.
The connection of the keypad
Check the keypad wires and ensure
wires is not good or broken.
whether there is mistake.
Parameters The keypad wire is too long and
DNE Change the hardware and ask for
downloading fault affected by strong interference.
There is mistake on the data
Repack-up the data in the keypad.
storage of the keypad.
Communication address is wrong
Corresponding resistor is not
PROFIBUS dialed Check related setting
E-DP communication The files of main stop GSD does Check the surrounding environment,
fault not set sound and eliminate interference effects.
The peripheral interference is too
Check the relative setting.
Ethernet address is set improperly.
Ethernet Check the communication method
Ethernet communication is wrong
E-NET communication selection.
The peripheral interference is too
fault Check the surrounding environment,
and eliminate interference effects.
The connection is not sound
Corresponding resistor is not Check the connection
CANopen dialed Draw out the matching resistor
E-CAN communication The communication baud rate is Set the same baud rate
fault not matched Check the surrounding environment,
The peripheral interference is too and eliminate interference effects.
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Code Fault Cause Solution

The output of the VFD is short
Check if the connection of the motor
circuited with the ground.
is normal or not
Grounding There is fault in the current
ETH1 Change the hall
shortcut fault 1 detection circuit.
Change the main control panel
The actual motor power sharply
Set motor parameters correctly.
differs from the VFD power.
The output of the VFD is short
Check if the connection of the motor
circuited with the ground.
is normal or not
Grounding There is fault in the current
ETH2 Change the Hall
shortcut fault 2 detection circuit.
Change the main control panel
The actual motor power sharply
Set motor parameters correctly.
differs from the VFD power.
Check the load and ensure it is
Speed deviation normal. Increase the detection time.
dEu The load is too heavy or stalled.
fault Check whether the control
parameters are normal.
The control parameters of the
Check the load and ensure it is
synchronous motors not set
Maladjustment Check whether the control
STo The autotune parameter is not
fault parameter is set properly or not.
Increase the maladjustment
The VFD is not connected to the
detection time.
The VFD will report the
Electronic Check the load and the underload
LL underload pre-alarm according
underload fault pre-alarm threshold.
to the set value.
Encoder line sequence error, or
ENC1 Encoder offline
signal wire is connected Check encoder wiring
O fault
ENC1 Encoder reverse Encoder speed signal is contrary
Reset encoder direction
D fault to running direction of the motor
Encoder pulse Z
ENC1Z Z signal wire is disconnected Check Z signal wiring

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking

Code Fault Cause Solution

Motor overtemperature input Check the wiring of motor
terminal is valid overtemperature input terminal
Temperature detection resistor is (terminal function 57)
OT over-temperature
abnormal Check whether temperature sensor
Motor runs in overload condition functions normally
in long time or it is abnormal Check and maintain the motor.
8.5.2 Other states
Code State type Possible cause Solution
System power off or bus
PoFF System power off Check grid environment
voltage is too low
Communication between keypad Keypad is connected Check the installation of
and main control plate failed improperly keypad
8.6 Common fault analysis
8.6.1 The motor does not work
The motor does not

If the POWER is on
or not? No If the contactor closes on No Switch on the air
If there is displaying on the input side contactor
the keypad
Settle the fault Yes Check the Normal
If the keypad displays the
Normal running according to the voltage og RST VFD fault
information or not
fault information with multimeter
No Abnormal
Reset the No Communication Terminal
If the communication Ensure the running Check the voltage of
parameters Normal running
parameter is right or not? command channel the power supply
If it is normal running
Abnormal Yes Keypad Normal
norm If the running is normal
Check the state of No
Normal Normal If the communication Normal running al Press RUN to run or not after switching
configuration is the input terminal
running on the terminal
right or not
Abnormal Yes
abmormal Abnormal

If the speed command No If the running is normal after setting Normal Normal
setting is right or not a right speed commadn running


Check the voltage of Abnormal

VFD fault

If the motor configuration No Set a right motor

is right or not configuration


No Yes Reduce the load if

Motor fault If the load is too heavy the motor is locked
caused by heavy load

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking
8.6.2 Motor vibration

Motor vibration or
abnormal noise

No Please set right

Check the motor parameter
motor type and
or motor type is right or not

Perform parameter No Perform right

autotune or not parameter autotune


No No
If set right V/F vibration It id vector control or not
parameter or not

Check the speed loop and No

Set right parameter Set right parameter
current is right or not


Check if there is abnormal Yes Check the given

vibration to the given

Check if there is abnormal Yes

Check the load
to the load


If it is a VFD fault, please

contact with our comapany

8.6.3 Overvoltage

OV fault

No Ensure the power supply

Check if the voltage range is in
the standard one or not ? meets the need


Check If UVW is short circuited to

Settle the short circuit
to the earth and the configuration of Yes
and confabulate rightly
the output side is right or not?


Check if the ACC/DEC Yes Check if shortening the Yes Shortening the
time is too short ACC/DEC time is allowed ACC/DEC time

No No

Yes Check if the load Check if it

Check the load and Yes
motor is in abnormal needs to use Add braking optionds
reverse running the options
No No

If it is a VFD fault, please

Adjust the braking
contact with our
options and the resistor

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking
8.6.4 Undervoltage fault

UV fault

Yes Ensure the power supply

If the voltage of the power supply
is in the standard range meet the need


Check if the air switch and Yes Switch on the air switch
contactor on the inside is off or and contactor and settle
abnormal or not the abnormal

Check if there is big power

device in the same power supply Adjust the power supply


Check that if there is Yes Ensure the power off

powering off during reason and settle the
the running of the VFD abnormal

If it is a VFD fault, please
contact with our

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking
8.6.5 Abnormal heating of the motor
Check if there is
abnormal heat to the

No Set right
Check if the parameter motor
is right or not parameters

No Parameter
Check if it needs to carry
out parameter autotune autotune


Check if the VFD runs at
low speed all the time


Check if it is frequency- No Select right

invertering motor motor


Check if the load is too Yes

Low the load


Check if the 3-phase No Change the

motor is balance motor


Yes Set proper

Check if the carrier
frequency is too low

Check if the motor wire Yes Add output

is too long filter


If it is a VFD fault, please

contact with our

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking
8.6.6 Overheat of the VFD

VFD overheating

Check if the load is too heavy Yes Decrease the load and
Or the capacity of the VFD increase the capacity of
is too low the VFD

Check if the ambient Yes Add heat-releasing

temperature is too
device or derate the VFD

Check if there is Yes If the it is a VFD fault,

abnormal noise to the please contact with our
fan of the VFD company

Check if the heat sink Yes Clean the heat sink and
is jammed improve the condition


Check if the carrier Yes Reduce the carrier

frequency is too high frequency


If it is a VFD fault, please

contact with our

8.6.7 Motor stall during ACC

Speed loss occurs to the
VFD during ACC

Check if the ACC time Yes

Increase the ACC time
is too short


Yes Thicken the motor cables and shorten

Check if the voltage between the the configuration distance and adjust the
terminals is among the range voltage of the reactor

Check if the load and Yes Check if the motor is Yes Contact with our
inertia is too big special company

No No

Reduce the torque of the Yes Reduce the inertia of the

Check if the load
load and increase the load and increase the
torque is too big
capacity of the VFD capacity of the VFD

If it is a VFD fault or
interference, please No Check if the torque Yes Check if it is V/F
contact with our boost is too high control
Yes No

Check if it performs No
Modify the torque boost Overcurrent
parameter autotune

If it is a VFD fault or
interference, please
contact with our

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Fault tracking
8.6.8 Overcurrent


Check if UVW is short

circuited to the earth Settle the short circuit
Remove the motor cable and problem and configure
ensure if there is connected the motor cables rightly
with the earth.


Check if the motor is Yes

short circuited to the Change the motor

Check if the motor type and No Set right motor type and
parameters are right parameters


Check if it needs No
Parameters autotune
parameters autotune


Check if the ACC/DEC Yes Adjust the ACC/DEC

time is too short time


Yes Reduce the load and

Check if the load is
increase the capacity of
too heavy
the VFD

Check if there is Yes Clear the interference

interference source source


Decrease the torque Yes Check if the torque Yes Check if it is V/F
boost boost is too big control

No No

Yes No Set right parameters of

Check if the multi-dots Check if the parameter of current
Adjust the V/F curve current loop and speed
V/F curve is set rightly loop and speed loop are right
No Yes

Set right Yes Check if there is If it is a VFD fault, please

V/F vibration control abnormal vibration to contact with our
parameters the motor company

If it is a VFD fault, please

contact with our

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Routine maintenance

Chapter 9 Routine maintenance

9.1 What this chapter contains.
The chapter contains preventive maintenance instructions of the VFD.
9.2 Maintenance intervals
If installed in an appropriate environment, the VFD requires very little maintenance. The table lists the
routine maintenance intervals recommended by INVT.

Checking Item Method Criterion

Check the ambient
temperature, humidity and
Visual examination Conforming to the
vibration and ensure there is
and instrument test manual
no dust, gas, oil fog and water
Ambient environment
Ensure there are no tools or There are no tools
other foreign or dangerous Visual examination or dangerous
objects objects.
Ensure the main circuit and Measurement by Conforming to the
control circuit are normal. millimeter manual
Ensure the display is clear The characters are
Visual examination
enough displayed normally.
Ensure the characters are Conforming to the
Visual examination
displayed totally manual
Ensure the screws are
Tighten up NA
tightened firmly
Ensure there is no distortion,
crackles, damage or
color-changing caused by Visual examination NA
overheating and aging to the
Main For public machine and insulator.
circuit use NA
Note: if the color of
the copper blocks
Ensure there is no dust and
Visual examination change, it does not
mean that there is
something wrong
with the features.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Routine maintenance

Checking Item Method Criterion

Ensure that there is no
distortion or color-changing of
Visual examination NA
The lead the conductors caused by
of the overheating.
conductors Ensure that there are no
crackles or color-changing of Visual examination NA
the protective layers.
Terminals Ensure that there is no
Visual examination NA
seat damage
Ensure that there is no
weeping, color-changing,
Visual examination NA
crackles and cassis
Estimate the usage
time according to the
Filter Ensure the safety valve is in
maintenance or NA
capacitors the right place.
measure the static
The static capacity
If necessary, measure the Measure the capacity is above or equal to
static capacity. by instruments. the original value
Ensure whether there is
Smelling and visual
replacement and splitting NA
caused by overheating.
Resistors Visual examination or
The resistors are in
remove one ending to
Ensure that there is no offline. ±10% of the
coagulate or measure
standard value.
with multimeters
Ensure there is no abnormal Hearing, smelling and
ers and NA
vibration, noise and smelling, visual examination
Ensure whether there is
vibration noise in the Hearing NA
Ensure the contactor is good
and relays Visual examination NA
Control PCB and Ensure there are no loose
Fasten up NA
circuit plugs screws and contactors.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Routine maintenance

Checking Item Method Criterion

Ensure there is no smelling Smelling and visual
and color-changing. examination
Ensure there are no crackles,
Visual examination NA
damage distortion and rust.
Visual examination or
Ensure there is no weeping estimate the usage
and distortion to the time according to the NA
capacitors. maintenance
Hearing and Visual
Estimate whether there is
examination or rotate Stable rotation
abnormal noise and vibration.
with hand
Estimate there is no losses
Tighten up NA
Cooling fan
Visual examination or
Ensure there is no estimate the usage
color-changing caused by time according to the NA
overheating. maintenance
Ensure whether there is stuff
or foreign objection in the Visual examination NA
cooling fan, air vent.
For more information about the maintenance, contact the local INVT office, or visit the website of Shenzhen INVT Electric CO., Ltd., choosing Service and Support on the
homepage to obtain the online service you need.
9.3 Cooling fan
The VFD’s cooling fan has a minimum life span of 25,000 operating hours. The actual life span
depends on the VFD usage and ambient temperature.

The operating hours can be found through P07.14.

Fan failure can be predicted by the increasing noise from the fan bearings. If the VFD is operated in a
critical part of a process, fan replacement is recommended once these symptoms appear. Spare fans
are also available.
9.3.1 Replacing the cooling fan
 Read and follow the instructions in Chapter 1 "Safety precautions". Ignoring
the instructions would cause physical injury or death, or damage to the

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Routine maintenance

1. Stop the VFD and disconnect it from the AC power source and wait for at least the time designated
on the VFD.

2. Loose the fan cable from the clip (remove the shell for the VFDs of 380 V 1.5–30 kW).

3. Disconnect the fan cable.

4. Remove the fan.

5. Install the new fan in the VFD, put the fan cables in the clip and then fix the VFD well. Keep the
wind direction of the fan consistent with that of the VFD as shown below:

6. Connect the power supply.

9.4 Capacitors
9.4.1 Capacitors reforming
The DC bus capacitors must be reformed according to the operation instruction if the VFD has been
stored for a long time. The storing time is counted form the producing date other than the delivery
data which has been marked in the serial number of the VFD.

Time Operational principle

Storing time less than 1 year Operation without charging
Storing time 1-2 years Connect with the power for 1 hour before first ON command
Use power surge to charge for the VFD
• charging 25% rated voltage for 30 minutes
Storing time 2-3 years • charging 50% rated voltage for 30 minutes
• charging 75% rated voltage for 30 minutes
• charging 100% rated voltage for 30 minutes
Use power surge to charge for the VFD
• charging 25% rated voltage for 2 hours
Storing time more than 3
• charging 50% rated voltage for 2 hours
• charging 75% rated voltage for 2 hours
• charging 100% rated voltage for 2 hours

Use voltage-adjusting power supply to charge the VFD:

The right selection of the voltage-adjusting power supply depends on the supply power of the VFD.
Single phase 220 V AC/2A power surge is applied to the VFD of single/three-phase 220 V AC. The
VFD of single/three-phase 220 V AC can apply single phase 220 V AC/2A power surge (L+ to R, N
to S or T). All DC bus capacitors can charge at the same time because there is one rectifier.

High-voltage VFD needs enough voltage (for example, 380 V) during charging. The small capacitor
power (2A is enough) can be used because the capacitor needs little current when charging.

The operation method of VFD charging through resistors (LEDs):

The charging time is at least 60 minutes if charge the DC bus capacitor directly through supply power.
This operation is available on normal temperature and no-load condition and the resistor should be

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Routine maintenance

serially connected in the 3-phase circuits of the power supply:

a) 380 V driven device: 1k/100W resistor. LED of 100W can be used when the power voltage is no
more than 380 V. But if used, the light may be off or weak during charging.

b) 660 V drive device: 1k/160W resistor.

1kΩ/100W R U

Power supply 380V


Resistor T W

Figure 9-1 380 V charging illustration of the driven device

9.4.2 Change electrolytic capacitors
 Read and follow the instructions in Chapter 1 "Safety precautions". Ignoring
the instructions may cause physical injury or death, or damage to the

An electrolytic capacitor must be replaced if it has been used for more than 35,000 hours. For details
about the replacement, contact the local INVT office, or our national service hotline (400-700-9997).
9.5 Power cable
 Read and follow the instructions in Chapter 1 "Safety precautions". Ignoring
the instructions may cause physical injury or death, or damage to the

1. Stop the drive and disconnect it from power line. Wait for at least the time designated on the VFD.

2. Check the tightness of the power cable connections.

3. Restore power.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Chapter 10 Communication protocol

10.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter describes the communication protocol of Goodrive35 series VFDs.

