Adss Optical Fibre Cable - Tec 851902022

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सं: टीईसी ८५१९०:२०२२

(सं: टीईसी/जीआर/टीएक्स/ओएफसी-०२२/०२/मार्च-१७ को अधिक्रममत करता है )


No. TEC 85190:2022
(Supersedes No.: TEC/GR/TX/OFC-022/02/MAR-17)

बिजिी िाइन संरेखण के साथ बिछाने के लिए एडीएसएस

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ISO 9001:2015

दरू संचार अलियांबिकी केंद्र

खुर्शीदिाि िवन, जनपथ, नई ददल्िी–110001, िारत
© टीईसी, २०२२
© TEC, 2022

इस सर्ाचधिकार सुरक्षित प्रकाशन का कोई भी हहस्सा, दरू संर्ार अमभयांत्रिकी केंद्र, नई हदल्ली की मलखित स्र्ीकृतत के त्रिना,
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Release 3: MAR, 2022

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 2


Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC) is the technical arm of Department of

Telecommunications (DOT), Government of India. Its activities include:

 Framing of TEC Standards for Generic Requirements for a Product/Equipment,

Standards for Interface Requirements for a Product/Equipment, Standards for
Service Requirements & Standard document of TEC for Telecom Products and
 Formulation of Essential Requirements (ERs) under Mandatory Testing and
Certification of Telecom Equipment (MTCTE)
 Field evaluation of Telecom Products and Systems
 Designation of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)/Testing facilities
 Testing & Certification of Telecom products
 Adoption of Standards
 Support to DoT on technical/technology issues

For the purpose of testing, four Regional Telecom Engineering Centers (RTECs)
have been established which are located at New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, and


This document pertains to the Standard for generic requirements of All Dielectric Self
Supporting (ADSS) Metal Free Optical Fibre Cables (Type A & Type B) for
installation along the power line alignments. Type A-I is Semi Dry core cable without
ice loading, Type A-II is Semi Dry core cable with ice loading, Type B-I is Dry Dry
core cable without ice loading & Type B-II is Dry Dry core cable with ice loading. The
ADSS cable is intended to be installed on the existing overhead power distribution
network up to 33KV.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 3


Clause Particulars Page No.

History Sheet 5

References 6

Chapter -1
1.0 Introduction 9

2.0 Functional Requirements 9

3.0 Technical Requirements 12

4.0 Mechanical Characteristics and Tests on Optical Fibre 28

5.0 Engineering Requirements 49

6.0 Quality Requirements 52

7.0 Safety Requirements 54

Chapter -2
8.0 Documentation 55

9.0 Information for the Procurer of product 55

10.0 Procedure for Issue of Approval certificate for lower fibre 57

count cables
Abbreviations 59

Annexure – A 60-63

Table A1: Cable design parameters for Semi Dry Core ADSS Cable
(Without ice loading) – Type A-I Cable
Table A2: Cable design parameters for Semi Dry Core ADSS Cable
(With ice loading) – Type A-II Cable
Annexure – B 64-67
Table B1: Cable design parameters for Dry Dry Core ADSS Cable
(Without ice loading) – Type B-I Cable
Table B2: Cable design parameters for Dry Dry Core ADSS Cable
(With ice loading) – Type B-II Cable

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 4


S.No. GR No. Title Remarks

1. TEC/GR/TX/OFC- ADSS Optical Fibre Release 1
22/01/SEP-11 Cable For laying along
Power line alignments
(Type-I & Type-II)
2. TEC/GR/TX/OFC- ADSS Optical Fibre Release 2
022/02/MAR-17 Cable For laying along
Power line alignments
3. Standard No. Standard for Generic Release 3
TEC 85190:2022 Requirements of ADSS  Renamed as Standard for
Optical Fibre Cable for GR and renumbered as per
laying along Power line new numbering scheme of
alignments TEC
 GR format modified as per
latest format for Standard
for GR
 Wet Core Cable design

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 5


S.N. Document No. Title/Document Name

1. TEC/GR/TX/OAF-001/03/MAR-17 Generic Requirements for
Installation Accessories & Fixture for
Self Supporting Metal Free ADSS
Optical Fibre Cable
2. GR/OFT-01/03. APR 2006 Generic Requirements for Tools For
Installation & Operating the OFC &
for Assembly of the Optical Fibre
Splice Closures
3. TEC/GR/TX/OJC-002/03/APR-2010 Generic Requirements for Optical
Joint Closure
4. TEC 89010:2021 Standard for Generic Requirements
for Raw Material for manufacturing
Optical fibre cable
5. G/CBD-01/02 NOV’94 Generic Requirements for Wooden
6. IEEE 1222: 2019 IEEE Standard for All Dielectric Self-
Supporting Fibre Optic Cable
7. ITU-T Rec. G. 652 & G.657 ITU-T Recommandation
8. GR-20 –CORE July 2013, issue 4 Generic Requirement for Optical
Fibre cable (Telcordia document)
9. IEC 60793-1, IEC 60793-2-50 Test method for Optical Fibres
10. ISO 9001: 2015 International Quality Management
11. EIA 359-A, IEC Publication 304(4) Color Standards
TIA 598D, IEC TR 63194 Latest Issue Color Standards
12. EIA/TIA-455-73, EIA RS-455-37 Test Methods
EIA/TIA 455-81-A (B9)
13. IEC 60794-1-2- E1, IEC 60794-1-2-E2, Test Methods
IEC 60794-1-2-E3, IEC 60794-1-2-E4,

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 6

IEC 60794-1-2-E6, IEC 60794-1-2-E7,
IEC 60794-1-2-E9, IEC 60794-1-2-E10,
IEC 60794-1-2-E11, IEC 60794-1-2-F1,
IEC 60794-1-2-F3, IEC 60794-1-2-F5,
IEC 60068-2-1, IEC 61395, IEC 189
IEC 60794-1-20, IEC 60794-1-21
IEC 60794-1-22, IEC 60794-1-23
14. IEC 60794-4 Test Methods for Aerial Optical Fibre
Cables along Electrical PowerLines
15. ASTM D 566, ASTM D-790,
ASTM D 1248, ASTM D 1693,
ASTM G-53-96, ASTM D 1603,
ASTM D 1693, ASTM D 638,
ASTM D 817, ASTM D 3895,
ASTM D 3349, ASTM D 746,
ASTM G 53, ASTM D 150,
ASTM D 149, ASTM D 257,
ASTM D 2303-85
16. FOTP-62, FOTP-89 Test Methods

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 7

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 8

1.0 Introduction:

This document describes the generic requirements of All Dielectric Self

Supporting (ADSS) Metal Free Optical Fibre Cables (Type A & Type B) for
installation along the power line alignments. Type A-I is Semi Dry core cable
without ice loading, Type A-II is Semi Dry core cable with ice loading, Type B-I
is Dry Dry core cable without ice loading & Type B-II is Dry Dry core cable
with ice loading.
The ADSS optical fibre cable shall have low weight, small volume and high
flexibility. The optical fibre cable shall have good mechanical protection with
stable temperature performance conditions, as it will be exposed to varying
environmental conditions. The optical fibre cables shall be suitably protected
for the ingress of moisture by suitable water blocking material (WS yarn & WS
tape). The raw material used in the cable shall meet the requirements of the
GR for raw materials (Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and
subsequent amendments, if any).
The ADSS cable is intended to be installed on the existing overhead
power distribution network up to 33KV.

2.0 Functional Requirements:

2.1 The design and construction of ADSS metal free optical fibre cable shall be
inherently robust and rigid under all conditions of installation, operation,
adjustment, replacement, storage and transport. The cable shall possess
good performance characteristics such as anti-impact, anti-vibration, anti-
bending, prevention of thermal aging etc. All the elements consisting of ADSS
cable shall be non-metallic.

2.2 The ADSS optical fibre cable shall be able to work in saline atmosphere in
coastal areas and should be protected against corrosion.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 9

2.3 Life of cable shall be at least 25 years. Necessary statistical calculations shall
be submitted by the manufacturer, based upon life of the fibre and other
component parts of the cable. The cable shall meet the cable aging test
Note: Each Raw Material manufacturer shall define the life and lifetime
calculation of the individual raw material.

2.4 It shall be possible to operate and handle the ADSS optical fibre cable with
tools as per GR No. GR/OFT-01/03. APR 2006 and subsequent amendment,
if any. If any special tool required for operating and handling the optical fibre
cable, the same shall be provided along with the cable.

2.5 It shall be possible to install the ADSS optical fibre cable with Accessories and
Fixtures as per the GR No. TEC/GR/TX/OAF-001/03/MAR-17 and subsequent
amendments, if any. If any special Accessories and Fixtures are required for
installation of the ADSS optical fibre cable, the same shall be provided along
with the cable. The accessories required for mounting the splice closure on
towers shall also be supplied along with cable.

