Master Thesis, Saresh Mohamad at UiS, 2016

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Faculty of Science and Technology


Study program/Specialization:
Spring semester, 2016
Petroleum Technology/ Drilling Engineering
Restricted access

Saresh Mohamad …………………………………………
(Writer’s signature)
Faculty supervisor: Helge Hodne

External supervisor(s): Brage W. Johansen

Thesis title:

Using plasma technology to remove scale from production tubing

Credits (ECTS): 30
Key words:
-! Scale Pages: 101
-! Milling tool
-! Design of concept + Concept animation and video clip from
-! Concept evaluation the experiments
-! Plasma technology

Stavanger, 29.06.2016
First and foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advisor professor Helge Hodne of the Petroleum
Engineering Department at the University of Stavanger. Prof. Hodne has always been available
and advice me whenever I had questions about my research or writing. He consistently allowed
this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right the direction whenever he thought I
needed it.

I would also like to specially express my gratitude to Brage W. Johansen, CEO of Zaptec AS. His
contributions to this thesis has been enormous, giving me the opportunity to work with their
fascinating technology, for his advice and encouragement. Beside his interest in space exploration,
he strongly believes in innovation and include students.

My grateful thanks are also extended to former reservoir engineering student, Håkon Sunde Bakka,
at University of Stavanger. His contributions in planning and technical guidance has been
invaluable to this thesis.

Special thanks should also be given to Daniel Paulsen for his guidance during the laboratory work.

I wish to acknowledge the help provided by Design engineer Oleiv Høyland whom provided me
with his expertise within designer software.

Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents and sibling for providing me
with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study. This
accomplishment would not have been possible without them. Thank you.

Stavanger  29/06/2016  

Saresh  Mohamad    

With its wide application in areas such as electronics, the car-, machine- and tool-making
industries, energy technology, the optics industry, and textile, environmental, and medical
technology, plasma technology is improving the quality and performance of many products and
processes. Similarly, this thesis work researches into the laboratory-scale feasibility of the use of
plasma technology to remove scale.

Scale has been a long-standing challenge to the effective production of oil and gas from various
petroleum fields across the world. Though there are various solutions utilised in the industry, they
have been questioned of their environmental-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and operational-
efficiency. In view of these major industrial concerns, plasma technology presents industry
professionals with an approach which is more environmentally-friendly, cost-effective, and

This thesis work thus takes a look at the opportunities, challenges and remedies of the use of
plasma technology in the removal of scale. From an experimental point of view, the thesis work
attempts to establish the viability of using plasma-based technology to remove scale during the
production life of a well.

III. Table of Contents
I.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  ..............................................................................................................................  I  
II.  ABSTRACT  .................................................................................................................................................  II  
IV.  TABLE  OF  FIGURES  ..................................................................................................................................  V  
V.  LIST  OF  TABLES  ........................................................................................................................................  VI  
VI.  ABBREVIATIONS  ....................................................................................................................................  VII  
1  Introduction  ..............................................................................................................................................  1  
1.1  Background  .........................................................................................................................................  1  
1.2  Problem  formulation  ..........................................................................................................................  2  
1.3  Objective  ............................................................................................................................................  3  
2  Literature  study  ......................................................................................................................................  4  
2.1  Description  of  the  scale  Problem  .......................................................................................................  4  
2.1.1  Formation  of  Scales  .....................................................................................................................  4  
2.1.2  Solubility  Product  (Ksp)  ...............................................................................................................  5  
2.1.3  Formation  water,  Produced  water  and  Sea  Water  .....................................................................  6  
2.1.4  Forming  Scale  ..............................................................................................................................  7  
2.2  Types  of  Scale  ...................................................................................................................................  10  
2.3  Mechanisms  of  Scale  formation  .......................................................................................................  15  
2.4  Detailed  Description  of  the  Formation  of  Calcium  Carbonate  Scale  and  Sulfate  Scale  ....................  17  
2.4.1  Carbonate  Scale  Formation  .......................................................................................................  17  
2.4.2  Sulfate  Scale  Formation  .............................................................................................................  20  
2.5  Potential  Scale  Generation  Operations  ............................................................................................  24  
2.6  Possible  Locations  of  scale  formation  ..............................................................................................  25  
2.7  Problems  caused  by  scale  .................................................................................................................  29  
2.8  Scale  Identification  and  Detection  ...................................................................................................  31  
2.9  Scale  prevention  and  control  methods  ............................................................................................  32  
2.10  Description  of  scale  removal  technologies  and  intervention  approaches  .....................................  34  
2.10.1  Chemical  ..................................................................................................................................  34  
2.10.2  Mechanical  ..............................................................................................................................  35  
2.10.5  Wireline  rig  up  –  Riser  Less  Wireline  Intervention  (RLWI)  Vessel  ...........................................  44  
2.10.6  Mechanical  wireline  milling  with  tractor  .................................................................................  48  
2.10.7  Surface  readout  parameters  during  a  milling  operation  .........................................................  50  
3  Plasma  technology  concept  &  Experimental  study  ........................................................................  51  

3.1  Plasma  Technology  ...........................................................................................................................  51  
3.2  Zaptec  plasma  technology  ................................................................................................................  52  
3.2.1  Introduction  to  Plasma  ..................................................................................................................  52  
3.2.2  Plasma  Sparks  vs.  Plasma  Welding  ............................................................................................  54  
3.2.3  Plasma  Application  –  Drilling/Breaking  solid  matter  .................................................................  54  
3.3.4  Plasma  Channel  Drilling  Technology  .........................................................................................  55  
3.4  Technology  concept  and  experiment  ...............................................................................................  57  
3.4.1  Plasma  descaling  tool  ................................................................................................................  57  
3.4.2  Electronics  .................................................................................................................................  58  Capacitor  ................................................................................................................................  59  
3.5  Plasma  descaling  tool  .......................................................................................................................  61  
3.5.1  Introduction  ...............................................................................................................................  61  
3.5.2  Dimensions  ................................................................................................................................  63  
3.5.3  The  Zapper  head  ........................................................................................................................  64  
3.5.3  Operation  steps  for  WL  tool  entering  a  live  subsea  well:  ..........................................................  64  
3.6  Experiments  carried  out  ...................................................................................................................  67  
3.6.1  Design  of  the  Tool  .....................................................................................................................  68  
3.7  Preperation  of  the  lab  tests  ..............................................................................................................  69  
3.7.1  Scale  precipitation  in  tubing  ......................................................................................................  69  
3.7.2  Tubing  Size  and  Length  ..............................................................................................................  69  
3.7.3  Cement  mixing  ..........................................................................................................................  71  
3.7.4  Test  rig  setup  .............................................................................................................................  74  
3.8  The  lab  tests  .....................................................................................................................................  75  
3.8.1  Phase  1  ......................................................................................................................................  75  
3.8.2  Phase  2  ......................................................................................................................................  83  
4  Discussion  and  Analysis  ......................................................................................................................  92  
5  Conclusion  .............................................................................................................................................  96  
References  ..................................................................................................................................................  98  

Figure 1 Shows the summary of research methods used in this thesis………………………........................................3
Figure 2 Mineral Solubilities versus Temperature (Mike Crabtree, 1999)……………………………….…………....5
Figure 4 Heterogeneous Nucleation (Mike Crabtree, 1999)………………………………………….………………..9
Figure 3 Homogenous Nucleation (Mike Crabtree, 1999)……………………………………………….………….....9
Figure 5 Model of Scale Forming (Siegmeier) (Saaid, 2013)…………………………………………….……………9
Figure 6 Effect of CO2 Partial Pressure on CaCO3 Solubility (J. Moghadasi, 2007)……….………………………..18
Figure 7 Effect of CO2 partial pressure on the pH of water (J. Moghadasi, 2007)……………………………………19
Figure 8 Calcium sulfate solubility in water (Merdhah, 2007)………………………………………………………..21
Figure 9 Solubility of Gypsum in NaCl Brines at Temperatures from 0°C to 70°C………………………………….23
Figure 10 Relative Solubilities of Three Sulfates in Brine (Yassin, 2007)…………………………………………….23
Figure11 Possible Locations for Scale Deposition (J. Moghadasi, 2007)……………………………………………..26
Figure 12Possible Scale Forming Environments (Saaid, 2013) ……………..……………………………………….27
Figure 13 Possible scale deposition site and mechanism of formation……………………………………………….29
Figure 14 Scale Problems; Examples of heavy scale precipitation……………………………………………………30
Figure 15 PowerTrac Brush from Aker Well Services (Altusintervention, u.d.) …………………………………….36
Figure 16 Broach (Harestad, 2009) …………………………………………………………………………………...36
Figure 17: A detonating cord taped to a bar and a string shot (Statoil I. t.) ………………………………………….37
Figure 18 Baker’s METAL MUNCHER® Turbo Scale Mill (Hughes, 2016) ………………………………………38
Figure 19 A typical bottomhole assembly of a Turbo Scale Mill run on coiled tubing (Schlumberger, 2014)..……39
Figure 20 Surface rig-up equipment installed on Christmas tree on the deck of a platform for slick line…………....40
Figure 21: Surface rig-up equipment installed on Christmas tree on the deck of a platform for braided line …..…...41
Figure 22 Standard configuration for wireline operations (Munkerud & Inderberg, 2007)……….…………….45
Figure 23 Riserless Light Well Intervention system (FMC, 2015)……………………………………………………46
Figure 24 A well barrier schematic showing the primary barrier elements (in blue colour) and secondary barrier
elements (in red colour) of a a repair operation of a vertical subsea tree using RLWI (Morrison, 2016)…………….47
Figure 25 Well tractor whose wheels are released against the wellbore ( (Nergaard & Grimholt, 2010)……….48
Figure 26 Milling bits (Courtesy Welltec) (Welltec, 2016) ………………………………………………….……….49
Figure 27 The Cone-Crusher type of mill bit (McInally & Osaland, 2007) …………………………………….49
Figure 28 The figure shows the different stats of matter with gradually increasing energy input. …………………..52
Figure 29 Plasma channel effects on rock (Zaptec Internal, 2015) ……………………………………………………55
Figure 30. The Transformer from Zaptec (Zaptec internal, 2015). ……………………………………………………59
Figure 31 A simple schematic of the simulation circuit. ……………………………………………………………..59
Figure 32 An example of locations for the various components………………………………………………………60
Figure 33 The plasma descaling concept, WL-tool with stabilizer caliper (A) and arms (B). Designed by the author of
this thesis……………………………………………………………………………………………...………………61
Figure 34 Stabilisator arms and caliper. Designed by the author of this thesis. ………………………………………62
Figure 35 Animation of the concept. Designed by the author of this thesis. …………………………………………64
Figure 36 The RLWI vessel Island Frontier. (Juel,2009) …………………………………………………………….64
Figure 37 Subsea lubricator system.(Juel, 2009) ……………………………………………………………………..65
Figure 38 A,B,C Operation sequences when the tool have entered the well………………...............……………….66
Figure 38 D,E,F Operation sequences when the tool have entered the well……………………….…………………67
Figure 39 The design concept of plasma descaling tool with caliper (A) and stabilizer arms (B). The dimensions on
the figure is not representative (Designed by the author of this thesis) ………………………………………………68
Figure 40 The metal saw, ARG 400 PLUS S.A.F…………………………………………………………………….70
Figure 41 Create the screw threads. …………………………………………………………………………………..70
Figure 42 Scraped around the screw hole to get better connect between the wire and screws. ………………………70
Figure 43 Hobart N50 5- Quart Mixer (,2016) ………………………………………………..71
Figure 44 Tube number four with a metal tube inside for creating the desired cement thickness. …………………..72
Figure 45 shows the different tubs filled with cement. ……………………………………………………………….73
Figure 46 Plastic container for putting the test rig setup inside and holding the water in place………………………74
Figure 47 The test rig setup for holding the tubing in position under the experiments. ………………………………74
Figure 48 Final setup for the rig. ……………………………………………………………………………………..74
Figure 49 Test upset 1. ………………………………………………………………………………. ……………...76

Figure 50 Test result 1…………………………………………………………………….…………………………..76
Figure 51 Test upset 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………77
Figure 52 Test result 2………………………………………………………………………………………………...77
Figure 53 Test upset 3…………………………………………………………………………………………………78
Figure 54 Test upset 4…………………………………………………………………………………………………79
Figure 55 Test result 4………………………………………………………………………………………………...79
Figure 56 Test result 4. ……………..…………………………..…………………………………………………….80
Figure 57 Test result 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….80
Figure 58 Setup 5……………………………………………………………………………………………………...81
Figure 59 Test result 5………………………………………………………………………………………………...81
Figure 60 Setup 6……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 82
Figure 61 A  The spark was reflected from the top of the cement divided into two separate sparks.............................82
Figure 61 B: The spark goes towards the cement top and causes some damage………………………………………82
Figure 62  The damaged zone caused by the reflated spark……………………………………………………………83
Figure 63 A. A funnel head from “Bilteam” was used to isolate and prevent the sparks jumping to the surface in …84
Figure 63 B. Isolation to prevent sparks jumping upwards to the surface and controlling the directions of…………84
Figure 64 A: Tubing no. 1 with inner diameter of 5,1 cm and a cement thickness of 2,0 cm. Open-ended…………..85
Figure 64 B: Tubing no. 2 with a inner diameter of 10,2 cm and a cement thickness of 2,0 cm. Closed ended……..85
Figure 65 A The new electrode used in experiments setup,phase two. ………………………………………………86
Figure 65 B The electrode used during experiment phase one………………………………………………………..86
Figure 66 Test result from setup 1. The spark created a crater and fractured the cement to the top. …………………87
Figure 67 Setup 1, phase 2. Tubing no. 2 with isolation B. …………………………………………………………..87
Figure 68: Setup 2. Tubing no. 2 with isolation A and B. Water was added to the top of cement……………………88
Figure 69 Test result from setup 2. A small damage to the cement and fractured to the top of cement………………88
Figure 70 Setup 3. High voltage electrode and return electrode with a distance of 8,0 cm, placed inside……………89
Figure 71 Test result from setup 3. The sparks created micro channels on the bottom of the tube and led to………..89
Figure 72 Setup 4. Aluminum Tube no. 1 was used with isolation C. Return electrode connected outside………….90
Figure 73 Test result from setup 4. To sparks from to different height was ignited and created to difference………..91
Figure 74 The new electrode design. Tubing used as the return electrode.………………………………………….. 97
Figure 75 The new electrode design. The arms with red point, functions as the return electrode……………………97

Table 1 Common Types of Scales encountered in the petroleum industry and the factors that influence
their formation..............................................................................................................................................11
Table 2 Oilfield Scales, Their Solubilities and Factors Influencing Their Formation.................................13
Table 3 Other Types of Scales (Shutemov, 2013).......................................................................................14
Table 4 Energy consumption of different drilling methods (Usov & Tsukerman, 2006)....................56
Table 5 The different tubing dimensions used in the experiment................................................................69
Table 6 Summary of the different tubing sizes and cement height for experiment phase one....................73
Table 7 Shows the inner diameter, the length and the cement thickness of the new tubes for experiment
phase one......................................................................................................................................................85

A Area MW Megawatt
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly GPa Gigapascal
BOP Blowout preventer
D Diameter
HTHP High pressure high temperature
HV High voltage
ID Inner Diameter
Ksp Solubility product
kV Kilovolt
LIP Lower Intervention Package
LWI Light well intervention
NCS Norwegian continental shelf
NORM Naturally radioactive material
OD Outer diameter
PCH Pressure control head
PWRI Produced Water Re-Injection
RLWI Riserless light well intervention
ROP Rat of penetration
SIWHP Shut in wellhead pressure
SPM Side pocket mandrel
SR Saturation ratio
TSM Turbo Scale Mill
ULP Upper Lubricator Package
V Volume
WL Wire line
WOB Weight on bit
εconcrete Permittivity constant for concrect
εwater Permittivity constant for water
µs Micro Second


1 Introduction
As oil and gas exploration gets more complicated and into more dangerous environments, it
becomes necessary for oil and gas companies to explore more efficient ways of production. A very
big challenge to the oil and gas industry is scale and its control costs the industries several billions
of dollars annually. This research work is based on an alternative technology to the effective
remove of scale, namely plasma based removal technology.

