Proximity Sensor With Built-In IR LED Datasheet: Version - 1.4 2015/05/20

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Proximity Sensor with Built-in IR LED

Version - 1.4

STK3013 REV 1.4

Description Feature
The STK3013 is an infrared light to digital converter with  16 bits resolution for proximity detection
a built-in IR LED and I C interface. This device provides  Built-in LED driver with flexible setting
infrared sensing to allow proximity estimation featured – LED turn-on time : 16 steps IT x 64 duty cycle
with interrupt function. options
– LED current : 12.5 / 25 / 50 / 100 mA
For proximity sensing, the STK3013 incorporates a  Flexible interrupt setting
photodiode, timing controller and ADC in the same chip. – Several interrupt modes meet application
The spectral response is optimized for wavelength requirements.
940nm infrared light. The STK3013 provides – Flag modes are included.
programmable duty setting to drive IR LED and employs – Interrupt persistence : 1 / 4 times
a noise cancellation scheme to highly reject unwanted  Low noise design
ambient IR noise.  Ambient IR noise cancellation
– Immunity to 50Hz/60Hz fluorescent light
The STK3013 has excellent temperature compensation, flicker
robust on-chip refresh rate setting without external  940nm LED for STK3013.
components. Software shutdown mode control is
provided for power saving application. The STK3013 General
operating voltage range is 1.7V to 3.6V.  Fully digital control with I C interface
– 1.7 ~ 3.6V I C interface
 Low power design
– Standby mode
– Wait mode
 VDD wide operation voltage : 1.7~3.6V
 Excellent temperature compensation: -40 to 85°C
 Available package options:
– 4x2x1.1 (mm)
 Lead-free package (RoHS compliant)

 Mobile Phone, Smart-phone, PDA 1 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


I2C Interface
T-CON 2 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


Top View


Pin No. Pin Name Dir. Pin Function

1 VDD PWR Power supply: 1.7V to 3.6V.
2 NC No connect.
3 GND GND Ground. The thermal pad is also connected to the GND pin.
IR LED driver pin connecting to the cathode of the IR LED.
4 Cathode I The sink current of the IR LED driver can be programmed through I C or the external
5 Anode I Anode of the embedded IR LED, connect to power.
6 SCLK I I C serial clock line.
7 INT O Interrupt pin, LO for interrupt alarming. (Open Drain)
8 SDAT B I C serial data line. (Open Drain)

Direction denotation:

O Output GND Ground

I Input B Bi-direction
PWR Power NC Not Connect 3 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


Absolute Maximum Ratings

Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VDD Supply voltage -0.3 — 3.8 V
VLEDA Voltage of LED’s anode -0.3 — 4.7 V
VLDR Voltage of LDR 3.8 V
Ta Operation temperature -40 — 85 °C
Ts Storage temperature -40 — 85 °C
NOTE: All voltages are measured with respect to GND

Recommended Operating Conditions

Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VDD Supply voltage 1.7 — 3.6 V
VLEDA Voltage of LED’s anode 2.4 — 4.6 V
fI2C Clock frequency of I C — — 400 KHz
Ta Operation temperature -40 — 85 °C
NOTE: All voltages are measured with respect to GND

Symbol Parameter Max. Unit

2 (HBM) kV
ESD Electrostatic discharge protection 200 (MM) V
100 (Latch Up) mA
NOTE: All voltages are measured with respect to GND

5.1 Electrical and Optical Characteristics

VDD = VLED = 2.8V, under room temperature 25°C (unl ess otherwise noted)
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operation Characteristics
IPS PS supply current Note1,2 100 µA
IWAIT Supply current at wait state Note1,2 29 µA
ISD Shutdown current Note1,2 0.2 1 µA
VIH Logic high, I C Note4 1.3 VDD V
VIL Logic low, I C Note5 — 0.4 V

Proximity Characteristics
High sensitivity wavelength range
λp2 940 nm
for PS
PSFSCNT Full scale PS counts 65535 counts
ILEDSINK LED sink current Note3
00 12.5 mA
01 25 mA 4 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

10 50 mA
11 100 mA
LEDDUTY LED duty adjust steps 64 steps
Note 1 : No LED operation.
Note 2 : GAIN_PS[1:0] = 2’b11, .IT_PS[3:0] = 4’b0001.
Note 3 : The voltage of LDR pin is fixed at 1V.
Note 4 : I C logical high voltage level is specified as worst-case condition when all of the recommended operation supply
voltages (VDD) are taken into consideration. The logical high level is different when different supply voltage is
Note 5 : I C logical low voltage level is specified as worst-case condition when all of the recommended operation supply
voltages (VDD) are taken into consideration. The logical low level is different when different supply voltage is
Note 6 : 18% gray card as reflector @ 30mm distance and no glass or apertures above the module.

