Fiji School Disaster Management:: A Guide
Fiji School Disaster Management:: A Guide
Fiji School Disaster Management:: A Guide
This material was adapted by Save the Children from the following resources:
1. World Bank, IFC (2010). Disaster and Emergency Management Guidance for Schools and
2. Risk RED (2010). Toolkit for Disaster Resilience and Readiness
3. Save the Children (2012). Tips for Supporting Children in Disasters
4. Concern Worldwide (2011). Disaster Preparedness for School Safety, India.
Printing and distribution is made possible with the support of: The European Commission
Humanitarian Aid department.
This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission. The views expressed
herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.
3. Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….23
1 Introduction to Comprehensive School Safety
1.1 Hazard impacts and children’s rights
Every year, natural hazards and technological hazards become both small and large disasters. These
disasters threaten the lives of children, their families, and education personnel. These disasters also
deprive children of their right to a continuous, quality, basic education in a safe environment.
Many, perhaps even most of these risks can be avoided by the actions we take.
School disaster management is designed to protect children, education personnel, and education
The most terrible consequences of disasters are deaths and injuries in schools. Schools that are
unusable because of damage, prolonged use as shelters, unsafe access, loss of equipment and
materials, or lack of teachers can lead children to fall behind, fail to achieve their goals, and lose their
hopes and dreams.
In the process we will also be safeguarding educational investments and strengthening disaster
resilience everywhere, through education.
This Handbook primarily addresses pillar #2: School Disaster and Emergency Management and is a
contribution to the Education in Emergencies Policy (EiE). It is written for school administrators, and
staff, and local disaster management to fulfil their obligations under the EiE Policy. However, the goal
of school disaster management is not 'a plan'. The goal is ongoing planning, in which every small step
adds to increased safety over time. By using the film and this handbook, and completing the activities
outlined in the film, administrators and teachers will be fulfilling some of their most fundamental
responsibilities to children.
School disaster management planning is a part of all good education and school management.
Known, expected, and even unexpected hazards can be planned for, using the same simple
approaches, as a regular part of school life. When schools are role models and work together with
local communities successes can be enjoyed by present and future generations.
2.1 Knowing Our Dangers
Assessment and planning is the starting point for all thoughtful mitigation and safety efforts. For
without assessment, planning is arbitrary and without planning, assessment has no purpose.
The film guides the teachers to host a discussion in your classroom and document the hazards that
you face. Steps to undertake this activity with your classroom are provided in Annex 1, Activity 1 and
Activity 2.
An important element of Planning is the profile of the school, like general information on the total
number of students and staff. It will contain a brief description of the physical location of the school,
surrounding areas and vulnerabilities. This should include two maps:
Map showing School Grounds and nearest critical resources and evacuation routes
Map of the community and nearest critical resources and evacuation routes
The map showing nearest critical resources should also indicate the following:
Main physical features (mountains, ocean, flat land, etc.).
Land use (what crops are grown where? Etc.)
Transportation and communication network.
An individual cannot do this alone, and we must encourage motivation to make the school a safer
place. Involve staff, students, and school community in developing and discussing your plan. Meet
together to decide on what needs to be done, what small steps you can take, and what help you need
to seek.
2.2.2 Risk Reduction Plan
What can be done? Who can do it, How much will it Status update
and who can help? cost? / date
2.3 Prepare to Respond: Skills and Provisions
Think everything through; Adopt Standard Operating
Procedures; Develop response skills and organization.
Hold simulation drills to practice, reflect upon and update
your plan.
Standard emergency response procedures depend on the hazard, and can and should be
customised to your unique circumstances. These are built around six basic emergency
procedures detailed below:
Building Evacuation
Assemble & Shelter Outside
Evacuate to Safe Haven
Safe Family Reunification
The Emergency Procedures Decision-Tree illustrates the different circumstances that lead
to these six basic procedures. Remember that individuals with disabilities may need
assistance to participate in these procedures.
Is the building safe? If the building is unsafe then Building Evacuation should be
immediately triggered. If the building is safe then the students and staff should be instructed
to Shelter-in-Place.
Are the school grounds are safe? If school grounds are safe then Assemble and Shelter
Outside is the procedure. If school grounds are known to be unsafe then Evacuation to
Safe Haven should take place
Reassess for safety. No matter which procedure you have followed, you then need to
reassess your conditions from time to time. If conditions are completely safe, you may
resume classes, and you may release children to return home, as usual. However, if
conditions are not safe, or there are disaster impacts, you must use Safe Family
Reunification Procedures. Students should returned to the care of their parents/guardians or
pre-designated emergency contacts, and each reunification documented. Students should
remain cared for and supervised until the last student is reunited. In the case of drills and
small events a Reverse Evacuation may be practiced to return to class, prior to ‘All Clear’
instruction and resumption of classes.
