Network Planning To Students
Network Planning To Students
Network Planning To Students
4th Year
Department requirement Teaching hours: Lecture [2] Tutorial [1] Lab [0]
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Program 4th Year - Course Specification
جامعة المنوفية
كلية الهندسة اإللكترونية
قسم هندسة االلكترونيات واالتصاالت الكهربية
C.1 Design, analyze and measure the performance of communication systems: wireless
and wired networks, encoding and decoding systems; microwave systems with
Level C - Sub-
C.2 Demonstrate the knowledge about state-of-the-art designs of components and
systems; and develop innovative solutions for practical industrial problems in
electronics and electrical communications engineering.
C.4 Implement and integrate electronic and electrical communication systems for
different engineering applications.
4- Course Goal of network planning - Fundamental plans: Financial plan - Forecasting plan -
Contents Provision timing plan - Technical plans: Switching plan - Numbering plan - Signaling
plan - Capacity plan - Routing plan - Charging plan - Evaluation and development plan -
Transmission plan - Quality of service - Grade of service - Mobile radio network -
Satellite network.
# Topic Lecture Tutorial/Practical No of hours
1. Introductory Topics 4 2 6
2. Fundamental plans 4 2 6
3. Technical plans 4 2 6
4. Capacity plan 4 2 6
5. Fundamentals of Teletraffic
4 2 6
6. Some Basic Teletraffic
4 2 6
7. Mini-project using
4 2 6
Total sum 28 14 42
5- Teaching and learning 1. Lecture (in class)
methods 2. Discussion
3. Tutorial
4. Problem solving
5. Brain storming
6. Self-learning
7. Research and Reporting
6- Teaching and learning 1. Additional Tutorials
methods for disable students 2. Online lectures and assignments
3. Using as many audio/visual aids as possible
4. Providing extra opportunities/time for practice
7- Teaching and learning 1. Assign a portion of the office hours for those students and
methods for low capacity provide them with specific tailored tasks
students 2. Repeat the explanation of some of the material and tutorials
3. Assign a teaching assistance to follow up their performance
8- Teaching and learning 1. Assign course project tasks to those students
methods for outstanding 2. Give them advanced extra-curriculum topics
students 3. Encourage them to take part in a pilot research and case
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Program 4th Year - Course Specification
جامعة المنوفية
كلية الهندسة اإللكترونية
قسم هندسة االلكترونيات واالتصاالت الكهربية
9- Students assessment
a- Assessment 1. Mid Term Examination (written)
methods 2. Formative (quizzes- presentation -reports)
3. Final Term Examination (written)
b- Assessment - Exercise sheet/ Lab assignment : Weekly
schedule - Quizz-1: Week no 5
- Mid-Term exam: Week no 8
- Quizz-2: Week no 12
- Final – term examination: Week no 16
c- Weighting of - Class tutorial and quizzes : 10 %
assessment - Mid-term examination: 20 %
- Final – term examination: 70 %
Total 100 %
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Program 4th Year - Course Specification
جامعة المنوفية
كلية الهندسة اإللكترونية
قسم هندسة االلكترونيات واالتصاالت الكهربية
A.1 A.3 A.10 B.2 B.3 B.5 C.1 C.2 C.4
Lecture (in class)
Problem solving
Brain storming
Research and Reporting
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Program 4th Year - Course Specification
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Fundamental Plan
2.1 Financial Plan
2.1-1 Main Financial Plan
2.1-2 Medium Financial Plan
2.1-3 Micro Financial Plan
Chapter 1
network planning process. Though some of the steps may be common, the process is
determined by criteria and targets, and the type of projects. The process has to be applied
case by case.
Network planning is a complicated process consisting of several phases takes input from
the dimensioning, initial network configuration. The final target for the network planning
process is to define the network design. The network design can be an extension of an
existing network or a new network to be launched. The difficulty in network planning is to
combine all of the requirements in an optimal way and to design a cost-effective network.
Before the actual planning is started for a new network, some key information are defined:
market share, network service areas, services, tariffs, etc. Questions arise about the nature
of the targeted user group, how large is the coverage provided at the beginning and how it
will grow in the future. It is also decided in the beginning what kind of services will be
offered and which is connected to the target user group.
The basic telecommunication system consists of three main parts that are always present
in some form or another as shown in figure 1.1.
rheIimtppah reIIaC raoatcah
Figure 1.2 illustrates the Electromagnetic Spectrum for communication and its
rheIimtppah raoatcah
rheIimtppahrC raoatcahCrC
raoatcah rheIimtppah
b - Half duplex Communication System
arettissnarT rnvnicnaTrT
rnvnicna arettissna
c- Full duplex Communication System
Figure 1.3 Communication Systems
c- Multi-Point-to-multi-point
Figure 1.4 Different communication systems
a- Point-to-point communication
In this type, communication takes place between two end points. For instance, in the
case of voice communication using telephones, there is one calling person and one called
person. Hence the comm. is point-to-point. It is bi-directional comm. system.
b- Point-to-multipoint communication
In this type of communication, there is one sender and multiple recipients. For example,
in voice conferencing, one person will be talking but many others can listen.
The message from the sender has to be multicast to many others. It is simplex comm.
system. In a radio or TV broadcasting system, there is a central location from which
information is sent to many recipients.
1.1-3 Based on the distance between the transmitter and the receiver,
there are mainly two system types:
a- Short distance communication system, where the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver is short such that the information base band signal can be transmitted
through it without a carrier to carry it.
Only amplification may be required to compensate its attenuation. )no retnu( xelpud fla
.nlnpul en )l u()ltnu
b- Long distance communication system, where the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver is large such that the information base band signal can't be transmitted
through it without a carrier to carry it.
Amplification is not enough to compensate its attenuation. A carrier with higher frequency
and power is required to carry the information base band signal from the transmitter to the
receiver. Simplex (broadcasting), and full duplex (telephone) systems are common
controlled units in terms of size and complexity. It also enables each level of the hierarchy
to be developed in a manner best suited to that level, taking into account local and national
The levels in the hierarchy can be linked to form the coherent world communication
Local networks are joined up to form national networks, and later these were
interconnected by an international network.
The links between the tiers in the hierarchy are the plans (transmission plans, numbering
plans, signaling plans etc.) which form the infrastructure of the system. In the broadest
sense, they enable to achieve the world global system and, within the various tiers, set the
parameters within which the network planner must operate.
a telecommunication plant. It is project-oriented or area-oriented. An example may be the
installation and cut over of several new exchanges with restored serving areas to meet
demand in a certain metropolitan area several years hence. The micro financial issue deals
with the problem of getting the best for the least expenditure.
Such projects and improvements or plant extension must follow the economic and
technical plans. Financial plans permit the extending of capital and will show payback to
Network dimensioning is the first phase of the network planning process to initially draft
the network configuration and deployment strategy for the long-term. All the information
collected during the network analysis phase is required in the dimensioning phase.
The process of dimensioning delivers a lower bound on the number of network elements
and its configurations required to provide given services for a number of customers in
a service area with certain quality and within a specific period of time in order to deploy
the network.
Network dimensioning should be performed for the busy hour traffic, which ensures that
the availability for users is as good as possible. It also needs to be noted that dimensioning
is repeated in the case of network expansion. The result of dimensioning has two aspects;
it tells the minimum number of Exchanges due to coverage or capacity reasons. It is also
important to understand the forecasts for the subscriber growth and also the services that
are going to be deployed. The traffic history over the area has to be utilized to forecast
(identify) traffic increases during the next years. The better the traffic forecasts the better
the configuration can be optimized for network evolution using the dimensioning results.
Well dimensioned network has just enough capacity during busy periods. Any more
capacity than necessary adds network cost for operators reducing profit margins. Too little
capacity and customer applications will not be able to get network capacity so will deliver
a poor customer satisfaction.
the behavior of subscribers, which depend on economic factors, such as local employment,
income and purchasing power, and development of residential and industrial areas.
Forecasting should be carried in two adjoin areas; the subscriber density, and traffic per
2.2-1 Forecasting of Subscriber Density
Forecasting of future subscriber density growth is an essential step in long-term
planning, where, many cases of severe performance degradation are due to the lack of
good performance estimation techniques. Good forecasting can be achieved by the
sensible use of mathematical models.
The importance of these models arises from the fact that the capacity of a loosely designed
network is soon exhausted and it will be a formidable and highly expensive task to change
the network to meet a denser tele-traffic demand.
For the local network planning, it is essential to have a forecast for the number of
subscribers at future dates. This can be based on a national forecast of the population and
of the communication terminals density. Reliable results could be obtained using sufficient
statistical data available from the past. Local knowledge of the telephone penetration and
growth of subscriber requirements for different types of industrial, commercial and
residential premises, together with knowledge of planned building developments enable
national forecasts to be built up.
The number of years evaluated in the past should be at least equal to the future period for
which a forecast is required.
In trunk network planning, the forecast is required in terms of busy-hour traffic in Erlangs.
Growth on particular routes is primarily determined by local factors, whereas total traffic
is more responsive to business activity and Gross National Product (G. N. P.).
Mathematical models can only be reliable if the network being investigated is sufficiently
large (i.e. a national network or at least a large local network or group of smaller local
networks). For example, in a large town there may be two or more trunk exchanges, each
with its own forecasts of growth, but only one repeater station carrying the combined
traffic. For smaller areas, adequate forecast can only be made by experienced staff with
local knowledge. However, it is useful to be able to check these detailed local forecasts by
means of a national forecast of the population and of the communication terminals density,
i.e.; the number of communications terminals per 100 inhabitants. Local variations
between forecasts and the national planning growth rate are to be expected. However,
where these are large and widespread geographically they should be examined specially.
Some of the forecasting models shown in figure 2.1 are:
Mo = (2.1-b)
K1 = (2.1-c)
After defining the values of Mo and, K1, we can predict the expected number of subscriber
terminals at certain time using equation (2.1-a). This model is rarely used, and the growth
factor may be approximated by a constant percentage per year.
2.2-1.2 Exponential Model
If the annual increase in the number of subscribers' terminals is a constant
percentage, the number will increase exponentially, as shown in figure 2.1-b, represented
by the following equation:
This relation cannot provide an accurate model over an indefinitely long period of time,
because M ultimately becomes infinite.
In reality, however when the population gets large enough there are environmental factors
that slow down the rate of growth, Examples are food supply, predators, overcrowding,
and so on. These factors cause the rate of growth, dM , eventually decrease. In practice,
it is reasonable to assume a boundary to the population size, and consequently there must
be some limit to the demand for communication terminals, so the terminals' density must
tend towards a saturation value MS, where, 0 < M < MS, and as M → MS, dM
, and
cannot assume that the traffic per subscriber between them will remain constant. For
example, if the number of subscribers in area Q increases by a greater percentage than the
number in area P and the average traffic per subscriber in P to and from subscribers in Q
remains constant, then the average traffic per subscriber in Q to and from subscribers in P
must decrease. More probably, the traffic per subscriber will change by a smaller amount
in each area.
For example, in the simplest case where the cost of a discrete extension takes the form
y = m x + c (where c is the cost not related to the size of the installation, m is the
incremental unit cost and x is the size of the extension) then economies of scale can be
achieved by providing the plant in bulk. An economic study is necessary, however, to find
the right period. The final result is influenced by such factors as the fixed and variable
costs, and the availability of capital. With the network consisting of many items of
equipment with differing provisioning and design periods, typical provision periods
currently in use are:
Sites 20 - 40 years
Exchange numbering schemes 30 years
Exchange accommodation 10-20 years
Switching equipment 2 - 3 years
Transmission equipment 2 - 3 years
Cable duct 20 years
H F trunk cables about 10 years.
Some plant items do not readily lend themselves to the use of standard provision periods,
particularly where costs are critically dependent on rates of growth.
