Pvsyst Tu Hai
Pvsyst Tu Hai
Pvsyst Tu Hai
Variant: New simulation variant
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Project summary
Geographical Site Situation Project settings
Thôn Bùi Latitude 20.53 °N Albedo 0.20
Vietnam Longitude 105.97 °E
Altitude 8m
Time zone UTC+7
Meteo data
Thôn Bùi
Meteonorm 7.2 (1993-2000), Sat=100% - Synthetic
System summary
Grid-Connected System Tables on a building
Simulation for year no 1
System information
PV Array Inverters
Nb. of modules 400 units Nb. of units 2 units
Pnom total 278 kWp Pnom total 230 kWac
Pnom ratio 1.209
Results summary
Produced Energy 317.2 MWh/year Specific production 1141 kWh/kWp/year Perf. Ratio PR 81.13 %
Table of contents
Project and results summary 2
General parameters, PV Array Characteristics, System losses 3
Near shading definition - Iso-shadings diagram 5
Main results 6
Loss diagram 7
Special graphs 8
Aging Tool 9
P50 - P90 evaluation 11
Cost of the system 12
CO₂ Emission Balance 13
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
General parameters
Grid-Connected System Tables on a building
PV Field Orientation
Orientation Sheds configuration Models used
Fixed planes 2 orientations Nb. of sheds 400 units Transposition Perez
Tilts/azimuths 8 / 111 ° Sizes Diffuse Perez, Meteonorm
8 / -69 ° Sheds spacing 1.31 m Circumsolar separate
Collector width 1.30 m
Ground Cov. Ratio (GCR) 99.5 %
Shading limit angle
Limit profile angle 83.8 °
PV Array Characteristics
PV module Inverter
Manufacturer Risen Energy Co., Ltd Manufacturer Huawei Technologies
Model RSM132-8-695BHDG Model SUN2000-115KTL-M2-400V
(Original PVsyst database) (Custom parameters definition)
Unit Nom. Power 695 Wp Unit Nom. Power 115 kWac
Number of PV modules 400 units Number of inverters 2 units
Nominal (STC) 278 kWp Total power 230 kWac
Array #1 - PV Array
Orientation #1
Tilt/Azimuth 8/111 °
Number of PV modules 200 units Number of inverters 1 units
Nominal (STC) 139 kWp Total power 115 kWac
Modules 10 Strings x 20 In series
At operating cond. (50°C) Operating voltage 200-1000 V
Pmpp 131 kWp Max. power (=>30°C) 125 kWac
U mpp 770 V Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.21
I mpp 170 A
Array #2 - Sub-array #2
Orientation #2
Tilt/Azimuth 8/-69 °
Number of PV modules 200 units Number of inverters 1 units
Nominal (STC) 139 kWp Total power 115 kWac
Modules 10 Strings x 20 In series
At operating cond. (50°C) Operating voltage 200-1000 V
Pmpp 131 kWp Max. power (=>30°C) 125 kWac
U mpp 770 V Pnom ratio (DC:AC) 1.21
I mpp 170 A
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Array losses
Array Soiling Losses Thermal Loss factor DC wiring losses
Loss Fraction 3.5 % Module temperature according to irradiance Global array res. 121 mΩ
Uc (const) 20.0 W/m²K Global wiring resistance 61 mΩ
Uv (wind) 0.0 W/m²K/m/s Loss Fraction 2.5 % at STC
LID - Light Induced Degradation Module Quality Loss Module mismatch losses
Loss Fraction 2.0 % Loss Fraction -0.8 % Loss Fraction 2.0 % at MPP
System losses
Unavailability of the system
Time fraction 4.0 %
14.6 days,
3 periods
AC wiring losses
Inv. output line up to injection point
Inverter voltage 400 Vac tri
Loss Fraction 1.50 % at STC
Inverter: SUN2000-115KTL-M2-400V
Wire section (2 Inv.) Copper 2 x 3 x 95 mm²
Average wires length 89 m
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Iso-shadings diagram
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Main results
System Production
Produced Energy (P50) 317.2 MWh/year Specific production (P50) 1141 kWh/kWp/year Performance Ratio PR 81.13 %
Produced Energy (P90) 298 MWh/year Specific production (P90) 1071 kWh/kWp/year
Produced Energy (P95) 292 MWh/year Specific production (P95) 1051 kWh/kWp/year
GlobHor Global horizontal irradiation EArray Effective energy at the output of the array
DiffHor Horizontal diffuse irradiation E_Grid Energy injected into grid
T_Amb Ambient Temperature PR Performance Ratio
GlobInc Global incident in coll. plane
GlobEff Effective Global, corr. for IAM and shadings
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Loss diagram
1415 kWh/m² Global horizontal irradiation
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Special graphs
Daily Input/Output diagram
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Aging Tool
Aging Parameters
Time span of simulation 25 years
Module average degradation Mismatch due to degradation
Loss factor 0.3 %/year Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Meteo used in the simulation
#1 Thôn Bùi MN72 SYN
Years 1990 (reference year)
Years simulated 1,6,11,16,21,25
Performance Ratio
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Aging Tool
Aging Parameters
Time span of simulation 25 years
Module average degradation Mismatch due to degradation
Loss factor 0.3 %/year Imp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Vmp RMS dispersion 0.4 %/year
Meteo used in the simulation
#1 Thôn Bùi MN72 SYN
Years 1990 (reference year)
Years simulated 1,6,11,16,21,25
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Probability distribution
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4
Operating costs
Item Total
Total (OPEX) 0.00
System summary
Total installation cost 0.00 EUR
Operating costs 0.00 EUR/year
Produced Energy 317 MWh/year
Cost of produced energy (LCOE) 0.000 EUR/kWh
PVsyst V7.2.4
VC0, Simulation date:
20/03/24 16:17
with v7.2.4