1.1 Background
The author of the thesis saw the potential of using plasma drilling technology for removal of scale
when he had a internship at NASA Ames Research Center, California. The aim of the three months
long internship was to find a solution on the cutting transport challenges faced on the planet Mars.
The plasma drilling technology was and is under development to drill on Mars. However, this
thesis is to investigate if there can be possibilities to use the technology in the oil and gas industry.

Scale formation is the deposition of inorganic salts on surfaces which result from the precipitation
of the salts from aqueous solution (Kelland M. A., 2011). Apart from the oil and gas production,
water transportation and hydro power generation are few industries faced with scale formation.
Scales, among all other water-related oilfield production problems (corrosion, gas hydrate), can
cause a fall in production from its peak to zero within 24 hours. This was evident in a North Sea
Well in the Miller field. Most oilfields in North Sea and Canada are prone to scale and it is
considered as a top production problem. The costs to remove and handle the scale precipitation
usually results in hundreds of millions of dollars per year to production companies (Mike Crabtree,

Scales are either formed from direct precipitation from naturally occurring reservoir water or from
produced water saturated with scale components due to incompatible waters downhole which
resulted from water injection as an Enhance oil recovery technique. Hence wells producing water
have a high tendency of scale deposition. Scales can either be deposited in near wellbore reservoir
pores and fractures where they reduce porosity and permeability or may be deposited in
perforations, casing, flow conduits, completion equipment, and pumps and even on surface
facilities and result in fluid flow restrictions. The nature of scales is such that once they are formed,
if not treated will continue to grow thicker (Mike Crabtree, 1999).


The focus of this thesis is to describe scale and the processes of scale formation, the types of scales
usually encountered in the oilfield industry and the problems they pose to production engineers. A
detailed description of scale detection and its potential of forming will be looked at including scale
handling, control and prevention techniques.

Coiled tubing and wireline equipment for mechanical removal of scale and mechanical wireline
milling will be described in details. However, this thesis will have a special focus on the application
of plasma technology for scale removal.

Despite the availability of an avalanche of remedies to the formation of scales, these traditional
methods of scale removal lead to wear, corrosion, sometimes total removal of tubing, high
installation cost, and low ROP. This thesis will thus suggest an alternative solution to a better,
more efficient and cost-effective method to scale removal.

1.2 Problem formulation  

There have been several studies into the approach to removing scale in an environmentally
friendly, cost-efficient and operationally-safe manner. Despite some success chalked, these
approaches continue to show signs of inefficiency in their use. This thesis will thus investigate the
1.   By what means can plasma technology be transported into the oil and gas field to aid in the
efficient removal of scale?
2.   Will the use of plasma technology be environmentally-friendly, cost-effective, and
operationally-safe to workers?
3.   How can this technology be scaled from the laboratory to industry?
4.   The research and laboratory work to be conducted will help unearth solutions to these
critical industrial concerns.


1.3 Objective
The objective of this thesis is limited to experimental design and testing. The activities are:

a)   Literature study on scaling and scale removal.

b)   Review of plasma technology.
c)   Design concepts for a WL descaling tool.
d)   Design of experimental setup and experiments performed according to the concept

Research  methods

Plasma  technology  
Review  of  scale application  for  
scale  removal

Experiment  design  
Problems  and  types Removal  method Concept  evaluation
and  testing

Figure 1: Shows the summary of research methods used in this thesis


2 Literature study
This thesis begins with some background literature that presents the fundamental study of scale
precipitation, types of scale, problems caused by scale and current scale removal technique.
This background study of current technology and approach to scale removal is necessary for
understanding the concept behind the use of plasma technology.

2.1 Description of the scale Problem

2.1.1 Formation of Scales Solubility
The solubility of a particular substance (salt) in a particular solvent (water) is the maximum amount
of the substance that can dissolve in a given amount of the solvent at a specific temperature and
pressure. At this point, the solution is said to be saturated. A solution is saturated when equilibrium
is established between the solute and the solvent at a particular temperature. An increase in the
temperature and pressure of a saturated solution will allow for the dissolution of more solute until
it can no longer dissolve anymore salt. The resulting solution is said to be supersaturated. The
degree of supersaturation, which is referred to as scaling index, is the driving force for the
precipitation reaction. Other factors that affect scale precipitation, deposition and crystal growth
can be summarized as: temperature, pressure ionic strength, evaporation, contact time and pH.
Hence there is a high certainty of scale formation provided supersaturated conditions are high.
(Abu, 2007) This means that a decrease in the temperature or pressure of the solution will result
in precipitation of salt, a general rule-of-thumb.


Figure 2: Mineral Solubilities versus Temperature (Mike Crabtree, 1999)


However, not all scales operate on this principle. Typical example is calcium carbonate which
becomes more insoluble with increasing temperature and a solution at equilibrium. CaCO3 will
precipitate as the temperature increases. Lead and zinc sulfide solubility is much lower even than
iron sulfide, which is the common sulfide in oilfield environment. Solubility of both lead and zinc
sulfide increases with increasing solution pH (Yassin, 2007).

2.1.2 Solubility Product (Ksp)

Solubility product is a tool for determining scale precipitation potential. Solutes usually separate
into their ionic constituent when in solution and various levels of interactions between these ions
and solvent occur when in solution (ionic activity).

The product of any salt’s ionic activities gives it solubility product, Ksp. The solubility product is
a measure of how many moles of ions per unit volume of solvent that should be present in a system
before a salt precipitates out. Ksp vary with solvent. A low Ksp value means that little salt will be
dissolved in the solvent hence the name sparingly soluble salt (Grimholt, 2010).


For a hypothetical equation;

AB → A2+ + B2+ (1)

Ksp = [A][B] (2)

The solubility product can also be expressed as:

Ksp = mAemAe .γA γB = aAin aBim (at equilibrium) (3)

Where; mAe, mAe = molarities of ions A2+ and B2+ at equilibrium

γA , γB = activity coefficients of A2+ and B2+

Saturation ratio (SR) calculated as

SR = aAin aBim/ Ksp (4)

Is used to predict precipitation of scales. When SR > 1 precipitation will occur. SR values are both
temperature and type of scale dependent. That is SR depends on the temperature at which scale is
formed and the type of scale. For CaCO3 precipitations at 80°C, SR values as large as 5 is required
and for 120°C the SR value is 2.7.

2.1.3 Formation water, Produced water and Sea Water

An important parameter to consider when considering scale formation is water, since all naturally
occurring water contains dissolved substances acquired through contact with mineral phases.

Formation water and Seawater are the sources of scale materials. Formation water which when
produced becomes produced water is a complex mixture of dissolved and particulate organic and
inorganic chemicals. The physical and chemical properties of produced water vary widely
depending on the geologic age, depth, and geochemistry of the hydrocarbon-bearing formation, as
well as the chemical composition of the oil and gas phases in the reservoir, and process chemicals
added during production. Produced waters from the formation tends to have higher densities than
seawater since produced waters have greater salinities than seawater.


No two produced waters are alike, hence region specific studies are done to address the
environmental risks they pose upon discharge into the environment. Formation water contains a
variety of naturally occurring compounds that were dissolved or dispersed from the geologic
formations and migration pathways in which the produced water resided for millions of years. The
constituents of this water are inorganic salts, metals, radioisotopes, and a wide variety of organic
chemicals, primarily hydrocarbons. Formation water have same salt constituent as seawater even
though many of them have their concentration ratios to be different in seawater and
formation/produced water, possibly contributing to the aquatic toxicity of produced water. The
most abundant inorganic ions in high-salinity produced water are, in order of relative abundance
sodium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfate, bromide, bicarbonate, and iodide.
Sulfate and sulfide concentrations usually are low, contributing to high concentrations of barium
and other elements that form insoluble sulfates and sulfides (Jerry Neff, 2011).

Due to high temperature and pressure at deeper depth in the subsurface, subsurface water tends to
contain more dissolved substances than surface water. Hence all reservoir fluids and aquifer rocks
are initially at equilibrium and contain large quantities of scaling materials some of which are at
their saturation limit. Once production and Injection of fluids commences, the equilibrium state of
the reservoir fluids and aquifer is perturbed since there are changes in pressure and temperature
and stability. The degree of pressure and temperature reduction coupled with the degree of
agitation will result in the precipitates (scale) which are deposited on surfaces (Mike Crabtree,
1999). Apart from factors such as pressure and temperature other factors like pH, and CO2/ H2S
partial pressure could also contribute to scale formation (Yassin, 2007).

2.1.4 Forming Scale

The driving force for scale formation are temperature or pressure change, out-gassing, a pH shift,
or contact with incompatible water. These factors can still be available with scale prone produced
water being oversaturated but scales may not form. In order for a scale to form it must grow from


Homogeneous nucleation is the first stage of scale formations where unstable clusters of atoms
develop within a saturated fluid. The clusters form a solid structure with imperfect surface where
further growth is going on which is triggered by local fluctuations in equilibrium ion concentration
in supersaturated solutions. Subsequently, there is a growth of the crystals by ions adsorbing onto
imperfections on the crystal surfaces causing crystal size increments. The energy for seed crystal
growth is driven by a reduction in the surface free energy of the crystal, which decreases rapidly
with increasing radius after a critical radius is exceeded. Hence large crystals favor continuing
crystal growth, and also implies that small seed crystals may re-dissolve. Thus, given a large
enough degree of supersaturation, the formation of any seed crystal will encourage an increase in
the growth of scale deposits. Scale formation is both initiated and catalyze by seed crystal

Heterogeneous nucleation is another mechanism of scale formation which involves a process

where crystal growth tends to initiate on a pre-existing fluid-boundary surface. Locations where
this mechanism can occur are

•   Surface defects such as pipe surface roughness or perforations in production liners

•   Joints and seams in tubing and pipelines.

Turbulence as earlier stated catalyze this mechanism of scale deposition. Thus, the accumulation
of scale can occur at the position of the bubble point pressure in the flowing system. This is an
explanation for rapid scale deposition downhole completion equipment. Scale Inhibitors were
developed base on the understanding of nucleation phenomena and this inhibitors work in such a
way to poison the nucleation and growth of scale which results in a reduction of the rate of scale
formation to the bare minimal (Mike Crabtree, 1999), (Shutemov, 2013).


Figure 3: Homogenous Nucleation (Mike Figure 4: Heterogeneous Nucleation (Mike Crabtree, 1999)
Crabtree, 1999)

Figure 5: Model of Scale Forming (Siegmeier) (Saaid, 2013)




2.2 Types of Scale

The common examples scales encountered in the oil industry are calcium carbonate (calcite and
aragonite) and sulfate salts of calcium (gypsum), strontium (celestite), and barium (Barite). Traces
of radioactive radium ions are also found in the lattices especially that of barium sulfate which
provides a radioactive principle for detecting this particular group of scales (Kelland M. A., 2011)
. Other reported scales are iron oxides, iron sulfides and iron carbonate. Lead and zinc sulfide scale
are of recent concern in North Sea oil and gas fields (Yassin, 2007).

-   Table 1 summarizes the common types of scales usually encountered in the petroleum
industry and the factors that influence their formation.
-   Table 2 is a summary of oilfield scales, their solubilities and factors influencing their
-   Table 3 give a summary of other types of scales. The most predominant scale encountered
in oilfield operations is calcium carbonate scale deposited from reservoir water as a result
of pressure drops and changes in temperature during production of reservoir fluids.
Calcium Sulfate, Barium Sulfate and calcium Sulfate are scales that occur as a result of
mixing incompatible waters. Incompatible waters refer to waters that interact chemically
and precipitate minerals upon mixing.

A common example is sea water with high concentration of SO42- and low concentrations of Ca2+,
Ba2+ /Sr2+, and formation waters with extremely low concentrations of SO42- but high
concentrations of Ca2+, Ba2+ and Sr2+ (Yassin, 2007).


Table 1 Common Types of Scales encountered in the petroleum industry and the factors that influence their

Name Chemical Formula Primary Variables

Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 Partial pressure of CO2,

Temperature, total dissolved
salts, pH

Calcium Sulfate:
Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O Temperature, total dissolved
salts, pressure
Hemihydrate CaSO4.1/2H2O
Anhydrite CaSO4

Barium Sulfate BaSO4 Temperature, pressure

Strontium Sulfate SrSO4 Temperature, pressure, total

dissolved salts

Iron Compounds:

Ferrous Carbonate FeCO3 Corrosion, dissolved gases,

Ferrous Sulfide FeS

Ferrous Hydroxide Fe(OH)2

Ferrous Hydroxide Fe(OH)3


Acid Soluble and Acid insoluble Scales

Scales are also group in terms of them being acid soluble or acid insoluble. This classification is
important since it helps in knowing effective chemical methods for fighting different types of

Acid Insoluble

Acid Insoluble Scales refers to the sulfate compounds of Barium, Strontium, or Calcium. A major
ionic component of seawater is sulfate ion (SO42-) which reacts with the following ions (Ba2+, Sr2+
and Ca2+) which are naturally found in formation water depending on the field’s geological history.
The above mention scales are sparingly soluble in water and as a result can precipitate out and
form deposits.