2.6 The ADSS optical Fibre Cable shall be suitable and compatible with the
dimensions, fixing, terminating and splicing arrangement of the splice closure
supplied along with the cable & vice versa. The cable supplied shall also meet
other requirement of the splice closure GR No. TEC/GR/TX/OJC-002/03/APR-
2010 & subsequent amendments, if any.

2.7 The manufacturer shall submit an undertaking that the optical and mechanical
fibre characteristics shall not change during the lifetime of the cable against
the manufacturing defects.

2.8 The Self Supporting Metal Free ADSS Optical Fibre cable shall be designed
and manufactured to meet the following conditions of operation, installation
and storage:

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 10

2.8.1 For Type A–I & Type B- I (Semi Dry Core Cable and Dry Dry Core Cable
without Ice loading)

a) Maximum Span length : 100 meters

b) Maximum ice loading : 0 Kg per meter

c) Operational wind velocity : 100 Kms per hour

d) Sag of the span length:

i) Maximum Installation sag allowed : 1 % of the span length
ii) Maximum Operational sag allowed : 2 % of the span length

e) Operating Temperature : -40C to +70 C

f) Tensile force design parameter : 9.81 x 4.0 x W

(Note: W is the mass of 1 Km length of the cable in Kg)

g) Minimum bending Radius : 10D (D-dia of cable)

h) Minimum distance of cable from Phase conductor on 33 KV line: 1.5 meters

2.8.2 For Type A-II & Type B-II (Semi Dry Core Cable and Dry Dry Core Cable with
Ice loading)

a) Maximum Span length : 100 meters

b) Maximum ice loading : 1 Kg per meter

c) Operational wind velocity : 100 Kms per hour

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 11

d) Sag of the span length:
i) Maximum Installation sag allowed : 1 % of the span length
ii) Maximum Operational sag allowed : 2 % of the span length

e) Operating Temperature : -40C to +70C

f) Tensile force design parameter : 9.81 x 6.0 x W

(Note: W is the mass of 1 Km length of the cable in Kg)

g) Minimum bending Radius : 10D (D-dia of cable)

h) Minimum distance of cable from Phase conductor on 33 KV line: 1.5 meters

3.0 Technical Requirements:

Single Mode Optical Fibre used in manufacturing optical Fibre Cables shall be
as per ITU-T Rec. G 652 D. The specification of optical fibres shall be as per
Section-I of Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and subsequent
amendments if any.

3.1 Type of fibre (Wavelength band optimized nominal 1310 nm):

Single mode (As per Section-I of the Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest
release) and subsequent amendments if any.

3.2 Geometrical Characteristics:

(All the parametric values shall be as per latest Standard for GR of Raw
Material for manufacturing Optical fibre cable)

3.2.1 MFD (at 1310nm) : 9.2 ± 0.4 µm

3.2.2 Cladding Diameter : 125 µm ± 1.0 µm

3.2.3 Cladding Non-circularity :  0.8%

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 12

3.2.4 Core Clad concentricity error :  0.5 m

3.2.5 Diameter over primary coated with : 242 ± 5 µm

double UV cured acrylate.
(Shall be measured on un coloured fibre)

Note: The thickness of colour coating may be over and above the values
specified above, if the manufacturer adopts separate UV cured colouring
process (to colour the un coloured fibres) other than the on line integrated
colouring process (of secondary layer of primary coating) of the fibres, during
fibre manufacturing.

3.2.6 Colored fibre coating diameter : 252 ± 10µm

3.2.7 Coating / Cladding Concentricity :  12 m

3.3 Transmission Characteristics:

(All the parametric values shall be as per latest Standard for GR of Raw
Material for manufacturing Optical fibre cable)

3.3.1 Attenuation:

a) Fibre attenuation before Cabling

i) At 1310 nm :  0.34 dB/Km
ii) Between 1285 to 1380 nm :  0.37 dB/Km
iii) Between 1390 to 1525 nm :  Attenuation at 1310nm
iv) At 1550 nm :  0.20 dB/Km
v) Between 1525 to 1625 nm :  0.24 dB/Km
vi) At 1270 nm : ≤ 0.40 dB/km
vii) At 1490 nm : ≤ 0.24 dB/km
viii) At 1625 nm : ≤ 0.23 dB/km

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 13

b) Water Peak Attenuation before cabling
Between 1380-1390 nm :  Attenuation at 1310nm

1. Attenuation in the band 1380-1390nm shall be checked at every 2nm after
Hydrogen ageing as per IEC 60793-2-50. Hydrogen ageing test is to be
carried out by CACT, Bangalore or any other recognized laboratory for
type test.
2. Sudden irregularity in attenuation shall be less than 0.1 dB
3. The spectral attenuation shall be measured on un-cabled fibre in the 1250
nm–1625 nm band at an interval of 10nm and the test results shall be

c) Fibre attenuation after cabling

i) At 1310 nm :  0.36 dB/km
ii) At 1550 nm :  0.22 dB/Km
iii) At 1625 nm :  0.26 dB/Km
iv) At 1490nm : ≤ 0.26 dB/Km

d) Water Peak Attenuation after cabling

At 1383nm  3nm :  Attenuation at

3.3.2 Dispersion:

a) Total Dispersion
i) In 1285-1330 nm band :  3.5 ps/
ii) In 1270-1340 nm band :  5.3 ps/nm. Km
iii) At 1550 nm. :  18.0 ps/nm. Km
iv) At 1625 nm :  22.0 ps/nm. Km

Note: The dispersion in the 1250 nm–1625 nm band shall be measured at

an interval of 10nm and the test results shall be submitted.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 14

b) Polarization mode dispersion
i) Un-cabled Fibre :  0.15 ps/ km
ii) Cabled Fibre :  0.3 ps/ 'km
iii) Link design value for un-cabled fibre: ≤ 0.06 ps/√km

Note: Measurement on un-cabled fibre may be used to generate cabled

fiber statistics and correlation established.

c) Zero Dispersion Slope :  0.092 ps/(nm 2 Km)

d) Zero dispersion wave length range : 1300 -1324 nm

3.3.3 Cable Cut off wavelength : 1260nm Max.

Note - The above cut off wavelength is w.r.t. 22M sample length of fibre.

3.4 Mechanical Characteristics:

(All the parametric values shall be as per latest Standard for GR of Raw
Material for manufacturing optical fibre cable)

3.4.1 Proof test for minimum strain level : 1%

(Test method IEC–60793-1– 30)

3.4.2 Stripability force to remove primary coating of the Un-aged and Aged fibre
(Water aged and Damp heat aged): (Test method IEC- 60793 - 1 - 32)

a) Peak strip force: 1≤ F ≤ 8.9 N

b) Average strip force: 1≤ F ≤ 5N

Note: The force required to remove 30 mm ± 3 mm of the fibre coating shall

not exceed 8.9 N and shall not be less than 1N.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 15

3.4.3 Dynamic Tensile Strength
(Test method IEC–60793-1-31)
a) Un-aged :  550 KPSI (3.80 GPa)
b) Aged (Damp heat aged) :  440 KPSI (3.00 GPa)

3.4.4 Dynamic Fatigue :

(Test method IEC-60793-1- 33)
a) Un-aged: ≥ 20
b) Aged (Damp heat aged): ≥ 20

3.4.5 Fibre Macro bend

(Test method FOTP – 62/ IEC- 60793-1-47)
a) Change in attenuation when fibre is coiled :  0.05 dB at 1550nm
with 100 turns on 60 ± 1.0 mm diameter :  0.1dB at 1625nm
b) Change in attenuation when fibre is coiled :  0.5 dB at 1550nm
with 1 turn around 32 ± 0.5 mm diameter :  1.0 dB at 1625nm
c) Change in attenuation when fibre is coiled :  0.05 dB at 1310nm
with 100 turns on 50 ± 0.5 mm diameter

3.4.6 Fibre Curl :  4 meters radius of

(Test method as per IEC 60793-1-34) curvature

3.5 Material Properties:

(As per latest Standard for GR of Raw Material for manufacturing optical fibre

3.5.1 Fibre Materials:

a) The substances of which fibres are made : To be indicated by the

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 16

b) Protective material requirement:

i) The physical and chemical properties : It shall meet the requirement

of the material used for the fibre primary of fibre stripping forceas per
coating and for single jacket fibre. clause No. 3.4.2
ii) The best way of removing protective : To be indicated by the
coating material. Manufacturer.

c) Group refractive Index of fibre : To be indicated by the

Note: The manufacturer shall indicate the variation in group refractive
index of fibre during bulk production

d) Fibre materials to be RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substance)


3.6 Environmental Characteristic of Fibre:

(As per latest Standard for GR of Raw Material for manufacturing optical fibre

3.6.1 Operating Temperature

(Test Method IEC – 60793 – 1 - 52)

Temperature Dependence of Attenuation : - 60C to +85 C

Induced Attenuation at 1550nm & 1625 nm :  0.05 dB/km
at -60C to +85 C

3.6.2 Temperature – Humidity Cycling

(Test method /EIA/TIA-455-73)

Induced Attenuation at 1550nm & 1625 nm :  0.05 dB/km

at -10C to +85C and 95% relative humidity.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 17

3.6.3 Water Immersion 23C
(Test method IEC- 60793 – 1- 53)

Induced Attenuation at 1550nm & 1625 nm

due to Water Immersion at 23  2C :  0.05 dB/km

3.6.4 Accelerated Aging (Temperature ) 85C

(Test method IEC- 60793 – 1- 51)

Induced Attenuation at 1550 nm & 1625 nm

due to Temperature Aging at 85  2C :  0.05dB/km

3.6.5 Retention of Coating Color

(Test method IEC- 60793 – 1- 51)

Coated Fibre shall show no discernible change : 30 days at 85C with 95
in colour when aged for relative humidity humidity and then 20 days in
85C dry heat.

