Hilarious Giver
Hilarious Giver
Hilarious Giver
Summary: Lessons learnt from the Macedonian Church on the subject of joyous giving.
Alan Redpath in Blessings Out of Buffetings writes: Once you see the matter of giving is
centered in this lovely word grace, it lifts the whole act away from mechanics,
from pressure and duty, from obligation and mere legalism. It lifts us up into the most
lovely atmosphere of an activity which seeks by giving to convey to others all that is
lovely, all that is beautiful, all that is good, and all that is glorious.
The churches in Macedonia were going through extremely difficult economic times. They
were so deep in poverty that Paul didn’t even ask them to give toward the offering for the
poor in Jerusalem. He knew they couldn’t afford it. But then they embarrassed Paul by
begging for the opportunity to be a part of the project (2 Cor 8:1-4). They saw a great
need and didn’t want to be left out. They were so moved by the Holy Spirit’s promptings
they insisted on being a part of the support of the saints in Jerusalem.
Begins with giving yourself (2 Cor 8:5) How did they do it? They first gave themselves
to the Lord and to us by the will of God (2 Cor 8: 5). That is always where stewardship
must begin. They first gave themselves unto the Lord. They had an intimate love
relationship with the Lord God. When you fall in love with the Lord Jesus you will give
from the heart, because He is first in everything. These Macedonians, Paul says are an
example to us of those who give by the principle of grace. Out of their love for the Lord,
they gave according to their ability, and beyond their ability they gave of their own
accord. There was no show, no competition. No one applied any pressure on them.
You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake
He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich (v 9). Jesus chose
to give up the manifestation of His eternal glory, and take on all the abject poverty of a
slave (Phil 2:6-8). He did it because He loves you. He did it so you could
become extremely rich! You are rich in His grace. Rich in His love, rich in a
right relationship with God, rich in the Holy Spirit, rich in promises, rich in power.
When you are the recipient of this kind of grace, you cannot help but respond in kind.
Don’t miss what happened in the heart of the Macedonian believers. God made them
exceedingly rich in His grace, not financially rich. This is not prosperity gospel nonsense.
This is not some religious, get-rich scheme! You put Christ first in every area of your life
and give financially as He enables you and you will be enriched beyond measure. That is
the principle of grace giving.
Ron Blue writes in Master Your Money (pp 19, 20): Very few Christians would argue
with the principle that God owns it all, and yet if we follow that principle to its natural
conclusion, there are three revolutionary implications. First of all, God has the right to
whatever He wants whenever He wants it. It is all His, because an owner has rights, and
I, as a steward, have only responsibilities.
If I really believe that God owns it all then when I lose any possession, for whatever
reason, my emotions may cry out, but my mind and spirit have not the slightest questions
as to the right of God to take whatever He wants whenever He wants it. Really believing
this also frees me to give generously of God’s resources to God’s purposes and
His people. All that I have belongs to Him.
The second implication of God’s owning it all is that not only is my giving decision a
spiritual decision, but every spending decision is a spiritual decision. . . . As a steward, I
have a great deal of latitude, but I am still responsible to the Owner. Some day I will give
an accounting of how I used His property.
The third implication of the truth that God owns it all is that you can’t fake stewardship.
Your checkbook reveals all that you really believe about stewardship . . . your goals,
priorities, convictions, relationships, and even the use of your time. A person who
has been a Christian for even a short while can fake prayer, Bible study, evangelism,
going to church, and so on, but he can’t fake what his checkbook reveals.
Are making pledges wrong? We live everyday on the principle of pledges. I am living my
life based upon pledges. I have pledged to pay the utility companies at the end of every
month. I drive my cars on the promise that I will pay my car notes. I live in a house by
promising to pay my mortgage monthly. How strange that some think it is wrong to make
a sincere promise to give to God from what He has provided for us when we have already
made pledges to hard-hearted human creditors.
Don’t do it grudgingly. The word means out of grief, sorrow, and pain of mind or spirit.
Don’t do it as if it were killing you. Don’t give reluctantly as if you are grieving over
what you have lost in the process. Oh man I gave that ten dollars and I could have kept it
and rented a couple of movies, eaten out or gone on a date. Why in the world did I do
that? Don’t give grudgingly or under compulsion. Let it come from a heart that is
overflowing with God’s wonderful grace and love. It is all in your attitude. God loves a
cheerful giver.
The English transliteration of the word for cheerful (hilaros) is hilarious. God loves a
hilarious giver (2 Cor 9:7). He desires our giving come from a heart that is cheerful,
joyous, prompt, ready to do anything. Is there a readiness and a joy in your giving? Or
is there the attitude of an old gripe, grudgingly holding on to every penny? But neither
does God want us to be like a drunken sailor who throws his money away on drinks for
everyone. He wants us to be responsible givers who give out of a heart that is
overflowing with God’s grace.
He then told how God greatly blessed him through the years. He had now come to a place
of prominence, power and possessions. As he was standing there a woman in the
audience spoke up and said I dare you to do it again!
That is exactly what God calls us to do. He makes us exceedingly rich so we can become
paupers again by making others rich. The Lord owns it all; we are His stewards. May the
Lord bless you spiritually as He has blessed you financially.