Guevarra Assignment No.1
Guevarra Assignment No.1
Guevarra Assignment No.1
Assignment No.1
3. Do we have an obligation to see that our activities do not cause the extinction of other
species? If so, should we try to protect all species or only some? How do we decide which
to protect?
- Yes, we indeed have an obligation to be cautious on the activities we do to not cause any
extinction to all species. Every species has an important role in the environment.
Therefore, protecting and saving them all is a must. In deciding which to protect, we should
Trisha Mae P. Guevarra March 22, 2023
BETMT-NS 2A Prof. Helen Jewel Laxa
consider their population size, the number of breeding adults, geographic range, and other
factors. Meaning, we should decide which species needs protecting more based on
scientific data. This is to ensure that all are prioritized and saved accordingly.