Arduino Based Smart Shopping Trolley With Add
Arduino Based Smart Shopping Trolley With Add
Arduino Based Smart Shopping Trolley With Add
Ch.Sathvika1, K.Tarun Kumar2, M.Hari Sai Keerthika3, S.Vijaya Ram Raju4
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Aditya Institute of Technology and Management, Tekkali - 532203
Day by day development of new technology and it creates a revolution in society. The
Internet of things is used to combine many devices and communicate with each other to do
a specific task. In this paper, we describe a smart system used in supermarkets or shopping
malls. Smart trolley with RFID is used to facilitate the users and to know the amount of the
purchased items in the trolley. The current system will scan and add the items using
microcontrollers. In the existing system, there is a chance of theft activity or if the product
does not scan properly and it creates a loss of data. To overcome the drawbacks we proposed
a smart trolley with RFID, Arduino Nano, Node MCU esp8266, GSM module which will
perform scanning, adding of items, removing of items and theft checking using a load cell
and also sends a notification to the mobile user.
Keywords— IOT, RFID, barcode scanning, inventory control and smart shopping carts
Literature Survey:
Mehul Nallamothu, Meghana Galipelli, Navyatha Jangam, Madhu Bala Myneni
are did the project on Smart shopping trolley with automated billing using arduino. The use
of an automated customer billing system is a cutting-edge initiative that has been introduced
in shopping malls. This concept involves the use of a shopping cart that contains a LCD
screen that displays the total number of products purchased. Access to the goods is also
granted via an RFID card. The goal of the project is to speed up the checkout process and
give customers more time. The LCD page displays specific details such as the name and
price of the product.
Sapana, Swapnali, Mohammad, A. D. Sonawane from Department of Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineering, JSPM’S RajarshiShahu College of Engeering, Pune
are did Shopping Trolley with Automated Billing Using Arduino. This project is cost
effective and friendly for the customers to avoid the billing by standing in the long queues
for a longer time. It can made customers can themselves scan the products with out any
help of manual billing. The total price of the products is displayed accordingly. It has
consist of RFID, Arduino Nano, Node MCU esp8266, GSM module and LCD screen.