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San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte

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Email: slsu_tomas_oppus@yahoo.com
Website: www.southernleytestateu.edu.ph

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Learning Episode 13: Assessment OF Learning (Summative


Name of Student Teacher: Marivic R. Obra Course: BSED- Mathematics

Year and Section: 401 Cooperating Teacher: Teresita Abesada Date: December 13, 2023

Activity 13.1 Aligning Assessment Task with the Learning Outcome

Resource Teacher: Teresita Abesada School: San Isidro National High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: November 24, 2023

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

➢ Determine alignment of assessment with learning outcome
➢ Formulate assessment task aligned with the learning outcome

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

• In accordance with Outcome-Based Teaching-Learning, the learning
outcome determines assessment task.
• Therefore, the assessment task must necessarily be aligned to the
learning outcome.

Observe at least 3 classes- 1 Physical or Biological Science or Math, English,
Filipino, 1 Social Science or Literature/Panitikan and 1 PE/Computer/EPP/TLE.

Subjects Learning Assessment Task Is the If not

Outcome/s (How did teacher assessment aligned,
assess the tool/task improve on
learning aligned to it.
outcome/s? the
Specify. learning
P.E/EPP/TLE To dance tango The teacher allow Yes
students to
practice and
perform the tango
To write an Teacher instructs Yes
Social argumentative essay the students to
Science and know its format write an
/Literature argumentative
/Panitikan essay for their
/EsP upcoming debate
using the right
format and
Physical To read a poem in The teacher Yes
/Biological unison and in full of grouped the
Science emotions. students and let
/Math/ them practice to
English read a poem with
/Filipino their chosen genre
or styles.

Guide Questions A
1. Are all assessment tasks aligned to the learning outcome?
Answer: Based on my observation with the different class, the teachers ensured that the
assessment tasks align with the learning outcomes, which is important for effective teaching.

2. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not aligned to
learning outcome/s? Does this affect assessment results? How?
Answer: If assessment activities are not aligned with learning outcomes, students may not
achieve the desired learning outcomes. This can lead to difficulties in measuring actual
learning and can negatively impact student motivation and learning. For example, if the goal
is to develop analytical skills, but the assessment only tests factual recall, the intended
purpose may not be fulfilled.

3. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes?

Answer: Aligning assessments with learning outcomes benefits both instructors and
students. It helps students understand what to study and track their academic progress.
Well-coordinated learning objectives, teaching strategies, and assessments ensure everyone
is on the same page.

Self-Learning Activity-A

1. Reflect on past assessment you have been through. Were they all aligned with
what your teachers taught (with learning outcomes?
Answer: On the past assessment I've been through my college years, I can say that all the
assessments were aligned according to the learning objectives. All the college instructors
ensured that they give a right assessment for students.

2. Who does this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you
learn from these past experiences and from this observation?
Answer: All my college instructors really have a big impact on my performance especially
now that I am near into practice teaching. I have learned a lot from my instructors in terms
of making the assessment that all the competencies are all meet. Now, in my field study, it is
a big help to me gaining an existence knowledge about assessing the learning of the students
because I have an idea in crafting my lesson plans ensuring that the assessment I'll give you
my students are aligned to the lesson objectives. To be honest, it is quite a challenge for me
but my existing knowledge helped me to do so.

1. Here is a learning outcome: Describe a person by the use of metaphor
Here is the test item: Describe a classmate or teacher by way of a metaphor.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcomes?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if teacher is not included
2. Learning outcomes: Conduct an investigation to prove that plants can manufacture their
own food.
Test item: Can pants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if your answer is dropped
3. Learning Outcomes: Demonstrate the inductive method of teaching
Test: Outline the steps of the inductive method of teaching.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if teacher is not included
4. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the mean of the
scores are 50, 50, 50, 48, 47, 44, 43, 42, 42, and 40
A. What is mean?
B. Is mean a measure of variability?
C. What is the mean of 50, 50, 48, 47, 44, 43, 42, 42, and 40
D. Is mean the average?
5. Learning Outcome: To observe subjects-verb agreement as one speaks.
Test: Give the correct form of the verb
1. Dogs (howl)
2. A cat (Meow)
3. Birds fly.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, there are 3 items on subject-verb agreement

Activity 13.2 Observing the Use of Traditional Assessment Tools

Resource Teacher: Dr. Lilibeth S. Tingdugan School: Laboratory High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: December 12, 2023

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcome

➢ Critique traditional assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context of
established guidelines on test construction.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

• Traditional assessment tools are also called paper-pencil tests.
• Traditional assessment tools usually measure learning in the cognitive-domain.
• Traditional or paper-pencil tests can be classified either as selected-responsive
tests or constructed-response/supply type of tests.
• Common examples of selected-response type of tests are alternate response test
(True-False, yes-no, multiple choice and matching type of tests.
• Common examples of constructive-response type of tests are short-answer;
problem solving and essay

• Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the
• With teachers’ permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.

