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International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment (2017) 6, 372–388

Gulf Organisation for Research and Development

International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment


Biophysical metrics for detecting more sustainable urban forms

at the global scale
Ferdouz V. Cochran ⇑, Nathaniel A. Brunsell
Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 1475 Jayhawk Blvd, Lawrence, KS 66045-7316, United States

Received 19 May 2015; accepted 25 May 2017


To test metrics for rapid identification and global evaluation of more sustainable urban forms, we examine the configuration of the
São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) in Brazil using satellite remote sensing data and landscape metrics. We adopt principles from
landscape ecology and urban planning to evaluate urban heterogeneity and morphology that may constitute more sustainable urban
forms, including connectivity, density, geometric complexity (mixed land use), diversity, and greening. Using 2-D wavelet multiresolution
analysis and satellite-derived fractional vegetation cover (Fr), the variability of landscape metrics from Landsat (30 m) to MODIS (1 km)
scales are investigated. According to our findings, metrics of Patch Density and Landscape Shape Index can be used at the 1-km scale to
asses density and geometric complexity of urban form. With the addition of MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data, available at
high temporal resolution, a move away from or toward more sustainable urban forms is defined in relation to mitigation of the urban
heat island. As the geometric complexity and density of finer-scale urban characteristics are related to climatic impacts at the neighbor-
hood scale, sustainability assessments may be more attainable across urban areas.
Ó 2017 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keywords: Sustainable urban form; Fractional vegetation cover; Landscape metrics; 2-D wavelet multiresolution analysis

1. Introduction areas (ISA), for example, include pixel-based, sub-pixel

based, object-oriented algorithms and artificial neural net-
An urban classification system at the global scale is works (Weng, 2012). Most of these methods were devel-
needed for input in climate models (Jackson et al., 2010) oped for a resolution of 10–100 m, and the availability of
and for monitoring of environmental sustainability. The LiDAR data, in particular, is shifting research toward finer
ability to rapidly classify urban intensity, density, or mor- scales. Yet, broad application of high resolution urban
phology on a global scale using satellite remote sensing classifications remains limited by the availability of data
data has eluded researchers for over a decade, though great (such as cloud-free Landsat scenes in certain regions), com-
strides have been made in classifying individual cities using puting power, and cultural or regional biases that skew
high resolution imagery (Weng, 2012; Schneider et al., classifications. While more research may be needed on
2010). Methods for classification of impervious surface the spectral, geometric and temporal aspects of urban map-
ping at finer scales (Weng, 2012), continued exploration of
⇑ Corresponding author. urban forms at the coarser, 1-km scale and how they relate
E-mail address: ferdouz@gmail.com (F.V. Cochran).

2212-6090/Ó 2017 The Gulf Organisation for Research and Development. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 373

to the finer scales may aid in more generalized studies tainability around the world (Netzband et al., 2007), and
where temporal resolution is key. one of the first formal indices created on a global scale
The movement toward more sustainable cities requires was the Eco-Value Night Light Environmental Sustainabil-
both broad temporal and spatial analyses, and ity Index (Sutton, 2003). In addition, the role of landscape
Grimmond et al. (2010, pg. 259) identify a high need in cli- ecology in urban planning and the use of landscape metrics
mate change assessments ‘‘at the scale of cities to ensure for evaluating more sustainable urban forms has been
that the signal of climate change is distinguished from the explored for over a decade (Huang et al., 2007; Leitao
noise of natural variability.” In the context of global cli- and Ahern, 2002; Renetzeder et al., 2010; Wu, 2008,
mate change, the idea of ‘‘fail-safe” urban forms when it 2009; Yang et al., 2014).
comes to sustainability is antiquated (Ahern, 2011). Mori Urban forms that may be considered more sustainable
and Christodoulou (2012) identify the need for a City Sus- are characterized by ‘‘urban pattern that is compact, pedes-
tainability Index (CSI) that considers the triple bottom line trian oriented, less autodependent, and not disaggregated
for strong sustainability, incorporates leakage effects, and into single, functional-use zones” (Duany and Talen,
assesses developing to developed cities in an equitable man- 2007). Duany and Talen (2007) proposed a transect
ner. Strong sustainability relies on the continued availabil- approach for urban planning based on ecological theory,
ity of natural capital, whereas weak sustainability allows where a geographic cross-section of a city might reveal a
human capital to replace natural capital (Dietz and continuum of human habitats with diminishing intensities
Neumayer, 2007). Within city boundaries, one of the most from urban to rural that can satisfy all human needs. In
obvious ways to identify natural capital is through frac- transect planning, the attempt to eliminate sprawl discour-
tional vegetation cover related to green infrastructure ages ‘‘urbanizing of the rural” or ‘‘ruralizing of the urban.”
which provides access to pervious surface areas Transect zones are influenced by principles of traditional
(Andersson, 2006; Lehmann et al., 2014) and mitigation neighborhood development (TND) where a sustainable
of urban heat islands (UHI) through shading and evapo- neighborhood pattern is one that fulfills human needs for
transpiration (Oke, 1988; Smith and Levermore, 2008; connectivity and diversity. A sustainable neighborhood is
Stone and Rodgers, 2001). designed for humans, not automobiles.
How vegetation relates to land surface temperatures In biophilic urbanism, a city’s inhabitants’ physical and
(LST) continues to be investigated in remote sensing stud- mental health, work productivity, and social capital are
ies (Carlson and Arthur, 2000; Gillies et al., 1997; Li et al., improved by putting ‘‘nature first in its design, planning,
2011; Weng et al., 2004; Yuan and Bauer, 2007). A and management” (Beatley and Newman, 2013; Beatley,
triangle-shaped scattergram typically results from plotting 2009). Biophilic cities can contribute to urban sustainabil-
LST versus normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) ity on many levels, and green infrastructure associated with
or fractional vegetation cover (Fr), and cold and warm rivers, floodplains, wetlands and forests usually increase
edges of the triangle correspond to the wettest and driest adaptive capacity when it comes to climatic impacts. As
pixels, respectively. What has been termed the ‘‘triangle urban planners become more aware of the importance of
method” has been used for estimating soil surface wetness urban ecosystem services, ways of quantifying these ser-
and evapotranspiration from satellite imagery, and Carlson vices by defining urban vegetation structure types and their
and Arthur (2000) and Carlson (2007) have shown how the associated micro-climatic effects are being investigated
temporal trajectory of pixels within the triangle can be (Lehmann et al., 2014). Urban forms that exhibit connec-
associated with land use changes and urbanization. In tivity and landscape heterogeneity are said to be essential
addition, Gallo et al. (1993) used NDVI to evaluate urban for the provision of ecosystem services and long-term sus-
and rural differences in minimum temperatures and found tainability (Andersson, 2006).
that NDVI approximated temperature variances more Various definitions of sustainable urban form exist
accurately than data on urban populations in the US. They (Burton et al., 2013), and terms of compactness, complex-
suggested the approach as a method for consistent global ity, connectivity, density, diversity, and greening have been
evaluation of the surface urban heat island. Our study com- repeatedly considered (Burton et al., 2013; Duany and
bines the knowledge of the triangle method, the relation- Talen, 2007; Jabareen, 2006; Shirowzhan and Lim, 2013;
ship between LST and NDVI or Fr, with landscape Williams et al., 2000). If we combine concepts from
metrics to evaluate the temporal trajectory of urban form. Duany and Talen (2007), Beatley and Newman (2013)
Urban form can be defined as structural elements that and Jabareen (2006), over time there should be an increase
make up a city, including natural features and open space, in connectivity, diversity, and greening for improved urban
and the general pattern of building intensity and height sustainability. However, when it comes to density and com-
(Lynch, 1982). Characteristics of urban form and how they pactness, Burton et al. (2013) conclude that we should look
relate to sustainability have been debated and quantified instead for various urban forms that are appropriate
for some time (Burton et al., 2013; Jabareen, 2006; depending on scale and location. This recommendation is
Shirowzhan and Lim, 2013; Stefanov and Netzband, supported by the concern that policies calling for increased
2005; Williams et al., 2000; Zhang and Guindon, 2006). urban density for mitigation of greenhouse gases from
Satellite imagery is an obvious tool for assessing urban sus- vehicle miles traveled may be in conflict with other climate
374 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

