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bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020.

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Noname manuscript No.

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SeqPIP-2020: Sequence based Protein Interaction

Prediction Contest

Anup Kumar Halder · Ayatullah Faruk

Mollah · Piyali Chatterjee · Dipak
Kumar Kole · Subhadip Basu · Dariusz

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract Computational protein-protein interaction (PPI) prediction tech-

niques can contribute greatly in reducing time, cost and false-positive inter-
actions compared to experimental approaches. Sequence is one of the key and
primary information of proteins that plays a crucial role in PPI prediction.
Several machine learning approaches have been applied to exploit the charac-
teristics of PPI datasets. However, these datasets greatly influence the perfor-
mance of predicting models. So, care should be taken on both dataset curation
as well as design of predictive models. Here, we summarize the results of the
SeqPIP competition whose objective was to develop comprehensive PPI predic-
tive models from sequence information with high-quality bias-free interaction
datasets. A training set of 2000 positive and 2000 negative interactions with
sequences was given to each contestant. The methods were evaluated with
three independent high-quality interaction test datasets.
Keywords Protein Sequence · Protein-Protein Interaction · High-Quality
PPI Dataset · Predictive Model
Anup Kumar Halder, Subhadip Basu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University, India
E-mail: {anupkhalder.cse.rs, subhadip.basu}@jadavpuruniversity.in
Ayatullah Faruk Mollah
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Aliah University, Kolkata, India
E-mail: afmollah@aliah.ac.in
Piyali Chatterjee
Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg, Netaji Subhash Engineering College, India
E-mail: piyali.gini@gmail.com
Dipak Kumar Kole
Dept. of Computer Sc. & Engg, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, India
E-mail: dipak.kole@cse.jgec.ac.in
Dariusz Plewczyński
Laboratory of Functional and Structural Genomics, Center of New Technologies, University
of Warsaw, Poland
E-mail: d.plewczynski@cent.uw.edu.pl
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

2 Anup Kumar Halder et al.

1 Introduction

Protein works by interacting with other proteins to accomplish various biolog-

ical processes essential to a living organism. Identification of such interactions
facilitates different biological problems such as therapeutic target identifica-
tion [10], characterization of metabolic and cellular activity, hormone regu-
lation, signal transduction, DNA transcription and replication, exploring the
pathogenesis of disease [4], drug target identification [7] etc. Protein-protein
interactions (PPIs) detection has been improved with high throughput exper-
imental technologies but on a small portion. These experimental approaches
are expensive and time-consuming to apply over large-scale PPIs. Thus, there
is immense need for reliable computational approaches to identify and char-
acterize PPIs. The primary structure of a protein, represented by amino acid
sequences is the simplest type of information that can be applied in PPI pre-
diction through intuitive numerical feature representation. There are plenty of
information in primary sequence of a protein and experimental studies reveal
that the sequence is one of the key information for PPI prediction [14, 11,13, 6,
12]. The experimental studies become the evidence of applicability and efficacy
of primary structure data in resolving different complex proteomic properties.
In recent studies [8, 5,9], it has been observed that in most of the cases the
PPI datasets used for evaluation were biased due to component level overlap-
ping. For any PPI pair, sharing of individual component (sequence informa-
tion) between training and test sets is referred to as component-level overlap-
ping. For an unbiased and fair evaluation of the PPI predictive model, it is
necessary to distinguish the test pairs on the basis of whether they share indi-
vidual sequence with any pair of the training set [8]. The frequent occurrences
of individual protein and/or pair in both training and test data raises the com-
ponent level overlapping issue and bias the model greatly. To avoid this bias
in PPI prediction, a dataset curation scheme is proposed by [8,5] where three
levels of complex test classes are introduced for the predictive models. Park et
al. [8] experimentally established that the performance of the top methods on
unbiased datasets is significantly lower than their previously published results
which raises the bar higher for PPI prediction methods. In this competition,
we have designed and curated the dataset by removing the component-level
overlapping issue to make the PPI prediction unbiased and comprehensive.
We organized the Sequence based P rotein I nteraction P rediction compe-
tition (SeqPIP ) at International Conference on Frontiers in Computing and
Systems (COMSYS-2020) to build upon the high quality PPI dataset and en-
courage researchers across the world to introduce new techniques for sequence
based generalized and unbiased PPI prediction. In sequence based PPI pre-
diction, the main computational challenge is to find suitable way to describe
important feature information. Moreover, dataset preparation is very crucial
for machine learning methods. Here, unbiased training and test datasets are
carefully curated and the competition rules are concocted in accordance with
these objectives.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

SeqPIP: Sequence based Protein Interaction Prediction Contest 3

Through this competition, several sequence based approaches have been

introduced to improve the performances on the provided benchmark dataset.
In this paper, we describe in detail the dataset and the emerging trends of
techniques that performed well on the aforesaid challenging task. We hope
that the algorithms described in this competition will be of use to the broader
community of bioinformatics research. The paper is organized as follows. We
describe the unbiased dataset creation and its properties along with the com-
petition rules in Section 2. Then, a summary of methods developed by the
participants are presented in Section 3. In Section 4, comparative assessment
with standard metrics and related discussion are presented. Finally, conclusion
is made in Section 5.