5.2 Timing Chart

Characteristics of the SDA and SCL I/O

Standard Mode Fast Mode
Symbol Parameter Unit
Min. Max. Min. Max.
fSCLK SCL clock frequency 10 100 10 400 KHz
Hold time after (repeated) start condition. After
tHDSTA 4.0 — 0.6 — µs
this period, the first clock is generated
tLOW LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 — 1.3 — µs
tHIGH HIGH period of the SCL clock 4.0 — 0.6 — µs
tSUSTA Set-up time for a repeated START condition 4.7 — 0.6 — µs
tHDDAT Data hold time 0 — 0 — ns
tSUDAT Data set-up time 250 — 100 — ns
tr Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals — 1000 — 300 ns
tf Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals — 300 — 300 ns
tSUSTO Set-up time for STOP condition 4.0 — 0.6 — µs
Bus free time between a STOP and START
tBUF 4.7 — 1.3 — µs
Note 1: fSCLK is the (tSCLK) .

Timing Chart of the SDA and SCL 5 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Write Command

Read Data

Sequential Read Data 6 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


Digital Interface
STK3013 contains eight-bit registers accessed via the I C bus. All operations can be controlled by the command
register. The simple command structure makes user easy to program the operation setting and latch the light data
from STK3013. Section 5.2 Timing chart displays the STK3013 I C command format for reading and writing operation
between host and STK3013.

6.1 General Operations

Slave Address
STK3013 provides fixed I C slave address of 0x48 using 7 bit addressing protocol.
Slave Address R/W Command Bit OPERATION
0x48 0 Write Command to STK3013
(followed by the R/W bit) 1 Read Data form STK3013

Function Description
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
01h PSCTRL PRS_PS[1:0] GAIN_PS[1:0] IT_PS[3:0] 31h
02h Reserved Reserved
04h INT 0 INT_OUI 0 INT_PS[2:0] 00h
05h WAIT WAIT[7:0] 00h
06h THDH1_PS THDH_PS[15:8] FFh
07h THDH2_PS THDH_PS[7:0] FFh
08h THDL1_PS THDL_PS[15:8] 00h
09h THDL2_PS THDL_PS[7:0] 00h
0Ah Reserved Reserved
0Bh Reserved Reserved
0Ch Reserved Reserved
0Dh Reserved Reserved
11h DATA1_PS DATA_PS[15:8] 00h
12h DATA2_PS DATA_PS[7:0] 00h
13h Reserved Reserved
14h Reserved Reserved
17h Reserved Reserved
18h Reserved Reserved
3Eh PDT_ID 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 31h 7 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

3Fh Reserved Reserved

80h SOFT_RESET Wrtite to soft reset

STATE Register (00h)

1. EN_PS ( Bit[0] ), EN_WAIT ( Bit[2] ) :
These bits are used to define what state for the device to be. The operation state flow will be stated later.
BIT [2:0] Description
000 Standby
001 No Wait Time, Enable PS
101 Set Wait Time, Enable PS
others Not Applied

2. SEL_FIX_OFS ( Bit[3] ):
This bit is needed to be set to 1 when EN_ASO function is enabled.

3. EN_IRO ( Bit[4] ) :
To enable (1) / disable (0) Interrupt Run Once function while Interrupt Run Once will be stated in the later section.
IRO function is suggested to be enabled.

4. EN_ASO ( Bit[5] ) :
To enable (1) / disable (0) PS DATA stored in register 11h/12h is the result that ADC output subtract offset data
stored in register 15h/16h. This is used to cancel the system cross talk (offset) and the SEL_FIX_OFS is also
needed to be set to 1.

ex: If both SEL_FIX_OFS and EN_ASO are set to 1, then DATA_PS[15:0] = DATA_PS_ADC –
DATA_OFFSET[15:0] where DATA_PS_ADC is the ADC output while PS conversion is completed.

