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Article History
Received : Jule, 27th, 2022
Revised : October 4th, 2022
Accepted : October 17th, 2022
Wahyuni Reksoatmodjo
Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Virtual Reality (VR) technology in tourism is a rapidly growing product of collaboration between
technology and tourism. The benefits of VR during the Covid-19 pandemic allow the technology
to survive. However, previously, VR had already seen usage in various profitable aspects of
tourism. For that reason, it is important to examine how VR affects an individual’s—among
Indonesian millennials—interest in visiting travel destinations. This study aims to analyze the
effects of using VR by observing the content quality, system quality, presence, enjoyment and
satisfaction in motivating visits among millennials. A total of 371 samples were collected in this
study, obtained from respondents via online-distributed questionnaires. The data were processed
using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method. The results indicated that out of seven
hypotheses proposed, six were accepted and one was rejected. Content quality and system quality
affected satisfaction, while presence affected enjoyment and satisfaction; satisfaction and
enjoyment affected intention to visit. Enjoyment does not affect satisfaction. This study also
shows that content quality, system quality, presence, enjoyment indirectly affect millennials’
interest to visit travel destinations. The quality of the VR system played an important role in
creating satisfaction and intention to visit among millennials, so travel destination managers need
to consider this.
Keywords: Virtual Reality; Content Quality; System Quality; Presence; Enjoyment; Satisfaction; Intention
to Visit; Millennials.
1. Introduction
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated tourism sectors around the world. To prevent the spread
of the virus, several countries have implemented physical and social distancing which has an
impact on the sluggishness of tourist travel (GNFI, 2020). In order to adapt to these new changes,
Corresponding Author
Name : Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo
Email : mastrir@ugm.ac.id
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, 03 (2), 2022 | 59
various technology-based solutions have emerged to compensate for the limitations in the
hospitality industry and the tourism sector. The use of virtual reality (VR) in tourism will be an
appropriate and long-term contributor to transformation (Schiopu et al., 2021a). In addition to
VR, potential technologies that have recently attracted attention include augmented reality (AR)
and mixed reality (MR) (Beck et al., 2019). A number of countries had utilized VR in tourism not
only during the current pandemic, but long before the pandemic occurred, VR has long seen
usage as well in Indonesia. Even today, with the pandemic still affecting people's lives, VR can be
used for various purposes. VR and AR are increasingly being adopted and implemented in
various sectors of tourism and hospitality such as theme parks, cruise ships, museums, and
destination marketing.
The Global Digital Traveler Survey (2019) suggested that out of 20 countries, including
Indonesia, 75% of Indonesian tourists have high expectations of travel experiences using AR or
VR. They believed that AR and VR would be very helpful in travel planning. Research by
Tussyadiah et al, (2018) suggested that VR could shape consumers’ attitudes and behaviors, as if
they are present in a virtual environment, thus enhancing their comfort and enjoyment as well as
increase the chance of potential tourists to visit. Research conducted by Ally et al. (2021),
asserted that technological features in VR, including clarity and interactivity, have a positive
effect on how users process information. An et al. (2021a) stated that the presence and quality of
information as two important attributes of VR travel content have positive effects on tourists and
contribute to shaping destination marketing strategies. Marketing can generate interests in
visitations (Hartini et al., 2020; Subawa et al., 2021) and VR is an innovative medium for
marketing that has been proven to take tourism to another level (Wei, 2019).
VR, in Indonesia, especially in tourism, has been used to develop activities pertaining to
tourism. Pakpahan (2020) stated that there are no legal provisions governing virtual tourism so it
is still difficult to achieve general adoption of the use of VR in tourism in Indonesia. The ability
of virtual reality to create a realistic and navigable virtual environment and its potential to
become a new tourism service is very effective in influencing tourists’ interest. Idris et al (2020)
emphasized that the limited use of digital technology, especially VR, to promote tourism, was
also an obstacle in several studies.The limitations of VR in Indonesia need to be overcome so that
the benefits of VR can be maximized. For this purpose, various efforts need to be made.
Millennials, who grew up with technology and have lived their entire life in a digital environment
with the have specific characteristics i.e they tend to be tolerant of engaging in new cultures, and
have no trouble receiving information, are strong arguments for why this group will potentially
take advantage of VR. The Alvara Research Center (2020) states that millennials are a “rising
market” because they currently dominate the market. This is expected to last until 2035.