3.6.6. High Temperature and High Humidity (Damp Heat)

(Test Method IEC 60793-2-50)

Induced attenuation at 1550nm & 1625nm at 85℃ and 85% Relative Humidity
for 30 days: ≤ 0.05 dB/km

3.7 Colour Qualification and Primary Coating Test:

(As per latest Standard for GR of Raw Material for manufacturing optical fibre

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 18

3.7.1 Colour Qualification Test:

a) MEK Rub Test (Methyle Ethyl Ketone):

To be tested by using soaked (Solvent) tissue paper for ten strokes
unidirectional on 10 cm length of fibre. No colour traces shall be observed
on the tissue paper after testing.

b) Water immersion Test (Type Test):

To be tested for coloured fiber for 30 days. After the test Colour
qualification, Attenuation measurement & Strippability test are to be taken.

3.7.2 Primary coating Test (Type Test):

a) Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Test:

To be tested to check the curing level of coating on the surface of natural
fibre. The curing level shall be better than 90%.

b) Adhesion Test:
To be tested by using soaked (Solvent) tissue paper for ten strokes
unidirectional on 10 cm length of fibre. No coating shall be observed on
the tissue paper after testing.

3.8 ADSS Optical Fibre Cable Construction Specifications for Semi Dry core (Type
A-I & Type A-II):

The cable shall be designed to the parameters mentioned in Annexure–A for

Type A-I and Type A-II. The manufacturer shall submit designed calculation
and the same shall be studied and checked.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 19

Figure 2: Typical Structural drawing for 48 Fibre OF Cable

3.8.1 Secondary Protection:

The primary coated fibres may be protected by loose packaging within a tube
or tubes which shall be filled with thixotropic jelly.

3.8.2 Number of fibres: 12, 24, 48 and 96

(Type approval for a cable shall be issued depending upon the no. of fibres in
the cable)

3.8.3 Strength Member: Solid FRP non - metallic strength member in the centre of
the cable core shall be provided. The strength member in the cable shall be
for strength and flexibility of the cable and shall have anti buckling properties.
This shall also keep the fibre strain within permissible values. The strength
member shall be as per the Section II of Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or
latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any,

3.8.4 Cable Core Assembly: Primary coated fibres in loose tubes, stranded together
around a central strength member (using helical or reverse lay techniques),
shall form the cable core.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 20

3.8.5 Core Wrapping: The main cable core containing fibres shall be wrapped by
layer/layers of water swellable tape & binder (as per Section IX of Standard
No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if

3.8.6 Moisture barrier (protection): The main cable core (containing Tube/FRP &
Core wrapping) shall be protected by water swellable yarn as per section XIX
of Standard No. TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent
amendments, if any.

3.8.7 Filling compound: The filling compound used in the loose tube shall be
compatible to fibre, secondary protection of fibre, core wrapping etc. The drip
point shall not be lower than +70º C. The fibre movement shall not be
constrained by stickiness and shall be easily removable for splicing. The test
method to measure drop point shall be as per ASTM D 566. The filling jelly
shall be as per Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and the
subsequent amendments, if any.

3.8.8 Inner Sheath: A non-metallic moisture barrier sheath may be applied over and
above the cable core. The core shall be covered with tough weather resistant
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheath, black in colour. Thickness of the
sheath shall be uniform and shall not be less than 1.0mmThe sheath shall be
circular, smooth, free from pin holes, joints, mended pieces and other defects.
Reference test method to measure thickness shall be as per IEC 189 para
2.2.1 and Para 2.2.2.

Note: HDPE material (in black colour) from the finished cable, shall be
subjected to following tests (on sample basis) and shall conform to the
requirement of the material as per Section III of Standard No. TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any.
i) Density
ii) Melt flow index
iii) Oxidative Induction time

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 21

iv) Carbon black content
v) Carbon black dispersion
vi) ESCR
vii) Moisture content
viii) Tensile strength and elongation at break

3.8.9 Reinforcement: The ADSS optical fibre cable shall be helically reinforced with
Aramid Yarn in the periphery over the inner sheath. The Aramid Yarn shall be
uniformly and equally distributed on the entire periphery (circumference) of
the cable. The quantity of the Aramid Yarn used per kilometer length of the
cable shall be as per requirement in Annexure A for Type A-I and Type A-II.
The Aramid Yarn shall be as per the Section XVII of Standard No. TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any.

3.8.10 Outer Jacket: A circular and uniform tough weather resistant polyethylene
compound Anti-track Polyethylene material sheath/Jacket, black in colour,
(UV Stabilised) shall be provided over and above the reinforcement of Aramid
Yarn. The thickness of the outer sheath/Jacket shall not be less than 1.8mm.
The sheath shall be free from pin holes, joints, scratches, mended pieces and
other defects etc. and it shall have smooth finish.

Note: Anti-track PE material (in black colour) from the finished cable, shall be
subjected to following tests (on sample basis) and shall conform to the
requirement of the material as per Section XXI of Standard No. TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any.
i) Density
ii) Melt flow index
iii) Oxidative Induction time
iv) Carbon black content
v) Carbon black dispersion
vi) ESCR
vii) Moisture content
viii) Tensile strength and elongation at break

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 22

3.8.11 Cable diameter: The manufacturer shall define the cable diameter. The
finished cable diameter shall be as per Annexure- A for Type A-I and Type A-

3.8.12 RIP Cord:

a) The suitable water blocking ripcords (two each for Inner & Outer sheath)
shall be provided which shall be used to open the inner and outer sheath
of the cable. It shall be capable of consistently slitting the sheath without
breaking for a length of 1 meter at the installation temperature. The rip
cord(s) shall be properly waxed to avoid wicking action and shall not work
as a water carrier.

b) The ripcord used in the cable shall be readily distinguishable from any
other components (e.g. Aramid Yarn etc.) utilized in the cable

3.9 ADSS Optical Fibre Cable Construction Specifications for Dry-Dry Core (Type
B-I & Type B-II)

The cable shall be designed to the parameters mentioned in Annexure- B for

Type B-I and Type B-II. The manufacturer shall submit designed calculation
and the same shall be studied and checked.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 23

Figure 3: Typical Structural drawing for 48 Fibre of Cable

3.9.1 Secondary Protection:

The primary coated fibres may be protected by loose packaging within a tube
or tubes which shall contain water swellable yarn to prevent water ingress in
loose tube.,

3.9.2 Number of fibres: 12, 24, 48 and 96

(Type approval for a cable shall be issued depending upon the no. of fibres in
the cable)

3.9.3 Strength Member: Solid FRP non - metallic strength member in the centre of
the cable core shall be provided. The strength member in the cable shall be
for strength and flexibility of the cable and shall have anti buckling
properties. This shall also keep the fibre strain within permissible values. The
strength member shall be as per the Section II of Standard No.TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any,

3.9.4 Cable Core Assembly: Primary coated fibres in loose tubes, stranded
together around a central strength member (using helical or reverse lay
techniques), shall form the cable core.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 24

3.9.5 Core Wrapping: The main cable core containing fibres shall be wrapped by
layer/layers of water swellable tape & binder (as per Section IX of Standard
No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if

3.9.6 Moisture barrier (protection): The main cable core (containing Tube/FRP &
Core wrapping) shall be protected by water swellable yarn as per section XIX
of Standard No.TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent
amendments, if any.

3.9.7 Inner Sheath: A non-metallic moisture barrier sheath may be applied over
and above the cable core. The core shall be covered with tough weather
resistant High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) sheath, black in colour.
Thickness of the sheath shall be uniform and shall not be less than 1.0mm.
The sheath shall be circular, smooth, free from pin holes, joints, mended
pieces and other defects. Reference test method to measure thickness shall
be as per IEC 189 para 2.2.1 and Para 2.2.2.