2 Dataset Preperation

We have retrieved the positive interaction data from HIPPIE (v2 : 1) [2]
database and high quality subset of these datasets is selected for the competi-
tion. The high quality PPI data is selected based on confidence scoring (larger
than 0.8) of HIPPIE. The negative protein-protein interaction (NPPI) data is
generated by random sampling of protein pairs that are not known to interact
in any benchmark PPI dataset. The sequence information is retrieved from
UniprotKB/SwissProt database [3]. Protein sequences which are too similar
should not occur simultaneously in training and test sets. Presence of redun-
dant homologous sequences in PPI dataset greatly influences the performance
of predictive models. To remove these homologous sequences, CD-Hit [1] is ap-
plied over the unique sequences that are present in the dataset with a threshold
of 0.4 (40% identity). This ensures that, there is no issue of occurrences for
identical sequences (≤ 40%) that reside either between train/test or within
train/test as pairs. Total 5435 unique non-redundant protein sequences are
retrieved for final PPI dataset selection.
Finally, 4500 positive and 4500 negative interaction pairs are selected from
previously extracted high confidence PPIs and randomly generated NPPIs re-
spectively. All 9000 interactions are comprised by 5435 non-redundant unique
sequences. To make the competition comprehensive and unbiased, the dataset
is curated carefully and partitioned into training and test sets by removing
component level overlapping as proposed by [8]. To implement the idea of
removing component-level overlapping issue, test data is designed into three
difficulty classes viz. C1, C2 and C3. The unbiased data preparation and de-
tailed description of all three test classes (C1, C2 and C3) are discussed below.
We have implemented a scheme similar to what was proposed by Park and
Marcotte [8] to design the unbiased dataset for sequence based PPI prediction.
For an unbiased and fair evaluation of the PPI predictive model, it is necessary
to distinguish the test pairs on the basis of whether they share similar sequence
information with the pairs of the train set. Here, the similarity is considered
as over 40% identity between any two sequences. To overcome these issues,
Park and Marcotte [8] proposed a scheme that, for any trainset the test cases
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

4 Anup Kumar Halder et al.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of data preparation. A) protein interaction network with PPI
(red edges) and NPPI (blue edges). B) Selected Train set with the set of nodes (P1, P2, P3,
P4, P9, P10), All the nodes in trainset are marked with yellow color (from B to E). C) Test
set C1, with the set of nodes (P2, P3, P4, P9, P10), D) Test set C2, with the set of nodes
(P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9). E) Test set C3, with the set of nodes (P5, P6, P7, P8). All three
test classes ensure that they have not shared any exact pair (same edge) with the trainset.
C1 has component level overlapping as well as pair (both components) sharing as both train
and C1 shares P3, P2, P4, P9 and P10. For example, both proteins P3 and P9 from pair
P3-P9 in C1 is also present in the trainset, and similarly for pair P2-P10, P4-P9. In C2,
only one protein node is shared between train and test set. For example, in pair, P9-P5,
P3-P5 only one node from each pair is shared such as P9, P3 respectively. In C3, no edges
and nodes are shared between train and test set.

will be partitioned into three distinct predictive test classes (C1, C2 and C3).
In C1, both sequences of any test pair may be present in the trainset but not
as a pair. In C2, only one component (sequence) can be present in the trainset
and in C3, no components in the test pair could be present in the trainset.
Detailed dataset curation and train/test partitioning is demonstrated with a
toy example (with Graph based representation) in Fig. 1.
Total 4000 (2000 positive and 2000 negative) interactions were provided to
the competitors as trainset. However, the test datasets were not shared to the
competitors before announcement of results and the competitors’ models were
evaluated only once on the test datasets after the final submission of their
models. Details of the competition datasets are shown in Table 1.

3 Participating Methods

Here, we present the best four methods submitted to SeqPIP. Among these
methods, two are based on machine learning and the other two are based
on sequence similarity. In the following sections, we will denote the machine
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

SeqPIP: Sequence based Protein Interaction Prediction Contest 5

Table 1 SeqPIP-2020 competition dataset details (C1, C2 and C3 are the three subsets of

Dataset Total Positive Negative # of Unique

Type Interactions (PPI) (NPPI) Sequences
Train 4000 2000 2000 3374
C1 2000 1000 1000 1672
C2 1500 750 750 978
C3 1500 750 750 984
Total 9000 4500 4500 5435

learning based methods as ML1 and ML2, and sequence similarity based ap-
proaches as SqS1 and SqS2 while the ordering of methods is determined by
evaluation performance.