PSCTRL Register (01h)

2. IT_PS[3:0] ( Bit[3:0] ) :
The refresh time of PS can be tuned by IT_PS[3:0]. Through setting IT_PS[3:0], user could achieve very wide range
flexibly in choosing refresh time for different application demand. It is suggested to choose IT_PS time less than
1.56ms to minimize the influence coming from flicker noise. STK3013 takes 2 times of IT_PS to perform proximity
sensing. The default value of IT_PS is 0.37ms.
BIT [3:0] REFRESH TIME Multiple of Base Refresh Time
0000 0.185 ms (Base Refresh Time) x1
0001 0.37 ms x2
0010 0.741 ms x4
….. ……. …..
1111 6070 ms x 32768

2. GAIN_PS[1:0] ( Bit[5:4] ) :
The Gain setting for PS sensitivity range is summarized in following table. It is suggested to choose x64 gain setting
to get the optimum performance. The default value of GAIN_PS is x64.
BIT [5:4] Gain
00 x1
01 x4
10 x16
11 x64

1. PRS_PS[1:0] ( Bit[7:6] ) :
The PS has an interrupt persistence filter. The persistence filter allows user to specify the number of consecutive 8 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

out-of-threshold PS occurrences before an interrupt is triggered.

BIT [7:6] Consecutive Out-of-threshold PS Occurrences
00 1 time
01 4 times

LEDCTRL Register (03h)

2. DT_LED[5:0] ( Bit[5:0] ) :
IRLED driving ON-duty (with respect to refresh time) could be adjusted through DT_LED. Through setting DT_LED,
IRLED ON-duty period can vary from 1/64 to 64/64 of the set IT_PS time.

For the following example table, when the IT_PS[3:0] = 4’b0000 (PS refresh time is 0.185ms), user may set the
IRLED ON-duty period 1/64 of 0.185ms (= 2.89us) by defining DT_LED[5:0] = 6’b000000. By following this, user
can choose the desired LED ON-duty period for STK3013
BIT [5:0] IRLED ON-Duty Period IRLED ON-Duty Period under IT_PS = 0000
000000 IT_PS X 1/64 2.89 us
000001 IT_PS X 2/64 5.78 us
…….. …. ……….
111111 IT_PS X 64/64 0.185 ms

2. IRDR[1:0] ( Bit[7:6] ) :
The STK3013 provides different driving ability for IRLED through setting IRDR.
BIT [7:6] IRLED Driving Current
00 12.5mA current sink
01 25mA current sink
10 50mA current sink
11 100mA current sink 9 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

System Operation State

Normal Mode
The STK3013 provides control of proximity detection, and power management functionality through an internal state
machine. After a power-on-reset, the device is in the standby mode. As soon as EN_PS is set to 1, the device will
move to the start state. It will then continue go through the PS, and Wait cyclic. If these states are enabled, the device
will execute each function. If EN_WAIT or EN_PS is changed during active mode it will jump to start state immediately
and remains the data of registers DATA_PS without updating. It will go into a low power standby mode again only
when EN_WAIT and EN_PS are all set to 0. 10 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Interrupt Run Once mode

STK3013 is provided IRO mode to save power and simplify system control. While EN_IRO is enabled, the state
machine will go to standby mode after PS interrupt event triggered and IC will stop sensing for saving power. The state
machine will leave standby mode once the FLG_PSINT is cleared. Please see follow state diagram.


EN_PS == 0
is cleared

(EN_IRO &&
FLG_PSINT) == 1 Start

PS Wait 11 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Power management
Example: Around 50 ms Cycle Time

INT Register (04h)

2. INT_PS[2:0] ( Bit[2:0] ) :
INT_PS programs interrupt occurrence criteria for PS.
000 PS INT Disable
PS INT Enable, interrupt is issued while FLG_NF is toggled.
FLG_NF is defined at bit0 of FLAG Register (10h) to indicate the PS state is near or far.
INT is treated as a flag and not an interrupt.
INT = 1 if DATA_PS[15:0] > THDH_PS[15:0] and INT = 0 if DATA_PS[15:0] < THDL_PS[15:0].
INT is treated as a flag and not an interrupt.
INT = 0 if DATA_PS[15:0] > THDH_PS[15:0] and INT = 1 if DATA_PS[15:0] < THDL_PS[15:0].
PS INT Enable, interrupt according to system pre-defined sequence. Refer to the following
101 PS INT Enable, interrupt only if the PS Data value is higher than THDH_PS[15:0].
110 PS INT Enable, interrupt only if the PS Data value is lower than THDL_PS[15:0].
PS INT Enable, interrupt if the PS Data value is higher than THDH_PS[15:0] or the PS Data value
is lower than THDL_PS[15:0]. Threshold ysteresis is not applied. 12 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

FLAG mode

While INT_PS[2:0] is set to 3’b010 or 3’b011. The INT pin is intended to be used as flag to indicate if any object is
proximity to the sensor or not. The MCU or application processor just reads the value of the INT pin to recognize the
state without access the I C interface. INT can not be cleared by host’s access.

If the INT pin is used as flag, the other interrupt event should be disabled. Usually, the polling mode is used for
ambient light sensor while INT is used as flag of proximity sensing.