change adaptation strategies, such as floodwater manage- 39 municipalities which includes at its center the city of
ment that may require greater areas of pervious surfaces São Paulo. São Paulo is Brazil’s largest city, and the SPMR
depending on topography (Hamin and Gurran, 2009). is home to 19.7 million people or approximately 10% of the
Therefore, the definition we propose for more sustain- national population (Haddad and Teixeira, 2015). It ranks
able urban forms is: Biophysical forms that maintain con- fifth in the world as far as urban agglomerations (UN,
nectivity, geometric complexity (mixed land use), greening, 2014).
and scale- or location-specific levels of density (compact- The Brazilian economy depends greatly on this urban
ness or aggregation) that mitigate the UHI and allow for area which contributes 19% of Brazilian GDP (Haddad
adaptation to climate change impacts. Given this defini- and Teixeira, 2015). With climatic changes and an increase
tion, this study asks the question: How can MODIS satel- in the impervious surface area of the Upper Tietê River
lite products be employed for long-term monitoring of Basin, situated within the SPMR boundary, flood fre-
biophysical metrics that relate to more sustainable urban quency has become greater in the last decade impacting
forms at the 1-km scale? To answer this question, we regional, domestic and international trade markets
undertake a case study of what a 1-km scale classification (Haddad and Teixeira, 2015).
might look like and how it might relate to both finer scale The carbon footprint of the SPMR, including direct
heterogeneity and landscape metrics for monitoring more emissions, was estimated to be 1.15 metric tons per person,
sustainable urban forms. smaller than the national average of 2.44 metric tons and
We employ an urban classification based on Landsat the global average of approximately 4 metric tons
fractional vegetation cover (Fr) (Carlson and Ripley, (Sovacool and Brown, 2010). About 51% of emissions
1997). Simplistically, Fr represents both a measure of sur- come from transportation, with automobile use being a pri-
face structure and surface cover (Stewart and Oke, 2012). mary contributor. Because most of the electricity used in
From a climate perspective, it is important to incorporate the city is produced by hydroelectric plants, building and
both of these categories to fully address the variations in industrial energy use accounts for only 24% of emissions.
airflow, albedo, surface radiation balances, and heat and Landfill waste accounts for 23% while agriculture and for-
moisture transport within urban areas that contribute to estry contribute the remaining 2% of emissions.
the UHI (Stewart and Oke, 2012). Our simple classification In the last two decades, city managers and planners have
is used as a surrogate for the forthcoming local climate focused on reducing GHG emissions from transportation
zone (LCZ) classification, one of the most promising urban and solid waste sectors. Restrictions on traffic have
classifications at the 30-m scale. The World Urban Data- included exclusion of 20% of private automobiles during
base and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) project is mak- peak hours on weekdays. In addition, hybrid electric buses
ing great progress toward this classification based on were added to public transportation fleets and private vehi-
methodology using Landsat imagery (Bechtel and cles were converted to natural gas. An 11% reduction in
Daneke, 2012; Bechtel et al., 2015). Designed for the pur- GHG emissions was reported where methane release from
pose of standardizing UHI studies around the globe, LCZs solid waste in the Bandeirantes landfill has been used for
define urban zones primarily based on their thermal prop- power generation (de Oliveira, 2009).
erties. Stewart et al. (2013) have confirmed that building In 2003, São Paulo joined the Cities for Climate Protec-
height and spacing, tree density, pervious surface fraction tion (CCP) program, part of the International Council for
and soil wetness are major drivers of urban thermal Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) a transnational
differences. municipal network focusing primarily on climate change
The purpose of our study is to evaluate the possibility of mitigation efforts. The city also joined the Energy Effi-
using 1-km MODIS satellite data, which is readily avail- ciency Program for the State of São Paulo and in June
able at a high temporal resolution and requires less pro- 2009 passed Municipal Law 14.933, which established a
cessing time than remote sensing products with higher target of 30% reduction in GHG emissions by 2012
spatial resolution, as a relatively simple and rapid way to (D’Almeida and da, 2011). The law outlined construction
evaluate urban sustainability at the global scale given any and land use measures, though details on implementation
urban classification system. Scale, including the choice of and compliance may still be under development. Construc-
system boundaries and methods for spatial aggregation, tion measures included energy efficiency, material quality,
is a major hurdle in sustainability assessments (Burton and greenspace guidelines for all new constructions. Land
et al., 2013; Mayer, 2008). In both urban and rural areas, use measures called for increasing urban density in com-
information ascertained from various scales is crucial for mercial and job centers to reduce commuting time, and
the creation and implementation of policies for greater increasing greenspaces and trees throughout the city. A
environmental sustainability (Renetzeder et al., 2010). Master Plan for São Paulo created in 2002 reduced floor
area ratio (FAR) in new constructions in parts of the city,
2. Study region and with a housing boom in 2005, a transition toward the
payment of fees associated with building projects that
This case study focuses on the São Paulo Metropolitan exceeded new FAR regulations was observed (Sandroni,
Region (SPMR) in southern Brazil, an agglomeration of 2011).
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 375