The Goodrive35 series VFDs provide RS485 communication interface. It adopts international
standard ModBus communication protocol to perform master-slave communication. The user can
realize centralized control through PC/PLC, upper control PC, etc. (set the control command, running
frequency of the VFD, modify relevant function codes, monitor and control the operating state and
fault information of the VFD and so on) to adapt specific application requirements.
10.2 Brief instruction to Modbus protocol
Modbus is a software protocol, a common language used in electronic controllers. By using this
protocol, a controller can communicate with other devices through transmission lines. It is a general
industrial standard. With this standard, control devices produced by different manufacturers can be
connected to form an industrial network and be monitored in a centralized way.

The Modbus protocol provides two transmission modes, namely American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII) and remote terminal units (RTU). On one Modbus network, all the
device transmission modes, baud rates, data bits, check bits, end bits, and other basic parameters
must be set consistently.

A Modbus network is a control network with one master and multiple slaves, that is, on one Modbus
network, there is only one device serving as the master, and other devices are the slaves. The master
can communicate with one slave or broadcast messages to all the slaves. For separate access
commands, a slave needs to return a response. For broadcasted information, slaves do not need to
return responses.
10.3 Application of the VFD
The Modbus protocol of the VFD is RTU mode and the physical layer is RS485.
10.3.1 RS485
The interface of RS485 works on semiduplex and its data signal applies differential transmission
which is called balance transmission, too. It uses twisted pairs, one of which is defined as A (+) and
the other is defined as B (-). Generally, if the positive electrical level between sending drive A and B is
among +2–+6 V, it is logic"1", if the electrical level is among -2 V–-6 V, it is logic"0".

485+ on the terminal board corresponds to A and 485- to B.

Communication baud rate means the binary bit number in one second. The unit is bit/s (bps). Higher the
baud rate is, quicker the transmission speed is, and weaker the anti-interference is. If twisted pair of
0.56mm (24AWG) is used as communication cable, the max transmission distance is as below:

Max transmission Max transmission

Baud rate Baud rate
distance distance
2400BPS 1800m 9600BPS 800m

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Max transmission Max transmission

Baud rate Baud rate
distance distance
4800BPS 1200m 19200BPS 600m

It is recommended to use shield cables and make the shield layer as the grounding wires during
RS485 remote communication.

In the cases with less devices and shorter distance, it is recommended to use 120Ω terminal resistor
as the performance will be weakened if the distance increases even if the network can perform well
without load resistor. Single application
Figure 10-1 is the site Modbus connection figure of single VFD and PC. Generally, the computer does
not have RS485 interface, the RS232 or USB interface of the computer should be converted into
RS485 by converter. Connect the A terminal of RS485 to the 485+ terminal of the VFD and B to the
485- terminal. It is recommended to use the shield twisted pairs. When applying RS232-RS485
converter, if the RS232 interface of the computer is connected to the RS232 interface of the converter,
the wire length should be as short as possible within the length of 15m. It is recommended to connect
the RS232-RS485 converter to the computer directly. If using USB-RS485 converter, the wire should
be as short as possible, too.

Select a right interface to the upper monitor of the computer (select the interface of RS232-RS485
converter, such as COM1) after the wiring and set the basic parameters such as communication baud
rate and digital check bit to the same as the VFD.
Twisted pairs with shield screen B

A B Earth RS485 route

Earth 485- 485+
Convert from RS232
to RS485

Computer VFD

Figure 10-1 RS485 physical connection in single application Multi-application
In the real multi-application, the chrysanthemum connection and star connection are commonly used.

Chrysanthemum chain connection is required in the RS485 industrial fieldbus standards. The two
ends are connected to terminal resistors of 120Ω which is shown as Figure 10-2. Figure 10-3 is the
simply connection figure and Figure 10-4 is the real application figure.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

120Ω 120Ω
1# 2# 3# 4# 32#

Figure 10-2 Chrysanthemum connection



A+ B-

Master 1# 2# 3# 31#

Figure 10-3 Chrysanthemum connection

Shielded twist pairs

485- 485 - 485-
Earth 485 + Earth 485 + Earth 485+
Max. length of
RS232 cable: 15m VFD VFD VFD

Address 1 Address 2 Address n

Figure 10-4 Chrysanthemum connection applications

Figure 10-5 is the star connection. Terminal resistor should be connected to the two devices which
have the longest distance. (1# and 15#device)

6 # ain l
M tro
co vice



Figure 10-5 Star connection

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

It is recommended to use shield cables in multiple connection. The basic parameter of the devices,
such as baud rate and digital check bit in RS485 should be the same and there should be no repeated
10.3.2 RTU mode RTU communication frame format
If the controller is set to communicate by RTU mode in Modbus network every 8bit byte in the
message includes two 4Bit hex characters. Compared with ACSII mode, this mode can send more
data at the same baud rate.

Code system

1 start bit

7 or 8 digital bit, the minimum valid bit can be sent firstly. Every 8 bit frame includes two hex
characters (0...9, A...F)

1 even/odd check bit. If there is no checkout, the even/odd check bit is inexistent.

1 end bit (with checkout), 2 bit (no checkout)

Error detection field


The data format is illustrated as below:

11-bit character frame (BIT1–BIT8 are the data bits)

Start bit BIT1 BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 BIT8 Check bit End bit

10-bit character frame (BIT1–BIT7 are the data bits)

Start bit BIT1 BIT2 BIT3 BIT4 BIT5 BIT6 BIT7 Check bit End bit

In a character frame, only the data bits carry information. The start bit, check bit, and end bit are used
to facilitate the transmission of the data bits to the destination device. In practical applications, you
must set the data bits, parity check bits, and end bits consistently.

In RTU mode, the transmission of a new frame always starts from an idle time (the transmission time
of 3.5 bytes). On a network where the transmission rate is calculated based on the baud rate, the
transmission time of 3.5 bytes can be easily obtained. After the idle time ends, the data domains are
transmitted in the following sequence: slave address, operation command code, data, and CRC
check character. Each byte transmitted in each domain includes 2 hexadecimal characters (0–9, A–F).
The network devices always monitor the communication bus. After receiving the first domain (address
information), each network device identifies the byte. After the last byte is transmitted, a similar
transmission interval (the transmission time of 3.5 bytes) is used to indicate that the transmission of
the frame ends. Then, the transmission of a new frame starts.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

RTU data frame format

Modbus packet

Start with an idle time (at End with an idle time (at
Slave Function
least the transmission Data Check least the transmission
address code
time of 3.5 bytes) time of 3.5 bytes)

The information of a frame must be transmitted in a continuous data flow. If there is an interval greater
than the transmission time of 1.5 bytes before the transmission of the entire frame is complete, the
receiving device deletes the incomplete information, and mistakes the subsequent byte for the
address domain of a new frame. Similarly, if the transmission interval between two frames is shorter
than the transmission time of 3.5 bytes, the receiving device mistakes it for the data of the last frame.
The CRC check value is incorrect due to the disorder of the frames, and thus a communication fault

The standard structure of RTU frame:

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

ADDR Communication address: 0–247 (decimal system) (0 is the broadcast address)
03H: read slave parameters
06H: write slave parameters
DATA (N-1)
The data of 2*N bytes are the main content of the communication as well as the

core of data exchanging
DATA (0)
Detection value: CRC (16BIT)
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes) RTU communication frame error checkout
During the transmission of data, errors may occur due to various factors. Without check, the data
receiving device cannot identify data errors and may make a wrong response. The wrong response
may cause severe problems. Therefore, the data must be checked.

The check is implemented as follows: The transmitter calculates the to-be-transmitted data based on
a specific algorithm to obtain a result, adds the result to the rear of the message, and transmits them
together. After receiving the message, the receiver calculates the data based on the same algorithm
to obtain a result, and compares the result with that transmitted by the transmitter. If the results are
the same, the message is correct. Otherwise, the message is considered wrong.

The error check of a frame includes two parts, namely, bit check on individual bytes (that is, odd/even
check using the check bit in the character frame), and whole data check (CRC check).

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Bit check on individual bytes (odd/even check)

You can select the bit check mode as required, or you can choose not to perform the check, which will
affect the check bit setting of each byte.

Definition of even check: Before the data is transmitted, an even check bit is added to indicate
whether the number of "1" in the to-be-transmitted data is odd or even. If it is even, the check bit is set
to "0"; and if it is odd, the check bit is set to "1".

Definition of odd check: Before the data is transmitted, an odd check bit is added to indicate whether
the number of "1" in the to-be-transmitted data is odd or even. If it is odd, the check bit is set to "0";
and if it is even, the check bit is set to "1".

For example, the data bits to be transmitted are "11001110", including five "1". If the even check is
applied, the even check bit is set to "1"; and if the odd check is applied, the odd check bit is set to "0".
During the transmission of the data, the odd/even check bit is calculated and placed in the check bit of
the frame. The receiving device performs the odd/even check after receiving the data. If it finds that
the odd/even parity of the data is inconsistent with the preset information, it determines that a
communication error occurs.

CRC check

A frame in the RTU format includes an error detection domain based on the CRC calculation. The
CRC domain checks all the content of the frame. The CRC domain consists of two bytes, including 16
binary bits. It is calculated by the transmitter and added to the frame. The receiver calculates the CRC
of the received frame, and compares the result with the value in the received CRC domain. If the two
CRC values are not equal to each other, errors occur in the transmission.

During CRC, 0xFFFF is stored first, and then a process is invoked to process a minimum of 6
contiguous bytes in the frame based on the content in the current register. CRC is valid only for the
8-bit data in each character. It is invalid for the start, end, and check bits.

During the generation of the CRC values, the "exclusive or" (XOR) operation is performed on the
each 8-bit character and the content in the register. The result is placed in the bits from the least
significant bit (LSB) to the most significant bit (MSB), and 0 is placed in the MSB. Then, LSB is
detected. If LSB is 1, the XOR operation is performed on the current value in the register and the
preset value. If LSB is 0, no operation is performed. This process is repeated 8 times. After the last bit
(8th bit) is detected and processed, the XOR operation is performed on the next 8-bit byte and the
current content in the register. The final values in the register are the CRC values obtained after
operations are performed on all the bytes in the frame.

The calculation adopts the international standard CRC check rule. You can refer to the related
standard CRC algorithm to compile the CRC calculation program as required.

The following is a simple CRC calculation function for your reference (using the C programming

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

unsigned int crc_cal_value(unsigned char*data_value,unsigned char


int i;
unsigned int crc_value=0xffff;
In the ladder logic, CKSM uses the table look-up method to calculate the CRC value according to the
content in the frame. The program of this method is simple, and the calculation is fast, but the ROM
space occupied is large. Use this program with caution in scenarios where there are space
occupation limits on programs.
10.4 RTU command code and communication data illustration
10.4.1 Command code: 03H, reading N words (continuously reading up to 16 words)
The command code 03H is used by the master to read data from the VFD. The quantity of data to be
read depends on the "data quantity" in the command. A maximum of 16 pieces of data can be read.
The addresses of the read parameters must be contiguous. Each piece of data occupies 2 bytes, that
is, one word. The command format is presented using the hexadecimal system (a number followed by
"H" indicates a hexadecimal value). One hexadecimal value occupies one byte.

The 03H command is used to read information including the parameters and operation state of the

For example, starting from the data address of 0004H, to read two contiguous pieces of data (that is,
to read content from the data addresses 0004H and 0005H), the structure of the frame is described in
the following table.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

RTU master command (transmitted by the master to the VFD)

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

ADDR (address) 01H
CMD (command code) 03H
Most significant byte (MSB) of
the start address
Least significant byte (LSB) of
the start address
MSB of data quantity 00H
LSB of data quantity 02H
LSB of CRC 85H
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

The value in START and END is "T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)", indicating that the
RS485 needs to stay idle for at least the transmission time of 3.5 bytes. An idle time is required to
distinguish on message from another to ensure that the two messages are not regarded as one.

The value of ADDR is 01H, indicating that the command is transmitted to the VFD whose address is
01H. The ADDR information occupies one byte.

The value of CMD is 03H, indicating that the command is used to read data from the VFD. The CMD
information occupies one byte.

"Start address" indicates that data reading is started from this address. It occupies two bytes, with the
MSB on the left and LSB on the right.

"Data quantity" indicates the quantity of data to be read (unit: word).

The value of "Start address" is 0004H, and that of "Data quantity" is 0002H, indicating that data is to
be read from the data addresses of 0004H and 0005H.

CRC check occupies two bytes, with the LSB on the left, and MSB on the right.

RTU slave response (transmitted by the VFD to the master)

T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5

Number of bytes 04H
MSB of data in 0004H 13H
LSB of data in 0004H 88H
MSB of data in 0005H 00H
LSB of data in 0005H 00H

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol


END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

The definition of the response information is described as follows:

The value of ADDR is 01H, indicating that the message is transmitted by the VFD whose address is
01H. The ADDR information occupies one byte.
The value of CMD is 03H, indicating that the message is a response of the VFD to the 03H command
of the master for reading data. The CMD information occupies one byte.
"Number of bytes" indicates the number of bytes between a byte (not included) and the CRC byte (not
included). The value 04 indicates that there are four bytes of data between "Number of bytes" and
"LSB of CRC", that is, "MSB of data in 0004H", "LSB of data in 0004H", "MSB of data in 0005H", and
"LSB of data in 0005H".
A piece of data is two bytes, with the MSB on the left and LSB on the right. From the response, we
can see that the data in 0004H is 1388H, and that in 0005H is 0000H.

CRC check occupies two bytes, with the LSB on the left, and MSB on the right.
10.4.2 Command code: 06H, writing a word
This command is used by the master to write data to the VFD. One command can be used to write
only one piece of data. It is used to modify the parameters and operation mode of the VFD.

For example, to write 5000 (1388H) to 0004H of the VFD whose address is 02H, the structure of the
frame is described in the following table.

RTU master command (transmitted by the master to the VFD)

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

MSB of data writing address 00H
LSB of data writing address 04H
MSB of to-be-written data 13H
LSB of to-be-written data 88H
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

RTU slave response (transmitted by the VFD to the master)

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

MSB of data writing address 00H

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

LSB of data writing address 04H

MSB of to-be-written data 13H
LSB of to-be-written data 88H
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

Note: Section 10.4.1 and 10.4.2 mainly describe the command format, and the detailed application
will be mentioned in 10.4.8 with examples.
10.4.3 Command code: 08H, diagnosis
Sub-function code description
Sub-function Code Description
0000 Return data based on query requests
For example, to query about the circuit detection information about the VFD whose address is 01H,
the query and return strings are the same, and the format is described in the following tables.
RTU master command
START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)
MSB of the sub-function code 00H
LSB of the sub-function code 00H
MSB of data 12H
LSB of data ABH
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)
RTU slave response
START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)
MSB of the sub-function code 00H
LSB of the sub-function code 00H
MSB of data 12H
LSB of data ABH
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol
10.4.4 Command code: 10H, continuous writing
The command code 10H is used by the master to write data to the VFD. The quantity of data to be
written is determined by "Data quantity", and a maximum of 16 pieces of data can be written.