Acid soluble scale

Salts of carbonates are usually acid soluble. Calcium carbonate, Iron carbonate, iron sulphide, zinc
sulphide and lead sulphide are few to mention. The above mentioned Scales are by products of
corrosion except for calcium carbonate. Other examples of acid soluble scales silica scales
associated with injection water and halite scale associated with injection of CH3OH into formation
water. (Sulaiman, 2014)


Table 2 Oilfield Scales, Their Solubilities and Factors Influencing Their Formation

Mineral Type Composition Relative Causes of Solubility

Solubility(mg/l) Change

Calcite CaCO3 196 Partial Pressure of

CO2, Total Pressure,
Total dissolved
Solids, Temperature

Siderite FeCO3 100 Partial Pressure of

CO2, Total Pressure,
Total dissolved
Solids, Temperature

Barite BaSO4 44 Pressure,

Temperature, Total
dissolved Solids

Celesitite SrSO4 520 Pressure,


Anhydrite CaSO4 3270 Pressure,


Gypsum CaSO4.2H2O 6300 Pressure,


Pyrite FeS 105 Pressure,

Temperature, Total
dissolved Solids

Galena PbS 0.006 Pressure,

Temperature, Total
dissolved Solids

Sphalerite ZnS 0.09 Pressure,

Temperature, Total
dissolved Solids


Table 3 Other Types of Scales (Shutemov, 2013)

Name Chemical Formula Mineral

Calcium Oxalate Beerstone

Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 Brucite

Magnesium Oxide MgO Periclase

Silicates Me(SinOx).yH2O Serpentine, acmite, gyrolite, gehlenite,

amorphous silica, quartz, cristobalite,

Aluminium Oxides AlO(OH) Boehmite, gibbsite, diaspore, corundum


Aluminosilicates AlxSiyOz Analcite, canacrinite noselite

Copper Cu Metallic

Phosphates Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 Hydroxyapatite

Magnetite NiFe2O4 Trevorite

Or nickel


2.3 Mechanisms of Scale formation

The formation of scales are generally classified based on three mechanisms.

The first being as a result of a decrease in pressure and /or increase in temperature of brine. If such
changes result in fluid composition going beyond the solubility limit for a mineral, it will
precipitate as scale. This phenomenon is called Autoscaling or Self-scaling which results in
carbonate scales deposition usually in wellbore and production facilities. Sodium chloride scale
also forms by this process. Also reduction in pressure during production of fluids containing acid
gases outgasses the fluid, which raises pH and creates a favorable condition for scale deposition.
The equation below summarizes the process of carbonate scale formation.

Ca2+ (aq) + 2HCO32—(aq) ↔ CaCO3(s) + CO2 (aq) + H2O (l)

Carbonate Scales can also be formed through the process of Carbon dioxide flooding. Carbon
dioxide is partially soluble in water which form weak carbonic acid upon injection as a secondary
recovery technique. The acidic solution formed dissolve calcite formations. Subsequent pressure
drops in the formation surrounding a producing well can cause CO2 to break out of solution and
cause carbonate scale to precipitate in the perforations and in formation. The chemical reactions
are as follows

Dissolution of carbon dioxide to form weak carbonic acid

CO2 (aq) + H2O (aq) ↔ H2CO3 (aq)

Dissociation of weak carbonic acid to form Bicarbonate and Carbonate ions

H2CO3 (aq) ↔ H+ (aq) + HCO3— (aq)

HCO3—(aq) ↔ H+ (aq) + CO32—(aq)

Reaction between Calcium ions and carbonate and bicarbonate ion

CaCO3 (s) + H2CO3 (aq) ↔ Ca2+ (aq) + 2HCO3—(aq)

Overall Equations

Ca2+ (aq) + 2HCO3—(aq) ↔ Ca (HCO3)2 (aq)

Ca2+ (aq) + 2HCO32—(aq) ↔ CaCO3(s) + CO2 (aq) + H2O (l)


Mixing of two incompatible waters usually due to water flooding processes, most commonly
formation water rich in cations such as barium, calcium and/or strontium, mixing with sulfate rich
seawater, goes to the precipitation of sulfate scale which are deposited in the wellbore, production
facilities and near wellbore. This mechanism is referred to as incompatible mixing. Near wellbore
incompatible mixing subsequently results in a mixture of fluids with combined ion concentrations
that are above the solubility limits for sulfate minerals. Calcium sulfate scale forms in limestone
formations, and barium strontium sulfate scales form in sandstone formations. Below is the
chemical equation for the process.

Ba2+ (aq) (Sr2+ or Ca2+) + SO42-(aq) ↔ BaSO4(S) (SrSO4 or CaSO4)

Other fluid incompatibilities include sulfide scale where hydrogen sulfide gas mixes with
iron, zinc or lead rich formation waters.

Zn2+ + H2S ↔ ZnS + 2H2+

The last being concentration of salts due to dehydration or brine evaporation, resulting in salt
concentration increasing above the solubility limit and goes to salt precipitation. Evaporation-
induced scale is the term for this mechanism. It occurs in High-Pressure, High-Temperature
(HPHT) gas wells where a dry gas stream may mix with a low rate brine stream resulting in
dehydration and most commonly the precipitation of sodium chloride. Simultaneous production of
hydrocarbon gas and formation brine (wet gas) can also results in scale formation. A decrease in
hydrostatic pressure in production tubulars results in expansion or an increment in the volume of
the hydrocarbon gas while the hot brine phase associated with the flowing stream evaporates. This
results in dissolved ions being concentrated in excess of mineral solubilities in the remaining water.
In high-pressure, high temperature (HTHP) wells, this is a common mechanisms for halite scale
formation. However other scales may also form by this mechanism (Yassin, 2007) (Mackay, 2008)
(Mike Crabtree, 1999) (Precipitation and Solution of Calcium Carbonate, n.d.) (M. Jordan, Nalco
Champion; E. Mackay, Heriot Watt University, 2015).


Production systems that use steam flooding and Alkaline Surfactant flooding as Enhance Oil
Recovery Techniques can experience Silica scale formation. Silica scale also occur from
geothermal brine. Silica scale formation is based on mechanisms similar to the above mechanisms
of scale formation. Briefly, due to the environmental conditions of exposure, saturated brines can
become supersaturated. The deposits are commonly amorphous silica or colloidal silica. At pH
(>9) or pH (<5) together with elevated temperature and low salinity, silica compounds are more
soluble. The silicate deposits can be rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, or aluminum (M.
Jordan, Nalco Champion; E. Mackay, Heriot Watt University, 2015).

The above mechanisms of scale formation are occurring simultaneously as well as both the
homogeneous nucleation and heterogeneous nucleation. Hence it should be noted that no scale
deposit is of single composition but a composition of other scales and organic impurities or organic
contents of the reservoir fluids. However the composition can be one species dominant (Saaid,

2.4 Detailed Description of the Formation of Calcium Carbonate Scale and Sulfate Scale
This section presents a detailed description of the processes and the influencing parameters in the
formation of Carbonate scale and sulfate scale. This scales are the most encountered scales and
their formation represent two different mechanisms of scale formation. Also in terms of treatment
Carbonate scales are of soft to medium hardness while sulfate scales are hard scales.

2.4.1 Carbonate Scale Formation

Though carbonate scales are the most common scales encountered in upstream oil and gas industry.
Calcite, Vaterite and Aragonite are the various forms of carbonate scales of which calcite scales
are the most common because calcite have a stable crystalline form. Calcium carbonate in its pure
state have relatively large crystal. However due to co-precipitation with other scales and impurities
the resulting scale deposits are characterized by finely divided crystals making the scales have
homogeneous appearance.


Effect of Total Pressure

In a two-phase system calcium carbonate solubility increases with increased pressure. The increase
in solubility is because an increased pressure increases the partial pressure of CO2 and this in turn
increases the solubility of CaCO3 in water.(Fig ) Increased pressure also increases the solubility
due to thermodynamic considerations. Hence a reduction in pressure is most likely to result in
precipitation. During production of fluids there are pressure drops along the flow paths of the
fluids. If the pressure drops results in the fluid pressure being less than the bubble point pressure
of the fluids, then carbon dioxide will evolve out of the solution into the gas phase and this will
result in precipitation of CaCO3. Phase separation usually occurs in flow conduits. Hence
carbonate scale deposit are usually found in production tubings.

Figure 6: Effect of CO2 Partial Pressure on CaCO3 Solubility (J. Moghadasi, 2007)


Effect of pH

The presence of CO2 in formation water affects solubility of calcium carbonate and the pH of the
water since CO2 dissolves in the water to form weak carbonic acid which lowest the pH of the
formation water. However as fluid pressure drops CO2 evolve out of solution causing pH
increments. With a low pH, there is a less tendency of CaCO3 precipitation. Conversely, higher
pH, higher tendency of precipitation occurrence. Hence the cause of acidity or alkalinity is not of
much concern.

Figure 7: Effect of CO2 partial pressure on the pH of water (J. Moghadasi, 2007)

Effect of temperature

Unlike other solutes that obey the general rule of thumb of solubility, calcium carbonates behave
otherwise. As temperature increase calcium carbonate becomes less soluble. This implies that
increments in temperature are mostly likely to result in precipitation. As a result of the above
explanation, non-scaling water at surface may become scaling in an injection well provided
downhole temperatures are sufficiently high.


Effect of dissolved salts

Calcium carbonate solubility increases as the dissolved salt content of the water increases.
Actually, the higher the total dissolved solids (not counting calcium or carbonate ions), the greater
is the solubility of CaCO3 in the water and the lower the scaling tendency, up to a maximum of
about 200 g/l total dissolved solids. (J. Moghadasi, 2007)

2.4.2 Sulfate Scale Formation

Sulfate scales are formed when there is incompatible mixing of formation water and sulphate
containing injected water (seawater) as described under the topic mechanisms of scale formation.
Barium sulfate, strontium sulfate and calcium sulfate are examples of sulphate scales. Sulfate scale
may form through the whole production system depending on the location of incompatible mixing.

Calcium Sulfate Scale

Calcium sulfate is a crystalline deposit that is very adherent to many surfaces. Its composition is
of calcium and sulfate ions as the name suggests. However, other traces of ions can be found in
association with this scale type since scales are not of pure composition as a result of co-
precipitation. Calcium sulfate often co-precipitates with strontium sulfate.

Also, upon precipitation from production fluids, wax, rust and silt becomes components of this
type of scale.

Types of Calcium Sulfate

Calcium sulfate crystallizes from aqueous solution in three forms: gypsum (CaSO4⋅2H2O),
hemihydrate (CaSO4⋅½H2O), and anhydrate (CaSO4). The stability of the three forms that is
whether the deposition results in gypsum or hemihydrate or anhydrate scale depends strictly on
temperature and ionic strength.


Solubility and Temperature and pressure Effect on Sulfate scale

According to Landolt-Bornstein, solubility of all calcium sulfate forms increases with temperature
up to about 40 ºC, and then decreases with temperature. Anhydrite are less soluble in water than
gypsum for temperatures above 40°C. Hence anhydrites are expected to be the dominant form of
calcium sulfate scale in deeper hotter wells. The temperature at which the scale changes form from
gypsum to anhydrite or hemihydrate is a function of many factors including pressure dissolved salt
content, flow conditions, and the rate at which different forms of calcium sulfate can precipitate
out from water solution. However there is difficulty in predicting which forms of calcium sulfate
will precipitate under any given conditions.

Due to the low solubility of anhydrite, precipitates of anhydrites are expected above 40°C as
compared to gypsum. However, gypsum may be found at temperatures up to 100oC. Anhydrite
precipitation from solution is mostly difficult, but with the passage of time, gypsum undergoes
dehydration to form anhydrite. For flowing systems at temperatures above 100°C, precipitation of
anhydrites is usually direct. But for quiescent systems, hemihydrate solubility becomes limiting.
Conversion of hemihydrate to anhydrite is expected to occur with time.

Figure 8: Calcium sulfate solubility in water (Merdhah, 2007)


Dickson et al. showed the effect of pressure and temperature on anhydrite solubility. The solubility
of calcium sulfate in water increases with pressure. This increase in solubility is due to the fact
that when the scale is dissolved in water, there is a decrease in the total volume of the system.

CaSO4 + H2O ↔ Ca2+ + SO42- + H2O

Pressure drop can be a major cause of calcium sulfate scale in producing wells and near the
wellbore can create scale back in the formation as well as in the piping. Under downhole
conditions, anhydrite or gypsum deposition is caused mainly by pressure drop, which has a
stronger effect than temperature. Under downhole conditions, anhydrite or gypsum deposition is
caused mainly by pressure drop, which has a stronger effect than temperature.

Effects of agitation and vaporization:

Agitation and vaporization can increase scale production. The evaporation of water reduces the
solvent and results in making the solution supersaturated. Agitation causes the formation of crystal
nuclei unto which precipitates attached themselves too and increase crystal growth.

Effect of ionic strength

Ionic strength is defined as:

𝑰= 𝑪𝒊 𝒁𝟐𝒊 (5)

The solubility of calcium sulfate is strongly affected by the presence and concentration of other
ions in the system.


Figure 9: Solubility of Gypsum in NaCl Brines at Temperatures from 0°C to 70°C

Figure 10: Relative Solubilities of Three Sulfates in Brine (Yassin, 2007)


Effect of pH on crystal growth

Schierholtz investigated the unseeded crystallization of calcium sulfate dihydrate and followed the
change in calcium concentration during the initial induction periods and subsequent growth at pH
values ranging from 4.5 to 6.6. Within this range, the pseudo first order rate constant decreased by
a factor of three. It was concluded that nucleation of calcium sulfate dihydrate is affected by pH.
Austin et al. studied the spontaneous precipitation of calcium sulfate phase from simulated
seawater in the temperature range of 125 to 150ºC at pH 2.3 to 8. Under these conditions, the
hemihydrate phase precipitated first and there was a relatively slow transformation to the anhydrite
phase, the rate of which was increasing with temperature (J. Moghadasi, 2007).

2.5 Potential Scale Generation Operations

Some major activities or operations carried out on oilfield have a high tendency of scale formation.
Most scale deposition are as a result of reservoir fluids production and Enhance Oil Recovery
techniques such as water flooding and chemical flooding.

One operation during production with a high tendency of scale formation is commingled
production, where wellstreams from various formations, reservoirs or individual wells are mixed
together. Scale deposition is likely if fluids from the different reservoirs are incompatible. Other
production operations or scenarios in which scales are formed are described in details under the
section possible locations of scale formation.

