SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
SAEP-1350 Design Basis Scoping Paper
1 Background....................................................... 3
2 Purpose of the DBSP........................................ 3
3 DBSP Applicability............................................ 7
4 DBSP Implementation....................................... 7
5 DBSP Contents............................................... 20
6 DBSP Review Procedure................................ 34
7 DBSP Approval............................................... 35
8 Distribution of Approved DBSP....................... 36
9 DBSP Revisions.............................................. 36
Attachment A - Definitions..................................... 38
Attachment B - DBSP Development Process........ 40
Attachment C - DBSP Development Checklist…... 41
Attachment D - FPD Divisional Responsibilities…. 43
Attachment E - DBSP Approval Sheet................... 44
Attachment F - DBSP Contributors
Identification Page................................ 45
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Document Responsibility: Facilities Planning Depart ment SAEP-1350
Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
1 Background
Since 1982, Saudi Aramco Corporate Management has endorsed the concept that
Project Proposals for individually engineered Budget Items (BIs) will be supported by
Design Basis Scoping Papers (DBSPs). Facilities Planning Department (FPD) is
responsible for preparation and development of these DBSPs. Consistent with this
direction, the procedures for preparing, approving and revising DBSPs contained in this
document are mandatory for all organizations involved in developing capital projects,
including FPD, the Proponent and the Construction Agency.
2.1 The DBSP is a “contract” between the DBSP signatories to further develop the
proposed project in a manner that will ensure that the project's stated Business
Objective is achieved in an economical (i.e., cost effective) manner.
2.2 The DBSP, together with the Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards and the
existing as-built drawings, shall provide:
2.3 The DBSP is an integral part of the overall capital project planning process, in
that it broadly describes the project scope required to achieve a stated Business
Objective in an economical manner, and the bases which shall be used to further
develop the project scope during the Project Proposal Phase, as indicated in the
following overview of the planning process:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
2.3.3 Study Phase – The primary purpose of the Study Phase is to complete
the analysis required to:
During this phase, FPD identifies and evaluates viable alternatives for
achieving the stated Business Objectives, taking into account the
anticipated operating environment, and confirms that the Business
Case is still supportive of continued development.
2.3.4 DBSP and Budgetary Project Scope Definition Phase – The primary
purpose of the project scope which would economically (i.e., cost
effectively) achieve the stated Business Objective in the anticipated
operating environment. The DBSP and Budgetary Project Scope
Definition are two related, albeit separate, work products that should
generally be completed concurrently. During this phase:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
2.3.6 Project Proposal Phase – The primary purpose of this Project Proposal
Phase is to further define the proposed project's scope, consistent with
the project's stated Business Objective and the anticipated operating
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
2.4 Definitions of the key terms used throughout this DBSP Procedure are presented
in Attachment A.
3 DBSP Applicability
Project specific DBSPs are generally required for fixed–scope engineered Budget Items,
except for:
BI-1900 Budget Items.
Projects for which the Proponent controls all scope development and planning, such
as master appropriation Budget Items for offshore platforms/flowlines and onshore
Off-the-shelf (i.e., pre-engineered) purchased items, such as helicopters and crude
oil tankers.
4 DBSP Implementation
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
the corresponding tasks are described in this section. The primary objectives of these
guidelines are to:
Ensure that stated “Purpose of the DBSP” (Reference Section 2) is achieved.
Ensure that FPD's project scope recommendations are well founded and would
achieve the project's stated Business Objective in an economical (i.e., cost effective)
Improve the quality and consistency of the DBSPs.
Improve the productivity of FPD and the other organizations primarily involved in
the preparation of DBSPs.
4.3.1 Search FPD files for previously completed DBSPs for similar facilities,
which effectively describe “what” facility capabilities are to be
provided, consistent with this DBSP Procedure, for use as a “go-by.”
4.3.2 Prepare an execution plan for developing the DBSP consistent with the
requirements stipulated in this DBSP Procedure, which:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.3.3 Review DBSP execution plan with FPD Supervision (e.g., Coordinator)
to ensure that:
Further develop the proposed project's scope, more specifically the alternative
selected during the Study Phase, to confirm the types of facilities to be provided
and the corresponding design bases.
