Epigenetic Clocks Aging and Cancer
Epigenetic Clocks Aging and Cancer
Epigenetic Clocks Aging and Cancer
By Sarah E. Johnstone1,2,3, CpG-poor regions that replicate late in S tween individual cells in a tissue, proceeding
Vadim N. Gladyshev3,4, Martin J. Aryee2,3,5, phase, particularly in rapidly dividing cells. slowly in certain progenitor populations (11).
Bradley E. Bernstein2,3,6,7 A study of replicating embryonic stem and Although the precise relationship between
HeLa cells showed that although methylation mitotic and aging clocks remains obscure,
ancer and aging are accompanied by was copied to daughter DNA strands, it was the cell-intrinsic properties and mechanistic
stereotyped changes to the epigenetic delayed and error prone in late-replicating underpinnings of the DNA hypomethylation
landscape, including progressive loss regions (7). Thus, global hypomethylation clock provide a complementary framework
of DNA methylation over gene-poor is a shared feature of aging and malignant for the study of human biology and aging.
genomic regions (1, 2). Global hypo- cells rooted in inefficient maintenance and What is the impact of hypomethylation?
methylation arises in cells that have gradual methylation loss as somatic cells ac- Its prominence in cancer prompted extensive
undergone many divisions, likely owing to im- cumulate divisions. exploration of potential oncogenic functions,
perfect maintenance. Evidence suggests that The mitotic hypomethylation clock is dis- yet decades of study have failed to clarify
global hypomethylation represents a “mitotic tinct from clocks that predict chronological such roles. Hypomethylation in tumor cells
clock” that counts divisions in somatic cells age from methylation in tissues. These or- may alternatively represent a scar of having
and functions to restrain aging cells and limit ganismal aging clocks have attracted con- undergone many divisions rather than being
malignant progression. Therapies that modu- siderable attention for their accuracy and a driving feature of malignancy. The recogni-
late the pace of methylation loss or eliminate potential to predict morbidity and mortality tion that hypomethylation is a consequence
hypomethylated cells could alleviate aging- (8). Machine-learning algorithms identify of accumulated divisions suggests that it
associated diseases or cancers. and integrate sets of CpGs whose methyla- might instead prune aging cells, protecting
Several lines of evidence indicate that hy- tion status correlates with age. Although ag- them from malignant progression and affect-
pomethylation represents a general mitotic ing clocks have been developed for a range of ing aging tissue homeostasis.
clock (3, 4). In tumors, hypomethylation tissues and organisms, different algorithms Substantial evidence supports several such
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