Project Moot Santhosh
Project Moot Santhosh
Project Moot Santhosh
STATE OF VINATHDESH..............................................................................RESPONDENT
Before The Hon’ble Court Of Vinathdesh
AIR - AllIndiaReporter
& - And
Anr. - Another
Art. - Article
COI - ConstitutionofIndia
UDHR Human- rights
The Appellant has filed this appeal under article 134 of the Constitution of India as High court of
Haflong state has dismissed their plea. The Respondent maintains that no violation of rights has
taken place after the amendment. Therefore, the Hon'ble court need not entertain its jurisdiction in
this appeal.
(1) An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from any judgment, final order or sentence in a
criminal proceeding of a High Court in the territory of India if the High Court has on appeal
reversed an order of acquittal of an accused person and sentenced him to death; or has withdrawn
for trial before itself any case from any court subordinate to its authority and has in such trial
(c) certifies under Article 134A that the case is a fit one for appeal to the Supreme Court:
Provided that an appeal under sub clause (c) shall lie subject to such provisions as may be made in
that behalf under clause (1) of Article 145 and to such conditions as the High Court may establish
or require
(2) Parliament may by law confer on the Supreme Court any further powers to entertain and hear
appeals from any judgment, final order or sentence in a criminal proceeding of a High Court in the
territory of India subject to such conditions and limitations as may be specified in such law.
1.Bharat was a small farmer earning his income from agricultural land of 4
acres and his small grocery shop in the same village. He along with his wife
Bhuvana and three girl- children Rekha, Reshmi, and Rasmi aged about 14
2. Bharat and Bhuvana are very religious and do not miss any opportunity to
visit temples and pilgrimage. One day upon receiving information from the
local people that a five- day tour of pilgrimage is organized by the local people
arranged by them. Bhuvana left her three children at her brother, Bhusan's place
who lived in the same village. Bhusan was married to Bhavishya, ten years ago
and they are the maternal uncle and aunt of Bhuvana's children. They are
accident and even Bharath and Bhuvana also suffered severe injuries which
were very grevious and were admitted to ICU. The treatment continued for one
month in ICU but eventually, they succumbed to their injuries. 4. During this
period of hospitalization, all the money which was earned and saved by Bharat
was completely exhausted for their treatment. Even Bhusan also spent the
money available with him for their recovery, but could not save them.
5. Bhusan, brother of Bhuvana being the lone relative of his nieces has taken the
responsibility of the parenthood and upbringing of these three children after the
6. Bhusan was a small farmer and his source of income is mainly from
need in the village and has a very good reputation but since he is now into tough
times and is unable to meet the regular expenses for maintaining the house, it
has led to his ill health. Of late, Bhusan's wife Bhavishya was also diagnosed
with chronic illness and had to get treated and the treatment continued for a
longer time coupled with huge medical expenses which resulted in more
financial stress on him. Moreover, Bhusan does not have any other alternate
source of income.
7. Rekha, who is 19 years old now, pursuing her graduation, was helping her
sisters and simultaneously was doing a part-time job to support her uncle and
the family. Society criticized Bhusan for his inefficiency to earn and run the
family. Moreover, Rekha is of marriageable age as per the societal standard and
instead of getting her married, he was taking a risk by sending her to earn.
Rekha also felt humiliated from this view of the society and realized that it may
not be good and proper for her and her uncle's reputation to remain unmarried,
8. Bhusan being the maternal uncle, having good faith to give a prosperous
future and security to Rekha proposed her to get married into a rich family of
Rehan, who is 23 years old, well settled, and is a native of Nubra town. As she
was pursuing her graduation and exams were scheduled, marriage dates were
9. Bhusan was promised by Rehan's Family to allow Rekha for her further
education and also to extend cooperation to her if she is willing to get better
employment. As Bhusan had a lot of love and affection towards his niece and
was under the compelling economic situation, he agreed for the marriage. Rehan
has shown his full faith and willingness to marry Rekha and support Bhusan in
all aspects. So, he has proposed to his niece Rekha to get her married into a
family which is well settled and has ethical values for the protection of her
10. In the meanwhile, the Child Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2006 has been
amended where the marriageable age of girls was increased from 18 to 21 years.
