Mechanical and Thermal Characterization of Coir/ Hemp/polyester Hybrid Composite For Lightweight Applications

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Mechanical and thermal characterization of coir/

hemp/polyester hybrid composite for lightweight

G. Suresh Kumar a, Athota Rathan b, Din Bandhu c,*,

B. Madhusudhan Reddy a, H. Raghavendra Rao a, Sujeeth Swami d,
Kuldeep K. Saxena e, Sayed M. Eldin f, Nittala Noel Anurag Prashanth g
Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh 518007,
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana 500043,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal
Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka 576104, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, Karnataka 560103, India
Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144001, India
Center of Research, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in Egypt New Cairo, 11835, Egypt
Department of Sciences, Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing, Kurnool, Andhra
Pradesh 518008, India

article info abstract

Article history: Individual applications of coir and hemp as reinforcement in composites have been
Received 17 June 2023 exhaustively studied; however, their hybridization must also be investigated. In this
Accepted 14 September 2023 context, this research investigates the utilization of coir and hemp fibers as reinforcements
Available online 19 September 2023 in a polyester-based hybrid composite system. The primary objective is to find out how
these reinforcements affect the hybrid composites' mechanical (tensile, flexural, and
Keywords: impact) and thermo-gravimetric properties. To accomplish this, composite samples with
Coir varying weight proportions of coir and hemp fibers were fabricated, and extensive me-
Hemp chanical testing was performed. The findings from the tensile, flexural, and impact tests
Natural-fibres revealed an enhancement in the mechanical characteristics of the fabricated composites
Hybrid-composite as the proportion of coir fiber grew and the proportion of hemp fiber reduced. The hybrid
Polyester composite, containing 15% coir and 5% hemp fibers, had superior mechanical properties to
the binary composite system. In addition, thermogravimetric analysis was performed to
determine the thermal stability of the hybrid composites. Within a temperature range of
30  Ce800  C, weight loss was observed, confirming the overall thermal resistance of the
materials. Fourier Transform InfraRed Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to determine the
composite's chemical composition, revealing the presence of functional groups that
contribute to the composite's performance. Utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),
the surface morphology of hybrid composites was investigated, yielding valuable insights
into the fiber-matrix interaction and composite structure. The results of this study

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Bandhu).
2238-7854/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3 8243

demonstrate the potential of the coir/hemp/polyester hybrid composite as a lightweight

material in a variety of industries.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (

with attributes such as strength, elevated heat stability, long-

1. Introduction lasting properties, and low weight is vital. The aforemen-
tioned qualities were acquired by the utilization of polymers,
In light of growing environmental concerns, there has been a metals, and ceramic composites. According to existing
recent surge in research focused on the exploration of agri- research, hemp has been found to exhibit a carbon absorption
cultural crops left as a potential resource. Although these and sequestration capacity that is twice as efficient as that of
residues are abundant, their processing poses significant trees. In addition to its water conservation benefits, this
challenges that need to be addressed. Agricultural crop res- particular method minimizes water pollution, necessitates
idue is a cost-effective resource, but, its implementation for less area for cultivation, possesses antibacterial properties,
domestic purposes remains limited, with a significant portion and exhibits durability. The utilization of hemp fiber as a
being subjected to open burning, so contributing to air and reinforcing material in polymers has garnered considerable
environmental pollution [1e5]. One potential solution to interest due to its advantageous characteristics, including its
address the aforementioned issues involves the utilization of lightweight nature, biodegradability, affordability, low den-
agricultural byproducts as fillers or fibers in polymer mate- sity, widespread availability, and renewable nature [28e31].
rials, therefore contributing to the production of valuable Several authors have utilized hemp as a reinforcing agent in
goods. Furthermore, this practice contributes to the economic polymers, conducting fabrication and assessment of the
advancement of farmers and manufacturers, fostering job crucial qualities necessary for the commercialization and in-
creation by facilitating the establishment of small-scale dustrial application of the composite material [32e38]. Dhakal
companies [6e11]. The scientific community is currently et al. [39] investigated the influence of water absorption on the
directing its attention on Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer mechanical properties of composites reinforced with hemp
Composites (NFRPCs) owing to their biodegradability, fiber. Fickian behavior is found to be followed by this phe-
affordability, low density, renewable nature, widespread nomenon of aqua absorption at room temperature, but at
availability, resistance to corrosion, non-conductive proper- higher temperatures the absorption behavior is non-Fickian.
ties, non-toxic characteristics, and high strength. Addition- This aqua uptake behavior is drastically changed at higher
ally, these composites are recognized for their favorable temperatures because of moisture-induced degradation. Aqua
environmental implications [12e16]. Rangappa et al. [17] put content in the composite leads to a significant drop in the
forth the important concepts of green composites for eco- strength of the material. Rouison et al. [40] fabricated the
friendliness and sustainability. These could be accomplished composite by reinforcing hemp fiber into polyester resin using
using a biodegradable matrix and natural fiber re- resin transfer molding and studied its mechanical properties.
inforcements. Earlier research used dissimilar natural fibers Mechanical properties rose with the addition of hemp fiber
such as Azadirachta indica, luffa cylindrical, and acacia as content, reaching the highest mechanical properties at a fiber
reinforcement in different NFRPC [18e21]. However, NFRPC volume content of 35%. On the other hand, Coir fiber has the
has a few shortcomings as lower modulus, limited longevity, maximum toughness, hardness, and stiffness when
reduced strength, and high moisture absorption, vis-a-vis compared to other natural fibers because it is extracted from
synthetic Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites. To alleviate the outermost shell of coconuts. Coconut trees are widely
the mentioned problems, one plant/tree-based fiber can be cultivated in tropical countries, particularly in coastal areas,
combined with another one or with another synthetic fiber in because these trees require sandy soil to grow. Coconut fruits
the matrix. This is the making of hybrid composites that are utilized for multiple purposes, whereas the remaining
completely utilize the finest properties of the constituents, parts, such as husks and shells, are typically discarded as
resulting in a composite that is superior and cost-effective waste [41e44]. Coir fibers are carefully extracted from the
[22e26]. coconut husks (fibrous mesocarp) of coconut fruits and are
Hybrid non-fiber reinforced polymer composites (NFRPCs) used as a potential reinforcement to polymer composites
enable researchers to produce cost-effective composite ma- [45e49]. It contains a high amount of lignin and is long-lasting,
terials. Composites using natural cellulosic fibers have been weather-resistant, relatively waterproof, and can be chemi-
identified as viable materials for several technical sectors, cally changed. It also has low cellulose content and a high
such as automobiles, packaging, and infrastructure. The hy- microfibrillar angle, which results in decreased resistance to
bridization of polymer reinforcements using coir and hemp pulling forces compared to other lingo-cellulosic fibers
has significant promise. An in-depth review has been [50e53]. Júnior et al. [54] retrieved the coir fibers from the husk
attempted by Siengchin [27] on the application of lightweight of the coconut fruit and fabricated the composite using a pre-
materials in the defense sector as envisaged in the present cured polyester matrix and the thinnest coir fiber reinforce-
and the future. In this industry, the utilization of materials ment, then evaluated the mechanical properties. The causes
8244 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3