In carrying out the annual review, forecasts are made of significant exchange traffic
parameters (such as trunk or junction terminations, originating traffic etc.) for each year of
the review, the starting point for the forecast being the current measured traffic in the
appropriate section of the exchange. In preparing the forecasts, account is taken of local
factors. However, the basis is the national planning growth rate. The traffic parameters for
which forecasts are prepared are chosen as key indicators of plant requirements in the
exchange. It is however, necessary to take special measures to ensure that this timely
provision takes place in practice, in the changing environment of the network where both
traffic needs and plant availability change with time.
The character and rate of introduction of new developments has to be governed by the
ability to continue to manage the growth of the total system and the need to inter-work
with existing plant. The resources available, new technology and range of the foreseen and
unforeseen services all lead to a desire for a flexible general-purpose approach to
development, with a recognition of the economic penalties if judged in simple terms
against the initial capital cost.
Sheet – 1
1-The number of subscriber lines put in service in certain Exchange area during the interval 2012-
to-2017 was registered in the following table.
year ti Mi ti Mi t i2
2012 1 100 100 1
2013 2 104 208 4
2014 3 108 324 9
2015 4 111 444 16
2016 5 111 555 25
2017 6 114 684 36
n 6 n 6 n 6 n 6
ti 21, M i 648 , 91, ti M i 2315
t i2
i 1 i 1 i 1 i 1
n 2 n n n
Mo = i 1
t i M i t i t i M i
i 1 i 1 i 1
n 2 n
n ti ti
i 1 i 1
Mo = 91648 212315 98.6 (1)
6 91 212
n n n
n ti M i ti M i
K1 = i 1 i 1 i 1
n 2 n
n ti ti
i 1 i 1
6 2315 21648
K1 = 2.69 (2)
6 91 212
Compare between using two different forecasting models to predict the lines required to be
connected 10 years ahead.
This plan is concerned with defining the major technical standards and detailed
guidelines to be followed to assure the required flexibility of a communication network,
with its compatibility among its parts and to guarantee that service performance meets the
desired standard. The important attribute of technical plans is that they specify the
technical details of the network’s capabilities.
Once the initial decisions have been made, the network planning process involves three
main steps:
● Topological design: This stage involves determining network hierarchical structure and
topology, i.e., where to place the components and how to connect them. This involves
determining the cost of transmission, the cost of switching, traffic routing and location of
switches and concentrators.
● Network-synthesis: This stage involves determining the size of the components used,
subject to performance criteria such as the Grade of Service (GoS), and using this
information to calculate a routing plan.
● Network realization: This stage involves determining how to meet capacity
requirements, and ensure reliability within the network, and involves determining all
information relating to demand, and reliability.
These steps are interrelated and are therefore performed iteratively, and in parallel with
one another. The planning process is highly complex, meaning that at each iteration an
analyst must increase his planning horizons, and in so doing, he must generate plans for
the various layers outlined above.
Communication networks must be planned properly to use the limited resources efficiently
to meet present and future users' demands. This requires that the network must provide:
- High grade of service on demand,
- High quality of service.
This plan is normally divided into a number of sub-plans typically: Switching, Numbering,
Signalling, Capacity, Routing, Charging, and Transmission Plan.
It is clearly uneconomical, inefficient for every subscriber wishing to be served to have an
exclusive line to every other subscriber with whom he may wish to communicate. Since
each terminal has N -1 incident lines, a selector is needed at each terminal to connect it to
one channel at a time.
Resource Sharing; is a more efficient and economic way to connect a group of similar or
dissimilar, spreading around subscriber’s terminals, with each other using some form of
switching centre (Exchange), at which routes can be selected between message source and
There are different network topologies such as; star, ring, loop, bus, and tree topology,
where each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages and the choice between
them depends on the application.
Usually a practical telecommunications network is formed as a hybrid topology by
combining different network configurations such as the combination of star and bus or
tree topology.
All the above topologies are used for local access networks, each interconnects
a variety of devices, and spans a local (limited) area typically within a facility. The
geographical extension of such network may extend from less than 30 meter to over 10
km. As communications demands grew, and users desired longer distance connections, it
became necessary to interconnect the individual service areas with links between the
central offices. The overall telecommunication network known as Public Switching
Telephone Network, PSTN consists of local networks, interconnected by a long distance
network as illustrated in figure 3.3. End users usually connected to LAN nodes that carry
out switching functions using Subscribers’ Loops, while each two local switches are
connected by an outgoing Direct Trunk to facilitate communications between local areas,
as shown in figure 3.4.
A Tandem Exchange (traffic concentrator) is used to route transit calls between local
exchanges. Routing through a Tandem Exchange is an important economic expedient for
a telephone company or administration.
A Direct Trunk Circuit is used when there must be sufficient traffic (over 20 Erlang for
BH) to justify such a circuit.
For a connectivity with traffic intensity under that value, the traffic should be routed
through a Tandem Exchange as indicated in figure 3.4. Figure 3.5, illustrates direct route
used for the connection between tandem centres.
Figure 3.5 Direct Route used for the connection between Tandem Centres in large Networks.
Today there is a trend to reduce the number of levels in the hierarchy by using intelligent
switching centres
This is known as Circuit Establishment phase. A return signal confirming circuit
establishment, telling the source that voice or data transmission can begin during the Data
Transfer phase.
The connection exists between the two communicating parties until they decide to "hang
up", or terminate the connection after data transfer completion in Circuit Disconnection
phase. They use the circuit exclusively. Although some multiplexing may take place in
a portion of the transmission system, the parties will not notice it. The three phases of
connection are shown in figure 3.7-a.
Advantages of Circuit Switching
Circuit switching has several advantages such as;
1- Fully transparent; i.e., once connection is made delivering is guaranteed and sequential.
2- Delay is constant and small, encountered prior to data transfer (of the order of 10-20 sec.)
3- It is appropriate if the users need to communicate at a fairly constant rate for a long
period of time.
4- Simultaneous availability of the two parties is necessary.
5- Interactive session is possible, i.e., it allows customers to interact until they are satisfied
that the information transmitted is correct, so customers or machines can converse with
one another as rapidly as they please, communication takes place in real time.
Disadvantages of Circuit Switching
The disadvantages of circuit switching are as follows;
1- Inefficient; for burst traffic which has a high peak-to- average information transfer rate,
where channel may be idle for a significant portion of time, yet remain unavailable to
other users. This is clear since λX <<1, which is the fraction of time during which the
link allocated to the message is busy, then the link is idle most of the time
(inefficiently utilized), where; X= is the transmission time of a message with length
L bits over a given link with bit rate CL in the path (expected link busy time between
arrivals), and λ is the message arrival rate. CL should be high enough to minimize X.
2- Slow; delay prior to data transfer of few seconds for only few micro seconds for data
3- Relatively expensive; charge is based on time and distance not on data transmitted.
4- One line is exclusively and continuously used per connection, the connection between
customers must be made before they can communicate, and the connection (consisting
of links and switches) must be available during the whole duration of information
5- Blocking may occur when all lines are busy.
To ensure quick, reliable communication, route the message to the correct destination, and
to control congestion over the subnet, a header information is appended to the message,
and the message works its way through the network, from link to link, passes from one
node to another.
At each node (switching centre), the message is received, inspected for errors, stored
on disk until link (facility) become available, it is then forward on to the next node closer to
the destination. This storing and forwarding process continues until the message reaches its
destination. It is therefore called a store and forward (Fully transactional) switching
method. The node is a general-purpose minicomputer with sufficient storage used for entry
into the network, for buffering, and for routing messages to subsequent nodes towards the
destination. An example of message-switching network is; air line reservation network.
Since message may be competing with other messages for access the facilities, a queuing
delay may be incurred while waiting for the link to become available. The length of the in
transit delay depend on the network capacity, and the related probability that the circuits
are busy. Various forms of conversion may be applied to the data stream as; time, (the
message can be forwarded at any desired time according to the chosen charging rate, and
the data is retrieved from a mailbox at a time determined by the receiver), delivery order
according to the priority discipline, bit rate (between local and trunk circuits), flow rate,
code, protocol, message format, message composition. The time diagram of message
switching is displayed in figure 3.7-b.
Advantages of Message Switching
1- No dedicated physical path is necessary in advance between the two stations.
2- Simultaneous availability of the two communicating parties is not necessary.
3- No blocking is encountered but storing delay may occur.
4- It can operate more efficiently with a higher trunk utilization as channel is used only
when transmitting data.
5- Capable to send the message to many destinations by appending addresses.
6- Providing priority to users is possible.
7- If error is discovered, it is possible to request retransmission.
8- Speed and code conversion can be performed, in order to allow terminals with different
operating characteristics to converse with one another.
9- No limit on message size.
10- It is more flexible in adapting to traffic peaks, since it can store messages during the
peaks and send them on their way later when a path becomes free. Therefore, systems
do not have to be designed for peak loads, and thus cost less. Since a higher percentage
of attempted calls are completed, more revenue is collected for a given capital
Disadvantages of Message Switching
1- Large storage capacity must be available at each node.
2- Long storing delay with great variance may occur at each node on route to destination.
3- Not suitable for interactive connections.
4- It is designed for the one-way delivery of messages, so it is not suitable for real-time
conversational interactions between people or computers.
Usage of Message Switching
1-It is not used in LAN due to delay and storage limitations.
2-It is used in governmental, military and business applications for legal and historical
3.1-3.3 Packet Switching
Transmitting very long messages as units in a subnet is harmful in several ways
including delay, buffer management, and congestion control. Thus, messages are usually
broken into shorter bit-strings called packets. Depending on the implementation and the
form of the information, there may be more than one level of subdivision. For example,
the user messages are divided into "segments", and the segments are further divided into
packets as shown in figure 3.9-a. Packets move around the network, from node to node, on
a hold-and-forward basis. These packets are hold temporary at each node to check for
a free link and then forwarded along the best available path to the next node as shown in
figure 3.9-b, through the subnet as individual entities with quite high speed. So, Packet
switching is devised to overcome the long transmission delays inherent in message
For example, for a message of 1000 bits and a transmission speed of 48 k bits / sec, the
transmission time is 21 m sec. Because of this short transmission time, circuit switching is
really inappropriate, because the time to set up and clear circuits is much longer than the
message transfer time. Packet switching technique is more appropriate for data traffic
than circuit switching. There is an upper limit to the block size to be transmitted (e.g., of
the order of 1000 - 5000 bits).
Each packet must have additional bits added for address and administrative purposes. For
example for a message of 1000 bits and a transmission speed of 48 k bits /sec, the
transmission time is 21 m sec. Because of this short transmission time, circuit switching is
really inappropriate, because the time to set-up and clear circuit is much longer than the
message transfer time. Packet switching technique is more appropriate for data traffic than
circuit switching. It is similar to message switching except that the complete message is
not sent at one time. Figure 3.9-c shows the packets of a particular message, sent packet by
packet over diverse routes through the network to the destination.
Only at the destination the message packets are collected and reassembled in proper order,
making the voice intelligible. Figure 3.9-d focuses attention on packets flowing between
users A and B, where other packets flowing between other users would be simultaneously
moving throughout the network. Each node holds a copy of the transmitted packet in
temporary storage until the node is sure that it has been received correctly by the next
node, which transmits back (+ ve) ACK confirming successful reception.
The flow of the message is initiated by the transmission of packet 1 between user A and
switch 1. Upon fully receiving the first packet, switch 1, following a set of routing rules,
transmits packet 1 toward its destination by sending it via switch 3. In the meantime,
packet 2 is moving from user A into switch 1. During this time, the conditions in the
network change (for instance, a large amount of traffic from switch 5 arrives at switch 2),
so the second packet of the message from A to B is routed via switch 4. The third packet
of the message, arriving at switch 1 soon after the second packet, is similarly routed via
switch 4.
