Unit1 Rural Development
Unit1 Rural Development
Unit1 Rural Development
1.1 Introduction
1.2 People’s Participation- Meaning and Concept
1.3 Importance of People’s Participation in Governance and Development
1.4 Gram Sabha and Peoples Participation
1.5 Ward Sabha and Peoples Participation
1.6 Inclusive Participation
1.7 Let Us Sum Up
1.8 Keywords
1.9 References and Suggested Readings
1.10 Check Your Progress – Possible Answers
The challenges of development have opened many avenues unexplored in the
journey of a nation. The traditional approach of centralized planning and top
down approach focused on economic growth as an objective. This approach is
based on presumption that higher economic growth leads to redistributive justice
to all. However, decades of experiments and experiences have proved otherwise.
The search for new alternatives has thrown many avenues which focus on people
centric development, decentralized governance and participatory approach to
Peoples Participation • Comprehend the role of Grass root institutions like Gram Sabha, Ward Sabha,
and Panchayati Raj Institutions in development through self governance.
• Differentiate between various methods of Governance.
However, the experience gained during this time reflected that these development
strategies were loosing battle against the poverty and hunger. Even a higher growth
rate could not ensure equitable growth and disparities in development levels
continued to either remain or get wider and wider. Participation as a concept and
a strategy of development is an outcome of the profound disillusionment with
the established development strategy in post Industrial Revolution period. The
experiences of the Fifties and Sixties have demonstrated the fundamental
weakness of the Top down, GNP focused, growth centered strategy of
development based on professional expertise and modernized technologies. The
development strategy followed during this period emphasized economic growth
and industrialization in the context of increasingly centralized planning and
control over the distribution of resources. (Joel and Bhore, 2003).
Self Reliance: More often, it is noticed that people at local level look up to the
external experts or Government for solutions to their problems. This leads to
distortions and ineffectiveness of planning due to lack of local knowledge. If the
local resources are utilized on the basis of decisions taken by the people
themselves, the realization grows that many problems faced by the people have
local solutions at their levels. With active involvement of the local people, it is
possible not only to break the psychological barrier of dependence, but also to
increase their awareness, self confidence and control of the development process.
Peoples Participation In fact, the involvement in decision making, implementation and monitoring
helps in developing local human resources.
Activity 1
Talk with several of your extension colleagues and ask them to define what
they mean by Participation. Compare those definitions with the one given
in this unit.
The international failure of growth centered approach excluding the masses was
almost replicated in India also. India had multi dimensional issues to address on
development front like poverty, hunger, illiteracy, extreme inequalities, and rural
urban divide. Fortunately, the importance of all round development with active
people’s participation was realized sooner than later. The emphasis shifted from
‘top down’ to ‘bottom up approach’ meaning thereby transfer of planning,
decision making and delegations of administrative authority from the Central
and State Government to Local Administration units of Government. “ It was
increasingly realized that democracy could play an important role in promoting
development, eradicating poverty and improving the quality of life, which
makes strengthening of local democracy an end to itself. Thus efforts to
institutionalize the participation of citizens in decision making, development
planning and management by giving more powers and resources to the gross
root level was aimed to be brought about by the 73rd and 74th Constitutional
Amendment Acts(1993). These Constitutional Amendments, the 73rd pertaining
to rural local government and 74th for urban local government have given a
shot in the areas of decentralization .” 11
Peoples Participation These actions fully guarantee the vital role of people in harnessing their own
talents and govern their own resources for their own development, State or any
external agency being a nominal facilitator in the process. The 73rd Amendment,
which is a watershed in the sphere of rural governance has an attached Eleventh
Schedule to the Indian Constitution which covers 29 functional areas ranging
from agriculture, land reforms, forestry, small industries, drinking water, rural
electrification poverty alleviation, education, development of women and children
etc. Local Government, be it rural or urban, is essentially a manifestation of
popular participation in the process of governance at the grass root level.
All political power in democracy stems from people. Access to political power
is critical for economic and social empowerment. Central, therefore, to
governance is empowerment of people by increasing their control over
governance. Till the 73rd Amendment there were few structural Institutions of
governance at local level. People were largely excluded from the development
process. A policy shift towards decentralization of political power took place in
India through the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution of India. This
was an outcome of growing concern about increasing inefficiency and costs of
delivery systems of development programme.
