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Academic Programs

Academic Writing Online Component

Protocol TAI – 2023

Academic Writing Online Component (AWOC) for VRI5000 English Course

Author: Erika Gabriela Ortega Guamán

1. Title

Study of optimal seismic retrofit interventions for Chilean Masonry Churches. A contribution based on
experimental tests, numerical modeling, and seismic response analysis of a complex case.
2. Abstract

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3. Introduction
3.1. Context and case of study

Chile is one of the most seismically active countries in the world.

In the last 15 years, three earthquakes with a magnitude (Mw) over 8.0 have occurred: Maule 2010
(Mw 8.8); Iquique 2014 (Mw 8.2), and Illapel 2015 (Mw 8.3).

During the 2010 Maule earthquake, several historic and traditional masonry buildings suffered
severe damage, including collapse.

A large portion of these historic structures were URM churches.

This is the case of the Recoleta Dominica Church, this church was chosen as a representative
example of the URM church building stock within Chile, characterized by specific historic
architectural and construction qualities.

3.2. Seismic retrofit interventions

Understand the seismic response of different strengthening techniques applied to façade-type walls.

The strengthening techniques under study will be fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) strips, textile
reinforced mortar (TRM), post-tensioning, steel plates with stainless-steel bars, and insertion of RC

3.3. Seismic assessment of Recoleta Dominica church

In this project, the 3D FE models of the Recoleta Dominica church will be implemented in DIANA
software (DIANA FEA, 2020).

This methodological approach is very useful to identify and evaluate possible repair or retrofit

@ English UC, Language Center, 2023

Academic Programs
Academic Writing Online Component
Protocol TAI – 2023

4. Method and materials

4.1. Definition of the study case
Archive and literature review of the study case.

Visual inspection considering critical aspects.

Select the Non-destructive experimental measurements and Dynamic identification.

4.2. Construction of a 3D FE model

Develop of the 3D finite element model of the structure.

Calibration of the model using the data collected with the abovementioned methods.

4.3. Validation of the model against the 2010 Maule earthquake induced damages

Obtention of the 2010 Maule earthquake ground-motion record in time-history analyzes.

Validation of the model by comparing the observed damages and the numerically simulated damage
pattern on the structure after undergoing the 2010 Maule earthquake.
4.4. 3D FE models of the original URM structure strengthened with different strategies

Experimental study of six masonry specimens subjected to constant axial load and incremental
lateral cyclic displacements.
5. Results and Analysis

Find a suitable modeling approach to include the experimentally characterized strengthening

methods in the computational model of the chosen study case.

The seismic behavior observed in the original and strengthened (current) study case models will be

To assess the influence of intervention strategies in the study case using the modeling approach

To determine optimal strengthening methods for the studied seismic scenarios.

6. Discussion
Correlation with previous studies:
D'Ayala & Benzoni (2012), Giordano et al. (2021), Palazzi et al. (2020), Preciado et al. (2020),
Sorrentino et al. (2019), Zizi et al. (2022),
7. Conclusion

Possible explanation:

The performance of retrofitting and strengthening solutions implemented in URM churches depends
on the seismic scenario of the building location.

3D computational finite element-based models are suitable and trustable analysis tools for assessing
the seismic performance of URM churches.
@ English UC, Language Center, 2023
Academic Programs
Academic Writing Online Component
Protocol TAI – 2023

8. References

D'Ayala, D., & Benzoni, G. (2012). Historic and traditional structures during the 2010 Chile
earthquake: observations, codes, and conservation strategies. Earthquake Spectra,
28(1_suppl1), 425-451.
Giordano, E., Bertolesi, E., Clementi, F., Buitrago, M., Adam, J. M., & Ivorra, S. (2021).
Unreinforced and TRM-reinforced masonry building subjected to pseudodynamic
excitations: Numerical and experimental insights. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,
147(12), 04021107.
Palazzi, N. C., Favier, P., Rovero, L., Sandoval, C., & de La Llera, J. C. (2020). Seismic damage
and fragility assessment of ancient masonry churches located in central Chile. Bulletin of
Earthquake Engineering, 18, 3433-3457.
Preciado, A., Santos, J. C., Silva, C., Ramírez-Gaytán, A., & Falcon, J. M. (2020). Seismic damage
and retrofitting identification in unreinforced masonry Churches and bell towers by the
september 19, 2017 (Mw= 7.1) Puebla-Morelos earthquake. Engineering Failure Analysis,
118, 104924.
Sorrentino, L., Cattari, S., Da Porto, F., Magenes, G., & Penna, A. (2019). Seismic behaviour of
ordinary masonry buildings during the 2016 central Italy earthquakes. Bulletin of
Earthquake Engineering, 17(10), 5583-5607.
Zizi, M., Chisari, C., Rouhi, J., & De Matteis, G. (2022). Comparative analysis on macroscale
material models for the prediction of masonry in-plane behavior. Bulletin of Earthquake
Engineering, 20(2), 963-996.
9. Appendices

@ English UC, Language Center, 2023

Academic Programs
Academic Writing Online Component
Protocol TAI – 2023

@ English UC, Language Center, 2023

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