Water Quality Index Determination of A Freshwater Inland Lake in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Water Quality Index Determination of A Freshwater Inland Lake in Jaipur, Rajasthan
Water Quality Index Determination of A Freshwater Inland Lake in Jaipur, Rajasthan
ISSN: 2455-541X
Received: 11-10-2022, Accepted: 28-10-2022, Published: 14-11-2022
Volume 7, Issue 11, 2022, Page No. 35-39
The goal of the current study was to determine the water quality for public consumption, recreation, and other uses by
computing the Water Quality Index (WQI) of a freshwater inland lake in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The study of how environmental
factors affect the lake's water quality is the subject of this essay. Water quality can be assessed using a variety of techniques
for industrial, agricultural, and drinking purposes. For the general public or for any intended purpose, as well as in efforts to
decrease pollution and manage water quality, the Water Quality Index, which describes water quality in terms of an index
number, offers a valuable picture of the general water quality. The suitability of water for a certain function is influenced by a
variety of factors. In this study, Water Quality Index of an inland lake, Lake Chandlai in Jaipur district of Rajasthan was
determined on the basis of various physico-chemical parameters like pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved
solids, total alkalinity, chloride, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate studied for a period of two years (2018-20).
International Journal of Botany Studies www.botanyjournals.com
The Chandlai lake, situated near Chandlai Village, is at an rating with the unit weight of each parameter into
altitude of 333 meters above Sea Level having geographical consideration linearly, using following equation:
coordinates: 26°41'45"N and 75°52'36"E. The lake is 10 feet
deep, covers an area of 195 hectares with a total catchment WQI=∑ Wn*Qn/ ∑Wn
area of 4,096 hectares. Most of its catchment area is already
converted into residential site by Housing board. n = number of water quality parameters
Throughout the year, this water body pretty much receives Wn = unit weight (Wn) for each parameter
household waste and drainage water from surrounding Qn = quality rating corresponding to nth parameter
Unit Weight (Wn) for each parameter is calculated by using
Materials and Methods the recommended permissible standard limit (Sn) of that
The water samples from the lake were collected every parameter. It is calculated by using following expression:
month and analysed for ten physicochemical parameters.
Some parameters like pH, water temperature, turbidity, total Wn =K/ Sn
dissolved solids and electrical conductivity were monitored
Wn= unit weight for the nth parameter
at the sampling locations with the help of portable
Sn = Standard value for nth parameter
instruments and other parameters like total alkalinity,
K=1/∑1/Sn (Constant for proportionality)
chloride, nitrate, phosphate and dissolved oxygen were
Quality rating (Qn) corresponding to nth parameter is a
tested in the laboratory as per the standard procedures.
number reflecting the relative value of this parameter in the
(Trivedi & Goel 1986; APHA 1992a, 1992b, 1999, 2012) [22,
2-5] polluted water with respect to its standard permissible value
and unit weight. Quality rating (Qn) is calculated using the
For the calculation of Water Quality Index (WQI) of the
following expression:
lake in this study, nine important parameters were chosen.
The WQI has been calculated by using the permissible Qn = 100[Vn -Vo] / [Sn - Vo]
limits of water quality recommended by Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS 2012) [7] and United States Environmental Qn =Quality rating for the nth water quality parameter
Protection Agency, (US EPA 1986) [23]. Vn =Observed value of the nth parameter
The weighted arithmetic index method (Brown et al. 1972) Sn =Standard permissible value of the nth parameter
has been used for the calculation of WQI of the Vo = Ideal value of nth parameter in pure water. (i.e., 0 for
waterbody. It is an increasing value index, that is, WQI all parameters except pH (Vo value is 7) and Dissolved
values gets bigger with increasing pollution. The overall oxygen (Vo value is 14.6 mg/l) (Tripathy and Sahu 2005)
Water Quality Index is calculated by aggregating the quality [21]
Table 1: Classification of water quality based on weighted arithmetic method* (Brown et al. 1972) [6]
WQI Values Status
0-25 Excellent
26-50 Good water
51-75 Poor water
76-100 Very poor water
>100 Unsuitable for human consumption
*increasing value index, i.e., WQI values gets bigger with increasing pollution.
RESULTS lake for four seasons, post rainy, winter, summer and rainy
The mean value of the values observed for every season in was calculated separately in tables 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively.
two years was computed and listed in Table 3. WQI of the
International Journal of Botany Studies www.botanyjournals.com
International Journal of Botany Studies www.botanyjournals.com
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