Each packet is error-checked along the way, each time another wide band link is
traversed. After switch 4 received correctly packets 2, and 3, the second packet is
transmitted to the destination switch, switch 3, but assuming that during that transmission,
an error occurs. Such errors can result from a burst of noise on the transmission path, static
from lightning or switching equipment. When switch 3 receives packet 2, the error-
detection mechanism is able to detect the error and requests a retransmission of packet 3.
However, while this, is occurring, packet 3 has been transmitted immediately behind the
first (in error) copy of packet 3. As a result, the second (correct) copy of packet 2 is
received at switch 3 after packet 3. If the network is viewed from the perspective of switch
3, first packet 1 is received, then packet 3, and finally packet 3. If switch 3 delivered the
packets to the destination (user B) in the same order they arrived at switch 3, user B would
receive the packets in a different order than they entered the network, so switch 3
reassembles packets into complete messages, which are then presented to the subscriber.
Packet Switching is suitable for interactive traffic.
Network-Introduced Problems
Figure 3.9-d, shows a number of acknowledgement packets flowing on the various links in
the network, in the opposite direction from the information packets. These packets are the
key to the error-detection mechanism that is needed to insure the integrity and accuracy of
the transmitted data. Any information packet that is properly received is immediately
acknowledged back to the sender with one of these short acknowledgement packets. In this
way, the sending switch knows that the information packet has been received properly by
the next switch along the path toward the destination.
If an acknowledgement is not received within a certain period of time (known as the
timeout period), the sending switch presumes that the packet was received in error and
retransmits the packet. This presumption is necessary because it is quite possible that any
transmitted packet could be so badly garbled that the receiver could not even make enough
sense of the packet to intelligently ask for a retransmission. If a packet is received with
only a minor error, a negative acknowledgement asking for a retransmission, avoids
having to wait for the full timeout period to elapse.
Packet sequencing is only one of a number of possible network protocol-introduced
problems that can occur in the packetizing process. The other two most serious problems
are the undetected loss of a packet and the duplication of a packet that is successfully
Packet Sequencing: The problem of packet sequencing is a direct result of the hold-and-
forward mode of operation, arising from the need to protect each transmission from
network- introduced errors. Differential delay; along the many paths through the network
also introduce the possibility that packets will be received out of proper sequence. In order
to protect users, the packets have to be "reassembled" into the same basic message
structure they had upon initial transmission into the network. The process of packet
reassembly is done at the destination witch, (switch 3) using packet sequence information
(such as a serial number) which has to be carried through the network along with the user-
introduced information.
Losing a Packet: In figure 3.9-e, user A enters the first packet into the network via switch
1. Switch 1 routes packet 1 via switch 2, which receives packet 1 correctly and
immediately acknowledges it. However, before packet 1 is transmitted from switch 2
toward switch 3, something goes wrong, and switch 2 fails. Having received an
acknowledgement for packet 1, switch 1 is no longer concerned about it. However, upon
the failure of switch 2, the network routing plan changes, so that future packets avoid the
failed switch.
Figure 3.9-e Packet Switching Network with a switch Failure: Loss of a Packet
Thus, packet 2 and packet 3 are routed via switch 4 and are soon thereafter received
properly at the destination switch (switch 3). But what about packet 1?. It was lost when
switch 2 failed. Acknowledging packet 1 meant that switch 1 was no longer responsible
for this packet, yet switch 2 failed before it had a chance to relay packet 1 on through the
For the destination user B, packet 1 is irretrievably lost, and all he receives are packets 2
and 3. The basic packet switching protocol has thus introduced the possibility of lost
There are a number of ways, the network can protect against this problem. First,
a switch could be restricted from sending an acknowledgement until it has actually relayed
the packet on. Second, ultimate responsibility for the packet could rest with the originating
switch. Third, the sending user could be required to fill in missing (lost) packets at the
request of the destination switch. All these possible protections, as well as others, have
their advantages and disadvantages, which have to be explored during design and
implementation of operational protocols. The key point is the need to layer multiple
protective checks and protocols to deal with the possibility of lost packets.
Duplicate Packets: In figure 3.9-f, the flow of the message from user A to user B is
initiated at switch 1 with packet 1 being routed via switch 3. Packet 1 is received correctly
by switch 2 and is immediately acknowledged by switch 3. However, just as the
acknowledgement for packet 1 leaves switch 2, the line from switch 2 back to switch 1
fails, in the process destroying the acknowledgement for packet 1.
Figure 3.9-f Packet Switching Network with a Line Failure: Duplicate a Packet
Not receiving an acknowledgement for packet 1 within the timeout period causes switch 1
to retransmit packet 1. Detecting the failure of the line between switch 1, and switch 2
causes the network routing plan to send the retransmission of packet 1, together with the
transmission of packets 2 and 3, via switch 4.
In the meantime, the first transmission of packet 1 was really received properly by
switch 2, even though the acknowledgement of that first copy was never received by
switch 1. Having no way to know about the error, switch 2 relays packet 1 to the
destination switch, switch 3. Soon thereafter comes the second copy of packet 1, together
with packets 2 and 3. What user B is likely to see, therefore, is a duplicate packet 1
together with the rest of the message in its entirety.
i- Datagram
In the datagram mode (dynamic routing), each packet is treated independently with no
prior route determination, where routing decision is required for each packet at each node
through the network. Packets travel along any available path to the destination and are
delivered in the sequence they arrive at the receiving terminal, and delivery is not
guaranteed. No attempt is made to deliver packets in the sequence they entered the
network, so packets may arrive out of sequence or be lost or duplicated.
It is more flexible, and preferred when short data stream is transmitted. Electronic mail,
that requires the exchange of short unrelated segments of information, is ideal for datagram
messages are best handled by virtual circuit operation which is good for long messages
and for relieving stations of processing burdens.
nodes in the path. Hence;
Ttrans= ( N +1 )
H : is the message header, contains all information required to help for correct message
receiving at the destination such as source and destination addresses, parity bits for
error detection and correction, etc.
Tstor. : The storage time is the time taken to store the message in the nodes buffers to check
the address, check the message for error if any and correct it if possible, otherwise
request retransmission, check for available path to forward the message toward the
destination. It depends on the message length, the buffer size, and the traffic load on
the network.
The values of Tproc. and Tstor. are calculated by multiplying their values per switching
node by the number of switching nodes on the message path.
Tack. : The acknowledgement time is that time taken by the acknowledgement signal to
inform the previous switching node for the correct reception of the message or to
ask for retransmission. Its value is calculated as the summing of both transmission
and propagation time multiplied by the number of links on the message path.
( P h) (N + 1) + ( L H ) ( P h) + T . (3.3)
where, P : Packet size in bits,
h : Packet header size in bits,
N : Number of switching nodes in the path
The processing, and queueing time are neglected in this case, but any retransmission time
should be added, with the waiting time before retransmission to minimize the probability
of a second collision, which assumed to be ½ (P+1) T, with T is the packet length in
For a delivery guaranteed packet switching (no pipelining), the second packet will not
transmitted until receiving the acknowledgement that the first packet has been received
correctly, and so on. So, the delay time in this case will be;
a comparable circuit-switched delay which is a combination of message transmission
delay and line setup time. This setup time is measured from the time a request to transmit a
message occurs to the time an idle channel is reserved in order to transmit that message.
Figure 3.10 Variation of the Message Delay as a function of the average Message Length.
Under a fixed line utilization, as the message size decreases, the number of messages
increases. Thus, there is more delay experienced under circuit switching in trying to
reserve a channel in order to transmit the message. In fact, line setup time tends to saturate
at short message lengths, which accounts for the sharp increase in the delay curve
representing circuit switching in figure 3.10 as the message length decreases. Although the
time to transmit a message decreases at short message lengths, this is more than offset by
the saturation effect of line setup time.
At long message lengths, the message transmission time increases. This effect is
predominant over line setup time and results in an overall increase in delay for circuit
switching as the message length increases. For message and packet switching, long
messages mean a longer time spent waiting in queue, causing an increase in overall
message transmission delay. This effect is greater for message switching than it is for
packet switching where the long messages can be broken up into small packets so that
long queuing delays can be avoided.
In figure 3.10, we note that there are regions in which each type of switching technology is
effective. Packet switching has lower average delay than message switching over the
whole range of average message lengths. Circuit switching delay is less than that of packet
switching above message lengths of approximately 5000 bits.
Figure 3.11 illustrates the variation of the throughput for circuit, message and packet
switching with the message length. Throughput is defined as the volume of traffic which
the source node of an n-node, sequential network model can process during a unit time for
a message transmission delay of 200 m. sec.
The throughput for circuit switching, however, must take into account the saturation effect
of line setup time at short message lengths.
At a certain value of line utilization, line setup time increases sharply. This value is
different, depending on the average message length specified. Traffic throughput is
defined as the line utilization at which the rate of change of this increase is approximately
the greatest. This quantity, which is dimensionless, is arbitrarily taken to be 0.9 times the
saturation point of line utilization for the different message lengths.
Note that the top curve for packet switching corresponds to a maximum packet size of
1000 bits while the bottom curve corresponds to a variable packet size, chosen to give the
maximum packetizing efficiency for buffer utilization. Packet switching is always better
than message switching in the former case while, in the latter case, message switching has
a higher throughput until a message length of about 1000 bits.
These results illustrate that for time-sharing systems, where average message length is on
the order of 1000 bits, packet switching can be very effective. However, for remote job
entry or file transfer traffic, where messages are several thousand bits long or more, and
should be sent at the same time circuit switching is more useful.
It is difficult to compare exactly between these techniques we hazard a few observation:
٭For interactive traffic, message switching is not suitable
٭For light or intermittent loads, circuit switching is the most cost effective, as the PSTN
can be used via dial-up lines.
٭For very heavy and sustained loads between two stations, a leased circuit switched line
is the most cost efficient.
٭Packet switching is to be preferred when there is a collection of devices that must
a moderate to heavy amount of data; line utilization is most efficient with this technique.
٭Datagram packet switching is good for short messages and for flexibility.
٭Virtual circuit packet switching is good for long exchanges and for relieving stations for
processing burden.
The following table gives a quick comparison between the three different switching techniques.
Comparison between different switching techniques
1- A message with length 3200 bit is transferred over a communication network with 100 km hop
distance, and four intermediate nodes. The data rate on all links is 9.6 kbps, the propagation
delay per hop is 0.0015 sec., and total packet size 1024 bits. The set-up time is 0.2 sec., while
the processing time, and the average queuing delay at each node are 0.25, 0.35 sec.
respectively. Compare between the end-to-end delay time for; circuit, and datagram switching
Solution: L = 3200 bit, D = 100 km, N = 4, C = 9.6 kbps, Prop. Delay/hop = 0.0015 sec.,
Total pkt size = 1024 bit, Tset-up = 0.2 sec.,
Tproc./node = 0.25 sec, Tque./node = 0.35 sec.,
For circuit switching;
Tend-to-end, CS = Tset-up + Tproc./ node (1) + Ttr.+ Tprop./hop (N+1)
= 0.2 + 0.25 + 3200/9600 + 0.0015 x 5
= 0.45 + 0.333 + 0.0075 = 0.791 sec.
For datagram, consider Pipelining;
Tend-to-end, DG =Tproc./ node (N+1) +Ttr.+Tprop./hop (N+1) +Tque/node(N+1)
Ttr. = Ttr. of 1 packet + Ttr. of the rest of the message
Tend-to-end, DG = 0.25x5 +{[(P+h)(N+1)+((L+H) – (P+h))(1)]/C}+ 0.0015 x 5 + 0.35x5
H = Summation of header sizes for all packets = number of packets x h = (L / P) x h
H = (3200 / 960) x 64 = 256 bit
Assuming P + h = 1024 = 960 + 64
Tend-to-end, DG = 1.25 +{[(1024)(5) + ((3200+256) - (1024))(1)]/9600}+ 0.0075 + 1.75
= 1.25 + [0.533 + 0.253] + 1.7575 = 3.8 second.
