Zorba The Hutt's Revenge - Paul Davids & Hollace Davids

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Star Wars

Jedi Prince
Book 3
Zorba the Hutt’s Revenge
by Paul Davids and Hollace Davids
updated : 11.XI.2006
The Rebel Alliance
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Lando Calrissian
Princess Leia
Kate (KT-18)
The Empire
Grand Moff Hissa
Zorba the Hutt
Supreme Prophet Kadann
Twi’lek alien
source : IRC
upload : 18.IX.2006
The Adventure Continues...
It was an era of darkness, a time when the evil Empire ruled the galaxy. Fear and terror
spread across every planet and moon as the Empire tried to crush all who resisted-but still
the Rebel Alliance survived.
The Rebel Alliance was formed by heroic men, women, and aliens, united against the Empire
in their valiant fight to restore freedom and justice to the galaxy. Luke Skywalker joined the
Alliance after his uncle purchased a pair of droids known as See-Threepio (C-3P0) and
Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2). The droids were on a mission to save the beautiful Princess Leia.
Leia, an Alliance leader, was a captive of the Empire. In his quest to save Princess Leia,
Luke was assisted by Han Solo, the dashing pilot of the spaceship Millennium Falcon, and
Han’s copilot, Chewbacca, a hairy alien known as a Wookiee.
Han and Luke eventually succeeded in rescuing the Rebel Princess, but their struggle against
the Empire did not end there. Luke and his ragtag group of Rebel freedom fighters battled
armor-clad stormtroopers and mile-long star destroyers. Finally they destroyed two of the
Empire’s mightiest weapons: the Imperial Death Stars, which were as big as moons, and
powerful enough to explode entire planets.
In the course of his adventures Luke sought out the wise old hermit, Obi-Wan Kenobi, who
became one of Luke’s teachers in the ways of the Jedi Knights. The Jedi Knights, an ancient
society of brave and noble warriors, were the protectors of the Old Republic in the days
before the Empire was formed. The Jedi believed that victory comes not just from physical
strength but from a mysterious power called the Force. The Force lies hidden deep within all
things. It has two sides: one side that can be used for good, the other the Dark Side, a power
of absolute evil. Among those who followed the Dark Side were the two evil Imperial
leaders-Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine. After their deaths, a three-eyed mutant and
tyrant rose to lead the Empire-Trioculus. However, he was an impostor who falsely claimed
to be Emperor Palpatine’s son. He was secretly in love with Princess Leia and hoped that
one day he would persuade her to betray the Rebel Alliance and join the Empire as his
queen. Trioculus was warned by Kadann, the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side, that his
reign as Emperor would come to a sudden and tragic end if he failed to find and destroy a
certain Jedi Prince. The prince, Ken, was only twelve years old. He was raised by droids in
an underground city known as the Lost City of the Jedi. It was there, in the Jedi Library, that
Ken had learned certain Imperial secrets that, if revealed, could threaten Trioculus’s rule.
Trioculus was unable to find either Ken or the Lost City. However, Luke Skywalker was
able to succeed where Trioculus had failed. Having located the Jedi Prince, Luke invited Ken
to leave the underground city and join the Rebel Alliance.
Many creatures in the galaxy followed the treacherous path of the Dark Side-among them, a
greedy alien gangster known as Jabba the Hutt. Jabba lived in a palace on the desert planet,
Han Solo should have known better than to do business with Jabba. Like all of the sluglike,
ruthless Hutts, Jabba lived by the law of revenge. So when Han refused to pay his debts,
Jabba offered to pay a rich reward to any bounty hunter who would bring him Han Solo-
alive or dead!
Of the two choices, it was hard to say at the time which would have been more merciful for
As it turned out, Han was delivered to Jabba alive-frozen alive-trapped inside a solid block
of carbonite. In a state of suspended animation, Han was unable to move his body, and his
mind was trapped in a terrifying, murky fog.
Jabba the Hutt decided to display the carbonite block that encased Han Solo. He hung it up
in his palace like a trophy, for all his visitors to see.
With help from Luke Skywalker, See-Threepio, Artoo-Detoo, Chewbacca, Lando
Calrissian, and Princess Leia, Han Solo was eventually rescued and revived. In the
meantime, the bloated Hutt had taken Princess Leia as his prisoner, keeping her chained
beside him. But Leia was able to escape, killing Jabba in self defense. She twisted her chain
around his fat neck, and kept on twisting it until Jabba gasped his final wretched breath. The
galaxy was rid of that vicious, blubbering beast at last. Though word of Jabba’s death spread
from planet to planet throughout the galaxy, the news never reached the dungeons of the
mud-ball planet known as Kip. It was there on Kip that Zorba the Hutt had been imprisoned
long ago for illegally mining precious gemstones. But within the first year after Jabba the
Hutt’s death, Kip was conquered by alien pirates, and Zorba was released from prison. The
pygmy aliens of the mud-ball planet had never figured out how to fly Zorba’s spaceship, the
Zorba Express. So the spaceship was still waiting for him, docked at the same muddy cliff
where it had been left when Zorba was captured. He dug up his hidden supply of gemstones,
and then climbed aboard his spaceship, setting his course for Tatooine.
Zorba fully expected to find his son Jabba alive and well, happy to welcome his father back
to his palace. But a shocking surprise awaited Zorba. The fury of a Hutt was about to be
unleashed-a fury known as Zorba the Hutt’s revenge!
The Droidfest of Tatooine
Luke Skywalker’s Y-wing starfighter zoomed through
deep space, on its way to Cloud City for Han Solo’s
housewarming party.
Han’s sky house was finally built. It was now floating in
the air two miles away from Cloud City, on the planet
"I’ve got it!" Luke Skywalker exclaimed, as he adjusted
their flight path. "I know what we can get Han as a
housewarming gift. We’ll get him an ultrahigh-density
household communication screen!"
The twelve-year-old Jedi Prince strapped into the seat
alongside Luke shook his head no.
"Sorry, Commander Skywalker," said Ken, "but Han
already has two of them."
"Oh. Well, scratch that idea then," Luke said,
disappointedly. "In fact, scratch all ten of the ideas I’ve
come up with so far."
Ken closed his eyes, forcing himself to concentrate.
What about getting Han a holo-projector? Or a deluxe
power booster for one of his two cloud racing cars? Or
what about a supercharged multidirectional laser blaster?
Suddenly Ken bolted upright, pulling against his straps. "I
know what we should get Han!" he declared. "A
housekeeping droid!"
"A housekeeping droid!" the golden droid, See-Threepio
echoed. "Now there’s a brilliant idea!"
"Droids make very practical gifts," added Microchip,
Ken’s silver droid whom Ken had called Chip for as long
as either of them could remember.
"Tzzzooop bcheeeech!" tooted Artoo-Detoo, the barrel-
shaped utility droid, signaling his agreement.
The vote from the three droids aboard the spaceship was
unanimous: All in favor, none opposed.
"Well, I don’t know," Luke said, knitting his eyebrows.
"Han has been a bachelor all his life. Do you think he’d
want a droid around to live with him?"
"What does being a bachelor have to do with it?" Ken
asked. "A housekeeping droid isn’t like having a wife.
It’s just a robot."
"Just a robot?" Chip piped up, offended. "After all we
droids have done for you, Ken, you call us just robots?"
"The fact of the matter is," replied Threepio, "Han Solo
knows nothing about keeping a huge house clean. He’ll
need help desperately. He can’t expect Chewbacca to
be cleaning up after him all the time! Why, Han and
Chewie can’t even keep the cockpit of the Millennium
Falcon straightened out! If you ask me, a housekeeping
droid is the perfect solution."
"Okay, you’ve convinced me," Luke replied. "But now
comes the hard part-choosing the droid."
Luke activated the star map on their navigation screen.
"Artoo, cool the hyperdrive thruster power," Luke said.
"We’re going to glide straight into Mos Eisley Spaceport
on Tatooine."
"Why do you want to land on Tatooine?" Ken asked,
confused. "Aren’t there droid discount stores near Han
over in Cloud City?"
"I guess you’ve never heard of the Droidfest of
Tatooine," Luke said. "That’s the place to go. It’s loaded
with JDTs."
"What does JDT mean?" the boy inquired.
"Jawa Droid Traders," Luke explained. "The droidfest is
the jawas’ annual sale. They have the biggest selection of
droids in the galaxy. And the best prices."
"Come to think of it, I read something about the droidfest
once," Ken said, nodding.
"There was a file on it in the master computer, back in
the Jedi Library." Ken had learned many things from the
files of the Jedi Library, practical things, such as how to
repair a droid that has a glitch in its speech mechanism.
And unusual things, such as why mynock bats that live on
asteroids sometimes fly upside down. And he’d also
discovered some carefully guarded secrets-secrets of the
Imperial High Command, secrets that even Trioculus, the
evil three-eyed tyrant who now ruled the galactic Empire,
would never want anyone else to know.
Dee-Jay, the droid who was Ken’s teacher in the Lost
City, had warned Ken not to reveal those secrets to
anyone-including Commander Luke Skywalker, who
was Ken’s guardian now that Ken had departed from the
Lost City and joined the Rebel Alliance. It wasn’t long
before they landed on Tatooine, the planet with the twin
suns where Luke had grown up.
They docked at Mos Eisley Spaceport, at a Y-wing
landing bay. Then Luke, Ken, and the droids made their
way through the crowd, bumping into aliens of all shapes
and sizes in the corridors of the busy terminal.
At the landspeeder rental booth, Luke got them a vehicle
that was large enough for their entire group-and with an
that was large enough for their entire group-and with an
empty seat in the back for the housekeeping droid. As
Luke steered above the burning sands, they rode along
swiftly on a cushion of air. In the distance Ken could see
what looked like tall metal buildings.
"Those are sandcrawlers," Luke explained. "They’re
jawa vehicles with tank treads. They’re parked for the
droidfest, very close to the palace where Jabba the Hutt
used to live."
"Who lives in Jabba’s palace now?" Ken inquired.
"It’s vacant," Luke said, "except for the Ranats that
scurry around chewing on the furniture and drapes. You
see, when Jabba died, they never found his will. So the
government of Tatooine took possession of his palace.
For awhile they turned it into the Tatooine Retirement
Home for Aged Aliens. But there wasn’t enough money
in the budget to keep it open."
"Didn’t Jabba the Hutt also own the Holiday Towers
Hotel and Casino in Cloud City?" Ken asked,
remembering something he had read in the Jedi Library.
"For a kid your age, you sure know your history," Luke
said. "Jabba did own that casino. But when Jabba died,
Holiday Towers was taken over by the government of
Cloud City. My old friend, Lando Calrissian, runs it now.
He’s the governor of Cloud City." The sandy plain near
the vacant palace of Jabba the Hutt seemed to have as
many droids as there were stars in the galaxy.
The JDTs had set up colorful tents in front of their huge
sandcrawlers, showing off their droids and displaying
their merchandise. Luke, Ken, and the three droids went
from one tent to the next. The tents rippled in the breeze,
like hundreds of waving flags. They examined HSDs,
Housekeeping Specialist Droids, of every size and
description. They looked at male droids, female droids,
old units, even brand new ones with every possible
modern capability.
But one droid seemed to stand out above all the others-a
female droid named KT-18. She didn’t seem to be made
of metal; her body was the color of a pearl. She was
clearly a top-of-the-line HSD.
"Actually, nobody calls me KT-18," the female droid
said in a nice voice. "I go by the name Kate."
"Kate," said Luke. "I like that. We’re thinking of
purchasing you to serve a good friend of ours," Luke
explained. "He’s a professional pilot. Have you ever met
any Corellian cargo pilots before?"
"Dozens of them," Kate replied. "My first master
repaired Corellian spaceships, and I met all the pilots
who came into his shop. Before they met me, most of
them were rude bachelors with no manners. But I
straightened them out."
"Really?" Luke said, surprised.
"One of them even got married because of me. The last I
heard, he had six children!"
