Effect of Behavioral Couple Therapy On Infertility
Effect of Behavioral Couple Therapy On Infertility
Effect of Behavioral Couple Therapy On Infertility
1- Department of clinical psychology, School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
3- Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Social Development and Health Promotion Research Center, Kermanshah Univer-
sity of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
4- Department of Anatomy and Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Science, Kermanshah, Iran
5- Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
6- Department of Information Technology, Payame Noor University Tehran West, Tehran, Iran
Background: Infertility is a common disorder, exposing couples to complication such as the
loss of mental health and the increase of marital conflicts. The aim of this study was to evalu-
ate the effect of behavioral couple therapy on the enhancement of mental health and reduc-
nfertility is defined as the absence of preg- have (1). According to World Health Organization
nancy following intercourse for one year (WHO), 50 to 80 million people around the world
without using contraceptives. According to are involved with primary or secondary infertility
researches conducted, 0.15 of couples have no (2). Infertility prevalence in Iran has been reported
children despite their tendency and 0.10 of them to be 13.2%. The rate of primary infertility in Iran
have less than the number of children they want to was 2.2 and secondary infertility was 3.2 (3).
sion of SCID is a reliable tool for diagnosis for important principles in communication. The fourth
clinical research and educational purposes (13). session: understanding the concept of documents,
Tools: Two questionnaires were used in this re- types of marital attribution. The fifth session: teach-
search, namely general health questionnaire (GHQ- ing appropriate nonverbal and verbal behaviors
28) and Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (KMCS). and male–female communication differences. The
General health questionnaire (GHQ-28) was de- sixth session: training the basic principles of rein-
signed by Goldberg and Hiller. It contains 28 items forcement-punishment and mutual relations. The
and 4 subscales: 1) physical symptoms, 2) anxiety seventh session: learning of cognitive factors, and
and insomnia, 3) social dysfunctions, and 4) de- cognitive errors by couples. The eighth session:
pression. The scores lower than 22 on this ques- learning behavioral–communication modeling (six
tionnaire is a sign of good general health. By Cron- aspects). The ninth session: learning problem-
bach's alpha coefficients, reliability coefficient for solving skills. And the tenth session: conclusion,
the total scale has been reported 0.88 and for sub- getting feedback and running posttest (15, 16).
scales from 0.66 to 0.85. Behjati ardekani report- This study has the certificate no.4451 by Ker-
ed the reliability of the questionnaire 0.85 based manshah University of Medical Sciences Ethics
on test- retest method and 0.76 on by Cronbach's Committee and has been registered in center of
coefficient (14). clinical trial of Iran under the no. IRCT 2014
Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (KMCS) is a test 010716121N1.
including 27 items that aims to measure the cou-
er, interactive effect of time and group is not sig- 13.25 scores (p=0.003) and in follow up test com-
nificant among males (p=0.60) (Table 2). pared with the pretest increased about 14.83
Marital conflict among females: The results of an- scores (p=0.001). These changes were significant;
alyzing data among females showed that the effect however, there was a reduction in follow up phase
Table 2. Within- subject effects of marital conflicts and mental health according to sex
Variables Sex Variables SS DF MS F p
Marital conflict
time 602.083 1 601.083 12.710 0.002
time*group 720.750 1 720.750 15.21 0.001
time 981.021 1 981.021 6.745 0.016
time*group 325.521 1 325.521 2.238 0.149
Mental health
time 800.333 1 800.333 15.092 0.001
time*group 1323.000 1 1323.000 24.948 0.001
time 157.688 1 157.688 3.609 0.71
time*group 172.521 1 172.521 3.948 0.60