for the fracture of the composite were analyzed using Scan- occurred, leading to the elimination of the woody core and
ning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The maximum tensile prop- short fibers. Table 1 presents the characteristics of coir and
erties were observed at 40% volume of the thinner coir fiber. hemp fibers.
The existing works of research indicate that coir and hemp
are two natural fibers with favorable qualities. However, it is 2.1.2. Fabrication of composite specimens
worth noting that the combination of these fibers with poly- The hybrid composite material used in this investigation is
ester has not yet been thoroughly explored. Therefore, the developed by the hand layup method. Natural fibers used in
objectives for the current study have been established. The hybrid composites, such as coir and hemp, are sun-dried and/
main objective and innovation of this study are to integrate or dried in an oven to remove moisture. These fibers were
coir and hemp natural fibers and to evaluate the influence of sliced for a length of about 15 cm and enough weight was
this hybridization on several mechanical characteristics (such applied to align the fibers uni-axially. In a separate beaker,
as tensile, flexural, and impact), thermo-gravimetric proper- make the polyester resin mixture by thoroughly combining
ties, chemical structure, and microstructure. The findings of polyester, accelerator, and catalyst in weight proportions of
the analysis suggest that the hybrid composite material ex- 100:1:1. A glass mold is taken, and a releasing agent is applied
hibits promising characteristics for utilization in several sec- to its surface for the easy removal of the laminate from the
tors such as lightweight applications, transportation, mold. The glass mold was then wrapped with a slender layer
packaging, infrastructure, and sports applications. of the resin mixture. Hemp natural fibers are laid over the
polyester matrix before the resin mixture dries, and the left-
over resin mixture is poured onto them. It was put under an
2. Materials and methods OHP sheet to obtain a smooth surface. To remove superfluous
resin and fill any gaps between the fibers, the processed
The subsequent part provides a comprehensive discussion of composite is pressed gently with a roller. The procedure is
the materials employed in the development of the hybrid complete for coir fiber as well. The hybrid composites were
composite samples, as well as the methodology employed for then produced by varying the weight proportions of coir,
their fabrication and subsequent characterization. hemp fibers, and the appropriate amount of polyester, as
indicated in Table 2. To obtain the required sample thickness,
2.1. Materials a constant weight is applied to the final composite laminates
and maintained for one day. These hybrid composites are
Coir and hemp fibers were used as reinforcement in the hybrid designated as C0H20, C5H15, C10H10, C15H5, and C20H0
composite system. The Coir fibers were sourced and pro- (codes C and H represent Coir fiber, Hemp fiber, and numbers
cessed from the coconut husk of coconut fruit plantations show the fiber weight percentages (wt.%), respectively). Fig. 1
located in Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. The collection of hemp depicts the outline of composite samples fabrication process
fiber took place at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. The experiment and subsequent characterization for evaluating mechanical
employed a transparent casting polyester resin, with the and other properties.
catalyst being MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) and the
accelerator being cobalt octoate, both of which were obtained 2.2. Characterization
from a supplier specializing in carbon-black composite
materials. 2.2.1. Tensile test
The purpose of this test is to estimate the strengths of pre-
2.1.1. Coir and hemp fibers pared hybrid composite samples under tensile loading. This
After being removed from the coconut tree, the coconut's test was conducted on an INSTRON UTM (Universal Testing
protective husk is water-retted to separate it from the co- Machine) (Model: 3369). Specimens were prepared according
conut's edible interior, which is then mechanically pounded. to ASTM: 3039, mounted on a UTM with 50 mm in the middle
For up to 10 months, separated husks are retted in lagoons. as gauge length and the remaining length held in jaws, and
Retting softens the husks so that they may later be decorated then subjected to a tensile load until hybrid composites were
and manually hammered with wooden mallets to extract the fractured. Tensile strength and tensile modulus were recor-
fiber. After cleaning, washing, and drying in the sun, the ded against the applied force.
extracted coarse long fibers were hackled and combed. In the
end, the dried short woody fibers, dry flush particles, and pith
were thrown away. To create uni-axial fibers, they were cut to Table 1 e Properties of coir and hemp fibers [35,43,55].
a length of 15 cm and subjected to the necessary weight.
Physical Properties Coir Hemp
Hemp is obtained from the fibrous inner bark, known as
the bast, of the hemp plant. The fibers are obtained from the Density 1.15 g/cc 1.4 g/cc
Diameter 100e450 mm e
plant by a water-retting technique, and certain measures are
% Elongation at breaking 15e40 1.6
implemented to uphold the fiber's standard. The hemp fiber Tensile strength (MPa) 131e175 550e900
stems undergo a process of immersion in water for 10 days. Young's modulus (GPa) 4e6 70
Subsequently, the discrete and more delicate fibers are Cellulose content (%) 36e43 67e77
extracted from the hemp stem by a series of actions involving Hemi-cellulose content (%) 0.15e0.25 19.40
compression, fracturing, and abrasion. Subsequently, the Lignin content (%) 41e45 6e9
Pectin content (%) 3e4 4e10
specimens were subjected to solar drying until desiccation
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3 8245