The Child Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2006 has been enacted with the objective
that unless women progress on all fronts including their physical, mental and
reproductive health, the nation cannot claim progress. The other objective is to
grounds of sex. Hence the law was amended in 2018 and the objective of the
also important to bring down the incidence of teenage pregnancies, which are
not only harmful to women's overall health but also result in more miscarriages
12. While this being so, a social worker of Zanskar informed regarding the
concerned with the concept of "Beti Suraksha". The NGO Prakriti is a non-
13. The NGO Prakriti, accordingly informed the said matter to the Child
Marriage Prohibition Officers (CMPO) and upon receiving this information, the
CMPO has approached the Judicial Magistrate of the First Class (JMFC) and
the JMFC has issued a notice to prevent the solemnization of child marriage
14. Despite the notice being served to Bhusan and Rehan, they continued to
15. Aggrieved by the action of the police and recently amended law, they have
approached the High Court of Haflong State. However, the High Court of
Haflong State hasdismissed their plea by stating the action of the police is legal
16. Aggrieved by the judgment of the High Court of Haflong State, Bhusan and
The appeal put forth by the Appellant is admissible in the court of law as child
marriage is not against the law but also not a violation of the child's human rights,
Because of Rekha was attained age of 19 and with her free consent only, So they were
preparing to solemnize the marriage. Hence the Judicial Magistrate Officer directed to
despite the notice being served to them and arrest them under Sec. 16(3)(a),They have
The marriage is legitimate under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. In the
present case after the amendment of the PCMA the marriageable age was increased for girls
hence rekha being a 19-year-old girl,But the minimum age of marriage at 21 years is higher
than the minimum age of majority (18 years). The Supreme Court has ruled that marriage
Before this Hon'ble Apex Court of VinathDesh, it is humbly contended that the appeal put
forth by the appellant (Bhusan & Rehan) is not admissible in the court of law and the
mentioned court has the jurisdiction over the case. It is barred by the limitation.
From the facts of the present case, it is well established that the appellant were
solemnizing the marriage of a major girl (Rekha). She is the niece of the appellant, aged
The Child Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2006 has been amended where the marriageable age
of girls was increased from 18 to 21 years. This actively illustrates the fact that Appellant's
niece Rekha cannot marry before the age of 21 years,It was violating the Fundamental
Acc. To the Sec. 13(1) of the Prohibition of child marriage Act, 2006. Not with standing
anything to the contrary contained in this Act, if, on an application of the Child Marriage
Prohibition Officer or on receipt of information through a complaint or otherwise from any
person, a Judicial Magistrate of the first class or a Metropolitan Magistrate is satisfied that
a child marriage in contravention of this Act has been arranged or is about to be
solemnized, such Magistrate shall issue an injunction against any person including a
member of an organization or an association of persons prohibiting such marriage.
In addition to the above fact, CMPO after being informed regarding the marriage by an
NGO called Prakriti which exclusively works for the welfare of girl child approached
JMFC. JMFC after receiving this information issued notice to prevent the solemnization of
child marriage under the Child Marriage (Prohibition) Act, 2006. Regardless of the notice
being served, the Appellant continued to make necessary arrangements for the wedding.
A recent judgment in Ravi Kumar v. The State and Anr., the Delhi High Court reiterated
that marriages solemnized in contravention of age prescribed under Section 5(iii) of the
Hindu Marriage Act, 1965 are void. The court held that the judgment was based on public
policy and the Legislature was conscious of the fact that if marriages, performed in
contravention of the age restriction, lead to serious consequences and exploitation of
Similarly In the present case, Rekha is a minor and there is a contravention of age
prescribed under
Section 5(iii) of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, leading to a void marriage. Thus, this
marriage can't be solemnized.