Direction: Put a check (/) on the test which teacher used. From your teachers’ test items,
give an example.

Type of Traditional Put a Learning Sample Test Comments (is the

Assessment check(/) Outcome Item of assessment toll
Tool/Paper-Pencil here Assessed resource constructed in
test Teacher accordance with
guidelines/) Explain
your answer.
Selected Response Type
1. Alternate response

2. Matching type √ To know 1. dark moon Yes, it was construct

Culture of 2.male according to the
China 3. sunrise guidelines and it is
easy for the students
a. yin b. yang to answer it.
3. Multiple Choice √ To identify Gouge is a Yes, the assessment
the carpentry tool task was made good
Carpentry used in? but it doesn’t give
Tools and a. Cutting a much challenge to the
Equipment straight line students since it is
b. cutting very easy to answer
curves shapes this kind of question.
c. making a
square hole
d. smoothing
rough lumber
4. Identification √ To identify The questions were
the 1.They have just easy and I need
Carpentry joints so they memorization skills
Tools and can be folded for you to answer it.
Equipment up to fit in the

Constructed-Response Type
1. Completion
2. Short answer type

3. Problem-solving

4. Essay-restricted
5. Essay non- X

Guide Questions-B

1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by the teacher?

Which ones were rarely used? Why were they rarely used?
Answer: The assessment tools were commonly used by the teacher is the multiple-choice,
identification, and problem-solving especially in Math subject. And the assessment tools
that are rarely used are essay-restricted or it could be problem solving and short-answer
type of assessment tasks.

2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of

assessment tools and tasks were the Resource Teachers most skilled in test
construction? Least skilled?
Answer: From what I've seen, our resource teacher excels in creating multiple-choice
and identification tests, as they are straightforward for both the teacher to make and the
students to answer. These assessments are relevant and effectively contribute to
achieving the desired learning outcomes. However, when it comes to problem-solving
tests, our resource teacher, who specializes in English, appears to have less expertise.

3. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and

pencil test, be considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your
Answer: Yes, an essay or other written requirements, including a written paper-and-
pencil test, can be considered an authentic form of assessment because it allows
individuals to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking skills in
a written format.
Self-Learning Activity C
1. How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do
you find most difficult to construct? Any lesson/s learned?
Answer:I rate my ability to construct traditional assessment tools as a 6 out of 10,
acknowledging that I am still learning and improving. The most challenging for me is
constructing essay tests, as they are time-consuming and difficult to score.
2. LINK Theory to Practice
2.1Which assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome given above?
A. True-False test- An assessment task must be aligned to the learning outcome.
B. Column 1 presents the learning outcomes. Column 2 has the assessment tasks.
Determine alignment of assessment with learning outcome.
C. Here are 5 test items. Evaluate them on the basis of established guidelines in
test construction.
D. Is an essay more reliable than a multiple choice test?
2.2 What’s wrong with this TRU-FLASE test item?
Filipinos are sociable but lazy.
A. Opinionated C. Very short
B. Not fit for a T-F test D. Sweeping
2.3 Is this test item in accordance with rules on test construction?
Write everything you learned from this course.
A. No C. Somewhat
B. Yes D. No, opinionated
2.4 I a matching type of test, which should be found in the first column?
A. Options C. Distractors
B. Premises D. Jokers
2.5 In a multiple choice type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any examinee.
What is TRUE of that option?
A. Implausible C. Plausible
B. Realistic D. Unattractive
2.6 The students were at a loss as to what to answer to give in a completion type of test
since there were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item?
A. Too complex C. Over mutilated
B. Unattractive D. Implausible

Activity 13.3 Observing the Use of Non-Traditional Assessment tools and Scoring
Resource Teacher: Dr. Lilibeth S. Tingdugan School: Laboratory High School
Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Subject Area: Mathematics Date: November 24, 2023
Authentic Learning Sample of How a Comment/s
Assessment/ Outcome Product/Performance product/performance (is the
Non- Assessed Assessed was assessed. scoring
Traditional/ rubric
Alternative constructed
according to
1. Product

2.Performance Finds and The performance of By checking if the Yes.

graps students assessed by students give the right
equation finding and graphing ordered pairs and
of a line. the equation of a line graphs it correctly with
typically evaluates its labels.
their understanding of
key concepts such as
slope, y-intercept, and
the relationship
between variables in a
linear equation. It
assesses their ability to
apply mathematical
principles and
problem-solving skills
to analyze and
interpret data in a
graphical form.