School Principal: Sounds building evacuation alarm. Makes announcement to students and
staff. Activate systems for emergency response as appropriate. Monitor and provide
updates and instructions as available. Maintain communication. Announce any new
procedure. Announce ‘All Clear’ when emergency has ended.
Teachers: Ahead of time: Practice as a class, hazard procedures. Identify any students or
staff that may need special assistance during evacuation. Learn from these individuals how
best to help them.
Reverse Evacuation
Practice reverse evacuation at the end of your drills, when you go back to your classrooms,
following all of the same rules.
Shelter in place
You may be requested to shelter-in-place when there are dangers outside the school, such
as severe weather or flooding. Shelter-in-place is appropriate when evacuation is not
necessary, or when there is not time to evacuate. It should be announced throughout the
school using a public address system or face-to-face communication.
School principal: Ensures that List of Emergency Contacts for each student is updated by
parents at the beginning of the school year, and can be updated by parents at any time.
Teachers: Make sure that both students and parents are familiar with student release
procedures for emergencies and disasters. Greets parents and emergency contacts at
Request gate, providing them with Student-Family Reunification Form (Permit to Release
Child) form to fill out. Verify that the adult picking up the child is listed on the List of
Emergency Contacts and verify their identity.
Make additional copies of this form, as needed, to verify safe family reunification for
each student.
Name of Verified by
approved Contact # Principal
Class Emergency and Signature or
Contact picking Destination designee
up student
Visitor registration: To protect visitors from all hazards, and to protect students and staff from
intruders, schools should must maintain a single entrance and registration system with name-tags for
visitors, so that staff and students will know that unfamiliar people have identified themselves before
moving around on campus. Communicate these rules widely and assist visitors in the registration
Emergency calls: When calling for police, ambulance, fire or other emergency services be prepared
to describe WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHAT is happening, WHO you are and how to call you back. Do
not hang up until told to do so. For personal safety you should program a next-of-kin phone number
under the name “ICE” in your cell phone. This is the universal name for “In Case of Emergency”.
Medical Emergency: Provide immediate medical care and call ambulance if necessary.
Violent incidents at school are not impulsive, random, or epidemic. Prior to most incidents the attacker
told someone about his/her idea or plans. There is no accurate profile of a violent offender. Some, but
not all violent students have social difficulties, and there are many motivations for violence.
Prevention can be achieved by building a climate of trust and respect between students and adults.
School should provide a place for open discussion where diversity and differences are allowed and
communication is encouraged and supported. Attention must be paid to students social and emotional
as well as academic needs.
Whenever any threat is made, do not ignore them, and do not over-react. Threats of violence may be:
direct - specific act against a specific target is identified in a clear and explicit manner; indirect -
vague, unclear, ambiguous or implied violence; veiled - implied but not explicitly threat; conditional –
warning of violence, if terms are not met (eg. extortion). A professionally-trained threat assessment
team may need to evaluate whether the threat poses low, medium or high risk, considering student
behavior, personality, school, social, and family dynamics.
If there is a suspicious or unknown persons: If you sense a threat, ask a colleague for
immediate help. If you feel threatened trust your feelings. Keep distance. Use assertive verbal
language and strong body language. Call police as necessary. Call for immediate Lockdown if
If you encounter bullying: School culture should not tolerate bullying and anyone witnessing or
experiencing bullying should feel comfortable reporting it and knowing that adults will follow up.
Supportive family intervention may be needed for both victims and perpetrators of bullying. For
more information see
If there is a fight among students: Call or send someone to the Office. You are not required to
physically intervene. Identify yourself and instruct combatants to stop. Call them by name, instruct
spectators to move away. Keep track of events for subsequent report. Dispatch staff to control
and disperse onlookers.
If there is a person with a weapon: Call or send someone to Office. You are not required to
physically intervene. Try to remain calm. Try not to do anything that will provoke an active
shooter. The threat may be high, medium or low risk depending on many factors. One staff
member should call police and describe the situation: eg. static (intruder barricaded somewhere)
or dynamic (moving around), any injuries to staff or students, number, location and description of
intruders. Also report suspicious devices, with description and location.
If there is a bomb threat: Stay calm. Keep caller on the line. Do not upset the caller. Indicate
your willingness to cooperate. Do not pull fire alarm. Signal silently to co-workers to call police,
immediately. Permit the caller to say as much as possible without interruption. Take notes on
everything said including observation of background noise, voice characteristics, language, etc.