Although certain mitigation measures may be in place, 2009, and a Landsat 8 scene for February 8, 2014. Digital
city planning is lacking when it comes to climate change numbers were converted to radiances for red (qRED ) and
adaptation measures, especially related to flooding and near-infrared (qNIR ) bands and then radiances were con-
water scarcity (Ruijs et al., 2008). Environmental and verted to surface reflectance according to Chander et al.
socio-economic problems associated with rapid industrial- (2009). The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
ization and population growth throughout the 20th cen- (NDVI) was obtained from surface reflectance from the
tury abound (Cohen, 2004). Despite recent social housing qRED and qNIR bands given by:
initiatives, where slums throughout the city are urbanized, q  qRED
over a quarter of the urban population lives in substandard NDVI ¼ NIR : ð1Þ
housing with little to no access to clean water and sanita-
tion services (Sandroni, 2011). The index is a direct indication of vegetation and cover
density, where larger values of NDVI usually correspond
3. Methods to higher vegetation productivity. In this study, outliers
in the top and bottom 1% of NDVI values were removed.
To extract the urban area of the SPMR for this study, Fractional vegetation cover (Fr) derived from NDVI
shown in Fig. 1, the International Geosphere-Biosphere was then calculated based on methodology from Carlson
Program (IGBP) global vegetation classification scheme and Ripley (1997) by:
from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer  2
(MODIS) Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1) was Fr ¼ ð2Þ
used (Friedl et al., 2010). Since this remote-sensing product
is provided at 500-m resolution, it was aggregated using where NDVIS represents saturation or 100% vegetation
nearest neighbor interpolation to the 1-km scale, which is cover and NDVIO represents bare soil. Fr values less than
necessary for the use of other MODIS 1-km products dis- 0 were set to 0 and greater than 1 were set to 1. Resulting
cussed below. Urban extents for 2004 and 2009 are used maps are shown in Fig. 2. Gaps in the Landsat 7 scenes
for corresponding years, and the most recent year available were not filled, but were omitted from calculations and
(2012) is used for 2014. Although we see little variation at then filled with zeros for the wavelet analysis described
the 1-km scale in our urban area from 2004 to 2012, Potere next.
et al. (2009) consider this product as the most accurate for After obtaining Fr, an urban classification based on
mapping urban extent at the global scale. quartiles of Fr from the urban extent in Landsat scenes
for 2004, 2009 and 2014 was generated and is further
3.1. Landsat Fr and Urban Classification explained in paragraphs below. First, the Fr values were
decomposed from 30 m resolution to 960 m or approxi-
Urban classification of the SPMR was done using cloud- mately 1 km using two dimensional (2-D) wavelet multi-
free Landsat 7 scenes for March 8, 2004 and March 6, resolution analysis (mra). 2-D mra has previously been


Cropland/Natural Mosaic
Permanent Wetlands

Woody Savannas
Open Shrublands

Closed Shrublands
Mixed Forest
Deciduous Broadleaf Forest

Deciduous Needleleaf Forest

Evergreeen Broadleaf Forest
Evergreen Needleleaf Forest

−47.0 −46.9 −46.8 −46.7 −46.6 −46.5 −46.4 −46.3

Fig. 1. The urban extent of São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR), Brazil from the IGBP global vegetation classification scheme in the Moderate
Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1) aggregated to 1 km. Longitude and latitude coordinates are
drawn on the x and y axes, respectively, and the color bar corresponds to the IGBP land cover classification scheme.
376 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

(a) 2004 (b) 2009


1 1
0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0

−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

(c) 2014





−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

Fig. 2. Landsat fractional vegetation cover (Fr) calculated from cloud-free scenes on (a) March 8, 2004, (b) March 6, 2009, and (c) February 8, 2014.
Color bars correspond to Landsat Fr.

employed in studies of urban morphology (Myint, 2006, categories (Fig. 4). Values from the minimum Fr to the
2010; Mouzourides et al., 2013) and can be a powerful tool 1st quartile are classified as VC1, values between the 1st
for multi-scale modeling (Ching, 2013; Mouzourides et al., and 2nd quartile are VC2, values between the 2nd and
2013). In this study, Haar wavelets were used because they 3rd quartile are VC3, and values from VC3 to the maxi-
have a compact, square or rectangular shape which can be mum Fr are VCA (see Table 1).
useful in the detection of edges in urban forms (Bradshaw Although this classification method may be simplistic
and Spies, 1992; Mouzourides et al., 2013). The waveslim compared to more complex classifications that incorporate
package in R was used to do the decomposition variables like building heights and anthropogenic heat
(Whitcher, 2014). fluxes, our purpose is merely a quick generalization of
Fig. 3 illustrates the results of decomposing the Febru- urban forms associated with vegetation distribution that
ary 8, 2014 Landsat 8 scene from 30 m to scales corre- can be consistently determined across years. Selecting quar-
sponding to 120 m, 240 m, 480 m and 960 m. Part of this tiles accounts for climatic variation in Fr that would other-
study investigates the scale-wise change in landscape met- wise skew classes from year to year if a fixed threshold was
rics and Fr diversity and variance, further described below. set. However, one should proceed cautiously in making
For the use of the decomposed Landsat vegetation data assumptions as to urban density, building height, popula-
with MODIS 1-km products, the Fr data is reprojected tion density, etc. based solely on vegetation density. For
to a 1-km resolution. To assess the significance of land- example, parking lots and tall building districts with very
scape metrics across scales, landscape metrics were calcu- low vegetation may be incorporated in the same class
lated from 1600 bootstrapping samples for each class at according to this classification approach.
each scale assuming a uniform distribution. Upper and To justify the simple classification in this study, we con-
lower bounds (95% and 5% confidence intervals) for met- sider that the LCZ classification of Stewart and Oke
rics from bootstrapping samples were then obtained (red (2012) was based on criteria from Grigg (1965) that a suc-
triangles in Fig. 6). cessful classification system should meet: (1) simple and
The urban classification in this study is comprised of logical nomenclature, (2) facilitate information transfer
quartiles of Landsat Fr at the 1-km scale for 2004, 2009, through object association with real world, generic classes,
and 2014 scenes that correspond to vegetation cover (VC) and (3) provide for inductive generalization. Like the LCZ
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 377