Virtual reality makes the information-seeking experience a faster, more interactive and
detailed process, making it perfectly suited for tourism purposes (Rainoldi et al., 2018). The
importance of implementing VR and its benefits in tourism provides long-term benefits and can
increase potential visits to travel destinations; it is worth studying more in depth, especially for
the millennial generation. This study aims to analyze the effect of using VR towards millennial
tourists’ interest in visiting travel destinations by paying attention to the elements within VR. This
study concludes with a recommendation as future references for stakeholders of tourism,
especially destination managers, to utilize VR into their strategic plans both as a promotional
medium and as a tourist attraction.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Tourism Virtual Reality
In the context of tourism, VR can be described as a digitally generated interactive medium that
allows participants to create a simulated experience of an unreal environment using a head-
mounted display (HMD) of a VR device (Perry Hobson & Williams, 1995). According to (Pestek
& Sarvan, 2020)VR affects the tourism and hospitality industry through three main points,
namely future tourism planning and management, technology-based tourism destination
marketing, and the potential of VR in changing consumer needs. Apart from functioning as a
tourism marketing tool, VR is believed to contribute to value the creation for tourism businesses
and visitors (Jung & Tom Dieck, 2017). VR can enhance the interactive and immersive
experience of customers in the tourism industry (Kim et al., 2018).
2.2. Content Quality and System Quality
The information system success model has been applied to a variety of contexts, including
websites, online shopping, online learning, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality (Yuce et al.,
2020). Factors that determine the success of information systems include system quality,
information quality (content), usage, user satisfaction, individual influence along with
organizational influence. User satisfaction is affected by system and information quality, which,
in turn, affects individuals and organizations.
In VR, quality information or content in the form of images and descriptions is essential.
DeLone and McLean (2014) emphasized the importance and relevance of content quality in a
research on information systems success. Content quality refers to the quality of information
provided by cyberspace. In this case, it describes content accuracy, completeness, and content
presentation format. The information within the tourism content of VR is in the form of
descriptions of travel destinations (Lee et al., 2020). Accurate, relevant and reliable information
can be beneficial for its users (Zheng et al., 2012a) and quality information can convince someone
to actually visit a travel destination. VR triggers its users to be interested in visiting travel
destinations (Hagen et al., 2021).
System quality can be described as a digital information medium’s ease of use (Elci et al.,
2017). System quality refers to how far the goals i.e. convenience, consistency, usability,
accessibility, and responsiveness are able to be achieved during the user experience associated
with the presented media, such as a virtual reality environment and a virtual reality system,
which should be easy to implement by individuals of all skill levels. According to Zheng et al.,
(2012b), other aspects that are worthy of considering are navigation, security, aesthetics, and
interactivity of the system. VR provides a pleasant and satisfying experience to its users regarding
the system quality (Chiu et al., 2007), and is an effective communication platform with the
purpose of persuading users to visit travel destinations (Lin et al., 2020). In VR, satisfaction will
be achieved when the information displayed is friendly and fulfill its users’ needs (Kim et al.,
2020). Based on the previous explanation, the hypotheses in this study are as follows:
H1: Content Quality Affects Satisfaction
H2: System Quality Affects Satisfaction
2.3. Presence
Presence is generally described as a psychological sensation of "being there" in a mediated virtual
environment while physically being somewhere else. According to Yung et al., (2021) when the
level of presence in the virtual environment (VE) is high enough, the user achieves the illusion of
non-mediation perception, which means the user begins experiencing the VE as an actual
physical place. The main result of high level of presence, especially within the context of tourism,
is that users perceive VE as a place rather than as a collection of images. Tussyadiah et al. (2018)
stated that the sense of presence is very important because the key to the VR experience is the
level of presence, which contributes to the level of enjoyment of VR participation. To assess the
relative contribution of VR experiences in encouraging better attitudes towards VR stimuli i.e.
travel destinations, it is very important to measure change in attitude before and after using VR.
Wirth et al., (2007) associated spatial presence with two aspects: self-location, the feeling of being
3. Method
3.1. Samplinggand Data Collection
The population studied in this research is the Indonesians belonging to the millennial generation,
ranging in age between 20 to 40 years. The questionnaires were distributed starting from April to
May 2022, to which 410 people responded. The data were cleansed at this point, therefore only a
total of 371 respondents were obtained. This study complies with the SEM analysis criteria, since
there are 200-400 samples. A questionnaire was distributed online via Twitter, Instagram,
Telegram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Kudata for this research. The questionnaire was created in
the Google Form format and completed by the respondents independently. Respondents would
access one of these Virtual Reality provider services prior to completing the questionnaire:
1. http://kekulturan.kemdikbud.go.id/virtualmuseum/sangiran_EN/index.html
VR on Sangiran Museum can be accessed via the website. Its use is quite easy, at the
beginning of access will be shown an introductory video related to Sangiran Museum.