Drilling and well completion operations are other operations; if the drilling mud or completion
fluid is incompatible with the formation water scale deposition is likely (Statoil, 2007).

Disposal of oilfield waste such as produced water and drilling fluids by the method of reinjection
into disposal wells or abandoned wells can result in scale formation due to fluids incompatibility
(Bader, 2006).

Even scale control techniques can result in scale formation. Some scale inhibitors (e.g.
phosphonates and polymers) used in treating scales can react with Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ present in the
oil field brine to form a pseudo-scale which does not only look like a real scale, but causes the
same problem like the real scale. There have been many instances of this occurrences. An example
was a production well located in the Williston Basin of North Dakota (Saaid, 2013).


2.6 Possible Locations of scale formation

Scale deposition usually occurs at 6 important regions. These regions are as follows

•   Near the injection well bottom hole

•   In the reservoir between the injector and the producer

•   At the skin of the producer well

•   In the injector wellbore

•   In the producer well.

•   At the surface facilities

Apart from the listed general locations, some fields have experienced scale depositions at other
locations (Saaid, 2013).

Bader gave a detailed possible locations of scale deposits throughout the flow path of water. The
figure (Figure 8) below depicts the possible locations.


Figure 11: Possible Locations for Scale Deposition (J. Moghadasi, 2007)

•   Case 1: At the surface water injection facility where incompatible sources of water are
mixed prior to injection.

•   Case 2: In injection wells where the injected water starts to mix with the reservoir formation

•   Case 3: Downhole in the reservoir where the injected water displaces reservoir formation

•   Case 4: Downhole in the reservoir where the mixed injected water and formation water
are about to reach the range of producing wells.

•   Case 5: Downhole in the reservoir where the mixed (injected and formation) waters are
within the range of producing wells.

•   Case 6: At the connection of a branched zone where each branch produces different water.


•   Case 7: At the manifold of a producing zone where water is produced from different blocks
within the same producing zone.

•   Case 8: At topside facility where produced fluids are mixed from different production
zones to separate oil and gas from produced waters, or in pipelines that transport produced
fluids to on-shore processing facilities.

•   Case 9: At disposal wells where produced water is injected for final disposal (Bader, 2006).

According to Jordan et al (Moghadasi, 2010) the possible scale formation environments for sea
water, aquifer, natural depletion and produced water re-injection is shown in the Figure below

Figure 12: Possible Scale Forming Environments (Saaid, 2013)


a.   Prior to injection, if seawater injection is supplemented by Produced Water Re-Injection


b.   Around the injection well, as injection brine enters the reservoir, contacting formation brine

c.   Deep in formation, due to displacement of formation brine by injected brine, or due to

meeting flow paths.

d.   As injection brine and formation brine converge towards the production well, but beyond
the radius of squeeze treatment.

e.   As injection brine and formation brine converge towards the production well and within
the radius of squeeze treatment.

f.   In a completed interval of a production well, as one brine enters the completion, while other
brine is following up the tubing from a lower section, or as fluid pressure decreases.

g.   At the junction of a multilateral well, where one branch is producing single brine and the
other branch is producing incompatible brine.

h.   At a subsea manifold, where one well is producing single brine and another well is
producing different brine.

i.   At the surface facilities, where one production stream is flowing one brine and another
production stream is flowing another brine.

j.   During aquifer water production and processing for re-injection, scale formation is likely
by either self-scaling brine or mixing with incompatible formation brine.

k.   During pressure reduction and/ or an increase in temperature within any downhole tube or
surface processing equipment, leading to the evolution of CO2 and to the generation of
carbonate and sulfide scale if the suitable ions are present. Temperature reductions could
lead to formation of halite scales if the brine was close to saturation under reservoir
conditions (Moghadasi, 2010).


Figure 12 gives further details of possible scale deposition site and and mechanism of formation:

Figure 13: Possible scale deposition site and mechanism of formation

2.7 Problems caused by scale

One major problem caused by scales is corrosion to both downhole and surface equipment. One
important condition for corrosion is that material’s surface must be dampened by an electrolyte,
which is a water solution that can conduct an electric current. Naturally occurring reservoir water
contains dissolve salt which makes it a good electrolyte. Some salts do dissolve with a decrease in
temperature and pressure rather than the general principle of precipitations with increasing
temperature and pressure hence creating a good electrolyte. Other factors contributing to corrosion
are pH, salt concentration, and oxygen concentration, along with the velocity of the flowing
medium. Also as a result of turbulence flow of fluid during production, scale deposits or fragments
that are carried in the flowing medium tend to scratch and erode the surfaces of tubulars and
equipment, causing a reduction in the corrosion resistance ability of materials (Catherine
Houska,CSI, TMR Consulting) (Mona El-Said, 2008).


Scales also cause equipment damage including coating and damaging downhole completions
equipment, restriction to flow in flow conduits by reducing the internal radius of tubulars due to
the growth or the increase of scale thickness. Once scales are formed, if not treated will continue
to grow thicker. Calcium carbonate scale in production tubing can grow and obstruct over 40% of
the flowing area of the tubular whiles restricting access to lower sections for workovers.

Formation damage around wellbores of both injection and producing wells is caused by scale
formation. Scales develop around wellbore and cause a reduction in near wellbore porosity and
permeability and even block perforations (Mike Crabtree, 1999). Injection water at the wellhead
is usually of lower temperature as compared to reservoir temperature and when this water travels
along the injection pathway and well string the water cools the surrounding formations whiles
gaining heat (temperature) and pressure increment. If the water is saturated at surface conditions
with salts whose solubility decreases with increasing temperatures (e.g. anhydrite), scale may form
along the well-string. Also scale precipitation from the injection water may happen behind the
mixing zone resulting from pressure and temperature changes. This is particularly true of waters
containing salts whose solubility decreases with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure
(Yassin, 2007).

Figure 13 shows the image of the problems caused by scales.

Figure 14: Scale Problems; Examples of heavy scale precipitation


In summary the consequences of scales can be adverse including equipment failure which can
result in safety dangers, emergency shutdown, water injectivity decline with time, increased
maintenance cost (workovers), and overall decrease in production efficiency (Yassin, 2007).

2.8 Scale Identification and Detection

A good understanding of scale formation helps in the early detection of scale formation so as to
prevent adverse operating conditions. Successful early detection and identification of the location
and composition of scale deposits is the most powerful tool to minimizing the effects of scale and
also designing a cost effective remediation program.

A common detection technique is the monitoring of abnormal decline in oil production and/or
pressure drop across the production system. This however is not an effective technique since other
factors contribute to increases in pressure loss and decline in production. The use of Nodal
Analysis as complementary and evaluation tool can indicate tubing scale provided the well
indicates restrictions or limits present in the production system that were not present during earlier
stages of producing the well.

Another detection technique is a comparison between a post-production (through tubing) and open
hole gamma ray log for the detection of Barium Sulphate scale since naturally radioactive
material(NORM) such as Radium (Ra226 ) precipitates with this type of scale. This technique is
not use for surface conduits since gamma ray logging is only done downhole. Caliper log can also
be run down your flow conduit to measure a decrement in internal radius of flow conduits in order
to determine the presence of scale deposits.

Presence of scales can be detected by X-ray evidence from core analysis. Inspections and Visual
confirmation of scales when control valves and chokes are removed upon a decline in production
is one method that is also used (Gerard Segeral, 2003) (Mike Crabtree, 1999).

The use of X- Ray diffraction in combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy (XRD/EDS)
provide a reliable analytical tool for scale composition determination. Combination of the
mentioned tools can yield the percent mineral composition of any scale sample (Saaid, 2013).


2.9 Scale prevention and control methods

Chemical and Mechanical approaches are employed solving scale problems, each comes with its
own challenges depending on the location, type and physical properties of the scale. Unlike
Calcium Carbonate scales that can be dissolved with acids others like hard Barium sulfate are
resistance to dissolution. Some properties of crude such as is waxy or tar-like nature protect scales
from dissolvers by forming coatings around the scale and hence limiting contact between the scale
and the dissolvers. The growth of scales cause impermeable scale to line production tubing,
sometimes completely blocking it, which requires the use of mechanical techniques or chemical
treatments to cut through the scale blockages. Nevertheless, hard barium sulfate is extremely
resistant to both chemical and mechanical removal. The worse approach use for solving hard scale
problems involving production tubings is to force a shutdown of production, move in workover to
pull out the damaged tubing and either treat the tubing on surface or completely replace the tubing
(Mike Crabtree, 1999).

Reduce scale potential

The maximum amount of scale which can precipitate out from any system in equilibrium can be
predicted from the following equations.

Considering a general case of formation of a mineral say AB;

M2+ + A2- ↔ MA (6)

If the solution is supersaturated with respect the mineral AB:

[M][A] > Ksp (7)

Upon reaching equilibrium MA will precipitate out until the solution reaches its saturation point.
Since a mole each of M2+ and A2- is required for the generation of a mole of MA, both ions will
experience a decrease of one mole each of their corresponding concentration for every mole of
scale which precipitates out of solution.


If P is the number of moles of MA which precipitates as a result of the solution reaching its
saturations, then:

Ksp = [M-p][A-p] (8)


𝑝) − 𝑀 + 𝐴 𝑝 + 𝑀𝐴 − 𝐾𝑠𝑝 = 0 (9)

Taking the negative root of the resulting quadratic equation:

2 0.5
𝑀+𝐴 −[  (𝑀−𝐴) −4𝐾𝑠𝑝]
𝑝= (10)


G=M+A and X = M – A (11)


𝑝 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠𝐿?@ =   (12)

Gives the following relationship

𝑝 𝑚𝑔𝐿?@ = 500 𝑀𝑊 [𝐺 − (𝑋 ) + 4𝐾𝑠𝑝)O.P ] (13)

This equation is used to estimate the maximum amount of any scale likely to precipitate out of
solution (Moghadasi, 2010).


2.10 Description of scale removal technologies and intervention approaches

Scale removal techniques come in various ways. The key, however, is that, whatever the approach
may be, it should be able to keep the integrity of the wellbore, tubing, and formation environment
intact. Any damage to the wellbore, tubing, or formation environment is highly unacceptable.

In this section, the various mechanisms by which scales are removed in an efficient manner without
causing damage to the wellbore, tubing, and formation environment are considered.

2.10.1 Chemical
On the basis of their solubility, scales can either be non-acid-soluble or acid-soluble. As their
names imply, non-acid-soluble scales are scales which are not soluble in acid. On the other hand,
acid soluble scales are soluble in acids. This type of acid-soluble scales can thus be removed using

For example, scales which are calcium carbonate and iron carbonate in nature are acid-soluble.
Their solubility in acid makes them easy to dissolve in both organic and inorganic acids such as
citric or formic acid or hydrochloric acid respectively.

Among the aforementioned acids which are good solvents for scales, hydrochloric acids are
cheaper and more readily available. However, the downside of the use of hydrochloric acid is that,
it is found to be a very corrosive acid. As such, for one to be able to use hydrochloric acid without
causing damage to the wellbore, tubing and formation environment, it will be prudent to employ
the use of corrosion inhibitors. These corrosion inhibitors reduce the extent to which the acid could
cause corrosion to any of the well systems (Margrethe, 2013).

Below is an equation which governs the use of acid in scale removal;

2𝐻𝐶𝑙 𝑎𝑞 + 𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑂V 𝑠 →   𝐶𝑎𝐶𝑙) (𝑎𝑞) + 𝐶𝑂) (𝑔)+𝐻) 𝑂(𝑙)

As mentioned earlier, other types of scales are insoluble in acid. As such, using acid as a way to
remove them will be unproductive. For these types of scales such as Barium sulfate and calcium
sulfate, other types of scale-removal chemicals are used for their removal operations. An example
of such chemical is EDTA (Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid). Another type of scale-remover for
such non-acid-soluble scales is diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid (DTPA).


These chemicals used to remove non-acid-soluble scales are known to be chelating agents which
are complex molecules.

The disadvantage of the use of these chelating agents is that, they are time-consuming and require
the use of high temperatures (Kelland M. , 2009), (Al Salami & Moneim A. Kader, 2010). Bullheading/pumping
Bullheading is a chemical scale removal technique which involves the pumping down of chemicals
to areas affected by the scales in the well. When the chemical to be used for the scale removal
process is pumped down the well to the affected area, another chemical is pumped to displace the
first chemical. This displacement process helps to rightly position the scale-removal chemical in a
way to efficiently remove the scale.

The displacement chemical must often be lighter than the scale-removal chemical. A widely-used
displacement agent for such operation is diesel. When the displacement chemical is pumped into
the well, the well is shut in for the chemicals to stay in the well for a period of time. The longevity
of this process is dependent on the corrosive nature of the chemical. A highly corrosive chemical
will be made to stay for a relatively shorter period of time than a less corrosive chemical.

2.10.2 Mechanical
The mechanical approach to the removal of scales employs the use of mechanical tools and
processes. Brush/Scratcher
For important components such as gas lift mandrels, downhole safety valves and other forms of
sensitive valves whose operations are key in the normal running of a well, a brush or scratcher
could be used to remove the scale deposited on them. This is normally carried out downhole. For
the scale-removal to be achieved, the brush or scratcher is pulled to and fro multiple times over
the area which has scales. This brush can also be operate using tractor technology. In certain
jurisdictions, brush is used with other forms of chemical dissolvers of scale (Ramstad, 2013).


Figure 15: PowerTrac Brush from Aker Well Services (Altusintervention, u.d.) Broach
Broaches are another type of mechanical
tools employed in the removal of scales from
the upper sections of the production tubing.
This is normally done to increase the inner
diameter of the tubing thus allowing for
wireline access into the deeper parts of the
well. Broach is a downhole tool hat is run on
a wireline to achieve efficient removal of
scales. While on the wireline, the broaches
are moved up and down repeatedly to
remove the scale. As the scales are removed,
Figure  16:  Broach  (Harestad,  2009)
bigger diameter broaches are used to help in
the total removal of scales of the tubing wall.

  36 Explosives
The use of explosives are another means by which scales are removed. When run on electric line,
the explosives are detonated in the area of the tubing where the scales are located. For efficient
scale removal, these explosives are run repeatedly (Ramstad, 2013), (Engineering, G.E.K., 2009).

Figure 17: A detonating cord taped to a bar and a string
shot (Statoil I. t.)

