Gujarat Technological University

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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.




Subject Code: 4539201 Date: 15-02-2022

Subject Name: Strategic Management
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 Give definition of following terms: 14

1. Driving Forces
2. Key Success Factor
3. Core Competence
4. Value Chain
5. Restructuring
6. Sustainability
7. Strategy

Q.2 (a) What is PESTEL analysis? Explain PESTEL analysis with respect to 07
Pharmaceutical Industry in India.
(b) Is Porter’s five force model still relevant in present condition of world due to 07
pandemic? – Explain with proper justifications.
(b) Due to Covid 19, majority of the business have to change their process of 07
doing business. With consideration to this explain the various changes
occurred in the value chain of Industry of your choice.

Q.3 (a) What is diversification? Explain various types diversification with proper 07
(b) Strategic alliance is the tool for entering into new geographical territories – 07
Justify the statement with proper example.
Q.3 (a) Explain the BCG Matrix with proper example. 07
(b) Proper and timely strategic leadership gives new heights to companies and 07
businesses – Justify with proper example.

Q.4 (a) Explain corporate social responsibility with proper examples. 07

(b) Explain Balanced Scorecard in detail. 07
Q.4 (a) What is Innovation? Explain various Innovation terminologies with proper 07
(b) Explain difference between core competence, competence and capability with 07
proper examples.

Q.5 ITC: A Global Model in Sustainability

ITC, an Indian multinational conglomerate, was incorporated on August 24, 1910, as a Private
Limited Company under the name Imperial Tobacco Co. of India Ltd. ITC began its journey in a
humble way. A leased office on Radha Bazar Lane, Kolkata, was the center of the company’s
existence. For over 15 years since its inception, ITC’s focus was broadly on tobacco products
and particularly on cigarettes. It was only in 1925 that the company expanded through ‘backward
integration’ into the packaging and printing business. In the year 1953, ITC acquired the
manufacturing business of Tobacco Manufacturers (India) Ltd., and the Complementary
Lithographic printing business of Printers (India) Ltd., In 1954, ITC was converted into a public
limited company.

Inspired by the overarching vision of making a contribution to the national goals of sustainable
development and inclusive growth, ITC had innovatively created distinctive business models
that synergized long-term shareholder value creation with enhancing societal capital. This
commitment was reflected when ITC measured accomplishments not only in terms of financial
performance but also by the transformation it had consciously engendered to augment the
social capital of the nation in its Triple Bottom Line’ approach of contributing to the economic,
environmental, and social capital of the country. Envisioning a larger societal purpose had
always been a hallmark of ITC. The company did not see a conflict between the twin goals of
shareholder value enhancement and societal value creation.

ITC’s E-Choupal Eco-system is one of a groundbreaking move, ITC set up village internet
kiosks called E-Choupals, a unique web-based initiative offering farmers the information,
products, and services they needed to enhance farm productivity, improve farm-gate price
realizations, and cut transaction costs. Farmers had access to the latest local and global
information on weather and scientific farming practices as well as market price at the village
itself. The services were provided through this web portal in different languages. It also
facilitated supply of high quality farm inputs as well as purchases at the doorstep, thereby
saving them time and transportation costs.

(a) What are the various advantages of Sustainability approach? 07
(b) Explain the role of Sustainability approach in success of ITC? 07
(a) Critically evaluate “Sustainability” approach adopted by ITC? 07
(b) According to you other than sustainability, which another approach can be useful to 07
ITC. Justify your answers with proper justifications.

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