Grade 7 DLL 2nd Quarter WEEK 7
Grade 7 DLL 2nd Quarter WEEK 7
Grade 7 DLL 2nd Quarter WEEK 7
2. Performance The learner is able to model situations using oral, written, graphical, and algebraic methods in solving problems
Standards involving algebraic expressions, linear equations, and inequalities in one variable.
3. Learning
Competencies /
Objectives Solves problems involving Solves problems involving Differentiates between Translates English sentence
algebraic expressions. algebraic expressions. algebraic expressions and to mathematical sentence
M7AL-IIg-2 M7AL-IIg-2 equations. and vice versa.
a. Recall operations on a. Recall operations on M7AL-IIh-1 M7AL-IIh-2
algebraic expressions. algebraic expressions. a. Define algebraic a. Differentiate English
expressions and Sentence and
b. Solve problems involving b. Solve problems algebraic equation. Mathematical
algebraic expressions. involving algebraic Sentences
expressions. b. Describe the b. Translate English
c. Appreciate how algebra difference between Sentences to
can be used to solve real c. Appreciate how an algebraic Mathematical
life problems. algebra can be used expressions and Sentences and vice
to solve real life algebraic equation. versa
problems. c. Value accumulated
c. Value accumulated knowledge as means
knowledge as means of new understanding.
of new
B. Other Learning
Resources Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd
Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd
Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
Cavite Mathematics 2016, Cavite Mathematics 2016,
laptop, projector Pictures
laptop, projector laptop, projector
A. Reviewing previous Review: Perform the Review: Perform the Motivational Activity Motivational or Purpose
lesson or presenting indicated operations. indicated operations. (WHO WANTS TO BE A Setting Activity
the new lesson 1. 5x - 3x - 8x + 6x PINOY HUNDREDAIRE!)
2. (3x2 - 11x + 12) + 4. 2x2(3x2 - 5x - 6) Directions: This Directions: Translate
(18x2 + 20x - 100) 5. 13x3 – 26x5 – game is about to test your the pictures to form a
3. (x – 2) (x + 2) 39x7 knowledge about meaningful sentence.
13x2 mathematical expressions.
To win the game, you must
correctly answer 10
questions. If you answer a
question incorrectly, the
game will end.
B. Establishing a 1. What are the things to Answer the following
purpose for the consider in solving questions:
lesson problems involving 1. What comprise an
algebraic expressions? English sentence? A
mathematical sentence?
2. What operation/s did 2. What symbols
we use in solving the corresponds to the
given problem? following words: a
number, increase,
3. What is the usefulness of product, certain number,
solving problems to is equal, at most, at least,
real life situation? a) What are the things to 4y + y 6x + 3 = 39 is greater than,
consider in solving difference, thrice, less
problems involving 8z < 24z + 60 than.
algebraic expressions?
3x – 5 18a
b) What operation/s did we 4y + 5 > 17
use in solving the
given problem?
1. How would you
describe algebraic
2. How do they differ?
C. Presenting examples/ Solve the given problem. Solve the given problem. Teaching/Modeling Study how each English
instances of the Determine which of the sentence is translated to
lesson Problem #1: following sentences mathematical sentence and
Sonia (complete idea) are and vice versa.
adds her first which are phrases (not 1. English Sentence: A
quarterly complete thought). number increased by 3 is 7.
grades and a. Ten is five less than a Mathematical Sentence :
obtains (18x2 + number.(10 = x + 3 = 7
39x + 18). x – 5)
What is her b. Four increased by a 2. English Sentence : The
average grade number is nine. product of 8 and a certain
if she has (3x + ( 4 + n = 9) number equals 24.
2) subjects? c. five less than a number Mathematical Sentence : 8x
(x – 5) = 24
Solution: d. four increased by a
Problem#1 number (4 + n) 3. English Sentence : The
(100x2 – 5x + 3) – (80x2 – 2x + 9)
difference of a number and
= (100x2 - 80x2) + (-5x + 2x) + (3 -
Therefore, Answer: 9 is equal to 3.