Note: HDPE material (in black colour) from the finished cable, shall be
subjected to following tests (on sample basis) and shall conform to the
requirement of the material as per Section III of Standard No.TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release). and the subsequent amendments, if any.

i) Density
ii) Melt flow index
iii) Oxidative Induction time
iv) Carbon black content
v) Carbon black dispersion
vi) ESCR
vii) Moisture content
viii) Tensile strength and elongation at break

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 25

3.9.8 Reinforcement: The ADSS optical fibre cable shall be helically reinforced with
Aramid Yarn in the periphery over the inner sheath. The Aramid Yarn shall be
uniformly and equally distributed on the entire periphery (circumference) of
the cable. The quantity of the Aramid Yarn used per kilometer length of the
cable shall be as per requirement in Annexure B for Type B-I and Type B-II.
The Aramid Yarn shall be as per Section XVII of Standard No.TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release). and the subsequent amendments, if any.

3.9.9 Outer Jacket: A circular and uniform tough weather resistant polyethylene
compound Anti-track Polyethylene material sheath/Jacket, black in colour,
(UV Stabilised) shall be provided over and above the reinforcement of Aramid
Yarn. The thickness of the outer sheath/Jacket shall not be less than 1.8mm.
The sheath shall be free from pin holes, joints, scratches, mended pieces and
other defects etc. and it shall have smooth finish.

Note: Anti-track PE material (in black colour) from the finished cable, shall be
subjected to following tests (on sample basis) and shall conform to the
requirement of the material as per Section XXI of Standard No. TEC
89010:2021 (or latest release) and the subsequent amendments, if any:

i. Density
ii. Melt flow index
iii. Oxidative Induction time
iv. Carbon black content
v. Carbon black dispersion
vi. ESCR
vii. Moisture content
viii. Tensile strength and elongation at break

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 26

3.9.10 Cable diameter: The manufacturer shall define the cable diameter. The
finished cable diameter shall be as per Annexure- B for Type B-I and Type B-

3.9.11 RIP Cord:

a) The suitable water blocking ripcords (two each for Inner & Outer sheath)
shall be provided which shall be used to open the inner and outer sheath
of the cable. It shall be capable of consistently slitting the sheath without
breaking for a length of 1 meter at the installation temperature. The rip
cord(s) shall be properly waxed to avoid wicking action and shall not work
as a water carrier.

b) The ripcord used in the cable shall be readily distinguishable from any
other components (e.g. Aramid Yarn etc.) utilized in the cable

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 27

4.0 Mechanical Characteristics and Tests on Optical Fibre Cable:

4.1 Tensile strength Test:

To test the tensile strength of Self Supporting Metal Free ADSS Optical Fibre
Cable, in order to examine the behavior of the attenuation as a function of the
load on a cable. This load occurs during installation, while the ADSS optical
fibre cable encounters the excess ice loading and the winds at high speed.

Test Method:
IEC 60794-1-21-E1

Test Specs. :
The cable shall have sufficient strength to withstand a load of value T(N) =
9.81 x 4 W Newton for ADSS cable without ice loading & T(N) = 9.81 x 6 W
Newton for ADSS cable with ice loading(where – W is the mass of 1 Km of
cable in Kg.). The load shall be sustained for 10 minutes and the strain on the
fibre and the attenuation shall be monitored.

The load shall not produce a strain exceeding 0.25 % in the fibre and shall not
cause any permanent physical or optical damage to any component of the
cable. The attenuation shall be noted before strain and after the release of
strain. The change in attenuation of each fibre after the test shall be < 0.05
dB, both for 1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths.

4.2 Abrasion Test:

To test the abrasion resistance of the sheath and the marking printed on the
surface of the cable.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 28


The cable surface shall be abraded with needle (wt. 150 gm) having diameter
of 1 mm with 500 grams weight (Total weight more than equal 650 gms.)
No. of cycles : 100
Duration : One minute (Nominal)

There shall be no perforation and loss of legibility of the marking on the

4.3 Crush Test (Compressive Test):

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of an optical fibre cable to
withstand crushing.

Test Method:
IEC 60794-1-21-E3

Test Specs. :
The fibres and component parts of the cable shall not suffer permanent
damage when subjected to a compressive load of 2200 Newtons applied,
between the plates of dimension 100 x 100 mm. The load shall be applied for
10 minutes. The attenuation shall e noted before and after the completion of
the test.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be <0.05 dB, both for
1310nm and 1550nm wavelengths.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 29

4.4 Impact Test:

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of an optical fibre cable to
withstand impact.

Method: IEC 60794-1-21-E4

Test Specs:
The cable shall have sufficient strength to withstand an impact caused by a
mass weight of 50 Newton, when falls freely from a height of 0.5 meters. The
radius R of the surface causing impact shall be 300 mm. Ten such impacts
shall be applied at the same place. The attenuation shall be noted before and
after the completion of the test.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be <0.05 dB both for
1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths.

4.5 Repeated Bending /Cable cyclic flexing:

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of an optical fibre cable to
withstand repeated bending.

Method: IEC-60794-1-21-E6/ IEEE - 1222

Test Specs. :
The cable sample shall be of sufficient length (5m minimum) to permit radiant
power measurements as required by this test. Longer lengths may be used, if
required. The sheave diameter shall be maximum of 20 times the cable
outside diameter. The cable shall be flexed at 30 cycle/minute for 25 cycles.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 30

Weight : 5 Kg
Minimum distance from Pulley centre to holding : 216 mm
Minimum distance from Wt. to Pulley centre : 457 mm
Pulley Diameter : 20 D
(D–cable diameter)
Angle of Turning : 90°
No. of cycles : 30
Time Required for 30 cycles : 1 min

During the test no fibre shall break and the attenuation shall be noted before
and after the completion of the test. The change in attenuation of the fibre
after the test shall be < 0.05 dB, both for 1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths.

4.6 Torsion Test/Cable twist:

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of an optical fibre cable to
withstand torsion.

IEC 60794-1-21-E7 /IEEE - 1222

Test Specs. :
The length of the specimen under test shall be 2 meters and the load shall be
100 N. The sample shall be mounted in the test apparatus with cable
clamped in the fixed clamp, sufficiently tight, to prevent the movement of
cable sheath during the test. One end of the cable shall be fixed to the
rotating clamp, which shall be rotated in a clockwise direction for one turn.
The sample shall then be returned to the starting position and then rotated in
an anti-clock wise direction for one turn and returned to the starting position.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 31

This complete movement constitutes one cycle. The cable shall withstand ten
such complete cycles. The attenuation shall be noted before and after the
completion of the test.

The cable shall be examined physically for any cracks, tearing on the outer
sheath and for the damage to other component ports of the cable. The twist
mark shall not be taken as damage. The change in attenuation of the fibre
after the test shall be < 0.05 dB, both for 1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths.

4.7 Kink Test:

The purpose of this test is to verify whether kinking of an optical fibre cable
results in breakage of any fibre, when a loop is formed of dimension small
enough to induce a kink on the sheath.

Method: IEC 60794-1-21-E10.

Test Specs. :
The sample length shall be 10 times the minimum bending radius of the cable.
The sample is held in both hands, a loop is made of a bigger diameter and by
stretching both the ends of the cable in opposite direction, the loop is made to
the minimum bend radius so that no kink shall form. After the cable comes in
normal condition, the attenuation reading is taken.

The kink should disappear after the cable is brought to normal position. The
change in attenuation of the fibre after test shall be < 0.05 dB, both for 1310
nm & 1550 nm wavelengths.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 32

4.8 Cable Bend Test:

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of an optical fibre cable to
withstand repeated flexing. The procedure is designed to measure optical
transmittance changes and requires an assessment of any damage occurring
to other cable components.

Method: IEC 60794-1-21-E11 (Procedure-I).

Test Specs. :
The fibre and the component parts of the cable shall not suffer permanent
damage when the cable is repeatedly wrapped and unwrapped 4 complete
turns of 10 complete cycles around a mandrel having diameter of 20 D, where
D is the diameter of the cable. The attenuation shall be noted before and after
the completion of the test.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be <0.05 dB, both for
1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. Sheath shall not show any cracks visible
to the naked eye, when examined whilst still wrapped on the mandrel.

4.9 Cable bend Test at High & Low Temp (Type Test):

To determine the ability of optical fibre cable to withstand bending at low and
high temperatures, which might be encountered during cable placement.

Method :
EIA RS-455-37/ IEC 60794-1-22-F1

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 33

Test Specs. :
Test Temperature : - 40 to + 70 C
Mandrel Diameter : 20D (D- Diameter of cable).
No. of turns : 4
Conditioning Time Duration: 24 hours at each temperature.
Acceptance : Visual test for the damage of sheath.