For example, to write 5000 (1388H) and 50 (0032H) respectively to 0004H and 0005H of the VFD
whose slave address is 02H, the structure of the frame is described in the following table.
RTU master command (transmitted by the master to the VFD)

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

MSB of data writing address 00H
LSB of data writing address 04H
MSB of data quantity 00H
LSB of data quantity 02H
Number of bytes 04H
MSB of data to be written to 0004H 13H
LSB of data to be written to 0004H 88H
MSB of data to be written to 0005H 00H
LSB of data to be written to 0005H 32H
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

RTU slave response (transmitted by the VFD to the master)

START T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)

MSB of data writing address 00H
LSB of data writing address 04H
MSB of data quantity 00H
LSB of data quantity 02H
END T1-T2-T3-T4 (transmission time of 3.5 bytes)
10.4.5 The definition of data address
This section describes the address definition of communication data. The addresses are used for
controlling the running, obtaining the state information, and setting related function parameters of the

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol The rules of parameter address of the function codes
The address of a function code consists of two bytes, with the MSB on the left and LSB on the right.
The MSB ranges from 00 to ffH, and the LSB also ranges from 00 to ffH. The MSB is the hexadecimal
form of the group number before the dot mark, and LSB is that of the number behind the dot mark.
Take P05.06 as an example, the group number is 05, that is, the MSB of the parameter address is the
hexadecimal form of 05; and the number behind the dot mark is 06, that is, the LSB is the
hexadecimal form of 06. Therefore, the function code address is 0506H in the hexadecimal form. For
P10.01, the parameter address is 0A01H.
Name Description Default Modify
0: Stop after running once.
P10.00 Simple PLC 1: Run at the final value after running once. 0 ○
2. Cycle running.
Simple PLC
0: Power loss without memory
P10.01 memory 0 ○
1: Power loss with memory


The parameters in the P29 group are set by the manufacturer. They cannot be read or modified.
Some parameters cannot be modified when the VFD is running; some cannot be modified regardless
of the state of the VFD. Pay attention to the setting range, unit, and related description of a parameter
when modifying it.

The service life of the Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) may be
reduced if it is frequently used for storage. For users, some function codes do not need to be stored
during communication. The application requirements can be met by modifying the value of the
on-chip RAM, that is, modifying the MSB of the corresponding function code address from 0 to 1. For
example, if P00.07 is not to be stored in the EEPROM, you need only to modify the value of the RAM,
that is, set the address to 8007H. The address can be used only for writing data to the on-chip RAM,
and it is invalid when used for reading data. The address instruction of other function in Modbus
In addition to modifying the parameters of the VFD, the master can also control the VFD, such as start
and stop it, and monitor the operation state of the VFD.

The following table describes other function parameters.

Function Address Data description R/W

0001H: Forward running
0002H: Reverse running
0003H: Forward jogging
2000H 0004H: Reverse jogging R/W
control command
0005H: Stop
0006H: Coast to stop
0007H: Fault reset
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Function Address Data description R/W

0008H: Jogging to stop
Communication-based frequency setting
(0–Fmax, unit: 0.01 Hz)
PID setting, range (0–1000, 1000 corresponding
to 100.0%)
PID feedback, range (0–1000, 1000
2003H R/W
corresponding to 100.0%)
Torque setting (-3000–+3000, 1000 corresponding
2004H R/W
to 100.0% of the rated current of the motor)
Setting of the upper limit of the forward running
2005H R/W
frequency (0–Fmax, unit: 0.01 Hz)
Setting of the upper limit of the reverse running
2006H R/W
frequency (0–Fmax, unit: 0.01 Hz)
Upper limit of the electromotion torque (0–3000,
2007H 1000 corresponding to 100.0% of the rated current R/W
of the VFD)
Upper limit of the brake torque (0–3000, 1000
2008H corresponding to 100.0% of the rated current of R/W
Communication-based the motor)
value setting Special control command word:
Bit0–1: =00: Motor 1 =01: Motor 2
=10: Motor 3 =11: Motor 4
Bit2: =1 Torque control disabled =0: Torque control
cannot be disabled
2009H R/W
Bit3: =1 Power consumption reset to 0
=0: Power consumption not reset
Bit4: =1 Pre-excitation =0: Pre-excitation
Bit5: =1 DC brake =0: DC brake disabled
Virtual input terminal command, range:
200AH R/W
Virtual output terminal command, range:
200BH R/W
Voltage setting (used when V/F separation is
200CH R/W
(0–1000, 1000 corresponding to 100.0% of the
rated voltage of the motor)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Function Address Data description R/W

AO output setting 1 (-1000–+1000, 1000
200DH R/W
corresponding to 100.0%)
AO output setting 2 (-1000–+1000, 1000
200EH R/W
corresponding to 100.0%)
0001H: Forward running
0002H: Reverse running
0003H: Stopped
VFD state word 1 2100H R
0004H: Faulty
0005H: POFF
0006H: Pre-excited
Bit0: =0: Not ready to run =1: Ready to run
Bi1–2: =00: Motor 1 =01: Motor 2
=10: Motor 3 =11: Motor 4
Bit3: =0: Asynchronous machine =1:
VFD state word 2 2101H Synchronous machine R
Bit4: =0: No overload alarm =1: Overload alarm
Bit5–Bit6: =00: Keypad-based control =01:
Terminal-based control
=10: Communication-based control
VFD fault code 2102H See the description of fault types. R
VFD identification
2103H GD35-----0x0109 R
Running frequency 3000H 0–Fmax (unit: 0.01Hz) R
Set frequency 3001H 0–Fmax (unit: 0.01Hz) R
Bus voltage 3002H 0.0–2000.0 V (unit: 0.1V) R
Output voltage 3003H 0–1200V (unit: 1V) R
Output current 3004H 0.0–3000.0A (unit: 0.1A) R
Rotating speed 3005H 0–65535 (unit: 1RPM) R
Output power 3006H -300.0–+300.0% (unit: 0.1%) R
with CHF100A
Output torque 3007H -250.0–+250.0% (unit: 0.1%) R
and CHV100
Closed-loop setting 3008H -100.0–+100.0% (unit: 0.1%) R
Closed-loop feedback 3009H -100.0–+100.0% (unit: 0.1%) R
Input state 300AH 000–1FF R
Output state 300BH 000–1FF R
Analog input 1 300CH 0.00–10.00V (unit: 0.01V) R
Analog input 2 300DH 0.00–10.00V (unit: 0.01V) R
Analog input 3 300EH -10.00–10.00V (unit: 0.01V) R
Analog input 4 300FH R
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Function Address Data description R/W

Read input of
3010H 0.00–50.00kHz (unit: 0.01Hz) R
high-speed pulse 1
Read input of
3011H R
high-speed pulse 2
Read current step of
3012H 0–15 R
multi-step speed
External length 3013H 0–65535 R
External count value 3014H 0–65535 R
Torque setting 3015H -300.0–+300.0% (unit: 0.1%) R
Identification code 3016H R
Fault code 5000H R

The Read/Write (R/W) characteristics indicate whether a function can be read and written. For
example, "Communication-based control command" can be written, and therefore the command code
6H is used to control the VFD. The R characteristic indicates that a function can only be read, and W
indicates that a function can only be written.

Note: Some parameters in the preceding table are valid only after they are enabled. Take the running
and stop operations as examples, you need to set "Running command channel" (P00.01) to
"Communication", and set "Communication running command channel" (P00.02) to the Modbus
communication channel. For another example, when modifying "PID setting", you need to set "PID
reference source" (P09.00) to Modbus communication.

The following table describes the encoding rules of device codes (corresponding to the identification
code 2103H of the VFD).

MSB of the code Meaning LSB of the code Meaning

0x08 GD35 vector VFD
01 GD 0x09 GD35-H1 vector VFD
0x0a GD300 vector VFD
10.4.6 Fieldbus ratio values
In practical applications, communication data is represented in the hexadecimal form, but
hexadecimal values cannot represent decimals. For example, 50.12 Hz cannot be represented in the
hexadecimal form. In such cases, we can multiply 50.12 by 100 to obtain an integer 5012, and then
50.12 can be represented as 1394H (5012 in the decimal form) in the hexadecimal form.

In the process of multiplying a non-integer by a multiple to obtain an integer, the multiple is referred to
as a fieldbus scale.

The fieldbus scale depends on the number of decimals in the value specified in "Detailed parameter
description" or "Default value". If there are n decimals in the value, the fieldbus scale m is the
nth-power of 10. Take the following table as an example, m is 10.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Name Description Default Modify
Hibernation restore 0.0–3600.0s (valid when P01.19 is
P01.20 0.0s ○
delay time 2)

Restart after power 0: Restart is disabled

P01.21 0 ○
off 1: Restart is enabled

The value specified in "Detailed parameter description" or "Default value" contains one decimal, so
the fieldbus scale is 10. If the value received by the upper computer is 50, the value of
"Wake-up-from-sleep delay" of the VFD is 5.0 (5.0=50/10).

To set the "Wake-up-from-sleep delay" to 5.0s through Modbus communication, you need first to
multiply 5.0 by 10 according to the scale to obtain an integer 50, that is, 32H in the hexadecimal form,
and then transmit the following write command:

01 06 01 14 00 32 49 E7
VFD Write Parameter Parameter CRC check
address command address data

After receiving the command, the VFD converts 50 into 5.0 based on the fieldbus scale, and then sets
"Wake-up-from-sleep delay" to 5.0s.

For another example, after the upper computer transmits the "Wake-up-from-sleep delay" parameter
read command, the master receives the following response from the VFD:

01 03 02 00 32 39 91
VFD Read 2-byte Parameter CRC check
address command data data

The parameter data is 0032H, that is, 50, so 5.0 is obtained based on the fieldbus scale (50/10=5.0).
In this case, the master identifies that the "Wake-up-from-sleep delay" is 5.0s.
10.4.7 Fault message response
Operation errors may occur in communication-based control. For example, some parameters can
only be read, but a write command is transmitted. In this case, the VFD returns an error message

Error message responses are transmitted by the VFD to the master. The following table describes the
codes and definitions of the error message responses.

Code Name Definition

The command code received by the upper computer is not allowed
Invalid to be executed. The possible causes are as follows:
command • The function code is applicable only on new devices and is not
implemented on this device.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Code Name Definition

• The slave is in the faulty state when processing this request.
For the VFD, the data address in the request of the upper computer
Invalid data
02H is not allowed. In particular, the combination of the register address
and the number of the to-be-transmitted bytes is invalid.
The received data domain contains a value that is not allowed. The
value indicates the error of the remaining structure in the combined
03H Invalid data bit request.
Note: It does not mean that the data item submitted for storage in
the register includes a value unexpected by the program.
Operation The parameter is set to an invalid value in the write operation. For
failure example, a function input terminal cannot be set repeatedly.
Password The password entered in the password verification address is
error different from that set in P07.00.
The length of the data frame transmitted by the upper computer is
Data frame
06H incorrect, or in the RTU format, the value of the CRC check bit is
inconsistent with the CRC value calculated by the lower computer
Parameter The parameter to be modified in the write operation of the upper
read-only computer is a read-only parameter.
cannot be The parameter to be modified in the write operation of the upper
modified in computer cannot be modified during the running of the VFD.
A user password is set, and the upper computer does not provide
09H the password to unlock the system when performing a read or write
operation. The error of "system locked" is reported.

When returning a response, the device uses a function code domain and fault address to indicate
whether it is a normal response (no error) or exception response (some errors occur). In a normal
response, the device returns the corresponding function code and data address or sub-function code.
In an exception response, the device returns a code that is equal to a normal code, but the first bit is
logic 1.

For example, if the master device transmits a request message to a slave device for reading a group
of function code address data, the code is generated as follows:

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (03H in the hexadecimal form)

For a normal response, the same code is returned. For an exception response, the following code is

1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (83H in the hexadecimal form)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

In addition to the modification of the code, the slave returns a byte of exception code that describes
the cause of the exception. After receiving the exception response, the typical processing of the
master device is to transmit the request message again or modify the command based on the fault

For example, to set the "Running command channel" (P00.01, the parameter address is 0001H) of
the VFD whose address is 01H to 03, the command is as follows:

01 06 00 01 00 03 98 0B
VFD Write Parameter Parameter CRC check
address command address data

But the setting range of the "Running command channel" is 0 to 2. The value 3 exceeds the setting
range. In this case, the VFD returns an error message response as shown in the following:

01 86 04 43 A3
VFD Exception Error code CRC check
address response code

The exception response code 86H (generated based on the MSB "1" of the write command 06H)
indicates that it is an exception response to the write command (06H). The error code is 04H. From
the preceding table, we can see that it indicates the error "Operation failure", which means "The
parameter is set to an invalid value in the write operation".
10.4.8 Example of writing and reading
For details about the formats of the read and write commands, see sections 10.4.1 and 10.4.2. Example of reading command 03H
Example 1: Read state word 1 of the VFD whose address is 01H. From the table of other function
parameters, we can see that the parameter address of state word 1 of the VFD is 2100H.

The read command transmitted to the VFD is as follows:

01 03 21 00 00 01 8E 36
VFD Read Parameter Data quantity CRC check
address command address

Assume that the following response is returned:

01 03 02 00 03 F8 45
VFD Read Number Data content CRC check
address command of bytes

The data content returned by the VFD is 0003H, which indicates that the VFD is in the stopped state.

Example 2: View information about the VFD whose address is 03H, including "Type of current fault"
(P07.27) to "Type of last but four fault" (P07.32) of which the parameter addresses are 071BH to

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

0720H (contiguous 6 parameter addresses starting from 071BH).

The command transmitted to the VFD is as follows:

03 03 07 1B 00 06 B5 59
VFD Read Start 6 parameters in total CRC check
address command address

Assume that the following response is returned:

03 03 0C 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 23 00 23 5F D2
VFD Read Number of Type of Type of Type of last Type of last Type of last Type of last CRC check
address command bytes current fault last fault but one fault but two fault but three fault but four fault

From the returned data, we can see that all the fault types are 0023H, that is, 35 in the decimal form,
which means the maladjustment fault (STo). Example of writing command 06H
Example 1: Set the VFD whose address is 03H to be forward running. Refer to the table of other
function parameters, the address of "Communication-based control command" is 2000H, and 0001H
indicates forward running, as shown in the following figure.

Function Address Data description R/W

0001H: Forward running
0002H: Reverse running
0003H: Forward jogging
Communication-based 2000H 0004H: Reverse jogging
control command 0005H: Stop
0006H: Coast to stop (emergency stop)
0007H: Fault reset
0008H: Jogging to stop

The command transmitted by the master is as follows:

03 06 20 00 00 01 42 28
VFD Write Parameter Forward CRC
address command address running check

If the operation is successful, the following response is returned (same as the command transmitted
by the master):

03 06 20 00 00 01 42 28
VFD Write Parameter Forward CRC
address command address running check

Example 2: Set the "Max. output frequency" of the VFD whose address is 03H to 100 Hz.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Function Default
Name Detailed parameter description Modify
code value
Max. output
P00.03 Setting range: P00.04–400.00 Hz 50.00Hz ◎

From the number of decimals, we can see that the fieldbus scale of the "Max. output frequency"
(P00.03) is 100. Multiply 100 Hz by 100. The value 10000 is obtained, and it is 2710H in the
hexadecimal form.