2- A switching network with 5 nodes between the source and the destination transferring
messages with 3200 bits in length. The data rate on all links is 9600 bps, with packet size 960
bits with 64 bits overhead address. The call set-up time is 0.2 sec., with propagation delay
0.0015 sec. per hop, calculate the end-to-end delay for the following (assuming no
i- circuit switching network,
ii- message switching network.
iii- virtual circuit packet switching network.
Solution: L = 3200 bit, P = 960 bit, h = 64 bit, N = 5, C = 9.6 kbps, Prop. delay/hop = 0.0015sec.,
a- For circuit switching;
Tend-to-end, CS = Tset-up + Ttr.+ Tprop./hop (N+1)
= 0.2 + 3200/9600 + 0.0015 x 6
= 0.2000 + 0.3330 + 0.0090 = 0.5420 sec.
b- For Message switching;
Tend-to-end, MS = Ttr.(N+1) + Tprop./hop (N+1) = ((3200 + Hm)/9600)(6) + 0.0090
where Hm is the message header assumed to be 200 bit as example;
Tend-to-end, MS = ((3200 + 200)/9600)(6) + 0.0090 = 2.125 + 0.0090 = 2.134 second
The storage, and processing times are neglected.
c- For Virtual Circuit; number of pkts = 3200 / 960 = 4
Tend-to-end, VCS = Tset-up + Ttr./pkt (number of pkts) (6) + Tprop./hop (6)
= 0.2 + (1024 / 9600)(4)(6) + 0.0090 = 0.2000 + 0.3330 +0.0090 = 2.769 sec.
The queue, and processing times are neglected although the processing and queue (storage)
times are neglected,
Tend-to-end, CS < Tend-to-end, MS < Tend-to-end, VCS
3- A message of 6000 byte is transferred through a network with 3 nodes between the source and
the destination. The data rate on all links is 96 kbps, with packet size 250 bit and 50 bits as
a header. The setup time is 0.2 sec, with processing time at each node is 0.025 sec, while the
average queueing delay at each node is 0.15 sec. The propagation speed over any link is
250 m / μ sec., with 60 km distance between each two nodes. Compare between circuit and
datagram packet switching end-to-end delay time.
Solution 3; For circuit switching;
TDCS = Tset-up + Tproc. + Ttr. + Tprop.
= 0.2 + 0.025 + L / C + (D / S)(N+1)
= 0.2 + 0.025 + 6000 x 8/96000 + (60000 / (250x106)) (N+1)
= 0.2 + 0.025 + 0.5 + 9.6 x 10 -4 = 0.72596 sec
For datagram switching;
TDDG = Tproc. + Tque. + Ttr.1st-pkt + Ttr. rest+ Tprop.
TDDG = 0.025x4 + 0.15x4 + (p+h)x 4 / C + [(L+H) - (p+h)]/C + 9.6 x 10
= 0.1+ 0.6 + (250+50)x4/96000 +{[(6000x8)+(6000x8x50/250)]-(250+50)}/96000 + 9.6 x 10
= 0.7 + 0.0125 + 0.596875 + 9.6 x 10 = 1.31 sec
TDDG / TDCS = 1.31 / 0.72596 = 1.8
4- A message with 4500 bit is transferred over a communication network with 100 km hop
distance, and three intermediate nodes. The data rate on all links is 20 kbps, with speed
350 m/µ sec, and packet size 128 bits, with 52 bit overhead. The set-up time is 0.25 sec., while
the processing time, and the average queueing delay at each node are 0.25, 0.35 sec.
respectively. Compare between the end-to-end delay time and throughput for circuit, and
datagram switching techniques.
Solution 4, L = 4500 bit, P = 128 bit, h = 52 bit, C = 20 kbps,
D =100 km, N = 3, S = 350 m /µ sec., Tset-up = 0.25 sec.
Tproc.= 0.25 sec., Tqueueing at each node = 0.35 sec.
For circuit switching;
TDCS = Tset-up + Tproc. + Ttr. + Tprop.
= 0.25 + 0.25 + L / C + (D / S)(N+1)
= 0.25 + 0.25 + 4500/20000 + (100000/(350x106)) (4)
= 0.5 + 0.225 + 1.143 x 10-3= 0.726 sec,
For datagram;
TDDG = Tproc. + Tque. + Ttr.1st-pkt + Ttr. rest+ Tprop.
= 0.25 x 4 + 0.35 x 4 + (p+h) x 4 / C + [(L+H) - (p+h)]/C + 1.143 x 10
Assume H = 300 bits
TDDG = 2.4 + (128+52) x 4/20000 +{[(4500) + (4500 x 52/128)] - (128+52)}/20000
+ 1.143 x 10 -3 = 2.436 + 0.31 + 1.143 x 10 -3 = 2.747 sec,
TDDG/ TDCS = 2.747 / 0.726 = 3.784
When packet switching technique (data gram) is delivery guaranteed using a mini packet of
70 bit, there is no pipelining but packets are transmitted in sequence. Each packet is
acknowledged before transmitting the following packet. The total delay time is calculated as;
Ttr., dg = Ttr.pkt * no. of pkts * (N+1)
= (180 / 20000) (4500 / 128) (4) = 1.266 sec.
Tprop., dg = Tprop. * no. of pkts * (N+1)
= (100000/(350x106)) (4500/128) (4) = 0.04 sec.
Tack = (Ttr. + Tprop.)mini pkt.* no. of pkts * (N+1)
= ((4.5 x 10 -3) + (0.286 x 10 -3))* 36 * 4 = 0.545 sec.
TDDG, dg = Tproc. + Tque. + Ttr.+ Tprop.+ Tack.
= 0.25 + 0.35x4 + 1.296 + 0.04 + 0.545 = 4.531 sec.
When the acknowledgement is negative packet re-transmission is required for some packets only.
Assuming the number of retransmitted packets are Nret., So the retransmission time is added with
a value of;
Tretr. = (Nret / 36) * (Ttr., dg+ Tprop., dg + Tack.)
For circuit switching datagram, set-up time is added to the total delay time.
Throughput for each case = L / (Ttr. + Tprop.)
5- It is required to transfer a message with size 8000 bytes from a source to destination with two
nodes between them. The data rate for all links is 56 kbps. The packet size is 200 bits and the
overhead address is 60 bits. The call set-up time is 0.1 sec. The processing time at each node is
0.15 sec., while the average queueing delay at each node is 0.2 sec, and the data speed over
a link is 200 m/µ sec. and the hop distance is 50 km. Calculate the end-to-end delay time, and
throughput for the following cases;
a- Circuit Switching network
b- Message Switching network
c- Virtual circuit packet switching network with delivery guaranteed using a mini packet of
70 bit.
d- datagram packet switching network without delivery guaranteed.
6- Consider the transfer of a file of 2 M bits from a source to a destination with three nodes
between them. The data rate of all inks is 9600 bps. The packet size is 48 bytes and the
overhead address is 5 bytes. The call set up time is 0.02 sec. The processing time at each node
is 0.006 sec while the average queuing delay is 0.03 sec. The propagation speed on the link is
200m /µsec, while the hop distance is 30 km. Calculate the end -to-end delay and throughput
for the cases:
a- Circuit switching network,
b- Message switching network.
c- Virtual circuit packet switching network with delivery guaranteed with a mini packet of
60 bits.
Sheet -3
1- A message of 5000 bits is transferred through a switching network with 5 nodes between the
source and the destination. The data rate on all links is 10 kbps with packet size 256 bit and
80 bits as a header. The setup time is 0.2 sec. with processing time 0.1 sec at each node while
the average queueing delay at each node is 0.22 sec. The propagation speed on the link is
200 m/µsec with 800 km distance between source and destination. Compare between circuit,
message and virtual circuit switching end-to- end delay time without acknowledge.
2- It is required to transfer a message with a size of 80 k bytes on a communication network by
3 nodes, from the user to the server. The data rate on all links is 2 Mbps, the packet size 1 k bit
and 100 bits as a header. The setup time is 0.12 sec. with processing time 0.08 sec at each node
while the average queueing delay at each node is 0.2 sec. The propagation speed on the link is
500 m/µsec where the hop distance is 60 km. Calculate the end-to- end delay time and
throughput for;
a- circuit switching network
b- virtual-circuit packet switching network without delivery guarantee. Each packet is
acknowledged with a mini-packet of 50 bits.
c- Datagram packet switching networks without delivery guarantee.
3- A 64 kbps circuit switched path between two users utilizing 9 switching stages take 5 seconds
to be set-up. How long will it take, in total, to directly transfer the entire contents of
a 1.4 M byte floppy disk between the two users using this channel?
4- The above circuit switched path is replaced by a 9 node-packet switched system utilizing
1 M bps links. How long does it take, to transfer the 1.4 M byte file, assuming that there is no
delay at any of the switching nodes and that packet payload is 256 bytes, and packet overheads
are equivalent to 18 byte.
5- Consider a work station attached to a 1 Mbps local network that generates on average three
messages per minutes, with message averaging 500 bits. Calculate the connected number of
stations on this network. Comment.
6- Consider a set of stations generate PCM voice packets on a 10 M bps local network. Data are
generated at the rate of 64 k bps. For 0.1 sec. packets, calculate the break point number of
stations on the network.
The plans must also be compatible with a national transmission plan and signaling plan.
For example, either transmission or signaling standards may limit the size of a local area,
or the number of links that may be used in tandem for a trunk connection.
So, the national plans for numbering, routine, charging, transmission and signaling thus
form a set of inter-related standards that govern planning both for a national network and
its constituent local networks.
International Subscriber Dialing (I.S.D.) makes it necessary for national numbering plans
to conform with the international plan. At first, each numbering scheme applied only to
a single exchange, and exchanges were identified by the names of their towns. Later,
linked numbering schemes were applied to multi-exchange areas. A linked numbering
scheme allows a uniform dialing procedure to be used between all subscribers in the
numbering area. The subsequent introduction of Subscriber Trunk Dialing (S.T.D.) for
long-distance calls required the development of national numbering plans.
Consideration should also be given to the pattern of traffic flow to make the dialing
procedure as simple and uniform as possible for the majority of calls. Since each
subscriber has a directory number in his own exchange, a unique national number can be
obtained by adding to this number a code identifying the exchange, as the country is
divided into geographical areas, each having a separate code and containing number of
local exchanges. The originating trunk exchange then only requires to identify the area
code to determine the routing and charging rate for each call.
ISD makes it necessary for every subscriber’s terminal in the world to be identified by
a unique number. The CCITT has therefore prepared a world numbering plan. The object
of this numbering plan is to allocate a unique number to each subscriber connected to the
network. The telephone system is organized as follows; the country is divided into number
of districts, each assigned its own code number. The sectors in a district are addressed by
its digit and the local networks by the third digit as given in figure 3.12. For incoming
long-distance traffic these networks are arranged within the national network as if they
were district exchanges. Outgoing long-distance traffic goes in the normal way through the
junction exchange to which the local network is connected. The STD code must always be
preceded by a zero to inform the local exchange that a long-distance connection is to be set
are limited to 11 digits, excluding any code prefix digits. So, the maximum number of
digits available for a national numbering plan is thus (11 - nd) where nd is the number
of digits in the country code in the world numbering plan.
6- It is desirable to have numbering areas boundaries coincide with geographical or
political boundaries.
7- The boundaries of numbering areas should coincide with call charging boundaries.
A two digits country code is required at the maximum for these countries. This can only be
achieved by allocating two zone numbers to Europe.
