CS8791 Book M
CS8791 Book M
CS8791 Book M
Jackson G. Kabira
Grid Cloud Computing
The African Virtual University (AVU) is proud to participate in increasing access to education in
African countries through the production of quality learning materials. We are also proud to
contribute to global knowledge as our Open Educational Resources are mostly accessed from
outside the African continent.
This module was developed as part of a diploma and degree program in Applied Computer
Science, in collaboration with 18 African partner institutions from 16 countries. A total of
156 modules were developed or translated to ensure availability in English, French and
Portuguese. These modules have also been made available as open education resources
(OER) on oer.avu.org.
On behalf of the African Virtual University and our patron, our partner institutions, the African
Development Bank, I invite you to use this module in your institution, for your own education,
to share it as widely as possible and to participate actively in the AVU communities of practice
of your interest. We are committed to be on the frontline of developing and sharing Open
Educational Resources.
The following institutions participated in the Applied Computer Science Program: (1)
Université d’Abomey Calavi in Benin; (2) Université de Ougagadougou in Burkina Faso;
(3) Université Lumière de Bujumbura in Burundi; (4) Université de Douala in Cameroon; (5)
Université de Nouakchott in Mauritania; (6) Université Gaston Berger in Senegal; (7) Université
des Sciences, des Techniques et Technologies de Bamako in Mali (8) Ghana Institute of
Management and Public Administration; (9) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology in Ghana; (10) Kenyatta University in Kenya; (11) Egerton University in Kenya; (12)
Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia (13) University of Rwanda; (14) University of Dar es Salaam
in Tanzania; (15) Universite Abdou Moumouni de Niamey in Niger; (16) Université Cheikh Anta
Diop in Senegal; (17) Universidade Pedagógica in Mozambique; and (18) The University of the
Gambia in The Gambia.
Bakary Diallo
The Rector
Production Credits
Production Credits
Jackson Kabira
Peer Reviewer
Dessalegn Mequanint
Module Coordinator
Robert Oboko
Instructional Designers
Elizabeth Mbasu
Diana Tuel
Benta Ochola
Media Team
Sidney McGregor Michal Abigael Koyier
Grid Cloud Computing
Copyright Notice
This document is published under the conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
Module Template is copyright African Virtual University licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. CC-BY, SA
Supported By
Table of Contents
Foreword 2
Production Credits 3
Copyright Notice 4
Supported By 4
Course Overview 7
Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Unit 0: Pre-Assessment 8
Unit 1 10
Unit 2 10
Unit 3 11
Unit 4 11
Unit Objectives 11
Unit Introduction 12
Unit Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Learning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Grid Cloud Computing
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Unit assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Unit Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Learning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Unit Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Unit Objectives 48
Learning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Unit Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Unit Objectives 58
Learning activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Unit Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Module Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Cource Overview
Course Overview
Welcome to Grid & Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing is a means which allows you access applications and other information
that reside at a location other than your computer or server which typically may be hundreds
or thousands of miles away. One advantage of cloud computing is that another company
hosts the application(s) which implies that they are responsible for the cost of hardware and
software and therefore you as the end user pays less for the services.
The learner should realize that grid computing is often confused with cloud computing.
However, a grid computing network harnesses the unused processing cycles of all computers
in the grid pool to solve problems that may be too intensive for any one stand alone
Prerequisites/Required Knowledge
You should be able to access the Internet through any of the browsing tools such as Mozilla
FireFox or Internet Explorer. You will also find references to materials which can can be
obtained from selected e-books on the Internet.
Number of Hours
120 hours
Grid Cloud Computing
Course/module rationale
Course Goals
• Articulate main concepts and key technologies behind grid & cloud computing.
• Evaluate various grid and cloud computing architectures.
• State the benefits of cloud computing model.
• Analyze various grid and cloud computing solutions.
Learning outcomes
Unit 0: Pre-Assessment
This part of the module is to remind you of some of the concepts that you need to have
covered and are assumed in the module.
