Urinary Crystals Pictures
Urinary Crystals Pictures
Urinary Crystals Pictures
Amorphous Urates
Appears brick dust yellow-brown granules/precipitates
Amorphous Phosphates
White or colorless granules; lalo na pag na-refrigerate na
Triple Phosphate
aka ammonium magnesium phosphate/struvite crystals
colorless prism that resembles like coffin-lid
Calcium Oxalate
o Dihydrate calcium oxalate (weddellite crystals)
Colorless, octahedral, mukang envelope
Two pyramids joined at their bases
o Monohydrate calcium oxalate (whewhellite crystals)
Oval or dumbbell shaped
Ammonium Biurate Tyrosine
yellow brown crystal with characteristic of thorny apples (spicule Colorless to yellow needles that forms clumps or rosettes
covered spheres) Mukang walis
Yellow brown spheres that demonstrate concentric circles with radial
striations; Scallop-lily crystal
Calcium Carbonate
colorless dumbbell/spherical shape crystals
may appear in clumps that resembles amorphous materials
napapagkamalang yeast cells
Bilirubin crystals
Appear as clumped needles or granules with characteristic dark
yellow color of bilirubin
Should be accompanied with positive chemical test for bilirubin
Miscellaneous/Iatrogenic Crystals
Sulfonamide Crystals
Rhombic, needles, whetstones, sheaves of wheat, rosettes ranging
from colorless to yellow brown (may resemble calcium phosphate)
Cholesterol crystals
Rectangular plates with notch in one or more corners
Staircase pattern/stair step crystals/notched crystals
Ampicillin crystals
Colorless needles in bundles AFTER REFRIGERATION