4.4.1 Establish the extent to which the project scope needs to be defined in
the DBSP to effectively achieve the project's stated purpose (i.e., its
Business Objective). This extent will depend in large part on the
complexity of the analysis and perspective required to establish
economical project scope (i.e., the extent to which an understanding of
the operating environment in which the project's stated Business
Objective would have to be achieved and the economic evaluation
criteria is required). In its simplest form, the project scope definition
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure Include the approved LUP in the DBSP issued for approval. Ensure that the APG Work Director receives a copy of the
draft DBSP and approved DBSP, regardless of their need
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.4.4 Establish the location of each physical interface between the existing
and proposed facilities (e.g., inlet and outlet process streams, inlet and
outlet utility streams, entrance and exit roadways), as definitively as
reasonably possible
4.4.5 Fully characterize the conditions at each interface (e.g., for process
streams - pressure, temperature, and fluid composition). Preliminary
characterizations should have already been completed as part of the
Study Phase. Note that for some aspects of these characterizations, it
may be more appropriate and reasonable to provide ranges.
4.4.6 Refine, as required, the economic evaluation bases (e.g., the bases for
determining the Net Benefits that the Kingdom would realize) to be
used to further develop the project's scope, in conjunction with
Business Analysis
4.4.9 For each element of the proposed project's scope that needs to be
defined in the DBSP.
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.4.11 Review the selected alternatives with FPD's Supervision (e.g., Work
Director, Coordinator) to ensure that the appropriate alternatives have
been selected.
4.4.12 Review each of the selected alternatives with the Proponent to:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.4.18 Document the additional scope to be included in the initial draft DBSP.
4.4.19 Document the project scope to an extent consistent with the purpose of
a DBSP, as described below (Reference DBSP Contents).
4.4.20 Review the initial draft DBSP with FPD Supervision (e.g., Work
Director, Coordinator) to ensure that it is consistent with this DBSP
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.5 Identify the additional studies which Project Proposal engineering contractor
needs to perform to further develop the project scope. These evaluations may
Additional front-end scope evaluations required to define the types of
facilities to be provided (i.e., evaluations which should be completed during
DBSP development). Ideally, all reasonable efforts should normally be
made to complete all front-end scope evaluations during DBSP
development. However, if additional front-end scope evaluations are
required, the DBSP shall stipulate that FPD will actively participate in
performing these evaluations and establishing the required facility design
4.6 Assess the major constructability and logistical issues specific to the proposed
project, such as:
Accessibility to the proposed site (e.g., availability and type of roads) and/or
the site of the proposed facilities within an existing facility (e.g., limitations
due to existing facilities, such as pipe racks).
Load restrictions (i.e., weight bearing capabilities) of access roads and
Height clearances of bridges which extend across access roads.
Available sea port and airport facilities, including:
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.7.1 The extent to which the existing drawings must be updated to reflect
as-built facilities.
4.7.3 The time required to modify existing drawings and the corresponding
impact on the project completion schedule.
4.8 Identify and evaluate major surplus equipment and excess materials available
within Saudi Aramco (e.g., Saudi Aramco's inventories) for possible use on the
proposed project, as an alternative for achieving the proposed project's stated
purpose in a more cost effective manner, to the extent deemed necessary to
provide the Construction Agency and Project Proposal engineering contractor a
sound basis for further developing the proposed project's scope. This preliminary
assessment should generally be completed with assistance from the Construction
4.9 Document the results of the above tasks in an initial draft of the DBSP, in
accordance with this DBSP Procedure.
4.10 Value Engineer the project scope, as described in the initial draft of the DBSP.
Projects with an initial capital investment of over $50 million, unless FPD
and PMOD mutually agree that a Value Engineering Study is not warranted.
Other projects for which FPD determines a Value Engineering Study would
be beneficial, subject to PMOD's agreement.