Requirement :
The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test, shall be < 0.05 dB
both for 1310 nm & 1550 nm wave lengths. The attenuation shall be noted
before and after the completion of the cycle.

4.10 Temperature Cycling (Type Test):

To determine the stability behavior of the attenuation of a cable subjected
to temperature changes, which may occur during storage, transportation and

Method :
IEC 60794-1-22-F1/ IEEE – 1222 (Annexure E)
(To be tested on Standard cable length of drum i.e. 2Km + 5 %)

Test Specs. :
The permissible temperature range of the cable for storage shall be from -
50°C to +70°C and for operation -40°C to +70°C. The rate of change of
temperature during the test shall be 1° per minute approx. The cable shall be
subjected to temperature cycling for 24 hrs at each temperature as given
TA2 temp. : - 40°C
TA1 temp. : - 10°C.
TB1 temp. : + 60°C.
TB2 temp. : + 70°C.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 34

The test shall be conducted for 2 cycles at the above temperatures.

The change in attenuation of the fibre under test shall be < 0.05 dB, both for
1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths for the entire range of temperature.

4.11 Cable Aging test (Type Test):

To check the cable material change dimensionally as the cable ages.

Method : IEEE –1222 (Annexure F)/ IEC 60794-1-2-F9

Test Specs. :
At the completion of temperature cycle test, the test cable shall be exposed to
85 +2 degree C for 168 hours. The attenuation measurement at 1310 & 1550
nm wave length to be made after stabilization of the test cable at ambient
temperature for 24 hours.

The increase in attenuation allowed is < 0.05dB at 1310nm & 1550nm

Note: The attenuation changes are to be calculated with respect to the base
line attenuation values measured at room temperature before temperature

4.12 Cable Freezing Test (Type Test):

To determine that installed optical fibre cable jacket shall not show the
evidence of cracking or splitting.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 35

Test Method: FOTP- 98.

The attenuation change shall be < 0.05dB at 1310nm & 1550nm. The
magnitude of the maximum attenuation change of each individual fibre shall
not be greater than 0.15dB and cable shall not show the evidence of cracking
or splitting.

4.13 Water Penetration/Blocking Test (Type Test):

The aim of this test is to ensure that installed optical fibre cable will not allow
water passage in the cable.

IEC 60794-1-22-F5 (Fig. B) 1999

Test Specs. :
A circumferential portion of the cable end shall face the water head. The water
tight sleeve shall be applied over the core of cable. The cable shall be
supported horizontally and two meter water head, containing sufficient
quantity of water soluble fluorescent dye for the detection of seepage, shall be
applied over the inner sheath of cable for seven days, at ambient
temperature. No other colored dye is permitted.

No dye shall be detected when the end of the 3m length is examined with
ultraviolet light detector. The cable sample under test shall be ripped open
after the test and then it shall be examined for seepage of water into the cable
and the distance to be noted.. For Semi Dry core cable and Dry Dry cable, it
shall not be more than 1 meter.

Note: For bulk testing, test should be conducted for 24 hours.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 36

4.14 Test of Figure of 8 (Eight) on the cable (Type Test):

Check of easiness in formation of figure of 8 of the cable during installation in
the field.

Test Method :
1000 meter (approximate) length of the cable shall be uncoiled from the
cable reel and shall be arranged in figure of 8 (eight). The diameter of each
loop of the figure of 8 shall be maximum 2 meters.

Requirement :
It shall be possible to make figure of 8 of minimum 1000 meter length of the
cable uncoiled from the cable reel, without any difficulty. No visible damage
shall occur.

4.15 Flexural Rigidity Test on the optical fibre cable (Type Test):

To check the Flexural Rigidity of the metal free optical fibre cable.

Method: ASTM D 790

Test Specs:
The fibre and the component parts of the cable shall not suffer permanent
damage in the cable subjected to Flexural Rigidity Test as per the above
method. The attenuation shall be noted after and before the completion of the

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 37

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be < 0.05 dB at both
1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. The sheath shall not show any cracks
visible to the naked eye.

4.16 Static Bend test (Type Test):

To check the cable under Static bend.

Method: ASTM D 790.

Test Specs:
The cable shall be subjected to static bend test. The optical fibre cable shall
be bend on a mandrel having a Diameter of 10 D (D is diameter of the cable).

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be <0.05 dB for both
1310 nm and 1550 nm wavelengths. Sheath shall not show any cracks visible
to the naked eye when examined whilst still wrapped on the mandrel.

4.17 Cable Jacket Yield Strength and Ultimate Elongation (Type Test):

To check the yield strength and elongation of polyethylene (HDPE) cable

Test Method:
FOTP-89 or ASTM D 1248 Type III Class.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 38

Test Condition:
1) Sample shall be taken from a completed cable. The aged sample shall be
conditioned at 100 + 20 C for 120 hours before testing.
2) The cross-head speed shall be 50 mm per minute.


Jacket Material Minimum Yield Strength Minimum Elongation

(Mpa) (psi) (%)
HDPE unaged 16.5 2400 400
HDPE aged 12.4 1800 375

4.18 Drip Test on the cable (Seepage of filling/flooding compound Test):

The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of jelly in the Optical Fibre
cable to withstand a temperature of 70°C.

Test Method:
TIA/EIA-455-81-A-1992 [B9] / IEC 60794-1-22-F16 or IEC 60794-1-21-E14

Take a sample of 30 cm length of the cable with one end sealed by the end
cap. Remove outer jacket, black sheath binder tapes for 5 cm from open end
of the sample. Clean the jelly. Then the sample is kept vertically with open
end downwards in the oven for 24 hours at 70° C with a paper under the

Test Specs. :
Examine the paper placed below the cable inside the over for dripping of the
jelly after 24 hours.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 39

There should be no jelly drip or oil impression on the paper.

Note: The test is applicable for only Wet Core and Semi Dry cable.

4.19 ESCR (Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance) Test (Type Test):

The outer sheath of the ADSS optical fibre cable shall be checked and tested
for ECSR.

Test Method:
ASTM D 1693

There should not be any visible cracks on the surface of the outer sheath,
when examined with the help of a magnifying glass at the end of 1000 hours
for Type Test in a 10% Igepal solution.

4.20 UV radiation Test (Type Test)

To check the effect of UV radiation on the following:
i) On the Outer Sheath material (ATPE).
ii) On the meter and other legend markings.

Test Method:
IEC 60068-2-1/ASTM G-154-12a ASTM G-53 – 96 (ASTM G 154)

Type of Lamp: 40 Watt UV-B lamp with a peak emission at 313nm.

Duration: 2000 hours

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 40

Test procedure:
Four test samples of the finished cable of the required length (as per the test
chamber specifications) are to be prepared and 2 samples are to be kept
inside. These test samples are to be compared after test with the other 2
samples kept outside.

There should not be any fading or change in the colour of the markings and
that of sheath.

4.21 Check of the quality of the loose tube (containing optical fibre) (Type Test):

a) Embrittlement Test of loose Tube

This test method is based on bending by compression and reflects

embrittlement much better than the other tensile tests. This test is
independent of wall thickness of the loose tube.

Test Sample:
The minimum length of the test sample depends on the outside diameter
of the loose tube and should be 85 mm for tubes up to 2.5 mm outside dia.
The length of the bigger tubes should be calculated by using the
following equation:

Lo > 100 x  (D2 + d2) / 4

Where Lo = Length of tube under test.
D = Outside dia of loose tube.
d = Inside dia of loose tube.

Fibre optic tube, D = 5mm, d = 3mm
Lo > 100 x (52 + 32) / 4 = 100 x 5.83/4 = 145.8

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 41

Test Method:
Both the ends of a buffer tube test sample may be mounted in a tool,
which is clamped in jaws of a tensile machine which exerts a constant rate
of movement. The movable jaw may move at a rate of 50 mm per minute
toward the fixed jaw. Under load, the tube will bend so that it is subjected
to tensile and compressive stresses. The fixture for holding the tube
should be designed in a manner that the tube might bend in all directions
without further loading.

The tube should not get embrittled. No ink should appear on the tube up to
the safe bend dia of tube (15 D), where D is the outside diameter of the
loose tube. There should also not be any physical damage or mark on the
tube surface.

b) Kink resistance Test on the loose Tube

To safeguard the delicate optical fibres, the quality of the loose tube
material should be such that no kink or damage to the tube occur while it is
being handled during installation and in splicing operations.

To check the kink resistance of the loose tube, a longer length of the loose
tube is taken (with fibre and gel), a loop is made and loop is reduced to the
minimum bend radius of loose tube i.e. 15 D. (where D is the outside dia of
the loose tube). This test is to be repeated 4 times on the same sample
length of the loose tube.

No damage or kink should appear on the surface of the tube.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 42

4.22 Drainage Test for loose Tube (Type Test):

Sample Size: 30 cm tube length.