The command transmitted by the master is as follows:

03 06 00 03 27 10 62 14
VFD Write Parameter Parameter
CRC check
address command address data

If the operation is successful, the following response is returned (same as the command transmitted
by the master):

03 06 00 03 27 10 62 14
VFD Write Parameter Parameter
CRC check
address command address data

Note: In the preceding command description, spaces are added to a command just for explanatory
purposes. In practical applications, no space is required in the commands. Example of continuous writing command10H
Example 1: make the VFD whose address is 01H run forward at 10 Hz. Refer to the instruction of
2000H and 0001. Set the address of "communication setting frequency" is 2001H and 10 Hz
corresponds to 03E8H. See the table below.
Example 1: Set the VFD whose address is 01H to be forward running at the frequency of 10 Hz. Refer
to the table of other function parameters, the address of "Communication-based control command" is
2000H, 0001H indicates forward running, and the address of "Communication-based value setting" is
2001H, as shown in the following figure. 10 Hz is 03E8H in the hexadecimal form.

Address R/W
Function instruction Data meaning instruction
definition characteristics
0001H: Forward running
0002H: Reverse running
0003H: Forward jogging
0004H: Reverse jogging
2000H 0005H: Stop R/W
control command
0006H: Coast to stop (emergency
0007H: Fault reset
0008H: Jogging to stop
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Address R/W
Function instruction Data meaning instruction
definition characteristics
Communication-based frequency
Communication-based setting (0–Fmax, unit: 0.01 Hz)
value setting PID setting, range (0–1000, 1000
corresponding to 100.0%)

In the actual operation, set P00.01 to 2 and P00.06 to 8.

The command transmitted by the master is as follows:

01 10 20 00 00 02 04 00 01 03 E8 3B 10
VFD Continuous Parameter Data Number of Froward 10 Hz CRC check
address write address quantity bytes running

If the operation is successful, the following response is returned:

01 10 20 00 00 02 4A 08
VFD Continuous Parameter Data CRC check
address write address quantity

Example 2: Set "Acceleration time" of the VFD whose address is 01H to 10s, and "Deceleration time"
to 20s.

Function Default
Name Detailed parameter description Modify
code value
Depend on
P00.11 ACC time 1 ○
Setting range of P00.11 and P00.12: model
0.0–3600.0 s Depend on
P00.12 DEC time 1 ○

The address of P00.11 is 000B, ACC time of 10s is 0064H in the hexadecimal form, and the DEC time
of 20s is 00C8H in the hexadecimal form.

The command transmitted by the master is as follows:

01 10 00 0B 00 02 04 00 64 00 C8 F2 55
VFD Continuous Parameter Data Number of 10 s 20 s CRC check
address write address quantity bytes

If the operation is successful, the following response is returned:

01 10 00 0B 00 02 30 0A
VFD Continuous Parameter Data CRC check
address write address quantity

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

Note: In the preceding command description, spaces are added to a command just for explanatory
purposes. In practical applications, no space is required in the commands. Modbus communication debugging instance
A PC is used as the host, an RS232-RS485 converter is used for signal conversion, and the PC serial
port used by the converter is COM1 (an RS232 port). The upper computer commissioning software is
the serial port commissioning assistant Commix, which can be downloaded from the Internet.
Download a version that can automatically execute the CRC check function. The following figure
shows the interface of Commix.

First, select COM1 for "serial port" and the baud rate should be set to the same value with P14.01.
The data bit, check bit and stop bit must be consistent with the setup in P14.02. As RTU mode is used
here, "HEX" should be selected. Check to make the software add CRC automatically,
and select CRC16 (ModbusRTU) with the starting byte being 1. Once enabled, CRC check will be
added automatically, which removes the need to fill in CRC manually.

The commissioning command to set the VFD whose address is 03H to be forward running is as

03 06 20 00 00 01 42 28
VFD Write Parameter
Forward running CRC check
address command address


 Set the address (P14.00) of the VFD to 03.

 Set "Channel of running commands" (P00.01) to "Communication", and set "Communication

channel of running commands" (P00.02) to the Modbus communication channel.

 Click Send. If the line configuration and settings are correct, a response transmitted by the VFD
is received as follows:

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Communication protocol

03 06 20 00 00 01 42 28
VFD Write Parameter
Forward running CRC check
address command address

10.5 Common communication fault

Common communication faults: no response of the communication or the VFD returns abnormal fault.

The possible reason for no response to the communication:

 Selecting wrong serial interface, for example, if the converter is COM1, selecting COM2 during
the communication

 The baud rate, digital bit, end bit and check bit are not the same with that of the VFD.

 + and - of RS485 bus are connected in reverse.

 The 485 wire cap on the terminal board of the VFD is not plug in. the wire cap in behind the
terminal arrangement.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Appendix A Extension card

A.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter describes the extension cards used in Goodrive35 series VFDs.
A.2 PROFIBUS extension card
(1) PROFIBUS is an open international fieldbus standard that allows data exchange among various
types of automation components. It is widely used in manufacturing automation, process automation
and in other automation areas such as buildings, transportation, power, providing an effective solution
for realizing comprehensive automation and site-equipment intellectualization.

(2) PROFIBUS is composed of three compatible components, PROFIBUS (Decentralized Periphery,

distributed peripherals), PROFIBUS (Process Automation), PROFIBUS-FMS (Fieldbus Message
Specification). It is periodically exchange data with the VFD when using master-slave way. PRNV
PROFIBUS Adapter module only supports PROFIBUS protocol.

(3) The physical transmission medium of bus is twisted-pair (in line with RS-485 standard), two-wire
cable or fiber optic cable. Baud rate is from 9.6Kbit/s to 12Mbit/s. The maximum bus cable length is
between 100 m and 1200 m, specific length depending on the selected transmission rate (see
Appendix B "Technical data"). Up to 31 nodes can be connected to the same PROFIBUS network
when repeaters aren’t used, but if use repeaters, up to 127 nodes can be connected to the same
PROFIBUS network segment (including repeaters and master stations).

(4) In the process of PROFIBUS communication, tokens are assigned among main stations and
master-slave transmission among master-slave stations. Supporting single-master or multi-master
system, stations-programmable logic controller (PLC)-choose nodes to respond to the host instruction.
Cycle master-from user data transmission and non-cyclic master-master station can also send
commands to multiple nodes in the form of broadcast. In this case, the nodes do not need to send
feedback signals to the host. In the PROFIBUS network, communication between nodes cannot be

(5) PROFIBUS protocol is described in detail in EN 50170 standard. To obtain more information about
PROFIBUS, please refer to the above-mentioned EN 50170 standards.
A.2.1 Product naming rules
Fieldbus adapter naming rules, the product model:

EC–TX 1 03
① ② ③④
No. Instruction Meaning
① Product type EC: Extension card
② Card type TX: Communication card

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

No. Instruction Meaning

③ Odds such as 1,3,5,7 means the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th technical version
Card 03: PROFIBUS + Ethernet communication card

difference 04: Ethernet + CAN communication card
A.2.2 EC-TX-103 communication card
EC-TX-103 communication card is an optional device to VFD which makes VFD connected to
PROFIBUS network. In PROFIBUSN network, VFD is a subsidiary device. The following functions
can be completed using EC-TX-103 communication card:

 Send control commands to the VFD (start, stop, fault reset, etc.).

 Send speed or given torque signal to the VFD.

 Read state and actual values from the VFD.

 Modify VFD parameter.

Refer to the description of function codes in Group P15 for the commands supported by the VFD.
Below is the structure diagram of the connection between the VFD and PROFIBUS bus:

EC-TX-103 EC-TX-103 EC-TX-103

communica communica communica
tion card tion card tion card

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card
A.2.3 The appearance of EC-TX-103 communication card

Figure A-1 Outline diagram of EC-TX-103 communication card
1. Interface to the panel

2. Bus connector

3. Rotation node address selection switches

4. State display LEDs

5. Ethernet communication interface

Figure A-2 External dimensions of EC-TX-103 communication card (Unit: mm)

A.2.4 Compatible motor of EC-TX-103 communication card
EC-TX-103 communication card is compatible with the following products:

 Goodrive35 series VFDs and all VFDs supporting PROFIBUS extension

 Host station supporting PROFIBUS-DP protocol

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card
A.2.5 Delivery list
The package of EC-TX-103 communication card contains:

 EC-TX-103 communication card

 Three screws (M3x10)
 User's manual
Contact Shenzhen INVT Electric Co., Ltd. or suppliers if there is something missing. Notice will not be
given for the reason of product upgrades.
A.2.6 Installation of EC-TX-103 communication card
A.2.6.1 Mechanical installation of EC-TX-103 communication card
1. Installation ambient

 Ambient temperature: 0°C–+40°C

 Relative humidity: 5%–95%

 Other climate conditions: no drew, ice, rain, snow, hail air condition and the solar radiation is
below 700W/m2, air pressure 70–106kPa

 Content of salt spray and corrosive gases: Pollution degree 2

 Dust and solid particles content: Pollution degree 2

 Vibration and shock: 5.9m/s2 (0.6g) on 9–200 Hz sinusoidal vibration

2. Installation steps:

 Fix the communication card on the location holes with screws.

 Insert the communication card into the defined location carefully and fix it on the copper column
with screw.

 Set the bus terminal switch of the communication card to the needed location.


 Disconnect the device from the power line before installation. Wait for at least three minutes to let
the capacitors discharge. Cut off dangerous voltage from external control circuit to the unit output
and input terminals.

 Some electric components are sensitive to static charge. Do not touch the circuit board. If you
have to operate on it, please wear the grounding wrist belt.
A.2.6.2 Electrical installation of EC-TX-103 communication card
1. Node selection

Node address is the only address of PROFIBUS bus. The address which is among 00–99 is shown
with two figures and is selected by the spinning switch on the module. The left switch shows the first
number and the right one show the second number.

Node address = 10 x the first digital value + the second digital value x 1

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

2. Bus terminals

There is a bus terminal in each heading and ending to avoid error during operation. The DIP switch on
RPBA-01PCB is used to connect the bus terminals which can avoid the signal feedback from the bus
cables. If the module is the first or last one in the internet, the bus terminal should be set as ON.
Please disconnect EC-TX-103 communication card terminals when the PROFIBUS D-sub connector
with internal terminals is in use.

Fieldbus terminal OFF Fieldbus terminal ON


A.2.6.3 Bus net connection of EC-TX-103 communication card

1. Bus communication interface

Transformation by double-shielded twisted pair copper cable is the most common way in PROFIBUS
(conform to RS-485standard).

The basic characteristics of transformation technology:

 Net topology: Linear bus, there are bus resistor in two ends.
 Transforming speed: 9.6k bit/s–12M bit/s
 Medium: Double-shielded twisted pair cables, the shield can be removed according to the
environment (EMC).
 Station number: There are 32 stations in each segment (without relays) as to 127 stations (with
 Contact pin: 9 frames D pin, the connector contact pins are as below:

5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Contact pin of the connector Instruction

1 - Unused
2 - Unused
3 B-Line Positive data (twisted pair cables 1)
4 RTS Sending requirement
5 GND_BUS Isolation ground
6 +5 V BUS Isolated 5 V DC power supply
7 - Unused
8 A-Line Negative data (twisted pair cables 2)
9 - Unused
Housing SHLD PROFIBUS shielded cable

+5 V and GND_BUS are used in the fieldbus terminals. Some devices, such as light transceiver
(RS485) may get external power supply form these pins.

RTS is used in some devices to determine the sending direction. Only A-Line wires, B-Line wires and
shield layer are used in the normal application.

It is recommended to apply the standard DB9 connector of SIEMENS. If the communication baud rate
is above 187.5kbps, please follow the connection rules of SIEMENS seriously.

Available Not available (with interference to the keypad wiring)

2. Repeater
Up to 32 stations can be connected to each segment (master stations or stations), they have to be
used when stations are more than 32. The repeaters in serial connection should not exceed 3.
Note: No station address is provided for repeaters, but they are calculated as stations.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card


1 Repeater

2 3 ······ 30 31


1 2 ······ 30 31

A.2.6.4 Transmission rate and maximum transmission distance

Maximum length of cable depends on the transmission rate. The Table below shows the relationship
between transmission rate and distance.

Transmission rate (kbps) A-wire (m) B-wire (m)

9.6 1200 1200
19.2 1200 1200
93.75 1200 1200
187.5 1000 600
500 400 200
1500 200 -----
12000 100 -----
Transmission line parameters:

Transmission rate (kbps) A-wire (m) B-wire (m)

Impedance (Ω) 135–165 100–130
Capacitance per unit length (pF/m) < 30 < 60
Loop Resistance (Ω/km) 110 --------
Core wire diameter (mm) 0.64 > 0.53
Line-core cross-section (mm2) > 0.34 > 0.22

Besides shielding twisted-pair copper wires, PROFIBUS can also use optical fiber for transmission in
an electromagnetic interference environment to increase the high-speed transmission distance there
are two kinds of fiber optical conductors, one is low-cost plastic fiber conductor, used distance is less
than 50 meters, the other is glass fiber conductor, and used distance is less than 1 km.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card
A.2.6.5 PROFIBUS bus connection diagram

master station

CH-PA01 adapter CH-PA01 adapter


Above is "terminal" wiring diagram. Cable is a standard PROFIBUS cable consisting of a twisted pair
and shielding layer. The shielded layer of PROFIBUS cable on all nodes is directly grounded. Users
can choose the best grounding method according to the situation.


 Make sure that signal lines do not twist when connecting all stations. Shielded cable should be
used when system runs under high electromagnetic interface environment, which can improve
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

 If using shielded braided wire and shielding foil, both ends should be connected to ground. Using
shielding area should be large enough to maintain a good conductivity. And data lines must be
separated from high-voltage.

 Stub line segment should not be used when transmission rate more than 500K bit/s, The plug is
available on the market which connects directly to data input and output cable. Bus plug
connection can be on or off at any time without interruption of data communications of other
A.2.7 System configuration
1. System configuration

Master station and VFD should be configured so that the master station can communicate with the
communication card after correctly installing EC-TX-103 communication card.

Each PROFIBUS subsidiary station on the PROFIBUS bus need to have "device description
document" named GSD file which used to describe the characteristics of PROFIBUS-DP devices.
The software we provided for the user includes VFD related GSD files (device data files) information,
users can obtain type definition file (GSD) of master machines from local INVT agent.

Configuration parameters of EC-TX-103 communication card:

Parameter number Parameter name Optional setting Factory setting

0 Module type Read only PROFIBUS-DP
1 Node address 0–99 2
2 Baud rate setting kbit/s 0: 9.6 6
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Parameter number Parameter name Optional setting Factory setting

1: 19.2
2: 45.45
3: 93.75
4: 187.5
5: 500
6: 1.5
7: 3
Mbit/s 8: 6
9: 9
10: 12
3 PZD3 0–65535 0
The same as the
4 PZD4 0
The same as the
… …… 0
The same as the
10 PZD12 0

2. Module type

This parameter shows communication module type detected by VFD; users can not adjust this
parameter. If this parameter is not defined, communication between the communication card and VFD
cannot be established.