After reading and understanding the concept of participation, its importance and
relevance in Indian context, now attempt these question given in check your
Check Your Progress 1
1) What do you understand by Participation? Explain why it is important for
2) Is the concept of self sufficient village of ancient India an ideal example of
people’s participation in their affairs?
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Peoples Participation in
1.4 GRAM SABHA AND PEOPLES Governance and Development
Right from the Gandhian Economics of the grass roots and Schumacher’s ‘Small
is beautiful’ much has been written and said about taking economic development
to the rural areas and with it the smallest unit of the Indian democratic set up,
the village.” The dream of such visionaries was realized in modern India through
the 73rd Amendment to the Constitutions which provided for creation of three-
tier structure of Panchayats. The creation of this system was made constitutional
obligations on all states leaving no discretion with them. Thus democracy began
to flow from lowest level of society and development became people centric.
The setting up of Gram Sabha at village level has strengthened the people’s
direct involvement in their affairs. The Gram Sabha has been set up in each
Village consisting of all members of the village who are eligible to vote in
Elections. Gram Sabha take complete control of all the developmental issues of
village and has a binding duty to discuss them in meetings to obtain consensus
of its members. Gram Sabha has been recognized as the basic tier of Panchayati
Raj. According to Article 243(b) a Gram Sabha consists of all persons registered
as voters in the electoral roll.
• There will be at least two meetings of Gram Sabha every year, one in the
first and the other in the last quarter of the financial year.
• Gram Sabha can also meet on the written request of one tenth of its members,
or if required by Panchayat Samithi, Zila Parishad or the State Government.
• Participation of people in meeting is ensured by Panchayat by placing before
the Gram Sabha - (in first quarter)
1) Annual Statement of Accounts
2) Report on the Administration of the preceding financial year
3) The development and other programmes proposed for the financial
4) Last Audit Report -
In the meeting held in last quarter of the year following issues are discussed.
a) Statement of Expenditure incurred during the year
b) Physical and Financial programmes taken during the year.
c) Proposals for any changes in the Programme
d) Budget of the Panchayat and tax proposals of the Panchayat.
Besides above any other matter referred by Panchayat, Panchayat Samithi, Zila
Parishad, the State Government is also taken up by Gram Sabha.
Quorum: The quorum for a meeting of the Gram Sabha shall be one tenth of the
total members out of which at least 40 per cent should be women.
Peoples Participation Presiding Officer: The meeting of the Gram Panchayat shall be convened and
presided by the Sarpanch of the Panchayat or, in his absence, by the Upsarpanch
of such Panchayat.
• To consider and approve the annual plan prepared by the Gram Panchayat.
• To generate proposal and determine the priority of all schemes and
development programmes.
• To identify and select individuals for beneficiary oriented programmes.
• To disseminate information on development and welfare schemes
• To assist Gram Panchayat in collection and compilation of details about
the village for development plans.
• To collect information about functioning of Gram Panchayat and share in
Gram Sabha.
• To generate awareness among people about programmes and schemes for
In addition to above Gram Sabha discharges almost all functions which are
required in the village for the development including persuading members to
pay taxes and loan repayment.
• Lack of awareness, lack of attendance, domination, force caste.
• Lack of awareness about legal provisions of Gram Sabha, Panchayat.
• Poor not confident that their issues are taken up.
The above structure of Gram Sabha incorporates all members of the community.
The decisions are collective in nature and rely on utilization of resources for the
benefit of the society. Meetings of the Gram Sabha are convened to ensure the
development of the people through their participation and mutual cooperation.
The attendance ratio of people in Gram Sabha meetings is the best indicator of
peoples’ participation in planning and development.
Activity 2
Visit a Village near your residence and attend one Gram Sabha meeting and
note down the discussions in the meeting. Compare them with what is
explained in this unit.
Urban decentralisation has not matured to the extent it is done in rural areas. Our
cities and towns do not have bottom up structures that create more proximity
between the citizen and their urban local government. People’s participation is
at the heart of democracy. The absence of people has several adverse consequences
on the functioning and accountability of those managing these institutions.