Additional prefix is used to differentiate between trunk calls and international calls. For
example, if the international prefix is "010", the first digit "0" causes the call to be routed
to the trunk exchange and the next two digits "10" causes the call to be switched to the
Consider the following telephone number "01020483661334".
a- The first three digits "010" is the international prefix dialed to get access to the
international gateway.
The first digit "0" is the trunk prefix used to inform the local exchange that the
requested call is not a local call and therefore get access to the trunk exchange.
If numbering areas are large, wide variations will arise in the distances available for the
same charge, which may lead to complaints from subscribers. Large areas necessitate long
and expensive junctions from peripheral local exchanges to central trunk-switching
centers. Also, an area must not be so large that the number of subscribers it will ultimately
serve is beyond its numbering capacity. Numbering areas containing a large number of
subscribers necessitate more digits being dialed for calls within the area, but fewer digits
for trunk calls to other areas.
However, it is necessary to apportion the numbering range to the individual Exchanges so
as to allow for the different growth rates likely to be encountered. The numbering plan
must also allow additional exchanges to be added when the increase in telephone density
in particular locations makes this desirable. The numbering range available for individual
exchanges is reduced by the use of code digits for trunk and international prefixes and for
special services (e.g. operator assistance, inquires, telegrams etc.). For the convenience of
subscribers, these codes should be standardized throughout the country (e.g. the use of
'100 ' for operator assistance and '999' for emergency services).
In areas using register controlled Exchanges, either 2-digit or 3-digits exchange codes may
be used depending on the number of exchanges in the area.
call setting-up times can be excessive and the facilities provided by the network are
limited. Badly planned signaling can also result in excessive variety and complexity of
equipment. For local networks, the maximum length of subscriber's line (and the size of
the exchange area) is determined by signaling limits in addition to transmission limits.
Similar considerations apply to audio-frequency junctions which use d.c. signaling.
When a calling subscriber goes off-hook indicating a request for service, this completes
the loop with his local exchange that alerted by detecting the line current. When the
subscriber finishes a call, he replaces the handset (goes on-hook state), the loop is
disconnected and the exchange detects the disappearance of the loop current. In addition to
these signals from the subscriber to the exchange, signals are also required in the reverse
direction to inform the subscriber of the state (free or busy) of the exchange or the called
subscriber. These signals are normally audio-frequency tones (e.g., busy tone, ringing
tone, …).
The exchange performs the following functions;
1- Recognize the calling subscriber condition.
2- Connect register equipment to the subscriber line for receiving address (dialed)
The register reverts dial tone in the handset stays for short period, signaling the calling
subscriber, that the exchange is ready to receive dialed information. The subscriber
then dials digits (called subscriber address).
Equipment at the exchange senses the frequencies of the tones and determines the dialed
3- The dialed digits stored in the register to select the required connection. If all registers
are busy, the exchange connects the calling subscriber line to busy tone instead. On
hear in this tone, the subscriber replaces the handset, and subsequently makes another
4- Register receives dialed digits, and obtains a connection to the translator that provides
the required information about the require outgoing route,
5- If the called subscriber is not busy, the switch alerts that subscriber to an incoming call
by generating a ringing signal (ring current),
6- Feedback is provided to the calling subscriber by the switch:
a- If the called subscriber is not busy, the switch returns an audible ringing tone to the
caller, while the ringing signal is being sent to the called subscriber,
b- If the called subscriber is busy, the switch sends an audible busy signal to the caller,
which consists of bursts, with frequency 425 Hz. The ON-time equals the OFF-time
which lasts 0.5 second, to indicate that the called terminal is busy, or lasts 0.25
second to indicate that the distant exchange is not ready to proceed the call to the
called subscriber.
c- If the call can not be completed through the switch, the switch sends an audible
recorded message to the caller.
7- The called party accepts the call by lifting the handset (off-hook), which is
automatically signaled to the switch.
8- The switch terminates the ringing signal and the audible ringing tone, and establishes
a connection between the two subscribers.
9- The connection is released when the calling subscriber hangs up.
When the called subscriber is attached to a different switch not that of the calling
subscriber, the following switch to switch trunk signaling functions are required:
1- The originating switch seizes an idle inter-switch trunk, sends an off-hook indication on
the trunk, and requests a digit register at the far end, so that the address may be
2- The terminating switch sends an off-hook followed by an on-hook signal, known as
a "wink". This indicates a register-ready status.
3-The originating switch sends the address digits to the terminating switch.
This includes functions (the dialing of the digits represent the called subscriber
number) used on call set up to determine exact identification and location of the called
subscriber. Address functions actuate control circuits in the local switch allowing
a connectivity to be set up. When the called subscriber is outside the local exchange of the
calling subscriber, the call will be connected to an outgoing trunk, that is a transmission
pathway that interconnect switches.
Also addressing signaling is associated with the information interchange between
exchanges, and ended by releasing the call set up, and sending ringing current.
It uses not only the same physical path as the call it serves; it also uses the same
frequency bands as the voice signals that are carried as shown in figure 3.14-a. Therefore,
signaling information is transmitted in the same band of frequency used by the voice
signal. This form of signaling has several advantages. Because the control signals have the
same electromagnetic properties as the voice signals, they can be used on any transmission
medium and go anywhere that the voice signals go. Thus, there are no limits on the use of
in-band signaling anywhere in the network, including places where A/D or D/A
conversion takes place.
In addition, it is impossible to set up a call on a faulty speech path, as the control signals
that are used to set up that path would have to follow the same path.
The main disadvantage of this technique is the need to eliminate mutual interference
between signaling waveform and speech.
b- Out-of-Band Signaling
It takes the advantage of the fact that voice signals do not use the full 4-K Hz
bandwidth allotted to them. A separate narrow signaling band within the 4-K Hz is used to
send control signals as shown in figure 3.14-b. Therefore, this technique uses the same
facility as the voice channel but at a different portion of the frequency band. It represents
a form of FDM within a single voice channel. The most common one is the dc signaling
used on most customer loop. The central office recognizes off-hook condition by the flow
of dc current in the line signals uses lower frequencies than those generated by speech.
However, there is also out-band signaling that uses a frequency (3825 Hz) above the
speech band (e.g., above 3400 Hz) but below the upper limit of the nominal voice channel
(4000 Hz). The major advantage of this scheme is that there is no possibility of one being
mistaken for the other (i.e., there is no interference between voice and control signals).
However, an out-of-band signaling depends on the transmission system used.
For example, SSB carrier systems filter out the very low frequency associated with
each voice channel. So, the control signal must be converted to something else and
therefore extra electronics is needed to handle the signaling band. Also, the signaling rates
are slower because the signals have been confined to a narrow bandwidth.
Drawbacks of In-Channel Signaling
As public telecommunication networks become more complex, and provide a richer
set of services, the drawbacks of in-channel signaling become more apparent such as;
i- The information transfer rate is quite limited with in-channel signaling. With in-band
signaling, the voice channel being used is only available for control signals when there
are no voice signals on the circuit. With out-of-band signaling, a very narrow
bandwidth is available.
With such limits, it is difficult to accommodate, in a timely fashion, any but the simplest
form of control messages. A more powerful control scheme is needed.
ii- A second drawback of in-channel signaling is the amount of delay from the time
a subscriber enters an address (dials a number) to when the connection is established.
The requirement to reduce this delay is becoming more important as the network is used
in new ways. For example, computer controlled calls, such as with transaction
processing, use relatively short messages, therefore, the call set up time represents an
appreciable part of the total transaction time. Both of these problems can be addressed
with common channel signaling.
signaling. However, the continuing drop in computer hardware costs makes CCS
increasingly attractive.
The control signals are digital messages that are passed between switches as well as
between a switch and the network management center. Thus, the control signaling portion
of the network is, in effect, a distributed computer network carrying short messages.
a- Modes of Operation
Two modes of operation are used in CCS. These are the associated and non-associated
modes shown in figure 3.16.
In the associated mode, the common channel closely tracks along its entire length the
inter-switch trunk groups that are served between endpoints.
Thus, a separate channel carries signaling information and this channel is routed with the
speech channels it serves. In other words, the control signals are on different channels
from the subscriber signals, and inside the switch the control signals are routed directly to
a control signal processor.
A more complex, but more powerful, mode is the non-associated mode. With this mode,
the network is augmented by additional nodes known as signal transfer points.
traverses a routing entirely separate from the voice paths it controls. The signal-transfer
points, used in North America, consists of a processor with signaling terminals and data
modems (in case of CCSS #6) on either side. Signal transfer points allow concentration of
signaling for a large number of trunks and will also provide for circuit viability by
allowing alternative routing of the CCIS signaling path. To improve viability (reliability of
communications), all CCIS signaling paths in North America are duplicated and fully
redundant. In addition, all STPs are fully interconnected to provide several signaling –
path possibilities. The STPs are over-dimensioned, so that either STP can carry the full
signaling load if one STP fails. Such a network has a hierarchical structure, with primary
and secondary centers. Of course, it is fully non- associated.
For cost effectiveness, associated signaling is generally used with large trunk groups.
The concentration aspects of non-associated signaling would make it more attractive for
small trunk groups in the long-distance (toll) network.
b- Advantages of CCS
1- With in-channel signaling, control signals from one switch are originated by a control
processor and switched onto the outgoing channel. On the receiving end, the control
signals must be switched from the voice channel into the control processor. With
common channel signaling, the control signals are transferred directly from one control
processor to another, without being tied to a voice signal.
This is a simpler procedure, and one of the main motivations for CCS as it is less
susceptible to accidental or intentional interference between subscriber and control
2- Another key motivation for common-channel signaling is that call set up time is
reduced. Consider the sequence of events for call setup with in-channel signaling when
more than one switch is involved. A control signal will be sent from one switch to the
next in the intended path. At each switch, the control signal cannot be transferred
through the switch to the next leg of the route until the associated circuit is established
through that switch. With CCS, forwarding of control information can overlap the
circuit set-up process.
3- With non-associated signaling, a further advantage emerges; one or more central control
points can be established. All control information can be routed to a network control
center where requests are processed and from which control signals are sent to switches
that handle subscriber traffic. In this way, requests can be processed with a more global
view of network conditions.
c- Disadvantages of CCS
Of course, there are disadvantages to CCS; these primarily have to do with the
complexity of the technique. However, the dropping cost of digital hardware and the
increasingly digital nature of telecommunication networks makes CCS the appropriate
technology. Even in a network that is completely controlled by CCS, in-channel signaling is
needed for at least some of the communication with the subscriber. For example, dial tone,
ring back, and busy signals must be in channel to reach the user.
specifying the target traffic load (for example from monitoring results) and the minimum
average exchanges number to cover the service area.
The better the traffic forecasts the better the capacity configuration can be optimized for
network evolution.
In order to study the capacity requirements for a specific service area several more detailed
parameters need factoring into the dimensioning, specifically knowledge of the:
• Size of the service area
• Total traffic over the service area
• Targeted maximum blocking
• Number of available (required) channels
The required number of exchanges can be tuned to correspond to the number accordingly
based on traffic requirements for the service area. Because traffic is increasing year after
year, this analysis has to be done based on differing traffic demands, with the final
network configuration and deployment strategy dependent on this long-term analysis. If
this long-term analysis is not done the exchanges will not be located correctly and the
network configuration will not be cost-efficient due to overcapacity or load and will
require continuous reconfigurations. Note that reconfigurations can not be avoided, but
they can be minimized. Steadily increasing demands upon service area (for example
increased data traffic and data service) cause changes, as in blocking thresholds, and these
changes have to be taken into account at the dimensioning stage because they strongly
influence exchanges locations.
The preliminary capacity planning has already been done in the dimensioning phase of the
network planning process. In that phase only rough figures in the area type level were
estimated without going into the capacities of individual exchanges. The planning
parameters came from customer requirements and the estimated number of users. The user
estimates are for every network roll-out phase.