3. Node address

In PROFIBUS network, each device corresponds to a unique node address, you can use the node
address selection switch to define node address (switch isn’t at 0) and the parameter is only used to
display the node address. If node address selection switch is 0, this parameter can define node

In PROFIBUS network, each device corresponds to a unique node address, you can use the node
address selection switch to define node address, but you cannot adjust the parameter by youself and
the parameter is only used to display the node address.

4. GSD file

In PROFIBUS network, each PROFIBUS subsidiary station needs GSD file "device description
document" which used to describe the characteristics of PROFIBUS-DP devices. GSD file contains all
defined parameters, including baud rate, information length, amount of input/output data, meaning of
diagnostic data.

A CD-ROM will be offered in which contains GSD file of the EC-TX-103 communication card
(extension name is .gsd) for fieldbus adapter. Users can copy GSD file to relevant subdirectory of

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

configuration tools, please refer to relevant system configuration software instructions to know
specific operations and PROFIBUS system configuration.
A.2.8 PROFIBUS-DP communication

PROFIBUS-DP is a distributed I/O system, which enables master machine to use a large number of
peripheral modules and field devices. Data transmission shows cycle: master machine read input
information from subsidiary machine then give feedback signal. EC-TX-103 communication card
supports PROFIBUS-DP protocol.

2. Service access point

PROFIBUS-DP has access to PROFIBUS data link layer (Layer 2) services through service access
point SAP. Every independent SAP has clearly defined function. Please refer to relevant PROFIBUS
user manual to know more about service access point information. PROFIDRIVE - Variable speed
drive adopts PROFIBUS model or EN50170 standards (PROFIBUS protocol).

3. PROFIBUS -DP information frame data structure

PROFIBUS-DP bus mode allows rapid data exchange between master station and VFD. Adopting
master-slave mode dealing with VFD access, VFD is always subsidiary station, and each has definite
address. PROFIBUS periodic transmission messages use 16 words (16 bit) transmission, the
structure shown in the following figure.

area Free distribution area



Parameters area:

PKW1-Parameter identification

PKW2-array index number

PKW3-parameter value 1

PKW4-parameter value 2

Process data:

CW-Control word (from master to slave, see "Control word (CW) of Goodrive35 series")

SW-state word (from slave to master, see "State word (SW) of Goodrive35 series")

PZD-process data (decided by users)

(From master to slave output 【given value】, from slave to master input【actual value】)
PZD area (process data area)
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

PZD area of communication message is designed for control and monitor VFD. PZD from master and
slave stations is addressed in high priority; the priority of dealing with PZD is superior to that of PKW,
and always sends current valid date from interface.

Control word (CW) and state word (SW)

Control word (CW) is a basic method of fieldbus system controlling VFD. It is sent by the fieldbus
master station to VFD and the EC-TX-103 communication cards act as gateway. VFD responds
according to the control word and gives feedbacks to master machine through state word (SW).

Given value: VFD can receive control information by several ways, these channels include: analog
and digital input terminals, VFD control board and communication module (such as RS485,
EC-TX-103 communication cards). In order to use PROFIBUS control VFD, the communication
module must be set to be VFD controller.

Actual value: Actual value is a 16-bit word, which contains converter operation information. Monitoring
capabilities are defined by VFD parameter. The integer scaling of actual value is sent to master
machine depending on selected function, please refer to VFD manual.

Note: VFD always check the control word (CW) and bytes of given value.

Mission message (from the master station to the VFD)

Control word (CW): The first word of PZD is control word (CW) of VFD; due to different control word
(CW) of PWM rectifier regenerative part and inverter part illustration is depart in next two tables.

Control word (CW) of Goodrive35 series

Bit Name Value State/Description

1 Forward running
2 Reverse running
3 Forward jogging
4 Reverse jogging
5 Decelerate to stop
6 Coast to stop (Emergency stop)
7 Fault reset
8 Jogging stop
8 WIRTE ENABLE 1 Write enable (mainly is PKW1-PKW4 )




TORQUE CONTROL 1 Torque control enable
SELECTION 0 Torque control disable

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Bit Name Value State/Description

ELECTRIC CONSUMPTION 1 Electric consumption clear enable
CLEAR 0 Electric consumption clear disable
1 Pre-excitation enable
0 Pre-excitation disable
1 DC brake enable
0 DC brake disable
1 Heartbeat enable
0 Heartbeat disable
nd th
Reference value (REF): From 2 word to 12 of PZD task message is the main set value REF, main
frequency set value is offered by main setting signal source. As PWM rectifier feedback part doesn’t
have main frequency setting part, corresponding settings belong to reserved part, the following table
shows inverter part settings for Goodrive35.

Bit Name Function selection

PZD2 receiving 0: Invalid 0
PZD3 receiving 1: Set frequency (0–Fmax (unit: 0.01 Hz)) 0
PZD4 receiving 2: Given PID, range (0–1000, 1000 corresponds to 0
PZD5 receiving 100.0%) 0
3: PID feedback, range (0–1000, 1000 corresponds to
PZD6 receiving 0
PZD7 receiving 4: Torque set value (-3000–3000,1000 corresponds to 0

PZD8 receiving 100.0% the rated current of the motor) 0

5: Set value of the forward rotation upper-limit
PZD9 receiving 0
frequency (0–Fmax unit: 0.01 Hz))
PZD10 receiving 6: Set value of the reversed rotation upper-limit 0

PZD11 receiving frequency (0–Fmax (unit: 0.01 Hz)) 0

7: Electromotion torque upper limit (0–3000,1000
corresponds to 100.0%of the rated current of the
8: Brake torque upper limit (0–2000,1000 corresponds
to 100.0% of the rated current of the motor)
9: Virtual input terminals command
PZD12 receiving Range: 0x000–0x1FF 0
10: Virtual output terminals command
Range: 0x00–0x0F
11: Voltage setting value (special for V/F separation)
(0–1000,1000 corresponds to 100.0% the rated
voltage of the motor)
12: AO output set value 1

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Bit Name Function selection

(-1000–+1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%)
13: AO output set value 2
(-1000–+1000, 1000 corresponds to 100.0%)
14: MSB of position reference (signed digit)
15: LSB of position reference (unsigned digit)
16: MSB of position feedback (signed digit)
17: LSB of position feedback (unsigned digit)
18: Position feedback setting flag (Position feedback
can be set only after you set this flag to 1 first and then
set it to 0.)
Response message (from the VFD to the master station)
State word (SW): The first word of PZD response message is state word (SW) of VFD, the definition
of state word is as follows:
State word (SW) of Goodrive35 series
Bit Name Value State/Description
1 Forward running
2 Reverse running
3 The VFD stops
4 The VFD is in fault
5 The VFD is in POFF state
6 Pre-exciting state
1 Running ready
0 The running preparation is not ready
0 Motor 1 feedback
1 Motor 2 feedback
2 Motor 3 feedback

3 Motor 4 no feedback
1 Synchronous motor
0 Asynchronous motor
1 Overload pre-alarm
0 Non-overload pre-alarm
0 Keypad control
1 Terminal control
2 Communication control
3 Reserved
1 Heartbeat feedback
0 No heartbeat feedback
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card
nd th
Actual value (ACT): From 2 word to 12 of PZD task message is main set value ACT, main
frequency set value is offered by main setting signal source.

Actual state value of Goodrive35 series

Bit Name Function selection

PZD2 sending 0: Invalid 0
PZD3 sending 1: Running frequency (*100, Hz) 0
2: Set frequency (*100, Hz)
PZD4 sending 3: Bus voltage (*10, V) 0
4: Output voltage (*1, V)
PZD5 sending 0
5: Output current (*10, A)
6: Output torque actual value (*10, %)
PZD6 sending 0
7: Output power actual value (*10, %)
PZD7 sending 8: Running rotating speed (*1, RPM) 0
9: Running linear speed (*1, m/s)
PZD8 sending 10: Ramp reference frequency 0
11: Fault code
PZD9 sending 12: AI1 value (*100, V) 0
13: AI2 value (*100, V)
PZD10 sending 14: AI3 value (*100, V) 0
15: PULSE frequency value (*100, kHz)
PZD11 sending 16: Terminals input state 0
17: Terminals output state
18: PID given (*100, %)
19: PID feedback (*100, %)
20: Motor rated torque
21: MSB of position reference (signed
PZD12 sending 22: LSB of position reference (unsigned 0
23: MSB of position feedback (signed digit)
24: LSB of position feedback (unsigned
25: State words

PKW area (parameter identification marks PKW1-value area). PKW area describes treatment of
parameter identification interface, PKW interface is a mechanism which determine parameters
transmission between two communication partners, such as reading and writing parameter values.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Structure of PKW zone (PWK) Process data

PZD2 ……
mark Parameter
Fault code Parameters
Response address

Parameter identification zone

In the process of periodic PROFIBUS-DP communication, PKW area is composed of four words (16
bit), each word is defined as follows:

The first word PKW1 (16 bit)

Bit 15–00 Task or response identification marks 0–7
The second word PKW2 (16 bit)
Bit 15–00 Basic parameters address 0–247
The third word PKW3 (16 bit)
Bit 15–00 Parameter value (high word) or return error code value 00
The fourth word PKW4 (16 bit)
Bit 15–00 Parameter value (low word) 0–65535

Note: If the master requests one parameter value, the value of PKW3 and PKW4 will not be valid.

Task requests and responses: When passing data to slave machine, master machine use request
label while slave machine use response label to positive or negative confirmation. The following table
lists the request/response functional.

The definition of task logo PKW1 is as follows:

Request label (From master to slave) Response label

Positive Negative
Request Function
confirmation confirmation
0 No task 0 -
1 Request parameter value 1,2 3
Modification parameter value (one word)
2 1 3 or 4
[only change RAM]
Modification parameter value (double word)
3 2 3 or 4
[only change RAM]
Modification parameter value (one word)
4 1 3 or 4
[RAM and EEPROM are modified]
Modification parameter value (double word)
5 2 3 or 4
[RAM and EEPROM are modified]

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Request label "2"-modification parameter value (one word) [only change RAM]; "3"-modification
parameter value (double word) [only change RAM]; "5"-modification parameter value (double word)
[RAM and EPROM are modified] not support currently.

Reponses logo PKW1 defines as below:

Response label (From slave to master)

Confirmation Function
0 No response
1 Transmission parameter value (one word)
2 Transmission parameter value (two words)
Task cannot be executed and returns the following error number:
0: Illegal parameter number
1: Parameter values cannot be changed (read-only parameter)
2: Out of set value range
3: The sub-index number is not correct
4: Setting is not allowed (only reset)
5: Data type is invalid
3 6: The task could not be implemented due to operational state
7: Request isn’t supported.
8: Request can’t be completed due to communication error
9: Fault occurs when write operation to stationary store
10: Request fails due to timeout
11: Parameter cannot be assigned to PZD
12: Control word bit can’t be allocated
13: Other errors
4 No parameter change rights
PKW examples:

Example 1: Read parameter value. Read keypad set frequency value (the address of keypad set
frequency is 10) which can be achieved by setting PKW1 as 1, PKW2 as 10, return value is in PKW4.

Request (From the master to the VFD):


Request 00 01 00 10 00 00 00 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx ··· xx xx

0010: Parameter address

0001: Request to read parameter value

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Response (From the VFD to the master)


Response 00 01 00 10 00 00 50 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx ··· xx xx

5000: Parameter value of address 10

0001: Reponse (Parameter values refreshed)

Example 2: Modify the parameter values (RAM and EEPROM are modified). Modify keypad settings
frequency value (the address of keypad set frequency is 10) which can be achieved by setting PKW1
as 4; PKW2 as 10, modification value (50.00) is in PKW4.

Request (From the master to the VFD):


Request 00 04 00 10 00 00 50 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx ··· xx xx

5000: Parameter value of address 10

0004: Modify parameter value

Response (From the VFD to the master)


Response 00 01 00 10 00 00 50 00 xx xx xx xx xx xx ··· xx xx

0001: Response (Parameter values refreshed)

Examples for PZD: Transmission of PZD area is achieved through VFD function code; please refer to

Examples for PZD: Transmisssion of PZD area is achieved through VFD function code; please refer
to relevant INVT VFD user manual to know relevant function code.

Example 1: Read process data of the VFD.

VFD parameter selects "8: Run frequency" as PZD3 to transmit which can be achieved by setting
P15.14 as 8. This operation is mandatory until the parameter is instead of others.

Request (From the master to the VFD):


Response xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 00 0A … xx xx

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Extension card

Example 2: Write process data into the VFD

VFD parameter selects "2": Traction given" from PZD3 which can be achieved by setting P15.03 as 2.
In each request frame, parameters will use PZD3 to update until re-select a parameter.

Request (From the master to the VFD):


Response 00 04 xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx 00 00 … xx xx

In each request frame contents of PZD3 are given by traction until re-select a parameter.
A.2.9 Fault information
EC-TX-103 communication card is equipped with 2 fault display LEDs as shown is figure below. The
roles of these LEDs are as follows:

Figure A-3 Fault display LEDs

LED No. Name Color Function

ON-module online and data can be exchanged.
1 Online Green
OFF-module is not in "online" state.
ON-module offline and data can’t be exchanged.
OFF-module is not in "offline" state.
1. Flicker frequency 1 Hz-configuration error: The length of user
parameter data sets is different from that of network
configuration process during module initialization process.
2. Flicker frequency 2 Hz-user parameter data error: The length
2 Offline/Fault Red
or content of user parameter data sets is different from that of
network configuration process during module initialization
3. Flicker frequency 4 Hz-PROFIBUS communication ASIC
initialization error.
4. OFF-Diagnostic closed.
A.3 CANopen optional cards
Refer to the operation manual of EC-TX105 CANopen communication cards.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Technical data

Appendix B Technical data

B.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter contains the technical specifications of the VFD, as well as provisions for fulfilling the
requirements for CE and other marks.
B.2 Ratings
B.2.1 Capacity
Choose a VFD based on the rated current and power of the motor. To endure the rated power of the
motor, the rated output current of the VFD must be larger or equal to the rated current of the motor.
The rated power of the VFD must be higher or equal to that of the motor.


 The maximum allowable shaft power of the motor is limited to 1.5 times the rated power of the
motor. If the limit is exceeded, the VFD automatically restricts the torque and current of the motor.
This function effectively protects the input shaft against overload.

 The rated capacity is the capacity at the ambient temperature of 40°C.

 You need to check and ensure that the power flowing through the common DC connection in the
common DC system does not exceed the rated power of the motor.
B.2.2 Derating
If the ambient temperature on the site where the VFD is installed exceeds 40°C, the altitude exceeds
1000 m, or the switching frequency is changed from 4 kHz to 8, 12, or 15 kHz, the VFD needs to be
B.2.2.1 Temperature derating
When the temperature ranges from +40°C to +50°C, the rated output current is derated by 1% for
each increased 1°C. For the actual derating, see the following figure.

