EMG 1102 Engineering Drawing COURSE CONTENT (2023)
EMG 1102 Engineering Drawing COURSE CONTENT (2023)
EMG 1102 Engineering Drawing COURSE CONTENT (2023)
© 2023
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The aim of this course is to enable the student to apply the principles of assembly to drawings,
sectioning, dimensioning and detailing of engineering drawings. Expected Learning
At the end of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. Select and use appropriate drawing instruments for a particular drawing task and
construct loci of points in mechanisms commonly encountered in mechanical
2. Create orthographic drawings given pictorial drawings, interpret orthographic
drawings, and design isometric and oblique drawings/sketches for given orthographic
3. Make free-hand sketches.
Course Content:
Various aspects of graphic language: Aesthetics, artistic and technical drawing.
Technical drawing: Technical drawing equipment, drawing paper sizes, lettering and
linework. Construction of loci: Common loci, such as involutes, cycloids, trochoids,
parabola. Loci of points on mechanisms. Development of cam profiles.
Orthographic projections: Use of first and third angle projections, two view and three view
mechanical drawing conventions.
Production of elevations and plans of simple solids from practical components. Drawing
scales: Lines in space; true lengths.
Three-dimensional views; isometric, perspective and oblique.
Conventional representation of features: International Standard organization (ISO) 4500.
Free hand sketching, sketching materials. Exercises on sketching of physical engineering
components. Electrical circuit and pipe work diagrams.
Interpenetration: Curves of interpenetration of two bodies. Slicing and generator methods.
Development of shapes and objects of interpenetration. Development of planes and solids.
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Sectional views: Full, half, broken out and revolved sections; removed and off set; ribs in
sectioning; aligned section and partial views; intersections in sectioning, conventional breaks;
sections of simple solids cut by vertical and horizontal planes. Threads, fasteners and springs.
Assembly drawing: Dimensioning. Detailed drawing of machine parts. Tolerances; limits and
fits, methods of indicating tolerance, accumulation of tolerance. Geometrical and positional
tolerances. Surface quality: Surface roughness, lay, surface treatment. Machining symbols
and instructions on drawing. Working drawings.
Mode of Delivery
Lectures, Tutorials, Case Studies, Presentations and Computer Laboratory Exercises.
Instructional Materials/Equipment
• Drawing office;
• Drawing instruments;
• Computer Laboratory.
Course Assessment
Continuous Assessment Tests 30%
Assignments 20%
Final Examination 50%
Total 100%
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2. Giesecke F.E., Hill I.L., Norak J.E. & Mitchel A. (1991) Technical Drawing, Prentice
Hall, inc. ISBN: 13 -9780132729710; ISBN -0132729717
3. Green P. (2005) The Geometrical Tolerancing Desk Reference: Creating and
Interpreting ISO Standard Technical Drawings, Newnes.ISBN-13: 978-0750668217;
ISBN-10: 0750668210
4. Eide A.R., Jenism R.D. & Mashaw L.H. (1995) Engineering graphics fundamentals,
Mc Graw-Hill, inc. 2nd Ed. ISBN-13: 978-0070191266; ISBN-10: 0070191
5. Journal of Mechanical Design
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