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A-12025/1/2024-Ad-IIIB Section-CBEC


A-12025/1/2024-Ad-IIIB Section-CBEC
भारत सरकार
Government Of India
िव मं ालय
Ministry Of Finance
राज व िवभाग
Department Of Revenue
क ीय अ य कर और सीमा शु क बोड
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
नई िद ी/New Delhi,
िदनांक / Dated: 29.02.2024

The Concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities (as per Annexures)
Under CBIC

“Through CBIC’s Website”

Subject:-Allocation of Stenographer Grade I & II recommended for

appointment by SSC on the basis of result of Stenographer
Examination, 2023-reg.

Sir/ Madam,
I am to say that on the basis of result of SSC Stenographer
Examination - 2023, Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had
recommended 23 Stenographer -I & 06 Stenographer-II for
appointment in CBIC, as per the vacancies reported by the Department to
the SSC for allocation to various cadres/zones.

2. The allocation of candidates to various cadres has been made on

“Merit- cum-preference” basis (i.e., candidates with higher merit/rank
had better chances of getting cadres of their preference) subject to the
availability of vacancies of relevant category in the various cadres. While
making allocation, all instructions of DOP&T have been followed. As
vacancies are available only in 2 CCAs i.e. 6 vacancies in Steno Gr. II in
Jaipur Zone and 25 vacancies in Steno Gr. I in DGPM (for all
Directorates) therefore no preferences/options have been sought from
A-12025/1/2024-Ad-IIIB Section-CBEC



3. The List of candidates selected for the post of Stenographer

Grade I & II allocated to your cadre/zone is enclosed at Annexure I &
I I respectively. All the concerned Cadre Controlling Authorities are
requested to collect the dossiers of the selected candidates within next
02 working days.

4. It may kindly be ensured that before the offers of appointment are

issued, all necessary formalities/ requirements (except verification of
character and antecedents) as per the laid down procedure are
completed, including medical examination, verification of original
certificates regarding date of birth, educational qualifications, caste
certificate, disability certificates and any other relevant documents, etc. In
case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/
Other Backward Classes, the original caste certificates issued by the
Competent Authority should necessarily be checked before the offer of
appointment is issued. As far as verification of character and antecedents
is considered, DoPT’s OM No. 18011/2(s)/2016-Estt.(B)(i) dated
29/06/2016 may strictly be followed. It is reiterated that the appointing
authority must fully satisfy itself regarding the eligibility of a candidate to
hold the post before issuing the letter containing the offer of appointment.
If any discrepancy is found on any ground, the case may be referred to
the Staff Selection Commission under intimation to the Board.

5. The offer of appointment may be sent through Registered Post, in

addition to issue of a copy by email. If the letters are returned by the
postal authorities undelivered, the letters, along with the envelopes
containing remarks by the postal authorities should be retained for record
purposes. In such cases, a copy of the offer of appointment should be
sent to the correspondence/ permanent address of the candidates, if it is
different from that of the initial mailing address. In case a candidate
declines to accept the offer of appointment or fails to report for duty, or
there is no response from him/her, even after issuance of a reminder
through registered post, the offer of appointment should formally be
cancelled and the candidate informed accordingly. The dossiers of
candidates who decline to accept the offer and, in those cases, where the
second letter is also returned undelivered, should be returned to the Staff
A-12025/1/2024-Ad-IIIB Section-CBEC


Selection Commission under intimation to the Board, after placing

therein a copy each of the letter containing the offer of appointment,
subsequent reminder and the memorandum of the cancellation of offer of
appointment. In intimation letters issued to candidates calling them for
document verification, medical and physical tests, as applicable, CCAs
may mention that further process is subject to receipt and verification of
dossiers by CCAs.

6 . It may please be noted that any request for re- allocation of

zone shall not be entertained by the Board. The receipt of this
communication and its enclosures may kindly be acknowledged.

7. This issues with the approval of Chairman (CBIC).

भवदीय /Yours faithfully,

(मोह मद आ शफ)/ (Mohammad Ashif)

अवर स चव,भारत सरकार /Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
दरू भाष/Tel.No.: 26162780

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