"Well, Kate," Luke said, "if I buy you as a gift for Han
Solo, you’d better lay low when it comes to giving him
advice about manners and marriage and stuff like that. If
you overdo it, he’ll probably shut down your power unit
and advertise you for resale." See-Threepio got
permission from the regional manager of the Jawa Droid
Traders to open up Kate’s back panel and check the
quality of her circuitry.
"Excellent microcircuits," Threepio declared. "Superb
mobility, too. It’s rare to find a female droid who’s been
manufactured with such quality and-"
"Now, Threepio," Luke interrupted. "I’ve read the
manufacturing statistics. There’s absolutely no difference
between the quality of materials used to make male and
female droids. I’m sorry if that’s a blow to your pride."
"That’s quite all right, Master Luke," said Threepio. "We
droids have no pride. Only a sense of honor and duty."
The jawas knew Kate was worth a lot, and they drove a
hard bargain for her. Just as Luke finished making the
deal, a cloud of swirling sand appeared from behind the
old, empty palace of Jabba the Hutt.
But it wasn’t a desert storm. The sand was being kicked
up by the hooves of dozens of lumbering four-legged
Banthas. The Banthas were beasts of burden, huge
elephantlike creatures with big tusks. And on their backs
were tall Tusken Raiders hollering war slogans and
charging to attack with waving spears!
The regional manager of the JDTs began babbling
frantically in the jawan language. "It’s a land dispute,"
Threepio translated. "The sand people say this is their
holy burial ground. But the jawas say this land used to
belong to Jabba the Hutt, and so it now belongs to the
government. They claim it’s perfectly legal for them to
hold their droidfest here." Legal or not, the Tusken
Raiders seemed determined to put a stop to the
droidfest. Their Banthas trampled the jawas’ tents. They
kicked and stomped, knocked over droids, and speared
several jawas. And then they went after Luke and Ken.
"Watch out, Ken!" Chip shouted.
Ken dodged a jawa spear, and it just barely missed him.
"Now you can see why none of us wanted you to leave
the Lost City!" Chip cried frantically.
"Ken, get all our droids into a sandcrawler!" Luke
"Ken, get all our droids into a sandcrawler!" Luke
shouted. Ken quickly led their four panic-stricken droids,
including Kate, into the shelter of a big, treaded vehicle.
Meanwhile, Luke fought on, outnumbered and
The Return of Zorba
Zorba the Hutt imagined the life of luxury that awaited
him in his son Jabba’s mighty palace.
It would be a life of rich, greasy foods, cooked in vats of
Bantha fat and served in Jabba’s banquet hall. There
would be slaves to bathe him every month, relaxing in the
pure, cool water that Jabba stole from the moisture
farmers of Tatooine. Zorba’s old spaceship, the Zorba
Express, approached the security sector near Jabba’s
palace on Tatooine. He activated his communicator,
about to make contact with the palace and identify
"Attention, Jabba, come in. It’s your papa, Zorba. Do
you read me? Over!" But there was no reply. In the old
days, Zorba thought, whenever he had requested
permission to land, there had always been an immediate
reply from Jabba. What could this silence mean?
Zorba landed not far from the main entrance. He turned
off the power in his craft, but the bell-shaped Huttian
spaceship kept rumbling and clattering.
spaceship wheezed like a sigh from the chest of a dying
Hutt. Zorba squirmed out of the spaceship hatch. Then
he began his slow crawl to the huge, thick front door of
the palace.
When Zorba announced himself at the palace door, a
mechanical eyeball popped out through a small opening.
"Please state the nature of your business," the mechanical
eyeball said in a very businesslike tone.
"My business, as you call it, is that I am Jabba the Hutt’s
father, and I’ve come to see my son!"
"I’m sorry, Jabba the Hutt no longer lives here." Zorba
snorted. Obviously this mechanical eyeball was broken
and in need of repair. Everybody knew that Jabba would
never move from his palace.
"What do you mean Jabba no longer lives here?!" Zorba
"What do you mean Jabba no longer lives here?!" Zorba
"The palace is under new management," the mechanical
eyeball replied. Then it moved here and there, studying
Zorba from several directions. "Are you a Hutt?" it
asked. "Indeed, you seem to be a Hutt!"
"Well, of course I’m a Hutt!!" Zorba shouted, his eyes
bulging in anger. "How could Jabba’s father be anything
but a Hutt?"
"That’s what I thought you said," the eyeball replied. "I’m
sorry. No Hutts are allowed here anymore! New policy.
No exceptions. Good day, sir!" At that, the eyeball
retreated and a metal cover slid into position to hide it.
Zorba pounded on the door. No Hutts allowed? Zorba
had never heard of such an outrage!
Zorba knew that Hutts were disliked. Imperial officers
often snickered whenever they talked about the planet
Varl, the pockmarked planet where most Hutts lived.
They said no alien creature of good breeding had ever
been born on Varl. Once Zorba even heard an Imperial
grand moff say that he considered Hutts to be immoral,
grand moff say that he considered Hutts to be immoral,
nasty, domineering, and power hungry.
Zorba shuddered when he heard insults like that, because
he considered them lies. Hutts were a proud sluglike
species-very generous to their fellow Hutts, even if they
were stingy and cruel to everyone else. And above all,
they expected everyone-even mechanical eyeballs-to
treat them with respect.
Zorba had to get to the bottom of this at once. He
boarded the Zorba Express, and flew directly to Mos
Eisley Spaceport, figuring that would be the best place to
get information on the whereabouts of his son, Jabba.
Arriving at Mos Eisley, Zorba wobbled up to the big
round doorway of the crowded cantina. Thanks to Jabba
the Hutt, the new door was now big enough for Hutts.
Jabba had threatened to shoot down one arriving
spaceship each week unless the cantina door was
enlarged so that he could fit inside. His request had
gotten quick attention from the spaceport authorities.
As Zorba entered he noticed an Imperial grand moff
standing by the bar of the cantina, talking to a group of
alien bounty hunters. The grand moff was bald, with
sharp, pointy teeth. He was pointing to a poster that said:


"Grand Moff Hissa," said a Twi’lek alien, who had a long
tentacle growing out of his head.
"Do you know what this Prince Ken looks like? Or how
old he is? Where does he come from? Did he get his
name from Kenobi? Perhaps he is a relative of Obi-
"I’m sorry, I’m not authorized to release that
information," Grand Moff Hissa replied, seeming to cover
up for the fact that he didn’t know. "However, I am
authorized to reveal that the Empire believes that Ken
may have departed from the fourth moon of Yavin with
may have departed from the fourth moon of Yavin with
Luke Skywalker. The two of them are almost certainly
traveling together!"
Zorba cleared his throat. All eyes turned to look at his
huge, wrinkled body, with its braided white hair and
white beard. They stared at his enormous reptilian eyes,
and his lipless mouth that spread from one side of his
face to the other.
"I am Zorba the Hutt, father of Jabba! I want someone to
tell me where I can find my son!" An awkward hush
settled over the noisy cantina.
"I was told that Hutts are no longer permitted in Jabba’s
palace!" Zorba exclaimed. "Who owns the palace, if not
A green-skinned bounty hunter named Tibor, a Barabel
alien who was wearing a coat of armor over his reptilian
skin, took a big gulp of his drink. "If I were you, Zorba,"
he said,
"I’d calm down. Have yourself a drink of zoochberry
"I will not calm down!" Zorba screamed. "I want
information about Jabba! And I’ll pay five gemstones to
anyone who talks!"
The offer suddenly turned everyone in the cantina into an
authority on Jabba. Dozens of voices began blurting out
all sorts of things at once.
But there was one voice that stood out above all the
others. "You seem to be about the only creature this side
of the Dune Sea who doesn’t know that Jabba the Hutt
is dead," Grand Moff Hissa said.
Zorba clutched his chest. "Dead?" Was his heart going to
explode? "My son . . . dead?" Zorba let out a wheezing
sigh of grief that vibrated the whole room. "How did
Jabba die?" he demanded.
"He was murdered by Princess Leia," a Jenet said,
scratching the white fuzz that covered his body.
"Yes, it was Leia!" an Aqualish alien agreed.
"She killed him in cold blood!" Tibor shouted, pounding
his body armor with a green fist.
"Princess Leia was Jabba’s slave," the Twi’lek alien
explained. "She had a chain attached to her. And she
took the chain like this . . ." The Twi’lek twisted his own
tentacle about his neck, to demonstrate. "And she
squeezed the breath out of Jabba. It happened in his sail
barge at the Great Pit of Carkoon."
Zorba’s yellow eyes bulged from their sockets. "In the
name of the ancient conqueror, Kossak the Hutt, I swear
that this Princess Leia shall die!" The bounty hunters
murmured and exchanged approving glances. Then
Zorba stared at Grand Moff Hissa. "Tell me, Grand
Moff. Who is living in my son’s palace?"
"Unfortunately, Jabba didn’t leave a will," Grand Moff
Hissa explained, "so naturally the Planetary Government
of Tatooine took custody of his property-with the
permission of the Empire, of course. At the moment, the
palace is in ruins. Only the Ranats live there now."
palace is in ruins. Only the Ranats live there now."
"Ranats!" Zorba spit on the cantina floor in disgust. "I
want ten bounty hunters!" Zorba announced. "Ten strong
men or aliens to come with me to Jabba’s palace! I will
pay seven gemstones each!"
There were more than ten volunteers. And each of them
wanted to be paid before setting foot outside the cantina.
Zorba refused their request. "If any man or alien among
you doesn’t trust me to pay up once the job is done,"
Zorba threatened, "then I don’t need you!" The
volunteers decided to take their chances. But all the way
from the cantina to Jabba the Hutt’s vacant palace, they
argued among themselves about whether they had acted
wisely. Most of them thought that they should have at
least demanded a deposit of a few gemstones.
After a hot ride across the scalding desert in an old sail
barge, they arrived at Jabba’s palace.
Tibor aimed his portable anti-orbital ion cannon at the
thick front door.
The cannon blasted a hole in the door-a hole big enough
for Zorba to squirm through. Inside the palace, dozens of
hairy Ranats scurried for safety at the sound of the
explosion. They hid in the dark stairwells and palace
closets, clutching their long rodent tails in terror.
The bounty hunters followed Zorba into the dry and
dusty palace, which was in ruins. The Ranats had
chewed the splendid Corellian carpets, clawed the
expensive wall hangings from Bespin, and torn apart the
custom furnishings from Alderaan so they could eat the
stuffing. In the palace banquet hall, it was too dark for
the bounty hunters to see. And there was no longer any
power in the ion surcharge generators.
But Zorba could see. His son had the walls of the palace
built with ultraviolet luminous stones. Even though
ultraviolet light is invisible to humans and most alien
species, Hutts are able to see by ultraviolet light.
And so Zorba made his way to the far end of the
And so Zorba made his way to the far end of the
banquet hall. There he opened a secret door, and then
crawled into a hidden room.
With a gloating smile, Zorba reached out to touch a dusty
old barrel-shaped droid that had been there since before
Jabba was murdered.
He flipped a switch behind the droid’s domed head.

With the power turned on, the droid was reactivated.
"Zizeeeeep!" the droid tooted.
"Tell me, CB-99," said. Zorba. "Do you still have all of
your memory banks? Including file JTHW?"
"Zizoooop!" the droid beeped.
"Excellent. The fools! They shall learn that Jabba’s will
was here in his palace all along-right inside of you!"
Zorba gave a belly laugh-a laugh so deep and loud, one
might have thought he was watching a prisoner being
dropped into a vat of carbonite.
Han Solo’s Housewarming Party
For hours Luke Skywalker and Ken had been listening
to the KA-CHANGGGGGING sound of the treads of a
hot, grinding sandcrawler.
The Tusken Raiders, whose weapons are quite primitive,
were unable to force their way into the jawas’ huge,
cumbersome vehicle. When Luke had found himself
outnumbered by the attacking sand people, he had taken
the wise defensive action of leaping into the sandcrawler
and slamming shut the thick, metal door. Ken and the
droids, already safe inside, were relieved to see him.
Inside, the sandcrawler was hotter than a nanowave
oven. Tatooine’s twin suns nearly cooked Luke, Ken,
and the droids.