30◦C-800  C in a nitrogen environment (N2) in order to remove

Table 2 e Designations and proportions of constituent
the potential effects of oxidation.
elements in the hybrid composites.
S. No. Designation Coir Hemp Polyester
2.2.5. Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy
wt% (C) wt% (H) Resin wt% (P)
(FTIR spectroscopy)
1 C0H20 0 20 80 The FTIR analysis technique was employed to identify the
2 C5H15 5 15 80
chemical constituents, including both organic and inorganic
3 C10H10 10 10 80
4 C15H5 15 5 80
substances, as well as their functional identities and absorp-
5 C20H0 20 0 80 tion patterns inside the composite material. The identification
of a group's presence may be determined by observing the
congruence between the frequency of infrared light and the
2.2.2. Flexural test vibration frequency of functional groups inside the composite.
This test was performed to assess the response of the hybrid PERKIN ELMER, Spectrum two apparatus was used for the pur-
composite when a flexural load was applied to the specimen. pose. The spectral frequency range spanned from 4000 cm to 1
This test is performed using a three-point bending test, in to 450 cm-1, with a resolution of 4 cm-1. A total of 4 scans were
which a sample length of 50 mm is set on two supports and conducted, and the force applied during the experiment was
subjected to a constant load P at its center until bending fail- 83 N.
ure. Flexural test samples are prepared under ASTM D760-03
standards and the test is done on UTM. 2.2.6. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
This testing procedure uses an electron beam that scans a
2.2.3. Impact test sample to produce a high-resolution image for analysis. LEO
Impact resistance is referred to as the energy absorption Model-430 was used to examine the surface morphology of
ability of the composite materials under sudden loads. IZOD fractured hybrid composites. This characterization uses the
apparatus and specimens with 63.5  12.7  3 mm3 di- fractured surfaces of specimens coated with a 3 mm thin layer
mensions specified by ASTM D-256 standards were used. The of gold, ensuring that the specimen conducts evenly,
impact sample was placed on the impact tester and the providing a homogeneous surface for analysis and imaging.
pendulum was moved until it broke.

2.2.4. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG analysis) 3. Results and discussion

In this examination, the effect of a constant temperature rise
was evaluated in terms of thermal stability, weight change, Required ASTM test standards were used to prepare hybrid
and changes in volatile components. The aforementioned composite samples with varied proportions of both fibers.
analysis was conducted with the PERKIN ELMERTGA4000 These samples were tested using the standard procedures,
thermo-gravimetric analyzer. A composite sample weighing and the results were tabulated, analyzed, and discussed in the
5.415 mg was subjected to heating in a temperature range of following sections.

Fig. 1 e Flowchart outlining the preparation process.

8246 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3

Table 3 e Mechanical properties of tested hybrid composite samples.

S. No. Specimen Tensile Tensile/Young's Bending Bending Impact
Label Strength at Modulus Strength Modulus strength
maximum load (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (kJ/m2)
1 C0H20 40.83 2674.44 75.86 6382.66 10.49
2 C5H15 64.00 4885.40 207.37 16148.42 18.38
3 C10H10 74.07 5207.75 226.44 20025.81 23.62
4 C15H5 77.97 7269.67 236.00 23699.78 31.49
5 C20H0 47.41 2289.71 117.00 15212.68 15.74