Furthermore, the user can travel according to the instructions that have been provided. The user
will be directed to enter the museum, there will be an asterisk that will direct the user to see the
collection of the museum that has been equipped with a more detailed explanation of the objects
2. https://tour.indonesiavirtualtour.com/dkijakarta/planetarium
VR on the Planetarium can be accessed using the website. This VR is quite easy to use
because of its simple display and navigation. The Planetarium features extraterrestrial content
such as stars, planets and more. The features in this VR can be navigated to explore the content
separately according to the name of the object want to explore with a 360 degree system.
3. https://tour.indonesiavirtualtour.com/palembang/jelajah-sungai-musi
Cruising the Musi River is a VR service in the form of 360-degree video. Unlike the previous
2 types of tours that use the website. Users will only see videos that can be navigated 360
degrees. The user will be taken to explore the Musi River which is equipped with a brief
description of an object that is visible.
3.2. Measuring Instrument
The questions in the questionnaire were designed based on the literature review and the specific
characteristics of previous studies. The questionnaire is divided into 2 parts, the first part is about
respondent information including area of origin, age, gender, occupation and their experience
with VR. The second part measures the variables affecting VR as many as 30 statement items. All
measurement constructs are operationalized with multi-items on a 5-point Likert-type scale,
ranging from 1, strongly disagree to 5, strongly agree. Several research instruments are described
in Table 1.
Table 1. Research Instruments
No. Variable Instruments Reference
1 Content Quality KK1.VR presents information through various means, (Lee et al, 2020; Zheng
including sound, image, video, and expression. et al, 2012)
KK2.VR provides reliable and useful information.
KK3.In addition to verbal and content information, other
types of communication are also provided in VR.
KK4.VR accurately provides information I require.
KK5.VR gives me more insights about tourist attractions.
2 System Quality KS1.VR is user friendly (Elci et al., 2017; Zheng
KS2.VR shows information and images unambiguously. et al., 2012)
KS3.VR is easy to maneuver and navigate in.
KS4.VR is simple to use.
KS5.VR can be used to find information on travel
3 Presence PRE1.I feel as if I am physically present in a VR environment (Tussyadiah et al., 2018;
PRE2.I feel I can interact with the displayed environment Wirth et al., 2007;
PRE3.I feel physically involved (in the environment) Schubert et al., 2001)
PRE4.I receive the impression I can do whatever I want in a
VR environment
PRE5.I feel like the displayed content is more lifelike than a
normal picture or video
4 Enjoyment JOY1.I enjoy using VR technology (Garfield et al., 2001; Li
JOY2.My VR content viewing experience was pleasant & Chen.,2019;
JOY3.Using VR does not disinterest me Vishawakarma et al.,
JOY4.VR is very interesting to use 2020)
JOY5.Using VR to plan trips to travel destinations makes it
easy for me
5 Satisfaction SAT1.Overall, I am satisfied with my virtual trip (Li et al., 2020; Sobarna,
SAT2.Using VR will help me choose my destination in a 2020; Yuce et al., 2021;
better and more comfortable way An et al., 2020; Kim &
SAT3.The use of VR in planning future travel is very useful Ko., 2019)
SAT4.The virtual travel experience meets my expectations
SAT5.VR provides a valuable experience
6 Intention to INT1.I'm interested in using VR to plan trips in the future (Jung et al., 2016; Kim et
Visit INT2.I am interested in visiting places that appeared on my al., 2020; Sobarna, 2020;
virtual trip in the near future Tussyadiah et al., 2018)
INT3.I would visit the places that appeared in my future
virtual trip
INT4.I would recommend to VR to others
INT5.I want to know more about new travel destinations
Source: Researcher (2022)
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and average variance extracted (AVE) were used to assess
the measurement model, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the proposed
research model.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Characteristics of Indonesian Millennial Tourists
The respondents came from a variety of regions in Indonesia, including Aceh, Bali, Banten,
Bengkulu, Special Region of Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta, Jambi, West Java, Central Java, East
Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Lampung, Riau,
West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, West Papua, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi. The respondents
were dominated by women totaling 312 individuals, or 84%, and men totaling 59 individuals, or
16%. The majority of the respondents in this study belonged to the 20 to 30 years old age group,
76%, while ones in the 31 to 40 years old age group consisted of 24%. That is, the majority of
millennial in this study focused on the age of 20 to 30 years. The level of education among
respondents was dominated by high school level, followed by D4/S1 (BA) level and finally S2
(MA). The occupations of the millennial respondents were found to be quite diverse, such as
private sector employees, students, housewives, entrepreneurs, freelancers and other professions,
such as civil servants, teachers, lecturers, employees, etc. The respondents' knowledge about VR
showed that a total of 342 respondents or 92% had prior knowledge of VR and a total of 29
respondents or 8% did not know about VR. Descriptive statistics were utilized to get the
respondents' profile (see Table 2).