"All I can say, Master Luke," Threepio commented in a
whiny voice, "is that if you hadn’t taken refuge in here
with us, I’m afraid I’d be put up for sale to a new master
with us, I’m afraid I’d be put up for sale to a new master
come tomorrow morning."
This particular sandcrawler was one of a fleet of jawa
sandcrawlers heading back to Mos Eisley Spaceport the
long, slow way. But under the circumstances, it was the
most practical way for Luke, Ken, Threepio, Artoo,
Chip, and Kate to escape and return to Luke’s Y-wing
starfighter, so they could still reach the planet Bespin in
time for Han Solo’s housewarming party.
By the time they reached Mos Eisley, it was nighttime. In
fact, it was so late that the cantina was closed.
There wasn’t even anyone on duty at the landspeeder
rental desk. Luke left a note explaining that, due to a
sudden attack by Tusken Raiders, he was forced to
leave the landspeeder at the droidfest. He hoped the
Tatooine Planetary Insurance Company would cover
expenses for getting it back to Mos Eisley. If not, they
could bill him on Yavin Four, care of SPIN-the Senate
Planetary Intelligence Network. But just as Luke, Ken,
and the droids were approaching the docking bay where
Luke’s Y-wing was parked, two bounty hunters jumped
out from the shadows with blasters drawn. The bounty
hunters, one of them a Twi’lek alien and the other an
Aqualish, sprayed the area with laserfire. Instantly Luke
drew his lightsaber and extended its blazing blade.
"Well, well, Luke Skywalker," said the Twi’lek, "just as
expected." He wagged his tentacle with anticipation.
"Trioculus has offered a reward for Ken, the Jedi Prince.
He said he’d be with you!"
Luke leapt and did a somersault in midair, landing right
between the two bounty hunters. They never knew what
hit them.
Luke swirled in a circle so fast that he was only a blur in
the corner of their eyes. His lightsaber struck them both
in one swing.
CRASSSSSHH! The bounty hunters hit the ground at
the same moment.
"Come on, let’s go!" Luke said to Ken and the droids.
"Before any of their friends get the same idea!"
Luke opened the hatch, and they all popped into the Y-
Luke opened the hatch, and they all popped into the Y-
wing, with Artoo-Detoo next to him in the copilot
position. "Set course for Bespin, Artoo," Luke shouted.
"Bzoook!" Artoo beeped.
A moment later Luke activated the main thrusters. Their
spaceship quickly departed from Tatooine.
When Tatooine seemed to be just a small glowing ball in
outer space, floating between two fiery suns, Luke put
the spaceship into hyperdrive. Then they quickly
accelerated past the speed of light.
Luke glanced over at Ken. "Do you have any idea why
Trioculus is after you?" he asked. Ken shook his head
"That three-eyed dictator practically burned down all the
rain forests on Yavin Four trying to find you," Luke went
on. "Somehow he found out that you’re traveling with
me. He’s even got every bounty hunter in the galaxy on
your tail." Luke glanced at Ken’s downcast face. "You
must have some idea why he believes you to be such a
threat to him." Ken shook his head no again.
"But you do know, Ken," said Chip. "It’s quite irregular
for you to hide the truth from an officer of the Rebel
Alliance. Especially a commander, like Luke Skywalker,
who’s accepted the job of protecting you. Very irregular
Ken swallowed hard. "I’m a threat to Trioculus because
I know too much about him."
"Such as?" Luke asked.
"Things I learned in the files of the Jedi Library-back in
the Lost City," Ken answered mysteriously. "My droid
teacher, Dee-Jay, told me I was not to tell anyone,
Commander Skywalker-not even you."
"Not even me?" Luke said in a hurt voice. "What is there
that you can’t share with me, your guardian and
protector? I take my responsibility to you very seriously."
"I’m sorry, Commander Skywalker," Ken replied. "But if
I told you certain things, it would make your life even
more dangerous than it already is." Luke nodded, then
clamped a hand on Ken’s shoulder. "I understand, Ken,"
he said, though he didn’t really understand. But he hoped
that, in time, Ken would open up more and decide not to
keep any secrets from him.
The planet Bespin was located just off the Corellian
Trade Route. After Luke downshifted from hyperdrive,
he pointed out Bespin’s two largest moons, H’gaard and
Drudonna. They were known as The Twins.
Bespin was aglow in a rainbow of color. Luke explained
that it was a type of planet known as a gas giant, with a
liquid metal core. The metal was rethin, and the core was
called the Rethin Sea. The Rethin Sea was warm-not
boiling hot, like the deep interior of most planets.
Most of Bespin was gas, or atmosphere. And Cloud City
had been built to float in the sky of Bespin. It was held
afloat by powerful repulsorlift generators. The city was
built in levels. At the top were the hotels, spas, clubs,
shops, museums, and casinos. That’s where the tourists
and wealthy visiting gamblers stayed. The lowest levels
were called Port Town-a dangerous place, home of
were called Port Town-a dangerous place, home of
Cloud City’s underworld; those levels were filled with
bars and industrial loading docks. There were also
casinos for sleazy gamblers and outcasts down on their
luck. As soon as Luke’s Y-wing landed in Cloud City,
they were met by Governor Lando Calrissian.
"Well, look who just dropped in from hyperspace," said
Lando, his hands on his hips as he beamed a broad
smile. "The Jedi Knight from Tatooine. And you’ve got
company with you, Luke. Who’s the short guy?"
"I’m tall for my age," Ken piped up. "They call me Ken."
"And they call me Baron Administrator Calrissian,
Governor of Cloud City. But if you’re a friend of Luke’s,
you can skip the formalities and call me Lando."
"Pleased to meet you, Lando," Ken said, reaching out to
shake his hand. As they spoke, Ken was distracted by a
silvery gleam from a hazy, distant cloud. It looked like a
building floating in the sky.
"That wouldn’t be Han’s sky house by any chance,
would it?" Ken asked, pointing toward what he saw.
would it?" Ken asked, pointing toward what he saw.
"It would indeed," Lando said, grinning. "That faint, black
speck in that swirling cloud over there is where Han
camps out these days-Han Solo’s personal stomping
grounds in the sky."
Ken squinted and tried to pick out more details, but he
could scarcely see the house, the air was so brown with
"We call it braze," Lando explained, as if reading Ken’s
thoughts. "Short for brown haze. It’s air pollution. And
it’s becoming a serious problem here in Cloud City."
Luke, Ken, and the four droids followed Lando, walking
along a ramp toward Cloud City’s fleet of cloud car
"Highly irregular to have brown air on a planet such as
this," Chip commented.
"I certainly agree," Threepio added. "It’s fortunate we
droids aren’t organic creatures. At least we don’t have to
breathe this discolored, chemical-ridden atmosphere."
"What causes the braze, Lando?" Ken asked.
"If you’re looking for somebody to blame it on, blame
Trioculus-the power-mad tyrant who’s now running the
Empire. Trioculus has stepped up war production on a
huge factory barge floating on the liquid core of this
"You mean on the Rethin Sea?" Ken asked.
"Bright kid," Lando said, shooting a glance at Luke. Then
Lando looked back at Ken. "The Rethin Sea is full of
rare metals and Tibanna gas," Lando continued, "and
Trioculus is mining them to make Imperial war machines
in his factories down below. He gets his mass-produced
ion cannons, and we get stuck with the smelly braze."
Lando sighed. "I sent him two messages asking him
politely to please shut down and go away. But Trioculus
doesn’t understand the word ’polite.’ He told me if I ask
him again, he’ll invade Cloud City and take us over."
Lando opened the door of a green cloud car convertible.
"Well, friends, I’m loaning you an official government car
for you to fly over to Han’s party. Climb aboard."
for you to fly over to Han’s party. Climb aboard."
"Aren’t you going to the party with us, Lando?" Luke
"Later. Tell Han I’ll be by in a few hours." Lando pointed
toward a tall building-the Holiday Towers Hotel and
Casino. "I’ve got some police business to check on. A
greasy little Rodian alien has a new system for cheating at
the card game of sabacc, and he’s trying to break the
bank at Holiday Towers again."
At Han’s private cloud the spectacular housewarming
party was already in full swing. A true intergalactic affair,
there was dancing, music, friendly conversation, and
plenty of zoochberry juice.
The floating sky mansion was filled with humans, aliens,
and droids, all bumping into one another’s elbows,
claws, fins, flippers, and metal arms.
In the center, the most comfortable chair ever designed-a
sort of gigantic floating pillow-was reserved for the guest
of honor, Princess Leia. Her eyes were closed for the
moment, letting the gentle rocking motion relax her and
moment, letting the gentle rocking motion relax her and
help her for a few moments to forget her worries about
SPIN’s plans and secret projects.
Beneath Leia’s floating chair, Han was playing the role of
a busy host, making sure that everyone’s zoochberry
glasses were full, and catching up with his buddies from
his home planet, most of whom were bachelor Corellian
cargo pilots. One by one he introduced everyone to
Princess Leia.
Meanwhile, Admiral Ackbar, the sad-eyed Calamarian
fishman, stood in front of the band and talked on and on
about the military strategy that helped win the Battle of
Endor for the Rebel Alliance.
But nobody was paying much attention to Admiral
Ackbar-especially when Han began to open his
housewarming gifts.
Every few minutes Han had to jump up and run to the
kitchen to check on the gourmet feast he was cooking on
his nanowave stove.
Then Chewbacca put on a chef’s apron and took over
Then Chewbacca put on a chef’s apron and took over
the cooking, so Han could dance with Princess Leia.
The band knew all of Han’s favorite Corellian folk
dances. Han even taught Leia how to do the Space
Pirate Boogie.
When they were both out of breath and laughing from
dancing so hard, Han asked the band to play "Sweet
Lady from Alderaan." He thought it would make Leia
happy, because Alderaan was her home planet. But
instead it brought tears to her eyes as she remembered
how the Empire had used the Death Star to blow the
entire planet of Alderaan to pieces. Then Leia started
coughing. "Are you all right, Princess?" Han asked,
"It’s the braze," she said. "The air pollution on Bespin
seems to be getting worse."
"Chewie," Han shouted, poking his head into the kitchen.
"Turn up the power on the repulsorlifts. Take the house
up another hundred feet or so. The air will be cleaner up
there . ."
"Grooowwwrrr!" Chewie agreed, reaching for the
repulsorlift controls over by the wide window that looked
out on the brown sky.
"Han, you can’t spend the rest of your life here going up
higher and higher in the sky, trying to get away from the
braze," Leia said. "That’s just running away from the
"Well, that’s the code we Corellians live by," Han said
with a laugh. "If you can’t do anything about the problem,
"It’s not funny, Han," she replied. "What will you do
when you get up so high that the air is too thin to
Han shrugged. "I guess I’ll worry about that day when it
comes. And until then-how about another dance,
And that’s when Luke Skywalker and Ken showed up
with the droids-Threepio, Artoo, Chip, and Kate.
When the hugs and hellos were over, Luke introduced
Han to his housewarming gift. Han was overwhelmed.
He asked Kate to demonstrate some of her modern
housecleaning techniques. "Of course, Master Han," said
Kate. "Do you see that stain way up in that corner of the
Han squinted and noticed the mark.
Kate fired a vaporizing beam from her fingertip. The stain
instantly disintegrated. "A small sample of my many
skills," said Kate. "But I’m best at washing dishes,
cleaning windows, and restoring stained carpets."
"Incredible," Han said, proudly putting his hands on his
hips. Kate seemed to think just as highly of Han.
"You’re the most handsome Corellian cargo pilot I’ve
ever met," Kate said.
"Now don’t get jealous, Leia," Han said with a
mischievous grin. "Looks like you’ll have to get used to
the fact that I’ll be living with another woman from now
"As long as she’s a droid with metallic microcircuits, I
think I can keep my jealousy under control," Leia replied,
with an equally mischievous grin. As everyone got swept
up in the excitement of the party again, Admiral Ackbar
tried to snare Ken. He thought Ken would be a good
audience for his war stories of how the Rebel Alliance
blew up the Empire’s Death Stars. But Ken tricked
Threepio and Artoo-Detoo into keeping Ackbar
company, while he and Chip ducked away to tour the
house with Princess Leia.
