Indices of Assessing Health Risk of Toxic Metals

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Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Health Risk

Article · November 2016

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20160203.11


68 16,901

3 authors:

Mohamed Hassaan Ahmed El Nemr

National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries


Fedekar F. Madkour
Port Said University


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American Journal of Water Science and Engineering
2016; 2(3): 14-19
doi: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20160203.11

Review Article
Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and
Human Health Risk
Mohamed A. Hassaan1, *, Ahmed El Nemr1, Fedekar F. Madkour2
Environmental Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Kayet Bey, El-Anfoushy, Alexandria, Egypt
Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt

Email address: (M. A. Hassaan)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Mohamed A. Hassaan, Ahmed El Nemr, Fedekar F. Madkour. Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Health Risk.
American Journal of Water Science and Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 3, 2016, pp. 14-19. doi: 10.11648/j.ajwse.20160203.11

Received: September 4, 2016; Accepted: October 20, 2016; Published: November 3, 2016

Abstract: Heavy metals are normally occurring elements that have a density at least 5 times higher than of water. Their
plentiful domestic, industrial, agricultural and technological usages have led to their widespread distribution in the environment;
raising worries over their possible impacts on human health and the environment. The toxicity of heavy metals relies on
numerous factors including the dose, method of exposure, and chemical types. This review provides an analysis of heavy metals
occurrence, toxicity, and some pollution assessment methods such as the geoaccumulation index, contamination factor,
Contamination Degree, Enirchment factor, pollution load index, Ecotoxilogical sense of heavy metals contamination and Risk
Assessment of heavy metals consumption.

Keywords: Heavy Metals, Health Effects, Environmental Effect, Geoaccumulation Index, Contamination Factor,
Contamination Degree, Pollution Load Index, Ecotoxilogical Sense and Risk Assessment

1. Introduction
Water pollution becomes a significant problem because hydrologic conditions, partly because of the dilution of
water is an essential natural resource for human life. upstream inputs during the flood periods [5]. Through the
Furthermore, water is an important resource of developing process of precipitation, sedimentation and a variety of factors
economics and society in terms of agriculture, industry and such as chemical reactivity, land use pattern and biological
various facilities [1]. Lakes and rivers not only supply water productivity. Some of heavy metals that introduced in aquatic
for human consumption but also receive wastewater discharge systems are deposited in the sediment aquatic plants and
from all human activities. In the past two decades there have organisms [6 and 7].
an increasing public awareness of the hazards exit from the Although some heavy metals such as Manganese, iron,
contamination of the environment by toxic substances. copper and zinc are essential micronutrients, other such as
Aquatic systems are one facet of the impact of toxic mercury, cadmium and lead are not required even in small
substances on the natural environment [2]. amounts by any organisms [8]. Some heavy metals become a
Trace elements occur in minute concentration in biological matter of concern because of their toxicity and tendency to
system. They may exert beneficial of harmful effect on animal, accumulation in food chains. Fishes, mollusk or another
plant and human life depending upon the concentration [3]. aquatic life are located at the end of food chain may
These elements are introduced into aquatic systems, rivers, accumulate metals and pass them to the human being through
lakes or ocean through atmospheric fallout, dumping wastes, food causing chronic or acute diseases [3, 8 and 9]. Recent
accidental leaks, runoff of terrestrial systems (industrial and researchers have found that even low levels of mercury,
domestic effluents) and geological weathering [4]. cadmium, lead, aluminum and arsenic can cause a wide
The distribution of trace metals differs depending on variety of health problems [3 and 10].
15 Mohamed A. Hassaan et al.: Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Health Risk