(a) 1 (b)
0.9 VC1

0.6 VC2

0.4 VC3
0.1 VC4


−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

(c) 1 (d)
0.9 VC1

0.6 VC2

0.4 VC3
0.1 VC4


−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

(e) 1 (f)
0.9 VC1


0.6 VC2


0.4 VC3
0.1 VC4


−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

(g) 1 (h)
0.9 VC1


0.6 VC2


0.4 VC3
0.1 VC4


−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

(i) 1 (j)
0.9 VC1


0.6 VC2


0.4 VC3
0.1 VC4


−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3

Fig. 3. From the February 8, 2014 Landsat 8 scene, Fr is seen in the left column and the resulting vegetation cover (VC) classification from quartiles of Fr
is seen in the right column at (a) & (b) 30 m and for scales of decomposition at (c) & (d) 120 m, (e) & (f) 240 m, (g) & (h) 480 m, and (i) & (j) 960 m.

classification, fractional vegetation cover is a classification LCZ classification or any other global urban classification
that may allow for global application. However, the pur- system.
pose of this paper is not to promote this classification, Prior to selecting this method of urban classification,
but rather to use it as a surrogate for the forthcoming existing classifications at the 1-km scale were investigated.
378 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

Fig. 4. Vegetation cover (VC) classification from Landsat Fr decomposed to 960 m with 2-D mra and reprojected to the 1-km grid for (a) 2004, (b) 2009,
and (c) 2014.

The urban classification developed by Jackson et al. (2010), versus Northern Africa, for example, as well as the ambigu-
based on Landscan 2004 population densities, building ity in using nighttime lights to infer urban intensity.
heights, and vegetation fraction thresholds, did not agree
with the Fr found in MODIS scenes for the SPMR. For 3.2. MODIS Fr and LST
example, based on 5–25% vegetation thresholds for Jack-
son’s high density (HD) category, the actual values of Fr Gridded level 3, version 5 MODIS products at the 1-km
from 2004 MODIS pixels corresponding to that category scale for NDVI (MOD13A3) and LST (MOD11A1) from
range from 0 to 86% with a mean of 5.9%. In the medium the Terra platform were acquired from the US Geological
density (MD) category, the Jackson threshold for vegeta- Survey (USGS) Land Processes Distributed Active Archive
tion is 20–60% and the corresponding pixel values of Center (LPDAAC). Composite values of NDVI corre-
MODIS Fr range from 0 to 92% with a mean of 20.5%. sponding to monthly intervals were used, while daily values
Another 1-km global urban classification of impervious of LST were obtained. All data were examined for years
surface area based on nighttime lights and population 2004, 2009, and 2014.
count (Elvidge et al., 2007) was considered, but visual Monthly NDVI values for January, February and
examination between maps showed obvious differences March in each year of study were stacked in the raster
with vegetation cover in Landsat and MODIS imagery package in R (Hijmans, 2015) and the maximum NDVI
for SPMR. Perhaps these discrepancies are due to the value for each pixel in the region of study was selected to
skewing of classifications that can occur if vegetation create the maps in Fig. 5. NDVI values were then con-
thresholds are set based on urban areas in North America verted to Fr based on methods used for Landsat scenes
described above.
Taking into account the impact of composite periods
Table 1
Minimum, maximum and quartile values of Landsat Fr per year for VC and seasonality (Hu and Brunsell, 2013), daily LST values
classifications. for daytime and nighttime were selected and averaged
Fr 2004 2009 2014 monthly for 2004, 2009, and 2014. Similar to NDVI, the
maximum LST values for daytime and nighttime scenes
Min 0.08 0.07 0.12
Qu1 0.17 0.15 0.21 were selected for each pixel from monthly values in each
Qu2 0.25 0.23 0.29 year of study. Both MODIS Fr and LST were reprojected
Qu3 0.39 0.37 0.43 from a sinusoidal to a geographic projection with WGS84
Max 0.76 0.82 0.9 datum and resampled to 1 km.
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 379

(a) 2004 (b) 2004

(c) 2004

0.9 294

0.8 293




0.5 291




0.2 289

0.1 288
0 288 289 290 291 292 293 294

Night LST (K)

−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −47.0 −46.8 −46.6 −46.4 −46.2

(d) 2009 (e) 2009

(f) 2009


0.7 294






0.2 290

0 289 291 293 295

Night LST (K)

−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −47.0 −46.8 −46.6 −46.4 −46.2

(g) 2014 (h) 2014


(i) 2014


0.7 296





0.2 292

0 292 294 296 298

Night LST (K)

−46.9 −46.7 −46.5 −46.3 −47.0 −46.8 −46.6 −46.4 −46.2

Fig. 5. Maximum NDVI from MODIS monthly product during the growing season (Jan, Feb, Mar) in (a) 2004, (d) 2009, and (g) 2014. Maximum
nighttime LST (Kelvin) from MODIS for all months in (b) 2004, (e) 2009, and (h) 2014. Scatterplot of LST and Fr from NDVI values for (c) 2004, (f)
2009, and (i) 2014.

