IKM 57th AGM 2024 3rd Notice v2
IKM 57th AGM 2024 3rd Notice v2
IKM 57th AGM 2024 3rd Notice v2
TEL: 603-7728 3272 FAX: 603-7728 9909
EMAIL: ikmhq@ikm.org.my WEBSITE: http://www.ikm.org.my FACEBOOK: Institut Kimia Malaysia
1. Presidential Address.
2. To adopt the minutes of the 56th AGM held on Saturday, 18 March 2023.
3. Matters Arising.
4. To receive and consider the Annual Report of the Institute for 2023/2024.
5. To receive and consider the Annual Statement of Accounts of the Institute and the Auditor’s Report for 2023.
6. To consider amendments to IKM Gold Medal Award.
7. To elect 5 Council members and to fill vacancies in the Council created by the retirement of the following
Council members by rotation:
i. Datin ChM Dr Zuriati Zakaria
ii. ChM Dr Malarvili Ramalingam
iii. DCP(R) Assoc. Prof. Dato’ ChM Dr Yew Chong Hooi
iv. Datin ChM Maimonah Sulaiman
v. Prof ChM Dr Rusli Daik
8. To appoint qualified auditor(s) and determine his/her or their remuneration.
9. To consider any other matters of which notice in writing has been given to the Honorary Secretary by a member
at least 14 days before the Meeting.
Yours Sincerely,
ChM Chang Hon Fong
Honorary Secretary
a) The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2023/2024 will be uploaded at IKM Website for members’
access. Please refer to IKM Website (http://www.ikm.org.my/) in early March 2024 for updates. Hardcopy
documents will be made available to members during the AGM.
b) Lunch is provided for non-Muslim members starting 12.00 pm at Swez Brasserie (Lobby Level), Eastin
Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
c) Muslim members attending the AGM are invited for Iftar Buffet (30-3-2024) at Eastin Hotel Kuala
Lumpur. The earlier offer of a RM30 AEON voucher has been withdrawn.
Please register for the AGM & also the Iftar Buffet with IKM Secretariat via email at siti@ikm.org.my /
azizi@ikm.org.my by 10 March 2024.