Test Method:
1. Cut the tube length to 40 cm.
2. Fill the tube with the tube filling gel ensuring that there are no air bubbles
and the tube is completely full.
3. Place the filled tube in a horizontal position on a clean worktop and cut 5
cm from either end so that the finished length of the sample is 30 cm.
4. Leave the filled tube in a horizontal position at an ambient temperature for
24 hrs.
5. The sample tube is then suspended vertically in an environment heat oven
over a weighed beaker. It is left in the oven at a temperature of 70° C for a
period of 24 Hrs.
6. At the end of the 24 Hrs period the beaker is checked and weighed to see
if there is any gel in the beaker.

Requirement :
1. If there is no gel or oil in the beaker the tube has PASSED the
drainage test.
2. If there is gel or oil in the beaker the tube has FAILED the drainage

Note: This test is applicable for only Wet Core and Semi Dry cable.

4.23 Check of easy removal of sheath:

Objective :
Check of the easy removal of sheath of the optical fibre cable by using normal
sheath removal tool.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 43

Test Method:
To check easy removal, about 300 mm length of the sheath should be
removed by use of rip cords. It should be observed during sheath removal
process that the cable core should not be damaged during the operation. One
should be able to remove the sheath easily.

Easy removal of both the outer jacket and the inner sheath shall be checked

4.24 Check of the effect of aggressive media on the cable (Type Test) :

Test Method:
To check the effect of aggressive media, solution of PH4 and PH10 shall be
made. The two test samples of the finished cable, each of 600mm in length,
are taken and the ends of the samples are sealed. These test samples are
put in the PH4 and PH10 solutions separately. After 30 days these samples
are taken out from the solutions and examined for any corrosion etc on the
sheath and other markings of the cables. (Test method no. ISO175).

Requirement :
The sample should not show any effect of these solution on the sheath and
other marking of the cable.

4.25 Electrical Test (Type Test) :

The objective of this test is to demonstrate the resistance of the cable sheath
to erosion and tracking under combined electrical and mechanical stresses.

Test Method:
IEEE Std 1222-2003 (Annexure A)

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 44

Tracking on the outside of sheath shall not result in erosion at any point of

4.26 Aeolian Vibration Test (Type Test) :

The objective of this test is to assess the fatigue performance of ADSS cable
and the optical characteristics of the fibers under typical Aeolian vibrations.

Test Method:
IEC 60794-1-2 (E19) / IEEE Std 1222-2003 (Annexure B)

Test Specs.:
The cable test set up is as shown in Figure B.1of IEEE Std 1222-2003
(Annexure B). The cable shall be subjected to a minimum of 100 million
vibration cycles. The frequency of the test span shall be equal to and
maintained at the nearest resonant frequency produced by a 16.1 km/hr wind
(i.e., frequency = 82.92, diameter of cable in centimeters). The free loop peak-
to-peak antinode amplitude shall be maintained at a level equal to one-half
the diameter of the cable.

In the initial stages, the test span requires continuous attention and recordings
shall be taken approximately every 15 minutes until the test span has
stabilized. After the span has stabilized, readings shall be taken a minimum of
two times per day, typically at the start and end of the working day. The test
shall be performed on a minimum 95 meter sample of ADSS cable. About 45
meter section of the cable is placed in a test span at a 2 deg static sag angle
with the use of ADSS dead ends and suspension clamps.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be  0.05 dB
measured at both 1310 nm & 1550 nm wavelengths. The cable shall be

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 45

examined physically for any cracks, tearing of the outer sheath and for the
damage to other component parts of the cable.

4.27 Galloping Test (Type Test):

The objective of this test is to assess the fatigue performance of ADSS cable
and the optical characteristics of the fibers under typical galloping motions.

Test Method:
IEEE Std 1222-2003 (Annexure C)

Test Specs. :
The cable test set up is as shown in Figure C.1of IEEE Std 1222-2003
(Annexure C). The cable shall be subjected to a minimum of 100000 galloping
cycles. The test frequency shall be the single-loop resonant frequency. The
minimum peak-to-peak antinode amplitude/loop length ratio shall be
maintained at a value of 1/25, as measured in the active span.

Mechanical and optical data shall be read and recorded approximately every
2000 cycles.

The optical power meters shall be continuously monitored beginning at least

one hour before the test and ending at least two hours after the test.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be  0.05 dB
measured at both 1310 nm & 1550 nm wavelengths. The cable shall be
examined physically for any cracks, tearing of the outer sheath and for the
damage to other component parts of the cable.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 46

4.28 Sheave Test (Type Test):

Objective :
The objective of this test is to verify that the installation of the ADSS cable will
not damage or degrade their performance.

Test Method:
IEC 60794 –1-2 (E9) / IEEE Std 1222-2003 (Annexure D)

Test Specs.:
The cable test set up is as shown in Figure D.1of IEEE Std 1222-2003
(Annexure D). A 2m minimum length of the ADSS test sample shall be pulled
120 times forward and backward through the sheave (60 times in each

The 120 passes shall be distributed as mentioned below:

Angle of Pull (Degrees) -- 70
Number of passes -- 120

The diameter of the sheave for the angle of pull shall be determined by the
ADSS cable manufacturer. Before the first pull, the beginning, midpoint, and
end of this length shall be marked. Micrometer readings of the diameter shall
be taken and recorded before the first pass through the sheave and thereafter
every tenth cycle. The output of the optical power meter shall be monitored
continuously during the test. After the test is completed, the ADSS cable shall
be removed in the test section and the cable shall be visually examined for
any surface damage. The ADSS cable shall be dissected to observe for any
signs of damage to the inner structure.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be  0.05 dB
measured at both 1310 nm & 1550 nm wavelengths. The cable shall be

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 47

examined physically for any cracks, tearing of the outer sheath and for the
damage to other component parts of the cable.

4.29 Creep Test (Type Test):

Test Method:
IEC 61395

Test Specs. :
A creep test shall be performed on an ADSS sample approximately 10 m
long. The cable shall be terminated at each end, and a tension of at least 50%
of the maximum rated cable loads shall be applied and sustained for duration
of at least 1000 hrs. The elongation of the cable versus time shall be
measured at suitable intervals and recorded.

The change in attenuation of the fibre after the test shall be  0.05 dB
measured at both 1310 nm & 1550 nm wavelengths. The cable shall be
examined physically for any cracks, tearing of the outer sheath and for the
damage to other component parts of the cable.

4.30 Tracking & Erosion Test (Type Test):

Test Method: ASTM D 2303-97

Note: Type test is conducted during product approval and Bulk test are
conducted during Bulk production.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 48

5.0 Engineering Requirements:

5.1 Cable Marking:

5.1.1 A long lasting suitable marking shall be applied in order to identify this cable
from other cables. The cable marking shall be imprinted (indented). The
marking on the cable shall be indelible of durable quality and at regular
intervals of one meter length. The accuracy of the sequential marking must be
within -0.25% to +0.5% of the actual measured length. The sequential length
markings must not rub off during normal installation and in life time of optical
fibre cable. The total length of the cable supplied shall not be in negative

5.1.2 The marking shall be in contrast colour over the black ATPE Sheath (jacket)
and shall be done by hot foil indentation method. The colour used must
withstand the environmental influences experienced in the field. The marking
on the cable shall be permanent, insoluble in water and shall be legible for
duration of cable life.

5.1.3 The type of legend marking on O.F. cable shall be as follows:

a) Company Legend
b) Legend containing telephone mark & international acceptable Laser
c) Type of Fibre– G.652 D
d) Number of Fibres
e) Type of cable –ADSS (Type IA, IB -Wet Core / Type IIA, IIB -Semi Dry
Core/Type IIIA, IIIB- Dry Dry Core)
f) Year of manufacture
g) Sequential length marking
h) User’s Identification
i) Cable ID

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 49

5.2 Cable Ends:

5.2.1 Both cable ends (the beginning end and end of the cable reel) shall be sealed
and readily accessible. Minimum 5 meter of the cable of the beginning end of
the reel shall accessible for testing. Both ends of the cable shall be kept inside
the drums and shall be located so as to be easily accessible for the test. The
drum (conforming to GR No. G/CBD-01/02 NOV 94 and subsequent
amendments, if any) should be marked to identify the direction of rotation of
the drum. Both ends of cable shall be provided with cable pulling (grip)
stocking and the anti twist device (free head hook). The wooden drums shall
be properly treated against termites and other insects during transportation
and storage. The manufacturer shall submit the methodology used for the
same. The diameter of the cable shall also be marked on the cable drum.

5.2.2 An Anti-twist device (Free head hook) shall be provided attached to the both
end of the cable pulling arrangement. The arrangement of the pulling eye and
its coupling system, along with the anti twist system, shall withstand the
prescribed tensile load applicable to the cable.