Ask as many specific questions as possible. Stay on the line if you can. Speak with Police. Write
everything down. Police will advise if building evacuation is necessary. If so, administration should
announce Building Evacuation. Staff should make a visual check of classroom or immediate
area. Anything suspicious should be reported immediately but not touched. School personnel
should not handle, search for, or move a suspected bomb. Classroom teacher should evacuate
immediate vicinity of any suspicious object. Do not use radios, walkie-talkies or cellular phones to
avoid accidentally triggering an explosive device. Staff nearby should turn off stoves, equipment,
and gas supply to building. Do not return to the building again until police, fire personnel or
administration give the ‘all clear’.
When you are in transit: When traveling to and from school, to reduce vulnerability to random
acts of violence, staff and students should use well-travelled, open routes. Walk assertively and
be alert to everything around you, and travel with a buddy or escort, especially at night. There
may be some circumstances when authorities advise people to vary their routes, to avoid being
targets of attack. Avoid dangers by getting away quickly. Scream loudly for help “Call the Police”.
A variety of professional and community security patrols may all be important to increasing
personal safety.
If you hear a fire alarm: Treat as a real emergency. Follow building evacuation
procedures. Never open a closed door without checking first for heat. Do not open a hot
IF YOU SEE A FIRE: Put out small fires with fire extinguisher or cover source of fuel with
blanket. For modern fire extinguisher use, remember “P.A.S.S.”: Pull safety pin from
handle. Aim at base of the flame. Squeeze the trigger handle. Sweep from side to side at
the base of the flame. Shut off source of fuel if safe to do so (eg. gas).
Activate fire alarm. Alert others. Call emergency telephone number and report location of
fire. Evacuate building. Close doors and windows.
1. PULL safety pin 2. AIM at base 3. SQUEEZE the 4. SWEEP from side
from handle of the flame. trigger handle to side at the base of
push them down, roll them and/or cover with blanket, rug or coat: STOP, DROP
and ROLL.
During the shaking: At first indication of ground shaking, instruct loudly: “Earthquake
position: Drop, Cover & Hold On”. When the shaking is over, evacuate outdoors,
away from the building.
In classrooms, the person closest to the door should open it fully. Anyone near an open
flame should extinguish it. DROP down on your knees and make yourself as small a
target as possible. COVER your head, neck and face. GO under a sturdy desk or table to
protect your head and neck and as much of your body as possible. HOLD ON to your
cover. Stay away from tall and heavy furniture or heavy equipment, and overhead
hazards. Do not use elevators.
• In a wheelchair, lock it and take the “brace position” covering head and neck. If in
stadium seating, take the brace position in your seat.
• In science labs and kitchens extinguish burners and close hazardous materials
containers and/or place out of harm’s way before taking cover. Stay away from hot stove,
overhead cabinets and from hazardous materials that may spill.
• Inside in open areas where no cover is available, move towards an interior wall and
away from falling and overhead hazards. Drop, Cover and Hold, protecting you head and
neck with your arms.
• In library, workshops, performance areas and kitchen move away from shelves,
books and instruments if possible.
• In stadium seating: Take the “brace position” until the shaking stops. Follow ushers
instructions for orderly evacuation.
• Outdoors move away from buildings, walls, power lines, trees, light poles and other
hazards. Drop down to your knees and cover your head and neck.
• In school transportation, driver should pull over and stop the vehicle, away from
overhead hazards. Take the “brace position”.
AFTER THE SHAKING STOPS: move outdoors, away from the building to Assemble and
Shelter Outside.
Take the same protective measures as during the shaking.
In case of moderate or severe earthquakes, before you exit your room, check around
you for anyone injured. Administer life-saving first aid (open airway, stop serious
bleeding, treat for shock). Ask responsible students to assist lightly injured. IF a severely
injured or trapped individual is inside, make them comfortable. Give them a whistle and
comfort item and reassure them that search and rescue team will come for them. If
staying would be dangerous, non-ambulatory injured should be transported with class.
Put out any small fire. Take ten seconds to look around and make a mental note of
damage and dangers to report. Leave your doors unlocked. Check for safe exit routes
and then carefully evacuate building, moving away from the building.
For tsunami generated at close range: Your warning is very strong earthquake shaking, unlike
anything you are used to.
For tsunami generated at medium range: Your warning is an earthquake felt shaking that lasts for 30
or 40 seconds or more.
For tsunami generated at long distance: Your warning will come from international agencies and your
national tsunami early warning system by TV, radio, loudspeaker, and megaphone. Heed these
warnings immediately until announcement that the danger is past.
In all cases: Immediate evacuate to higher ground to previously selected Safe Haven at higher
ground and away from coast, or vertical evacuation site.