Sonia has an a. Sentence Mathematical Sentence :
= 20x2 – 3x – 6
average of 6x + 9 on b. Sentence X-9=3
Note: Subtraction means adding c. Phrase
her first quarterly d. Phrase
the negative of the quantity.
grades. 4. English Sentence : Thrice
Therefore, (20x2 – 3x – 6)
a number at most 21.
Note: The mathematical Mathematical Sentence :
term expression is 3X 21
equivalent to an English
phrase. The most common 5. English Sentence : Six
mathematical statements or less than a number is
pesos were left on Alden’s wallet. sentences, are greater than 4.
called equations. Mathematical Sentence :
Problem#2 An expression is a X - 6 > 4
(3x + 5) (5x – 1) mathematical phrase that
= 15x2 – 3x + 25x – 5 combines numbers and/or
= 15x2 + 22x – 5
variables using
Note: To multiply binomial by mathematical operations.
another binomial, simply use There is no equal sign.
the FOIL method or even the Note: To divide polynomial Ex. x–5
vertical way of multiplying. by a polynomial, simply 4 + n
Therefore, Erick will pay follow the rules in dividing An equation is a
(15x + 22x – 5) pesos for numbers by long division. mathematical sentence that
the souvenir item. combines numbers and/or
variables that shows the
equality of two expressions.
There must be an equal
Ex. 10 = x – 5
D. Discussing new Find the perimeter of the Solve: Select and put the answer A. Directions: Translate
concepts and pentagon whose consecutive Alyanna travelled a which phrases define the the following English
practicing new skills sides are 8x2 + 10, 4x2 – 10, distance of k2 + 10k + 16 difference between Sentences into
#1 3x2 + 6, 7x2 + 1 and 6x2 – 5. kilometers an hour. How expressions and Mathematical
Show the figure.. Show the long did he travel? equations. Sentences.
figure. a. If 5 times a number is
If x = 4cm, what is the decreased by 12 the
perimeter? difference is at least 9.
If x = 10mm, what is the b. The sum of a number
and 7 is no more than 3.
B. Directions: Translate the
following Mathematical
Sentences into English
1. 2 ( 4x – 5)
2. :
E. Discussing new Solve each problem. Sort the following verbal and A. Directions: Translate the
concepts and Solve each problem. a. What is the area of mathematical following English
practicing new skills a) What must be added to the square whose side phrases/sentences into the Sentences into
#2 3x + 10 to get a result of measures (2x – 5) cm? appropriate categories. Mathematical
5x – 3? Hint: Area of the Sentences and choose
b) The lengths of three Square = s the corresponding
logs are 3x + 5 meters, b. What quotient is emoticons inside the
4x – 1 meters, and 2x + obtained if 4x2 + 5x – box below.
9 meters. Find the sum 21 is divided by x + 3? 1.A number increased by
2 is at least 4.
2.A number divided by 2 is
at most 4
3. Twice a number is equal
to 4.
4. The difference
between a number and 2
is less than 4.
5. The quotient of a
certain number and 2 is
greater than 4.
B. Directions: Translate
the following
of their lengths. Mathematical
Sentences into
English Sentences.
1. 3x=12:_________
2. 2x – 4 < 1: ______
3. 7x : ________
4. 5x : ________
5. 3ab - 8= 10 : ____
F. Developing mastery Solve.
(Leads to Formative Solve. a. What is the length of
Assessment 3) a. Three polynomials are the rectangle whose A. Directions: Translate
to be added: 4x +2y; area is x2 – 3x – 4 and the following English
2 3
9x +3x+4; and x – 4. whose width is x + 1? Sentences into
What is the sum? Mathematical
b. Multiply 5x + 4 by 6x2 – Sentences.
3x – 2. What is the 1. A number divided by six
product? is eight.
2.Four less than a number
is twenty.
3. A number increased by
nine is fifteen.
4.Twice a number,
decreased by twenty-
nine, is seven
5. Twelve is sixteen less
than four times a
B. Directions: Translate
the following
Sentences into
English Sentences.
