Ali CCNab8 Report
Ali CCNab8 Report
Ali CCNab8 Report
Lab # 8
Marks Obtained
1. Objective
Learning Outcomes
This lab satisfies the following learning outcomes of this lab course:
CLO 1: Follow instructions to implement local networks and analyze their performance on
CLO 2: Present and analyze network with effective and timely submitted reports.
CLO 3: Produce & design networks to demonstrate various networking protocols & applications.
2. Environment Required
Cisco Packet Tracer – Networking Simulation Tool
3. Instructions
This is an individual lab. You will perform the tasks individually and submit the required files
before the given deadline.
Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
Plagiarism or any hint thereof will be dealt with strictly. Any incident where plagiarism is caught,
both (or all) students involved will be given zero marks, regardless of who copied whom. Multiple
such incidents will result in disciplinary action being taken.
Deadline: Submission within Lab
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Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
4. Task-1
Follow the following instructions and build the network.
Use the knowledge gained in Lab 6 and Lab 7 to build the above given network
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Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
Task 2:
Go to any PC in your network and open the Command Prompt screen
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Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
Q1: Run the command “Tracert dest_IP”, Dest_IP = IP address of your server?
In the space below write down the result you see on your screen
1 0 ms 0 ms 0 ms
2 0 ms 0 ms 1 ms
3 1 ms 0 ms 0 ms
Trace complete.
C:\>nslookup ali2
Server: []
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: ali2
Q3: Run the command “Ping dest_IP”, Dest_IP = IP address of your server?
Ans:In the space below write down the result you see on your screen
Cisco Packet Tracer PC Command Line 1.0
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Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
In this lab, we used various commands to understand and troubleshoot network connections. We
successfully checked the connectivity to a server ( using the ping command, which
showed that the round-trip time (RTT) was generally fast, averaging around 3 milliseconds
We also used the nslookup command to find the DNS name associated with IP addresses. For
instance, "ali" was associated with the IP address
Lastly, we traced the route from our computer to the server using the tracert command, revealing
the path through different routers (hops). This information can be crucial for diagnosing network
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Fall 2023 Computer Communication Networks Lab
the given
Tasks 2-3 All tasks Most tasks Some tasks Most tasks All tasks
(35%) completed completed completed incomplete or incomplete
(CLO3, correctly. All correctly. Most correctly. incorrect. or incorrect.
PLO4) of the given of the given Some of the Most of the None of the
networks network given networks given networks
designed designed designed networks given
correctly with correctly with correctly with designed correctly
understanding. understanding. partial incorrectly designed or
understanding. with partial not
understanding. designed
Note: Tasks have sixty and report has forty percent contributions towards this lab total score.
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