  37 Milling
Another way to removing scales mechanically is milling. This is a tool string with a bit at the end
of it to help in the milling process. The bit is usually referred to as a milling bit. Milling operation
can be carried using coiled tubing, wireline or snubbing. This will further be explored in a later

2.10.3 Coiled tubing for mechanical removal of scale

The use of coiled tubing can be employed in the efficient removal of scales in tubing. This method
of scale removal has been known to have resulted in the most consistent success rate
(Schlumberger, 2014). A typical coiled tubing bottomhole assembly has a Turbo Scale Mill
operated below a Workover Motor. The face of the
Turbo Scale Mill has a cutting matrix and layout
specially designed to operate as such. Typically, the
Turbo Scale Mill (TSM) is designed with a small
contact area during milling operations. This helps to
minimise the amount of torque required. Due to the
minimum torque that is required, the rate of penetration
increases as a result.

To offset the situation where a worn-out mill has to be

pulled out of hole and replaced, a second lower layer
is attached to ensure quick replacement. This clearly
reduces the amount of time required to make a trip to
the surface in a bid to replace the mill. Figure 18: Baker’s METAL
MUNCHER® Turbo Scale Mill. (Hughes,


Advantages of the use of coiled tubing for scale removal:  

1. It achieves increased reliability in zones with high stresses.

2. Even in temperatures above 400°F, operations are successful.

3. Relatively less flow rate is needed to obtain optimum


4. It has reduced milling times.

5. Run times are extended. Wireline rig-up equipment for mechanical scale removal

To be able to carry out wireline operations, a positive wellhead
pressure is required (Dulger, 2012). To achieve effective pressure
control from the wellbore, various pressure control equipment are
installed at the top of Christmas tree. Obviously, the pressure rating
of the pressure control equipment should be greater than the
pressure expected from the wellbore. There are normal ratings for
such equipment. Some of these are 5000, 10000, and 15000 psi
(Coiled Tubing Services, 2016).

According to (Dulger, 2012), the pressure control equipment needs

to handle the following functions;

a. Under both static and dynamic conditions, the pressure control

equipment seals around the area which in turn surrounds the wire.

b. It also ensures that the sealed area is protected against the

maximum wellhead pressure.

c. Before the well is opened, the lubricator must be leak tested to be

sure it can withstand the maximum pressures from the well. The Figure 19: A typical bottomhole
assembly of a Turbo Scale Mill
pressure control equipment allows for the lubricator to be leak run on coiled tubing
tested. (Schlumberger, 2014)

  39 Wireline rig-up – Platform

Figure 20: Surface rig-up equipment installed on Christmas tree on the deck of a platform for slick line
(Dulger, 2012).


Figure 21: Surface rig-up equipment installed on Christmas tree on the deck of a platform for braided line
(Dulger, 2012).


Functions of the various parts of a surface rig-up equipment

Grease injection head

The grease injection box serves as the primary barrier element during any well operation. The
purpose of the grease injection head is to be able to hold the prevailing pressure when the well is
being run into using a braided/electric cable. In the internal setup of the grease injection head are
flowtubes which could differ in number based on the prevailing well pressure (Dulger, 2012). To
be able to achieve a good seal a good liquid seal against well pressure, the grease is pumped
repeatedly to fill the annular space between the external surface of the wireline and the internal
walls of the flowtubes. The injection pressure of the grease is typically about 70 bars more than
the well pressure (Khurana, 2003).

Stuffing box

For a slick line operation, the primary barrier element that serves as a seal around the wire is the
stuffing box. This contains rubber packers which aid in sealing the surrounding area of the slick
line. This is done to contain wellbore fluids in the pressure equipment located at the surface
(Khurana, 2003).

Blowout preventer (BOP)

In a typical wireline operation where braided line/electric line is employed, the secondary barrier
element is the blowout preventer. The BOP is normally installed right atop of the Christmas tree
to provide a sealing mechanism around the cable in the event of a leakage in any of the components
(Dulger, 2012). The cable in use determines the number of rams found in the BOP. In the case of
a slick line, only one ram is needed in the BOP for safe operation. With the use of braided/electric
line, two rams are required. This is due to the need for grease injection between the rams to achieve
a good sealing effect around the wire. The combo BOP is the commonest type of BOP used for
typical wireline operations (Khurana, 2003).


Tool catcher

The tool catcher helps in catching the tool string before it impacts the top of the lubricator. Its
function is important because it aids in the prevention of the snapping of the wireline and halts the
tool string from getting down of the hole if the wireline reaches its weak point where it can break
(Khurana, 2003).

Chemical injection sub

This component is located just below the grease injection head or stuffing box. This operates in a
way to permit the injection either an inhibitor or a de-icing agent to help control H2S/CO2 corrosion
prevent gas hydrates respectively (Dulger, 2012).

Check valve union

This is designed to provide a sealing effect and thus ward off well pressure if it so happens that
the wireline separates from the tool string (Dulger, 2012).


2.10.5 Wireline rig up – Riser Less Wireline Intervention (RLWI) Vessel

Riserless Light Well Intervention (RLWI) – is the method of carrying out maintenance operations
on subsea wells without the use of a riser system.

To be able to maintain a subsea well using riserless light well intervention, downhole tools are
inserted into the well under pressure with the use of wireline. This approach of subsea well
maintenance reduces the total cost per operation by almost 40 to 60% as compared to the use of
traditional drilling rigs and other accompanying equipment (FMC-Technologies, 2016).
It can thus be deduced that cost reduction and operation efficiency is the rationale behind the
development of the RLWI technology.

Typical subsea well operations that can be carried out with the use of RLWI are as follows;

•   Removal of scale by milling

•   Sand removal
•   Well stimulation
•   Plugging and zone isolation
•   Installation of insert downhole safety valves
•   Re-perforation of new production intervals
•   Running production logging tools
•   Running gauging tool


The figure 21 demonstrates the standard configuration as observed for a typical riser less
wireline operation.

Figure 22: Standard configuration for wireline operations (Munkerud & Inderberg, 2007).


Figure 22 also shows how a RLWI system is configured at the top a subsea Christmas tree on a
subsea well during well intervention.

Figure 23: Riserless Light Well Intervention system (FMC, 2015).

Lubricator section

The lubricator section usually determines the length of the tool string. This consists of the
lubricator tubular, the upper and lower lubricator packages. The lubricator tubular is often located
on top of the lower lubricator package. It is made to carry injection pumps with a high pressures
and grease reservoirs. Also, the upper lubricator package is placed atop the lower tubular (Delot,


Pressure control head

Typically, the pressure control head is linked with the top of the upper lubricator package. During
wireline operations, the pressure control head serves as a primary barrier element (Delot, 2012)

Well control package

This component is fixed above the Christmas tree. This serves as a secondary barrier element when
operating a wireline assembly.

Figure 24: A well barrier schematic showing the primary barrier elements (in
blue colour) and secondary barrier elements (in red colour) of a a repair
operation of a vertical subsea tree using RLWI (Morrison, 2016).


2.10.6 Mechanical wireline milling with tractor Wireline milling
A tractor, rotation assembly and a milling bit are the main equipment used to carry out the
operation of wireline milling. Weight on Bit (WOB) and torque are two prime properties of
importance proper operation of a wireline milling tool string. The WOB is the quantifiable
downward force that is exerted on the bit. On the other hand, torque is the rotational force that
influences the rotation of the bit.

To avoid stalling out in a normal milling operation, the WOB component force is held constant
and must be controllable. In the event of stalling of the tool, the bit would get stuck and not rotate.
Stalling would usually occur in the event that the applied WOB is greater than the torque. When
this happens, the bit is unable to rotate.

The rotation of the mill bit causes a reactive opposite force to cause the tool string and the cable
to rotate. This rotational phenomenon of the tool string and cable are highly undesirable. It is to
prevent this rotation that electrical wireline tractors are employed. The merit with the use of such
electrical wireline tractors is that, the tractor can propel the tool string through highly deviated and
horizontal wells where the gravity magnitude is minimal.

Upon activation of the tractor, a hydraulic pump which is driven by an electric motor releases the
wheels against the wellbore. This also helps to drive the tool string down the well. What the tractor
does thereafter is to provide a consistent force against whatever is being milled (Krüger &
Sælensminde, 2005).

 Figure 25: Well tractor whose wheels are released against the wellbore ( (Nergaard &
Grimholt, 2010))  


The milling bit is what helps in achieving the milling effect. It comes in various sizes depending
on the expected target material to be milled and the restriction posed by the wellbore. The figure
below shows different types of milling bits.

Figure 26: Milling bits (Courtesy Welltec) (Welltec, 2016)

Figure 27: The Cone-Crusher type of mill bit (McInally & Osaland, 2007)


2.10.7 Surface readout parameters during a milling operation

Different parameters are essential to achieve optimum milling operation. The electrical wireline
cable serves as the medium through which data is transmitted from subsurface to surface.

In this section, we take a look at some of these parameters. Wireline tension

To be able to monitor how much tension is applied on the cable, the wireline tension ought to be
measured. Since the cable has tolerance for a certain amount of tension before it breaks, monitoring
it is worthwhile so as to prevent any breakage. Depth
A counter is installed as part of the total assembly to record the total depth being run into. This
gives an idea of how much of the tool string has been strung into the wellbore. In the event where
the tool string gets stuck in the well but the cable continuously spools, it could record a false depth
measurement which could be misleading. To be certain that the tool string hasn’t gotten stuck to
record false depth readings, an increase or decrease in the value of tension is observed as a check. Current
A flat and even current reading observed on the readers indicates that the milling bit is milling.
Contrarily, an abnormally high current reading indicates stalling out of the bit. This abnormally
high current reading is normally observed because in the event of stalling, more current is needed
in an attempt to rotate it. Temperature
The temperature reading observed on the sensor indicates the internal temperature in the tool
string. This parameter becomes a matter of concern in high-temperature wells. This is because
most tools used for such milling operations are designed to operate in a limited range of
temperatures. Head tension

The head tension demonstrates the tension/WOB applied on the bit.


3 Plasma technology concept & Experimental study

This chapter focuses on principles of plasma technology, evaluation of design concept and
experiments performed according to the design concept.

3.1 Plasma Technology

As the oil and gas industry gets more complicated, technology that hitherto helped in descaling are
not enough. In an attempt to research on better and more efficient technology, the plasma
technology seeks to provide a key to meeting these challenges of scaling to the benefit of oil and
gas players in the industry. As the industry becomes more demanding for more efficient and
ecologically-friendly processes of descaling, research continues to open up newer opportunities
where more dependable, relatively cheaper and efficient solutions will be sought to contribute to
the efficient production of oil and gas resources now and in the future.

The reason why plasma technology makes a field to look towards is because it simultaneously
satisfies the industries demands and requirements for quality, productive, environmental
friendliness, precision and adaptability.

Scale of various types require different methods for the inhibition and removal. The interest in
developing new technology to remove scale on than more efficient and profitable way, has been
the focus of many large and small companies. Until this day removing scale is still a major problem
due to inefficient removal methods.

Based on advanced technology developed, we want to solve this problem in an unconventional

way. This technology utilizes plasma formation to remove scale, and is already being developed
for use in several other areas, including drilling on Mars and geothermal drilling (Zaptec internal,
2015). The technology will provide advantage over existing solutions by increasing efficiency,
reduce costs, reduce damage to the tubing, remove WOB requirements, enable scale removal in
producing well, and streamline the removal of scale with RLWI.


3.2 Zaptec plasma technology

3.2.1 Introduction to Plasma

Figure 28: The figure shows the different stats of matter with gradually increasing energy input (Plasmatreat,

Taking a look at the atomic structure of a gas, there is an equal number of protons and electrons;
the protons which are positive charges found in the nucleus are surrounded by electrons which are
negatively charged particles. Due to the equal number of protons and electrons, the atom is
electrically neutral as the positively charged particles neutralize the negative ones.

To produce plasma out of a gas, the application of a significant amount of heat or another form of
energy would cause huge number of atoms to release some or all of their electrons. When the
electrons are released due to the application of energy, the resultant atom becomes positively
charged as the number of positively charged particles outnumber those of the negative ones. This
also causes the unattached electrons to move about freely (Bittencourt, 1986). When this happens,
the gas is said to be “ionized”. Then, plasma is produced when a reasonable number of atoms are
ionized to affect their electrical characteristics.


From the above expose therefore, it can be observed that there is a difference between ordinary
neutral gases and plasma. For example, while plasmas are electrically charged particles, neutral
gases have no net charges as their positive charges are balanced out by the negative charges. Also,
plasmas undergo a great deal of electrical and magnetic influence while neutral gases are not (R.
J. Goldston, 2000)

Plasmas are not only influences by external fields such as the Earth’s magnetic field and other
fields produced by interplanetary forces, they are influenced by internally-generated magnetic and
electric fields created within the plasma. Both the internally- and externally-generated fields act
on the charged particles contained in the plasma. These fields influence the particles in the plasma
over long distances; this in turn influences the total nature and characteristics of the particles
inherent in the plasma. This influence on characteristics aid in giving the particles in the plasma
an admirable quality that neutral gases do not possess.

As a matter of fact, natural plasmas are uncommon. On the other hand, however, plasmas made by
man are common and seen daily. For example, fluorescent light bulbs, which look quite different
from the ordinary bulbs most people are used to. In a fluorescent light bulb, gas is stored in the
long tube; when connected to a source of power, electricity flows through the tube where we see
that the light is turned on. This electricity is thus responsible to supply the needed energy required
to charge up the gas. The process of charging and exciting of the particles in the gas atoms create
the plasma that glows inside the bulb (Artsimovich & Sagdeev, 1979).

Looking at the stars, we see that plasma works. These stars have inherent high temperatures which
act like electricity as discussed previously to supply the required energy to charge up the atoms
and create plasma in the process (Fridman, 2004).Furthermore, it is important to mention that about
99.99 per cent of matter is in the plasma state. By natural extension therefore, the Earth is said to
float in plasma (Puerta & Matin, 1999)


3.2.2 Plasma Sparks vs. Plasma Welding

Even though mostly confused and thought of as being the same, there is a considerable difference
between plasma sparks and plasma welding. Plasma welding is a common process employed in
diverse fields and industries. This process of plasma welding, like seen in previous text, is based
upon the application of high temperature to supply sufficient heat energy to a material to be
removed by its melting point. Contrarily, plasma sparks employ the use of pulses created from an
electrical source to create a continuous stream of plasma within or on the surface of the body of
material. Each stream of plasma leads to the removal of the material. The material removal process
leads to the fragmenting and fracturing of the body of the material. In a general sense and
application, the amount of energy required to produce plasma sparks is only a fraction of what is
required in the case of plasma welding. Zaptec’s plasma technology unit is based on plasma sparks
or plasma channel drilling for their drilling technology.