Interrupt mode
INT is treated as interrupt signal when INT_PS[2:0] other than flag mode are selected. In these modes, the other
interrupt source can share the same INT pin to issue the interrupt event to host.

Out-of-Threshold interrupt mode

While INT_PS[2:0] is set to 3’b101/3’b110/3’b111, it is so-called “out-of-threshold interrupt”. This interrupt scheme will
issue continuous interrupt while the PS_DATA is higher or lower the threshold defined by THDH_PS[15:0] /

Recommended interrupt mode

The INT_PS[2:0] = 3’b001 is a new scheme which reduces the software’s effort. The INT is asserted only when
proximity state (FLG_NF) is transient. Host just needs to handle the proximity sensor while INT is asserted and no
extra handling for interrupt.



Interrupt is asserted for change of FLG_NF


I2C cle a r 13 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Compatible interrupt mode

While INT_PS[2:0] = 3’b100, the interrupt mode is compatible with STK3171, STK3101 and STK3128.
System pre-defined sequence is used to assert interrupt signal. Refer to the following state diagram.



Clear FLG_PSINT ** Clear FLG_PSINT **
Change detect
False FLG_NF = 1 True False
Check Threshold_H Check
DATA_PS[15:0] > DATA_PS[15:0] <=
THDH_PS[15:0] THDH_PS[15:0]


Detect “Near” Issue interrupt Read

/INT = Low
direction signal DATA_PS[15:0] *

/INT = Low
DATA_PS[15:0] *
Detect “Far”
True direction

Check Threshold_H Check Threshold_L

DATA_PS[15:0] > DATA_PS[15:0] <
THDH_PS[15:0] THDL_PS[15:0]

False True Change detect False

FLG_NF = 0

Clear FLG_PSINT ** Clear FLG_PSINT **


Note : * read DATA_PS is driver’s behavior and it will trigger IC’s next action.
** clear FLG_PSINT is driver’s behavior and it will let INT pin = HIGH 14 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

WAIT Register (05h)

2. WAIT[7:0] ( Bit[7:0] ) :
The wait time among every PS operation can be adjusted via I C. The following table lists the possible values of
wait time.
00h 5.93 ms; wait time among every PS operation is 5.93 ms
01h 11.9 ms; wait time among every PS operation is 11.9 ms
02h 17.8 ms; wait time among every PS operation is 17.8 ms
………. …….
FFh 1518 ms; wait time among every PS operation is 1518 ms

PS Threshold Register (06h, 07h, 08h ,09h)

A proximity interrupt event (FLG_PSINT) is governed by the high and low thresholds in register 06h, 07h, 08h and 09h
respectively. The user write a high and low threshold value to these registers and the STK3013 will issue an PS
interrupt depends on setting of INT_PS[2:0].

FLAG Register (10h)

2. FLG_NF ( Bit[0] ) :
The definition of FLG_NF depends on the setting of INT_PS[2:0].
000 Unused. FLG_NF is fixed to 1.
FLG_NF is 0 if object in near to sensor and FLG_NF is 1 if object is far to sensor.
Refer to INT_PS[2:0] = 3’b001 in previous description.
010 FLG_NF is 0 if object in near to sensor and FLG_NF is 1 if object is far to sensor.
011 FLG_NF is 0 if object in near to sensor and FLG_NF is 1 if object is far to sensor.
FLG_NF is 0 if STK3013 detection direction is object move from near side to far side.
FLG_NF is 1 if STK3013 detection direction is object move from far side to near side.
101 Unused. FLG_NF is fixed to 1.
110 Unused. FLG_NF is fixed to 1.
111 Unused. FLG_NF is fixed to 1.

2. FLG_PSINT ( Bit[4] ) :
PS Interrupt flag. This is the status bit of the interrupt for PS. The bit is set to logic high when the interrupt
thresholds have been triggered, and logic low when not yet triggered. Once triggered, INT pin stays low and the
status bit stays high. Both interrupt pin and the status bit are cleared by writing “0”.

0 Interrupt is cleared or not triggered yet
1 Interrupt is triggered

1. FLG_PSDR ( Bit[6] ) :
PS Data Ready Flag. This flag is used to confirm whether the PS data in the PS data registers are read or not. The
bit will be 1 when the refreshed data is not read. The bit is automatically cleared to zero by STK3013 after the PS
data registers are read.

