Aaadokumen - Tips - The Study of Telescopic Mast Iaea
Aaadokumen - Tips - The Study of Telescopic Mast Iaea
Aaadokumen - Tips - The Study of Telescopic Mast Iaea
The telescopic mast on the mobile robot has been developed in order
to move up and down the monitoring camera stably in the area where
the human access is limited, such as reactor in PHWR ( Pressurized
Heavy Water Reactor ). The neccessity, environments analysis, and
inspection tasks are reviewed and the conceptual design of the mast
has been carried out the operation procedures are simulated using 3D
graphic system. On the basis of these results, the mobile robot with
telescopic mast system is designed in details. The designed telescopic
mast system consists of mobile robot interface unit, camera interface
unit, and telescopic mast unit.
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Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Section 1. Overview 1
Section 2. Background 4
Chapter 3. Conclusion 54
Chapter 4. References 56
Appendix 58
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Performing Org. Sponsoring Org. Standard IMS
Report No, Reoprt No. Report No. Subject Code
Title / Subtitle The Study of Telescopic Mast
Project Manager and Dept.( or Main Author ) Yong Chil Seo (Nuclear Robotics Lab)
Researcher Seung ho Kim("), Byung Soo Kim("), Young Kwang Lee("), Kino Kim("),
and Dept. Suk Yeoung HwangC), Chang Hoi Kim("), Seungho JungC)