3.2.3 Plasma Application – Drilling/Breaking solid matter

Drilling tools are generally driven into the earth by any of the following processes such as fusion,
vaporization, mechanically-induced stress, and chemical reactions. Zaptec’s technology would
employ a different approach, which is plasma spark. Their technology has many advantages and
their goal is to use it to drill on Mars and microgravity environments. This technique (plasma
spark) can also be categorized under mechanically-induced stress mechanism (Carley-Macauly,
Hitchon, & Maroudas, 1966) and (Vorobiev, 1966). Zaptec’s method is based on high voltage
pulses with microsecond duration and two electrodes which are close or in contact with the rock
(Maurer, 1968). Plasma drills induce fracture and fragmentation by using two different ways.
These are;

(1) Excited sonic impulse/pressure wave which breaks the rock surface.

(2) A plasma channel that vaporizes a significantly small part of the rock which expands and breaks
the rock (Yutkin, 1955).


Figure 29: Plasma channel effects on rock (Zaptec Internal, 2015)

3.3.4 Plasma Channel Drilling Technology

Plasma channel drilling is a process of fragmenting a rock in an efficient manner using a source of
electricity. To do this, a solid body by the formation of an electrically conductive gas-plasma-filled
breaks down by making a channel in or on the solid body.

The physical properties of the solid body dictate the electrical resistance of this plasma-filled
breakdown-channel. The electrical resistance of the plasma-filled breakdown-channel also
depends on the nature of the discharge circuit of the pulsed generator and the electrode assembly
(Yutkin, 1955). Following the breakdown of the material from electrical sources, it is possible to
expand the discharge channel during the first hundreds of nanoseconds by increasing the diameter
of the discharge channel from several micrometers to several hundred micrometers. This helps to
accommodate the high stream of current emanating from the driving circuit.

The expansion of the discharge channel as seen previously influences the processes of fragmenting
and fracturing of the described material.


The plasma channel, which is generally elongated, is formed many times per second with different
radial orientations. This process helps in removing the need of heating the rock formation or body
of material to reach its melting point or to focus a shockwave onto the surface of the formation or
body of material or to have a rotary drill bit. The time that plasma channel takes to deplete to a
sufficient level before the creation of the next plasma channel, limits the effectiveness of the pulse
repetition rate in removal of material. So, high voltage pulses will be produced by pulse generator
which has a current waveform close to that of the critically damped response of the circuit created
when the plasma channel is produced. It is important to consider that an increase in the pulse
repetition rate of the high voltage (HV) generator is not always a parameter to increase drilling
rate of the plasma channel drilling device (Cole, 1948). The specific energy represents the drilling
efficiency, and is a function of many variables such as: strength of the formation, drill bit design,
drilling parameters, bottom hole cleaning, type of drilling and atmospheric pressure.

Table 4 Energy consumption of different drilling methods (Usov & Tsukerman, 2006)

Method 3
Specific Energy (J/cm )

Rotary Drilling 600-950

Percussion Drilling 200-650

Percussion-Rotary Drilling 400-800

Electro Thermal Drilling 5.000

Electro Hydraulic Drilling 400-500

Electric Discharge Machining ~10.000

Plasma Channel Drilling 100-200

To successfully achieve plasma channel drilling, high voltage is applied to electrodes which are
situated on the surface of the rock. The said high voltage could be either of a negative or positive
polarity. During the growth of the streamer, there is an exponential decay of the voltage which
passes through the electrode. To achieve maximum energy required for useful fragmentation, the
length of time used in this stage of the breakdown of the spark needs to be minimized.


When the streamer bridges the gap between the inter-electrodes and thereby closes the electrical
circuit, the accumulated electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor bank of the pulse power supply
is released into the breakdown channel. Extremely rapid expansion of the plasma column and
generation of a pressure pulse will be achieved by Joule heating of the plasma formed in the
breakdown channel. Plasma has a really short life time (about microseconds) that will let the very
high power turn to breakdown channel. The spark discharge generates a peak power which is
typically hundreds of mega watt (MW). The high powers allow the pressures of several giga Pascal
(GPa) to be developed in the breakdown channel. The compressive and tensile strengths of rock
which are in the range of tens to hundreds of mega Pascal (MPa) so these pressures go beyond it
and therefore cause the surrounding rock to fracture and fragment (Skvortsov, Komelkov, &
Kuznetsov, 1960)

3.4 Technology concept and experiment

3.4.1 Plasma descaling tool
The concept for removing scale using a more efficient approach is by the use of plasma-based
technology. Theoretically, this new method for the removal of scale deposition in well tubing leads
to less harm on the tubing as well as eliminates the demand of supplying a weight-on-bit when
compared to current milling technology. By eliminating the requirement for a weight-on-bit, a
much smaller tool dimension is achieved. This helps in achieving less weight of the tool and reach
deeper length without any connection to tractors which could be expensive to operate.

Current milling technology especially for removing the harder types of scale like BaSO4, either by
using wireline or coiled tubing milling tool requires the use of a bit size of the tubing. That will
lead to a stop in production and more likely scratch the internal parts of the tubing. This scratching
phenomenon could make the tubing prone to corrosion which could lead to equipment failure in
the life of the well. With the plasma tool concept, the size of the bit or the tool size will be smaller
than the tubing since the lightning will stretch out from the tool head through the scale and the
plasma channel will create a pressure difference inside the scale that breaks the scale into smaller


Since a smaller diameter tool is used in the plasma technology as compared to the tubing,
hydrocarbons can continuously be produced when the cleaning process is ongoing. This
continuous production during cleaning aids in the achievement of a better cleaning process as well
as to transport the scale-cuttings up to the surface. The concept tool will also be a very good
solution for removing scale from subsea-well (by running a light well intervention (LWI)) since it
is only connected to a wireline cable. Indeed, a certain amount of weight is needed in the bit to
lower the tool into the well. This weight requirement depends on the Shut-In Wellhead Pressure
(SIWHP), cable diameter, friction in the stuffing box and buoyancy.

Another advantage of using plasma technology is that a much better cleaning process is achieved
in narrowed sections like side pocket mandrel (SPM) which is difficult with mechanical milling

3.4.2 Electronics
The main parts to create a plasma descaling tool are based on the electronics from the Norwegian
technology company, Zaptec, located in Stavanger. They have developed and patented a
transformer that is super-compact and super-efficient and outperforms transformers up to 10 times
its weight and volume. In other words, this means that one can, with low voltage and current,
through a wireline cable, get a much higher voltage after it has passed the transformer. With the
use of such a small and powerful electronic instrument, it will be possible to reduce the space and
create a tool that fits into even the smallest production tubing. The transformer has a temperature
capacity of up to 154 °C, which is relatively high and can be used in many wells on the Norwegian
Continental Shelf (NCS), especially if the tool is used for removing scale from the upper part of a
well where the temperature is lower than the reservoir temperature (Zaptec internal, 2015).


Figure 30: The Transformer from Zaptec (Zaptec internal, 2015).

The transformer alone will not create the electric sparks. With a range of other electronic
components connected with the transformer, it will be able to create small lightning/sparks. The
energy and length of sparks is determined by the number of capacitors and the liquid resistance
around the spark head. These sparks will then go through the scale and theoretically cause their
break up and loosen up from the production tubing. A schematic drawing of electronics is shown

Power  Supply   Transformer   Capacitor   Electrode    

Figure  31:  A  simple  schematic  of  the  simulation  circuit. Capacitor

The capacitor is one of the main component where the electrical energy is stored. It consists of
least of two parallel conductive plates, commonly a metal. The two plates are separated with an
insulating material between the plates, called the “dielectric”. When charging a capacitor by
applying voltage, a current flow adds positive charges to one of the plates while the second plate
will become negatively charged. As results, the potential difference between the plates increases.
The applied voltage (V) is proportional to the stored electrical charge (Q), for a given capacitance
(C) (Electronics Tutorials, 2016).


The transformer from Zaptec has the ability to increase the voltage by 10 times (Zaptec internal,
2015) and thus the capacitors charging process is accelerated. When a high voltage capacitor is
discharged across the assembled electrode the dissipated energy result is a high temperature and
high-pressure plasma sparks for a few microseconds (Zaptec internal, 2015).

𝑄 = 𝐶×𝑉 (14)

The power and the rate of the sparks depends of the number capacitors. Therefore, the length of
the tool is determined by the number of capacitors.

Figure 32: An example of locations for the various components


3.5 Plasma descaling tool

3.5.1 Introduction

Figure 33: The plasma descaling concept, WL-tool with stabilizer

caliper (A) and arms (B). Designed by the author of this thesis.

The idea behind the concept is to create a WL tool that can remove scale with a higher rate of
penetration (ROP), in a more profitable manner without causing damage to the production tubing.
The WL tool will also be able to enter a live subsea well with a riser less well intervention (RLWI)
operation. As previously mentioned, without the requirement of weight-on-bit, the tool can be run
without any connection to tractor motor removing scale from the upper section. Of course, further
down into the well (due to friction between the cable and the tubing wall) and in addition
operations in horizontal wells, the tool must have the ability to connect to a tractor motor.


Zaptec’s electrical components have an advantage as they are small and compact. This helps to
design a tool that can fit into any size of a production tubing, and go into a live well. By controlling
the voltage, it is possible to determine the length and energy of each spark. This will provide an
opportunity to clean areas like SPM and around the down hole safety valve with the same tool size.
The tool must also have a metal shell so that the electrical components are protected from the high
pressure and temperature environment.

Figure 34: Stabilisator arms and caliper. Designed by the author of this

In addition to the electrical components, its also necessary with some mechanical components,
such as stabilisator arms and caliper. The stabilisator arms will centralize the tool and also make
it move smoother into the well without any scratches on the tool wall or tubing wall. This in turn
will increase the surface area of the tool, therefore more force is needed to get the tool further in a
live well. In this case, the stabilisator arms design and the flow rate are important when operating
in a live well. The preferred design to get less flow resistance is v-shaped arms.


The caliper tool measures the diameter of a tubing. It is often used for detecting well bore damage
as well as tubing damage. In this concept, this tool will help to confirm the clean-up process. The
reason why the caliper device is upside down (Figure 34) is because it will be activated after the
cleaning process when the tool is pulled out of the well.

3.5.2 Dimensions
The optimal weight and dimension of the tool are dependent on several parameters. First of all, the
electronic components need to be tested to see how much power is needed for the removal of
diverse types of scale and different thicknesses. On the other hand, the effect and the number of
sparks per unit time is dependent on the number of capacitors. Incase of higher power demands
due to condition of the scale, an increased number of capacitors will result in a bigger tool.

The length of the tool also has a limitation because of the lubricator section which is around 22 m
to 24 m (Juel, 2009). As discussed in class normal diameter used for production tubing in NCS is
41/2”, 51/2” and 7”.

The weight for entering the well, as mentioned earlier, depends on SIWHP, cable diameter, friction
in the stuffing box and buoyancy.

The pressure from the tool for entering the well is shown below (if we neglect friction in the
stuffing box and buoyancy):

𝑃= (15)


P: Pressure, this need to be greater than the SIWHP for entering the well [Pa]

F: Wight for entering the tool [N]

A: Diameter of the WL cable [m2]


3.5.3 The Zapper head

The zapper head is the specialized name of the head of the tool where
the electrodes are located. This is where the high voltage sparks leave
the head of the tool and enter into the scale. The presence of a return
electrode is required in order to create sparks. If there is no return
electrode, there will be a short circuit inside the capacitor package. The
concept here is to use the tubing as the return electrode. This will force
the sparks through the layer of scale and into the tubing. Theoretically
this is the easiest way to go for the sparks (a thumb rule for electricity
sparks is that the sparks will always try to find the path with least
resistance). Further study in a real well is needed to confirm this, due to
the fact its hard to recreate real life scenario in the laboratory.

Figure 35: Animation of

the concept. Designed by
3.5.3 Operation steps for WL tool entering a live subsea well: the author of this thesis.

The sequence of operation for a live well is located subsea. An Island

Frontier vessel is used. It includes a lubricator without high-pressure riser that is tied back to the

Figure 36: The RLWI vessel Island Frontier. (Juel,2009)


1.   The Lower Intervention Package (LIP) is the first

element which includes the main barrier elements
which consists of a shear seal ram and two barrier
valves, and a subsea connector.
2.   The lower lubricator package (LLP) is the second
main element. This consists of the workover control
module that controls the functions in the subsea
lubricator system, and the subsea grease system.
3.   The Upper Lubricator Package (ULP) is the third
element and includes a cutting ball valve and the
lubricator tubular.
4.   The pressure control head (PCH) is the fourth
element and consists of the emergency packing
elements and wireline flow tubes.
5.   The deployment of the PCH and wireline bottom Figure 37: Subsea lubricator system.
hole assembly in open sea results in each wireline (Juel, 2009)

run. The PCH is locked onto the ULP and the BHA
is lowered into the lubricator

The control function of the stack and the grease system located subsea are employed through a
long umbilical that is about 900 m in length. This umbilical is connected to the workover control
system container located on the vessel. During the process of lubrication of the wireline BHA,
there is a flushing mechanism of all hydrocarbons into the wellbore. The main umbilical and the
wireline cable serve as the only connection to the vessel. The deployment of tool strings up to a
length of 22 m is facilitated by the availability of a lubricator (Juel, 2009).


Operation sequences after the tool has entered the well:

1.   Entering a live well: The tool is lowered to the target where the scale is precipitated
(Figure 38 A).
2.   The tool reaches the target: Data on the depth of the target is given by the operator
(Figure 38 B).
3.   Activation of the stabilisator arms: If there are uncontrolled movements of the tool, the
stabilisator arms are activated further up (Figure 38 C).

Figure 38 A Figure 38 B Figure 38 C


4.   The cleaning process begins: The scale is zapped, and the cuttings are transported up along
the produced hydrocarbons (Figure 38 D).
5.   The cleaning process is completed: The caliper is activated (Figure 38 E).
6.   Pulling up the tool: The cleaning process is confirmed by the caliper (Figure 38 F).

Figure 38 D Figure 38 E Figure 38 F

3.6 Experiments carried out

The purpose of this master thesis is to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the descaling
tool in pipe/tubing, with respect to how the cleaning process affects steel pipe and what is the
optimal spark effect.

The theory is based on Zaptec’s technology. Their technology is currently being researched for
drilling on Mars and microgravity environments. The concept differs from Zaptec’s as this is to
remove scale precipitations; thus, the environments of operation differ totally.


3.6.1 Design of the Tool

To better understand the concept technology and due to lack of existing plasma based WL tool in
oil and gas industry, a new tool had to be designed from scratch. The concept design was based on
Zaptec’s drilling technology and current wireline technology. As a result of poor knowledge in
design and animation software, design engineer Oleiv Høyland assisted. The software that were
used: Autodesk Inventor Pro, Autodesk 3Ds max and Adobe After Effects.