3.1. Tensile test bending strength and modulus were low. These properties of
the hybrid composite samples C5H15, C10H10, and C15H5
Table 3 and Fig. 2(a) and (b) depict the tensile strength and were higher than those of C0H20 and C20H0. Coir/hemp
modulus values of the Coir/Hemp/Polyester hybrid composite hybrid composites have superior mechanical properties than
sample. These values for C5H15 increased to 64 MPa and other combinations due to good fiber/matrix bonding, result-
4885.40 MPa from 40.83 MPa to 2674.44 MPa for-an increase of ing in an even and effective strength distribution among fi-
5 wt % of coir fiber and a decrease of 5 wt% of hemp fiber (with bers. The study by Chakradhar et al. [57]endorsed this finding.
respect to C0H20). The tensile strength of 74 MPa and tensile
modulus of 5207.75 are obtained for coir and hemp fiber 3.3. Impact test
contents of 10 wt%. For a further 5 wt% - an increase of coir
fiber content and reduction of hemp fiber content, the tensile The impact strength of Coir/Hemp/Polyester (C0H20, C5H15,
strength is obtained as 77.97 MPa and the tensile modulus as C10H10, C15H5, and C20H0) hybrid composites is presented in
7269.67 MPa, which are maximum. The graphical represen- Table 3 and Fig. 4. C20H0 samples possessed an impact
tation of the stress-strain curve obtained during the tensile strength of 15.74 kJ/m2 and C0H20 hybrid composites exhibi-
test is illustrated in Fig. 2(c). Coir fiber has lower cellulose ted an impact strength of 10.49 kJ/m2. The impact response of
content, resulting in lower moisture or water absorption and, hybrid composites reflects a failure process that witnesses the
as a result, good bonding between coir, hemp, and polyester. crack just starting, its propagation, and development in the
Better tensile strength and tensile modulus properties resul- resin, fiber fracture and pullout, delaminating, and debonding.
ted from the hybridization of coir, and hemp hybrid com- This could be because of the low cellulosic proportion of coir
posites. Similar findings have been reported by Islam et al. [1] fibers [56]. The poor interaction of hydrophilic hemp/coir and
Zainudin et al. [55] evaluated that Coir/oil palm/polypropylene the hydrophobic polyester resulted in lower impact strength.
hybrid composites possessed better properties compared to The maximum impact strength of these samples (C5H15,
non-hybrid-coir/polypropylene and oil palm/polypropylene C10H10, and C15H5) was higher than that of C0H20 and C20H0.
The tensile strength and modulus of C20H0 samples are 3.4. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG Analysis/TGA)
slightly higher than those of C0H20, as illustrated by Fig. 1(a)
and (b). The tensile properties of the hybrid composites The Thermal steadiness of the C15H5 (coir/hemp/polyester)
(C5H15, C10H10, and C15H5) were higher than those of C0H20 hybrid composite sample was investigated using TG analysis.
and C20H0. Coir/hemp hybrid composites have superior ten- The weight change of hybrid-composite material with
sile properties than other combinations due to good fiber/ increasing temperature was investigated, and the resulting
matrix bonding, resulting in an even and effective strength thermograph is depicted in Fig. 5. Onset temperature (To) of
distribution among fibers. the thermo-graph was nearly 105  C. To is the temperature at
which weight loss (1.010%) begins and corresponds to the
3.2. Flexural test disappearing moisture and volatile substances in the fiber.
Heat resistance gradually decreases with the rise of temper-
Flexural strength and flexural moduli of Coir/Hemp/Polyester ature, subsequently, disintegration occurs in different stages.
(C0H20, C5H15, C10H10, C15H5, and C20H0) hybrid composite In the first stage, a weight reduction of 4% was observed in the
specimens are given in Table 3 and Fig. 3(a) and (b). The flex- temperature range of 150  Ce185  C, owing to the loss of
ural properties of the C20H0 hybrid composite are higher than absorbed moisture and volatile substances in the fiber. At
that of C0H20 specimens, as portrayed in Fig. 3(a) and (b). temperatures ranging from 185  C to 310  C, moderate weight
C20H0 specimens, with a flexural modulus of 15212.68 MPa, loss (12%) was observed in the second stage, where, the
are capable of taking a load of 117 MPa and whereas C0H20 hemicelluloses and part of lignin contents of the composite
specimens displayed a flexural strength of 75.86 MPa and a are decomposed. At a temperature range of 310  Ce450  C,
flexural modulus of 6382.66 MPa. The graphical representation sudden weight loss (88%) was observed in the third stage,
of the stress-strain curve obtained during the flexural test is indicating the separation of cellulose and lignin content in the
illustrated in Fig. 3(c). This could be due to the lower cellulosic sample. Gradual weight loss was observed after increasing the
content of coir fibers [56]. Due to the hydrophilic hemp/coir temperature from 450  C to 800  C, and complete burning
and the hydrophobic polyester did not interact well; flexural/ (100%) of the composite sample was observed at 800  C; all
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3 8247

