Sample Step by Step Monitor Repair

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1. Sejarah Liquid Crystal Display LCD

2. Nematic Phase Liquid Crystals

3. LCD Material Manufacturing Process

4. Backlit vs. Reflective

5. Passive dan Active Matrix

6. How LCD Monitors Work



1. Power Supply Circuit

2. Inverter Circuit

3. Backlight

4. Mainboard/AD board



1. Understand Mainboard

2. Understand the Inverter Board

3. Understand Start Circuit

4. Understanding BackLight

5. LCD Monitor Panel

6. Mechanical frame

7. Controller Board



1. Work Equipment

2. Test equipment

3. How to Open the LCD Monitor Cover


1. Get to know and measure SMD resistors

2. SMD capacitor testing

3. Know and Measure SMD Transistors and Diodes

4. Recognize and Measure the Special IC on the LCD Monitor

5. Know and Measure the Schottky Diode Rectifier LCD Monitor



1. Measuring the Input Voltage on the Power Supply

2. Measure the voltage on the capacitor

3. Mengukur voltage (VCC) power IC

4. Measuring the Secondary Voltage

5. Measuring Regulator Voltage

6. Measuring the Voltage on the Inverter Board

7. Measuring Voltage on high voltage transformers



1. Dead Pixel LCD Monitors, and How to Solve them

2. Color Problems Pada LCD Monitor

3. White Display Problem Pada LCD Monitor

4. Vertical LCD Monitor Lines and Solutions

5. One Horizontal Line LCD Monitor and the Solution

6. Repairing the LCD Monitor Power Adapter

7. Cases of black and white bars on the screen and solutions



LCD or liquid crystal display is a type of flat panel display commonly used on

digital devices, for example: digital clocks, appliance displays, and portable computers. According to

a world PC article, liquid crystals are liquid chemicals in the form of molecules that can

aligned precisely when subjected to an electric field. When, the molecules align, the liquid crystals

allowed to produce light.

A simple monochrome LCD screen has two sheets of material with polarization

liquid crystal solution between the screens. Electricity is applied as a solution and causes crystals

align pattern. Each crystal, because it is either opaque or transparent,

form numbers or text that we can read.

1. Sejarah Liquid Crystal Display LCD

In 1888, liquid crystals were first discovered in cholesterol extracted from carrots

by the Austrian botanist and chemist, Friedrich Reinitzer. In 1962, researchers RCA

Richard Williams produces these patterns in thin layers of liquid crystal materials with

voltage application. This effect is based on electro-hydrodynamic instability

forming what are now called "Williams domains" within the liquid crystal.

According to the IEEE, "Between 1964 and 1968, at the RCA David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton,

New Jersey, a team of engineers and scientists led by George Heilmeier with

Louis Zanoni and Lucian Barton, devised a method of electronic control of a glowing light

reflected from the liquid crystal and showed the first liquid crystal display. They

launched a global industry that now produces millions of LCDs.

Heilmeier liquid crystals will be used to display the so-called DSM or

dynamic scattering method, where when the electric charge is flowing it will arrange the molecules
so they scatter light. However the DSM design does not work well and
proved to be too power consuming and was replaced by an improved version, which uses effects

the liquid crystal nematic pair field discovered by James Fergason in 1969.

2. Nematic Phase Liquid Crystals

Just as there are many kinds of solids and liquids, there are also many kinds of liquid crystals.

Depending on the temperature and nature of the particular substance, liquid crystals can exist in any of the stages

different (see image below). We will discuss liquid crystals in the nematic phase,

Liquid crystals are used to make LCDs.

One of the features of liquid crystals is that they are affected by electric currents.

Certain types of nematic liquid crystals, called twisted nematics (TN), are pairwise

experience. Application of an electric current to liquid crystals will decompose them at various levels,

depending on the current voltage. LCDs use liquid crystals because they react

according to the electric current in such a way as to control the appearance of the light.

The most liquid crystalline molecules are rod-shaped and are broadly categorized

as thermotropic or lyotropic liquid crystals. Thermotropic will react to

changes in temperature or in some cases, changes in pressure. Liquid crystal reaction

lyotropic, which is used in the manufacture of soaps and detergents, depending on the type

mixed solvent. The main difference is that the molecules in the substance

isotropic liquid crystals are random in their arrangement, while nematics are

certain order or pattern. The orientation of the molecules in the nematic phase is based on

director. Director can be anything from a magnetic field to a surface that has grooves
microscopic in it. In the nematic phase, liquid crystals can be further classified by

orientation of molecules in their own way and related to each other. smectic,

the most common arrangement, creating a layer of molecules. There are many variations of the phases

smectic, such as C smectic, where the molecules in each slope layer on

corner of the previous layer. Another common stage is cholesteric, also known

as chiral nematic. At this stage, the molecules rotate slightly from one layer to another

next, thus forming a spiral formation.

