Perler Project Guide - The Scream

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The Scream


Pegboards: Bead Colors:
4 large squares Red - 131 Crème - 274
Rust - 91 Tan - 259
Other: Orange - 145 Light Brown - 324
Iron and ironing paper Butterscotch - 155 Brown - 337
Scissors, clear tape Turquoise - 95 Dark Grey - 246
Tweezers Light Blue - 180 Black - 843
Two 14" x 14" pieces of Dark Blue - 284
sturdy cardboard
Masking tape (optional)

About “The Scream”

This widely recognized image was created, and recreated, by Norwegian
expressionist artist Edvard Munch in four different media—oil, tempera,
pastel, and crayon between 1893 and 1910. An icon of modern art, The
Scream was inspired by the artist's witnessing a blood-red sunset in a
tumultuous sky. - distilled from Wikipedia

1 2 Section 1

3 4

1. Assemble 4 large square
pegboards as shown to
create your project, placing
them on one of the large
pieces of cardboard on a
heat-safe surface that you
can later use for fusing. Cut
out and tape together the
pattern sections. If you are
using clear pegboards, slide
the actual-size pattern
underneath them. Place your
beads following the pattern.
2. An adult should fuse the
designs—you can use our
Standard Fusing Method
explained here, or for large
projects on multiple
pegboards such as this, you
might prefer to use the Tape
Method for Fusing Large
Projects. See page 4 for our
standard instructions. For the
Tape Method instructions,
please visit
The Scream

Section 2

The Scream

Section 3

The Scream

Section 4

Fusing Instructions—Only Adults Iron

1. Place your pegboard on a flat, heat-safe surface.
2. S et a household iron to the medium setting. Place ironing paper over the
pegboard. In a circular motion, begin to iron the project. Do not press down
with the iron. As the beads begin to fuse, you will see circles of the beads start
to show through the paper. When ironed properly, the beads will still have an
open center. Let the design cool.
3. R
 emove the paper and bead design from the pegboard. Flip the design over to
expose the non-fused side. Repeat step two. Let cool completely. Your
pegboard and ironing paper are reusable.
NOTE: Beads need heat for about 10-20 seconds per side to fuse evenly. Lift the paper occasionally to see how the beads are fusing.
Depending on the size of the project, additional heating time may be required. v

Perler Beads is a trademark of Dimensions Crafts LLC in the United States and/or other countries. © 2018 Dimensions Crafts LLC. All rights reserved. 4

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