The safest places are indoors, away from windows, with shutters firmly closed. If in
vehicle stay inside and face away from windows. Get down and cover head with arms. If
outdoors use arms, bag books to cover your head and move towards shelter.
Call emergency telephone number. Issue alert using public address system or door-to-
door. Evacuate the building following Building Evacuation and Assembly Procedure.
Drop and Cover under desk, tables or other furniture that will protect you against flying
glass and debris. When it is safe refer to the Emergency Call section and immediately
report an explosion. Leave doors open to permit exit, if building is damaged. Stay away
from outside walls and areas where there are large pieces of glass and/or heavy
suspended light fixtures. Standby for further instructions, from your TEAM LEADER.
2.4.7 Emergency Provisions Checklists
In case of the need for building or site evacuation, there are some key supplies that need to be ready
to take with you. These same supplies will be needed if you have to shelter-in-place. The checklists
provided in the Addenda recommended supplies to be maintained by administration, nursing office, in
each classroom, and schoolwide.
The school administration office “go-box” should staff and student class roster and schedules, and
for elementary and secondary schools it should contain Student Emergency Contact Cards, and
student check-in and absentee log and daily visitors log, school site map, important phone numbers,
keys, and office supplies.
Each classroom should have a classroom “go-bag” or “go-bucket. These ‘evacuation supplies’
should be taken on field trips, and can also be used in case of lockdown or shelter-in-place (where the
bucket can serve as a makeshift toilet). Each room will also need an emergency clipboard or
notebook that can be hanging on a hook at the exit, or placed inside the “gob-bag”. This should be
updated at the beginning of each school year and in preparation for school drills.
Student “comfort-bags” should be requested from parents and kept in a duffle bag or backpack in
homeroom classes, ready at exit. Parent-teacher association may want to assist in assembling these
items, particularly for those who many not be able to afford them. Parents can also be asked to
donate one blanket per child to the school, which will be kept in the Emergency Supplies Container
(see below).
School emergency supplies should be located in a shed, container or bin, stored outside the main
school buildings. The contents should include supply of water (approx. 4 liters of water per person per
day – half drinking, half sanitation). This may be used by the school or community, if the school is
utilized as a shelter. It should include communication devices. And as needed, vests and hardhats for
response team members, shelter supplies, WC privacy screen, and light search and rescue supplies if
Monitor how well you are doing; Work together and communicate your plan; Reach
out to others. Consider if there is more you can do - to help yourselves and others.
School Date
3. Physical protection measures are taken to protect students and staff and facilities
Risk mitigation from DRR Plans: School buildings and grounds are maintained and repaired for
disaster resilience (eg. Roof for windstorm, plant trees for landslide)
Fire prevention and fire suppression measures are maintained and checked regularly (eg. Bucket
with sand, fire blanket, fire extinguisher).
Measures are taken to protect equipment and materials from wind and water damage (eg.
Waterproof container for books and documents)
School infrastructure, including access routes, shelters and safe evacuation points are developed
as needed and maintained for safety.
4. School personnel have disaster and emergency response skills and school has
emergency provisions
School personnel have roles and responsibilities assigned to organize disaster response
School maintains first aid supplies.
School maintains fire suppression equipment.
5. Schools have and practice policies and procedures for disasters and emergencies
Standard operating procedures include: building evacuation and assembly, evacuation to safe haven,
shelter-in-place, and family reunification procedures
School personnel have and practice procedures to ensure safe student reunification with
emergency contacts identified in advance by parents or guardians.
School drills have been held
2.6 During and After a Disaster: Implement your Plan, and be Flexible
Use your standard operating procedures and drills to guide you. Keep children safe and
protected. Conduct damage assessment.
Implement your standard operating procedures and your responsibilities matrix. Use your
response skills.
Annex 1: Children’s Activities
This is a list of suggested activities that you can do with your
Activity 1: Knowing our Dangers: Natural
Hazards and Human Made Risks
1. To allow students to identify the different hazards and learn the terminology for
Learning Outcomes
Explain with examples the concepts of ‘hazard’ ‘natural hazard’ and ‘human-
made’ hazards
Develop discussion (speaking and listening) skills
Materials & Preparation
2. Key Messages for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in Fiji: A Guide For Public
Education & Awareness
1. Ask the pupils to form pairs and to discuss what dangers they have faced.
2. Then ask pairs to say which dangers they find most concerning and most wanting
to take action. Encourage lively (but respectful) exchanges of opinion.
3. Ask what questions these raise and suggest that over the next few weeks
students seek answers to their questions by talking with parents, community
members, and visiting experts.
Make note of the hazards that cause the most concerns, and record the students'
questions. Return to this in a few weeks to ask students if their understanding has
increased, if their questions have been answered, and if they feel that steps are
underway to become safer.