5.3 The nominal drum length:

5.3.1 Length of OF Cable in each drum shall be 2 Km  5 % / 4Km  5% / 8Km ±

5% / 10Km ± 5% and shall be supplied as per the order. The variation in
length of optical fibre cable, as specified above (in each drum), shall be

5.3.2 The fibres in cable length shall not have any joint.

5.3.3 The drum shall be marked with arrows to indicate the direction of rotation.

5.3.4 Packing list supplied with each drum shall have at least the following

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 50

a) Drum No.
b) Type of cables - ADSS (Type IA, IB -Wet Core / Type IIA, IIB -Semi Dry
Core/ Type IIIA, IIIB –Dry Dry Core)
c) Physical Cable length
d) No. of fibres
e) Length of each fibre as measured by OTDR
f) The Cable factor - ratio of fibre/cable length
g) Attenuation per Km. of each fibre at 1310 & 1550 nm
h) Users / Consignee’s Name
i) Manufacturers Name, Month, Year and Batch No.
j) Group refractive index of fibre.
j) Purchase Order No.
k) Cable ID

5.4 Colour coding in the OF Cable:

5.4.1 The colorant applied to individual fibres shall be readily identifiable throughout
the life time of the cable and shall match and conform to the MUNSELL color
standards (For EIA standard EIA-598C) and also IEC Publication 304 (4).

5.4.2 Colour Coding Scheme:

When the loose tubes are placed in circular format, the marking to indicate the
loose tube no. "1" shall be in blue colour followed by loose tube no.2 of
orange and so on for other tubes as per the colour scheme given below and
complete the circular format by placing the dummy /fillers at the end.

Depending upon the number of fibres in a loose tube (which depends on the
cable capacity), the fibres are serially chosen from the column no. II of the
table-1. Last fibre in a tube shall be of natural color, while the rest of fibres are

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 51

Table-1 Colour Coding scheme of the Optical Fibres & Loose tube

No.of Fibers/Buffer tube Fiber identification Loose tube identification

1 Blue Blue
2 Orange Orange
3 Green Green
4 Brown Brown
5 Slate Slate
6 White White
7 Red Red
8 Black Black
9 Yellow Yellow
10 Violet Violet
11 Rose/Pink Rose/Pink
12 Natural Aqua

6.0 Quality Requirements:

6.1 The cable shall be manufactured in accordance with the international quality
standards ISO 9001-2015 for which the manufacturer should be duly
accredited. The Quality Manual shall be submitted by the manufacturer.

6.2 Raw Material:

6.2.1 The cable shall use the raw materials approved against the Standard No.TEC
89010:2021 (or ) and the subsequent amendment issued, if any.

6.2.2 Any other material used shall be clearly indicated by the manufacturer. The
detailed technical specifications of such raw materials used shall be furnished
by the manufacturer at the time of approval testing

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 52

6.2.3 The raw materials used from multiple sources is permitted and the source /
sources of raw materials (Type and grade) from where these have been
procured shall be submitted by the manufacturer.

6.2.4 The manufacturer can change the raw material from one approved source to
other approved source with the approval of QA wing of purchaser. The
change of source/grade of SM Optical Fibre and/or design of cable shall call
for fresh type approval.

6.2.5 The ATPE Black in colour used for outer sheath shall be UV stabilized and
shall withstand UV test for 2000 hours (minimum).

Note: A test certificate from a recognised laboratory or institute may be

acceptable for the UV stability of the ATPE sheath material

6.2.6 The material used in optical fibre cable must not evolve hydrogen that will
affect the fibre loss.

Note: Test certificate from a recognized laboratory or institute may be


6.3 Cable Material Compatibility:

Optical fibre, buffers/core tubes, and other core components shall meet the
requirements of the compatibility with buffer/core tube filling material(s) and/or
water-blocking materials that are in direct contact with identified components
within the cable structure (This shall be tested as per clause no. 6.3.3 of
Telcordia document GR-20-CORE issue 4, July 2013).

Note: The tests may be conducted in house (if facility exist) or may be
conducted at CACT or any other recognized laboratory. The test certificate
may be accepted and the tests may not be repeated subsequently, in next
type approvals, if the raw material used is of same make and grade.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 53

7.0 Safety Requirement:

The material used in the manufacturing of the ADSS optical fibre cables shall
be non-toxic and dermatologically safe in its life time and shall not be
hazardous to health. The manufacturer shall submit MSDS (Material safety
Data Sheet) for all the material used in manufacturing of OF Cable to
substantiate the statement.

Note: Latest release of the Standards mentioned in the GR, may be referred.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 54


8.0 Documentation:

8.1 Complete technical literature in English with detailed cable construction

diagram of various sub-components with dimensions, weight & test data and
other details of the cable shall be provided.

8.2 All aspects of installation, operation, maintenance and fibre splicing shall also
be covered in the handbook. The pictorial diagrams of the accessories (with
model no. and manufacturer name) supplied along with the cable as package
shall be also be submitted. A hard as well as soft copy of the manuals shall be

9.0 Information for the Procurer of product:

9.1. Purchaser may ask for following types of ADSS cables as per their
iii) Type A-I is Semi Dry core cable without ice loading
iv) Type A-II is Semi Dry core cable with ice loading
v) Type B-I is Dry Dry core cable without ice loading
vi) Type B-II is Dry Dry core cable with ice loading

9.2. It is suggested that the Optical fibre cable supplied in a particular route is
manufactured from a single source of optical fibres.

9.3 Purchaser may ask for Polyarylate Yarn as an alternative material for Aramid
yarn, to be used as peripheral strength member for optical fibre cables as per
Section XVII (17.2) of Standard No. TEC 89010:2021 (or latest release) for
GR of Raw material.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 55

9.4 Purchaser guideline for use of G.657.A2 fibre

9.4.1 Technical Comparison between G.652 D, G.657 A1 & G.657 A2 Fibre:

Attribute ITU-T G.652.D ITU-T G.657.A1 ITU-T G.657.A2

Mode field 9.2 (± 0.4) μm * 8.8-9.2 (± 0.4) μm 8.6 ± 0.4 µm *

diameter at
Attenuation at
≤ 0.34 dB/km ≤ 0.34 dB/km ≤ 0.35 dB/km
Attenuation at
≤ 0.20 dB/km ≤ 0.20 dB/km ≤ 0.21 dB/km
Attenuation at
≤ 0.24 dB/km ≤ 0.24 dB/km ≤ 0.24 dB/km
Attenuation at
≤ 0.23 dB/km ≤ 0.23 dB/km ≤ 0.23 dB/km
Attenuation at
≤ 0.34 dB/km ≤ 0.34 dB/km ≤ 0.35 dB/km
1383 nm ± 3nm
Macrobend loss, ≤ 0.05 dB at 1550 nm Not specified Not specified
100 turns,30mm ≤ 0.1 dB at 1625 nm
Macrobend loss, ≤ 0.05 dB at 1550 nm Not specified Not specified
1 turn, 16 mm ≤ 0.1 dB at 1625 nm
Macrobend loss,
10 turns, 15 mm Not specified ≤0.25 dB ≤0.03 dB
radius, 1550 nm
Macrobend loss,
10 turns, 15 mm
Not specified ≤1.0dB ≤0.1 dB
radius, 1625 nm

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 56

Macrobend loss,
1 turn, 10 mm Not specified ≤0.75 dB ≤0.1 dB
radius, 1550 nm
Macrobend loss,
1 turn, 10 mm Not specified ≤1.5 dB ≤0.2 dB
radius, 1625 nm
Macrobend loss,
1 turn, 7.5 mm Not specified Not specified ≤0.5 dB
radius, 1550 nm
Macrobend loss,
1 turn, 7.5 mm Not specified Not specified ≤1.0 dB
radius, 1625 nm
≤ 0.15 ps/√km ≤ 0.15 ps/√km ≤ 0.2 ps/√km

* MFD values for both the fibres (G.652.D & G.657.A2) are different, so, MFD
mismatch may result in increased splice loss attenuation.

9.4.2 Presently, few manufacturers have started manufacturing G.657 A2 fibre with
following specification:
Mode file diameter (MFD) at 1310nm for G.657 A2 fibre: 9.1 ± 0.4 µm

The purchaser may ask for the G.657 A2 fibre with above specifications as
per their requirement.

10.0 Procedures for the issue of Approval certificate for Lower Fibre Count of
ADSS Cables:

The manufacturer may seek approval certificate for Lower Fibre Count of
ADSS Cables against this Standard for GR without conducting the actual tests
on the cables only when he is having valid approval certificate for higher fibre
count of cable against this GR.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 57

The manufacturer seeking approval certificate for the Lower Fibre Count cable
shall apply afresh and submit the documents as per the prescribed approval
procedure along with

 List of Raw Materials used, the make and grade of the raw material and the
certificate of source approval issued by CACT or any other govt. recognized
laboratory along with the details of the raw materials used in the
manufacturing of the higher fibre count cable for which he is holding valid
approval certificate. Both the raw materials shall be compared and are
required to be of same make and grade.
 Samples of at least 5 cable reels (2 Kms each approx.) for each lower fibre
count cable.

