Chapter 1

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MIS 766 Database Management

Chapter 1: The Database Environment

Marcus Rothenberger

 Data: stored representations of facts

⚫ Structured: numbers, texts, dates
⚫ Unstructured: images, videos, documents
 Database: an organized collection of logically
related data
 Database management system: a collection of
programs that allows users to create and
maintain a database
 Information: data processed to increase
knowledge in the person using the data
 Metadata: data that describes the properties
and context of data
Data in Context

Context helps users understand data

Alternate Representation of Data
Some Examples

 Credit card system

 Airline reservation system
 Student records system
 Payroll system
 also: Data Warehouse
Disadvantages of File Processing

 Program-Data Dependence
⚫ All programs maintain metadata for each file they use
 Duplication of Data
⚫ Different systems/programs have separate copies of the
same data
 Limited Data Sharing
⚫ No centralized control of data
 Lengthy Development Times
⚫ Programmers must design their own file formats
 Excessive Program Maintenance
⚫ 80% of of information systems budget
Three file processing systems
at Pine Valley Furniture
Duplicate Data
Database Management System

DBMS manages data resources like an operating system manages hardware resources
The Database Approach
• Data models
– Graphical diagram capturing nature and relationship of data
– Enterprise Data Model – high-level entities and relationships
for the organization
– Project Data Model – more detailed view, matching data
structure in database or data warehouse

• Entities
– Noun form describing a person, place, object, event, or
– Composed of attributes

• Relationships
– Between entities
– Usually one-to –many (1:N) or many-to-many (M:N), but can
also be one-to-one (1:1)
Figure 1-3 Comparison of Enterprise- and
Project-Level Data Models
(a) Segment of an (b) Segment of a project data
enterprise data model model
The Database Approach
 Relational Databases
 Database technology involving tables (relations) representing
entities and primary/foreign keys representing relationships (see
Figure 1-17)
Costs and Risks of the Database
 New, specialized personnel
 Installation and management cost and
 Conversion costs
 Need for explicit backup and recovery
 Organizational conflict
From Figure 1-8 Database Development
Activities During the SDLC
Database Project Team Members
(1 of 2)

 Business analysts – analyze business

situation and establish requirements
 Systems analysts – like business analysts,
but also have technical expertise for overall
information systems
 Database analysts and data modelers –
analysts who focus on database
 Users – the “customers” communicate their
needs to analysts
 Programmers – coders of the programs that
interact with the database
Database Project Team Members
(2 of 2)

 Database architects – establish standards

for data in business units
 Data administrators – responsible for
existing databases, ensuring data integrity
and consistency
 Project managers – oversee the projects,
manage the personnel
 Other technical experts – network,
operating system, documentation, etc.
Scale of Database Applications
Figure 1-11 The Range of Database
Technologies: Past and Present (1 of 4)
(a) Evolution of database technologies
Figure 1-11 The Range of Database
Technologies: Past and Present (2 of 4)
(b) Database architectures
Figure 1-11 The Range of Database
Technologies: Past and Present (3 of 4)
(b) Database architectures
Figure 1-11 The Range of Database
Technologies: Past and Present (4 of 4)
(b) Database architectures
The Range of Database
 Personal Databases
⚫ Typical size in the megabytes

⚫ Intended for one user

 Departmental Multi-Tiered Client/Server

⚫ Typical size in the gigabytes

⚫ Intended for several users, usually doesn’t

exceed 100, department-wide
 Enterprise Applications
⚫ Typical size in the gigabytes, terabytes, or
even petabytes
⚫ Intended for a very large user base,
company wide
Pine Valley Furniture
 PVF is a fictional furniture company
 Will be used as a case throughout the book
 Chapter 1 topics include
⚫ Database Evolution at Pine Valley Furniture
⚫ Project planning

⚫ Analyzing database requirements

⚫ Designing the database

⚫ Using the database

⚫ Administering the database

⚫ Future of databases at PVF

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