Derating coefficient (%)




Temperature T
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50

B.2.2.2 Altitude derating

When the altitude of the site where the VFD is installed is lower than 1000m, the VFD can run at the
rated power. When the altitude exceeds 1000m, derate by 1% for every increase of 100m. When the
altitude exceeds 3000m, consult the local INVT dealer or office for details.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Technical data
B.2.2.3 Carrier frequency derating
The power of Goodrive350 series VFDs varies according to carrier frequencies. The rated power of a
VFD is defined based on the carrier frequency set in factory. If the carrier frequency exceeds the
factory setting, the power of the VFD is derated by 10% for each increased 1 kHz.
B.3 Grid specifications

AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)

Grid voltage AC 3PH 380 V (-10%)–550 V (+10%)
AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)

According to the definition in IEC 60439-1, the maximum allowable short-circuit

Short-circuit current at the incoming end is 100 kA. Therefore, the VFD is applicable to
capacity scenarios where the transmitted current in the circuit is no larger than 100 kA
when the VFD runs at the maximum rated voltage.
Frequency 50/60 Hz±5%, with a maximum change rate of 20%/s
B.4 Motor connection data
Motor type Asynchronous induction motor or synchronous permanent magnet motor
Voltage 0 to U1, 3-phase symmetrical, Umax at the field weakening point
Short-circuit protection The motor output is short-circuit proof by IEC 61800-5-1
Frequency 0–400 Hz
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Current Refer to section 3.6 "Rated values"
Power limit Refer to section 3.6 "Rated values"
Field weakening point 10–400 Hz
Carrier frequency 4, 8, 12 or 15 kHz
B.4.1 EMC compatibility and motor cable length
The following table describes the maximum motor cable lengths that meet the requirements of the EU
EMC directive (2004/108/EC).

All models (with external EMC filters) Maximum motor cable length (m)
Environment category II (C3) 30

You can learn the maximum length of the motor cable through the running parameters of the VFD. To
understand the accurate maximum cable length for using an external EMC filter, contact the local
INVT office.

For description about the environments categories I (C2) and II (C3), see section B.6 "EMC
B.5 Applicable standards
The VFD complies with the following standards:

Safety of machinery––Safety-related parts of control

EN ISO 13849-1
systems––Part 1: General principles for design

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Technical data

Safety of machinery––Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1:

IEC/EN 60204-1
General requirements
Safety of machinery––Safety-related functional safety of
IEC/EN 62061 electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic control
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems––Part 3:EMC
IEC/EN 61800-3
requirements and specific test methods
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems––Part 5-1:
IEC/EN 61800-5-1
Safety requirements—Electrical, thermal and energy
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems––Part 5-2:
IEC/EN 61800-5-2
Safety requirements––Function
General-purpose variable-frequency adjustable-speed
GB/T 30844.1-2014
equipment of 1 kV and lower—Part 1: Technical conditions
General-purpose variable-frequency adjustable-speed
GB/T 30844.2-2014
equipment of 1 kV and lower—Part 2: Test methods
General-purpose variable-frequency adjustable-speed
GB/T 30844.3-2014
equipment of 1 kV and lower—Part 3: Safety regulations
B.5.1 CE marking
The CE marking on the nameplate of a VFD indicates that the VFD is CE-compliant, meeting the
regulations of the European low-voltage directive (2014/35/EU) and EMC directive (2014/30/EU).
B.5.2 EMC compliance declaration
European union (EU) stipulates that the electric and electrical devices sold in Europe cannot generate
electromagnetic disturbance that exceeds the limits stipulated in related standards, and can work
properly in environments with certain electromagnetic interference. The EMC product standard (EN
61800-3) describes the EMC standards and specific test methods for adjustable speed electrical
power drive systems. Products must strictly follow these EMC regulations.
B.6 EMC regulations
The EMC product standard (EN 61800-3) describes the EMC requirements on VFDs.

Application environment categories

Category I: Civilian environments, including application scenarios where VFDs are directly connected
to the civil power supply low-voltage grids without intermediate transformers

Category II: All environments except those in Category I.

VFD categories

C1: Rated voltage lower than 1000 V, applied to environments of Category I.

C2: Rated voltage lower than 1000 V, non-plug, socket, or mobile devices; power drive systems that
must be installed and operated by specialized personnel when applied to environments of Category I

Note: The EMC standard IEC/EN 61800-3 no longer restricts the power distribution of VFDs, but it

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Technical data

specifies their use, installation, and commissioning. Specialized personnel or organizations must
have the necessary skills (including the EMC-related knowledge) for installing and/or performing
commissioning on the electrical drive systems.

C3: Rated voltage lower than 1000 V, applied to environments of Category II. They cannot be applied
to environments of Category I.

C4: Rated voltage higher than 1000 V, or rated current higher or equal to 400 A, applied to complex
systems in environments of Category II.
B.6.1 Category C2
The induction disturbance limit meets the following stipulations:

1. Select an optional EMC filter according to Appendix D "Optional peripheral accessories" and install
it following the description in the EMC filter manual.

2. Select the motor and control cables according to the description in the manual.

3. Install the VFD according to the description in the manual.

4. For the maximum length of the motor cable, see section B.4.1 "EMC compatibility and motor cable

 Currently in environments in China, the VFD may generate radio interference,

you need to take measures to reduce the interference.
B.6.2 Category C3
The anti-interference performance of the VFD meets the requirements of environments Category II in
the IEC/EN 61800-3 standard.

The induction disturbance limit meets the following stipulations:

1. Select an optional EMC filter according to Appendix D "Optional peripheral accessories" and
install it following the description in the EMC filter manual.

2. Select the motor and control cables according to the description in the manual.

3. Install the VFD according to the description in the manual.

4. For the maximum length of the motor cable, see section B.4.1 "EMC compatibility and motor cable

 VFDs of C3 category cannot be applied to civilian low-voltage common grids.

When applied to such grids, the VFD may generate radio frequency
electromagnetic interference.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Appendix C Dimension drawings

C.1 What this chapter contains
Dimension drawings of the Goodrive35 are shown below. The dimensions are given in millimeters
and inches.
C.2 Keypad structure
C.2.1 Structure chart
Dotted frame is the
outline of keypad Panel Keypad

combination screw

Ho le d ime nsio n a nd d ia g ra m fo r ke ypa d in sta llatio n w ith o ut b racket

C.2.2 Installation bracket

Note: The external keypad can be fix by M3 screws directly or the installation bracket. The installation
bracket for VFDs of 380 V 1.5–30 kW is optional, the installation bracket for VFDs of 380 V 37–315
kW and 660 V 22–630 kW is optional or substitutive by the external standard one.

Keypad bracket Customer installation dimension

Figure C-1 Installation bracket of the keypad (380 V 1.5–315 kW; 660 V 22–630 kW) (optional)

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings


125.0 108
108.0 8.5


135.5 81.0 145.5 4-M4×15 (stud)

81.0 137.5 81
4- Φ 4.5


4-M4×15 (stud)

106.0 4-R12

Keypad adapter bracket Customer installation dimension

Figure C-2 Installation bracket of the keypad (380 V 37–315 kW; 660 V 22–630 kW) (standard)
C.3 VFD structure

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

C.4 Dimensions for VFDs of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)

C.4.1 Wall installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-3 Wall installation of 380 V 1.5-30 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1
hole (kg)
1.5 kW–2.2 kW 126 115 193 175 174.5 ø5 2
4 kW–5.5 kW 146 131 263 243.5 181 ø6 3.5
7.5 kW–11 kW 170 151 331.5 303.5 216 ø6 6
15 kW–18.5 kW 230 210 342 311 216 ø6 7.8
22 kW–30 kW 255 237 407 384 245 ø7 9.5

Figure C-4 Wall installation of 380 V 37-110 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1
hole (kg)
37 kW–55 kW 270 130 555 540 325 ø7 30
75 kW–110 kW 325 200 680 661 365 ø9.5 47

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Figure C-5 Wall installation of 380 V 132-200 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1
hole (kg)
132 kW–200 kW 500 180 870 850 360 ø11 85

Figure C-6 Wall installation of 380 V 220-315 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1
hole (kg)
220 kW–280 kW 680 230 960 926 380 ø13 135
315 kW 680 230 960 926 380 ø13 137

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings
C.4.2 Flange installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-7 Flange installation of 380 V 1.5-30 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 H3 H4 D1 D2
hole (kg)
1.5 kW–2.2 kW 150 115 130 7.5 234 220 190 16.5 174.5 65.5 ø5 2

4 kW–5.5 kW 170 131 150 9.5 292 276 260 10 181 79.5 ø6 3.5
7.5 kW–11 kW 191 151 174 11.5 370 351 324 15 216.2 113 ø6 6
15 kW–18.5 kW 250 210 234 12 375 356 334 10 216 108 ø6 7.8

22 kW–30 kW 275 237 259 11 445 426 404 10 245 119 ø7 9.5

Figure C-8 Flange installation of 380 V 37-110 kW VFDs

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 H3 H4 D1 D2
hole (kg)

37 kW–55 kW 270 130 261 65.5 555 540 516 17 325 167 ø7 30

75 kW–110 kW 325 200 317 58.5 680 661 626 23 363 182 ø9.5 47

Figure C-9 Flange installation of 380 V 132-200 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 H3 H4 D1 D2
hole (kg)
132 kW–200 kW 500 180 480 60 870 850 796 37 358 178.5 ø11 85
C.4.3 Floor installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-10 Floor installation of 380 V 220-315 kW VFDs

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 D1 D2 Weight (kg)
220 kW–280 kW 750 230 714 680 1410 1390 380 150 ø13/12 135

315 kW 750 230 714 680 1410 1390 380 150 ø13/12 137

C.5 Dimensions for VFDs of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)

C.5.1 Wall installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-11 Wall installation of 660 V 22-132 kW VFDs

Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1 Installation hole Weight (kg)

22 kW–45 kW 270 130 555 540 325 ø7 30

55 kW–132 kW 325 200 680 661 365 ø9.5 47

132 kW 325 200 680 661 365 ø9.5 85

Figure C-12 Wall installation of 660 V 160-220 kW VFDs

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1 Installation hole Weight (kg)

160 kW–220 kW 500 180 870 850 360 ø11 85

Figure C-13 Wall installation of 660 V 250-350 kW VFDs

Model W1 W2 H1 H2 D1 Installation hole Weight (kg)

250 kW–350 kW 680 230 960 926 380 ø13 135
C.5.2 Flange installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-14 Flange installation of 660 V 22-132 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 H3 H4 D1 D2
hole (kg)
22 kW–45 kW 270 130 261 65.5 555 540 516 17 325 167 ø7 30

55 kW–110 kW 325 200 317 58.5 680 661 626 23 363 182 ø9.5 47

132 kW 325 200 317 58.5 680 661 626 23 363 182 ø9.5 85

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Figure C-15 Flange installation of 660 V 160-220 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 H3 H4 D1 D2
hole (kg)
160 kW–220 kW 500 180 480 60 870 850 796 37 358 178.5 ø11 85
C.5.3 Floor installation (unit: mm)

Figure C-16 Floor installation of 660 V 250-350 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 D1 D2
hole (kg)
250 kW–350 kW 750 230 714 680 1410 1390 380 150 ø13/12 135

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Dimension drawings

Figure C-17 Floor installation of 660 V 400-630 kW VFDs

Installation Weight
Model W1 W2 W3 W4 H1 H2 D1 D2
hole (kg)
400 kW–630 kW 620 230 573 / 1700 1678 560 240 ø22/12 390

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Appendix D Optional peripheral accessories

D.1 What this chapter contains
This chapter describes how to select the options and parts of Goodrive35 series.
D.2 Peripheral wiring
Below is the peripheral wiring of Goodrive35 series VFDs.

Upper PC
LED keypad LCD keypad software

485+ RS485 to
Standard Optional 485- converter PC

PB + - +

Breaker P1
DC reactor

Input reactor
resistor Brake unit
Input filter

Output filter

Output reactor




 Built-in brake unit is included for 380 V 30 kW and below models;

 P1 terminal is included for 380 V 37 kW and above models, which can be connected to external
DC reactor directly;

 P1 terminal is included for 660 V and above models, which can be connected to external DC
reactor directly;

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

 The brake units INVT's DBU series standard brake units. For details, see the DBU operation

Pictures Name Descriptions

Cables Device to transfer the electronic signals

Prevent from electric shock and protect the

power supply and the cables system from
overcurrent when short circuits occur.
Breaker (Please select the breaker with the function
of reducing high order harmonic and the
rated sensitive current to 1 VFD should be
above 30mA).
This device is used to improve the power
Input reactor factor of the input side of the VFD and
control the higher harmonic current.
The VFDs of 380 V (≥37 kW) and of 660 V
DC reactor
have external DC reactors.
Control the electromagnetic interference
generated from the VFD, please install close
to the input terminal side of the VFD.
Accessory that restricts the electromagnetic
Input filter
interference generated by the VFD and
transmitted to the public grid through the
power cable. Try to install the input filter near
the input terminal side of the VFD.
Accessories used to consume the
regenerative energy of the motor to reduce
the deceleration time.
Brake unit or brake
VFDs of 380 V, 30 kW or lower need only to
be configured with brake resistors, those of
380V, 37 kW or higher and 660 V series also
need to be configured with brake units,.
Control the interference from the output side
Output filter of the VFD and please install close to the
output terminals of the VFD.
Prolong the effective transmitting distance of
Output reactor the VFD to control the sudden high voltage
when switching on/off the IGBT of the VFD.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

D.3 Power supply

Please refer to Chapter 4 "Installation guide".

 Check that the voltage degree of the VFD complies with that of the grid.

D.4 Cables
D.4.1 Power cables
Dimension the input power and motor cables according to local regulations.

1. The input power and the motor cables must be able to carry the corresponding load currents.

2. The cable must be rated for at least 70°C maximum permissible temperature of the conductor in
continuous use.

3. The conductivity of the PE conductor must be equal to that of the phase conductor (same
cross-sectional area).

4. For details about the EMC requirements, see Appendix B "Technical data".

To meet the EMC requirements stipulated in the CE standards, you must use symmetrical shielded
cables as motor cables (as shown in the following figure).

Four-core cables can be used as input cables, but symmetrical shielded cables are recommended.
Compared with four-core cables, symmetrical shielded cables can reduce electromagnetic radiation
as well as the current and loss of the motor cables.

Symmetrical shielded cable -

Four-conductor cable

PE conductor and shield

Conductor Jacket
Jacket Jacket PE
PE Insulation
Insulation Insulation

Note: If the conductivity of the shield layer of the motor cables cannot meet the requirements,
separate PE conductors must be used.

To protect the conductors, the cross-sectional area of the shielded cables must be the same as that of
the phase conductors if the cable and conductor are made of materials of the same type. This
reduces grounding resistance, and thus improves impedance continuity.

To effectively restrict the emission and conduction of radio frequency (RF) interference, the
conductivity of the shielded cable must at least be 1/10 of the conductivity of the phase conductor.
This requirement can be well met by a copper or aluminum shield layer. The following figure shows
the minimum requirement on motor cables of a VFD. The cable must consist of a layer of
spiral-shaped copper strips. The denser the shield layer is, the more effectively the electromagnetic
interference is restricted.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Insulation course Wire screen

Figure D-1 Cross-section of the cable

D.4.2 Control cables
All analog control cables and cables used for frequency input must be shielded cables. Analog signal
cables need to be double-shielded twisted-pair cables (as shown in figure a). Use one separate
shielded twisted pair for each signal. Do not use the same ground wire for different analog signals.

