LOWTH MakesSuccessfulTeacher 1933
LOWTH MakesSuccessfulTeacher 1933
LOWTH MakesSuccessfulTeacher 1933
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The Journal of Education
and noble group of workers whereganic or functional derange- Third . - The successful teacher
service rendered to society setsments. Especially, it means an has a good background of gen-
the individual' apart as one whoabundance of nervous energy. If eral knowledge and information.
has been truly successful. A a teacher is to have an influencingShe has at least a good degree of
personality she must have plentygeneral intelligence. She is a
teacher succeeds when she is able
to change boys and girls from good blood and a sound nerv- high school graduate and she has
where they now are to some- ous system which will stand the had at least two years of training
wear and tear of the business of
thing better. The true test is beyond high school, as a rule.
the development of those human teaching. The teacher needs Certainly to there are successful
qualities of mind and heart in have a good share of what we teachers who have not had a
hoys and girls which will enable call vitality in order that she may great deal of preparatory educa-
them to make the most of them- be cheerful and optimistic. Health tion, but these persons are usually
selves. If the children learn to is of basic importance and should strong in personality, and what
be secured at all costs.
truly live and to make an honest they lack in general scholarship
living because of the teacher's
is counterbalanced by much read-
efforts, she is then a success. Second. - The next requisite ing andis study and careful daily
What are some of the deter- a personality of the positive preparation. No truly successful
mining factors in this highly im- variety. A good teacher is never teacher' can bank on the knowl-
portant achievement of becoming negative because the influence edge which she now possesses as
a successful teacher, in the best of a negative person cannot be adequate for the years which lie
sense? Several essentials will be strong and determining. A suc- ahead. A good teacher can
considered. cessful teacher must be a leader, scarcely get along without con-
and a true leader always pos- stantly adding to her store
First. - No teacher can do her sesses certain definite qualities of
knowledge, to her mental a
best without health of body personality such as self-control, professional equipment. She f
and mind. By health is here decisiveness, determination, andit necessářy to read books
meant the normal, effective func-the like. These attributes are magazines practically every
tioning of the physical and evidence of a positive personality. and to take summer school
the spiritual self in order The good teacher is kind,courses
sym- now and then.
that work may be done with pathetic, patient, and has a proper •
very few or no days off on sense of humor. She also has Fourth. - A successful teacher