3.3. Landscape Metrics dictably over a range of grain sizes. These include metrics
for the number of patches, patch density, landscape shape
Landscape metrics (LM) are static and discrete measures index, and patch size coefficient of variation. Landscape
of landscape configuration that have been broadly applied metrics that respond less predictably include the patch
to quantify landscape patterns and structures, particularly diversity or Shannon diversity index, and ones that respond
in the fields of biogeography and landscape ecology erratically include landscape fractal dimension (Wu et al.,
(Bolliger et al., 2007; Turner, 2005). In the last decade, 2002).
LM have been increasingly used to evaluate urban land In our case study, once urban classifications based on
cover/use change (Herold et al., 2002, 2005; Uuemaa Landsat Fr were created and MODIS data were used to
et al., 2013). Although LM may be helpful in monitoring produce reprojected and resampled scenes of maximum
changes in landscape patterns, difficulties in relating them Fr and nighttime and daytime LST as described above,
to underlying biophysical or ecological processes remain landscape metrics were applied to each urban class and
(Kupfer, 2012; Li and Wu, 2004; Turner, 2001). Attribut- year of study. Based on previous studies of correlations
ing changes in LM to processes in urban landscapes, where and scale issues (Wu et al., 2002), four landscape metrics
innumerable socio-economic factors are at play, may prove were selected and applied to the VC classifications using
to be even more difficult (Herold et al., 2005). FRAGSTATS (McGarigal et al., 2002) functions in the
The inability to compare LM across scales has been one SDMTools package in R (VanDerWal et al., 2014). Patch
of the main difficulties encountered in progressing from density (PD) as a measure of density is defined by:
landscape pattern to process. However, Wu et al. (2002)
conducted a multi-scale analysis of landscape heterogeneity n 
PD ¼ ð3Þ
and found that some landscape metrics respond pre- A
380 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

where ni is the number of patches in the landscape of a cer- Distributions of MODIS Fr and LST in each VC class in
tain class and A is the total landscape area in m2. The patch 2004, 2009, and 2014 were examined. Fr accounts for a
cohesion index (PCI) as a measure of connectivity is: measure of greenness, important to the determination of
" Pm Pn  #  1 increased environmental sustainability in urban areas
i¼1 j¼1 pij 1
PCI ¼ 1  Pm Pn  pffiffiffiffiffi  1  pffiffiffi  ð100Þ ð4Þ (Jabareen, 2006). The difference between maximum day-
i¼1 j¼1 pij aij Z time and nighttime LST were also computed to investigate
the change in urban temperatures within each class. This
where pij is the perimeter of patch ij in terms of number of change gives us an indication of the impact of the surface
cell surfaces, aij is the area of patch ij in terms of number of urban heat island in SPMR and how it may be influenced
cells, and Z is the total number of cells in the landscape. by urban form over time.
The landscape shape index (LSI) is a standardized mea-
sure of the total edge in the landscape, which can indicate 4. Results
landscape disaggregation or geometric complexity:
0:25E 4.1. Spatial Variability in 2014
LSI ¼ pffiffiffi ð5Þ
The decomposition of Landsat Fr from the original
where E is the total length (m) of the edge, including the 30 m resolution to the 960 m scale and the VC classification
entire landscape boundary, and A is again the total land- from quartiles at each scale result in changes in landscape
scape area in m2. The landscape division index (LDI) is a metrics, some significant and predictable and some not
measure of aggregation and can be calculated by: (Table 2 and Fig. 6). Similar to the findings of Wu et al.
" # (2002), number of patches, patch density, and landscape
Xm X
aij 2 shape index decrease predictably from 30 m to 960 m. On
LDI ¼ 1  ð6Þ
i¼1 j¼1
A the other hand, the patch cohesion index increases in an
unpredictable pattern from 30 m to 960 m, and the land-
where aij is the area in m2 of patch ij and A is the total land- scape division index decreases in an unpredictable pattern
scape area in m2. across the urban classification. In these last two metrics
The Shannon diversity index (SDI) from the vegan (Fig. 6 b & d), the significance of VC1 and VC4 values
package in R (Oksanen et al., 2015) was also applied to holds across scales, whereas VC2 and VC3 values in both
measure diversity within and between classes and years metrics start to break down after the 120 m scale. The sig-
for Landsat Fr, MODIS Fr and MODIS LST. The vari- nificance of the landscape metrics values is based on the
ance (r2 ) of Landsat Fr was calculated per class and scale comparison to bootstrapping samples described in Meth-
of decomposition. ods and obtained for each class at each scale. Based on

Table 2
Landscape metrics of VC classifications and Shannon diversity and variance of Landsat Fr within classifications for the original image at 30 m and for
scales of decomposition at 120 m, 240 m, 480 m, and 960 m.
Class NP PD PCI LSI LDI L Fr Mn L Fr SDI L Fr r2
960 m VC1 47 2.55E-08 9.97393 8.37727 0.96365 0.18770 13.2181 0.00026
VC2 63 3.42E-08 9.97568 17.68998 0.95746 0.2440 13.21818 0.00045
VC3 81 4.39E-08 9.95224 18.80094 0.99180 0.3522 13.21443 0.00187
VC4 126 6.84E-08 9.90633 17.22663 0.99828 0.5595 13.20881 0.00851
480 m VC1 168 9.12E-08 9.96910 17.70679 0.97402 0.17690 13.217 0.00029
VC2 204 1.11E-07 9.96314 35.58440 0.98260 0.2307 13.21827 0.00039
VC3 285 1.55E-07 9.94420 33.62744 0.99362 0.3402 13.21299 0.00208
VC4 239 1.30E-07 9.88751 22.54338 0.99878 0.5850 13.20429 0.01245
240 m VC1 728 3.95E-07 9.96222 35.61264 0.98191 0.16560 13.21486 0.00033
VC2 761 4.13E-07 9.95930 70.62878 0.98539 0.2180 13.21819 0.00036
VC3 936 5.08E-07 9.91537 62.65367 0.99732 0.3300 13.21058 0.00249
VC4 647 3.51E-07 9.87577 33.58574 0.99886 0.6161 13.20013 0.01689
120 m VC1 2618 1.42E-06 9.95104 71.23806 0.98887 0.15390 13.21155 0.00039
VC2 2844 1.54E-06 9.95805 138.48554 0.98534 0.2059 13.21788 0.00035
VC3 3149 1.71E-06 9.91138 114.80833 0.99694 0.3209 13.20808 0.00289
VC4 1858 1.01E-06 9.84473 52.53598 0.99931 0.6482 13.19751 0.02069
30 m VC1 19337 1.05E-05 9.92143 199.30087 0.99520 0.1496 13.17793 0.00307
VC2 32712 1.77E-05 9.67441 330.29657 0.99982 0.1859 13.21725 0.00033
VC3 25175 1.37E-05 9.72291 286.06859 0.99970 0.3099 13.20162 0.00398
VC4 11456 6.22E-06 9.78313 116.59367 0.99967 0.6979 13.19396 0.02365
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 381

(a) (b)



Patch Cohesion Index

Patch Density



120 m 240 m 480 m 960 m 120 m 240 m 480 m 960 m

Scale Scale

(c) (d)