3. LCD Material Manufacturing Process

There's more ways to make an LCD than just creating a piece of crystal

liquid. The combination of four facts makes LCD possible:

Light can be polarized.

Liquid crystals can transmit and change polarized light.

The liquid crystal structure can be changed by an electric current.

There are transparent substances that can conduct electricity. LCD is a device that

use these four facts in surprising ways.


To make an LCD, you can take two pieces of polarized glass. A polymer

a special that creates microscopic grooves in the surface is rubbed on the side of the glass that isn't

has a polarizing film on it. The grooves must be in the same direction as the polarizing film.

You then add a layer of nematic liquid crystals to one of the filters. Groove will

causes the first layer of molecules to adjust to the orientation of the filter. Then

add the second part of the glass with the polarizing film at right angles to the first part.

Each successive layer of TN molecules will rotate until the topmost layer

is at a downward 90 degree angle, which matches polarized glass filters.

The appearance of light illuminating the first filter, is because it is polarized. Molecules

in each layer then guide the light they receive to the next layer.

When light passes through the liquid crystal layers, the molecules also generate vibrations to

match their own angle. When the light reaches the far side of the crystalline substance

liquid, the molecule vibrates at the same angle as the end layer of the molecule. If the layer

end that matches the second polarized filter glass, then the light will appear.

4. Backlit vs. Reflective

Note that a simple LCD requires an external light source.

Liquid crystal materials do not emit light on their own. LCDs are often small and cheap

reflective, which means to display anything they must reflect

light from an external light source. Take a look at the LCD watch: The numbers appear where

tiny electrodes fill the liquid crystal and create a layer so that light appears but

not send it via polarized film.


Most computer displays use built-in neon tubes, aside

and sometimes behind the LCD. A white diffusion panel behind the LCD represents

diversion and spread light evenly to ensure a clear view

uniform. On the way through the filter, the liquid crystal layer and the electrode layer, a lot

the lost light is often even more than half!

In the example shown, the common plane electrode and the single electrode bar are

controlled liquid crystals that respond to an electric charge. If you take that layer

contain a single electrode and add a few more, then you can build up

more sophisticated display.

Common-plane-based LCDs are good for simple displays that need to be able to show

the same information over and over again. Microwave clock and timer included

this category. Although the hexagonal bar shape described earlier is a shape

the most common arrangement of electrodes in such devices, of almost any shape

is possible.
5. Passive dan Active Matrix

Passive-matrix LCDs use a simple grid to supply a particular pixel

on screen. Creating grids is just a short process! Starting with two

glass layer is called the substrate. One substrate is given columns and rows, the other

Made of conductive transparent material. This is usually indium-tin oxide. Line

or columns that are connected to integrated circuits that control the current of the load

specified column or row. The liquid crystal material is sandwiched between two substrates

glass, and a polarizing film is added to the outside of each substrate. For

activate the pixel, the integrated circuit sends a charge to the correct column, one

substrate and ground are switched on a different line. Columns and rows

intersect at the designated pixels, and apply a voltage to untwist them

liquid crystals on those pixels.

The simple passive matrix is a good system, but it has drawbacks

which are significant, especially the slow response time and imprecise voltage control.

Response time refers to the ability of the LCD to refresh the displayed image.

The easiest way to observe slow response times in a passive-matrix LCD is

by moving the mouse pointer quickly from one side of the screen to the other.

You will see a series of "ghosts" following the pointer.

Improper tension control inhibits the passive matrix's ability to affect

only one pixel at a time. When voltage is applied to decompose one

pixel, the pixels around it are also partially decomposed, which makes the image appear blurry and

less contrast.

Active-matrix LCDs rely on thin-film transistors (TFT). Basically, TFTs are

switching transistors and small capacitors. They are arranged in a matrix on a glass substrate.

To resolve a specific pixel, the appropriate row is activated, and then the payload

down in the right column. Because all the other rows intersect the columns

turned off, only the capacitor at the designated pixel receives a charge. capable capacitor

holds a charge until the next refresh cycle.

Color on LCD

An LCD can display color and must have three sub pixels red, green and

a blue color filter to make each pixel a color. Through careful control and variation

from the applied voltage, the intensity of each subpixel can range from more than 256 colors.

Combining the sub pixels creates a possible palette of 16.8 million colors (256 hues

red 256 x shades of green 256 x shades of blue), as shown below. Color

this takes a large number of transistors. For example, an ordinary laptop computer

supports resolutions up to 1024 x768. If we multiply 1,024 columns x 768 rows by 3

subpixel, we get 2,359,296 transistors attached to the glass! If there is a problem

with either transistor, it will create "bad" pixels on the screen.

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