Activity 2: Knowing our Dangers: Hazard
To consider the pattern of natural hazard across the year, and messages for disaster risk
reduction appropriate to the month or season.
Learning Outcomes
Understand the seasonal calendar and when natural hazards are likely to occur
1. Divide the class into groups of four.
2. Explain to students that their task as a group is to devise a calendar for the year
based on natural hazards that may be faced throughout the year. This won't
include those that are year-round dangers, but it will highlight hydro-
meteorological / weather-dependent hazards. Their calendar should be
organized by months. Each month should be given a special name and a
description of what happens.students can draw their own pictures
3. Have the students present their calendars to one another.
Have groups present their calendars in an assembly, inviting fellow students and
community members to comment and contribute.
Activity 3: Knowing our Dangers: School
Grounds Safety and Mapping
To involve children in leading in the creation of a school grounds risk and resource map
to raise awareness about hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities in the school, and to
engaging in awareness and risk reduction.
Learning Objectives
To learn to identify natural and human-caused hazards (dangers, risks, weaknesses)
To learn to identify resources and capacities for risk reduction and recovery
A map of the school grounds, if one exists.
Paper and colouring pencils.
If there is a school grounds map, take a look at it. If there is no such map, have older
children create a map of the school grounds (This can be done in math and science
classes, introducing various forms of measuring and creating drawings to scale, or it can
be done conceptually, and refined together). Explain a bird's eye view, which looks at
space from above.
1. Ask children if they've seen any maps? Hold an open discussion about what maps can
show, what scale they can be, and what kinds of information they can show.
2. Introduce the idea of using a map to show how various natural and human-induced
hazards might affect your school. What are the dangers and weak areas, and
resources and capacities that would come in handy in case of the various natural and
human-induced hazards that could affect your school.
3. Ask students to work in groups to produce school grounds and building maps. Share
with children the types of vulnerabilities and resources to be marked:
Entrance and exit
Post in visible places in each classroom which clearly marked evacuation routes. Update
the School Disaster Management Plan.
Evaluation: Ask for feedback on the maps, and observe whether they are used to help in
observing the school environment and improving safety conditions.
Activity 4: Knowing our Dangers:
Community Walk, Survey and Mapping
To involve children in leading in the creation of a community risk and resource map to
raise awareness about hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities in the community, and to
engaging in awareness and risk reduction.
Learning Objectives
Identifying natural and human-caused hazards (dangers, risks, weaknesses) in the
local environment
Identifying resources and capacities for risk reduction and recovery in the local
Enhancing ability to gather, analyze, and communicate information.
Community Walk Survey sections attached: SURVEY THE AREA, and SURVEY ACCESS TO
A map of the your community, if one exists. If possible, download a street map from
Google Maps that you can trace to get started.
Stage 1: This can be done in class, or in an afterschool club.
1. Ask children if they've seen any maps? Hold an open discussion about what
information maps can show, and what scale they can be.
2. Introduce the idea of developing a map to show how natural and human-induced
hazards might affect your community. Each group of children should focus on
one set of hazards faced (Group 1) hydro-meteorological: cyclone, flood (group
2) geophysical: earthquake, landslide, tsunami, volcano) (Group 3) Technological,
biological, others.
3. This way they will be better able to see and understand the dangers, safe
evacuation routes and safe havens, and also
resources for safety and health.
5. Have student form groups of four or five and give each group a big sheet of paper
and different color markers.
6. Ask students to decide how big an area will the map cover (around the school),
and start by making a plain paper, map or traced map and show: (1) geographical
information (e.g. rivers, ponds, mountains/hills, beaches, crop fields, plantations)
(2) key buildings and infrastructures (e.g. schools, hospitals/ health centers,
roads, bridges, churches, water facilities, shops). (3) four directions (north,
south, west, east).
8. Once groups finish drawing, ask each group to mark up the areas where natural
hazards (e.g. earthquakes, tidal waves, flooding, cyclones, droughts, landslides)
caused damages before.
9. Discuss map colors, recognizable symbols and legends, and how to mark maps
clearly. (The colours used to identify different levels of risk are usually: red - very
risky, orange or yellow - moderate risk, green - low risk).
10. After marking in the areas, ask each group to pin their own maps on the
classroom wall (or display them on the tables or floor) and invite them to walk
around to investigate each other’s maps
11. After the viewing, ask each group to briefly speak about their map and share
what they have learned from examining other group’s maps. Hold a class
Stage 2: This can be done as a field trip, and/or as part of an open assembly for the
whole community, arranging in advance for conversations and guidance from local
community leaders and other stakeholders).