Double shielded twisted Single shielded twisted

multi-pair cable multi-pair cable

Figure D-2 Configuration of the power cable

For low-voltage digital signals, double-shielded cables are recommended, but shielded or unshielded
twisted pairs (as shown in figure b) also can be used. For frequency signals, however, only shielded
cables can be used.

Relay cables need to be those with metal braided shield layers.

Keypads need to be connected by using network cables. In complicated electromagnetic

environments, shielded network cables are recommended.

Note: Analog signals and digital signals cannot use the same cables, and their cables must be
arranged separately.

Do not perform any voltage endurance or insulation resistance tests, such as high-voltage insulation
tests or using a megameter to measure the insulation resistance, on the VFD or its components.
Insulation and voltage endurance tests have been performed between the main circuit and chassis of
each VFD before delivery. In addition, voltage limiting circuits that can automatically cut off the test
voltage are configured inside the VFDs.

Note: Check the insulation conditions of the input power cable of a VFD according to the local
regulations before connecting it.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories
D.4.2.1 The VFDs of AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
d cable size Connecting cable size (mm2) Termi Tightenin
Model (mm ) nal g torque
RST RST PB screw (Nm)
PE P1, (+) PE
UVW UVW (+), (-)
GD35-1R5G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.5 2.5 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 M4 1.2–1.5
GD35-2R2G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.5 2.5 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 M4 1.2–1.5
2.5 2.5 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 2.5–6 M4 1.2–1.5
2.5 2.5 2.5–6 4–6 4–6 2.5–6 M4 1.2–1.5
4 4 4–16 4–16 4–16 4–16 M5 2–2.5
6 6 6–16 6–16 6–16 6–16 M5 2–2.5
10 10 10–25 10–25 10–25 6–25 M5 2–2.5
16 16 16–25 16–25 16–25 10–25 M5 2–2.5
16 16 16–25 16–25 16–25 10–25 M6 4–6
25 16 16–25 16–25 16–25 16–25 M6 4–6
GD35-037G-4-C1/D1/H1 25 16 25–50 25–50 25–50 16–50 M8 9–11
GD35-045G-4-C1/D1/H1 35 16 25–50 25–50 25–50 16–50 M8 9–11
GD35-055G-4-C1/D1/H1 50 25 50–95 50–95 50–95 25–50 M8 9–11
GD35-075G-4-C1/D1/H1 70 35 70–95 70–95 70–95 35–50 M10 18–23
GD35-090G-4-C1/D1/H1 95 50 95–150 95–150 95–150 50–150 M10 18–23
GD35-110G-4-C1/D1/H1 120 70 95–300 95–300 95–300 70–240 M10 18–23
GD35-132G-4-C1/D1/H1 185 95 95–300 95–300 95–300 95–240
GD35-160G-4-C1/D1/H1 240 120 95–300 95–300 95–300 120–240
GD35-185G-4-C1/D1/H1 95*2P 95 95–150 70–150 70–150 35–95 It is recommended
95*2P 95*2P 95*2P to use wrench or
GD35-200G-4-C1/D1/H1 95*2P 120 – – – 120–240 sleeve because
150*2P 150*2P 150*2P screw is used as
95*2P 95*2P 95*2P terminal.
GD35-220G-4-C1/D1/H1 150*2P 150 –150*2 –150*2 –150*2 150–240
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

d cable size Connecting cable size (mm2) Termi Tightenin
Model (mm ) nal g torque
RST RST PB screw (Nm)
PE P1, (+) PE
UVW UVW (+), (-)
95*4P 95*4P 95*4P
GD35-250G-4-C1/D1/H1 95*4P 95*2P – – –
– 150*2P
150*4P 150*4P 150*4P
95*4P 95*4P 95*4P
GD35-280G-4-C1/D1/H1 95*4P 95*2P – – –
– 150*2P
150*4P 150*4P 150*4P
95*4P 95*4P 95*4P
GD35-315G-4-C1/D1/H1 95*4P 95*4P – – –
– 150*2P
150*4P 150*4P 150*4P


 Cables of the sizes recommended for the main circuit can be used in scenarios where the
ambient temperature is lower than 40°C, the wiring distance is shorter than 100 m, and the
current is the rated current.

 The terminals P1, (+), and (-) are used to connect to DC reactors and brake accessories.
D.4.2.2 The VFDs of AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
Connecting cable size (mm2) Tightening
cable size (mm2) Terminal
Model torque
RST RST PB (+), screw
PE P1, (+) PE (Nm)
GD35-022G-6-C1/D1/H1 10 10 10–16 6–16 6–10 10–16 M8 9–11
GD35-030G-6-C1/D1/H1 10 10 10–16 6–16 6–10 10–16 M8 9–11
GD35-037G-6-C1/D1/H1 16 16 16–25 16–25 6–10 16–25 M8 9–11
GD35-045G-6-C1/D1/H1 16 16 16–25 16–35 16–25 16–25 M8 9–11
GD35-055G-6-C1/D1/H1 25 16 16–25 16–35 16–25 16–25 M10 18–23
GD35-075G-6-C1/D1/H1 35 16 35–50 25–50 25–50 16–50 M10 18–23
GD35-090G-6-C1/D1/H1 35 16 35–50 25–50 25–50 16–50 M10 18–23
GD35-110G-6-C1/D1/H1 50 25 50–95 50–95 25–95 25–95 M10 18–23
GD35-132G-6-C1/D1/H1 70 35 70–95 70–95 25–95 35–95 M10 18–23
GD35-160G-6-C1/D1/H1 95 50 95–150 95–150 25–150 50–150
It is recommended to
GD35-185G-6-C1/D1/H1 95 50 95–150 95–150 25–150 50–150
use wrench or sleeve
GD35-200G-6-C1/D1/H1 120 70 120–300 120–300 35–300 70–240
because screw is
GD35-220G-6-C1/D1/H1 185 95 120–300 120–300 35–300 95–240
used as terminal.
GD35-250G-6-C1/D1/H1 185 95 185–300 185–300 35–300 95–240

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Connecting cable size (mm2) Tightening
cable size (mm2) Terminal
Model torque
RST RST PB (+), screw
PE P1, (+) PE (Nm)
GD35-280G-6-C1/D1/H1 240 120 240–300 240–300 70–300 120–240
95*2P 95*2P 95*2P
GD35-315G-6-C1/D1/H1 95*2P 120 120–300
–150*2P –150*2P –150*2P
95*2P 95*2P 95*2P
GD35-350G-6-C1/D1/H1 95*2P 150 150–300
–150*2P –150*2P –150*2P
150*2P 95*2P 95*2P
GD35-400G-6-C1/D1/H1 150*2P 150 150–300
–300*2P –150*2P –150*2P
95*4P 95*4P 95*4P 95*2P
GD35-500G-6-C1/D1/H1 95*4P 95*2P
–150*4P –150*4P –150*4P –150*2P
95*4P 95*4P 95*4P 95*4P
GD35-560G-6-C1/D1/H1 95*4P 95*4P
–150*4P –150*4P –150*4P –150*4P
150*4P 150*4P 150*4P 150*4P
GD35-630G-6-C1/D1/H1 150*4P 150*2P
–300*4P –300*4P –300*4P –240*4P


 Cables of the sizes recommended for the main circuit can be used in scenarios where the
ambient temperature is lower than 40°C, the wiring distance is shorter than 100 m, and the
current is the rated current.

 The terminals P1, (+), and (-) are used to connect to DC reactors and brake accessories.
D.4.3 Routing the cables
Motor cables must be arranged away from other cables. The motor cables of several VFDs can be
arranged in parallel. It is recommended that you arrange the motor cables, input power cables, and
control cables separately in different trays. The output dU/dt of the VFDs may increase
electromagnetic interference on other cables. Do not arrange other cables and the motor cables in

If a control cable and power cable must cross each other, ensure that the angle between them is 90

The cable trays must be connected properly and well grounded. Aluminum trays can implement local

The following figure shows the cable arrangement distance requirements.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Motor cable

Min. 300mm
Power cable

Input power cable Motor cable

Min. 200mm Min. 500mm
Control cable Control cable

Figure D-3 Wiring layout distances

D.4.4 Insulation checking
Check the motor and the insulation conditions of the motor cable before running the motor.

1. Ensure that the motor cable is connected to the motor, and then remove the motor cable from the U,
V, and W output terminals of the VFD.

2. Use a megameter of 500 V DC to measure the insulation resistance between each phase
conductor and the protection grounding conductor. For details about the insulation resistance of the
motor, see the description provided by the manufacturer.

Note: The insulation resistance is reduced if it is damp inside the motor. If it may be damp, you need
to dry the motor and then measure the insulation resistance again.
D.5 Breaker and electromagnetic contactor
You need to add a fuse to prevent overload.

You need to configure a manually manipulated molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) between the AC
power supply and VFD. The breaker must be locked in the open state to facilitate installation and
inspection. The capacity of the breaker needs to be 1.5 to 2 times the rated current of the VFD.

 According to the working principle and structure of breakers, if the

manufacturer's regulation is not followed, hot ionized gases may escape from
the breaker enclosure when a short-circuit occurs. To ensure safe use,
exercise extra caution when installing and placing the breaker. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions.

To ensure safety, you can configure an electromagnetic contactor on the input side to control the
switch-on and switch-off of the main circuit power, so that the input power supply of the VFD can be
effectively cut off when a system fault occurs.
D.5.1 AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
The rated working current
Model Breaker (A) Fuse (A)
of the contactor (A)
GD35-1R5G-4-C1/D1/H1 15 16 10
GD35-2R2G-4-C1/D1/H1 17.4 16 10
GD35-004G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 30 25 16

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

The rated working current

Model Breaker (A) Fuse (A)
of the contactor (A)
GD35-5R5G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 45 25 16
GD35-7R5G-4- C1/D1/H1/H2 60 40 25
GD35-011G-4- C1/D1/H1/H2 78 63 32
GD35-015G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 105 63 50
GD35-018G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 114 100 63
GD35-022G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 138 100 80
GD35-030G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 186 125 95
GD35-037G-4-C1/D1/H1 228 160 120
GD35-045G-4-C1/D1/H1 270 200 135
GD35-055G-4-C1/D1/H1 315 200 170
GD35-075G-4-C1/D1/H1 420 250 230
GD35-090G-4-C1/D1/H1 480 315 280
GD35-110G-4-C1/D1/H1 630 400 315
GD35-132G-4-C1/D1/H1 720 400 380
GD35-160G-4-C1/D1/H1 870 630 450
GD35-185G-4-C1/D1/H1 630 1110 580
GD35-200G-4-C1/D1/H1 1110 630 580
GD35-220G-4-C1/D1/H1 1230 800 630
GD35-250G-4-C1/D1/H1 1380 800 700
GD35-280G-4-C1/D1/H1 1500 1000 780
GD35-315G-4-C1/D1/H1 1740 1200 900

Note: The accessory specifications described in the preceding table are ideal values. You can select
accessories based on the actual market conditions, but try not to use those with lower values.
D.5.2 AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
The rated working current
Model Breaker (A) Fuse (A)
of the contactor (A)
GD35-022G-6-C1/D1/H1 105 63 50
GD35-030G-6-C1/D1/H1 105 63 50
GD35-037G-6-C1/D1/H1 114 100 63
GD35-045G-6-C1/D1/H1 138 100 80
GD35-055G-6-C1/D1/H1 186 125 95
GD35-075G-6-C1/D1/H1 270 200 135
GD35-090G-6-C1/D1/H1 270 200 135
GD35-110G-6-C1/D1/H1 315 200 170
GD35-132G-6-C1/D1/H1 420 250 230
GD35-160G-6-C1/D1/H1 480 315 280
GD35-185G-6-C1/D1/H1 480 315 280
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

The rated working current

Model Breaker (A) Fuse (A)
of the contactor (A)
GD35-200G-6-C1/D1/H1 630 400 315
GD35-220G-6-C1/D1/H1 720 400 380
GD35-250G-6-C1/D1/H1 720 400 380
GD35-280G-6-C1/D1/H1 870 630 450
GD35-315G-6-C1/D1/H1 1110 630 580
GD35-350G-6-C1/D1/H1 1110 630 580
GD35-400G-6-C1/D1/H1 1230 800 630
GD35-500G-6-C1/D1/H1 1500 1000 780
GD35-560G-6-C1/D1/H1 1740 1200 900
GD35-630G-6-C1/D1/H1 2010 1380 1035
Note: The accessory specifications described in the preceding table are ideal values. You can select
accessories based on the actual market conditions, but try not to use those with lower values.
D.6 Reactors
When the voltage of the grid is high, the transient large current that flows into the input power circuit
may damage rectifier components. You need to configure an AC reactor on the input side, which can
also improve the current adjustment coefficient on the input side.
When the distance between the VFD and motor is longer than 50 m, the parasitic capacitance
between the long cable and ground may cause large leakage current, and overcurrent protection of
the VFD may be frequently triggered. To prevent this from happening and avoid damage to the motor
insulator, compensation must be made by adding an output reactor. When a VFD is used to drive
multiple motors, take the total length of the motor cables (that is, sum of the lengths of the motor
cables) into account. When the total length is longer than 50 m, an output reactor must be added on
the output side of the VFD. If the distance between the VFD and motor is 50 m to 100 m, select the
reactor according to the following table. If the distance is longer than 100 m, contact INVT's technical
support technicians.
DC reactors can be directly connected to VFDs of 380 V, 37 kW or higher and the 660 V series. DC
reactors can improve the power factor, avoid damage to bridge rectifiers caused due to large input
current of the VFD when large-capacity transformers are connected, and also avoid damage to the
rectification circuit caused due to harmonics generated by grid voltage transients or phase-control

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Input reactors DC reactors Output reactors

D.6.1 Reactors for AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)

Model Input reactor DC reactor Output reactor
GD35-1R5-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-1R5-4 / OCL2-1R5-4
GD35-2R2-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-2R2-4 / OCL2-2R2-4
GD35-004-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-004-4 / OCL2-004-4
GD35-5R5-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-5R5-4 / OCL2-5R5-4
GD35-7R5-4- C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-7R5-4 / OCL2-7R5-4
GD35-011-4- C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-011-4 / OCL2-011-4
GD35-015-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-015-4 / OCL2-015-4
GD35-018-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-018-4 / OCL2-018-4
GD35-022-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-022-4 / OCL2-022-4
GD35-030-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 ACL2-037-4 / OCL2-037-4
GD35-037-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-037-4 DCL2-2R2-4 OCL2-037-4
GD35-045-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-045-4 DCL2-045-4 OCL2-045-4
GD35-055-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-055-4 DCL2-055-4 OCL2-055-4
GD35-075-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-075-4 DCL2-075-4 OCL2-075-4
GD35-090-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-0110-4 DCL2-090-4 OCL2-110-4
GD35-110-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-110-4 DCL2-110-4 OCL2-110-4
GD35-132-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-160-4 DCL2-132-4 OCL2-160-4
GD35-160-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-160-4 DCL2-160-4 OCL2-200-4
GD35-185-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-200-4 DCL2-200-4 OCL2-200-4
GD35-200-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-200-4 DCL2-220-4 OCL2-200-4
GD35-220-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-280-4 DCL2-280-4 OCL2-280-4
GD35-250-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-280-4 DCL2-280-4 OCL2-280-4
GD35-280-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-280-4 DCL2-280-4 OCL2-280-4
GD35-315-4-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-350-4 DCL2-315-4 OCL2-350-4

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories


 The rated input voltage drop of input reactors is 2%±15%.