Landscape Division Index
Landscape Shape Index





120 m 240 m 480 m 960 m 120 m 240 m 480 m 960 m

Scale Scale

Fig. 6. Scale-wise change in landscape metrics shown in Table 2 for (a) patch density, (b) patch cohesion index, (c) landscape shape index, and (d)
landscape division index. Upper and lower bounds (95% and 5% confidence intervals) for random values of metrics are shown as an upside-down and
right-side-up red triangles, respectively. If no red triangles are seen on a plot for a particular class at a particular scale, the plotted value is not within the
random value bounds.

the significance testing of our results, if we want to examine contributes to the uniqueness of class VC2 as well as the
landscape metrics at the 1-km scale, yet be able to pre- differences in scaling relations that may exist in other urban
dictably relate our findings to finer scales, we can feel con- classifications.
fident in using the patch density and landscape shape index.
In areas with the least or most vegetation corresponding to 4.2. Temporal Variability at the 1-km Scale
classes VC1 and VC4, we may also be able to examine the
results of patch cohesion index and landscape division When we examine landscape metrics in classes at the 1-
index, though further studies are needed. km scale across years (Table 3 and Fig. 7), we consider that
The impact of scale on the diversity and variance of Fr patch density and landscape shape index have a pre-
within each class is seen in the last two columns of Table 2. dictable, inverse power relationship (or decreasing power
Although Wu et al. (2002) have identified Shannon’s Diver- law relationship) from the 30-m to 1-km scale, which is
sity Index (SDI) as a metric that does not follow a simple supported by Wu et al. (2002). Given these scaling relations
scaling function and, therefore, is difficult to predict across and the significance of these metrics in all classes (Fig. 6),
scales, we consider the information it provides us between we see that patch density, or the number of patches on a
classes within each scale to be worth examination per unit area basis, is increasing in all classes from 2004–
(Brunsell and Young, 2008; Brunsell and Anderson, 2014 (Table 3). Within each year, patch density increases
2011). Across classes at each scale of decomposition, SDI with increasing vegetation or mean MODIS Fr from
remains the highest in VC2. Landsat Fr variance decreases classes VC1 to VC4. The landscape shape index, a stan-
from 30 m to 960 m, except for Fr in VC2 where the dardized measure of total edge adjusted by landscape size,
variance increases from the finest to coarsest scale. These also increases from VC1 to VC4 in each year and in all
findings highlight the need to further explore what classes from 2004–2014. Landscape shape index can be
382 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

Table 3
Landscape metrics applied to VC classifications, and Shannon diversity index (SDI) applied to values of MODIS Fr and MODIS LST within VC
classifications for 2004, 2009 and 2014.
2004 VC1 22 1.12E-08 9.37115 5.66667 0.94989 0.01357 5.57912 311.2 6.450469
VC2 52 2.64E-08 8.80783 11.60784 0.98929 0.04992 5.98417 308.8 6.448887
VC3 73 3.71E-08 8.11575 13.60784 0.99648 0.1605 6.17802 306.1 6.450467
VC4 93 4.72E-08 7.77327 13.56863 0.99776 0.3899 6.32829 303.4 6.450467
2009 VC1 28 1.42E-08 9.34593 6.74510 0.95537 0.009794 5.48675 312.5 6.448888
VC2 57 2.90E-08 8.86379 12.41176 0.98851 0.0385 5.96433 310.4 6.447304
VC3 75 3.82E-08 8.12572 13.70588 0.99653 0.1463 6.17227 307.7 6.448886
VC4 97 4.93E-08 7.46366 13.88235 0.99836 0.3793 6.31891 304.8 6.448884
2014 VC1 27 1.37E-08 9.30387 6.96078 0.96105 0.01184 5.35236 312.7 6.448887
VC2 59 3.00E-08 8.60515 12.86275 0.99315 0.03785 5.92196 311.3 6.447303
VC3 75 3.82E-08 8.08953 14.07843 0.99657 0.1326 6.14257 309.2 6.448885
VC4 101 5.14E-08 7.49037 14.37255 0.99830 0.3562 6.30964 306.5 6.448884

(a) (b) (c)


Landscape Shape Index

Patch Density

Mean Fr



2004 2009 2014 2004 2009 2014 2004 2009 2014

Year Year Year

(d) (e) (f)

Landscape Division Index

Patch Cohesion Index





2004 2009 2014 2004 2009 2014 2004 2009 2014

Year Year Year

Fig. 7. Temporal change in landscape metrics and Shannon diversity index (SDI) applied to values of MODIS Fr and MODIS LST within VC
classifications for 2004, 2009 and 2014 shown in Table 3. Values include (a) patch density, (b) landscape shape index, (c) mean Fr, (d) patch cohesion
index, (e) landscape division index, and (f) Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) for Fr. Colors and shapes for VC classifications are the same as in Fig. 6:
VC1 = red circle, VC2 = orange square, VC3 = light green triangle, VC4 = green rhombus.

interpreted as a measure of patch dispersal, which also for classes VC2 and VC3 across scales. Therefore, we will
gives us an indication of the overall geometric complexity discuss only the changes in VC1 and VC4, the classes with
of the landscape. In other words, vegetation is more dis- the least and most amount of vegetation fraction or, in
persed in classes with greater Fr and disaggregation in veg- other words, the most and least amount of impervious sur-
etation fraction is growing. So, while density is increasing face area. For these classes, the patch cohesion index indi-
in patches of all classes in SPMR over the decade, there cates that the physical connectedness within patch type is
is a general trend toward increasing geometric complexity generally decreasing from 2004 to 2014. At the same time,
or mixed land use. the landscape division index is increasing in classes VC1
Based on our results from the spatial trends of landscape and VC4 from 2004 to 2014. The closer the landscape
metrics above, our results for patch cohesion index and division index is to 1, the greater the probability that two
landscape division index are not consistently significant randomly chosen pixels in the landscape are not in the
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 383

(a) (b)

1.0 VC1 VC1









'04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14 '04 '09 '14

Year Year

Fig. 8. Distributions by VC class and year for MODIS (a) Fr and (b) maximum daytime and maximum nighttime LST. The VC classes were determined
by Landsat Fr distributions in each year.