"We can’t even see the skyline of Cloud City with all this
braze in the air," Ken said in a disappointed tone.
Then Leia noticed a new pair of long-range macro-
binoculars that someone had given Han as a gift. They
enabled a person to see details several miles away. She
handed them to Ken.
"Try these," she said.
Ken raised the macrobinoculars to his eyes and looked
out the window. Suddenly, in spite of the braze, the view
was incredibly clear. Ken could now see all the details of
the distant skyline. Then he spotted a bell-shaped space
vehicle approaching Cloud City.
"Hmmmmm. That’s really unusual, Princess Leia. I think I
see a Huttian spaceship," Ken said.
"How do you know it’s a Huttian spaceship?" Chip
asked, as Luke came over beside them.
"Because I’ve studied spaceship designs back home,"
Ken said, lowering the macrobinoculars so he could see
Luke. "It’s shaped like a bell with a big door. It’s large
enough for a big, fat Hutt to get in or out."
"That’s very strange," said Leia. "The Hutts almost never
come to Cloud City anymore."
"Why not?" Ken asked.
"They used to come here all the time," Luke explained.
"That was when Jabba the Hutt was alive and owned the
Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino. But ever since Jabba
died and Cloud City took over Holiday Towers, all the
free-spending Hutt gamblers stopped coming here. They
felt they weren’t very welcome anymore."
"Here, take a look," Ken offered.
"Thanks," Luke said, taking the macrobinoculars.
Luke flipped a small button on the side of the
macrobinoculars. Now they were powerful enough for
him to read even the name on the side of the spaceship:
Zorba Express.
A Friendly Game of Sabacc
The Zorba Express wobbled as it settled onto a landing
bay in Cloud City.

As the ancient, bell-shaped space voyager let out a long
wheezing sound, the Cloud City Space Dock attendants
exchanged an amazed look.
For an express spaceship, it certainly wouldn’t be able to
take many more express journeys. In fact, after a few
more trips, it was doubtful it would even be able to break
the sound barrier anymore.
From out of the hatch of the Zorba Express came a very
odd trio. First came Zorba the Hutt, who at once began
coughing, because of the braze.
Then came CB-99, the slightly bent, barrel-shaped droid
following Zorba. He rolled along while Zorba squirmed
his way across the wide platform.
Last came Tibor, the bounty hunter, his shiny armor
strapped tightly around his horny green scales.
Their destination: The Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino.
Soon they entered the lobby, which was filled with noisy,
glowing games of chance. This was where the rich
gambled: slickly dressed aliens in colorful costumes,
wealthy business beasts from the moons of Mima, and
snobby humans who brought their droids along to pull the
handles of the jingling Spin-and-Win machines.
Zorba attracted quite a few stares as he wobbled up to
the main desk, licking the drool from his chin with his
thick dark tongue. He began a conversation with a fancy
clerk droid. The clerk droid’s body glittered with
polished gems. Nothing but the best for the Holiday
Towers Hotel and Casino. "May I help you, urn, sir?" the
clerk droid asked.
"I want the passkey to Jabba the Hutt’s suite!" Zorba
demanded. "It’s the penthouse suite."
"I’m sorry, but the penthouse suite is no longer reserved
for Jabba the Hutt," the clerk droid replied. "And I am
not at liberty to give anyone the passkey." Zorba
scowled. "I won’t put up with rude remarks from droids!
You’re speaking to Zorba the Hutt, Jabba’s father! And
Holiday Towers is now my property!"
"Perhaps you’re not aware of the change of ownership of
this establishment," the clerk droid responded. "The
government of Cloud City took over this hotel and casino
after Jabba the Hutt died." The droid’s metal face gave a
programmed metallic smile. "Governor Lando Calrissian
runs Holiday Towers now. And he lives in the penthouse
suite. I’m sorry, but I can’t oblige you."
Zorba spit on the polished marble floor. "Notify that thief,
Lando Calrissian, that Zorba the Hutt is waiting to talk to
him! He’ll find me at the sabacc tables!" A short while
later, Lando arrived at the game room in the lobby. As
he approached the sabacc tables, he saw the huge Hutt
he approached the sabacc tables, he saw the huge Hutt
with the braided white hair and white beard. And right
alongside Zorba the Hutt were Tibor and the dusty,
barrel-shaped droid, CB-99. Zorba was playing sabacc,
and he was losing. Lando watched Zorba open his pouch
and take out some gemstones to buy more credits for
"Hello, I’m Governor Calrissian," Lando said, introducing
himself. Zorba’s drooling tongue slid across his mouth as
he hissed: "I’m Zorba, Jabba the Hutt’s father. Get your
things out of Jabba’s penthouse suite now, because I’m
moving in. And tell the clerk droid at the front desk to
give me a passkey, or my friend Tibor here will send
what’s left of you to the nearest Cloud City mortuary."
Lando knew that there was no way to reason with a
Hutt. The only way to get the better of a Hutt was to
trick him, outsmart him, or wound his pride.
Lando had been around Cloud City casinos long enough
to know how to recognize a miserable sabacc player
when he saw one. And from the number of gemstones he
had seen Zorba lose, it was obvious that Zorba was an
amateur, totally inexperienced at the game. If Lando
could talk Zorba into settling their dispute by playing a
game of sabacc, then getting rid of this meddlesome Hutt
would be a breeze.
"Tell you what, Zorba," Lando offered. "I’m a gambling
man and a fair sport. I challenge you to a game of
sabacc. If you lose, you agree to get out of the casino,
leave Cloud City, and never come back."
"And if you lose the game," Zorba said to Lando, "you
will leave Cloud City and never come back. And before
you go, you’ll appoint me as your replacement as
governor! Do we have a bargain?"
Lando scratched his chin, thinking it over, recalling the
time he’d gambled away the Millennium Falcon to Han
Solo in a sabacc game. But Lando had learned a lot
about sabacc since then. In fact, he was now the best
player in Cloud City, second to none.
"We have a deal," Lando said with a grin.
Zorba spit into the palm of his right hand and held it out
toward Lando. "Shake on it, then."
Lando’s heart sank as he thought about having to touch
Zorba’s saliva-covered hand. He held up two fingers like
a Junior Galaxy Scout. "What if I just say, ’Cross my
heart and hope to die’?" Lando asked.
"Then you will die."
Reluctantly Lando spit into his own palm. And in the
most disgusting moment of his life, Lando clasped
Zorba’s scale-covered hand and shook it.
Then Zorba opened up his pouch that had the gemstones
and took out his own deck of sabacc cards. "What’s that
deck for?" Lando asked.
"We play with my deck," Zorba replied.
"Now wait just a minute," Lando protested. "We’re in
the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino. So we’ll play with
a deck that belongs to the house-"
Zorba wagged his fat tongue and chuckled. "I own the
house," he said. "This is my casino, therefore we shall use
my deck."
"You don’t have any legal claim to this casino," Lando
replied. "Jabba the Hutt died without a will. This hotel
and casino automatically belongs to the government of
Cloud City."
Zorba roared out a belly laugh. "A-HAW-HAW-
HAWWW! ." Then, with his huge, glaring reptilian eyes,
Zorba glanced at the barrel-shaped droid at his side.
"CB-99, show Lando the hologram of your file called
JTHW --Jabba the Hutt’s Will!"
As instructed, the little droid projected a hologram into
midair. It showed the bloated, wrinkled face of Jabba the
Hutt, reading his will. His instructions for what to do with
his property upon his death were perfectly clear: "Since I
have no wife or children," the hologram of Jabba
explained, "if I should die before my dear father, then
everything I own shall belong to Zorba the Hutt, including
my palace on Tatooine, my hacienda in Mos Eisley City,
the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino in Cloud City,
The list of Jabba’s possessions went on and on. Then the
hologram ended. And with it Lando’s self-confident
mood also ended.
Zorba laughed again, exposing the inside of his slimy
mouth. "A-HAW-HAW-HAWWWW! . . ." he roared.
"Just as I said, since I own the house, we shall play with
my deck of sabacc cards!"
Lando’s heart sank again. He inspected Zorba’s deck-
twice. And to his surprise, he couldn’t find anything
wrong with Zorba’s sabacc cards.
Was it possible that it wasn’t a rigged deck after all,
Lando wondered? Lando wasn’t able to discover the
answer. He did discover, however, that it was the worst
day he had ever lived. He lost every single round of the
game. His foolish bet had wrecked his life.
Lando didn’t know-or even suspect-that Zorba had won
because the deck had marks that could only be detected
by a creature that could see ultraviolet light!
For the moment, all Lando knew was that within an hour
For the moment, all Lando knew was that within an hour
of his losing, he was up in his penthouse suite for the last
time, packing his things, ready to depart forever. And
now Governor Zorba the Hutt was running the hotel and
casino-and all of Cloud City!
Trioculus’s Factory Barge
Han Solo was disappointed that his party ended without
Lando Calrissian ever showing up. But he was delighted
with his housewarming gift, Kate, the housekeeping
droid. The guests departed, except for Han and
Chewbacca’s closest friends. And within two hours, the
evidence of Kate’s hard work could be seen in every
room. The floors were suction-cleaned, the dishes were
sanitized, the trash was compacted and recycled, the
leftover food was preserved in a cooling chamber, and
thank-you messages were written for each and every
single one of the presents Han had received.
"Roww-groooowwf!" Chewbacca howled, with a big
"You’re right, Chewie," said Han Solo, shaking his head
in amazement. "No way that I could make it as a
homeowner without the help of a housekeeping droid like
Kate!" Han gave Luke a nudge. "Thanks a lot, old
Kate!" Han gave Luke a nudge. "Thanks a lot, old
buddy. You sure had a good idea!"
"Don’t thank me for the idea," Luke said. "Thank Ken.
He thought of it."
"The idea just popped into my head," Ken explained,
smiling. Both Luke and Han gave Ken an appreciative
pat on the back.
"I hope you will all give credit where credit is due," piped
up the golden droid, See-Threepio, in a jealous tone,
turning to face Han. "I was the one who finally persuaded
Luke of the merits of Ken’s idea. I pointed out that you
and Chewbacca seldom keep the cockpit of the
Millennium Falcon neat and tidy. Without a housekeeping
droid, in two weeks your house would end up looking
like the trash compactor on board the Death Star. Do
you remember when you were trapped in the trash
compactor, and I said-"
"Yes, yes, I remember, I remember-" Han said quickly,
shutting Threepio up. "My thanks to you, too, Threepio."
"Bzeeepooosh! " beeped Artoo-Detoo.
"Bzeeepooosh! " beeped Artoo-Detoo.
"And to you, too, Artoo," Han added. Then he put his
arm around Princess Leia. "And Princess, thank you so
much for coming. The party wouldn’t have been the
same without you."
"I wouldn’t have missed it for anything," she replied. Leia
smiled and gave Han a peck on the lips.
Han smiled back and gave her a long kiss in return.

Han’s communication beeper was buzzing. Oh no, he
thought. Who could be calling me now?
"Excuse me, folks," Han said. "I’ll just be a minute." Han
went into his bedroom, where an ultrahigh-density
household communication screen was located. He tuned
in the large wall screen, and received the incoming
message. An image of Lando’s face popped onto the
screen, and he didn’t look very happy.
"Sorry I missed your party, Han," Lando said. "But a
whirlwind of trouble came along and set my head
"What’s wrong, Lando?" asked Han.
"This is good-bye, old buddy. My political career in
Cloud City has just come to an end!"
"What are you talking about? You can’t just leave!
You’re Cloud City’s governor!"
"I only wish that were true," said Lando. "I blew it,
buddy. Remember how cocksure and self-confident I
was the day I bet the Millennium Falcon and lost it to you
in a sabacc game? Well, I had another attack of extreme
self-confidence today-and I bet my position as governor
in a game with Zorba the Hutt, Jabba the Hutt’s old
man." Han’s mouth fell open. "Jabba the Hutt’s father?
