The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Decisions
The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Decisions
The Impact of Social Media Marketing On Consumer Purchase Decisions
The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of social media marketing on consumer purchasing decisions for
Indonesian rail transportation service users who operate in a monopoly market. Explanatory research with a quantitative
approach was used in this study. This study utilized five variables: content creation, content sharing, connecting,
community building, and purchase decision structure. The data were gathered through the distribution of online
questionnaires (e-questionnaires) to PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Instagram followers. Descriptive analysis and multiple
linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The study found that the variables of Content Creation, Content
Sharing, Connecting, and Community Building had a simultaneous and significant impact on the Purchase Decision
Structure. Then, each variable of Content Creation, Content Sharing, Connecting, and Community Building has a partial
and yet significant impact on the Purchase Decision Structure.
marketing than through traditional advertising channels Consumers have the option of purchasing a product
[13]. Social media marketing is a type of online or spending their money elsewhere. The company should
advertising that uses the cultural context of social concentrate its efforts on people interested in purchasing
communities such as social networks, virtual worlds, the product and other alternatives they are considering.
social news sites, and social opinion sharing sites to
2) Decisions about product form
achieve communication goals [14].
This decision is related to what customers learn about
According to [12], four variables are used to
the products they purchase. In this case, the train service
determine the success of social media marketing:
is in line with what customers expect.
1) Content Creation
3) Brand-related decisions
Engaging content is the foundation of any social
Consumers must choose which brand to purchase
media marketing strategy. The content created must be
because each brand has unique characteristics.
appealing and represent the personality of a company in
order for target consumers to trust it. 4) Decision about the seller
2) Content Sharing Consumers must decide where they will purchase the
product, whether via the train's online application, other
Sharing content with social communities can help a
online applications that also offer train ticket purchasing
company's network, and online audience grow.
services, or other channels.
Depending on the type of content shared, sharing can
result in indirect and direct sales. 5) Decision on product quantity
3) Connecting Consumers can choose the number of products they
wish to purchase. Companies must be able to prepare a
Social networking sites allow the company to meet
large number of products to meet the various needs of
more people who share their interests. Extensive
networks can help to foster relationships that can lead to
increased business. When engaging in social networking, 6) Decision about the time of purchase
it is critical to maintaining open and honest
The availability of money owned by consumers is
closely related to purchasing an item. Companies must
4) Community Building understand the factors that influence consumer
purchasing decisions to manage the timing of production
The social web is a large online community of people
and marketing activities.
who use technology to interact with people worldwide.
With social networking, it is possible to create a 7) Decision on the payment method
community of people who share similar interests on the
Consumers must decide whether to pay in cash or
installments for the purchased product. The company
must be aware of the buyer's preference for the payment
1.2. Purchase Decision method.
Purchasing decisions are processes in which
consumers evaluate various choices and select one or 1.3. Hypothesis
more based on specific considerations [15]. According to
H1 : Social media marketing, which includes content
[16], purchasing decisions are an evaluation process in
creation, content sharing, connecting, and community
which prospective consumers combine their knowledge
building, has a significant concurrent effect on the
of two or more alternative products and choose one of
Purchase Decision Structure variable.
them. According to [17], consumer decision-making
integrates knowledge to evaluate and choose one of two H2 : The variable Content Creation has a significant
or more alternative behaviors. This integration process partial effect on the variable Purchase Decision Structure.
yields a choice, which is presented cognitively as a desire
H3 : The variable Content Sharing has a significant
to behave. The purchase decision is defined as a
partial effect on the variable Purchase Decision Structure.
consumer's subjective judgment that is reflected after the
general decision to purchase a product or service [18, 19, H4 : The connecting variable has a marginally
20 and 21]. significant effect on the Purchase Decision Structure.
According to [22], purchasing decisions have a H5 : The variable Community Building has a
seven-component structure that includes : significant partial effect on Purchase Decision Structure.
1) Product Type Selection
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