Fig. 3 e Measurement of flexural strength and flexural

Fig. 2 e Measurement of tensile strength and tensile modulus as well as stress-strain curve for Coir/Hemp/
modulus as well as stress-strain curve for Coir/Hemp/ polyester hybrid composites.
polyester hybrid composites.
8248 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3

steam and moderate-temperature insulation applications


3.5. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)

Fig. 6 shows the results of the FTIR spectrum of the hybrid

composite - C15H5. Table 5 presents the transmittance peaks,
chemical compounds, and functional groups that were
observed for the composite under investigation. The orienta-
tion of molecules is a critical factor that significantly in-
fluences the physical characteristics of macromolecular
systems. The observed drop in wavenumber indicates a cor-
responding increase in the length of the covalent bonds
participating in the absorption of vibrational energy. This can
be attributed to a decrease in the force constant of the bond
[63,64]. This finding illustrates the potential of FTIR-
spectroscopy as a tool for monitoring the molecular strain of
cellulosic material when subjected to mechanical stress.
Fig. 4 e Impact strength of Coir/Hemp/polyester hybrid Moreover, it reveals a linear correlation between the molec-
composites. ular deformation and the macroscopic load applied to the

compounds present in the composite were decomposed (no 3.6. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
residual weight). Several works that performed TGA analysis
of hybrid composite concluded that heat stability was SEM was used to examine the surface characteristics of the
improved after the hybridization of fibers. Multiple studies sample (C15H5). The following discussion portrays the
that conducted TGA on hybrid composites have reach-ed the mechanism and reasons for failure in the localized area. Fig. 7
consensus that the introduction of hybrid fibers leads to shows the fracture surface after the tensile test; voids formed
enhanced heat stability [58e60]. Table 4 presents a compre- at places, due to fiber pullout suggesting feeble interfacial
hensive summary of the distinct phases of transition tem- bonding among the fibers and matrix. Fibers are arranged uni-
peratures observed in a variety of fiber-reinforced composites. axially and good bonding of the fibers with resin/binder at
Hybrid composites exhibiting favorable thermal stability have other places is observed which may help to improve the me-
the capability to operate well within a temperature range of up chanical properties. Fig. 8 depicts an SEM image of the C15H5
to 450  C. As the hybrid composite samples exhibited good sample after the flexural test, and the results revealed that
thermal steadiness, the composite may be recommended for bending fracture in composite was caused by incomplete

Fig. 5 e Thermo graph of a hybrid composite of C15H5.

j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3 8249

Table 4 e Different stages of thermal degradation of various hybrid composites.

Fibers used Polymer Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage Reference
Matrix Temperature Temperature Temperature
Range (oC) Range (oC) Range (oC)
Ramie/buriti Polyester 61oCe69  C 289oCe292  C 341oCe368  C [61]
Sisal/ramie; Epoxy 30oCe150  C 240oCe420  C e [62]
Cordia dichotoma/ Polyester 0oCe180  C 180oCe300  C 300oCe415  C [6]
granite powder
Coir/hemp Polyester 150oCe185  C 185oCe310  C 310oCe450  C Present work

Fig. 6 e FTIR results of hybrid composite- C15H5.