That old slug? Nobody’s seen him for years!"
"Well, he’s back. And the bad news is, he aced me. So
Zorba is your new governor. Cloud City is sure to go to
ruin." Lando glanced at his watch. "I’m on my way. My
bags are packed, and my spaceship for the Zabian
System is all set to leave."
"But what’ll you do, Lando? You’re out of a job!"
"Don’t worry about me," Lando replied. "I’ve still got a
few tricks up my sleeve. I’ve been thinking about trying
my hand at the theme park business." A shocked
expression swept over Lando’s face. He could no longer
put off telling Han the worst news of all. "Han, I
overheard Zorba talking. He found out that Princess Leia
killed Jabba. He’s got the look of revenge in his big, ugly
reptilian eyeballs. Whatever you do, don’t let him find out
that Leia is here on the planet, or she’s a goner, for
sure!" CLICK!! The screen went black. It was the end
of the message. All the color was drained from Han’s
face. He called Luke and Leia into the bedroom and told
them the news in private.
"We’d better get you off this planet, Leia-and fast!" Han
said. "With Zorba out for revenge, he won’t be satisfied
until he succeeds. And if he manages to get his big ugly
Hutt hands on you, it’s your funeral!"
Suddenly, on the other side of the door, they heard Ken
scream out, "Oh no! Kate!" Then Ken came bursting into
the bedroom without even knocking. "Commander
Skywalker!" Ken yelled frantically. "Kate fell!"
"What? Fell? How?" Luke asked.
"She was outside cleaning the observation balcony," Ken
explained. "And she leaned over and fell into the clouds!"
"I’m going after her!" Luke shouted.
Luke hurried out the front door and walked along the
yard platform. Struggling to keep his balance, he headed
for the cloud car convertible he had borrowed from
Lando, taking Han’s macrobinoculars with him.
Luke leapt into the car. Then someone jumped into the
seat alongside him. "Leia. But I thought you’d stay
behind and-"
"Move it, Luke. Or she’ll be halfway down to the Rethin
Sea." Luke powered up. WHOOOOOSH!
The cloud car took off and plunged down into the clouds
at a steep angle, straight into the thick braze.
Luke triggered the hyperaccelerator. Now they were
zooming faster than a droid would fall. Luke aimed the
cloud car pointing straight down, and accelerated even
more. Soon, through the misty braze, they could see
Kate falling down below. Once Luke had been saved
from a fall at the bottom of Cloud City. He had tumbled
right into the hatch of the Millennium Falcon as it flew
underneath to rescue him. Now he used the same
strategy to rescue Kate. He flew the cloud car
convertible beneath her, adjusted his angle and speed,
and ever so gently she plopped right into the back seat.
"How can I ever thank you?" Kate asked, calmly. "But
what will Master Han Solo say? I fell down on the job."
"You sure did," Princess Leia said. She pointed straight
down, as the cloud car convertible kept descending.
"You fell practically all the way down to the Rethin Sea.
Look down below-there’s the liquid metal core of the
"And look over there!" Luke said excitedly. "There’s
Trioculus’s factory barge!" The barge was vast-a huge
metal platform floating above the Rethin Sea. And on the
platform were several dozen enormous factories.
The barge was an Imperial base for making weapons and
ammunition-antivehicle laser cannons, Comar tritracker
artillery, anti-orbital ion cannons, field missile launchers,
and turbolaser emplacements. All molded from rethin and
other metals found in Bespin’s liquid core.
Towering above the factory barge were smokestacks,
thick and tall, spewing out foul clouds of brown gas.
"Now that we’re here, let’s take a closer look," Princess
Leia suggested.
"How about some other time?" Luke said.
"We’re this close, Luke. We might as well see if we can
come up with any ideas on how to stop this braze."
Luke reluctantly agreed. It was a bold idea on Leia’s
part. Maybe too bold, Luke thought. As they flew
part. Maybe too bold, Luke thought. As they flew
nearer, their cloud car was observed down below.
Suddenly the laser defense system of the factory barge
came to life.
Luke swerved to dodge the blasts, but he was much
better at piloting spaceships and landspeeders than cloud
cars. They were hit.
The underside of their vehicle was cracked down the
middle. For the moment Luke still had control, but they
were losing altitude fast.
Steering frantically, Luke made their car weave in and
out among the smokestacks. The car took another hit
from laserfire, and within seconds, it smashed into the
barge. SCREEEEEECH! came the sounds of metal
scraping metal.
The cloud car convertible skidded along a road on the
factory barge. At last it came to a crashing halt, right in
front of a factory covered with brown soot.
"Don’t look now," Luke said, "but we’ve got company
coming up the road." It was a vehicle full of Imperial
coming up the road." It was a vehicle full of Imperial
stormtroopers policing the area, looking for the cloud car
they’d just shot down.
In a flash, Luke, Leia, and Kate were out of the car,
hurrying along the road on foot. And just as fast the
stormtroopers reached the wrecked cloud car, swarming
all around it. Then they divided up to hunt for the
passengers who’d escaped. At the same moment, Luke
suddenly spied their best hope for safety-a narrow tunnel
with a ladder that went straight down, a sort of
passageway underneath the factory barge. Kate popped
down the tunnel first, to make sure the ladder was safe.
Then Leia started to descend.
Luke sensed danger close behind him. Without hesitating,
he drew his lightsaber, raising the bright green laser-
sword threateningly. Three stormtroopers were fast
approaching. As Luke fought with two of the Imperials,
the third strormtrooper reached into the tunnel and pulled
Leia back up. From down below in the darkness, Kate
could see Leia dangling and gritting her teeth, as the
princess kicked and swung her arms. Leia’s feet reached
the safety of the metal floor of the factory barge, but her
enemy had her in his grip. No sooner had Luke toppled
one of their foes with his lightsaber, than he felt another
one of the stormtroopers shoving him, pushing him right
down into the tunnel. Luke plunged, reaching out with
one hand to grab the rungs of the ladder.
"Oh no, Commander Skywalker," Kate screamed,
"you’re going to-" But before he toppled into Kate, Luke
broke his fall, just in time to see the stormtrooper slam a
metal cover over the top of the tunnel, leaving them in
total darkness.

A clamp twisted over the tunnel cover. Outside, on the
surface of the factory barge, the stormtrooper who held
Leia then turned a valve.
"Luke!" Leia screamed, her voice muffled by the metal.
TCCHHHHHHHHH . . . Poisonous gas flowed from the
factory, through the valve, down a pipe, and directly into
the tunnel.
In the darkness, Luke climbed the ladder and pounded
In the darkness, Luke climbed the ladder and pounded
on the cover that sealed him in. But it was closed tight.
There was no way out.
"You’re an organic creature, you have to breathe!" Kate
exclaimed. "But if you breathe the poison, you’ll die!"
Luke held his breath, closed his eyes, and concentrated.
He focused his thoughts on the Force.
Luke knew how to move objects using the Force. He
had learned how to do it in Yoda’s swamp back on the
planet Dagobah, while training to be a Jedi Knight.
Perhaps now he could use the power of the Force to
move the latch that held the tunnel cover in place. As
Luke desperately held his breath, nothing happened, at
first. But then the Force was with him. The clamp holding
the cover shut began slowly to slide loose. Clinging to the
ladder, Luke pushed up on the cover. Then he leapt out
and gasped for air. Kate climbed up the ladder to follow
him out.
Together they looked around in all directions, trying to
find the princess. But the stormtroopers had taken
Princess Leia away!
Princess Leia away!
A Tale of Two Captives
While Han was waiting for Luke and Leia to return with
Kate, he showed Ken his two streamlined cloud racing
cars in his cloud car garage. One was blue, the other red.
"If I enter the Cloud Car Racing Finals," Han explained,
"I’ll probably drive my blue car-the Custom Model-Q
Foley." Han opened the door on the driver’s side of the
blue car.
"Want to see what it feels like to sit at the controls?"
"Thanks, thanks a lot!" Ken said. And as he settled into
the comfortable, cushioned seat, he asked Han, "How
old do you have to be to get a license to drive a cloud
"Eighteen for humans," replied Han. "Twenty if you’re an
alien. Except for Biths. They let Biths drive at age ten
because they’re advanced bipedal craniopoids who
because they’re advanced bipedal craniopoids who
reach maturity at a young age."
"In that case, I wish I were a Bith," Ken said. "Say, what
does this do?" He touched a green button near the
steering mechanism.

"That’s the-whoops, too late," Han said.
The garage door opened. Through the braze Ken could
see the distant skyline of Cloud City. The city seemed to
be calling out to him, urging him to seek adventure. Han
leaned into the car to check the clock on the dashboard.
"I’m getting worried about Luke and Princess Leia," he
said. "They’ve been gone a couple of hours already. It
shouldn’t have taken them this long to rescue Kate and
come back."
"Maybe they decided to stop ’off in Cloud City for a bite
to eat," Ken suggested, putting his hands on the sleek,
shiny steering mechanism.
"I certainly doubt it," said Han. "There was a ton of food
"I certainly doubt it," said Han. "There was a ton of food
at my party, and plenty of leftovers."
"But Princess Leia hardly touched a bite of your
Corellian cooking," Ken said.
"Why was that?" Han asked, somewhat hurt.
"She says Corellian food is too fattening," Ken explained.
"Oh, yeah?" Han said, glancing down to see if he was
getting a pot belly. "You don’t see any fat on me!"
Suddenly Chewbacca poked his head through the door
to the garage. "Rowwwwrf! Groouuuuf!" he moaned.
"You’re kidding!" Han said to his Wookiee friend, then
glanced back at Ken. "Luke sent us a distress call.
They’re in some kind of trouble. My beeper was turned
off, so we didn’t get the message until Chewie here
checked the machine just now." Han put a hand on
Ken’s shoulder and said, "Wait here, kid. I’ll be back in
a flash." But Han didn’t come back in a flash.
So Ken decided to pretend he was driving the cloud
So Ken decided to pretend he was driving the cloud
racing car he was sitting in. He gripped the controls. He
leaned forward. And he put his hand on the acceleration
lever, touching it ever so lightly.
But the light touch was all it took to power up the car
and send it zooming out of the garage, into the open sky,
and off toward Cloud City.
In the Jedi Library, Ken had spent many hours reading
about how to fly cloud racing cars. Now he was able to
make a couple of wide loops, spinning rolls, and upside-
down maneuvers, all for real.
Before he knew it, he was almost all the way to Cloud
City. And he almost collided in midair with a cloud bus.
A Cloud Police siren blared loudly.
The police car aimed an invisible tractor beam at the
cloud racing car Ken was driving. Ken was towed to a
landing bay at Cloud City. "You sure don’t look
eighteen, kid," one of the Cloud Police said. "Do you
eighteen, kid," one of the Cloud Police said. "Do you
have the registration for this vehicle?"
"This was all just a mistake, officers," Ken said. Ken
explained that he had come to Bespin with Luke
Skywalker. And that he had been driving Han Solo’s
cloud car totally by accident.
"Trioculus offered a big reward for a Jedi Prince named
Ken who’s been traveling with Luke Skywalker," one of
the Cloud Police said to the other. "There’re Wanted
posters for this kid on at least a dozen planets."
And so they arrested Ken for reckless driving without a
license. His destination: Cloud City Police Headquarters.
Back at Han’s sky house, Han was frantic.
"Threepio, take my red cloud racing car-the Model-X1
Zhurst," Han ordered. "Bring Artoo and Chip with you,
and go find Ken. He’s probably taken off for Cloud City.
Chewie and I will take a ride in the Millennium Falcon to
find out what happened to Luke, Leia, and Kate!"
On the factory barge, Princess Leia was inside
On the factory barge, Princess Leia was inside
Trioculus’s private chamber, high up in the tallest of his
factories. The room had modern Imperial art and elegant
furniture. The three-eyed tyrant, Trioculus, gave a sly
smile as he stared at his lovely captive.
"Please be seated, Princess Leia," he said, trying to make
his gruff voice sound pleasant.
