Sew A Sleepy Kitty
Sew A Sleepy Kitty
Sew A Sleepy Kitty
Sleepy Kitty
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Sew your very own
feline friend!
Create the
perfect companion
for your little one and
sew a cute cat, complete
with sleeping bag. Why not
add a personal touch to
Cheryl Owen’s sleepy kitty
by sewing her ruff and
tutu in the recipient’s
favourite colour? 71
We used... pins to C and E, and the a ruler to draw a line
tutu to the lower edge, along the centre parallel
Fabric, cotton: plain mid-pink, white printed, pale matching the pins to F and with the long side edges on
pink printed, mid-pink printed, navy printed Navy bias G. Pull up the gathers to fit one fabric front and back.
binding, 1.8cm x 1.2m Embroidery thread: mid-pink, and tack in place. Tack the Draw two parallel lines
navy Fusible webbing Toy stuffing upper edge of the tail to G 4cm apart either side of
Size: Kitty: 15cm x 31cm Sleeping bag: 20cm x 34.5cm on top of the tutu on one the centre line.
Note: Use a 6mm seam allowance unless body. Stitch the back body Pin the wadding
otherwise stated. from F-G-F. between the fronts
patterned fabric. Cut one stitch the darts. Press to matching seams. Stitch Open out one edge
centre face on the fold and one side. Pin and stitch F-H-I-I-H-F. Snip the curves of 1.8cm wide navy
two pairs of ears from pale the face to the back head and finger press the seams bias binding and pin to the
pink patterned fabric. Snip from E-D-D-E. Snip the open. Pin the leggings to upper edge of the front.
two bodies on the fold, curves and finger press the the body and stitch the Cut off the excess. Sew
two pairs of arms, one pair seam open. Turn the head front F-G-F. Turn the cat along the fold line. Turn the
of tails and two leggings right side out. right side out. Adjust the binding over the raw edges
on the fold from mid-pink Pin the bodies together neck seam allowance and pin to the underside.
patterned fabric. and stitch the side toward the head. Stuff the Slipstitch the pressed
2 Trace the cheek twice seams from E-F, then press cat evenly, then slipstitch edge along the seam.
onto the paper backing the seams open. Turn the the gap closed. With right sides facing up,
of fusible webbing. Press body right side out. Sew pin the front to the back,
to the wrong side of plain the hands to the arms and matching the raw edges.
mid-pink fabric, cut out,
then peel off the paper.
tail tip to the tail, matching
notches. Press the seam Sleeping Bag Open out one edge of
the bias binding and press
Press to the right side of the
side faces, referring to the
template. Trace the eyes
open. Pin the arms and
hands, and the tails and
tail tips together in pairs,
1 Cut two 21cm x 23cm
rectangles from
patterned fabric and one
under one end. Starting
at the pressed end, pin
the binding to the top
and mouth onto the side matching seams. Stitch from lightweight wadding of the sleeping bag and
faces with a sharp pencil the outer edges, leaving for the front. For the back, stitch along the fold line
and mark the end of the the short upper open cut two 21cm x 34cm all the way round. Turn the
whiskers with a dot. Using edges. Pin the upper edges rectangles of printed binding over the raw edges
two strands of mid-pink together. Tack the arms material and one of and pin to the underside.
thread, overstitch the edges to the body, matching the lightweight wadding. Slipstitch the pressed edge
of the cheeks to the face. dots to E. Use a sharp pencil and along the seam.
Embroider the eyes in satin Cut a 4cm x 30cm
stitch and the whiskers with
rectangle for the
straight stitch between the ruff and a 9cm x 40cm
dots using two strands of rectangle for the tutu from
navy thread.
navy patterned fabric.
t i
Why not stitch
a patchwork
quilt for your
kitty instead?
Free template
utiful .
Why not try adding
a name tag or using
decorative stitches to
create a fancy fabric design
for the leggings or skirt?
The Janome 5270QDC
sewing machine can do
all of this and much more;
£749, 73
Sew your very own
feline friend
Designer: Cheryl Owen
Page 71
shown at 75%
Create beautiful
greetings and
decorations featuring
this classic flower
Designer: Helen
Page 42
shown at 50%