In accordance with, Sec. 16(3)(a) of the PCMA, it shall be the duty of the Child Marriage
(a) to prevent solemnization of child marriages by taking such action as he may deem fit;
Further in the case of Ayyah Pilli V. Manik Pillai and Jwala Prasad V. Emperor³ case,
Madras and Allahabad HC held that magistrate officer is Legally bound to make an
inquiry about the age of the parties and also take necessary actions in case of any
However in the present case, Judicial Magistrate Officer upon receiving the information of
marriage of a minor girl, the JMFC issued a notice to prevent the solemnization of child
marriage under the PCMA.. Despite the notice being served to the appellant, they
continued to make necessary arrangements to solemnize the marriage. Thus, violating the
In a conference organized by Law commission, the commission stated that child marriage
is not only against the law but also a violation of the child's human rights. Also, as child
marriages are not automatically void and require divorce to terminate, it is recommended
that there should be child marriage dissolution law.
As per Sec. 11(1) of the Act, Where a child contracts a child marriage, any person having
charge of the child, whether as parent or guardian or any other person or in any other
capacity, lawful or unlawful, including any member of an organization or association of
persons who does any act to promote the marriage or permits it to be solemnized, or
negligently fails to prevent it from being solemnized, including attending or participating
in a child marriage, shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to
two years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend up to one lakh rupees.
As a result, JMFC directed to arrest the appellant in order to prevent the solemnization of
child marriage.
Subsequently, in Parsaram V. Smt. Narani Devi, The Hon'ble SC held that major members
of the family be punished for their act in making arrangements for celebration of child
marriage. After the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, the child marriage has been
prohibited and also made punishable. Now, the father or the guardian or as the case may
be, do not have any right to give their minor children in marriage.
Also, in the dictum of the case Neetu Singh V. The state and ors. The HC of Delhi held
that marriage of minor is neither void nor voidable but it is punishable
It is pertinent to note that similarly in the present case, the appellant were solemnizing the
marriage of a minor girl (Rekha). Thus they are liable for punishment under Sec. 11 of
That, Further in the case of Association for social justice and research V. Union of India &
ors.", 2010 recognized child marriage as a violation of human rights.
Thus by stating the above mentioned cases and references, it is humbly submitted before
this Hon'ble SC that the Appeal put forth by the appellant is not admissible in the court of
law. Considering that the appellant were well aware of the fact that PCMA has been
amended Where the marriageable age of girls has been increased from 18 to 21 years, The
objective of the 2018 amendment is to give equality of rights and to have a check on
typical paternalism. Still the appellant solemnized the marriage of a minor girl (Rekha).
When CMPO were informed about the marriage then, JMFC issued a notice to the
appellant to prevent the solemnization of child marriage. Despite of the notice being
served, the appellant continued to make necessary arrangements of the wedding. So,
JMFC directed to arrest the appellant.
Before this Hon'ble Apex Court of VinathDesh, it is humbly contended that the marriage is not legitimate
under Prohibition of Child marriage Act, 2006 and the mentioned court has the jurisdiction over the case. It
In accordance with sec-14 of the Prohibition of Child marriage Act, 2006, Any child marriage solemnized
in contravention of an injunction order issued under section 13, whether interim or final, shall be void ab
Subsequently, In P.A. Saramma v. G. Ganapatulu (1975), The High Court of Andhra Pradesh explicitly
ruled that a child marriage is void ab initio. Also, the Division Bench of this High Court consisting of Obul
Reddi, C.J. and Madhusudan Rao, J., held that a Marriage between the bridegroom and the bride, if their
ages do not satisfy the requirements of clause (iii) of section 5 of H.M.A., cannot be solemnized as it is
prohibited under clause (iii) of section 5, and that it is not necessary that, in the event of contravention of
clause (iii) of Section 5, and that such a marriage is void ab initio and is no marriage in the eye of law.
Similarly, in the present matter, the marriage solemnized was a child marriage as after the amendment of
the Prohibition of Child marriage Act, 2006 the marriageable age of girls was increased from 18 to 21 yrs.
Rekha being a 19-year-old girl is a minor. Thus, acc. To above judgement of the HC, child marriage is void
ab initio.
Equivalently, In Aisha Kumari V/s. State of NCT of Delhi & Ors. Delhi High Court seeks Central govt's
response on plea to declare all child marriages void ab initio. Also, that Section 3(1) of Prohibition of
Child Marriage Act which provides that a child marriage is voidable should be declared unconstitutional.