"I hope you’ll find these quarters comfortable."
Leia refused his invitation to sit. Instead she stared out
the window, trying to avoid looking at him.
"What’s happened to Luke?" she asked nervously.
"A most unfortunate situation," Trioculus replied
soothingly. "We made every effort to save his life, but
alas, it was to no avail."
"Do you expect me to believe that Luke is dead?" she
said angrily, turning to look at Trioculus’s three eyes.
"Sadly, your Luke Skywalker has departed from the
world of the living," Trioculus explained. "But if it’s any
consolation, he died a quick and painless death."
"I don’t believe a word you’re saying," Leia snapped. "I
would know it if Luke were dead. I would feel it."
"Perhaps not. Down here, by the Rethin Sea, feelings are
dulled. All feelings-that is except my feelings for you,
Princess Leia!"
"You don’t have any feelings," she said. "You’re a
murderer! A liar! An inhuman monster!" In a fit of fury,
Leia slapped his face. Trioculus just stood there,
watching her without stirring.
Leia cringed as she looked at the Imperial ruler. She had
seen holograms of him in intelligence briefings, and when
Trioculus sent a personal warning to the SPIN
conference room in the Rebel Alliance Senate. The
holograms had depicted Trioculus as devious but
handsome. Handsome, except for the strange, mutant
third eye in the middle of his forehead. But now his face
was scarred.
She looked away, unable to bear the sight of him.
She looked away, unable to bear the sight of him.
However, Trioculus couldn’t take his three eyes off her.
He found Leia’s strong but soft features to be beautiful.
Trioculus was convinced that in time he might be able to
bridge the gap between their opposite worlds. If she
stayed with him long enough, eventually she might
renounce the Rebel Alliance. And perhaps then she
would even come to accept the necessity of evil.
Especially if he were to marry her and make her the
Queen of the Galactic Empire!
Trioculus took a few steps toward her. "Is it so wrong to
be a murderer?" he asked. "Or a liar? Or an inhuman
monster? I may be all of those things, but I still have a
"Your heart is as dark as carbonite!" she hissed.
Trioculus glanced at his right hand, which now wore a
replica of the glove of Darth Vader. He wondered if he
should put that gloved hand on her shoulder, to show his
affection for her.
"There can still be great beauty in a dark heart," Trioculus
said, reaching out with the glove and gently touching her.
The princess pulled away at once. "I’m certain there’s
The princess pulled away at once. "I’m certain there’s
darkness in you, Leia," he continued. "You’re a murderer
also. You killed Jabba the Hutt in cold blood,
assassinated him with hatred in your heart. See yourself
for what you really are!"
"I killed that thug Jabba in self-defense," she protested.
"He was the most corrupt and vile gangster in the
"There’s always an excuse the first time one murders,"
Trioculus said. "But the first murder is never the last.
Why, I think you’d even like to murder me, right now.
That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it, Leia?"
Trioculus put his hand on her shoulder once again. But
she took it down right away. Then he squeezed her hand
and didn’t let go.
"I love you, Leia," he said in a fiery voice. "I want you to
marry me and become the Queen of the Empire!"
Leia shuddered. "You’re insane!" she replied.
"Accept me, Leia," he said. "I’m the only one who can
"Accept me, Leia," he said. "I’m the only one who can
give you the power and happiness you deserve!"
Leia pulled her hand away with disgust.
"You’ll change your mind, Princess," Trioculus stated,
refusing to lose hope that she would eventually accept his
offer to be the Empire’s dark queen. "There’s still time
for us," he said. "A great deal of time!"
The Battle for Princess Leia
Zorba frowned as he stared out the window of his
penthouse suite and slurped his sour brew. The braze
outside was almost as thick as his drink, and the braze of
Cloud City was the reason he had to drink the foul
potion for his sinuses in the first place. Something had to
be done to persuade Trioculus to shut down his factory
barge, or interplanetary tourists would find other planets
that had casinos where they could spend their credits-
planets that didn’t have air pollution like the braze of
Bespin. Zorba had finished half his brew by the time
Tibor came to see him. "I’ve just come from Port Town,
Zorba," Tibor said excitedly. "I’ve learned some valuable
information from an Imperial spy. Information that’s
worth at least five gemstones."
"Two gemstones," Zorba said. He reached into his pouch
and tossed two valuable stones at Tibor’s feet, as though
they were no more important than glass marbles.
"Thank you, Zorba," Tibor said. "The murderess who
killed Jabba the Hutt was taken captive by Trioculus! At
this very moment, Princess Leia is a prisoner on the
Imperial factory barge!"
Zorba sputtered and spit out a mouthful of brew. This
was exciting news.
"If only I had something Trioculus wanted badly," Zorba
mused. "Something I could trade for the princess."
"I have an idea that’s worth at least three more
gemstones," Tibor offered.
"One more gemstone," Zorba corrected, as he reached
into his pouch once again and tossed yet another stone
onto the floor.
"Thank you, Zorba," Tibor said. "Here’s my idea. I found
out a little while ago that your Cloud Police arrested a
boy who’s been traveling with Luke Skywalker-a boy
named Ken. Does that call something to mind, Zorba?"
"The Wanted poster in the Mos Eisley Cantina on
"The Wanted poster in the Mos Eisley Cantina on
Tatooine!" Zorba exclaimed. "Grand Moff Hissa said
Trioculus would pay a generous reward for Ken!"
"Exactly, Zorba," said Tibor, "and what if the reward you
demand is Princess Leia!" Zorba laughed with delight.
"A-HAW-HAW-HAW! . . ." But then Zorba stopped to
think. "But what if this boy named Ken isn’t the Jedi
Prince Trioculus wants?" To settle that matter, Ken
would have to be questioned. And so Tibor took a
message from Zorba to Cloud Police Headquarters,
demanding that the boy be surrendered to Tibor so he
could bring Ken to Zorba’s penthouse suite.
Upon his arrival Ken was defiant. He threw back his
shoulders, crossed his arms, and looked away from
Zorba and Tibor.
But old Hutts like Zorba knew a lot about human child
psychology. Zorba began the questioning by trying to
make Ken feel at home.
"Such a shame a boy like you got into trouble," Zorba
began. "Perhaps we can straighten it out. AHEMMM!
My throat is so dry. I think I need a glass of imported
My throat is so dry. I think I need a glass of imported
Bantha milk. Bantha milk and cookies! How does that
sound to you, Tibor?" he asked, winking at the bounty
"Sounds delicious," Tibor said, playing along. "Does it
sound delicious to you, too, Ken?" Zorba asked.
Ken considered his situation. Several hours had passed
since Han’s party. And he was getting hungry.
"Do you have any candy-flavored buns?" Ken asked.
"I’ve always wanted to try them-or sticky sweetmallow?"
"Such a tasty idea! I was just going to suggest that!"
Zorba lied. He mumbled something to Tibor, whispering
in the bounty hunter’s ear. Then Tibor notified the
Holiday Towers room service droids to bring up a tray of
Bantha milk, sticky sweetmallow, and candy-flavored
buns baked with avabush spice-a powerful truth serum!
When the snack arrived, Ken quickly gobbled down
three candy-flavored buns!
Zorba talked on and on about how the braze of Bespin
Zorba talked on and on about how the braze of Bespin
was having a bad effect on the tourist trade. And then,
when Zorba felt he had waited long enough for the
avabush spice to put Ken in a truthful and cooperative
mood, he began by asking some serious questions.
"Tell me, my boy," Zorba said. "Are you a Jedi Prince?"
Ken brushed his moppy brown hair out of his eyes and
said, "I don’t know for sure, sir. I don’t know who my
parents were. The droids never told me."
"Which droids?" Zorba asked, rolling his big yellow eyes
"The droids who raised me."
"Raised you? Where?"
"In the Lost City of the . . . I mean, well, it was
somewhere on Yavin Four. Or Yavin Three, I mean."
Zorba gave a devious smile. "Tell old Zorba the truth
now. Hutts can get very nasty when boys lie."
"Yavin Four. I grew up in the Lost City of the Jedi," Ken
"Yavin Four. I grew up in the Lost City of the Jedi," Ken
continued, yawning as though he had suddenly become
sleepy. "It’s deep underground, in the middle of the rain
forest. When I was little, I think my parents were killed in
the Great War, but no one ever told me who they were. I
think maybe my name, Ken, comes from Kenobi. I might
be related to Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I don’t know
because the droids who raised me wouldn’t tell me. All
they told me was that a Jedi Knight in a brown robe took
me to the Lost City for safety, so the Imperial
stormtroopers wouldn’t find me and . . ." Ken yawned
again. "Do we have to talk about this anymore?" he
asked. "I’m feeling so tired."
"You’ve told me enough," Zorba said. "There’s no doubt
about it. You’re Ken, the Jedi Prince I’ve heard so much
about." Zorba laughed with delight. "A-HAW-HAW-
HAW! . . . Put him in one of the cells in the basement,
where we keep the casino crooks we catch!" Zorba
"Of course, Zorba," Tibor replied.
"And then contact Trioculus on the factory barge. Tell
him we have Ken, the Jedi Prince. Tell him if he still
wants the boy, he should come to Cloud City so we can
negotiate a deal!"
Zorba tossed one more gemstone at Tibor’s feet.
"Thank you, Zorba!" Tibor said.
When Trioculus got the news, he locked Princess Leia
alone in his factory barge chamber, leaving fine food and
beverages for her. Then he departed for Cloud City at
once, taking twenty stormtroopers with him as
Later that same afternoon, Trioculus and his bodyguards
entered the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino. The
stormtroopers waited in the hall outside Zorba’s
penthouse suite, while Trioculus and Zorba bargained for
their prisoners.
"I hear you are the new governor of Cloud City,"
Trioculus began. "Congratulations. I’m sure you will bring
discipline and prosperity to the gambling industry here."
"And congratulations to you, Trioculus," said Zorba, "on
becoming the new leader of the Galactic Empire."
The formalities out of the way, Trioculus then told Zorba
he had come to make a deal for Ken. But first he wanted
to meet Zorba’s prisoner, to make certain he was
actually the Jedi Prince.
Zorba instructed Tibor to take Trioculus to visit Ken in
the cell in the Holiday Towers basement.
"A boy?" Trioculus said in surprise, as he first set his
three eyes on the prisoner. "Why, you hardly look more
than twelve or thirteen."
Ken pouted, refusing to reply.
Trioculus frowned. He had thought the Jedi Prince would
be a man. How could this boy possibly be any great
threat to his reign? But Kadann, the Supreme Prophet of
the Dark Side, had warned Trioculus that he must
quickly find the Jedi Prince named Ken and destroy him,
or the Jedi Prince would destroy Trioculus! That was the
prophecy. That was Trioculus’s destiny!
"Don’t be afraid of me," Trioculus said with a cunning
smile. "I’ve come to Cloud City to help you. But first you
must answer some questions."
Ken crossed his arms defiantly.
Trioculus heard static in his mind, static sent by Ken to
attempt to cloud his thinking. And then Trioculus heard
the words inside his mind: I’m not the boy you’re looking
Trioculus frowned again. "Don’t try those Jedi mind
games on me, Ken. Stronger Jedi than you have tried
and failed. It won’t work," he said with a sneer. And then
he changed his sneer into a smile.
"Did you learn that trick in the Jedi Library, in the Lost
City of the Jedi?" Trioculus asked.
Ken grabbed the bars of the cell and narrowed his eyes
in a glare of anger. "Do you think I’ll talk to you,
Trioculus? You’re a liar, a killer, and a destructive
"You flatter me," said Trioculus with an evil grin. "Which
do you think I excel at the most? Lying? I’m indeed an
expert at deception. Killing? No, every slave lord has to
hold an execution now and then, it’s only natural. But
now tell me, why do you consider me a monster?"
"You burned the rain forests on the fourth moon of
"I had to do what I did to try to find the Lost City. So I
could find you."
"Perhaps the Jedi Prince would like another candy-
flavored bun," Tibor offered sarcastically, handing the
boy a bun through the bars of his cell. Ken’s stomach
was still groaning with hunger. He munched on the bun as
the three-eyed Imperial ruler asked Tibor to depart, so
he could talk to the prisoner alone, in private. Tibor left
as requested.