The quorum for the meeting of a ward sabha shall not be less than one tenth of
the total members in the ward sabha or twenty members whichever is less. To
ensure wider participation of all sections of the society, not less than thirty percent
of the voters attending the ward sabha shall be women. The persons belonging
to SC/ ST shall be represented in proportion of their population in the ward
Peoples Participation Functions and powers of Ward Sabha
Ward Sabha also takes up any other issue which concerns the members of the
ward and raises it at Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat level for resolving the
problems. Ward Sabha has been effective channel for people to directly participate
in managing their development needs.
Ward Sabha is a viable mechanism for active participation of all section of people
at the very root of the society. However, there are limitations which can thwart
people’s role in governance
• Lack of education among majority in rural areas.
• Lack of awareness among weaker sections.
• Lack of knowledge among panchs and Sarpanchs about provisions of ward
• Domination of rich and elite in decision making.
• Exclusion of women and other weaker sections from ward sabha meetings.
Activity 3
Select some adult members in your locality and ask them about their
perception of Ward Sabha. Also ask some Ward representatives and question
them on Ward Sabha meeting. Note down the difficulties involved in direct
Development must encompass the whole spectrum of the society so that all
stakeholders in the outcome of development have participation and say in the
process. Gram Sabha, Panchayat institutions are instruments for inclusive
participation if their potential is properly harnessed. These institutions have inbuilt
mechanism to include all sections of society in all decision making and
development process. It ensures optimum utilisation of local resources including
human resources for capacity building of local population. The legal provisions
of Panchayat act ensure compulsory participation of women, SC/ST and other
weaker sections. Inclusive participation is at the centre of achieving equitable
development where in the fruits of the process of development are consumed at
all levels. The mere inclusion of all ensures its correct path and optimization of
resources. The effect of not harnessing the great potential of women as human
resource has been felt all around.
Check Your Progress 2
1) The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has led to true empowerment of
people at grass root level by giving equal opportunity to all in development.
Peoples Participation 2) How Gram Sabha controls the resource utilisation in its geographical
jurisdiction? Is it a true representative of all sections of society?
Participation: Taking part in an activity which impacts the individual itself or
his community.
Sarpanch: The head of the Gram Panchayat directly elected by the electorates
in a Gram Panchayat.
Joseph, T.M. (ed.) (2003) Local Governance in India- Ideas, Challenges and
Strategies. Concept Publishing Co. New Delhi.
Joel, S. and G R Bhore (2003) NGOs and Rural Development. Concept Publishing
House New Delhi.
Peoples Participation Answer: Participation literally means taking part in some activity. By taking
part in an activity an individual or group can exert its opinion and views
based on the first hand information about any place, environment or any
enabling condition that may be essential for successful implementation of
a scheme or policy. In development sphere, it is important to know the
local know how to correctly devise and plan schemes compatible with
local conditions. Hence, participation is extremely essential in development
field to collect local information by involving local people at all stages.
Answer: India has had a long history of self governing village societies
through Panchayat institutions. The relative isolation of villages in India
in ancient times made it almost compulsive for people to learn to govern
themselves. The Panchayats had the sanction of the society to engage into
not only development issues but many a times they were called upon for
maintenance of law and order, discharge judicial functions and resolution
of disputes in its territory. They worked as perfect institutions of governance
at that time but in today’s modern times it may not feasible to expand their
sphere beyond development issues since there are other structures to take
care of other functions on an all India level. Panchayats are potent
institutions for development purposes even today as reflected in the success
of Panchayati Raj in many places.
Check Your Progress 2
1) The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has led to true empowerment of
people at grass root level by giving equal opportunity to all in development.
Answer: The 73rd Constitutional amendment has provided for local self
governance and participation of all sections in the development process by
giving reservations to weaker sections including women. The Gram Sabha
and Gram Panchayats are true representatives of people who have stake in
the process of development. However the dynamics of rural society, polity
and economy does play role in determining the functions of Panchayats at
grass root level. For example on a reserved seat for women either the women
of ruling elite get elected or women is by proxy represented by male of the
family thus diluting the very concept of democratization.