Forensic Science Final Coaching For Printing
Forensic Science Final Coaching For Printing
Forensic Science Final Coaching For Printing
for your sake but for the people who depend on you.. Make Physical Anthropology – based on the physical constitution of
them your inspiration & Put God on Top of it. man.
Physiognomy – facial features.
ACES Technique Crainoscopy later called Phernology – study of the shape of
1. Analysis of the question the skull in relation to human behavior.
2. Comparison between the question and the choices Physiology or somatotype – based on the study of body built in
3. Eliminate or Exclude the detractors . relation to personality.
4. Select the Best Answer 2. Anthopometry – measurement of body structure of the
Don’t leave your commonsense AT HOME!!! human body.
3. Mug-shot photography or Mugging - taking photograph of
FORENSIC Science = any field of study applied to the suspect in various angle.
administration of law. (Synonymously used with the word 4. Dactylography and Dactyloscopy – fingerprint identification
LEGAL). and fingerprint classification.
5. Forensic Odontology – examination of denture.
Criminalistics = branch of Forensic Science which dealt with 6. Forensic Anthropology – skeletal identification.
Physical Evidence. (Application of Fingerprint Identification, 7. Blood Grouping and Blood typing (AB0 system and M-N
Bullet comparison, Examination of Dead body is a kind of __) system)
Physical Evidence = any tangible objects or materials which 8. Handwriting and Signature
has certain value to an issue/case 9. Voice Stress Analysis
1. Corpus Delicti “Body of the Crime” = existence of facts or 10. DNA Fingerprinting.
circumstances to show that a crime was committed. e.g. the 4. Which of the following personal identification is NOT easy to
fact that there was a killing in homicide, the evidence that there be changed?
was a stolen property in a theft. A. Hair C. Dress
2. Associative Evidence= evidence that would link or connect B. Speech D. personal paraphernalia
the subject to the crime e.g. latent prints. CHARACTERISTICS THAT MAY NOT EASILY BE CHANGED;
3. Tracing Evidence = tells about the location or whereabouts 1. Mental Memory
of the criminal e.g. the stolen property. 2. Speech
3. Gait or the manner of walking.
Per-son-al Identification a. Ataxic gait – the foot is raised high, thrown forward
- a system of recognizing and identifying a particular person and brought down suddenly.
based on his/her characteristics as differentiate from others. b. Cerebellar gait – gait associated with staggering
1. What is a system of identification which was used earlier movement.
than the fingerprint system, made by measuring various bony c. Cow’s gait – swaying movement due to knock-
structure of human body? knee.
A. Portrait Parle C. Tattoo d. Paretic gait – steps are short, the feet dragged, the
B. Anthropometry D. Photography legs held more or less widely apart.
Anthropometry – 1 scientific method of personal identification e. Spastic – leg are held together and moves in a stiff
developed by Alphonse Bertillion. manner, and the toes to drag and catch. (similar to a robot)
Alphonse Bertillion= Father of personal identification & Mug- f. Waddling – a gait resembling duck.
shot Photography. g. Frog’s – hopping gait in infantile paralysis.
2. Is the distance of recognition in broad daylight of a person Gait line – line connecting heel to heel of a walking person.
who is almost a stranger. 4. Mannerism = unconscious habits.
A. 100 yards C. 25 yards 5. Hands & Feet = conditions of the hands and feet.
B. 16-17 yards D. 10-13 yards 6. Complexion
100 yards = never seen even once 7. Facial Features = shape of the face, eyes, nose and ears
16 – 17 yards = moonlight 10 -13 yards = starlight. etc.
3. What basic principle Identification states that the greater the 8. Body built (somatoform) = Endomorph, Mesomorph &
number of similarity or difference the greater the probability for Ectomorph.
the identity or non identity to be conclusive? 9. Left and Right Handedness. (Ambidextrous = those who are
A. Law of Individuality C. Law of Infallibility capable of using both left and right hand in doing things.)
B. Law of multiplicity of evidence D. Law of Constancy 5. What is considered to be one of the most infallible means of
a, c, and d are principles of fingerprint identification. Identification?
II. FORENSIC PHOTOGRAPHY Mid –(view) (range)– 8 or 10 feet from the victim. Show the
= it is the application of the principles of photography to law or nature of the crime. (possible entrance & exit point)
(preparation of photographic evidence) administration of
Police photography = the application of photography to police
work. Also known in its old usage as black and white
Photography = art and science of reproducing image by
means of light (electro magnetic rays).
Photography was derived from two (2) Greek words:
Phos or photos = light
Graphia = to draw or Graph = writing Close–up view – five (5) feet or less from the subject/object,
Photograph = the positive result of photography. It shows the show the details of the crime.
appearance of the original as seen by the naked eye.
Negative = exposed film which produces Latent image.
1839= considered as the birth of true photography.
United States(US) = the first country to use photograph of
crime scene for court presentation.
1. The word Photography was coined by _________.
A. John F. W. Herschel
B. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre (Daguerreo type
C. Henry Fox Talbot (Talo or Calo type) (Mouse Trap) Crime scene photographs are admissible as evidence in court;
D. Leonardo Da Venci it should be taken from _______(GENERAL TO SPECIFIC
Joseph Nicephore Niepce = he invented the first photographic It should be the faithful reproduction of the original.Purpose of
process called Heliography. crime scene photography: Factual replica of the crime.
Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre = Father of Photography Photographs are valuable in crime investigation for it provides
William Henry Fox Talbot = Father of Modern Photography enforcers an easier work in court -- Testimony.
(having used a negative in his process) 4. What is an electromagnetic energy which travels with the
2. What is considered as the utmost used of photography in speed of 186, 000 miles per second?
police work? A. Energy B. Rays C. Radiation D. Light
A. Identification C. Preservation Rays = characterized the direction of light travel. Usually
B. Record purpose D. Court presentation used interchangeably with light.