To foil spies and secret listening devices, Trioculus
activated a small sound-wave scrambler he carried in his
pocket. It would assure that no one else would hear what
they were saying.
Ken yawned once more, feeling tired again. "Why did
you want to find me?" Ken asked.
"Why, to become your protector, of course," Trioculus
replied. "So you could leave the droids who raised you
and be free."
Ken’s eyelids felt weighted down, dragging him once
again into sleep. What had Trioculus just said, he
wondered? Things were becoming foggy. Uhmm-
something about wanting to become Ken’s protector .. .
"You-you don’t care about me," Ken declared, struggling
to remain awake. "You’re a liar. I know why you’ve
been looking for me. You want to destroy me because I
know too much!"
"What do you think you know that I would care about?"
Trioculus asked in a cagey tone.
"I know that you got to be ruler of the Empire by
pretending you’re Emperor Palpatine’s son. But you’re
not. You’re an impostor! I even know what you did to
the Emperor’s real son, Triclops. And that he’s still
All three of Trioculus’s eyes widened in alarm. "Such an
imagination for a boy your age. You have a head full of
absurd fantasies."
"You know I’m telling the truth. And if you try to hurt
me, I’ll escape and tell everything I know about you!"
"Who would you tell?" Trioculus asked.
"Kadann, the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side," Ken
"Nothing escapes Kadann’s attention," Trioculus said. "I
sincerely doubt you could tell him anything he hasn’t
already foreseen in his prophecies."
"Then I’ll tell all your enemies in the Empire! If they ever
find out the truth about you, they’ll assassinate you!"
Trioculus understood at once that this Jedi Prince would
have to be destroyed, at any cost. If some of his
have to be destroyed, at any cost. If some of his
enemies, who didn’t know any better, were to find out
the truth, they would begin a search for the Emperor’s
real son, and try to put that insane madman in power.
Trioculus had to stop that from happening. Palpatine’s
real son, Triclops, was too dangerous and destructive for
even the Empire to tolerate. Trioculus and the Central
Committee of Grand Moffs knew all too well that
Triclops was incurably insane and a terrible threat. They
had managed to imprison and hide him in Imperial insane
asylums. But they knew it would be unwise to destroy
him, because Triclops often betrayed himself. In his mad
dreams, he had come up with many ideas that had
proved useful to the Empire. His ideas-and inventions-
had been essential to them for building certain weapons
and machines of destruction.
"You’re a young boy with strong opinions and dangerous
ideas," Trioculus said, his voice suddenly becoming very
gruff. "We shall meet again, Jedi Prince Ken. Very
soon!" Trioculus went back to see Zorba the Hutt at
"I want that boy," Trioculus said. "What is your price?"
Zorba gave a slobbering smile and chuckled. "I want just
two things." Trioculus clenched his fists. "Name them."
"Number one," said Zorba. "I want you to close down
your factory barge here. Your smokestacks cause
"A little braze never harmed anyone," Trioculus insisted.
"Hah!" Zorba exclaimed. "Hutts can’t stand braze, and
neither can tourists." Zorba wagged his fat tongue at
Trioculus scoldingly. "Business in the casinos is down-
way down-even though we’re offering bigger jackpots
than ever! Braze is driving our customers away-no one
wants to come to Cloud City and breathe your foul
"And the second thing?" said Trioculus, giving no hint of
what his response would be to the first demand.
"Princess Leia. I know you have her. She murdered my
son, Jabba, and she will pay with her life."
Trioculus knitted his eyebrows and frowned. "No. You
cannot have Princess Leia." Zorba pounded his right fist
into his left palm. "Leia for Ken! One human traded for
another! Fair is fair!"
"No," said Trioculus.
Zorba’s pale, wrinkled face became inflamed, turning a
bright, fiery red. "Yes!" Zorba hissed.
"No!" stormed Trioculus.
"Yes, yes, yes!! I am a Hutt, and a Hutt does not allow
the murder of his son to go unavenged!" Zorba snorted,
snarled, sneered, and then asked, "What use is the Rebel
Alliance princess to you?"
"She will be my wife," Trioculus declared in a gruff, angry
voice. "She will be Queen of the Empire!" Hearing those
words, Zorba’s old heart nearly burst.
"And when she’s my queen," Trioculus continued, "there
will be new taxes on every casino in Cloud City, starting
with your Holiday Towers. Taxes for Queen Leia. So
she can have anything her heart desires!"
Zorba’s yellow, reptilian eyes turned up in shock. He
wheezed like a creature about to die.
"I want Ken," Trioculus repeated. "And for Ken I will
give you . . . a new spaceship. They say the old Zorba
Express is ready to be made into scrap." Zorba spit on
the ground near Trioculus’s feet.
"Curse you, you three-eyed mutant!" he growled. "You
will never get Ken!" Trioculus leaned forward, turning his
hands into fists. "Give me Ken, now! Or I will destroy
Cloud City!"
Zorba’s eyes narrowed and glowed like yellow fire.
"We met as friends today. We congratulated each other.
But from now until the end of time, you and I are sworn
enemies! And once a Hutt makes an enemy, there is no
retreat until death!"
"It is you who will die for this, Zorba," Trioculus
"May I never look upon your ugly, scarred face again,"
Zorba replied. Trioculus pressed a button on the
communication device on his belt. Seconds later, the
door to the penthouse was smashed to pieces as
Trioculus’s stormtroopers burst into the room, their
blasters drawn.
But Zorba was just as fast on the button. His signal
summoned an attack team of Cloud Police, hiding just
beneath the floor. As a trapdoor popped open, the room
was suddenly swarming with Zorba’s henchmen.
The sound of Zorba’s belly laugh echoed throughout the
room. "A-HAW-HAW-HAW!!.."
Revenge at Last!
Zorba’s penthouse was filled with blazing laserfire.
In the fast fury of combat, Zorba was struck several
times, leaving small, black scorch marks on his thick,
wrinkled skin. But his skin was tough enough to protect
him. And he didn’t stop laughing for even a second.
Zorba’s twinkling yellow eyes watched with glee as his
Cloud City Police devastated the stormtroopers using
their new model laser pistols.
A few stormtroopers escaped from the penthouse suite
with their lives. They fled down the hall and were
captured by a second group of Zorba’s Cloud Police,
who were just arriving on the top floor to serve as
The moment he realized that his defense forces were
being defeated, Trioculus, half-crazed by the maddening
being defeated, Trioculus, half-crazed by the maddening
sound of Zorba’s laughter, tried to escape too. But he
ran smack into three approaching Cloud Police. They
overpowered the three-eyed Imperial tyrant, shackled
him, and took him directly back to the penthouse suite, to
face Zorba the Hutt. Zorba pointed to the Cloud Police.
"Take him away. Take him to the room where we encase
victims in carbonite. I’ll deal with him as soon as I return
from destroying the factory barge-and Princess Leia
along with it!"
While those momentous events were taking place in the
penthouse suite, something almost as momentous was
going on in the basement of the Holiday Towers Hotel
and Casino. A human guard brought a meal to Ken in his
cell. But Ken was no longer hungry. He was now feeling
much more alert, less tired, and able to make a plan of
action. Ken decided to try the Jedi mind trick he’d tried
on Trioculus. But this time he would use it on the guard
He concentrated. Freeing his mind of all thoughts except
the thought of getting free, he imagined the guard’s mind
emptying-entering a state of total confusion.
"Can’t you see that I’m not the boy you are looking for!"
Ken exclaimed. "I’m Tibor, the bounty hunter! The
prisoner tricked me and locked me in here! Help me get
out of here, before he gets away!"
It worked! Thinking Ken was Tibor, the guard
apologized and hurriedly unlocked the cell. Soon Ken
was outside the Holiday Towers building, running through
the streets of Cloud City.
He passed many dazzling sights of the big city, including
Masque Hall, where he peeked through a window to see
the never-ending masquerade party.
Next he stumbled upon the Central Cloud Car Taxi Port.
Unfortunately his pockets were empty. He had no credits
to pay for a ride back to Han Solo’s sky house. The Jedi
mind trick had worked once, so Ken tried it again on the
taxi driver. And once again it worked. Ken actually
convinced the taxi driver that he had already paid for the
On the Imperial factory barge, Luke and Kate were
searching for Princess Leia. Luke used the
macrobinoculars he had brought with him to peer in the
windows of every building he could see. He was trying to
find any possible clue that might lead him to the princess.
Then at last, while staring at a room on the top floor of
the tallest factory, he spotted her. She was smashing a
window and crawling out onto a ledge. Luke looked
higher with the macrobinoculars, checking out the roof of
the building. There was a platform with a hovertransport.
Around the corner of the building from Leia, he saw a
service ladder that went up the side of the building-a
ladder that could help them get up to her!
A short time later, when Luke met up with Leia on the
ledge, she was so startled she almost fell, but then
regained her balance.
"Leia! At last Kate and I found you!" Luke said. "There’s
a ladder to the roof around the corner. Quick-follow
Leia, Luke, and Kate carefully climbed the ladder up to
the flat, black roof. They scurried across it and soon
the flat, black roof. They scurried across it and soon
reached the platform with the parked hovertransport.
Luke used the macrobinoculars again, this time to scan
the brown sky above the tall smokestacks, looking to see
if there were any Imperial vehicles flying nearby. But
instead of an Imperial vehicle he saw the Millennium
Inside the Millennium Falcon Han Solo and Chewbacca
were weaving in and out among the smokestacks,
desperately searching for Luke, Leia, and Kate. Laser
cannons from the barge fired at the Falcon as Han
descended low enough to spot the wrecked cloud car
convertible. Then suddenly he heard a communication
signal and a familiar-sounding voice!
"Millennium Falcon! Do you copy? Over."
It was Luke!
"I copy," Han said. "Where are you, Luke? Over."
"Check starboard, three-five. I’m piloting the Imperial
hovertransport. This thing’s a puddle jumper without
even enough vertical thrust to get us home."
even enough vertical thrust to get us home."
"I’ll get below you and open the hatch," Han said. "Do
you think Kate can make the jump into the Falcon?
"Of course she can," Luke replied. "We’re all ready to
ditch this thing and fly back in style!"
In seconds the Millennium Falcon was flying directly
below the hovertransport, a short leap away. Leia and
Kate jumped out of the hovertransport first, falling safely
into the Falcon. Then Luke set the hovertransport on
automatic pilot and made the leap too. Ground fire
continued to target them. It missed the Millennium
Falcon, but blew the hovertransport to pieces.
Luke looked around the cockpit of the Falcon. "Where’s
Ken?" he asked. "You didn’t leave him home alone, did
"Don’t blame me," Han said, "but Ken got behind the
wheel of my Custom Model-Q Foley and zoomed off for
Cloud City."
"Han, he’s just a kid!" Luke protested. "He’s not even
thirteen years old!"
"Tell that to him," Han said. "He seems to think he’s old
enough to drive in the Cloud Car Racing Finals. But
don’t worry, I sent Threepio, Artoo, and Chip to bring
him back." When Luke, Leia, and Kate were safely
seated inside the Millennium Falcon, a fleet of very
strange looking spaceships appeared, each one a unique
model from a different planet. There were dozens of
them, and most of them were out-of-date models. It was
a fleet of bounty hunter spaceships. A ragtag fleet, the
spaceships descended through the clouds until they were
just above the factory barge. Leading the pack was the
ancient Huttian spaceship, the Zorba Express. The
Millennium Falcon soared away from the factory barge
and over the Rethin Sea, just in time to avoid being
spotted by the incoming fleet. From inside the Falcon,
Han, Chewbacca, Luke, Leia, and Kate could see the
fleet of spaceships attacking the factory barge. The
spaceships attacked relentlessly, dropping ion explosives,
nova bombs, and doonium acid mines.
The entire factory barge began to quiver and tremble
under the shock of the tremendous blasts.
At last Zorba the Hutt scored a direct hit on the central
generator building-the domed power center for the
Imperial barge.