3.1 ML1: Soumyadeep Debnath, Tata Consultancy Services and

Ayatullah Faruk Mollah, Aliah University, India

The feature vector was extracted for every protein pair from the dataset. The
sequence information is represented by 12 physicochemical properties of amino
acids, namely, hydrophilicity (H2), flexibility (F), accessibility (A1), turns scale
(T), exposed surface (E), polarity (Pa), antigenic propensity (A2), hydropho-
bicity (Ha), net charge index of the side chains (NCI), polarizability (P2),
solvent accessible surface area (SASA), and side-chain volume (V). Among
these 12 properties, hydrophobicity and polarity are calculated according to
two different scales or methods like H11a, H12a and P11a, P12a respectively.
Based on the values of these 14 physicochemical property scales of 20 essential
amino acids, 14-length vectors are extracted from all amino acids for every
protein sequence. For any pair of protein sequences, the final data is generated
by computing the mean value of the two 14-length sequence feature vectors.
With this feature representation of the train dataset, the model is trained by
linear kernel driven support vector machine (SVM).

3.2 ML2: Kaustav Sengupta, University of Warsaw, Poland

In this method, two level approach has been used for PPI prediction, i) SVM
based feature selection and ii) random forest based PPI prediction on the
selected features. Feature selection method is carried out over 554 amino acid
indices (AAI) and resulted with the best 22 AAI features. Then, the method
has extracted the feature values for both the protein sequences using selected
22 AAI indices and concatenated for final data representation. This sequence
based information is applied to random forest (number of estimator = 150,
max depth = 8, min sample leaf = 200) classifier for final model generation.
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

6 Anup Kumar Halder et al.

3.3 SqS1: Dipayan Ray, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree

Engineering College, India

In SqS1, sequence similarity based approach is proposed where it intuitively

explores the sequence information in PPI detection. For each sequence, n-gram
token set is generated where exploring the n values up to 5. Then the similarity
between the sequence pair is defined as the Jaccard similarity of the generated
tokens. A predefined threshold is identified from the train dataset at which
the accuracy become high and based on this cutoff score the interactions are
classified as positive and negative in the test datasets of the competitions.

3.4 SqS2: Rohan Sarkar, Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree

Engineering College, India

SqS2 is one of the non-machine learning (ML) based approach on SeqPIP.

Here, Jaro–Winkler distance (JW) is introduced to define the similarity be-
tween the sequence pairs. For any pair of sequences, the higher JW distance
indicates more sequence similarity and ranges from 0 (no similarity) to 1 (exact
matching). In this approach, higher sequence similarity between the sequences
are considered as better candidate for the positive interactions. A cutoff score
is detected by the method at which it maximise the accuracy on the train
dataset. Finally, with this similarity metric and threshold value, all three test
datasets are evaluated and reported.

Table 2 Performance evaluation on best 4 methods of SeqPIP.

Methods Test Class Precision Recall Accuracy F1-score Rank

C1 0.667 0.623 0.634 0.644
ML1 C2 0.632 0.603 0.611 0.617 1
C3 0.524 0.581 0.551 0.527
C1 0.604 0.577 0.522 0.548
ML2 C2 0.587 0.631 0.623 0.608 2
C3 0.539 0.483 0.501 0.491
C1 0.503 0.511 0.465 0.487
SqS1 C2 0.491 0.523 0.471 0.495 3
C3 0.446 0.433 0.486 0.457
C1 0.477 0.505 0.436 0.467
SqS2 C2 0.449 0.463 0.443 0.452 4
C3 0.412 0.422 0.468 0.443
bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.12.380774; this version posted November 13, 2020. The copyright holder for this
preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in
perpetuity. It is made available under aCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

SeqPIP: Sequence based Protein Interaction Prediction Contest 7

4 Results and Discussion

We have compared performance of the best methods of SeqPIP. All the models
are tested on the test datasets and the results are reported in Table 2. Dif-
ferent statistical metrics such as precision, recall, accuracy and F1-score are
computed to evaluate the models. The results in Table 2 suggest that ML1 has
achieved better performance in test classes C1 and C3 where ML2 has high-
est recall (0.631) and accuracy (0.623) in C2 test class. Among the non-ML
based approaches, SqS1 has performed better than SqS2. Although, the non-
ML based approaches are not comprehensive in the performance evaluation
metric compared to ML based methods.
The training set and the test sets at three component levels viz. C1, C2
and C3 have been made publicly available for academic, research and non-
commercial purposes at https://sites.google.com/site/bioinfoju/home/seqpip

5 Conclusion

Here, we have presented the sequence based PPI prediction approaches and
their performances in connection with the SeqPIP-2020 competition. Different
machine learning based and non-machine learning based approaches have been
employed to predict the PPIs by exploring the primary sequence information of
proteins. All the methods are trained and evaluated on unbiased train and test
data sets by removing component level overlapping biases. Among the best four
approaches, the overall performance of machine learning based approaches are
found superior than other approaches. It may be stated that the datasets and
the methods of SeqPIP enable a platform for many bioinformatics applications
such as complex detection, characterisation of functional relationship, PPI
network analysis, etc. The datasets are also made available as a reference for
research purposes.


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