Any additional information as required may be sought from the manufacturer

and the manufactured cable may be inspected at the manufacturer ’ s
premises. After all the above requirements are met, the approval certificate
may be issued to the lower fibre count of the cable based upon the test
results and other details submitted by the manufacturer. The tariff in each
case shall be as applicable for category – II.

The following shall be mentioned in the remarks column of the Approval

Certificate to be issued for the lower fibre count of the cable:

“This certificate is issued on the basis of certificate No. __________________

dated _____________ for ________ fibre count cable”.

The validity of the certificate for lower fibre count cables shall be
coterminous to the validity of approval certificate of higher fibre count cable.

The above procedure shall be applicable only for the approval of ADSS
Optical Fibre Cable against this standard for GR and subsequent
amendments, if any.

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 58


ADSS - All Dielectric Self Supporting

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
ATPE - Anti Track Polyethylene
CACT - Component Approval Centre For Telecommunications
dB - Decible
EIA - Electronic Industries Association
ESCR - Environmental Stree Cracking Resistance
FOTP - Fibre Optic Test Procedure
FTIR - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Gpa - Gega Pascal
HDPE - High Density Polyethylene
IEC - International Electro -Technical Commission
IS - Indian Standard
ISO - International Standard Organizations
ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union – Transmission
KPSI - Kilogram Per Sq. Inch
MFD - Mode Field Diameter
MSDS - Materail Safety Data Sheet
Nm - Nanometer
Ps/nm - Pico second/Nano meter
Ps - Pico second
QA - Quality Assurance
UV - Ultra Violet
µm - Micrometer
C - Degree Celsius

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 59

Annexure – A

The following parameters of the component parts of the cable are to be taken in to
account while designing and manufacturing the optical fibre cables of the required
fibre count. These parameters shall be checked during evaluation of the OF cables:

Table A1: Cable design parameters for Semi Dry Core ADSS Cable (Without ice loading)
(Type – A-I Cable)

SN Parameter Unit 12 Fiber 24 Fiber OF 48 Fiber OF 96 Fibre OF

OF Cable Cable Cable Cable
1 FRP Rod EAA mm 2.3+0.1/- 2.3 +0.1/-0.0 2.5+0.1/-0.0 3.0+0.1/-0.0
Coated 0.0
2 FRP up jacketing mm 0 0 0 0.6
3 Tube ID (min) mm 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7
4 Tube OD mm 2.2 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1
5 No of fibre / tube No 4 4 12 12
6 Color of fibre BL, OR, BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
7 No of loose tubes No 3 6 4 8
8 Color of loose BL, OR, BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
tubes GR BR, SL, WH BR BR,SL,WH,
9 No of dummy cord No 3 0 2 0
10 Tube stranding lay mm 90-110 90-110 90-110 100-120
over length
11 Aramid Yarns-Min Kg/K 10 10 10 13

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 60

12 Cable diameter mm 14.0 ± 0.5 14.0 ± 0.5 14.5 ± 0.5 16.0 ± 0.5
13 Nominal cable Kg/K 140-170 140-170 150-180 190-225
weight m
14 Cable to be % 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
designed to Fiber
strain value of.
15 Excess fibre length % 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
16 Cable to be tested % 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
at defined load for
fiber strain value of

** In case of 96F use of FRP with 4.2mm+ 0.1mm diameter can also be allowed
in place of up coating option.

Note: The manufacturer shall submit the design calculations which shall be cross

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 61

Table A2: Cable design parameters for Semi Dry Core ADSS Cable (With ice loading)
(Type – A-II Cable)

SN Parameter Unit 12 Fiber 96 Fibre OF

24 Fiber OF 48 Fiber OF
OF Cable Cable
Cable Cable

1 FRP Rod EAA mm 2.3+0.1/- 2.3+0.1/-0.0 2.5+0.1/-0.0 3.0+0.1/-0.0

Coated 0.0
2 FRP up jacketing mm 0 0 0 0.6
3 Tube ID (min) mm 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7
4 Tube OD mm 2.2 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1
5 No of fibre / tube No 4 4 12 12
6 Color of fibre BL, OR, BL, OR, GR, BL, OR, BL, OR, GR,
7 No of loose tubes No 3 6 4 8
8 Color of loose BL,OR,GR BL, OR, GR, BL, OR, BL, OR, GR,
tubes BR, SL, WH GR, BR BR,SL,WH,R
9 No of dummy cord No 3 0 2 0
10 Tube stranding lay mm 90-110 90-110 90-110 100-120
over length
11 Aramid Yarns-Min Kg/K 20 20 20 23
12 Cable diameter mm 14.5 ± 0.5 14.5 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 0.5 16.5 ± 0.5
13 Nominal cable Kg/K 160-180 160-180 160-190 210-235
weight m

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 62

14 Cable to be % 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
designed to Fiber
strain value of.
15 Excess fibre length % 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
16 Cable to be tested % 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
at defined load for
fiber strain value of

** In case of 96F use of FRP with 4.2mm+ 0.1mm diameter can also be allowed
in place of up coating option.

Note: The manufacturer shall submit the design calculations which shall be cross

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 63

Annexure –B

The following parameters of the component parts of the cable are to be taken in to
account while designing and manufacturing the optical fibre cables of the required
fibre count. These parameters shall be checked during evaluation of the OF cables:

Table B1: Cable design parameters for Dry Dry Core ADSS Cable (Without ice loading)
(Type – B-I Cable)

SN Parameter Unit 12 Fiber 24 Fiber OF 48 Fiber OF 96 Fibre OF

OF Cable Cable Cable Cable
1 FRP Rod EAA mm 2.3+0.1/- 2.3+0.1/-0.0 2.5+0.1/-0.0 3.0+0.1/-0.0
Coated 0.0
2 FRP up jacketing mm 0 0 0 0.6
3 Tube ID (min) mm 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7
4 Tube OD mm 2.2 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1
5 No of fibre / tube No 4 4 12 12
6 Color of fibre BL, OR, BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
7 No of loose tubes No 3 6 4 8
8 Color of loose BL, OR, BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
9 No of dummy cord No 3 0 2 0
10 Tube stranding lay mm 90-110 90-110 90-110 100-120
over length
11 Aramid Yarns-Min Kg/K 10 10 10 13
12 Cable diameter mm 14.0 ± 0.5 14.0 ± 0.5 14.5 ± 0.5 16.0 ± 0.5

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 64

13 Nominal cable Kg/K 135-160 135-160 140-170 185-210
weight m
14 Cable to be % 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
designed to Fiber
strain value of.
15 Excess fibre length % 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
16 Cable to be tested % 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
at defined load for
fiber strain value of

** In case of 96F use of FRP with 4.2mm+ 0.1mm diameter can also be allowed
in place of up coating option.

Note: The manufacturer shall submit the design calculations which shall be cross

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 65

Table B2: Cable design parameters for Dry Dry Core ADSS Cable (With ice loading)
(Type – B-II Cable)

SN Parameter Unit 12 Fiber 24 Fiber OF 48 Fiber OF 96 Fibre OF

OF Cable Cable Cable Cable
1 FRP Rod EAA mm 2.3+0.1/- 2.3+0.1/-0.0 2.5+0.1/-0.0 3.0+0.1/-0.0
Coated 0.0
2 FRP up jacketing mm 0 0 0 0.6
3 Tube ID (min) mm 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.7
4 Tube OD mm 2.2 ± 0.1 2.2 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1 2.4 ± 0.1
5 No of fibre / tube No 4 4 12 12

6 Color of fibre BL,OR,GR BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
7 No of loose tubes No 3 6 4 8
8 Color of loose BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR, BL,OR,GR, BL, OR, GR,
9 No of dummy cord No 3 0 2 0
10 Tube stranding lay mm 90-110 90-110 90-110 100-120
over length
11 Aramid Yarns-Min Kg/K 20 20 20 23
12 Cable diameter mm 14.5 ± 0.5 14.5 ± 0.5 15.0 ± 0.5 16.5 ± 0.5
13 Nominal cable Kg/K 145-175 145-175 150-180 190-220
weight m

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 66

14 Cable to be % 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
designed to Fiber
strain value of.
15 Excess fibre length % 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
16 Cable to be tested % 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
at defined load for
fiber strain value of

** In case of 96F use of FRP with 4.2mm+ 0.1mm diameter can also be allowed
in place of up coating option.

Note: The manufacturer shall submit the design calculations which shall be cross

Standard No. TEC 85190:2022 67

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