2. Heavy Metals Pollution g. Drugs/medicinal preparation – AS, Sb, Bi, Ba, Se, Li, Ta
h. Additive in fuels and lubricants- Pb, Se, Te, Mo, Li
The sources and effects of heavy metals:
All sources of heavy metals can be divided into five
categories as follow [11]: 3. Toxicity of Heavy Metals
2.1. Geochemical Sources Heavy metals are dangerous because they tend to
accumulate. Compounds accumulate is living things any time
In geological terms, heavy metals are included in the group they are taken up and stored faster than they are broken down
of elements referred to as ( trace metals ) which together or extracted (metabolized).heavy metals can enter the water
constitute less than 1% of the rocks in the earth crust; the supply by industrial or consumer waste or even from acidic
macro elements ( O, Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Mg, Ti,H,p and S) rain breaking down soils and releasing heavy metals into
comprise 99% of the earth crust. The natural enrichment of streams, lakes, rivers and ground waters. [12].
metals in the soils may still give rise to harmful effect to living Heavy metals toxins contribute to a variety of adverse
organisms. health effects. These exit over than 20 different heavy metals
toxins that have impacts on human health and each toxin will
2.2. Agriculture Material produce different behavioural physiological and cognitive
Agriculture constitutes one of the most important non-point changes in an exposed individuals. The degree to which a
sources of metals pollutants. The main sources are: system organ tissue or cell is affected by a heavy metal toxin
a. Impurities in fertilizers:Cd, Cr, Pb, Mo, U, V, Zn, (eg Cd depends on the toxin its self and the individuals degree of
and U in the phosphatic fertilizer ); exposure to the toxin [13].
b. Pesticides: Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Mn, Zn (eg Cu, Zn and Mn – The toxicity of heavy metals can be listed in order of
based fungicides, Hg seed dressings and historical Pb-As decreasing toxicity as Hg>Cd>Cu>Zn>Ni>Pb>Cr>Al>Co,
orchad sprays); also this is only approximate as the vulnerability of species to
c. Disscants: As for cottons individual metals varies. Toxicity also varies according to the
d. Wood preservative: As, Cu ; environmental conditions that control the chemical speciation
e. Wastes from intensive Pig and poulty productions: As, of metals, (Fig. 1), [14].
Cu ;
f. Composts and manures: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, As ;
g. Sewage sludge: specially: Cd, Ni, Pb, Zn, As (also many
other elements );
h. Corrosion of metal objects (e.g. galvanized metal roofs
and wire fences (Zn, Cd).

2.3. Metallurgical Industries

Many heavy metals are used in specialist alloys and steel V,

Mn, Pb, W, Mo, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Li, As, Ag, hence both
the manufacturing and disposal or recycling of these alloys in
scrap metal can lead to environmental pollution of wide range
of metals.
2.4. Waste Disposal

Many metals specially Cu, Cd, Pb, Sn and Zn are dispersed

into the environment in leachates from landfills. Which
pollute soils and ground waters, and in fumes from
2.5. Other Sources

Other significant sources of heavy metals pollution in

manufacture (sometimes in use) and disposal include:
a. Batteries – Pb, Sb, Zn, Cd
b. Pigments and paints - Pb, Sb, As, Cd, Mo, Si, Co, Zn
c. Catalysts – Ni, Mo, I, Co, Rh
d. Polymer stabilizers- Pb, Sn, Zn, Cd (for incineration of
plastic) Figure 1. Fate of heavy metals and responses in different level in ecosystem
e. Printing and graphics- Se-(Xerox process ),Pb, Zn, Cd source: [12 and 15].
f. Medical use-dental alloys- Ag, Sn, Hg, Cu, Zn
American Journal of Water Science and Engineering 2016; 2(3): 14-19 16