captured by the construct versus the variance due to random measurement error. The variance
extracted from the construct score was more than 0.5.
The results of the measurement model supported the validity of the measurements, with
acceptable loadings for all observed variables. After validity measures, the next step was overall
model fit. Goodness of fit testing, namely Chi-square = 610.385, Probability = 0.000 (> 0.05),
CMIN/DF = 1.654 (< 2.00), RMSEA = 0.042 (< 0.08), GFI = 0.906 (0,90), AGFI = 0.882 (>
0.90), TLI = 0.945 (0.90), CFI = 0.953 (0.90). Based on the model, results that complied with the
goodness of fit criteria were obtained, although there were values that do not meet the
assumptions, the model can still be said to be feasible since one of these criteria is met (Junaidi,
The next step was testing the hypothesis; as seen from the regression weight with CR criteria
greater than 1.96 and having a p-value with a significance level below 0.05, it is stated that
exogenous variables affect endogenous variables. However, if it has a CR value of less than 1.96
and a p-value with a significance level above 0.05, the exogenous variables have no effect on the
endogenous variable and if there is (***) it means that the value is very low or below 0.001. The
results of hypothesis testing can be found in Table 4.
5. Discussion
Figure 2 shows the path diagram as the final measurement model; of the seven hypotheses
proposed, six were accepted and one was rejected. Table 4, the estimated value from hypothesis
1, the quality of content on satisfaction had a direct positive effect with a value of 0.336 and an
indirect positive effect with a value of 0.194. This can be interpreted to mean that VR potentially
provides reliable and useful information to its users. Virtual reality also helps give additional
insights on travel destinations in order to increase the positive attitude of its users by providing
satisfaction that leads to interest in visiting travel destinations. This significant test backs up
previous studies (Zheng et al., 2012; Lee et al., 2020; Hagen et al., 2021).
Hypothesis 2, the direct effect of system quality on satisfaction had a path analysis value of
0.542 and the indirect effect of system quality on intention to visit was 0.311. VR is user-friendly,
which means that the VR system provides convenience for its users so that satisfactory
interactivity occurs. This significant test supports previous studies (Elci et al., 2017; Zheng et al.,
2012; Lin et al., 2020; Sobarna, 2021; Kim et al., 2020; Chiu et al., 2007) which explained that
the quality of the system is responsible for creating positive behavior because VR develops an
interactive system and the provides convenience to its users. The interest in tourist visits is
influenced not only by the content displayed, but also by the system that creates interaction for its
Hypothesis 3, there was a positive influence of the presence towards satisfaction (0.223) and
the value of indirect influence towards intention to visit was 0.432; the users got the impression
that they can do whatever they want in the displayed VR environment. Hypothesis 4, the positive
effect of the presence toward enjoyment had a value of 1.062. This significant test supports
previous studies (Yung et al., 2021; Tussyadiah et al., 2018; Wirth et al., 2007) which explained
that a sense of presence in VR provides experiences that contribute to the enjoyment of VR
participation and encourage more positive shift in attitude leading to actual actions, namely
interest in visiting travel destinations.
Hypothesis 5, there was a negative effect of enjoyment on satisfaction with a path analysis
value of -0.155, therefore it can be interpreted that respondents in this study did not experience a
pleasant feeling from using VR, which ought to provide satisfaction they wanted. However,
hypothesis 6, the effect of enjoyment on intention to visit, proved to be positive with a path
analysis value of 0.375; Hartini et al., 2020; Vishawakarma et al., 2020; Li & Chen., 2019 stated
that the enjoyment expected from using VR is pleasure and satisfaction.