The capacity requirement per user is different depending on the user profile. The
dimensioning can be simplified by having one user profile per area type; i.e. all the users
inside the same area type have a similar user profile. The user profiles define the average
usage as well as the busy hours. The capacity has to be planned based on the maximum
simultaneous usage.
In the capacity planning phase a detailed capacity per exchange level is estimated. The
prior task was to select the exchange locations and calculate the service area using actual
exchange parameters. The capacity allocation is based on these density maps and traffic
estimates, which can be a separate layer on the map of the planning tool.
As stated, the maximum simultaneous usage is the main planning target for the network
The capacity peaks define the fate of unsuccessful call attempts due to lack of resources
known technically as the Grade of Service, GoS. It is defined in the ITU-T
Recommendation E.600 as: A number of traffic engineering variables to provide
a measure of adequacy of a group of resources under specified conditions. These grade of
service variables may be probability of loss. This parameter which should be in accepted
level has already been defined by the customer at the beginning of the planning process.
The amount of traffic is expressed in Erlangs, which is the magnitude of telecom. traffic.
The setting of grades of service targets (i.e., the proportion of calls or messages
allowed to fail due to congestion) is a matter for subjective judge, based on determining
the right balance between the service to be given to the subscriber and the cost of
providing that service. Internationally, it has been accepted that the only practicable way
of ensuring an acceptable service is to specify the grade of service to be given by each
individual switching node and connecting link. Grades of service for international links
themselves are laid down by the CCITT. However, those applicable to a national network
are left to the individual administration and are very dependent upon the arrangement of
the network and the distribution of calls over it.
In deciding the grade of service appropriate to each link in the national network, the
function of the link as well as its cost should be taken into account. Some links may be
used for single-link traffic only, but others may carry traffic passing over a number of
links in tandem.
The volume of traffic to be carried by the link is also important in relation to the overall
grade of service given to the subscribers. A poor grade of service on a small unimportant
route will matter far less than on a large route. Thus, while total expenditure is minimized
by prescribing a worse grade of service for the most costly circuits, consideration of the
relative importance in the network of the link concerned may lead to a contrary decision.
Grades of service may be prescribed as a given proportion of lost calls, independent of the
number of circuits. However, although a large group of circuits carries traffic more
efficiently than a small group, its grade of service deteriorates more quickly with traffic
overload. Thus, at the normal loading the larger the number of circuits the better the grade
of service. This method thus recognizes the relative importance of large routes, in addition
to providing an adequate overload margin.
From the user’s point of view, the grade of service of the network is of prime importance.
Teletraffic design formula is used to predict accurately the behavior of the network during
operation. Telecommunication network is dimensioned to meet the maximum usage
demand period known as Busy Hour, BH. Normally there are two periods where, PSTN
traffic demand is maximum, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, as shown in
figure 3.17.
The figure indicates that PSTN is very inefficient as it approaches total capacity utilization
for only several hours during the working day. After 10 P.M. and before 7 A.M. capacity
utilization may be 2 – 3 % .
Busy hour traffic intensities are used to dimension the number of trunks required on
a connectivity as well as the size of (a) switch(es) involved. Now a PSTN company
(administration) can improve its revenue versus expenditures by cutting back on the
number of trunks required and making switches "smaller". Of course, network users will
do a lot of complaining about poor service. Let's just suppose the PSTN does just that cuts
back on the number of circuits. Now, during the BH period, a user may dial a number and
receive either a voice announcement or a rapid-cadence tone telling the user that All
Trunks are Busy (ATB) and to try again later.
From a technical standpoint, the user has encountered blockage. This would be due to one
of two reasons, or may be due to both causes. These are: insufficient switch capacity and
not enough trunks to assign during the BH. Networks are sized /dimensioned for a traffic
load expected during the BH. The sizing is based on probability, usually expressed as
a decimal or percentage. That probability percentage or decimal is called the grade of
service, which defined as; "the proportion of total calls, usually during the BH, that cannot
be completed immediately or served within a prescribed time."
Grade of service and blocking probability are synonymous.
Here we are going to introduce the principles of classical teletraffic theory used in the
Fixed Terrestrial Network.
The stochastic processes involved in telephone messages, flowing through a network is
called teletraffic theory. The theory is intimately connected to probability theory, as we are
concerned with the probability of calls being blocked, forced to terminate, and so forth, and
how these relate to efficient utilization of system capacity. Like any other fields, teletraffic
theory has its own technical terms and teletraffic design formulas.
The fate of call attempt depends on the used system. There are two types of systems deal
with traffic load (offered traffic).
First system is known as loss system, where call attempts arrive the system at the
instant where there are no free channels, leave the system without any subsequent effect
on the system performance. Traffic system serving call trials on this basis is known as
blocked calls cleared (BCC) or lost calls cleared (LCC) system.
Second system is known as Delay system, where call attempts arriving the system at
the instant where all the channels are busy do not leave the system but they are allowed to
stay in a queue waiting for free channels. This system is known as Blocked Call Delayed
(BCD) system.
Starting with loss system analysis where the attempted call rate in a BCC system with
N channels depends on the number of users generating the offered traffic. If the number of
users is assumed to be infinite, the arrival call rate is independent on the number of busy
users, the traffic is said to be random, where the arrival rate is randomly distributed, that
follows Poisson distribution, such as;
P(r) = t e t
It defines the probability of arriving r call trials during period of time, t with average
arrival rate λ.
For finite number of sources, the arrival call rate will depend on the number of busy
users and the traffic is said to be quasi-random. The analysis of a BCC system under these
two assumptions is different and results in two different teletraffic models known as
Erlang loss formula and Engset formula, respectively.
We are interested in the steady state condition, which is reached under statistical
equilibrium. The statistical equilibrium means that chance of finding the network in any
specified state is the same.
Changing ;
λj = λ, j = 0, 1, ….. N-1.
μj = jμ, j = 0, 1, ……. N. (3.7)
P(-1) = P(N+1) = 0
For j = 0 μ P(1) = λ P(0)
A A2
Similarly, with j = 1, P(2) = P(1) = P(0)
2 2
By iteration P(j) = P(0)
which describes the probability of finding the system at state j, i.e.; the probability of
finding J calls in progress, or J channels busy.
P(0) is obtained by setting the summation of all probabilities to unity, such that;
N j
P(0) = A
j o j !
The formula of such loss system is known as Erlang loss or Erlang-B formula. In this
formula the blocking probability is expressed as:
PB = P(N) = AN / N ! (3.8)
A j / j!
j 0
From the above discussion it is clear that the congestion problem can be solved by
computation, from graphs, or tables, because it is difficult to handle it. The following table
3.1 may be used to analyze the probability of blocking PB given by equation 3.8.
The Lost Traffic, defined as the average number of lost calls during the average call
duration will be;
AL = A PB (3.9)
By the same way the Carried Traffic defined as the average number of carried (successful)
calls during the average call duration is calculated as;
AC = A (1 – PB) (3.10)
Formula 3.8 describes two types of system congestion, the first is time congestion which is
defined as the (fraction) percentage of time during which all channels are occupied, (system
is blocked or congested), and the second is the call congestion which refers to the
probability that a call arrives during the congestion period and hence is lost.
The average duration of the congestion (blocking) state, and the rate of its occurrence are
calculated as;
By considering that, the offered traffic A, corresponding to the average number of call
trials arriving the system during average call duration. Tc . So for very long period of time
T` , the average number of calls will be;
A` = A ( T ` / Tc )
So, the number of occasions the system state changes from (N-1) to N busy channels due to
a call arrival during the period T` is, A P (N-1). The total time during which N channels are
occupied (system is blocked) during the long period of time T` is, T` P(N). Then the
average duration of the congestion state is calculated as the ratio of the total duration of
congestion during T`, to the number occurrence of congestion during the same period T`,
Consider that the number of users is M and that each user independently generates
requests at any time at rate u when idle and rate zero otherwise. Using the state transition
diagram of such system given by figure 3.21:
Figure 3.21 State transition diagram of finite number of users LCC system.
where u is the arrival rate per free user. When j calls are in progress (busy users), then
(M-j) users are free at that instant, where any one of them is ready to make a call trial.
Assume state j is in statistical equilibrium, then;
[M- (j-1)]u P(j-1) + (j+1) P(j+1) = [(M-j)u + j] P(j)
dividing both sides by , with u / = a, describes the traffic offered by a free user, or the
probability of a call trial generated by a free user, then;
M ( M 1) a 2 P(0)
and generally,
P(j) = M aj P(0)
So, P (N) = N (3.15)
k 0 k
which is the probability that all the channels are busy; and hence the system is blocked
(the time congestion),
where, P(0) = [ ak ] –1 (3.16)
k 0 k
Time congestion does not necessitate call congestion because although all the channels
may be busy, calls may arrive during this interval. The call congestion or the probability of
call blocking (loss) is the conditional probability of call arrival during the congestion
(blocking) time and is given by;
Sheet -4
1- Assuming each of 10,000 subscriber lines originates one call per hour, how often do
two calls arrive with less than 0.01 sec. between them?
Solution: The average arrival rate is;
λ = 10,000 / 3600 = 2.78 arrivals / sec.
The probability of no arrival in a 0.01 sec. interval is;
P(0) = e - λ t = e – 2.78 (0.01) = e – 0.0278 = 0.973
P(two calls arrive with less than 0.01 sec. between them) = 1- P(0) = 1 - 0.973 = 0.027
Thus, 2.7 % of the arrivals occur within 0.01 sec. of the previous arrival. Since the arrival
rate is 2.78 arrivals per second, the rate of occurrence of inter-arrival times less than 0.01
sec. equals;
2.78 x 0.027 = 0.075 times / sec.
2- A message-switching node that normally experiences four arrivals per minute, what is
the probability that eight or more arrivals occur in 30 sec. interval?
Solution: The average number of arrivals in a 30 sec. interval is;
λ = 4 x 30 / 60 = 2 arrivals / sec.
The probability of eight or more arrivals (when the average is 2) is;
P>8 (2) = Pi (2) = 1 - Pi (2)
i 8 i 0
21 2 2 23 27
= 1 – e-2 1 ..... = 0.0011
1! 2! 3! 7!
3- What is the probability that a 1000 bit data block experiences exactly four errors during
transmission over a transmission link with a bit error rate (BER) of l0-5?
Solution: Assuming independent errors (a questionable assumption on many transmission
links), we can obtain the probability of exactly four errors directly from the Poisson
distribution. The average number of errors (arrivals);
λt = 103 x 10-5 = 0.01. Thus,
P(4 errors) = P4 (0.01) = 0.01 e 0.01 4.125 x 10-10
4- An Exchange with 12 channel handling 200 call trials per hour with 2 minutes expected
duration. What is the probability that two calls are offered during 1 minute. If the lost
traffic is offered to another switch with 6 channels, what is the probability that both
switches are blocked simultaneously.
5- During a busy hour ‘A’ Erlang is offered to a single channel Exchange that was
occupied over a period of 49 minute. When the lost traffic is overflowed to a multi-
Sheet -5
1- Assume that a trunk group has enough channels to immediately carry all of the traffic
offered to it with an arrival rate of one call per minute. Assume that the average holding
time is 2 min. What percentage of the total traffic is carried by the first five circuits,
and how much traffic is carried by all remaining circuits?
Solution 1: The traffic intensity (load)of the system is;
A = 1 x 2 = 2 Erlangs.
The traffic intensity carried by i active circuits is exactly i Erlangs. Hence the traffic
carried by the first five circuits can be determined as follows;
A5 = 1 P1 (2) + 2 P2 (2) + 3 P3 (2) + 4 P4 (2) + 5 P5 (2)
2 3 4 5
= e -2 2 2 x 2 3 x 2 4 x 2 5 x 2 = l.89 Erl
2! 3! 4! 5!