In their last look back, Han, Chewbacca, Luke, Leia,
and Kate saw the factory barge splitting in two and
A huge fireball rose into the plumes of brown smoke.
Han Solo could practically feel the heat of the explosion
behind him as the Millennium Falcon flew farther and
farther away. The factory buildings, smokestacks and all,
plunged down into the sea of liquid rethin, then vanished
as if they had never existed at all.
"A narrow escape, Chewie," Han said with a grin. "If I’d
stopped for even half a minute to lubricate our subatomic
accelerator, our friends here would still be down there,
boiling in bubbling rethin."
Han wasn’t the only one who was pleased with his
timing. Zorba the Hutt was just as pleased, because he
had information that Princess Leia was a prisoner in the
tallest building on the barge, trapped in Trioculus’s
And so he was convinced that Princess Leia had gone
down with the factory barge, and that her mortal remains
were now sinking deep into the liquid metal core of
Bespin. The death of Jabba the Hutt had been avenged!
"A-HAW-HAW-HAW!! . . ." Zorba roared. Zorba the
Hutt returned directly to Cloud City, to the very room
where Darth Vader once encased Han Solo in carbonite.
There Trioculus was strapped to a hydraulic platform
from which he could not escape.
"Your so-called Queen of the Empire is dead, Trioculus,"
Zorba announced. "Princess Leia’s body is now sinking
into the core of the planet, along with all your factories.
So the next time a Hutt offers you a fair deal-a chance to
trade one life for another-think twice before you refuse
it." Zorba stroked his beard and wagged his thick tongue.
"But I almost forgot. There won’t be a next time for you.
"You’ve sealed your doom, Zorba!" Trioculus shouted in
defiance. "An armada of Imperial starships will come to
destroy you-and Cloud City!"
Zorba thumped his massive tail on the floor in anger.
"When the rumor gets out that you’ve been encased in
carbonite and hidden somewhere in Cloud City, no
Imperial will dare try to blow up this city. Besides, Cloud
City was armed by the Rebel Alliance before I took it
over from Lando Calrissian. We’ll gladly defend
ourselves against any stormtrooper invasion!"
"We can still make a deal, Zorba," Trioculus said. "I
could share my power with you! You could become a
grand admiral in the Empire!"
"Never," Zorba replied with a scowl. "I’d rather join the
Rebel Affiance than raise the tip of my tail to help you!
And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to encase you in
carbonite. Your body will be frozen and trapped, and
your mind will be in constant torment!" Zorba licked his
cheeks with his thick tongue. "Get ready . . . get set . . ."
"No, Zorba! Stop!"
"No, Zorba! Stop!"
"Go!!!" Zorba threw the switch, and the hydraulic
platform was dropped into the pit.
"Ahhhhhhrrrrggghhh!" Trioculus screamed, the sound
growing louder and louder. In the pit there was bubbling
liquid, gaseous fumes, and huge billows of smoke.

The deed was finished.
Just as it had once been done to Han Solo, Trioculus’s
body was now trapped inside a block of carbonite.
Huge metal tongs then lifted the block out of the pit.
Trioculus resembled a living sculpture; all three of his
eyes now stared out in horror into the blackness in front
of his face.
Soon Zorba broadcast his news from Cloud City,
announcing the death of the Rebel Alliance Princess who
murdered Jabba the Hutt! He warned all citizens to be
alert for a possible Imperial attack, because Emperor
alert for a possible Imperial attack, because Emperor
Trioculus-now encased in a block of carbonite-was
about to become a permanent, heavily guarded exhibit in
the Cloud City Museum. Inside the Millennium Falcon,
they too heard Zorba’s news broadcast.
"Trioculus has been carbonized-that’s the best thing
that’s happened since I finished building my sky house!"
Han exclaimed. "But we’ve got to get you off the planet,
Princess. If Zorba the Hutt finds out that you’re still alive,
sparks are going to fly. And I don’t want you to be
around when the trouble starts."
Making a quick stop at Han’s sky house, they picked up
Ken, along with Chip, Threepio, and Artoo-Detoo. The
three droids had spotted Ken returning to Han’s house in
the cloud taxi. As Han packed up a few things, Ken
frantically told everyone about his misadventures in
Cloud City.
But they didn’t hang around very long. For all Han knew,
bounty hunters were spying on his sky house with
macrobinoculars just to make sure that Leia was really
dead. As soon as they were all aboard the Millennium
dead. As soon as they were all aboard the Millennium
Falcon, Han set their course, punching codes into the
navigation unit without giving anyone any clues about
where he was taking them.
"You haven’t even had a chance to enjoy your house yet,
Han," Leia said. "I’m sorry you have to leave like this."
"Your safety comes first, Princess. For the time being,
I’m leaving behind the life-style of a homeowner. I’m
officially a traveling man again."
"Where should we go?" Luke asked the princess. "To the
Rebel Alliance Senate on Yavin Four?"
"Too many Imperials between here and Yavin Four,"
Leia countered.
"If they board us for an inspection and find you," Han
said, "Zorba the Hutt will be one of the first to hear the
"Dweeeeboo Ptzvaaa!" Artoo tooted.
"Artoo suggests that perhaps we should head for your
home planet, Han," Threepio translated. "The Corellian
life-style has always been agreeable to droids."
"I’ve got another place in mind," Han replied.
"Where exactly?" Leia asked.
"Don’t you like surprises?" Han asked.
"Is it a planet?" Ken added.
"Or is it a moon?" Luke asked. "Or an asteroid?"
"Or a space station?" Ken suggested.
"Let’s just say it’s a romantic place," Han said with a
"Romantic, Han?" Princess Leia asked, smiling.
"Yes, Princess. Any objections?"
"None that I can think of," she replied. "As long as I have
my brother along to chaperon," she teased. "Okay with
you, Luke?"
you, Luke?"
"Affirmative," Luke replied. "Power up and engage
sublightspeed thrusters!" And they took off.
Han’s sky house quickly became a speck of dust far
behind them. Moments later, so did the planet Bespin.
"Luke, take over the accelerator for a minute, okay?"
Han asked. Luke took control of the acceleration lever
and Han gave Princess Leia a kiss-a very long kiss.
While he was kissing Princess Leia, a crazy thought
popped into Han Solo’s mind. Maybe he should propose
marriage to her. Maybe it was about time that he popped
the question.
But what would he say exactly? Senator Leia Organa,
could you ever love a mischievous Corellian pilot like me
enough to say "I do" at the altar? No-too stiff and formal.
How about the simple approach? Princess, will you
marry me? Nope. Too short, not enough affection. What
about Leia, will you be my wife and the mother of my
children? No, too old-fashioned.
It was a tough problem. A very tough problem indeed.
It was a tough problem. A very tough problem indeed.
No doubt about it, he would have to wait until some
other day to figure out how to say the words in just the
right way. Or the day after some other day. Ken smiled
and gave Luke Skywalker a little nudge as they watched
Han and Leia embrace. Luke waited until just after Han’s
and Leia’s lips separated before pulling on the hyperdrive
thruster, boosting their velocity far above light speed.
ZWOOOOOOSH! There was a blurry flash!
And then they were gone!
Avabush spice
A spice that acts as a truth serum, also brings on
sleepiness. Often it’s baked into sweets, such as candy-
flavored buns.
A mammoth creature as large as an elephant, with
tremendous looped horns. Ridden by Tusken Raiders as
tremendous looped horns. Ridden by Tusken Raiders as
a form of transportation.
The giant, gaseous planet where Cloud City is located.
Bespin is located in the Bespin System. It has a core of
liquid rethin metal, but its prosperity comes from the
resources of its Tibanna gas mines. The Empire maintains
a barge on Bespin that floats just above the Rethin Sea,
with many factories for making war machines. Braze
A word that is short for "brown haze," much as the word
"smog" is short for "smoke and fog."
A substance made from Tibanna gas, plentiful on the
planet Bespin, where it is mined and sold in liquid form as
a fuel in Cloud City. When carbonite is turned into a
solid, it can be used for keeping humans or other
organisms alive in a state of suspended animation,
encasing them completely.
A dusty, slightly bent, old barrel-shaped droid hidden in
a secret room in the palace of Jabba the Hutt. He has a
hologram file containing Jabba the Hutt’s will. Chip (short
for Microchip)
Ken’s personal droid, who lived with him in the Lost City
of the Jedi and has now gone out into the world with him.
Cloud Police
The force that keeps the peace by enforcing the laws of
Cloud City. Their leader is Chief Muskov, who does the
bidding of the governor of Cloud City. The Cloud Police
have a tradition of trying to remain neutral between the
Alliance and the Empire. Jabba the Hutt
A sluglike alien gangster and smuggler who owned a
palace on Tatooine and consorted with alien bounty
hunters. He was strangled to death by Princess Leia,
choked by the chain that held her prisoner in his sail
barge at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Jawa
A meter-high creature who travels the deserts of
Tatooine collecting and selling scrap. It has glowing
orange eyes that peer out from under its hooded robe.
An ugly, quarrelsome alien species. Scavengers, they
have pale pink skin, red eyes, and sparse white fuzz that
covers their thin bodies. They are sometimes known to
hang out in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Kate (short for KT-18)
A female, pearl-colored housekeeping droid that Luke
buys from jawas on Tatooine as a housewarming gift for
Han Solo.
A twelve-year-old Jedi Prince, who was raised by droids
in the Lost City of the Jedi. He was brought to the
underground city as a small child by a Jedi Knight in a
brown robe. He knows nothing of his origins, but he
does know many Imperial secrets, which he learned from
studying the files of the master Jedi computer in the Jedi
Library where he went to school. Long an admirer of
Library where he went to school. Long an admirer of
Luke Skywalker, he has departed the Lost City and
joined the Alliance.
The planet where Zorba the Hutt was kept prisoner for
illegally mining gemstones. Mos Eisley
A spaceport on Tatooine, made up of low concrete
structures. The cantina at the spaceport is a dangerous
place, a hangout for many outlaws and fugitives. Ranats
Cunning and small, these powerful pests are ratlike
aliens, with rodent tails and sharp teeth. They have now
settled into Jabba’s palace on Tatooine. Repulsorlifts
Repulsorlifts keep Han’s sky house, Trioculus’s factory
barge, and even Cloud City floating in the air.
Rethin Sea
The liquid metal core of the planet Bespin.
A popular casino card game in Cloud City.
A large transport used by the jawas.
Sky house
A new concept in dwellings, invented by Han Solo and
Chewbacca, it is a house that uses repulsorlifts to float in
the sky. Han owns the only sky house on Bespin. It floats
on a cloud on the outskirts of Cloud City.
A desert planet with twin suns, Tatooine is Luke
Skywalker’s home planet. Tibor
A bounty hunter who hangs out at Mos Eisley on
Tatooine. Tibor is a Barabel alien-a vicious, bipedal
reptiloid who has horny green scales. He is hired by
Zorba the Hutt to assist and serve Zorba in any way the
Hutt desires.
Three-eyed mutant who was the Supreme slavelord of
Kessel. He is now Emperor. Trioculus is a liar and
impostor who claims to be the son of Emperor Palpatine.
In his rise to power he was supported by the grand
moffs, who helped him find the glove of Darth Vader, an
everlasting symbol of evil.
Tusken Raiders
Also called sand people they live a nomadic life in some
of Tatooine’s most desolate deserts. Often riding on
Banthas for transportation, they are vicious desert
bandits who fear little and make frequent raids on local
Twi’lek alien
A humanoid alien with a head tentacle, he is one of the
bounty hunters who hangs out in the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Zorba Express
Zorba the Hutt’s ancient bell-shaped spaceship.
Zorba the Hutt
The father of Jabba the Hutt. He was unaware of his
son’s death because he had been a prisoner on the planet
Kip. Zorba looks similar to Jabba, but he has long white
braided hair and a white beard. Jabba’s will leaves all of
his possessions to Zorba, including Jabba’s palace, and
the Holiday Towers Hotel and Casino at Cloud City on
Table of Contents
Book 3

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