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.10.1 Issue the initial draft DBSP, and if available, the initial Budgetary
Project Scope Definition to PMOD for a Value Engineering Study,
along with an explanation of the project scope which FPD does not
support. Explaining the rationale for the alternative chosen during the
Study Phase for further development during the DBSP and
Budgetary Project Scope Definition Phase. This explanation
shall include a review of the other alternatives that were
4.10.3 Modify the initial project scope to reflect the Value Engineering Study
recommendations which FPD agrees would strengthen the Business
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.11 Update the initial draft DBSP to reflect the Value Engineering Study
recommendations to which FPD agrees.
4.12.1 Review the draft DBSP with FPD Supervision (e.g., Work Director,
Coordinator) to ensure that the appropriate Value Engineering
recommendations have been properly incorporated.
4.12.2 Issue draft DBSP for formal review by all involved organizations.
4.12.5 Document the changes to be made to the DBSP, along with FPD's
assessment of the extent to which each change is consistent with the
proposed project's stated purpose (i.e., its Business Objective).
4.13 Complete the DBSP by incorporating changes to be made to the project scope
definition, including:
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
Note that the DBSP, itself, should not distinguish between the project scope
supported by FPD and the project scope not supported by FPD.
4.14 Document the project scope which FPD does not support and the underlying
4.15.1 The project scope which FPD supports, together with the underlying
4.15.2 The additional project scope which FPD does not support, together
with the underlying rationale.
4.15.3 Any significant issues which could materially impact the Business
Case for the proposed project.
4.16 Review the completed DBSP with the Construction Agency, as required, to
ensure that the Construction Agency fully understands:
4.16.2 The bases for evaluating alternatives for achieving the stated Business
Objective during Project Proposal development.
The two primary elements of the Capital Budget Economic Evaluation Phase of
the overall project planning process are also shown in the schematic of the
DBSP Development Process, as the results of this economic evaluation may
impact the project scope defined in the DBSP issued for approval.
The cost estimates for the project scope which FPD does not support shall be
comparable to the cost estimate for the project scope described in the DBSP and
Budgetary Project Scope Definition (i.e., they should reflect the full cost of the
project scope element, so that FPD can reasonably establish the initial capital
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
4.17.1 Issuing to PMOD the Capital Budget cost estimate request, complete
with: The updated draft DBSP (i.e., the draft DBSP to be issued
for approval), including the Budgetary Project Scope
4.18 Confirm that the Business Case (i.e., the business rationale) supports continued
development of the proposed project, based on the Capital Budget cost estimate.
5 DBSP Contents
All DBSPs shall include an Approval Sheet to document the approval of the
DBSP by authorized representatives of the Proponent and FPD, the two
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
All DBSPs shall include a sheet to document the FPD Planner, who is
responsible for the overall DBSP and ensuring that the DBSP is prepared and
developed in accordance with this DBSP Procedure, and the major contributors
from each of the organizations primarily involved in preparing the DBSP. The
format stipulated in Attachment F, DBSP Contributors Identification Sheet, shall
be used in all DBSPs.
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This section shall provide a concise statement of the purpose (i.e., the
Business Objective) of the proposed facilities (i.e., what is to be
achieved in terms of Saudi Aramco's Strategic Direction and Business
Plan objectives, as opposed to the host Operating Plant and/or System).
For example: “The purpose of the facilities is to support the corporate
strategy to maintain MSC, by providing accommodations, buildings,
shops, and other support facilities required for producing the remote
Shaybah field at a rate of 500 MBCD.”
This section shall explain the business reason for developing the
proposed project. More specifically, this section shall:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure For projects located within an existing facility (i.e., the host
facility), the following information shall generally be
a) Location of the proposed facilities in relationship to
other facilities, particularly the physical interfaces
between the proposed facilities, existing facilities and
planned facilities (e.g., as indicated in a Master Plan
for the existing facility).
b) Availability of temporary construction facilities
(e.g., laydown and fabrication yards, camps, offices,
utilities) within or in the vicinity of the existing facility.
c) Characteristics of construction utilities (e.g., water –
available quantity and quality by water type,
electricity – available quantity by voltage).
d) Topography of the proposed site.
e) Soil conditions.
f) Site weather conditions.
