Aaadokumen - Tips - The Study of Telescopic Mast Iaea

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The study of telescopic mast


The telescopic mast on the mobile robot has been developed in order
to move up and down the monitoring camera stably in the area where
the human access is limited, such as reactor in PHWR ( Pressurized
Heavy Water Reactor ). The neccessity, environments analysis, and
inspection tasks are reviewed and the conceptual design of the mast
has been carried out the operation procedures are simulated using 3D
graphic system. On the basis of these results, the mobile robot with
telescopic mast system is designed in details. The designed telescopic
mast system consists of mobile robot interface unit, camera interface
unit, and telescopic mast unit.

To evaluate validity of designed system, a mast with 16 segments is

fabricated and tested in full scale mock-up. As a result, it was
shown that the transition process between each stage is very smooth
and stable.

In near future, this system will be commercialized and it will be

possibly applied to several industrial sectors, specifically it can directly
replace portable broadcast antenna which is 100% imported.

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Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Section 1. Overview 1
Section 2. Background 4

Chapter 2. Main discourse 4

Section 1 The State-Of-The-Art Telescopic Mast 4
Section 2 Screw-Type Telescopic Mast Development 27

Chapter 3. Conclusion 54

Chapter 4. References 56

Appendix 58

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Performing Org. Sponsoring Org. Standard IMS
Report No, Reoprt No. Report No. Subject Code
Title / Subtitle The Study of Telescopic Mast

Project Manager and Dept.( or Main Author ) Yong Chil Seo (Nuclear Robotics Lab)

Researcher Seung ho Kim("), Byung Soo Kim("), Young Kwang Lee("), Kino Kim("),
and Dept. Suk Yeoung HwangC), Chang Hoi Kim("), Seungho JungC)

Pub. Place Taejon Pub. Org. KAERI Pub. Date 1998. 2. 29

Page 98 P. Fig. and Tab. Yes(o) , No ( ) Size 19 x 26 cm
Classified Open(o), Outside ( ), Class Report Type Technical Report
Sponsoring Org. Contack No.

This project aims at developing a robotic system to automatically handle inspection

and maintenance of NPP safety-related facilities in high-level radioactive
environments. The mobile robot is designed to be used in the area of primary
coolant system during the operation of Yulsong NPP. Nuclear facilities can be
inspected and repaired all the time by use of both the mobile robot. Human
operator, by teleoperation, monitors the movements of such robots located at remote
task environment via video cameras and controls those remotely generating desired
commands via joystick.
In this study, We designed the telescopic mast that can be attached with a mobile
robot and appropriate to radiation hardened. Also, the developed system will be
applied to the other area, such as broadcast antenna mast.

Subject Keyword( About 10 Words)

Mast, Telescopic Mast

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