The dimensions on the figures below are not representative and can not be considered as final
dimension for the tool.

Figure 39: The design concept of plasma descaling tool

with caliper (A) and stabilizer arms (B). The dimensions
on the figure is not representative (Designed by the
author of this thesis)


3.7 Preperation of the lab tests

The concept was tested experimentally in Zaptec’s laboratory. The experiments had to be designed
in such a manner that it replicates the real life conditions inside a well yet feasible with the limited
resources currently available at the laboratory. The high pressure and high temperature inside a
hydrocarbon producing well are the most challenging conditions to replicate.

3.7.1 Scale precipitation in tubing

It is commonly know in the industry that BaSO4 is the hardest kind of scale and most difficult type
of scale to remove is BaSO4 (Mike Crabtree, 1999). The ideal time, pressures and temperature
conditions for precipitating BaSO4 in lab is also unsure. It is necessary to have the right equipment,
such as a chamber that can withstand high pressure and temperature for a longer time. Furthermore,
we were in touch with an engineer from ConocoPhillips to acquire a test tube, which contained
BaSO4, but due to the radioactive nature of content it was not safe to handle with our resources.
Due to time limitations, the uncertainties around creating BaSO4 in the lab, we chose to use cement
as an analogous material to BaSO4.

3.7.2 Tubing Size and Length

To perform the tests most realistically, we used old production tubings from the oil industry. We
chose four different tubing sizes for the preparation of the first tests.

Table 5 The different tubing dimensions used in the experiment.

No. Inner diameter [cm] Length [cm]

1 13,6 cm 23,0 cm

2 10,2 cm 20,0 cm

3 12,5 cm 20,0 cm

4 12,5 cm 22,0 cm


Processing of the tubs

The practical length of the
tubing was set to around 20,0
cm long. The cutting process
was done using a metal saw,
ARG 400 Plus S.A.F,
accessible at the mechanical
engineering department at the
University of Stavanger.

Figure 40: The metal saw, ARG 400 PLUS S.A.F

After all the various sizes of the tubings were cut to the desired length, a hole was drilled into the
tube for a screw. This was done to secure the grounding wire. In addition, the surrounding area of
the tube was scratched to remove the surface coating of the tubing so the grounding wire would
have better contact with the metal tube. Figure 41 and 42.

Figure 41: Create the screw Figure 42: Scraped around the screw hole to get
better connect between the wire and screws.


3.7.3 Cement mixing

As mentioned earlier, cement was used an analogous material as a
replacement for scale. The cement was mixed by Hobart N50 5-Quart
Mixer for 23 minutes (Figure 43) and dried for three days. The mixing ratio
used was according to the industry standard 792 g of cement was combined
with 349 g of water (Nelson & Guillot, 2006). At this ratio the water would
fill all the pores in the cement. This combination yields a cement volume
of 1,57 l.
Figure 43: Hobart N50
The equation used to find the volume was: 5-Quart Mixer

𝐴   𝑑𝑚) =   ∗ 𝐷)  [𝑑𝑚) ] (16)

𝑉  [𝑑𝑚V ] = 𝐴   𝑑𝑚) ∗  𝐿  [𝑑𝑚] (17)


V: Volume [dm3] (1 dm3 = 1 l)

A: Area [dm2]

D = Diameter of the tube [dm]

L = length of the tube [dm]


Calculating the volume of cement needed for tube no. 4:

-   Inner diameter of the tube: 1,22 dm

-   Outer diameter of the metal tube: 0,87 dm
-   Length of the tubing: 2,2 dm

Volume of cement needed:

𝐴   =   ∗   1,22) − 0,87)  [𝑑𝑚 ) ]

𝑉  [𝑑𝑚 V ] =  0,5745   𝑑𝑚 ) ∗  2,2  [𝑑𝑚]

𝑉 = 1,26  [𝑑𝑚 V ]      

In other words the ratio mentioned previously would yield enough cement.

We started off by determining the volume needed to fill the

different tubes. Two of the tubes (no. 1 and no. 2) were
completely filled with no conduit passing through. Tube
number 2 was filled cement as well as barite. The barite to
cement ratio used was 50/50 with small quantities of water
added. This was done to strengthen the cement and get
properties that reflect barium sulfate. The last two tubes (no.
3 and no. 4) were filled with cement and had a conduit
through them with a cement thickness of 2,5 cm and 1,8 cm Figure 44: Tube number four with a
metal tube inside for creating the desired
respectively. The cement thickness was made by using a cement thickness.
closed-ended metal tube, positioned centrally. The metal
tube was lubricated with grease, in order to remove it easier when the cement was dry.


Figure 45 shows the different tubes filled with cement.

Figure 45: A Tube number 1 Figure 45: B Tube number 2

filled completely with cement filled completely with cement.
and barite mix.

Figure 45: C Tube number 3 Figure 45: D Tube number 4

with 2,5 cm cement thickness. with 1,8 cm cement thickness.

Table 6 Summary of the different tubing sizes and cement height for experiment phase 1.

Nr Inner diameter [cm] Length [cm] Height of Cement [cm]

1 13,6 cm 23,0 cm 18,3 cm

2 10,2 cm 20,0 cm 15,5 cm

3 12,5 cm 20,0 cm 14,2 cm

4 12,5 cm 22,0 cm 15,0 cm


3.7.4 Test rig setup

A test rig was built to perform the tests. The figure below (Figure 47) shows the setup made by a
combination of wood and metal holders for holding the tube in the right position. It was also taken
into account incase the zapping caused movement of the tube. The whole platform then placed
inside a container to hold excess water.

Figure 46: Plastic container for putting the test rig setup Figure 47: The test rig setup for holding
inside and holding the water in place. the tubing in position during the

The final rig setup is illustrated below, figure 48;

B   A  


F   DC  Power  


Figure 48: Final setup for the rig.


Description of Figure 48:

A: Power supply: Can deliver up to 35 000 V. This power supplier is only used for tests in the
laboratory. According to Zaptec, their electronic device can deliver up to 200 000 V.

B: High voltage cable.

C: Metal rode made out of stainless steel with a grade of 316 is used (Figure 65 B). Isolated with
electrical tape to the tip of the metal rode. This will prevent the sparks from returning back to the
electrode itself.

D. Plastic container for holding the water during the experiments.

E. Metal tube with cement inside.

F. Return electrode connected the metal tube with bolts.

3.8 The lab tests

To obtain most accurate results we preformed six tests in the lab in the first phase. Based on the
results obtained from the first phase, we made some adjustment to the experiment and carried out
another four tests in the second phase of the project. The description, pictures, results and
comments to all the test are described below.

3.8.1 Phase 1
In the first phase, the experimental setup was based on theoretical knowledge. An electrode with
power output of 35 kV was used in all the tests.

Setup 1

Description: Test tubing no. 2 was used. It had a conduit with an inner diameter equal to 10,2 cm
and the tubing was filled with cement and it had a distance of 5,5 cm from the tubing top. Fresh
water was used to get the effect of shock wave created by the plasma channel. The electrode was
centralized in the tubing, attached to the cement top. The plastic container was filled 1/6 with


Figure 49: Test upset 1. The electrode rode was centralized in

the tubing, attached to the cement top. Fresh water was added.

Result: One spark was fired and the plasma channel went directly to the wall of the tubing. Neither
the plasma spark nor the shock wave had any affect on the cement.

Comment: Nothing happened to the

cement and this can be explained by the fact
that sparks tends to follow the least resistant
path, and in this case it was straight to the
metal cylinder wall through the water. The
whole process was over in some
microseconds; hence it was only possible to
see a flash with the naked eye. However, we
managed to film the process and replayed it
in slow motion. This allowed us to observe
what actually took place. We also noticed a
shock wave in the water due to movement Figure  50:  Test results 1: Neither the plasma channel nor
the shock wave had any effect on the cement.
of the water. However, this didn’t have any
effect on the cement.


Setup 2

Description: The same tubing as in setup no. 1

was used with fresh water as dielectric liquid.
Here the electrode was positioned 1 cm away
from the tubing wall and attached to the cement
top. We wanted to see if the sparks channel would
damage the cement if the electrode was placed
closer to the tubing wall. The plastic container
was filled 1/6 with water.

Figure 51: The electrode is positioned 1,0 cm

away from the tubing wall. Fresh water is added.

Result: In total 14 sparks where fired over a period of 47 seconds. The plasma channel went
directly to the wall of the tubing. Neither the plasma nor the shock wave had any significant affect
on the cement.

Comment: Nothing happened to the cement.

We observed that the water got slightly
cloudy and contained small dust particles of
cement. This is probably a thin layer from the
cement surface that detached due to the

Figure 52: Test result 2: Here we see one of the

sparks and electrolysis of water. The plasma channel
didn't have any effect on the cement.


Setup 3

Description: The same tubing as in setup 1 was used, but here we used salt water with a ppm of
36 000 (500 ml water w/18 g NaCl) instead of fresh water. The electrode rode was centralized in
the tubing and attached to the cement top. In this setup we wanted to look the effects of increasing
the conductivity.

Figure 53: Test setup 3: The electrode was

centralized in the tubing, attached to the
cement top. Salt water was used.

Result: The plasma channel went directly to the wall of the tubing. Again we observed that neither
the plasma nor the shock waves had any significant affect on the cement.

Comment: Increasing the conductivity didn’t have any effect on the direction of the sparks.


Setup 4

Description: In this setup tubing no. 4 was

used with inner diameter equal to 12,5 cm
and the tubing was filled with cement until a
distance of 5,5 cm below the tubing top.
Fresh water was used to get the effect of
shock wave. The electrode was positioned
into the cement wall, with a depth of 4,5 cm
below the cement top. This position was
chosen because we wanted to create a greater
distance to the metal wall at the top of the
tubing, such that easiest way for the sparks
will be through the cement. The plastic Figure 54: Test upset no. 4: The electrode rode was
positioned into the cement wall, with a depth of 4,5 cm
container was filled 4/6 with water. from the cement top. Fresh water was used.

Result: A total of 7 sparks were fired whereas

only one of them was charged with 35 kV. The
rest was ignited due to low resistance. The plasma
channel together with the shock wave did some
damage to the cement. Figure 55 shows the
damaged zone with a crater-diameter of 2,40 cm.
We observed that from the centre of the crater
there is a vertical crack going all the way to the
top and bottom of the cement. (Figure 56 and
Figure 57).

Figure 55: Test result no. 4: Damage to cement due

to the sparks and shock wave. The diameter of the
damaged zone is 2,40 cm.


Figure 56: Test result no. 4: The crack has Figure 57: Test result no. 4: The crack has propagated
propagated down to the bottom of the tube. up to the top of the cement. The picture is taken from
The picture is taken from bottom of the tube. above of the tube.

Comment: In this test we observed that the sparks, together with the shock wave did some damage.
We believe the cause of this was the distance between the electrode and the metal tubing. This
resulted in the spark penetrating the cement instead of directly entering the tubing, as that was the
path of least resistance. In addition, the energy stored in the initial phase of the spark was
consternated into the cement (Timoshkin, Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004). We preformed three
more tests with the same setup, but didn’t get any desired result such as in setup 4. We observed
that the resistance was too low due to the crater opening and the crack. The sparks disappeared
before they managed to cause pressure difference to make further damage.


Setup 5

Description: After many attempts with setup 4, we chose to drain the water to increase the
resistance. The same tubing was used as in setup 4 with the same position and depth of electrode.

Figure 58: Setup 5: The electrode was

positioned into the cement wall, with a depth of
4,5 cm from the cement top. No water was used.

Result: One spark where fired with 35 kV. The

spark went to the top of the tubing and had no
impact on the cement, Figure 59.

Comment: We observed that the resistance was too

low and the easiest path for the spark through the air
was directly to the metal tubing.

Figure 59: Test result no. 5: The sparks went to

the top of the tubing as shown in the picture.


Setup 6

Description: The same tubing as in setup 5 was used

with no water added. To increase the resistance, we
lowered the electrode further down, 2,0 cm away
from the bottom of the tube and we also placed a
rubber mat under the tube. The setup is illustrated in
the Figure 60. To observe the behaviour, we fired
only one spark with 35 kV.

Result: From observing of the recorded film clip, its

visible that a spark was ignited, moved to the top of
the cement and was reflected into smaller sparks and
Figure 60: Setup 6: The electrode was
was again reflected by the cement wall on the
positioned in contact with the cement wall,
opposite sides of the electrode (Figure 61 A and B). with a distance 2,00 cm away from the cement
bottom. A plastic rubber mat was placed under
This spark was highly energized and did some the tube to increase the resistance. No water
was added.
damage to the top of the cement (Figure 62).

Figure 61 A: The spark was reflected from

the top of the cement divided into two Figure 61 B: The spark goes towards the
separate sparks.   cement top and causes some damage.


Comment: Controlling the direction of the sparks are proving to be a challenge, however when it did move
in the desired direction its potential and power was evident.

Figure 62: The damaged caused by the reflected spark.

Adjustment of phase one:

As a consequence of weak result from phase one, the experiments was not performed on tubing
no. 1 and 3. This was due to the similar cement composition, thicker cement wall and identical
setup for the tubes no. 2. and 4.

3.8.2 Phase 2
Based on the experiments and results from phase one, we did some adjustments as we saw that the
sparks always came to the top of the cement (the path of least of resistance). The top of the
electrode was isolated in a better way so that the lightning does not go the cement top. The pipe
size was also reduced to concentrate the sparks and reduce the distance from electrode head to
cement wall. All the tests in phase two were preformed with a 35 kV power supply.


Isolation: Plastic is a good isolation material, so a plastic bottle was used with a tape around the
bottle and isolation foam inside of the bottle (to fill the void) to improve the isolate further.

We made two types of isolation with two purposes. One of them was mainly made to prevent the
lightning from jumping up to the surface of the tubing (Figure 63 A). The other was made in order
to prevent the sparks from jumping up to surface and control the direction of the sparks (Figure 63
B). Both isolators (A and B) were designed to fit into the different tubes (no.1 and 2- phase two)
with the specific cement thicknesses.

Figure 63 A: Isolater A, a funnel head Figure 63 B: Isolater B, to prevent sparks jumping upwards
from “Bilteam” was used to isolate and to the surface and controlling the directions of the sparks by
prevent the sparks jumping to the an opening in the isolation wall. A bottle was used, filled
surface in the smaller sized tube. with isolation foam and surrounded with tape.


Tubings: In this phase two different tubing sizes were used. The small sized tube was filled with
cement with an empty inner core throughout the whole tubing to create a conduit. While the other
one was close-ended with cement.