All of the remaining circuits carry: 2 - 1.89 = 0.ll Erlang
2- A Tl line is to be used as a tie-line trunk group between two PBXs. How much traffic
can the trunk group carry if the blocking probability is to be 0.1?. What is the offered
traffic intensity?
Solution: From the utilization curves it can be seen that the output circuit utilization for
PB = 0.1 and N = 24 is 0.8. Thus the carried traffic intensity is 0.8 x 24 = 19.2 erlangs.
Since the blocking probability is 0. l, the maximum level of offered traffic is;
A= 19.2 21.3 erlangs
1 0.1
circuits, as shown in figure. In figure a, the traffic from the clusters uses separate
groups of shared circuits. In figure b the traffic from all clusters is concentrated onto
one common group of circuits. Determine the total number of circuits required in both
cases when the maximum desired blocking probability is 5 %.
Assume that 22 terminals are in each cluster and each terminal is active l0 % of the
8- What is the smallest number of channels which allow an offered load of 0.5 Erlangs to
suffer no worse than 2 percent loss.
Solution: PB(0.5,0) = 1
PB(0.5,1) = (2 PB(0.5,0)) / (2 PB(0.5,0) + 1) = 1 / 3
PB(0.5,2) = (2 x 1/3) / ((2x1/3) + 2) = 1/13
PB(0.5,3) = (2 x 1/13) / ((2 x 1/13) + 3) = 1/79,
So, the answer is 3.
Sheet -6
1- Compare between the traffic load on a set-up channel used to receive call set-up
requests from 90 traffic channels in an exchange and their traffic load, when the set-up
time is 100 m sec, with 25 m sec between calls.
2- a group of 7 channels are used to carry traffic of 4 Erlang, find:
a- the grade of service,
b- the probability that only one channel is busy,
c- the probability that only one trunk is free,
d- the probability that at least one trunk is free.
3- Consider 10 channels group serving a first attempt offered traffic load of 7 Erlangs.
What is the blocking probability. Find the blocking probability of the random retries for
all blocked calls.
4- Consider a link between two packet routers. Assume that,
– on the average, 10 new packets arrive in a second,
– the mean packet length is 400 bytes, and
– the link speed is 64 kbps.
Show the effect of increasing the link speed to 150 Mbps
Sheet -7
1- What is the blocking probability of a PBX to a central office trunk group with 10
circuits servicing a first- attempt offered traffic load of 7 Erlangs? What is the blocking
probability if the number of circuits is increased to 13? Assume random retries for all
blocked calls.
Solution: It can be assumed that the 7 Erlangs of traffic arise from a large number of PBX
stations. Thus, an infinite source analysis is justified. The blocking probability for
A = 7 Erlangs and N = l0 servers is about 8 %. Thus, the total offered load, including
retries, is approximately 7.6 Erlangs. With N = l0 and A'= 7.6, the blocking probability is
10 %. Two more iterations effectively produce convergence at A' = 8 Erlangs and
PB = l2 %. If the number of circuits in the trunk group is increased to 13, the blocking
probability of a lost calls cleared system is 2 %. Thus, a first approximation to the
returning traffic intensity is 7/0.98 = 7.14 Erlangs. Hence the blocking probability
including all returning traffic increases only slightly above the 2 %. This demonstrates that
the effect of returning traffic is insignificant when operating at low blocking probabilities.
At high blocking probabilities, however, it is necessary to incorporate the effects of the
returning traffic into the analysis.
Relationship between blocking probability of lost calls cleared and lost calls returning.
2- A group of callers generate requests at a rate of five calls per hour per telephone
(including incoming and outgoing calls). Assuming the average holding time is 4 min,
what is the average calling rate of each idle source? How many callers can be supported
by a l2-channel concentrator / multiplexer if the maximum acceptable blocking
probability is l %?
Solution: Since each caller is typically active for 20 min of every hour and places an
average of five calls during the 40 min of inactivity, the calling rate for idle sources;
λT = 5 / 40 = 0.l25 calls per minute. The offered load for M sources, assuming all traffic is
carried, is 0.33 M. From the finite number of users LCC table, we find the largest M such
that 0.33 M is less than or equal to the maximum offered load for PB = l % and N = 12.
Using interpolation for M = 2l reveals that 12 servers can support 7.11 Erlangs at
PB = 1 %.
Since 21 x 0.33 = 6.93 is the offered load, 2l sources is an acceptable solution. If 22
sources are used, the offered load of 7.26 Erlangs is higher than the 7.04 Erlangs
obtainable from interpolation in the table as the maximum offered load for
PB = l %.
It is worthwhile comparing this result to a result obtained from an infinite source analysis
(Erlang-B). For a blocking probability of l %. Erlang table reveals that the maximum
offered load for 12 servers is 5.88 Erlangs. Thus, the maximum number of sources can be
determined as 5.88 / 0.333 = 17.64. Hence in this case an infinite source analysis produces
a result that is conservative by l5 %.
3- Two trunk groups are to be used as direct routes between two switching systems. The
first group has 12 channels and the second group has 6 channels. Assume 10.8 Erlangs
of traffic is offered to the l2-channel group and overflows are offered to the 6-channel
group when the first group is busy. What is the blocking probability of the first group,
and how much traffic overflows to the second group? Using the overflow traffic
volume as an offered load, determine the blocking probability of the second trunk
group. What is the probability that both trunk groups are busy? Compare this answer to
the blocking probability of one 18-channel trunk group.
Solution: Using a lost calls cleared analysis with an infinite source, we determine that
blocking of the first group is l5 % (A= l0.8, N = 12). Therefore, the overflow traffic is
10.8 x 0.l5 = 1.62 Erlangs. The blocking probability of the second group is 0.5 %
(A = 1.62, N = 6). The probability that both trunk groups are busy simultaneously can be
determined (assuming independence) as:
PBT = 0.15 x 0.005 = 0.00075
In contrast, the correct blocking probability of an l8-channel trunk group with an offered
load of 10.8 Erlangs is;
PB = 0.013
For A = 10.8, N1 = 12, and N = 18 reveals that the appropriate conditional probability B2/l
is 0.033. Thus, the composite blocking probability PBC = 0.15 x 0.033 = 0.005. The
remaining inaccuracy (0.005 versus 0.013 actually) is due to nonrandom characteristics of
overflow traffic.
Queuing theory specialists have developed a notation for indicating the assumptions on
Input process, Service process, and Number of output channels. This notations list in
order, represented by letters and slashes, such as:
M / M / N, where the First letter M indicates that the input process is Markovian,
Memory-less random process that follow Poisson distribution, where the number of users
is assumed to be infinite. Second letter M stands for Markovian service process as well.
The third letter N represents that there are N server (channel) in the system.
M / M / 1 model gives the same representation except that the number of servers is only
one M / G / 1 representation has the exception that the service process is general. Figure
3.22' illustrates the general notation of the queueing system.
λj = λ j = 1,2,3,.… ∞ (3.19)
It is clear that call trials start to join the queue after j = N, so the probability that the queue
is empty is given by;
P ( Md = 0 ) = P (j ≤ N) = P ( j ) (3.20)
j 0
where Md represents the number of call trials in the queue.
Using the state transition diagram given in figure 3.24, with the assumption that state j is
in statistical equilibrium;
λ P(j-1) + (j+1) μ P(j+1) = (λ+jμ) P(j) N≥j>0 (a)
putting A = λ / μ, and changing j from 0 to N, then equation (a) will give the general
P(N) = A P(0) (c)
with j = N+1, N+2, ……., equation (b), will give;
P (j) = A (d)
P( N )
The Probability of Delay will be calculated as;
PD = P (j ≥ N) = A
P( j ) P( N ) (e)
jN jN N
PD = P(N) A A
1 .........
PD = P(N) N
P(0) can be calculated using the equation;
P ( j ) 1
j 0
P(0) = N 1 A k A N N (3.21-a)
k 0 k ! N ! N A
Md = AW = PD A / ( N – A ) (3.22)
The mean Delay (Waiting) Time of all calls is calculated by taking, AW = λ W , then;
1 Aw
W= ( j N ) P( j ) =
j N 1
W = PD (Tc / N-A) (3.23)
while the mean Delay Time of the delayed calls is;
TD = Tc / N-A (3.24)
Equation 3.21 describes the probability of delay occurrence for call trials, but the
unconditional probability of delaying all call trials longer than specific period of time t is
calculated as;
P (W > t) = PD exp [- (N-A)μt ] (3.25)
The conditional probability of delay, given that the delayed call trial will stay in the queue
longer that specific time t is;
Pc (W > t) = exp [ - (N-A) μt ] (3.26)
The System Traffic calculated as the average number of calls in the system either being
served or waiting in the queue is calculated as;
N 1
AST= jP( j ) jP( j ) NPD ( j N ) P( j ) (3.27)
j 0 j 0 j N 1
AC = AS = N1jP ( j ) NP = A (3.28-b)
j 0
The delayed traffic, defined as the average number of delayed calls, given by;
AW = = A PD (3.28-c)
( j N ) P( j ) N A
j N 1
using, j = 0, 1, 2, …….then;
Using the equality P ( j ) = 1, we can get;
j 0
P(0) = 1 – A (3.31)
which is the probability that an incoming call trial will find a queue of zero length and will
accordingly served, so
P(j) = Aj (1 - A) j = 0, 1, 2, …… (3.32)
which is the probability of finding j customers in the system.
The probability of finding the buffer empty is given by;
P (Md = 0) = P ( j ) = 1 – A2 (3.33)
j 0
The average number of calls in the system will be;
AST = j P( j ) j A j (1 A)
j 0 j 0
AST = A (3.34)
1 A
The average system time will be;
1 (3.35)
The carried traffic will be given using equation 3.28-b;
AC = MS = A (3.36)
The probability of finding at least j customer in the system may be calculated as;
P ( MST ≥ j ) = P (i ) = Aj (3.37)
i j
with j = N = 1, in M / M / 1 queuing model,
P ( MST ≥ N ) = A (3.38)
It is left to the student to prove that this probability will be corresponding to:
PD = P ( j ) = P (W > 0)
j 1
PD = P (MST ≥ N) = P (MS = N)
but, the probability of finding j call trials in the queue is given by ;
P (Md = j) = P(j+N) (3.39)
Using equation 3.28-c, the delayed traffic will be;
AW = (3.40)
1 A 1 A
The average delay time for all calls will be calculated using equation 3.23, such as;
w PD TC A TC (3.41)
1 A 1 A
The average delay time for delayed calls will be calculated using equation 3.24, such as;
TD = Tc / 1 – A (3.42)
The figure of merit of such system will be calculated using equation 3.29, such as;
F.MD1 =
W = A (3.43)
T 1 A
Equation 3.38 describes the probability of delay occurrence for call trials, but the
unconditional probability of delaying all call trials longer than specific period of time t is
calculated as;
The conditional probability of delay, given that the delayed call trial will stay in the queue
longer that specific time t is;
Sheet -8
Sheet -9
Thus 6.87 % of the messages experience queuing delays of more than 5 min.
2- Determine the number of digit receivers required to support 1000 telephones with an
average calling rate of two calls per hour. Assume the dialing time is exponentially
distributed with an average service time of 6 sec. The grade of service objective is to
return dial tone within 1 sec of the off-hook signal for 99 % of the call attempts.
Compare the answer obtained from a delay system analysis to an answer obtained from
a loss system analysis at PB = l %. If the PB is less than l %, fewer than l %of the calls
are delayed.
Solution: The calling rate λ and the offered traffic intensity A are easily determined as
0.555 calls per second and 3.33 Erlangs, respectively. since the number of servers N
cannot be solved for directly from the equations, Using the following figure b to obtain
a value of eight servers for:
t / tm = 1 .