Fig. 9. Maximum daytime minus maximum nighttime LST in each class for (a) 2004, (b) 2009, and (c) 2014. (d) Mean LST values for all years by class
plus or minus the standard deviation (SD) shown as error bars.

same patch, or the greater the division. Overall, both of As expected, the Shannon diversity index (SDI) for
these indices are indicating that the areas of SPMR with MODIS Fr within each year increases from areas with less
the least and most amount of vegetation are becoming less vegetation (VC1) to areas with more vegetation (VC4) in
connected or more divided. the SPMR. However, from 2004 to 2014, the SDI for Fr
384 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

is decreasing in all classes and especially in class VC1. This et al., 2002), our investigation of changes in landscape met-
suggests a homogenization of urban form in this class over rics from the 30-m to 1-km scale can help us interpret our
time. findings at the coarser scale. Metrics that have an inverse
Looking at Fig. 8, we see that the distribution of day- power relationship (or decreasing power law relationship)
time and nighttime LST shifts downward from VC1 to from the 30 m to 1 km include the patch density and land-
VC4 classes. However, over the years the distributions of scape shape index. So, when discussing the increase in
both daytime and nighttime LST are shifting upwards in urban density and geometric complexity (mixed land use)
each class. From 2004–2014, the difference in daytime of SPMR at the 1-km scale from 2004–2014, we acknowl-
LST to nighttime LST can be seen decreasing in Fig. 9a- edge an underestimation of the value of these metrics in
c. The change in temperature is less in VC3 and VC4 and each year in relation to finer scales.
higher in VC2 and VC1 classes. This decrease in tempera- The differences in scaling of metrics in Fig. 6 show that
ture difference between the day and night in less vegetated more landscape metrics may be reliable up to the 120-m
classes over the last decade could indicate either an increase scale compared to the 1-km scale. Using fractal dimen-
in night temperatures or a decrease in day temperatures or sions of NDVI and vegetation fraction images, Weng
both depending on the pixel and year considered. Given the et al., 2004 found that geometric complexity increases
temperature distributions seen in Fig. 8b, where nighttime with pixel aggregation up to 120 m but then decreases
temperatures are noticeably rising and the distribution of with coarser scales. They also found the strongest rela-
daytime temperatures is narrowing for VC1, we can infer tionship between vegetation indices and LST at 120 m.
that heat dissipation from the urban boundary is occurring Clearly, this is a scale of importance for evaluating urban
less at night influencing the daytime temperatures and low- forms as it is approximately the scale of a city block
ering the difference between maximum daytime and night- (Weng et al., 2004). Beyond this scale is also where met-
time temperatures. rics for our VC2 classification become unrealiable. One
explanation for this occurrence may be the combined
5. Discussion low variance in Fr values but high SDI of Fr at the
30 m scale (Table 2), which may correspond to similar
Considering our definition of more sustainable urban types of vegetation but greater variation in land uses
forms and our results using landscape metrics, Fr, and and urban canyons in these areas.
LST, we can now evaluate the urban region of SPMR from At the 1-km scale, we found that urban density, geomet-
2004 to 2014 at the 1-km scale and see how each metric ric complexity, and temperatures increase from 2004 to
relates to biophysical sustainability. As outlined by 2014 in all VC classes in SPMR. On the other hand, overall
Jabareen (2006), more sustainable urban forms may trans- greenness decreases in all classes from 2004 to 2014, with
late to high density, diversity, geometric complexity (mixed the exception that greenness rises slightly in VC1 from
land use), compactness, connectedness (sustainable trans- 2009 to 2014. In the VC1 class with the least overall
portation), and greening at varying scales. These character- amount of vegetation, patch density also decreases from
istics are echoed in urban planning concepts of transect 2009 to 2014, and connectivity decreases or division
design and biophilic urbanism (Duany and Talen, 2007; increases over the decade. It is important to remember that
Beatley, 2009), however they may not sufficiently consider the landscape metrics in this study are directly related to
the urban heat island effect, its interaction with global cli- Landsat Fr due to our urban classification scheme, but a
mate change, and its impact on urban sustainability. There- class like VC1 with the least amount of vegetation also
fore, our definition of more sustainable urban form has the greatest amount of impervious surface area.
requires that these urban form characteristics help mitigate Our finding that higher patch density and landscape
the urban heat island effect. The need for revision of con- shape index are associated with higher LST agrees with
ventional approaches to urban planning in the face of cli- results from Li et al. (2011) who found that mean LST
mate change is also supported by Jabareen (2015). was positively correlated with patch density and landscape
To examine changes of urban form in SPMR from 2004 shape index for residential land. In addition, our findings
to 2014, reliable metrics include patch density as a measure on the change in temperature (Fig. 9) across urban classes
of density, landscape shape index as a measure of geomet- from 2004–2014 agree with results from numerical surface
ric complexity (mixed land use), mean MODIS Fr as a and atmospheric models in Stewart and Oke (2012) where
measure of greenness, and mean MODIS LST as well as diurnal temperature ranges decrease with increased imper-
changes in daytime to nighttime LST as proxies for the sur- vious surface area. Since the current trends in geometric
face urban heat island (SUHI) in SPMR (Table 3, Figs. 7 complexity, density and greening in SPMR are associated
and 9). Metrics that are shown to be unreliable in some with increased urban temperatures, characteristics of urban
classes include the patch cohesion index as a measure of form are not working to mitigate the surface urban heat
connectivity and the landscape division index as a measure island and, therefore, are not sustainable. To move back
of (dis) aggregation (Fig. 6). toward sustainability, modifications to geometric complex-
Since we know landscape metrics are sensitive to both ity (mixed land use), density, and greenness of urban form
the pixel size and the urban extent (Turner, 2005; Wu may be attempted to reduce urban temperatures.
F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388 385