1. 6x + 4 = 16: _______
4. x–½ : _____
5. 3 (6x+3) 50 : ____
G. Finding practical Solve each of the following: Solve each of the Write the given verbal A. Directions: Translate
applications of a) In a box of letters, following: phrases or sentences as the following English
concepts and skills in there are 3x’s, 4y’s a. Cardo wants to know mathematical Sentences into
daily living and 13z’s. In a second the height of his shoe expressions/equations Mathematical
box, there are 7x’s, box which has a volume inside the box. Then, Sentences.
15y’s and 2z’s. The of identify if each of the
contents of the two (12x3 + 25x2 + x – 2) following is algebraic 1. If 3 times a number is
boxes are put together and a product of length EXPRESSION or decreased by 12, the
in a third box which and width (4x2 + 7x – 2). EQUATION. result is more than 5.
already contains 2x’s, Find the height of the 2. Five more than a
3y’s and 8z’s. What box. Hint:. number is at most
are the final contents seventeen.
of the third box? 3. The sum of 6 times a
number and fifteen is
no more than forty-two
B. Directions: Translate
the following Mathematical
Sentences into English
1. X = 3 : ________
2. 2x < 15 : ______
3. x² > 10 : ____
H. Making In solving problems In solving problems Algebraic expression
generalizations and involving algebraic involving algebraic is a combination of
abstractions about expressions, you need to expressions, you need to variables, numbers, and/or
the lesson have the understanding of have the understanding of operations that represents Generalization
the four fundamental the four fundamental a mathematical
operations of polynomials operations of polynomials relationship, but no
wherein you have to wherein you have to statement of equality or
consider the following: consider the following: inequality. (DOES NOT
*know how to combine like *know how to combine like HAVE AN equal sign).
terms terms Algebraic equation is a
*know how to factor a *know how to factor a mathematical statement that
number number two or more expressions are
*know the order of *know the order of equal. (MUST HAVE AN
operations (PEMDAS) operations (PEMDAS) equal sign).
Mathematical sentence –
is an expression resulting
from combining two or
more numbers and / or
variables by using any of
the operations.
- Is an equation or an
- Can be arithmetic or
numerical quantity or an
algebraic expression.
English sentence –
mathematical statement
expressing a
relationship of quality
between two numbers. It
is either true or false.
I. Evaluating learning Multiple Choice: Read each Solve: Write EX if the given A. Directions: Translate the
item carefully. Encircle the item is expression and EQ if following English Sentences
letter of the best answer. The capacity of a box with a it is equation. into Mathematical
square base is a. 5x + y = 7g Sentences.
1. What is the area of the 8v3 – 12v2 + 6v – 1cubic 1. Five more than a
rectangular pool below? meters. If one side of the b. 6t number is less than
square base is 2v – 1 c. 4c – 4h – 2t 17
meter, what is the height of 2. Five is greater than 6
the box? d. 12 – g less than twice a
e. 6 + f – 7t = 35 3. If seven is subtracted
2v - 1
a. (4x2 + 1) square units f. 4st = 6j from six times a
2v - 1
b. (4x) square units number, the result is
c. (4x2 + 2x) square units at least 10.
d. (4x + 1) square units 4. Ten more than
number is no more
2.If the length of one side of than 62.
a square is 2x + 3, what is 5. The sum of three
the area? times a number and
a. 4x + 6 twelve will be 24
b. 12x2 .
c. 4x2 + 9 A. Directions: Translate the
d. 4x2 + 12x + 9 g. 13 = 5 + k following Mathematical
Sentences into English
3. If you spent (x3 + 5x2 – 2x Sentences.
– 24) pesos f or (x2 + x – 1. 4 + x = 9 : _____
6) pencils, how much 2. 5 – c > 35 : _____
does each pencil cost? 3. 7x < 53 : ______
a. x + 4 4. x³ ÷ 2 : _____
b. x2 – 4
c. x – 4 5. 7(x+4) : ____
d. 4 – x
1. x(x + 1 ) = 12 : ___
2. (4x²) > 20 : _____
3. 1 : ____
4. : _____
5. 2 (x – 4) 20 : ___
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?