Aquatic organisms may be adversely affected by heavy in a water-soluble form that plant and animals communities
metals in the environment. The toxicity is largely a function of can readily uptake and assimilate [19].
the water chemistry and sediment composition in the surface The bioavailability of metals (expressed in percent) with
water system. Furthermore, the ability of aquatic organisms to respect to total metal content can be calculated as follows:
adsorb metal is largely dependent on the physical and /
chemical characteristic of metal [16]. With the exception of % Bioavailability = × 100 (1)
mercury, little metal bioaccumulation has been observed in
aquatic organisms. Metals may enter the systems of aquatic Where, the dissolved metal concentration is determined via
organisms via main three pathways [16]: analysis of filtered water sample. The total metal
1: Free metals ions that are adsorbed through respiratory concentration is calculated from summation of dissolved and
surface (e.g., gills) are readily diffused into the blood stream. particulate parts.
2: Free metals ions that are adsorbed onto body surface are
4.1.2. Distribution Coefficient (log Kd)
passively diffused into the blood stream.
The distribution coefficient of a metal between the water,
3: metals that are adsorbed onto food and particulates
suspended particle or sediment is calculated from the equation:
maybe ingested, as well as free ions ingested with water.
Many organisms can regulate the metal concentrations in & '& ( /) )
Logk = (2)
their tissue. & ( /)
Fish and Crustacea can extract essential metals such as
4.2. TSM and Sediment
copper, zinc and iron that are present in excess. Some can also
extract non-essential metals such as mercury and cadmium 4.2.1. Surficial Enrichment Factor (SEF)
although this usually met with less success. However, research EF can be calculated according to two manners:
has shown that bivalves are not able to successfully regulate First, EF was calculated as the ratio of the metals
metals uptake [16]. Some of The most important disasters with concentration in the sample to the same metals concentration
heavy metals were recorded as the follow [17 and 18]: in the shale material. Recently the average composition of
The first one was the Spanish nature reserve contaminated shale has been adopted as the standard material [20].
after environmental disaster: In 1998 to 2004, toxic chemical
in water from a burst dam belonging to a mine contaminated EFx = (x) TSM or sediment / (x) shale (3)
the coto de donana nature reserve in the southern Spain. about
Where, x is the heavy metal (x).
5 million m3 of mud containing sulfur, lead, copper, zinc and
Second, EF was calculated by examining the widely used
cadmium followed down the Rio Guadimar. Experts estimated
element Al to standardize the metals in the sediment. The EFx
that Europe’s largest bird sanctuary, as well as the Spain
for a metal (x) is defined as:
agriculture and fisheries, will suffer permanent damage from
pollution. EFx = (x/Al) sediment / (x/Al) shale (4)
While the second one was called Itai-itai disease that was
found in the cadmium (Cd) Jinzu river basin in the Toyama Where, x/Al sediment is the ratio of the heavy metals (x) to
prefecture, and has been generally recognized since the 1950s Al in the sediment sample.
by the effort of the inhabitants. The strange disease that EF values were interpreted as suggested by [21].for the
appeared in the downstream basin of Jinzu river around 1912 metals studied with respect to shale average [22].
was called by local Itai-itai byo (Itai being what Japanese 4.2.2. The Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo)
people say when inflict with pain and byo literally meaning This to quantify the degree of anthropogenic contamination
disease). The reason of this name came from the way that and compare different metals that appear in different ranges of
victim cried out Itai-itai under the excruciating pain they concentration in the study areas, an approach to indexing
endured. Women were mostly afflicted with pain across their geoaccumulation, Igeo, [22 and 23]. A quantitive check of
entire body and more severe cases suffered broken bones metals pollutions in sediment and in TSM was porposed by
when trying to move by their own. Muller and Suess equation and is called the Index of
Geoaccumulation, which is the enrichment on geological
4. Methods of Pollution Assessment of substrate:
Heavy Metals Igeo = lns (Cn/1.5 Bn) (5)
Several methods of heavy metal pollution degree can be Where, Cn is the measured concentration of the examined
used to evaluate the heavy metal pollution in the water, total metal (n) in the sediment or TSM ug/g, 1.5 is the factor used for
suspended matter, sediments and fishes. [10]. lithologic variation of trace metals, and the Bn is the background
concentration of the same metal. It’s very difficult to establish Bn
4.1. Water and TSM or Sediment (Solids) values for the sediments of some studied areas, as a reference. So,
4.1.1. Bioavailability in some works Bn value (references point) has been taken as
The term “bioavailability” is mean to denote heavy metals equal to the metals concentration in shale rocks.
17 Mohamed A. Hassaan et al.: Environmental Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Health Risk

