1 A Sir Plato 3

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Defense of “Pinte, a 4h Plato's consibusion to ceexn polttal -+Hhougtd Me asthe paxalles . ne hat given t+ Q section g basis ard a Vvidlon to political thougtd. Politeal ideation ls Plao' 4 git 40 peices Pobical philosophy #2 or Wdealish Todo cont aioe meee thon put. He a i > moro tndvesrosled In an Pred ideal Arodie Ochs staite,’, in the Joum of dota trom 9 a date thot appeata in The pruorent. i" is dein'+ pean aa an Vdealisk doen toke into accunr what prement on ac state 2. In fad-, iclralidls fourm — berate oJ os Gauls of prtwient. Th yo tne prmenk thor dicta ~dey__ the | Plato! 4s deabiary coer guourdl wy - . He IW chucorrurtances the ther city det oun _Hme . wanted to change Quek of tin " . Hence, Plato can be dascad as an ideakist bub not a _udopian, tcta fe quer a Hi X neo a drome, ? Plajo 6 a _ phi Joaoprex R same Hme an fiJosopret te one who th) : sks deals. i loaaerest 9 One _ & ideal. Sd OP inl moka than he dees; He deeb » MA_QERE® More Than Ne _S5; not a XR avoids cwhd ls pasdicutax . Plato : oe tuho Aaw general dleleonad9 condiviona of city ~ slates of thin time . He soughd do hieagorags culmonts Sather than senptomu © What ailled ancient greek society od Cues aceking covucuph & ignonank SLU « hus dlagnosis was fo give people 0 48 % Stulers who Knew asd at sueling. “Phatn WOA auch phisolophat , the nevesi Jost aight ef philosophy —one—te id Ailesophy word “Idoalist Pusyeaslve , jude onlented BR nowmative, yet within gramenok ac contioru. He war @ Pridogophe, who sumalned sith boundadcies mealies He wes a _philorophen who WOcked forusasid sky bier eth hig feets Geounded an the _easetin. Pods _mouy nok be a Aaind bo he te a__teaches ef at ws. he can esdidze im , but cone ignore him , Plato nas keer as pallalion Haye a a are wold of eR etorel — sueality Whe wort | denies. wos 4ucb political 50 define He coax fied do formetate Wdeos ecliin taser fecametmorde f° ore \ . q d ip —hic idea | qood . Neroriding ‘to cedHeshie , Phas dg ¢ On ran Side ard Pode unas _concesined — about Diya a PUo ecPhun Me UWI0A Roman aout oy fwman nadiu+e Jive the best Inicscasteg iy Knocuivng row 40 fen Life, conar és beat Wige, bes onde Seganiza Hox 9 AAUman aouesy an asthe Plate Pettceived police PU Josopry Os —Cmic _acience ) dgcieh Like Socstaded & Sophisa , he doknquiahed pobitical fom othan Arensions Of Lge. he “Bxabluhed 2upscamacy ebitodophyy Ouer plupks. WK ensoe Plato “Goan ow women become. Surtors & \ pa. His home of Coltoctive householals , - dermpatrasuy masscoges RP commen Child caso, wer. AtCepkd as Siena Conditons fot emane ipasion ct claals of wt x 19" cenkoy vornen acc} Ag he we nok a ferninist in madein gone 5 wale tot Nas been ered _vorely ging, woomen ary equal & independ End alas ON oUighty — femivishy eden fo ghe women an equa} & lncleperctond Atadus wrth Nigh in mons Phas ondeartaad —_inclivictusoll ty CHiN woclad) corde , He Advocate — ACEL eget for. puopase @) cidiaing women | ort tees don benef ® thevebyrnand g SomMMUnity ar cohole fo Plato, ceomanta Libescalion woas rot a Primasy aim. He ain fo make women free <@_that”_theiey —fatlonty can _be_udiliced in eouice - Th \b seomaina O matic ol debate whether pate Can b Collada dat minis bub fag_use he Past penton in _weslerin unoetd to palate. out that ony decal duicsmnadton Fa to be justidied He bell jae ened a Apasd——fr.0rr rohogica) _cliffecortes , ase rp _ differences betwen man RB _woman _Capabitiwes R skills Plato’ — annthes: conbidbubfon to pobtical theotyy & hw w mu seas ee “Aid education dealer. Suen Henplied thot ha weienked puivadyadion —X commen} ~obizadion @]” Cdncadion « He ans Conunced that good education woud rerum overall improvement 8 docleky . Sabine. OO m “eH Plato diated had “if edwvcosion ” rede & YL paatiers bible vor ele the “ne Jae aso Since Plato Whi jdco af stake controlled compels Hy education hax Lee Praiwed Q — COUNesulomne trostesan — dociees CTheorey sez Foire.’ ard of €ducat'on) veh Gury of “Lai Niemen are oer , malate Hod, uaith defence , & Oh wake cn ae a ao Cia Some 8 mecabsal oon euuad , dati Corto. fosgely ce 10 to Ldidespse0o “ed compulroryy education _aypiero . Mized Conshtudian In The laws , Plato sagosidad mized constitution Os best Crrenoschy + dernocwacy) , as tt avolds shwo exdoeomes .

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