Hypothesis 7, the effect of satisfaction on intention to visit was proven to be positive with a
path analysis value of 0.575 impying that users are willing to recommend VR to others so that
interest in visiting travel destinations they see through VR is higher. Satisfaction from using VR
affects interest in visiting tourist destinations because satisfaction refers to the success rate of
information obtained through a system or device (An et al., 2021; Yuce et al., 2021; Li et al.,
2021; Kim & Ko., 2019; Flavian et al., 2019; Jung et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2020; Tussyadiah et
al., 2018; Sobarna, 2021).
This study cements the effect of VR on tourism which is particularly focused on the
Indonesian millennial generation and identifies the influential elements or factors and empirically
confirms the effectiveness of the use of VR in tourism.
First, the findings of this study prove that there is a significant positive effect between content
quality on millennial satisfaction in using VR. The findings from the research indicators explain
that the quality of content from VR provides information related to tourist destinations accurately
and includes other methods so as to meet millennial knowledge regarding tourist destinations that
positively provide satisfaction. Second, the quality of the system to millennial satisfaction in
using VR indicate that VR system creates positive behavior due to the interactive capabilities of
VR, providing complete and clear information and friendly to use so as to make users feel
satisfied using VR.
Third, the presence of enjoyment also has a positive influence and has a strong connection,
the more presence a person has in VR, the more enjoyable it is. The feeling of enjoyment that
arises because of presence in the use of VR will make the consumer have a positive attitude
towards VR. Content quality, system quality, presence, enjoyment, and satisfaction have a
positive effect on creating interest in visiting travel destinations even though they have a
significant level of contribution.
The findings in this study showed that system quality has a stronger influence when
compared to content quality, a study (Mohaghegh et al., 2022) stated that younger people or
millennials tend to pay attention to the system because they are used to seeing and using various
digital technologies. It can thus be inferred that millennials tend to attach great importance to the
quality of the VR system.
Satisfaction from using VR significantly affects intention to visit. This finding means that the
higher the perceived satisfaction, the stronger the intention to visit. Satisfaction will drive the
users to recommend VR or even visit travel destinations and the level of user satisfaction with VR
is crucial (Jung et al., 2017).
VR can attract users attention and create adequate satisfaction, it is expected to make
significant changes such as interest in experiencing it again, recommending others to be interested
in visiting tourist destinations that will eventually actually go to the destination (actually to visit).
Millennials perceive satisfaction from the experience of using VR which positively provides a
reference to eliminate curiosity about the purpose they see in VR, the perceived functional and
emotional value also affects user satisfaction.
6. Conclusions and Suggestions
Virtual reality has a positive and significant impact on Indonesian millennials interest in visiting
travel destinations. According to the results of the analysis, all the variables used to measure the
intention to visit i.e. quality of the content, quality of the system, presence, enjoyment and
satisfaction, have a positive impact on the interest of visit among millennials.
The quality of the content and the quality of the system indicated that it has a positive
influence towards satisfaction. System quality is a factor that plays an important role in creating
satisfaction among millennials when using VR and contributes more to increasing interest in
visiting travel destinations compared to content quality. Furthermore, the enjoyment of using VR
has a significant direct effect on increasing interest in visiting travel destinations without
mediation from satisfaction.
The satisfaction obtained from using VR significantly affects the interest in visiting travel
destinations. Satisfaction of millennials from the results of using VR is a very important factor
because satisfaction refers to the level of information success from using a product—or service—
which is usually in line with the level of return visits to travel destinations, loyalty and motivation
to visit travel destinations. Overall, the satisfaction of the experience of using VR helps in
planning travel trips in the future.
This research is expected to be a reference for tourism practitioners, especially related to the
management of travel destinations, because the object of this study i.e. VR, has several
advantages that the current conventional technology does not possess for promotions of travel
This study has several limitations. The first limitation is that the current study only presents 2
types of tourist sites; city tours and museums. Thus, these findings cannot be generalized to all
types of travel destinations due to different environmental representations. Future research may
consider examining VR with different types of tourism. Secondly, the factors influencing
satisfaction with using VR among millennials, such as enjoyment, have weaknesses because the
VR performance used in the study was not able to provide sufficient enjoyment, so future use of
VR should pay attention to this. Thirdly, this study focused on the millennial generation. Future
research may consider a more diverse sample of respondents in order to have more representative
results. It would be interesting to see the difference in results with a wider demographic.
Finally, this study only examined the technical and emotional factors that affected the VR
experience. There are yet other possible factors that might affect the VR experience as the
technology continues to mature.
7. Funding
This research received no external funding.
8. Conflicts of Interest
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article.
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