Explain that you will be doing a community walk of the area to do some research and to
collect more information for your map. Explain to pupils that they are to have a village
walk with community members in order to learn more about their local environment.
Students can stay in the same group as for Stage 1.
1. Have students review the ‘community walk survey form’ to work up a list of
questions to ask on their community walk.
Examples are:
1. What are the land and road conditions like in the area we are visiting (dry,
muddy, slippery, flat, steep). Are any of these areas dangerous for any reason?
2. How close is this area to the riverbank?
3. Where are water sources, health centers, community or religious facilities, and
other key facilities?
4. Are there designated shelters or evaluation routes if these hazards exist?
2. Also develop questions to ask people along the way, or at destinations: Eg. “What
could you do to help the school/neighborhood in a disaster?” and “What can the
school do to reduce its own risks and help the community?” Invite parents to
assist in organizing walking tours and visits to local resource sites. At least 1
parent/supervisor per 10 children is advised.
3. After collecting their information on their survey form, students can create one
large map of the hazards and resources they have found. Ask students to identify
any areas on the map that are particularly exposed to danger or lacking in
4. When you get back have the groups come together to combine this information
with the map created earlier. In small groups, have students and community
members ask each other questions and share information, and identify questions
that remain unanswered. Ask for volunteers who will present their findings in an
all-school or open school-community assembly.
5. Display your map for the whole school to see, and develop a plan for updating it
at least once a year and update your school disaster management plan
Document whether people refer to the map and use it. Is it helpful when it comes to
school community risk reduction planning? Check to see whether students are familiar
with the important features on the map, and whether they learn it to use new
information. Do children comment on the accuracy of the map and propose change to
it? These are all signs of an effective activity.
Is the way to school safe for girls?
Is the way to school safe/accessible for persons with disabilities?
Suggestions to address each of the problems, by reducing risks:
Locate and mark any of these on your map. This list is not exhaustive. You may think of many other
Activity 5: Meeting the needs of all
To consider who might be more vulnerable in your community and plan for how you can
help them if there is an emergency
Learning Outcomes
Understand people’s different
abilities and how we can help
vulnerable groups in the time of
1. Have students discuss people who might need special assistance during an
emergency. This can include the eldery, children, people with disabilities
2. Identify these households in your classroom and arrange for 3-4 students to visit
these households and learn about what assistance they might require
3. Have these students report back to the classroom and mark these households on
your community map
4. Speak to your village authority about planning for their needs
Activity 6: Packing a Go-Bag
To prepare the classroom if there is a need for building or site evacuation, and have
some key supplies that need to be ready to take with you.
Learning Outcomes
Children understand items to take with them in the time of a disaster
3. Each classroom should have a classroom “go-bag”. These ‘evacuation supplies’
should be taken on field trips, and can also be used in case of lockdown or
shelter-in-place. Each room will also need an emergency clipboard or notebook
that can be hanging on a hook at the exit, or placed inside the “gob-bag”. This
should be updated at the beginning of each school year and in preparation for
school drills.
4. Go through the checklist provided and speak with children about where you can
get these resources. Request students to speak with their parents and
community members to help pull together the items for a go-bag.
Activity 7: Safety Rules
To remember safety rules for an evacuation procedure
Learning Outcomes
To remember the basic safety rules
Materials & Preparation
Song lyrics for rules for safety
1. Remind students about the Rules for Safety : Don’t Run; Don’t Talk; Don’t Push; Don’t Turn Back.
Don't talk - so you can hear the teacher
Don't run - so you don't get hurt
Don't push - so no one else gets hurt
Don’t go back – so you stay safe
Learn the song as a classroom. Practice the actions to go with the words.
2. Ask each group of students to demonstrate what to do, and have the whole class
join in a classroom evacuation
Take time to discuss how students can improve. Let them know that in the next lesson
they'll learn more about conducting a simulation drill, and help to teach these skills to
Activity 8: Preparedness Response Skills:
Fire Safety
To remember safety rules for fire
Learning Outcomes
1. To remember the basic safety rules for fire
2. Divide your classroom in to groups of three and role play each of the following
Group 1 : (only do this group if your school as a fire extinguisher) Pull, Aim, Squeeze and
Group 2: Get down low and go go go. Listen and learn the song.
Group 3: Stop Drop and Roll. This group should practice stop drop and roll as individuals
and then get into pairs and practice helping their partner to stop, drop and roll.
3. Do a role play: Pretend that there is a fire in the classroom and that one child has also
set alight (note: DO NOT light a fire, just pretend). Have one student play the role of
catching on fire. Have one student role play getting a bucket of sand to put out the fire,
another to assist the person on fire by assisting them to stop, drop and roll and cover
them with a blanket. Demonstrate this to the classroom.