Table  7  Shows  the  inner  diameter,  the  length  and  the  cement  thickness  of  the  new  tubes  for  experiment  phase  two.  

No. Inner diameter [cm] Length [cm] Cement thickness [cm]

1. 5,1 cm 56,0 cm 2,0 cm
2. 10,2 cm 36,0 cm 0,6 cm

Figure 64 A: Tubing no. 1 with inner Figure 64 B: Tubing no. 2 with an inner diameter
diameter of 5,1 cm and a cement thickness of of 10,2 cm and a cement thickness of 2,0 cm. Closed
2,0 cm. Open ended. ended with cement.



A new electrode with a sharp tip was used due to the small diameter of tubing no. 1. The sparks
will always be ignited in the sharpest edge. The electrode was again isolated with electrical tape
similarly to the electrode used in phase one. The previous electrode was made out of stainless steel
with a grade of 316. The new one was a normal metal rode with unsure metal properties.

Figure 65: A The new Figure 65 B: The electrode used during experiment phase one
electrode used in experiments
setup, phase two.


Setup 1

Description: For this setup tubing no. 2 was used without

water and with isolation B (Figure 63 B). Only one spark
was ignited to observe its behaviour. The electrode was
lowered 9,5 cm below the cement top.

Result: The isolation was a success and the spark created

a small crater with a crack going all the way to the top of
the cement. The spark was ignited at the opening area in
the isolation as it was made for.

Figure 67: Setup 1, phase 2. Tubing no. 2

with isolation B.

Figure  66:  Test  result  from  setup  1.  The  spark  created  
a  crater  and  fractured  the  cement  all  the  way  to  the  

Comment: The damage zone was small in diameter and the bonding between the cement and
tubing wall was still strong.


Setup 2
Description: Same setup, tubing and isolation to that of setup no. 1 in phase two were used. We
added water to get the effect of the shock waves. The direction of the opening in the isolation was
positioned so that the sparks would be ignited in the opposite side of test tube. Isolation A was
also used to get a better isolation in the part above the isolation B (Figure 63 B).

Figure 68: Setup 2. Tubing no. 2 with isolation A and B. Water was
added to the top of cement.

Result: The spark was again able to create a crater with a vertical fracture along the conduit.

Comment: The sparks and the shock wave had small

impact on the cement and tubing.

Figure 69: Test result from setup 2.

Minor damage to the cement and
fractured to the top of cement.


Setup 3
Description: A different setup was used. The
electrode and the return-electrode were both
placed inside the water filled tubing no. 2. The
distance between them was 8 cm. The tip of the
high voltage electrode was placed 2,0 cm above
the cement bottom.

Result: Four sparks were fired with five seconds

intervals. The tube was leaking after the
experiment. All the sparks were fired with 35 kV
however only two of them were observed to have
a significant impact on the cement.

Comment: The tube was closed-end with

cement. After the experiment the sparks created
Figure  70:  Setup  3.  High  voltage  electrode  and  
micro channels on the bottom, which was return  electrode  with  a  distance  of  8,0  cm,  placed  
inside  the  tube  with  fresh  water.    
difficult to see with the naked eye.

Figure  71:  Test  result  from  setup  3.  The  sparks  

created  micro  channels  on  the  bottom  of  the  
tube  and  led  to  leakage.    


Setup 4
Description: The aluminium tube no. 1 was used in this experiment with isolation A. The isolation
covered the electrode so that only the head was visible. As in the other experiments (except setup
3, phase 2) the return electrode was connected to the tube from outside and no water was added.

Figure 72: Setup 4. Aluminum Tube

no. 1 was used with isolation A.
Return electrode connected outside
the tube and no water was added.      

Result: One spark was fired and damaged the cement. It created a cone shape crater, however the
cement did not separate from the metal tubing wall, Figure 73 (Experiment no. 1). Next we fired
two more sparks, but lowered the electrode further down. Again it did damage to the cement,
Figure 73 (Experiment no. 2).

Comment: All sparks from both experiment one and two did damage to the cement. The direction
of the fragmentation zone was the same at both heights, suggesting that the damage was
concentrated in the zone closest to the discharged electrode. Understanding the reasoning behind
the choice of direction is recognised as a challenge. The cement thickness is the same for both


Figure 73: Test result from setup 4. To sparks from to different height was ignited and
created two different shaped crater. Experiment no. 1 is shaped as a cone and experiment
no. 2, two small elongated cone shaped.


4 Discussion and Analysis

In chapter four the concept's technological reliability and the results gained from the experiments
will be discussed. Furthermore, the different methods of performing the tests will be examined.
The aim of these is to determine if the experimental setup was designed in a way that qualifies the
results for drawing a conclusion on the feasibility of using the plasma technology for removal of
scale precipitation on production tubing.

Due to radioactive content in BaSO4, industrial cement was used as an analogue material. Scale,
like BaSO4 and cement, has different material properties such as its pore space volume, physical
and chemical composition and structure. Because of the different chemical compounds, the
material may have different conductivity, and the sparks may also change behavior. The chemical
bonding, different hardness and the pore space volume of BaSO4 may also have a great impact on
how the material brakes, size of the fragments and how the material will yield from the tubing
wall. These differences between BaSO4 and cement, will mean that the conducted cement tests in
this thesis may not be reliable for evaluation of the plasma based descaling method for BaSO4

In phase one, we observed that the experimental setup satisfied our requirement of an external
return of the high voltage pulse. The production tubing functioned as an effective return electrode.
Otherwise, we would have had a short circuit inside the power supply. Even though we had a return
of the sparks, we faced a difficult challenge to control the direction of the electric sparks. Most of
the time the sparks went through the water, directly to the tubing wall and disappeared through the
return electrode. Since the sparks went directly to the tubing it didn’t have any effect on the cement.
We used water as the dielectric liquid to force the sparks through cement to create permittivity
differences between the water (εwater = 80 and εconcrete = 4,44-7,22) and the solid phase, which is
cement in this thesis. Timoshkin I. V., et al (2004) indicated that the electrical field will then be
forced out of the medium of higher permittivity (water) and concentrated in the medium of lower
permittivity (cement). Water also has values of critical breakdown field greater than that of rock
for electrical pulses with a rate of rising fields of more than 70 kV/cm per s (Timoshkin,
Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004). Therefore, the rock fails electrically before the water.


This means that for high-voltage pulses with a risetime of about 0.5–0.8 s or less the breakdown
strength of water is greater than that of rocks such as sandstone, shale, or marble (Timoshkin,
Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004).

We assume that this is valid for cement as well and in our experiments, unfortunately we only had
access to a maximum voltage of 35 kV. There was also no available measurement equipment to
detect the risetime. Because of these errors we didn’t get data about the parameters discussed above
for the plasma channel.

If water is replaced by oil as the dielectric liquid, the same effect will be observed for pulses with
a longer risetime, i.e., lower rates of rising fields (Timoshkin, Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004).
This means it should be easier to form a plasma channel when operating in oil producing wells.

Water was also used to get the effect of the shock wave created by the sparks. If the sparks are
ignited in water they will be confined by the surrounding water. The surrounding water will confine
the plasma channel, giving a narrower channel and as a result higher pressure (105-106 psi)
(Maurer, 1968). As water is incompressible it will also give effective propagation of the pressure
pulse in the liquid. The pressure created is dependent on the length of the sparks, risetime and also
the energy emitted in the pulse (Timoshkin, Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004) and (Page, 1977).
From the experiments and observations from the video clips we saw that the shock wave was
concentrated around the sparks (plasma channel), but did not appear to have any effect on the
fragmentation process. There were variations in the observed pressure pulses. Sometimes strong
wavy surface water movement was observed, with water occasionally splashing out of the tube
after the zapping, suggesting formed pressure pulses in the water. Other times after sparking only
weak movement in the surface water was observed, suggesting weak pressure pulses. This could
be due to low energy in the sparks, as a result of low resistance in the tubing and uncontrolled early
ignition of low energy sparks. The tubing was also open-ended and if the sparks had low
risetime/energy, the shock wave would have time to dissipate. Lastly, we observed the same type
of damage in experiments in water and in air, suggesting that the pressure wave in water had little
impact on the observed fragmentation.


Based on observations from the experiments in phase one, another challenge with the plasma
sparks was also detected. Due to the low resistance in the damage zone from the first spark, the
next spark followed the same path as in spark number one. This minimized the damage zone, as
the sparks following spark one mostly bypassed the solid phase.

In test setup one in phase one where the electrode was placed at the top of cement, we observed
after several sparks that the water contained some cement fragments. These fragments resulted in
a higher particle content of the water, making it easier for the sparks to be conducted through the
water. To prevent the low resistance due to these cement fragments, the experimental setup would
require a flow loop for the dielectric liquid. However, in a live production well the effect of these
“scale” fragments should not be important.

Taking into account the challenges from experiment phase number one, some corrections were
made. Two different types of isolator were made to prevent the sparks jumping up to the surface
of the tubing by covering the area above the electrode head. In addition, isolator B (Figure 63 B)
was also designed with 2 cm opening along the side of the bottle to control the direction of the
sparks. Isolator B worked as desired, both controlling the direction of the sparks, and preventing
the sparks from jumping up to the surface. However, small damage was made to the cement. One
of the reason could be the large distance from electrode head to the cement surface. The pressure
difference created by the sparks is concentrated towards the beginning of the spark, as the voltage
across the electrode decays exponentially with spark length (Timoshkin, Mackersie, &
MacGregor, 2004), and the sparks would have low energy once it reaches the cement wall. This
problem could be solved by minimizing the duration time to the cement by positioning the
electrode in contact with the cement wall. In this way the energy could be maximized for crushing
the cement (Timoshkin, Mackersie, & MacGregor, 2004).


To test the implication of duration time, a second set of tests were conducted in setup four, phase
two (Figure 72 setup 4 phase 2). In these experiments we used a tube with smaller diameter and
an electrode in contact with the cement wall. We observed that the cement was successfully
fragmented, even without water in the pipe. Here the energy of the sparks was concentrated into
the cement, due to the short distance between electrode head and cement wall, with isolator A
(Figure 63 A) preventing the sparks from jumping to the surface of the pipe. In this experiment the
electrode was lowered further down and again we saw damage to the cement. The direction of the
fragmentation zone was the same at both heights, suggesting that the damage was concentrated in
the zone closest to the discharge electrode. Further examination with more sparks in the same
height showed no additional fragmentation. This was, as discussed above, due to the opening in
the damage zone such that the path with lowest resistance was through the already opened zone.
Since the technology is based on using high voltage, there could be a risk of damaging the down
hole electrical gauges. When operating nearby electrical equipment, the electrical sparks could
lead to short circuits or in worst case destroy the measurement sensors. Further investigation is
required to observe how far the high voltage current will propagate along the surface of the
production tubing before it dissipates. Other solutions could be, (1) to disable the connection to
the gauges so that there is no flow of electrical current, and (2) to have the return electrode as a
part of the WL descaling tool such that the high voltage will return throughout the wireline cable
instead of the production tubing.

There could also be some concern to the electrolysis effect we discovered in setup two, phase one.
Normally inside a well there is no oxygen, which means no fire could occur due to the spark alone.
However, in this case high voltage sparks could separate hydrogen and oxygen when water is
present. This could possibly lead to an explosion, potentially fracturing the tubing. Three different
thinkable outcomes are possible. (1) The pressure inside the well is large enough to prevent the
electrolysis process. (2) The effect of the sparks separates few molecules and the effect of the
reaction will be negligible. (3) The molecules are separated but do not react before they reach the
separator at the surface. This could have dangerous consequences, and in the worst case lead to an
explosion. However, from observations in experiment setup two, phase 1, the reactions between
hydrogen and oxygen appear to occur as soon as the compounds are formed, suggesting that
scenario (3) described above is unlikely.


5 Conclusion
This thesis has had a special focus on removing scale with plasma-based technology. Important
aspects of spark operations have been presented. The objective has been to look at Zaptec’s
plasma-based drilling technology and their patented electronics to prove whether it is possible to
create a better scale removal technique. Furthermore, to see if there are parts of the operation that
can be improved. This includes looking at the existing plasma based technology and the
experiments that were carried out.

Based on the experiments and knowledge gained, the following conclusions can be made:

•   The production tubing functioned as an effective return electrode under the experiment and
satisfied our requirements.
•   Test setup with the large diameter tubing was not so successful due to the great distance
between electrode and cement. It is necessary to have direct contact, higher voltage and
lower rise time. In addition, more than one electrode is needed.
•   Water was used as dielectric liquid and to get the effect of the shock wave created by the
sparks. However, this did not appear to have any effect on the fragmentation process with
this voltage and electrode.
•   Due to the low resistance in the damage zone from the first spark, the next spark followed
the same path as in spark number one. It could result in that the cleaning process will not
be 100 % efficient. It is necessary to have more detailed experiments and developed an
electrode that could remove the scale totally and in 360 degrees.
•   Two different types of isolators were made to prevent the sparks jumping up to the surface
of the tubing by covering the area above the electrode head. Both proved to be successful.
(the spark didn’t damage the cement because of the large distance)
•   In one of the experimental setups, a tube with smaller diameter and an electrode in contact
with the cement wall was used. It was observed that the cement was successfully
fragmented even without water in the pipe. This indicates that the setup with electrode head
distance and voltage available were too low for the tubing with greater diameter.
•   The concept design of the tool needs to redesign to get direct contact with the scale wall.
A recommendation of the new electrode head design is shown in the Figure 74.


The potential to use plasma sparks to fragmenting solid rock in laboratory is well known. This
could also have a potential to remove scale from production tubing. To achieve this, more detail
experiments need to be carried out with focus on the discussed parameters below.

Recommendation for the new electrode head design.

Based on the knowledge gained from the experiments in phase one and two it is necessary to
redesign the electrode shape, size and how the electrode should be in contact with the cement/scale.

The shape of the electrode is an important part to controlling the sparks into the desired direction.
The size and shape of the electrode will provide better contact between the electrode and scale. In
addition, it will improve the spreading of the sparks across the surface of the electrode head.

Two new improved design of an electrode head is shown in the Figure 74 and Figure 75. Both
designs consist of 12 arms and each arm is equipped with an electrode. The design to the left,
Figure 74, uses the tubing as the return electrode. While, Figure 75 illustrates a design of an
electrode head where every second arm functions as a return electrode (shown as arms with red
points). The arms have the ability to expand and retract in diameter in order to adjust them self to
the scale thickness. I believe this new design is more reliable than the initial suggested electrode
head design.

  Figure 74: New electro design. Figure 75: New electrode design. The arms with
Tubing used as the return electrode. red points, functions as the return electrode.


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