[24], indicate that geo-accumulation index <0 indicate PLI = (CF1 X CF2 X CF3 X ……. CFn )1/n (8)
practically uncontaminated, geo-accumulation index >0-1
indicate practically uncontaminated to moderate, Where CF is the contamination factor and n is number of
geo-accumulation index >1-2 indicate moderate, metals and world average concentration of metals in shale
geo-accumulation index >2-3 indicate moderate to strong, rocks was taken as their background values.
geo-accumulation index >3-4 indicate strong, The contamination factor can be calculated from the
geo-accumulation index >4-5 indicate strong to very strong and following relation:
geo-accumulation index >5 indicate very strong contamination. CF (Contamination Factor) =
& 1 '&
2 ) 3
4.2.3. Contamination Factor (CF) and Contamination
Degree (Cd) In this study the PLI is measured for metals in each of the
This is an assessment of sediment contamination by TSM and sediment of the study areas.
comparison of concentration with those of background 4.2.5. Ecotoxilogical Sense of Heavy Metals Contamination
sediments. The Ecotoxilogical sense of heavy metals contamination of
[25], had suggested a contamination factor (Cif) and the sediment was determined using sediment quality guidelines
degree of contamination (Cd) to describe the contamination of developed for marine and estuarine ecosystem [28].
given toxic substance given by: These effects are as follow:
Ci = Ci / Ci (6) a) The effect range low (ERL) / the effect range median
f 0-1 n
and Cd = E7 i =1 Ci f (7) b) The threshold effect level (TEL) /the probable effect
level (PEL).
Where, Ci f is the mean content of the substance; and Ci n is Where ERL and TEL are the concentrations below the adverse
the reference value of the substance. effects upon sediment dwelling fauna would infrequently be
The terminologies in Table (1) are used to describe the expected whereas, ERM and PEL represented chemical
contamination factor. concentration above the adverse effects are likely to occur.
In this study the contamination factor (Cif) and The potential acute toxicity of contamination in sediment
contamination degree (Cd) are measured for metals in both sample can be estimated as the sum of toxic unit (TU). Toxic
TSM and sediment. unit defined as the ratio of the determined concentration to
Table 1. The terminologies used to describe the contamination factor (Cif) PEL value [29].
Hakanson et al. (1980) [30]. reported a threshold effect concentration (TEC = the
concentration above which toxicity may be observed) and a
Cif Cd Description
Cif<1 Cd<7 Low degree of contamination
probable effect concentration (PEC = the concentration above
1<Cif<3 7<Cd<14 Moderate degree of contamination which toxicity is frequently observed). Assessment of
3<Cif<6 14<Cd<28 Considerable degree of contamination sediment pollution using different indices sediment
Cif >6 Cd>28 Very high degree of contamination contamination by comparison with effect based sediment
quality guideline (SQG). Numerical sediment quality
4.2.4. Pollution Loading Index (PLI) guidelines (SQGs) have been used to identify contaminants of
[26 and 27], had employed a simple method based on concern in aquatic ecosystem (MacDonald et al., 2000).
pollution loading index (PLI) to assess the extent pollution Sediments were classified as non-polluted, moderately
load in estuarine sediments. polluted and heavily polluted, based on SQG of USEPA [31]
Sediment pollution load index was calculated using the as shown in Table (2).
Table 2. Concentrations of heavy metals in shales (ppm) and according to various guidelines and comparing with sediment quality guidelines (SQG).

Non polluted Moderate polluted Heavily polluted
Cu 45 >25 25-50 >50 18.70 110.00 34.00 270
Cd 0.3 - - - 0.68 4.20 1.20 9.60
Zn 95 >90 90-200 >200 124.00 270 150 410
Co 19 - - - - - - -
Ni 68 >20 20-50 >50 15.90 43 20.90 51.60
Mn 850 - - - - - - -
Fe 47600 - - - - - - -
Al 80000 - - - - - - -

SQG = Sediment Quality Guidelines.

TEL = Threshold effect level.
PEL = Probable effect level.
ERL = Low effect range.
ERM = Median effect range.
American Journal of Water Science and Engineering 2016; 2(3): 14-19 18

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