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
Note that the Design Objectives are different from the Purpose of
Facilities, in that they describe the functions performed by the
proposed facilities, while the Purpose describes the Business Objective
of the proposed facilities (i.e., what is to be achieved in terms of Saudi
Aramco's Strategic Direction and Business Plan objectives).
This section shall describe the general design bases, which apply to the
entire project, as opposed to any specific project scope element.
Examples of these common design bases are as follows:
For process facilities, the characterization of hydrocarbon streams
and utilities entering and exiting the battery limits (i.e., the physical
interfaces) of the proposed project, to the extent required by the
Project Proposal engineering contractor to define the project scope
required to obtain an ER Cost Estimate.
For infrastructure facilities
- The characterization of the people to be served by the proposed
project (e.g., numbers, functions).
- The characterization of anticipated traffic patterns.
- Characterization of equipment (e.g., vehicles - numbers, sizes
and weights) to be accommodated by the proposed project.
- General land-use guidelines (e.g., setbacks, landscaping, and
parking guidelines).
While every effort should be made to fully define each general project
design basis prior to DBSP approval, in situations where this is not
reasonably possible (e.g., a project schedule acceleration), each
preliminary design basis shall be identified as such, along with the date
by which FPD will provide the final design basis, to allow the
Construction Agency and the Project Proposal engineering contractor
to plan accordingly.
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure This section shall also identify project scope which is not
subject to additional front-end evaluation during Project
Proposal development, and thereby reduce Project Proposal
development cost.
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This section shall provide the project milestone schedule. The milestone
dates include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
DBSP issue to Construction Agency.
Project proposal start.
Project proposal completion.
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Beneficial use.
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
6.1 The sequence of reviews during DBSP development, as more fully described
above (Ref. DBSP Implementation) is summarized below:
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
FPD reconfirms the Business Case, based on the Capital Budget Cost
6.2 The depth of the reviews should depend on the type and significance of the
project involved and the extent to which it impacts various Business Lines.
The list of organizations from which review and comment on the draft DBSP are
to be solicited shall be developed from the appropriate FPD Division
Distribution List and included with the draft DBSP. FPD will be responsible for
coordinating the review meetings and input from the solicited organizations.
7 DBSP Approval
7.1 Approval of the DBSP shall be obtained from the Proponent, Engineering
Services, and Project Management. Signature authority shall not be lower than
designated below:
Engineering Services:
Manager, Facilities Planning Department
Manager, Process and Control Systems Department
(Process and Control Scope items)
Manager, Environmental Protection Department
7.2 The appropriate format for the DBSP Approval Sheet is provided in
Attachment E.
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
8.1 FPD shall transmit the approved DBSP, including the Budgetary Project Scope
Definition, to the responsible Construction Agency as the basis for Project
Proposal preparation. The original of the signed Approval Sheet will be retained
in FPD's Budget Item (BI) File. Copies of the approved DBSP shall be given to
the Proponent and other Organizations represented during the review process.
Two copies shall be sent to the Technical Information Center.
8.2 Other copies shall be distributed in accordance with the latest FPD Division
Distribution List. Each FPD Division is responsible for maintaining an up-to-
date standardized Distribution List for its DBSPs, which reflects the needs of its
Proponents and other involved organizations.
9 DBSP Revisions
9.1 FPD must approve all revisions to the DBSP. Circumstances, which may
warrant consideration of a revision, are:
9.3 The Construction Agency and Project Proposal engineering contractor shall
contribute to this evaluation, as required, by providing a description of the
proposed scope modification in sufficient detail to obtain a Capital Budget Cost
Estimate and an assessment of the impact of the proposed modification on the
project schedule. Additionally, they shall provide an assessment of the impact
of each proposed scope modification on the Project Proposal cost and schedule.
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
9.4 Based on the results of the evaluation, FPD shall formally recommend to the
Proponent that the proposed scope modification be adopted, rejected, or studied
9.5.1 Adopt the proposed modification, FPD shall prepare and issue an
addendum to the pertinent sections of the DBSP for review and
9.5.2 Reject the proposed modification, the DBSP will not be amended.
9.5.3 Further study the proposed modification, FPD shall complete the
required analysis, assisted as required by the Construction Agency and
the Project Proposal engineering contractor.