 The current adjustment coefficient on the input side of the VFD is higher than 90% after a DC
reactor is configured.
 The rated output voltage drop of output reactors is 1%±15%.
 The preceding table describes external accessories. You need to specify the ones you choose
when purchasing accessories.
D.6.2 Reactors for AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
VFD power Input reactor DC reactor Output reactor
GD35-022-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-030G-6 DCL2-030G-6 OCL2-030G-6
GD35-030-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-030G-6 DCL2-030G-6 OCL2-030G-6
GD35-037-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-055G-6 DCL2-055G-6 OCL2-055G-6
GD35-045-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-055G-6 DCL2-055G-6 OCL2-055G-6
GD35-055-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-055G-6 DCL2-055G-6 OCL2-055G-6
GD35-075-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-110G-6 DCL2110G-6 OCL2-110G-6
GD35-090-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-110G-6 DCL2-110G-6 OCL2-110G-6
GD35-110-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-110G-6 DCL2-110G-6 OCL2-110G-6
GD35-132-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-185G-6 DCL2-185G-6 OCL2-185G-6
GD35-160-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-185G-6 DCL2-185G-6 OCL2-185G-6
GD35-185-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-185G-6 DCL2-185G-6 OCL2-185G-6
GD35-200-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-250G-6 DCL2-250G-6 OCL2-250G-6
GD35-220-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-250G-6 DCL2-250G-6 OCL2-250G-6
GD35-250-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-250G-6 DCL2-250G-6 OCL2-250G-6
GD35-280-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-350G-6 DCL2-350G-6 OCL2-350G-6
GD35-315-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-350G-6 DCL2-350G-6 OCL2-350G-6
GD35-350-6-C1/D1/H1 ACL2-350G-6 DCL2-350G-6 OCL2-350G-6
GD35-400-6-C1/D1/H1 Standard configuration DCL2-400G-6 OCL2-400G-6
GD35-500-6-C1/D1/H1 Standard configuration DCL2-560G-6 OCL2-560G-6
GD35-560-6-C1/D1/H1 Standard configuration DCL2-560G-6 OCL2-560G-6
GD35-630-6-C1/D1/H1 Standard configuration DCL2-630G-6 OCL2-630G-6

 The rated input voltage drop of input reactors is 2%±15%.
 The current adjustment coefficient on the input side of the VFD is higher than 90% after a DC
reactor is configured.
 The rated output voltage drop of output reactors is 1%±15%.
 The preceding table describes external accessories. You need to specify the ones you choose
when purchasing accessories.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

D.7 Filter
J10 is not connected in factory for VFDs of 380V (≤110kW). Connect the J10 packaged with the
manual if the requirements of level C3 need to be met.
J10 is connected in factory for VFDs of 380V (≥132kW), all of which meet the requirements of level


Disconnect J10 in the following situations:

1. The EMC filter is applicable to the neutral-grounded grid system. If it is used for the IT grid system
(that is, non-neutral grounded grid system), disconnect J10.

2. If leakage protection occurs during configuration of a residual-current circuit breaker, disconnect


Note: Do not connect C3 filters in IT power systems.

Interference filters on the input side can reduce the interference of VFDs (when used) on the
surrounding devices.

Noise filters on the output side can decrease the radio noise caused by the cables between VFDs and
motors and the leakage current of conducting wires.

INVT provides some of the filters for users to choose.

D.7.1 Filter model instruction

FLT - P 04 045 L - B

Field identifier Detailed instruction

A FLT: VFD filter series
Filter type
B P: power supply filter
L: output filter
C Voltage degree

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

Field identifier Detailed instruction

04: AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
06: AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
D 3-digit code indicating the rated current. For example, 015 indicates 15 A.
Installation type
E L: General
H: High-performance
Filter application environment
A: Environment Category I, C1 (EN 61800-3)
B: Environment Category I, C2 (EN 61800-3)
C: Environment Category II, C3 (EN 61800-3)
D.7.2 Filters for AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
Model Input filter Output filter
FLT-P04006L-B FLT-L04006L-B
FLT-P04016L-B FLT-L04016L-B
GD35-7R5G-4- C1/D1/H1/H2
FLT-P04032L-B FLT-L04032L-B
GD35-011G-4- C1/D1/H1/H2
FLT-P04045L-B FLT-L04045L-B
FLT-P04065L-B FLT-L04065L-B
FLT-P04100L-B FLT-L04100L-B
FLT-P04150L-B FLT-L04150L-B
GD35-110G-4-C1/D1/H1 FLT-P04240L-B FLT-L04240L-B
GD35-185G-4-C1/D1/H1 FLT-P04400L-B FLT-L04400L-B
GD35-250G-4-C1/D1/H1 FLT-P04600L-B FLT-L04600L-B
GD35-315G-4-C1/D1/H1 FLT-P04800L-B FLT-L04800L-B

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories


 The input EMI meets the C2 requirements after an input filter is configured.
 The preceding table describes external accessories. You need to specify the ones you choose
when purchasing accessories.
D.7.3 Filters for AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%)
Model Input filter Output filter
GD35-030G-6-C1/D1/H1 FLT-P06050H-B FLT-L06050H-B
FLT-P06100H-B FLT-L06100H-B
FLT-P06200H-B FLT-L06200H-B
FLT-P06300H-B FLT-L06300H-B
FLT-P06400H-B FLT-L06400H-B
FLT-L061000H-B FLT-L061000H-B

 The input EMI meets the C2 requirements after an input filter is configured.
 The preceding table describes external accessories. You need to specify the ones you choose
when purchasing accessories.
D.8 Brake system
D.8.1 Selecting the brake components
When a VFD driving a high-inertia load decelerates or needs to decelerate abruptly, the motor runs in
the power generation state and transmits the load-carrying energy to the DC circuit of the VFD,
causing the bus voltage of the VFD to rise. If the bus voltage exceeds a specific value, the VFD
reports an overvoltage fault. To prevent this from happening, you need to configure brake

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

 The design, installation, commissioning, and operation of the device must be

performed by trained and qualified professionals.
 Follow all the "Warning" instructions during the operation. Otherwise, major
physical injuries or property loss may be caused.
 Only qualified electricians are allowed to perform the wiring. Otherwise,
damage to the VFD or brake components may be caused.
 Read the brake resistor or unit instructions carefully before connecting them to
the VFD.
 Connect brake resistors only to the terminals PB and (+), and brake units only
to the terminals (+) and (-). Do not connect them to other terminals. Otherwise,
damage to the brake circuit and VFD and fire may be caused.
 Connect the brake components to the VFD according to the wiring diagram. If
the wiring is not properly performed, damage to the VFD or other devices may
be caused.
D.8.1.1 Brake units for AC 3PH 380 V (-15%)–440 V (+10%)
Goodrive350 series VFDs of 380 V, 37 kW or lower are equipped with built-in brake units, and those
of 380 V, 45 kW or higher need to be configured with external brake units. Select brake resistors
according to the specific requirements (such as the brake torque and brake usage requirements) on

resistor Dissipation Dissipated Dissipated
value power of power of power of Min
matched brake brake brake allowed
Brake unit
Model with resistor resistor resistor brake
100% (kW) (kW) (kW) resistor
brake (10% (50% (80% (Ω)
torque brake) brake) brake)
GD35-1R5G-4-C1/D1/H1 326 0.23 1.1 1.8 170
GD35-2R2G-4-C1/D1/H1 222 0.33 1.7 2.6 130
GD35-004G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 122 0.6 3 4.8 80
GD35-5R5G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 89 0.75 4.1 6.6 60
GD35-7R5G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 Built-in brake 65 1.1 5.6 9 47
GD35-011G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 unit 44 1.7 8.3 13.2 31
GD35-015G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 32 2 11 18 23
GD35-018G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 27 3 14 22 19
GD35-022G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 22 3 17 26 17
GD35-030G-4-C1/D1/H1/H2 17 5 23 36 17
GD35-037G-4-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-060-4 13 6 28 44 11.7

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

resistor Dissipation Dissipated Dissipated
value power of power of power of Min
matched brake brake brake allowed
Brake unit
Model with resistor resistor resistor brake
100% (kW) (kW) (kW) resistor
brake (10% (50% (80% (Ω)
torque brake) brake) brake)
GD35-045G-4-C1/D1/H1 10 7 34 54
GD35-055G-4-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-110-4 8 8 41 66 6.4
GD35-075G-4-C1/D1/H1 6.5 11 56 90
GD35-090G-4-C1/D1/H1 5.4 14 68 108
DBU100H-160-4 4.4
GD35-110G-4-C1/D1/H1 4.5 17 83 132
GD35-132G-4-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-220-4 3.7 20 99 158 3.2
GD35-160G-4-C1/D1/H1 3.1 24 120 192
GD35-185G-4-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-320-4 2.8 28 139 222 2.2
GD35-200G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.5 30 150 240
GD35-220G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.2 33 165 264
DBU100H-400-4 1.8
GD35-250G-4-C1/D1/H1 2.0 38 188 300
GD35-280G-4-C1/D1/H1 Two 3.6*2 21*2 105*2 168*2
GD35-315G-4-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-320-4 3.2*2 24*2 118*2 189*2
 Select the resistor and power of the brake unit according to the data our company provided.
 The brake resistor may increase the brake torque of the VFD. The preceding table describes the
resistance and power for 100% brake torque, 10% brake usage, 50% brake usage, and 80%
brake usage. You can select the brake system based on the actual operation conditions.
 When using an external brake unit, set the brake voltage class of the brake unit properly by
referring to the manual of the dynamic brake unit. If the voltage class is set incorrectly, the VFD
may not run properly.
 Do not use brake resistors whose resistance is lower than the specified
minimum resistance. VFDs do not provide protection against overcurrent
caused by resistors with low resistance.
 In scenarios where brake is frequently implemented, that is, the brake usage is
greater than 10%, you need to select a brake resistor with higher power as
required by the operation conditions according to the preceding table.
D.8.1.2 Brake units for AC 3PH 520 V (-15%)–690 V (+10%) brake unit
External brake units need to be configured for Goodrive350 series VFDs of 660 V. Select brake
resistors according to the specific requirements (such as the brake torque and brake usage
Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

requirements) on site.

resistor Dissipation Dissipated Dissipated
value power of power of power of Min
matched brake brake brake allowed
Brake unit
Model with resistor resistor resistor brake
100% (kW) (kW) (kW) resistor
brake (10% (50% (80% (Ω)
torque brake) brake) brake)
GD35-022G-6-C1/D1/H1 55 4 17 27
GD35-030G-6-C1/D1/H1 40.3 5 23 36
GD35-037G-6-C1/D1/H1 32.7 6 28 44
GD35-045G-6-C1/D1/H1 26.9 7 34 54
DBU100H-110-6 10.0
GD35-055G-6-C1/D1/H1 22.0 8 41 66
GD35-075G-6-C1/D1/H1 16.1 11 56 90
GD35-090G-6-C1/D1/H1 13.4 14 68 108
GD35-110G-6-C1/D1/H1 11.0 17 83 132
GD35-132G-6-C1/D1/H1 9.2 20 99 158
DBU100H-160-6 6.9
GD35-160G-6-C1/D1/H1 7.6 24 120 192
GD35-185G-6-C1/D1/H1 6.5 28 139 222
GD35-200G-6-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-220-6 6.1 30 150 240 5.0
GD35-220G-6-C1/D1/H1 5.5 33 165 264
GD35-250G-6-C1/D1/H1 4.8 38 188 300
GD35-280G-6-C1/D1/H1 4.3 42 210 336
DBU100H-320-6 3.4
GD35-315G-6-C1/D1/H1 3.8 47 236 378
GD35-350G-6-C1/D1/H1 3.5 53 263 420
GD35-400G-6-C1/D1/H1 DBU100H-400-6 3.0 60 300 480 2.8
GD35-500G-6-C1/D1/H1 4.8*2 38*2 188*2 300*2
GD35-560G-6-C1/D1/H1 4.3*2 42*2 210*2 336*2 3.4*2
GD35-630G-6-C1/D1/H1 3.8*2 47*2 236*2 378*2


 Select brake resistors according to the resistance and power data provided by our company.

 The brake resistor may increase the brake torque of the VFD. The preceding table describes the
resistance and power for 100% brake torque, 10% brake usage, 50% brake usage, and 80%
brake usage. You can select the brake system based on the actual operation conditions.

 When using an external brake unit, set the brake voltage class of the brake unit properly by

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

referring to the manual of the dynamic brake unit. If the voltage class is set incorrectly, the VFD
may not run properly.

 Do not use brake resistors whose resistance is lower than the specified
minimum resistance. VFDs do not provide protection against overcurrent
caused by resistors with low resistance.
 In scenarios where brake is frequently implemented, that is, the brake usage is
greater than 10%, you need to select a brake resistor with higher power as
required by the operation conditions according to the preceding table.
D.8.2 Selecting the brake resistor cables
Brake resistor cables need to be shielded cables.
D.8.3 Installing the brake resistor
All resistors need to be installed in places with good cooling conditions.

 The materials near the brake resistor or brake unit must be non-flammable.
The surface temperature of the resistor is high. Air flowing from the resistor is
of hundreds of degrees Celsius. Prevent any materials from coming into
contact with the resistor.
Installation of the brake resistor:

 VFDs of 380 V, 37 kW or lower need only external brake resistors.

 PB and (+) are the terminals for connecting brake resistors.

Goodrive35 External


Installation of brake units:

 The VFDs of 380 V (≥37 kW) need external brake units.

 The VFDs of 660 V need external brake units.
 (+), (-) are the terminals for connecting brake units.
 The connection cables between the (+) and (-) terminals of a VFD and
those of a brake unit must be shorter than 5 m, and the connection
cables between the BR1 and BR2 terminals of a brake unit and the
terminals of a brake resistor must be shorter than 10 m.

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Optional peripheral accessories

The following figure shows the connection of one VFD to a dynamic brake unit.

Goodrive35 DBU brake


(+) (-)
DC+ DC- BR1 BR2 (+) (-) PE

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +

External brake resistor RB

Goodrive35 Series Closed-loop Vector Control VFD Further information

Appendix E Further information

E.1 Product and service queries
Should you have any queries about the product, contact the local INVT office. Provide the model and
serial number of the product you query about. You can visit to find a list of INVT offices.
E.2 Feedback on INVT VFD manuals
Your comments on our manuals are welcome. Visit, directly contact online service
personnel or choose Contact Us to obtain contact information.
E.3 Documents on the Internet
You can find manuals and other product documents in PDF format on the Internet. Visit
and choose Support > Download.

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