Cot3 Grade4 2023
Cot3 Grade4 2023
Cot3 Grade4 2023
Department of Education
“Nurturing Learners for a Brighter Future.”
Name of the Teacher: LEAGENE B. OLARTE Grade and Section: IV- Charity
Subject Area: SCIENCE Quarter: 3rd Quarter
Date: FEBRUARY 28, 2024
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of light, heat and
Standards sound travel using various objects.
The learner should be able to demonstrate conceptual
B. Performance
understanding of properties/characteristics of light, heat
and sound.
C. Learning The learners should be able to describe how light, sound
Competencies and heat travel.
At the end of 50 minutes, the pupils can;
D. Lesson a. Describe how heat is transferred in solid materials,
Objectives b. Identify which materials
c. are good conductors and an insulator; and
d. appreciate the importance of heat in everyday life.
II. CONTENT Heat Transfer in Solid Materials
A. References
1.Teacher's Guide
MELC, K to 12 Curriculum Guide, TG pp. 379
2. Learner's
3. Textbook pages Science Learner’s Material Grade 4, p. 186-188
4. Additional
B. Other Learning
PowerPoint presentation, video
Resources/ SIM
A. Preparatory 1. Greetings
Activities Good morning class! Are you ready to
have fun and explore the wonders of
2. Review
Can you still remember what was our
previous lesson?
What is conduction?
When does conduction takes place?
- A conduction is a transfer of heat
through a solid material. When you place
a metal object direct to a flame or when
you place the spoon in a hot water. If the
magnet got broken it does not losses its
magnetism instead the pieces of the
broken magnet will become a new piece Indicator 8
of magnet. Uses differentiated,
3. Engagement developmentally appropriate
Have you ever got burnt? Learning experiences to
How did you got burnt? Address learners’
How did it happen? gender, needs, strengths,
Why do you think so? interests and experiences.
How about if you’re handling a MOV’s
hot object like kettle or casserole what The teacher provides
should you do? Differentiated and
Why do you think so? developmentally appropriate
Learning experiences to
address the learning needs
of most pupils.
B. 1. Presentation
Development a. Setting of standards Before we begin
al Activities our lesson, l know you are all familiar to Indicator 15
what is our classroom rules. Manages classroom structure
What are those rules? to engage learners,
- remember, that I will give a star to every individually, or in groups, in
groups who value our classroom rules meaningful exploration,
and to those groups or individual that will discovery and hands-on
follow my instructions especially during activities within a range of
groupings and in our experiments. physical learning
2. Exploration environments.
Okay!! Wonderful! Now we will MOV’s
have another experiment. Are now The teacher manages
ready? classroom structure and
Can I ask each one of you to lend me engages most learners in
your ear, eyes, mind, meaningful exploration,
and hearts in our class for today? discovery and hands-on
Okay! Thank you. Now let’s have an learning activities within
experiment. a range of physical
What you need: learning environments.
Thermos filled with hot water
Coffee mug Indicator 11
Metal spoon Displays proficient use of
Plastic spoon Mother tongue, Filipino, and
Popsicle stick English to facilitate
timer teaching and learning.
What to do: MOV’s
1. Fill a mug with hot water. Be extra The teacher displays
careful when pouring hot water to the advanced low proficiency in
mug. Avoid spilling the hot water. the use of Mother Tongue,
2. Place a plastic spoon into the coffee and/or Filipino, and/or
mug. English, including code
3. Wait for about five minutes. Carefully switching and translation that
feel the exposed end of the spoon. regularly facilitates teaching
Slightly touch the outside surface of the and learning.
mug, too.
4. Pour another hot water in another mug.
Then place another metal spoon, plastic
spoon and popsicle stick altogether into
the coffee mug. Record your observations
in your science notebook.
Guide Questions:
1. What happened to the exposed end of
the spoon after five minutes? Refer to
number 1, 2, & 3.
2. What did you notice about the outside
surface of the mug when you touched it?
Why? Refer to number 1, 2, & 3.
3. After placing the metal spoon, plastic
spoon, and popsicle stick. Which material
can conduct heat more quickly? Why do
you think so?
3. Explanation
(The pupils will present their answers in
the experiment to the class.)
4. Elaboration
Again class, the transfer of heat through
solid materials are a called conduction.
The heat from the candle makes the
atoms of the bottom of the nail to vibrate
faster. The direction of the heat transfer is
from a hot object to a colder one. There
are materials that allow heat to flow
through easily. We call them conductors.
Metals are good conductors. That’s why
we use them as cooking utensils because
heat moves fast through the metal pan
to the food. There are materials through
which heat passes slowly or not at all.
We call these insulators. Some
insulators are wood, plastic, cloth and
1. Generalization
Again class, what is heat? Okay very
good! While conductors are materials
that allow heat to flow through easily. And
an insulator is a material through which
C. heat passes slowly or not at all.
Concluding 2. Application
Activities Now let’s have another activity. Direction:
Name at least 3 conductors and 3
insulators that can be found at home.
Before answering, remember you only
have 3 minutes to finish this task.
Okay! Good job everyone!
Indicator 16
Ensures the positive use of
ICT to facilitate the teaching
and learning process.
The teacher utilizes ICT and
regularly shows evidences of
safe, legal and ethical use of
Digital information.
Bring manila paper, markers, mongo
Prepared by:
Teacher I