In consonance with Sec-10 of the act, Whoever performs, conducts, directs or abets any child marriage
shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall be liable to fine
which may extend to one lakh rupees unless he proves that he had reasons to believe that the marriage was
In Yunusbhai Usmanbhai Shaikh v/s State of Gujarat, in this case court held that solemnizing of child
marriage is punishable under Section 10 of Prohibition of Child marriage Act, 2006. Also, the consent of a
minor is hardly of any consequence acc. to the act. Further HC held that Prohibition of Child marriage Act,
2006 is secular act and they apply to all communities including the Muslim laws and Hindu laws. It over
rides the personal law. However, high court held that the act is enacted to prevent the child marriages
which is still prevalent in this country, and most common in Muslim community.
Furthermore, The Punjab and Haryana High Court has made it clear that a minor girl's consent was
insignificant in child marriage cases and the court may exercise its jurisdiction to send her to an
In a significant judgment Pradeep Tomar and Another V. State of UP and Another, the Allahabad High
Court has recently righteously and remarkably held that a minor girl cannot be allowed to live in a
matrimonial relationship with a man she claims to be her husband even if she had left Her home of her own
accord and married the man out of her own free will. The Single Judge Bench of Justice JJ Munir ruled.
The Bench specifically stated that So long as the prosecutrix is a minor she cannot be permitted to
As a matter of fact of our present case it is highly regarded that the consent of Rekha is insignificant as she
is a minor and being a minor she is not allowed to be in a matrimonial relationship with a man until she
became a major.
Further Acc. to Sec- 11 of the PCMA, (1) Where a child contracts a child marriage, any person having
charge of the child, whether as parent or guardian or any other person or in any other capacity, lawful or
unlawful, including any member of an organization or association of persons who does any act to promote
the marriage or permits it to be solemnized, or negligently fails to prevent it from being solemnized,
including attending or participating in a child marriage, shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment
which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend up to one lakh rupees:
Provided that no woman shall be punishable with imprisonment.
(2) For the purposes of this section, it shall be presumed, unless and until the contrary is proved, that where
a minor child has contracted a marriage, the person having charge of such minor child has negligently
In the dictum of the case Mamindla Sailoo v/s Mamindla Padma & Another¹¹, Division bench of the court
held that solemnization of child marriage is punishable under the section 11 of PCMA. Also at the time of
the marriage the spouses were minor and it is neither void nor voidable, and also not a valid marriage.
Section 11 renders child marriage solemnized in contravention of conditions (1), (3), (4) and (5) of Section
- 5 under Hindu Marriage Act. Violation or breach of any of them would be treated as a breach of pre-
Similarly, in the present case Rekha is considered a minor under the amendment act of PCMA i.e. the
marriageable age of girls was increased from 18 to 21 yrs. So the marriage which was being solemnized is
considered invalid and the persons responsible for the solemnization of child marriage should be held
Subsequently in Budhan v. Mamraj 12, the court held that a marriage may not be valid if performed in
Thus by stating the above mentioned cases and references it is humbly submitted before the Hon'ble SC
that the marriage is not legitimate. Delhi High court in Association for Social Justice & Research Union of
India & others, has held that child marriage is a grave form of human rights violator. If the marriage is
solemnized then, the Human Rights such as right to education, right to development, right to health, right
to employment, right to a dignified life, right to participation and well-being and personality development
will be deprived to the girl child. Thus, the objective of the 2018 Amendment is to give equality of rights
to marriage to all irrespective of gender difference. This amendment also aimed at lowering the maternal
mortality rate by improving the nutritional level of a prospective mother. It is also important to bring down
the incidence of teenage pregnancies, which are not only harmful to women's overall health but also result
1. That the appeal, put forth by the appellant in the Hon'ble court of law, must be quashed since
2. That the appellant shall be punished for the solemnizing of child marriage.
And/or pass any other order as the Hon'ble Court may deem fit in terms of equity, justice and good
And for this act of kindness the Respondent shall forever be duty bound.
Place: Vinathdesh