Guevarra Assignment No.1

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Trisha Mae P.

Guevarra March 22, 2023

BETMT-NS 2A Prof. Helen Jewel Laxa

Assignment No.1

1. Why should we care about the environment?

- Humans have a responsibility to protect the environment. We must take care of this
because it is where we live and obtain our resources, and doing so will benefit both the
environment and ourselves. For instance, disposing of trash properly in trash bins could
decrease the possibility of pollution levels rising. Furthermore, the environment provides
us with resources. Hence, neglecting it could result in lowered resource production. In
conclusion, it is our duty to protect the environment as it benefits when we take care of it.
Thus, rewarding us with valuable resources. Simply put, nature and humans coexist in a
give-and-take relationship.

2. What is my environmental responsibility as a human being?

- My environmental obligation as a person and a student is to protect the environment
overall. These obligations include maintaining a clean environment, disposing of trash
properly, conserving energy, and avoiding the use of products that contain toxic chemicals.
Cleaning the surroundings helps establish a clean and pleasant environment. This also
minimizes health problems. This is related to using the appropriate trash cans. The simple
act of sorting trash enables us to determine which goods are still recyclable and reusable.
Always remember one man's trash can be someone's treasure. Next, practice energy
conservation by turning off any unused equipment. And finally, selecting products that are
environmentally friendly instead of those that contain dangerous chemicals.

3. Do we have an obligation to see that our activities do not cause the extinction of other
species? If so, should we try to protect all species or only some? How do we decide which
to protect?
- Yes, we indeed have an obligation to be cautious on the activities we do to not cause any
extinction to all species. Every species has an important role in the environment.
Therefore, protecting and saving them all is a must. In deciding which to protect, we should
Trisha Mae P. Guevarra March 22, 2023
BETMT-NS 2A Prof. Helen Jewel Laxa

consider their population size, the number of breeding adults, geographic range, and other
factors. Meaning, we should decide which species needs protecting more based on
scientific data. This is to ensure that all are prioritized and saved accordingly.

4. Do we have an ethical obligation to pass the natural world on to future generations in a

condition that is as good as or better than what we inherited?
- In my opinion, the current generation has a responsibility to leave the natural world in an
even better condition than it is today. This is to ensure that the next generation can inherit
such a good environment and be responsible for preserving and enhancing it further.
Similar to parents providing their children with better lifestyles. The generation of today
intends the next generation to live in a cleaner, healthier environment and to make it even
better for future generations to come.

5. Should we seek to live more sustainably, and if so, how?

- Yes, we should strive to live a more sustainable lifestyle. In order to achieve this, we must
adhere to certain ways. First, we need to be mindful on our purchases as these should have
a good amount of benefits to the environment. Second, going plastic-free would help the
environment as plastics are one of the main causes of pollutions. Another option is to reuse
and recycle plastics. Third, conserving energy by using energy-saving appliances and by
plugging some off when not in use. Fourth, checking the labels of products to ensure that
we are not using toxic chemicals to prevent degrading the environment. And lastly, voting
officials who prioritize in minimizing environmental issues.

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