4. Practice a fire drill as a classroom and evacuate to your safe haven remembering your
rules for safety and your standard operating procedures.
You have noticed smoke coming into the classroom from a window. You know this is
coming from outside, but you are unsure where. The door is on the opposite side
therefore you should evacuate. Instruct students to “get down low and go go go” and
evacuate to the pre-determined safe assembly area outside the classroom.
Add a problem: During the evacuation one student has run away to look at the fire. The
student comes running back and their clothes have caught fire (you can indicate this
through a drawing of a fire to be placed over a T-shirt). Observe what the students do to
assist the student on fire. They should first make him Stop, Drop and Roll and assist with
any burns once the fire is extinguished.
To remember safety rules and the standard operating procedures for earthquake and
Learning Outcomes
1. To remember the basic safety rules
2. To master standard operating procedures and rules of evacuation
3. Students and parents understand emergency release procedures for real life
Materials & Preparation
Preparation: Inform parents that you will conduct a mock evacuation drill and test the
emergency student release procedures.
1. Using the guidance provided demonstrate the Standard Operating procedures with
the children
2. Teach the children the rules of a safe evacuation using the simulation guidance
3. Encourage student to take drills very seriously. Inform them that you will now practice
a building evacuation. See below drill scenarios provided. Prepare location of evacuation
(referring to your school map), first aid kit, and fire suppression equipment.
4. Practice the drill including the student release procedure and the reverse evacuation
to have children return to classroom.
5. Debrief with teachers and students and update the action plan from the lessons that
you learn.
Drill Scenarios
The drill will be based on a scenario for a likely 4.7 magnitude earthquake and affect all
areas of our province. Intense shaking will begin at [time] and will last for 40
seconds. There will be at least one aftershock within 15 minutes. Electrical power,
water, and sewer systems have failed in many areas. The telephones do not work. Larger
roads nearby are damaged. There is a risk of tsunami. Staff and students must
implement earthquake procedures and implement the appropriate response.
Activity 10: Sharing and Reaching Out
For children to share what they have learned with their community
Learning Outcomes
For parents, peers and community members to have knowledge of disaster risk
1. All of the activities and games realised by the children during the time could be
even more useful if there is a moment to share them with the community!
Parents, on one hand, and Disaster Management Committee members on the
other could be interested in the achievement of the children. Knowledge and
actions should not be stopped at the school level but can be spread widely. One
way of sharing what you have learnt is though song. But we also encourage you
to be creative with your classroom and think about role plays, demonstrations
and games to help the children engage with their community members.
2. Have the children perform their song to the community members and offer an
opporunity for parents and peers to ask questions about what they have learnt to
keep themselves safe.
Annex 2: Template for School Disaster
Management Plan
1. School Profile
To be subcommittee of School Board
Member of staff. To be decided by school Principal.
Conduct drills and initiate plan reviews based on drill evaluations.
Keep parents informed of the emergency notification system.
Supervise periodic safety checks and audit of school infrastructure and facilities.
In collaboration with the teachers, students and parents, develop the School
Disaster Management Plan and Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Communicate and test the school emergency plan with all staff, students and
Provide copies of the SDMP and School Emergency Evacuation Plan (hereinafter
referred to as SEEP) to the parents, the District Education Office and AMU.
Keep the District Education Office informed of actions taken and resources
Supervise the operation of the SDRMRC.
Provide leadership and activities for students during a period of enforced emergency
Be familiar with the psychosocial needs of children in the stress of an emergency
Encourage and support school safety, violence prevention and emergency preparedness
programs within the schools.
Provide volunteer services for school emergency preparedness, response and recovery.
Support and follow the SDMP and SEEP in times of emergencies.
Practice emergency preparedness, response and recovery in the home to reinforce
school training and ensure family safety.
Participate in developing the SEEP and SDMP.
Lead students in the execution of school emergency plan exercises, drills and trainings.
Work in collaboration with prefects and teachers during emergency drills and exercises.
Be responsible for themselves and others in an emergency.
Understand the importance of reporting situations of concern.
Develop an awareness of natural and technological hazards.
Take an active part in school emergency preparedness, response and recovery, as age
3. Hazard Identification and Safety Assessment
Hazard Identification:
Depending on history of past disaster what kinds of hazards occur in the area?
Probability – how likely is it to occur?
Vulnerability – if it occurs, what effect will it have on your school and its students and staff members?
Frequency – how often does it occur? When does it occur – seasonal? (history)
What do you plan to do about it?
Hazard Likelihood of Vulnerability Frequency/Timing Hazard Reduction Measure
the hazard Who is Resources
occurring at at risk?