PS Data Register (11 and 12 hex)

The STK3013 has two 8-bit read-only registers to hold the data from ADC of PS. The most significant bit (MSB) is
accessed at register 11h, and the least significant bit (LSB) is accessed at register 12h. For 16-bit resolution, the data
is from DATA_PS[15:0]. The registers are updated for every PS refresh time (conversion cycle). 15 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Data Offset Register (15h and 16h)

Please refer to the description in state register (00h).

Product ID (3Eh)
Read Only; PDT_ID = Product ID to indicate the product information.

Reserved (3Fh)
Read Only; RSRVD = Reserved for engineering mode.

Soft reset (80h)

Write any data to this register will reset the chip. 16 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


PS Operation Current Variation versus Termperature

1 5.00%

0.9 PS 4.00%

V ariatio n P erce nta ge N o rm alize to 20 ℃

N o r m a liz e R e s p o n s e

0.8 3.00%

0.7 2.00%

0.6 1.00%

0.5 0.00%

0.4 -1.00%

0.3 -2.00%

0.2 -3.00%

0.1 -4.00%

0 -5.00%
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Temperature (℃)
Wavelength (nm)

Spectral Response PS IACT Variation versus Temperature @ VDD =

2.8V, LED Driver Current = 100mA, PS-IT = 370us 17 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


STK3013 Typical Application Circuit with Independent VDD and VLED Supply Voltage

STK3013 Typical Application Circuit with Only One Supply Voltage 18 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

8.1 Power Noise Consideration

In order to reduce the switching noise come from the VLED, it is suggested that IC power and VLED comes from
individual source to get the best performance of STK3013. If IC power and VLED must be tied together due to system
consideration, an R/C low pass filter should be added in the VDD path of STK3013 to reduce the switching noise from
VLED. The recommended R1 value is 22 Ohm. 19 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


Top View

2.6 0.85

R 0.45
Detector IR Emitter
Pin 1
Φ 1.0
4.00 ± 0.20

Side View

Bottom View

Pin 1

0.675 1.075

Dimension in Millimeters (mm) 20 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

PCB Pad Layout

Suggested PCB pad layout guidelines for the Dual Flat No-Lead surface mount package are shown below.

0.7 0.35

Pin 1

Notes: all linear dimensions are in mm. 21 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


10.1 Soldering Condition

1. Pb-free solder temperature profile

2. Reflow soldering should not be done more than three times.

3. When soldering, do not put stress on the Ics during heating.
4. After soldering, do not warp the circuit board.

10.2 Soldering Iron

Each terminal is to go to the tip of soldering iron temperature less than 350℃ for 3 seconds within once in less than
the soldering iron capacity 25W. Leave two seconds and more intervals, and do soldering of each terminal. Be careful
because the damage of the product is often started at the time of the hand solder.

10.3 Repairing

Repair should not be done after the Ics have been soldered. When repairing is unavoidable, a double-head soldering
iron should be used (as below figure). It should be confirmed beforehand whether the characteristics of the Ics will or
will not be damaged by repairing. 22 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4


11.1 Storage Condition

1. Devices are packed in moisture barrier bags (MBB) to prevent the products from moisture
absorption during transportation and storage. Each bag contains a desiccant.
2. The delivery product should be stored with the conditions shown below:

Storage Temperature -40 to 85℃

Relatively Humidity below 60%RH

11.2 Treatment After Unsealed

1. Floor life (time between soldering and removing from MBB) must not exceed the time shown

Floor Life 168 Hours

Storage Temperature 10 to 30℃
Relatively Humidity below 60%RH

2. When the floor life limits have been exceeded or the devices are not stored in dry conditions,
they must be re-baked before reflow to prevent damage to the devices. The recommended
conditions are shown below

Temperature 60℃
Re-Baking Time 12 Hours 23 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

STK3013 REV 1.4

Revision History
Date Version Modified Items
2015/02/02 1.0 Initial release.
1. Package dimension tolerance changed.
2015/03/03 1.1
2. Modify the PCB footprint.
1. POD modify.
2015/03/27 1.2
2. Storage temperature modify.
2015/05/18 1.3 Fix register default value typo
2015/05/20 1.4 Add the function description when fix offset cancel is used.

Important Notice
This document contains information that is proprietary to Sensortek Technology Corp. (“sensortek”), and is
subject to change without notice. Any part of this document may not be used, reproduced, duplicated or disclosed in
any form or any means without the prior written permission of sensortek.

Sensortek does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any sensortek‘s
patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or
process in which sensortek‘s products or services are used. In addition, Sensortek does not assume any liability for
the occurrence of infringing on any patent or other intellectual property rights of a third party.

Sensortek reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes
to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should
obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and
complete. 24 @copyright 2015 Sensortek Technology Corp.

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