Erlang table reveals that 99.5 % of the call attempts can be serviced immediately if there
are nine digit receivers. Thus, in this case the ability to delay service provides a savings of
only one server. It is clear that a blocking probability analysis produces approximately the
same results as a delay system analysis when the maximum acceptable delay is a small
percentage of the average service time.
The two results are almost identical because, if a digit receiver is not immediately
available, there is only a small probability that one will become available within a short
time period. (With an average service time of 6 sec, the expected time for one of eight
digit receivers to be released is 6/8 = 0.75 sec. Hence the delay operation in this case
allows a savings of one digit receiver.)
Because a digit receiver must be available within a relatively short time period after
a request is generated, digit receiver group sizing is often determined strictly from
a blocking probability analysis. The fact that digit receiver access is actually operated as
a delay system implies the grade of service is always better than that calculated.
0.9 x 0.031
t = 2 (1 0.9) 0.14 sec .
The total average delay through the node, excluding processing, is obtained by adding the
average waiting time to the service time:
Average delay = 0.140 + 0.031 = 0.171 sec.
Since the service time is 0.031 sec, 0.35 sec of delay occurs when the waiting time is
0.35 - 0.031 = 0.319. This corresponds to 0.319/0.031 = 10 service times. From the
following figure, the probability of delay for t / tm = 10 is approximately 0.12. Thus l2 %
of the packets experience delays of greater than 0.35 sec. An increase of 10 % in the traffic
intensity implies that the new offered load is 0.99 erlang. The average waiting time
0.99 x 0.031
t = 2 (1 0.99) 1.53 sec .
Thus, when the offered load increases by only l0 %, the average delay through the node
increases nine fold to a value of
1.53 + 0.031 = 1.56 sec !
This demonstrates the same characteristic for heavily utilized delay systems that was
demonstrated for loss systems: The performance is very sensitive to increases in traffic
intensity. Thus, flow control is a critical aspect of a packet-switching operation,
particularly when there are real-time delivery objectives.
The average delay of only those arrivals that get delayed is commonly denoted as;
= 0.031
N A 1 0.99 3.1sec .
tW =
that are used whenever there are free channels. There may also be some other direct
(shortest) routes that are usually chosen to interconnect nodes at different levels. If
possible, connections should use the most direct routes at the lowest levels of the network.
This is because they use fewer network facilities and generally provide better transmission
quality. However, economic considerations often limit the capacities of the direct routes so
that alternate routes are needed.
Indirect route is a final route as it is the last choice route in the sense that no traffic streams
using this route may overflow further. The routing plan must have regard to the following,
to choose between direct and indirect routing:
a- The transmission, and signaling plans, which influences the maximum number of
tandem links in a route.
b- The setting up time, which is influenced by the capabilities of the signaling types and
switching equipment in use.
c- The economics of routing direct or via a tandem (indirect) switching point. These are
affected by the relative costs of transmission and switching plant and by the amount of
traffic to be carried by the route.
d- The grade of service required end to end.
e- The number of required routing digits.
These limit the maximum number of tandem links that may be used to set-up connections.
Routing a stream of traffic via a tandem switching center is always more economic than
using the direct route. In fact even greater economic is often possible if just a proportion of
the traffic is routed directly, which known as “alternative routing”. In this approach a few
direct trunks between two centers are provided to form a high usage route. Majority of
calls use these high usage routes and only a small proportion of calls (residual traffic) are
rerouted via a tandem center using the network back bone, which is most effective in busy
hours, when all the direct trunks are busy.
Also increasing the capacity of an existing trunk route always requires fewer additional
trunks than the provision of a new direct trunk route. This is due to the nonlinear
relationship between number of trunks and carried traffic calculated using Erlang formula.
With 0.01 grade of service, a single trunk carries 0.01 Erlang, two trunks carries 0.15
Erlang, and three trunks carry 0.45 Erlang, while adding the 11th trunk increases the
carried traffic by 0.7 Erlang than that carried by 10 trunks. Suppose we have three areas
served by 3 switches A, B and C.
8 Erlang on the routes AB and AC requires 15 trunks on each route. The 2 Erlang on the
route BC requires 6 trunks using the direct route. However, on the main route an
additional 2 Erlangs could be carried by the addition of only 3 trunks as shown in figure
tested in the same sequence, although some routes may not available for certain types of
An example of hierarchical routing in a non-hierarchy network of nodes is shown in figure
3.5-2 Routing Schemes
Routing scheme defines how a set of routes made available for calls between a pair of
nodes. Routing scheme may be fixed or dynamic.
Route selection is the action to actually select a definite route for a specific call. The
selection may be sequential or non sequential.
Alternative routing takes place when all appropriate circuits in a group are busy. Several
circuit groups may be tested sequentially. The test order is fixed or time-dependent.
3.5-4.2 Automatic Rerouting; ARR (Crank back)
It is a routing facility enabling connection of call attempts that congested during the
initial call setup phase. Its performance can be improved through the use of different
signals S1 and S2 for example to indicate congestion as illustrated in figure 3.32 such as;
1- Signal S1 received at the originating node A indicating that congestion has occurred on
outgoing trunk from node B subsequent to the seizure of an outgoing trunk from node
A, the call can be rerouted at A.
2- Signal S2 received at the originating node A indicating that congestion has occurred
further down stream on outgoing trunks from node D.
The action to be taken at node A upon receiving S1 or S2 may be either to block the call or
to reroute it.
A call from A to D is rerouted via C because the circuit group B-D is congested
(S1-indicator) and a call from A to F is rerouted via E because circuit group D-F is
congested (S2-indicator).
One positive consequence of this alternative is to increase the signaling load and number
of call setup operations resulting from the use of these signals.
To route a call between Cairo and Tanta through Benha for example, the originating node
retains control over a dynamically routed call until it is either completed to its destination
at Tanta or blocked. A call overflowing the second leg of a two link connection, for
example, the Menoufia - Tanta link of the Cairo - Menoufia - Tanta path is returned to the
originating node Cairo for possible further alternate routing. Control is returned by
sending a common channel signaling crank back from the Benha node to the originating
Care must be taken to avoid uncontrolled routing that can results in exceeding the
permitted number of links being connected in tandem, or a connection failing to be
completed because the routing turns back upon itself, (circular routing) that returns the call
to the point at which blocking previously occurred during call setup.
for example, alternative routing schemes are based on cost efficiency considerations,
dynamic routing methods are based on considerations of robustness under focused
overload or failure conditions or regarding traffic forecast errors. On the other hand,
network dimensioning is done by taking into account routing methods and routing
Large groups of circuits are more efficient than small groups because of their higher
occupancy (i.e. traffic per circuit). If there is a large amount of traffic between two
exchanges, it is economical to provide a direct route between them. If there is less traffic,
it becomes economical to use automatic alternative routing; the direct circuits are used
efficiently and the overflow traffic shares tandem circuits with traffic to other destinations.
If there is very little traffic between two exchanges, it is uneconomical to provide any
direct circuits and all calls should be routed via a tandem exchange. The traffic levels for
which these three different routing methods should be used depend on the relative costs of
direct and tandem circuits (including associated switching and signaling equipment). The
numbers of high-usage and tandem circuits required should be carefully determined for
automatic alternative routing to be used. Alternative routing is usually used and is most
effective when busy hours on different routes do not coincide, as in large countries
because of the time difference between east and west.
Alternate routing of traffic is primarily useful for accommodating local overloads by
transferring traffic to underutilized routes. During network with overloads, however,
alternate routing is undesirable for two reasons. First, alternate routes imply that a greater
number of transmission and switching facilities are needed for a connection. If these same
facilities could be assigned to two or more direct connections, the total number of links per
call could be reduced and the network could carry more traffic.
Second, the probability that an alternately routed call can acquire all the necessary
resources is relatively low. Trying to set up a connection with a large number of facilities
is undesirable if the probability of getting all of the facilities is low.
Assuming that a country has been divided into local exchange areas and the locations of
their exchanges have been decided, a routing plan should be developed to include as a
1- Description of the hierarchy; i.e.,
i- Which local exchanges should be interconnected by direct junctions.
ii-Which connections made indirectly via tandem switching centers.
iii- The number and location of tandem switching centers
iv- The number of levels of tandem switching to be used in the network.
v- Whether automatic alternative routing is to be used and, if so, under what conditions.
2- Definition of full direct, high usage, and overflow routes and the criteria for choosing
between them.
3- Specifications of grade of service on trunk and local routes.
4- Principal route layouts geographically.
5- Guidelines for the selection of transmission media for major and minor routes.
In a national plan, the routing of traffic can usually be considered separately for the trunk
and local networks. However, the routing plan for a local area must be compatible with the
national transmission and numbering plans, because long-distance connections are set up
through both the local network and the trunk network, possibly involving the maximum
number of links in tandem.
The interface between a local network and the trunk network is the local tandem exchange
readily determined, the charge made for a call is normally proportional to distance x time.
However, in some countries local calls are included in the subscriber's rental (the flat-rate
tariff). In determining the charge to be made, it is normally sufficient to have a knowledge
of the location and class of the calling subscriber, the location of the called subscriber
(determined by the actual number dialed) and the call duration. The processing of this
information and the presentation to the customer can take a variety of forms. Extremes
extend from merely billing the total number of 'units' of charge incurred, to a detailed
account listing each call and the resulting charge. The charging plan must satisfy the
1- The charging plan should be easily understood by subscribers.
2- Charging for calls to and from subscribers who are geographically close should be
3-The charging areas should be kept closely coincident with numbering and exchange
areas in order to simplify code analysis and the associated charging equipment.
4- The expenses providing a telephone services comprises:
i- Capital costs: include that of line plant, switching equipment, building and land.
ii- Current operating expenses: include staff salaries, the cost of maintenance and
All these costs must be met by the income obtained from subscribers.
5- The charges paid by subscribers are:
i- An initial charge for installing the subscriber's station apparatus and connecting it to
the network.
ii- An annual rental or leasing charge.
iii- Charges for individual calls made.
3.6-1 Local Call Charging
There are three methods for charging the local calls. These are the message rate
charging, the flat rate tariff, and the hybrid method.
3.6-1.1 Message Rate Charging Scheme
In this approach, a separate fee is charged for each call made by the subscriber.
Each subscriber's line is equipped with a meter (message register) and operate this once to
make a unit charge on each call when the called subscriber answers. All completed calls
are charged. Thus, the metering circuitry must also sense call supervision to respond to
call completion in order to stop meter pulses. Message call charging schemes make the
charge for each call proportional to its duration. A local call timing circuit is fitted in the
supervisory unit to operate the calling subscriber's meter at the appropriate intervals (e.g.,
once every three minutes). This method is called periodic pulse metering. It is common to
make a metering rate vary with the time of the day. This is done by changing the pulse
repetition frequency of pulse generator upon a control of the clock.
3.6-1.2 Flat-rate Tariff Scheme
Some administrations do not make a separate charge for local calls but include them
in the subscriber's rental. This is because the major of the cost of local networks is
independent on the traffic. It avoids the capital cost of providing subscriber's meters and
operating costs of tariff. This method may be unfair due to different calling rates.
To avoid this, two rental charges are made for business and residential subscribers.
together with a charge (of less than a third of this amount) for each subsequent minute. For
charges to be based on distances between trunk exchanges, boundaries between charging
areas must coincide with boundaries between numbering areas.
3.6-3 International Charging
International call charging is carried out by the same methods as for trunk calls.
International calls require checking the digits of the country code that will then set the
meter to pulse at a higher rate. Some form of number translation is required to convert
dialed number information to key the metering circuit for the proper number of pulses per
unit period.
[1] Tarmo Anttalainen, "Introduction to telecommunications network engineering", Artech House
INC., 2 ed., 2003.
[2] Roger L. Freeman, "Fundamentals of Telecommunications", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2 ed.
[3] Annabel Z. Dodd, "The Essential Guide to Telecommunications", 6 ed., 2019.