Using our results from Fig. 9d, we conceptually frame Fig. 10, we can imagine the trajectory of a pixel from a city
sustainable urban forms in LST-Fr space in Fig. 10. In this or urban area that has minimal greening but undergoes
manner, we can imagine the economic costs in concentric greening efforts. If the greening effort contributes to cool-
circles needed to move urban forms that fall within the war- ing, we should see the pixel move not only up but to the
mer part of the triangle back toward the cooler edge of the left, or toward the upper left corner of the triangle, indicat-
triangle. To work toward sustainability, we can increase ing greater biophysical sustainability of the associated
greening, but we must also work out tradeoffs between geo- urban form. At the same time, there may be a tradeoff
metric complexity and density, which may both contribute between cooling associated with evapotranspiration and
to or take away from mitigation and adaptation efforts. the water demand and cost for maintaining vegetation.
As previously discussed, SPMR is unique in its reliabil- Increased tree cover in warming urban areas may also
ity on renewable energy technologies and hydroelectricity, release more VOCs contributing to elevated ozone and
its relatively high urban density but low per capita income, poor air quality (Cardelino and Chameides, 1990), yet
and being the only one of 12 megacities that has a lower another variable that must be accounted for when evaluat-
carbon footprint than both the national and international ing sustainability overall.
averages (Sovacool and Brown, 2010). Because emissions Field monitoring of an urban canyon, a city square, and
related to energy use were relatively low, city managers a city park in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR)
and planners may not have focused enough on implement- resulted in the finding that the park was up to 2°C cooler
ing energy efficiency in building standards over the last dec- than the urban canyon or city square (Spangenberg et al.,
ade. At the same time, their efforts to increase greenspaces 2008). The same study found that the addition of trees to
and density in certain areas may be evident in our results, the urban canyon had a limited cooling effect, mostly on
in a slight increase in greenness from 2009–2014 and in the street surface, and that it lowered wind speeds up to
the decreasing patch density and increasing division found 45%. Therefore, we cannot rely on greening alone as a
in the least vegetated areas or VC1. means for reducing the UHI.
Tree distribution is important, and a thin, distributed Technologies to provide urban cooling beyond greening
canopy offers more shade than a dense cluster, which con- are widely known and readily available, though policies
tributes less to urban cooling (Stone and Rodgers, 2001; Li and funding to apply them may be lacking (Smith and
et al., 2011). Reflecting some of the tradeoffs that may exist Levermore, 2008). Thermal efficiency outside and inside
in considering vegetation or impervious surface density and current buildings can benefit from albedo modification,
geometric complexity shown in Fig. 10, different tree types appropriate insulation materials, and glazing materials that
are recommended for parks, parking lots, and urban can- can reduce heat transmission by 75% while maintaining
yons. Tall, narrow trees are optimal for shading canyon light infiltration. Other planning techniques are less likely
walls and sidewalks while reducing downdrafts at the base to apply in existing buildings, but should be required in
of buildings (McPherson, 1994). Using the framework of the creation of new built-up areas. These include optimal
street orientation for urban ventilation, building orienta-
tion for passive solar, and placement of parks and water
bodies where advection can result in cooling winds through
built up areas. Years ago, Oke (1988) also proposed an
ideal aspect ratio (building height/canyon width) of 0.4 to
0.6 and building densities (roof area/total surface area) of
0.2 to 0.4 for mid to high latitude cities.
How density impacts LST and SUHI may be most
related to canyon geometry or building height and vegeta-
tion distribution that impacts the sky view angle, radiation
absorption and reflection, and opportunities for shade and
ventilation during daytime and nighttime hours (Li et al.,
2011; Oke, 1981; Smith and Levermore, 2008; Stone and
Rodgers, 2001). Single family parcels examined in Atlanta,
USA showed a significant positive relationship between
parcel size and net thermal emissions, which supports the
theory that expansive urban form, also known as urban
sprawl, contributes more per parcel to radiant heat energy
than dense urban form (Stone and Rodgers, 2001). The
exposed surface area is considered key to thermal emissions
Fig. 10. Conceptual plot of what the move toward more sustainable urban
and supported by further research in Shanghai, China
forms may entail in LST-Fr space. To move through concentric circles
toward greater sustainability may cost a certain amount to work out the where residential land use with lower buildings and vegeta-
tradeoffs between density and geometric complexity and to increase tion cover had higher LST than areas with high buildings
greenness. or areas with high vegetation cover (Li et al., 2011). In their
386 F.V. Cochran, N.A. Brunsell / International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 6 (2017) 372–388

study, LST was calculated from Landsat scenes, which did geometric complexity, density and temperatures increase
not allow for the consideration of nighttime temperatures. from 2004 to 2014 in SPMR, while urban greenness
Urban areas with high density, tall buildings can create decreases in most urban classes. From 2009–2014, policies
temporary cooling islands during the day due to shadows. associated with efforts for urban greening may be evident in
However, at night urban canyons trap long-wave emissions the VC1 class, which has the least amount of vegetation or
that are absorbed in building materials and reflected greatest impervious surface area. However, this effort
between each other delaying urban cooling. Moderate seems to have little if any effect on urban cooling.
urban density that allows for dispersed greening and provi- Across scales, landscape metrics of patch density and
sion of shade while still maintaining ventilation may best landscape shape index provide reliable and predictable
satisfy both mitigation and adaptation strategies (Hamin quantifications of urban density and urban geometric com-
and Gurran, 2009). plexity or mixed land use. Tradeoffs between urban geo-
Contrary to other large cities in South America where metric complexity and density exist in relation to surface
there are falling density trends and increasing urban sprawl urban heat islands, and figuring out how these tradeoffs
(Inostroza et al., 2013), our results indicate that SPMR is relate to LST-Fr space around the globe may be the next
increasing in density overall. Whereas, an increase in urban step in defining more sustainable urban forms.
density may be considered characteristic of more sustain-
able form in relation to transportation, we speculate that Acknowledgements
increased density at least partially contributes to observed
increases in urban temperatures in SPMR. However, influ- This research was funded by NSF AGS-1243060. The
ences of increased global temperatures must first be ruled lead author would also like to acknowledge the IGERT C–
out. CHANGE NSF080152 program. The MODIS land cover,
Sources of error in our metrics and classification method NDVI, and LST data products were obtained through the
may be introduced by the different timing of the Landsat online Data Pool at the NASA Land Processes Distributed
scenes, as well as the Landsat 7 gaps. Shao and Wu Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), U.S. Geological Survey
(2008, pg. 507) address the error that is carried over from (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS)
classified thematic maps and remote sensing products to Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota (https://lpdaac.usgs.-
landscape analysis and report that ‘‘a high degree of classi- gov/data_access). Landsat 7 and 8 data were available cour-
fication accuracy is required for assuring the consistency tesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (http://earthexplorer.
and reliability of landscape metrics.” Environmental fac- usgs.gov). Thank you to Dr. Leiqiu Hu for her expertise
tors may also impact remote sensing data, such as the find- and processing of the MODIS LST data.
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MODIS temperatures (Hu and Brunsell, 2015). Finally,
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