GPC Quality Assurance
GPC Quality Assurance
GPC Quality Assurance
Why is QA important?
Research that is not conducted according to high standards of quality yields
invalid data. It is also unethical because it may put research participants at
risk. (Protection of the safety, rights, and well-being of research participants is
discussed in the Introduction, Institutional Review Boards, Informed
Consent, and Participant Safety and Adverse Events modules.)
Audits conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) find that
several problems commonly occur in research studies.
Quality data are critical to ensure that the results of studies are interpreted
correctly. Sloppy or incorrect data can lead to misleading conclusions. Careful
attention to standards of quality also ensures that studies are completed in a
timely fashion. Timely completion of high quality studies bridges the gap
between research and practice by bringing effective new treatments to clients
more quickly.
Investigators and every member of the protocol team are expected to perform
his or her duties diligently and thoroughly, thus ensuring that the trial is
conducted according to the highest possible standards of quality.
The sponsor is responsible for ensuring the trial’s integrity and for developing
a risk-based monitoring plan. As the sponsor of all studies conducted by the
network, NIDA CTN has transferred the regulatory responsibility of all
monitoring to the Clinical Coordinating Center (CCC).
The CCC develops systematic, prioritized, and risk-based (ICH GCP E6(R2)
5.18.3) monitoring plans to be utilized for each CTN study. This plan is
customized for each trial and describes the strategy, methods, responsibilities,
and requirements for monitoring the trial (ICH GCP E6(R2) 1.64).
Additionally, the plan provides operational guidelines to ensure the quality
and integrity of data collected in accordance with CTN protocols. This
document also ensures consistency in the conduct of CTN studies across
multiple sites and protocols. This monitoring plan:
The Project Director (or Protocol Coordinator) is the LI’s “right hand.” He or
she is responsible for coordinating and carrying out day–to–day study
operations. The Project Director is a member of the Protocol Team and is the
primary contact for questions about the overall study. Other roles and
responsibilities represented on the Protocol Team usually include, but may not
be limited to, the following:
Data Management
Quality Assurance
Regulatory Affairs
Verifying that:
o Only eligible participants are being enrolled in the study.
o Written informed consent was obtained before each participant's enrollment.
o The investigator has adequate qualifications, resources, and facilities (including laboratories,
equipment, and staff) to conduct the study.
o The investigator is following the approved protocol and any approved amendment(s).
o The investigator and trial staff are performing specified trial functions in accordance with
the protocol and have not delegated these functions to unauthorized individuals.
o Product(s) are supplied only to eligible participants and only at protocol-specified dose(s).
o Participants receive necessary instructions on the proper use, handling, storage, and return of
the product(s).
o Receipt, use, and return of the product(s) at study sites are adequately controlled and
o Disposition of unused product(s) at study sites complies with the applicable regulatory
o The Investigator receives the current Investigator’s Brochure.
Checking the accuracy, consistency, and completeness of entries on case report forms (CRFs), source
documents, and other trial-related records; specifically, verifying that:
o Modifications in dose or therapy are properly documented for each trial participant.
Ensuring that corrections, additions, or deletions needed in the CRFs are made, dated, explained (if
necessary), and initialed by the investigator or by an authorized designee.
Determining whether all adverse events are appropriately reported within the required time periods.
Determining whether the investigator is maintaining essential documents for the conduct of a clinical
trial. (See the Record Keeping module for more information on essential documents.)
Notifying the investigator of deviations from the protocol, SOPs, GCP, and applicable regulatory
requirements and taking appropriate action to prevent their recurrence.
Notifying the investigator and sponsor of any noncompliance that significantly affects or has the
potential to significantly affect human subject protection or reliability of trial results.
Participating in root cause analyses and ensuring that appropriate corrective and preventative actions
are implemented to correct each identified incidence of noncompliance.
Verifying the procedures for enrolling, assessing, treating, and following up with trial participants.
This includes reviews to ensure that:
o Informed Consent forms are properly completed and up to date
o Trial assessments and treatment are conducted in compliance with the protocol.
o CRFs are filled out accurately, completely, legibly and verifiably based on the participant’s
source documentation.
o All source documents are attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original, accurate, and
o Medication dosing and documentation are in compliance with the protocol.
o All adverse events and serious adverse events have been documented and appropriately
reported to the Sponsor, Lead Investigator(s) and IRB.
Checking for changes in procedures or staffing that have occurred at the site since the previous visit.
For example, if a new Research Assistant or Site Coordinator has joined the research team, the
monitor must verify that he or she has received all the required training.
Documents and activities that monitors may review during an interim site visit
Monitors may review any or all of the following documents and research activities during an interim site visit:
The contents of the Regulatory, or Essential Documents, binder, especially those documents with
expiration dates.
Site logs.
Accountability records for trial drugs, as well as procedures for storing and dispensing these drugs.
Protocol compliance.
Laboratory procedures.
The continuing ability of the site and its staff to carry out the trial safely and in accordance with the
Thoroughly reviewing the research protocol, operations manual, standard operating procedures (SOPs),
training manuals and materials, and other relevant documents before the trial begins.
Choosing to monitor research sites arbitrarily, instead of developing and following a monitoring plan.
Following all instructions specified in the research protocol, operations manual, and SOPs, and doing so i
timely manner.
Providing all research team members with adequate training before the
trial begins.
Monitoring progress early in the trial to assess the quality of screening,
recruitment, randomization, and documentation practices (for example,
after the first few participants have been randomly assigned to a
treatment group). This helps to ensure that any deficiencies are detected
early and at the source (i.e., at the site where the research is performed),
that inefficiencies and wasteful procedures are eliminated, and that any
necessary retraining is performed in a timely fashion. Early monitoring
also helps to reduce the likelihood that errors will occur later in the
trial, by providing additional information to help troubleshoot for future
risk mitigation strategies and risk-based monitoring of the study.
Increasing the frequency of monitoring when necessary to correct any
deficiencies in the conduct of the trial or to provide technical support.
Quality Assurance (QA) consists of planned, systematic activities
conducted to ensure that a trial is performed―and that trial data are
generated, documented, and reported―in compliance with the protocol
and with Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and all other applicable
regulatory requirement(s).
QA is the responsibility of every member of the research team. The role
of QA staff is to support and assist members of the research team in
adhering to high quality standards.
The purposes of monitoring are to verify that:
o The rights and well-being of human participants are protected.
o Reported trial data are attributable, legible, contemporaneous,
original, accurate, and complete.
o The trial is conducted in compliance with the currently approved
protocol (including any amendments), as well as with GCP and
all other applicable regulatory requirement(s).
Monitoring can occur on-site and/or remotely (via centralized
monitoring), and it is required before, during, and after completion of a