Table 5 e Peak wavelength, frequency range, associated chemical bonds, and functional groups.
Peak Frequency Functional Chemical Bond References
Wavelength range (cm-1) group
(cm 1)
2922.24 2850e2970 Alkane and Carbon-hydrogen (CeH) Stretching [65]
Carboxylic acid of lignin
1721.99 1760e1690 Aldehydes Carbonyl (C]O) Stretch of [66]
and ketones hemicellulose
1600.9 1610e1680 Alkene Carbon-carbon (C]C) bond stretch [65]
in lignin
1580.69 1650e1580 amine Aromatic ring CeC (in-ring) [67]
Stretching vibrations
1493.50 1445e1540 Benzene Methyl and methylene (-CH2, CH2) [66]
stretch in lignin
1452.49 1340e1470 Alkane Carbon hydrogen (CeH) Stretch [22]
1371.60 1340e1470 Alkane Carbon hydrogen (CeH) stretch of [67]
1256.32 1180e1360 Amine, Amide CeN stretch [65]
1122.39 1150e1085 aliphatic ether Aromatic CeH in-plane [67]
deformation of guaiacyl and
syringyl units
1068.65 1085e1050 primary alcohol Semicircular aromatic ring [67]
1040.48 1070e1030 sulfoxide stretching mixed with CeH in-
plane bending
741.78 & 700.27 700e900 Benzene aromatic CeH bend in cellulose [6]
8250 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3

distribution of matrix into the fiber, resulting in poor bonding.

Because of poor bonding, the fiber bundle may not be strong
enough to withstand the bending load. The SEM image of
hybrid composite sample C15H5, after impact load, is depicted
in Fig. 9. After the impact load, fiber breakage and a fractured
surface of the composite were observed due to poor bonding
between the fibers, and matrix, resulting in the fiber not
having enough impact strength.

4. Conclusions

The present study evaluated the mechanical characteristics

(namely tensile, flexural, and impact capabilities), thermo-
gravimetric properties, chemical structure, and micro-
structure of a hybrid composite material formed by amal-
Fig. 7 e SEM image of hybrid composite C15H5 after tensile gamating coir and hemp natural fibers. The coir/Polyester
load. (C20H0), hemp/Polyester (H20C0) composites, and coir/hemp/
Polyester (C5H15, C10H10, C15H5) hybrid composite samples
were successfully fabricated using the hand layup method.
Tensile, flexural, and impact tests as well as thermal analysis,
FTIR spectroscopic analysis, and SEM analysis are performed
on the hybrid composite sample. The following are the con-
clusions drawn:

i. The findings indicate that the C15H5 hybrid composite

specimens exhibit the greatest tensile strength and
modulus, flexural strength and modulus, as well as
impact strength, with respective values of 77.79 MPa,
7269.67 MPa, 236 MPa, 23699.78 MPa, and 31.49 MPa.
ii. The hybrid composite C15H5 exhibits thermal stability
within the temperature range of 310  Ce450  C. Based
on the study conducted, it can be observed that the
current composite materials are utilized in various
residential appliances, such as buckets, as well as in
industrial settings where the processing temperature
does not exceed 450  C.
Fig. 8 e SEM image of hybrid composite C15H5 after the iii. The FTIR data confirmed the existence of several func-
flexural test. tional groups, including alkane, aldehydes, amines, and
benzene, inside the hybrid composite. Additionally, the
presence of chemical bonds such as CeH, C]O, C]C,
CeN, and CeO is seen. The FTIR spectrum confirmed
the existence of hemicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin
iv. The mechanical properties of hybrid samples including
C5H15, C10H10, and C15H5 were seen to exhibit superior
characteristics when compared to those of individual
fiber samples (C20H0, C0H20). The enhancements in
composite characteristics can be attributed to the
amalgamation of coir and hemp fibers with Polyester
serving as their reinforcement inside the composites.
v. The Scanning Electron Microscope is utilized to study
the internal structure of the fractured surfaces of the
hybrid composite samples, as well as any existing
cracks, cavities, and fractures. The localized failures,
such as bending failure and impact failure, can be
related to the non-uniform dispersion of fibers.

Fig. 9 e SEM image of hybrid composite C15H5 after the The findings of the investigation suggest that the hybrid
impact test. composite material exhibits promising characteristics for
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 3 ; 2 6 : 8 2 4 2 e8 2 5 3 8251

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