4. Inventory of Resources Available in the School
The school should also keep the inventory of resources (skill, human power, equipment, etc.) available in the school such as:
Gap = difference between what is required and what is available
6. Drill Preparedness Checklists
7. Emergency Provisions Checklists
Marking pens
Reunification forms
4. SURGE CAPACITY (Who can provide teaching and administrative support, if staff are
unable to work, or need help?)
Annex 3: Glossary and Definitions for Teachers
Cyclone: relatively slow-moving but severe forward-tracking storms with fast rotational
winds of at least 120–320 km per hour. They have an ‘eye’: a central calm area. Maximum
power is close to the ‘wall’, or outer edge, of the eye. Major hazards associated with
tropical cyclones are: strong winds, torrential rainfall, wind-driven water, powerful and
destructive marine waves and storm surges, which cause coastal flooding, but can also
cause inland flooding of fresh and sea water via tributaries.
Earthquake: a sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by shifting of rocks beneath
the Earth’s surface. Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning, and can occur at any
time of the year – day or night.
Earthquakes are among the deadliest of natural hazards. Most deaths are due to building
collapse or to secondary hazards, such as fires, tsunamis, flooding, landslide and release of
chemicals or toxic materials. Injuries tend to be due to less-severe building damage, parts
of buildings or their contents falling or breaking, and failure to take precautions during
aftershocks.Tsunamis are usually associated with earthquakes, but they can also be
generated by volcanic eruptions or underwater landslides.
Flood: Natural causes include: high-intensity or prolonged rains, storms and storm surges,
drought. Man-made causes include: the failure of water containment and drainage
system, human-generated refuse in riverbeds and run-off channels, deforestation,
unsustainable land management, urban cement and asphalt cover. The two main types of
floods are inundation floods (which are slow, developing over hours or days) and flash
floods (which occur without warning, in places where there are no streams, generally
within six hours of a rain event, or after dam or levee failure).
Infestation: Agricultural pests are plants or animals that compete with humans for food
sources, can cause destruction to agriculture or livestock and have the potential to spread
disease in human and animal populations. Agricultural pests can present in a number of
forms, these include:
• Invasive plant species and fungi: These can colonize cultivation or pasture areas with
monoculture weeds, or contaminate crops.
• Rodents: Rats and mice may consume or contaminate human and livestock food
supplies, and spread disease in human and animal populations.
• Insects: Insects and other invertebrates, may consume or contaminate human and
livestock food supplies.
• Animal disease: Animal diseases may be spread by contaminated animals, alive or dead,
or by insects, biological products, food waste, wind currents and air.
King tides are naturally occurring and predictable seasonal events caused by the moon's
gravitational effect. During winter and summer, high tides are higher than average for
three or four days. Predicted heights may be affected by local weather and ocean
Landslide: a wide range of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and
shallow debris flows. The action of gravity is the primary driving force though other
contributing factors are rainfall, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, groundwater pressure,
erosion, destabilization of slopes through deforestation, and cultivation and construction.
Natural Hazards: is a threat of a naturally occuring event that will have a a negative effect
on people or the environment
Resource: a source or supply made up of materials, services, staff, or other assets that are
transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made unavailable
Risk: the potential of losing something of value, weighed against the potential to gain
Standard Operating Procedures: a set of fixed instructions or steps for carrying our
usually routine operations.
Storm surges and coastal inundation are associated with low-pressure weather systems
and are caused by high winds pushing on the ocean's surface. In areas where there is a
significant difference between high tide and low tide, storm surges are particularly
damaging when they occur at the time of high tide.
Tsunami: a series of huge waves carrying a massive volume of water that can flood and
inundate land for hours. These can be caused by an underwater earthquake (>
6.magnitude), volcanic eruption, sub-marine landslide, or more rarely a meteorite. The
first wave may not be the largest.
Volcano: an opening, or rupture in the earth's surface that allows hot magma, volcanic
ash and gases to escape. They are generally found where tectonic plates come together or
separate. Volcanoes pose several hazards: volcanic ash, gases, lahars, landslides, lava
flows, and pyroclastic flows.
Wildfire: (also known as a forest fire, brushfire or bushfire) requires three ingredients:
oxygen, heat and fuel. A wildfire is a large, uncontrolled and potentially destructive fire
that spreads quickly and may change direction or jump across gaps. Wildfires can affect
rural and urban areas, and can start in just seconds, sparked by a range of natural causes
(for example, lightning) or human carelessness (such as a discarded cigarette). The spread
of wildfires depends on the topography, the fuel available, and the weather. Dry
vegetation and abundant or uncleared dead wood are an enormous source of deadly fuel.
A small fire can become a rapidly spreading inferno in a matter of minutes – particularly in
windy conditions.