Guide Questions-C
1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you
think that type of rubric was used more?
Answer: In general, analytic rubrics are more commonly used than holistic rubrics because
they provide a detailed breakdown of specific criteria and levels of performance, allowing
for more precise assessment and feedback. This type of rubric is preferred as it offers a
clearer evaluation of individual skills and areas for improvement.

2. Based on your answers in #1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made
and used by the Resource Teachers?
Answer: Based on the scoring rubrics used by our cooperating teacher, all I can say is that
she was good in making the rubrics and since she is old in the field of teaching that made her
more expert in that areas.

3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the
product of performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
Answer: Yes, it would make a difference in the assessment of student work if a teacher were
to rate the product of performance without scoring rubrics, as rubrics provide clear criteria
and expectations for evaluation, ensuring consistency, fairness, and transparency in
assessing student work. Without rubrics, the assessment would lack specific guidelines,
potentially leading to subjective and inconsistent evaluations.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubrics used, which one and how?
Answer: The rubrics' purpose doesn't need improvement, but the content should be
improved to ensure that all essential aspects are considered when scoring students'
assessment tasks.

5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is written paper-and-pencil

test, be considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
Answer: Yes, an essay or other written requirements, including a written paper-and-
pencil test, can be considered an authentic form of assessment.

6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent

learners? Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment?)
What is there were no rubrics in assessment?
Answer: Yes, rubrics can help students become self-directed or independent learners by
providing clear criteria and expectations, allowing them to self-assess their work and take
ownership of their learning; without rubrics in assessment, the opportunity for self-
assessment and the development of independent learning skills may be limited.

Does the Scoring Rubrics in this FS Book 1 help you come up with better output?
Answer: The scoring rubrics in the FS Book 1 helped me improve my output by
identifying areas for improvement and enhancing the quality of my work, allowing me to
strive for a better grade and providing a structured assessment of my performance.

Self-Learning Activity D

1. Are authentic Assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experiences of
tests for all the years as a student.
Answer: Authentic assessment tools and tasks are not new; reflecting on my experiences
as a student, I have encountered various forms of assessments that aimed to evaluate
real-world skills and knowledge beyond traditional tests.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts for your Portfolio

• Accomplished Observation Sheet, Observations, Reflection
• A photo of product assessed and a documented performance test
• Samples of scoring rubrics by Resource Teachers-one rubrics to assess a particular product
and another rubric to assess a particular performance together with your comment/s and
improved version/s if necessary.

Observe at least 3 classes- 1 Physical or Biological Science or Math, English, Filipino, 1

Social Science or Literature/Panitikan and 1 PE/Computer/EPP/TLE.

Subjects Learning Assessment Is the If not aligned,

Outcome/s Task (How did assessment improve on it.
teacher assess tool/task
the learning aligned to the
outcome/s? learning
Specify. outcome/s

P.E/EPP/TLE To dance tango The teacher Yes

allow students
to practice and
perform the
tango dance.
Social Science To write an Teacher Yes
/Literature argumentative instructs the
/Panitikan essay and know students to
/EsP its format write an
essay for their
debate using
the right
format and
Physical To read a poem The teacher Yes
/Biological in unison and in grouped the
Science full of students and
/Math/ English emotions. let them
/Filipino practice to read
a poem with
their chosen
genre or styles.
Samples of scoring rubrics used by our Resource Teachers-one
rubrics to assess a particular product

A photo of product assessed and a documented performance test

• https://www.pearsonassessments.com/professional-assessments/blog-
• https://www.structural-learning.com/post/formative-assessment-
• https://citl.indiana.edu/teaching-resources/assessing-student-
• https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/educational-assessment/four-
• https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Formative-Assessment-Reflection-
• https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350811390_Assessment_for_as
• https://elttguide.com/assessment-of-for-as-learning-the-main-differences-

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