9.6 If the Proponent does not concur with FPD's recommendation to:
9.6.1 Adopt the proposed modification, FPD shall formally advise the
Proponent that FPD does not support the Proponent's decision.
9.6.2 Reject the proposed modification, FPD shall prepare and issue an
addendum to the pertinent sections of the DBSP for review and
approval, and formally advise the Proponent that FPD does not support
the Proponent's decision.
9.6.3 Further study the proposed modification, FPD shall formally advise the
Proponent that FPD does not support the Proponent's decision.
Revision Summary
15 November 2011 Revised the “Next Planned Update.” Reaffirmed the content of the document, and
reissued with editorial changes to replace the primary contact person, PS&CD to PMOD,
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Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
Attachment A – Definitions
Terms Definition
Budget Item A discrete project that has been defined and evaluated to the
extent required for Management to include it in the Business Plan
and commit additional resources to further develop the information
required by Management, and if deemed appropriate, the Board of
Directors, to make reasonable business decisions regarding the
continued development of the project.
Budgetary Project Scope A preliminary description of the facilities that might actually be built
Definition (i.e., "how" the required facility capabilities could be achieved),
defined in sufficient detail to develop a Capital Budget Cost
Estimate, when combined with the information provided in the
Business Case The information required to make reasonable business decisions
regarding a proposed capital project, including its scope,
throughout its development. For purposes of the DBSP, it
consists of:
A clearly defined Business Objective, in terms of Saudi
Aramco's Strategic Direction and its Business Objectives.
A comprehensive description of the anticipated operating
environment, at the Kingdom level, the Saudi Aramco level, the
Operating System level, and the Operating Plant level, in which
the stated Business Objectives would have to be achieved.
A comprehensive description of the quantifiable and qualitative
Net Benefits that the Kingdom would likely realize.
A description of the proposed project, itself.
An explanation of the business rationale (e.g., economics) of
the proposed project. In the DBSP, this explanation shall
generally be limited to an explanation of the anticipated Net
Business Line Saudi Aramco's basic organization structure. Currently, there are
five business lines.
Business Objective The purpose (i.e., what is to be achieved) of the proposed project,
broadly stated in terms of Saudi Aramco's Strategic Direction and
Business Plan objectives, as opposed to operational
considerations at the Operating Plant level and/or Operating
System level).
Capital Budget Cost Estimate An estimate of the initial capital investment, deemed to have an
accuracy of ± 40%.
Conceptual Cost Estimate An estimate of the initial capital investment, deemed to have an
accuracy of ± 70%.
Construction Agency The organization responsible for design, procurement and
construction of facilities covered by an individual Budget Item
(e.g., a department within the Project Management Administrative
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Terms Definition
EPD Environmental Protection Department.
ER Cost Estimate A definitive estimate prepared in support of the funding request
document. Project Support & Controls Department (PMOD)
normally prepares this estimate and has the primary responsibility
to ensure that the ER Cost Estimate satisfies all Company
standards for format and quality. If the ER Cost Estimate is
prepared by the Construction Agency, it must be reviewed and
endorsed by PMOD.
ERA Expenditure Request Approval date – The date project funding
becomes available upon approval by the Executive Committee
(EXCOM) or Board.
ERC Expenditure Request Completion date - The date on which the
Performance Acceptance Certificate (SA 7214) is signed off, for
the project. It is close to, but need not match, the "beneficial use"
or "on-stream" dates for the facilities, which are the dates on which
the Proponent begins to use the facilities.
FPD Facilities Planning Department.
Net Benefits The benefits after taking into account other actions which could
contribute to partially or wholly achieving the project's stated
Business Objective (i.e., other mitigating actions). For example,
the Net Benefits of a project which would increase the reliabilit y of
a particular facility would take into account the capabilities of other
related facilities to also contribute to achieving the stated Business
Operating Plant A facility which is capable of contributing to achieving a Business
Objective on a stand-alone basis.
Operating System A group of related facilities that contribute to achieving a common
Business Objective.
Project Proposal A document prepared by the Construction Agency which defines
the actual facilities to be built, in sufficient detail to obtain an ER
Cost Estimate from PMOD. The Project Proposal scope also
provides the baseline for measuring Project Change Requests
(PCRs) after funding approval.
Proponent Organization responsible for the operations of, or owner of,
facilities covered by the DBSP. Normally, this will be an
Administrative Area within a Business Line.
PMOD Project Support & Controls Department.
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure.
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard.
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Material System Specification.
Study Cost Estimate An estimate of the initial capital investment, deemed to have an
accuracy of ± 50%.
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
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Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
General Considerations
Does the Business Case support further development, based on the Capital Budget Cost Estimate?
Does the project scope definition presented in the body of the DBSP, together with Saudi Aramco's
Engineering Standards and existing as -built drawings, provide sufficient information for:
The Project Proposal engineering contractor to independently develop project scope that achieves the
project's stated Business Objective in a economical manner.
The Construction Agency to effectively plan and execute Project Proposal development?
Does the body of the DBSP effectively describe:
The Business Case, and
The types of facilities to be provided, along with the corresponding technical design base s, economic
evaluation bases, and required facility attributes?
Are all preliminary descriptions of the actual facilities that might be built (e.g., equipment quantities and sizes,
major design parameters, process descriptions) required to obtain a Capital Budget Cost Estimate
engineering consolidated in a separate document (i.e., the Budgetary Project Scope Definition)?
Is the proposed project's Business Objective clearly defined, documented , and reviewed with the Proponent?
Specific Considerations
Is the proposed project's Business Objective clearly defined, documented and reviewed with the Proponent?
Is the anticipated operating environment broadly described, encompassing relevant aspects of the operating
environment at the Kingdom level, the Saudi Aramco level, the Operating System level and the host Operating
Plant level?
Has an execution plan for developing the DBSP been prepared and reviewed with FPD Supervision?
Has the extent to which the project scope needs to be defined in the DBSP been established?
Have the economic evaluation bases to be used to further develop the project's scope, been established in
conjunction with Business Analysis?
Have the justifiable project capabilities required to effectively achieve the project's Business Obje ctive been
Are the physical locations of the proposed facilities described to the extent required to effectively ori ent the
Construction Agency and the Project Proposal Contractor?
Are the physical interfaces between the existing and proposed facilities described to the extent required to
effectively define the project's "battery limits"?
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Document Responsibility: Facilities Planning Depart ment SAEP-1350
Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
Specific Considerations
Have alternatives for each major project scope element been identified and properly evaluated to establish a
justifiable project scope?
Is each project scope element effectively described, consistent with the purpose of the DBSP and the most
recent DBSP Procedure?
Has the project scope definition and the underlying rationale been reviewed with FPD Supervision and the
Are all references to a particular project scope element consolidated in the appropriate DBSP section?
Are all scope evaluations performed prior to and during DBSP development described in the DBSP?
Are all evaluations to be completed during Project Proposal development described in the DBSP, together
with all required evaluation parameters?
Are the Value Engineering recommendations which strengthen the Business Case incorporated in the DBSP?
Has the Proponent been formally advised of the project scope, as described in the DBSP, which FPD
supports and the project scope which FPD does not support?
Page 42 of 45
Document Responsibility: Facilities Planning Depart ment SAEP-1350
Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
OFPD : Oil Facilities Planning Division
GFPD : Gas Facilities Planning Division
IPD : Infrastructure Planning Division
MFPD : Manufacturing Facilities Planning Division
IT&E : Information Technology and Electrical Facilities Planning Division
Page 43 of 45
Document Responsibility: Facilities Planning Depart ment SAEP-1350
Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
Approval – Proponent
Facilities Planning Department
E-4760, Dhahran
Signature Date
Page 44 of 45
Document Responsibility: Facilities Planning Depart ment SAEP-1350
Issue Date: 15 November 2011 Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP)
Next Planned Update: 15 November 2016 Preparation and Revision Procedure
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