Cloud and grid computing are now among the leading emerging technologies in the world
of computing today. Major corporations such as Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, HP and Salesforce.
com are now involved in providing cutting-edge and innovative solutions for small and big
businesses via the Cloud.
The efforts in support of large scale distributed computing have encountered major
difficulties over a long period of time such as users having difficulties locating systems to run
their applications. The future success of cloud computing rests on the ability of companies
promoting utility computing to convince a large segment of user population on the merits
using cloud applications.
Cource Overview
Security is the main issue when it comes to grid and cloud computing. Since a third party
stores the data in the cloud, its unlikely the user will know what is going on. Similarly with the
grid, many entities are interconnected together in form of a hybrid network and coupled with
lack of a single point of control, security can easily be compromised.
Grid computing has lead to the proliferation of many grid projects geared towards the
solution of many complex issues such as astronomy and engineering. These and many others
attempt to harness the unused power of computers to make the computations faster and
efficient. Grid computing is an interesting field where more research in still ongoing and it
seems to have a great future.
For each unit covered, you will conclude with an activity and a CAT (Continuous Assessment
2 Assignments/Laboratory 20%
TOTAL 100%
Grid Cloud Computing
Unit 0
• https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/cloud/
• https://www.aerofs.com/blog/the-history-and-development-of-cloud-computing/
• http://www.business2community.com/cloud-computing/
• http://www.salesforce.com/uk/socialsuccess/cloud-computing/the-complete-
Unit 1
• http://aws.amazon.com
• http://code.google.com/appengine/
Unit 2
Cource Overview
• Amies Alex and harm Sluiman, Developing and Hosting Applications on the
Cloud, IBM Press, 2012
• Fehling Christoph and Frank Leymann, Cloud Computing Patterns: Fundamentals
to Design, Build and Manage Cloud Applications. Springer books, 2014.
Unit 3
• http://www.isaca.org/TICOcloud
• http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2009/EECS-2009-28.pdf
• Wilkinson Barry, Grid Computing: Techniques and Applications, Chapman & Hall/
CRC, 2010
Unit 4
• www.opensciencegrid.org
• www.teragrid.org
• www.naregi.org
• www.thebiogrid.org
Unit 0: Pre-assessment
Unit Objectives
Grid Cloud Computing
Unit Introduction
Although cloud computing might be a term that you’ve only heard about in recent years, the
concept behind it has been around for quite some time. This concept was preceded by a file-
sharing model which involved sharing of computer data in a network with various levels of access
privilege. This allowed a number of people to use the same file by being able to read, write or
modify it. It had been a feature of mainframe computer systems for many years. With the advent
of the Internet, a file transfer system called File Transfer Protocol (FTP) became widely used to
access files shared among users with a password “anonymous” used to gain access. FTP was
mostly used to upload files to a web server and these files could then be downloaded by users
from any particular place in the world as long as they had Internet access. Later, a centralized
computing model, consisting of super computers located behind walls of an internal data center
was conceived. These supercomputers were quite expensive typically costing millions of dollars
and were primarily used in intensive computational tasks such as quantum mechanics, weather
forecasting, climate research and oil exploration. The 1980s brought the growing demand
for increasingly more powerful and less expensive microprocessors, laptops and personal
computers which were relatively low in cost.
Cource Overview
Grid and cloud computing came into play in the early 1990s as the Internet exploded
exponentially moving away from centralized, client-server models to Internet based computing.
A client-server model is a distributed communication framework via the Internet consisting of
a client (service requester) and a server (service provider). The server manages the processes
and stores all data while a client requests specific data or processes which are relayed to it by
the server. This differs from the peer to peer model where there is no dedicated server but both
nodes are equal in status as both are client or server. The notion behind grid computing was
to make computer power as easy to access as an electric power grid. Grid computing provided
people from different organizations the opportunity to work together to reach a common goal.
Cloud computing allows people to rent computing services such as Internet access which cuts
back on cost and makes computing more affordable for small and medium sized businesses.
Grid and cloud computing use distributed interconnected computers to collectively achieve
higher performance computing and share resources for better workplace productivity.. The
history of grid and cloud computing dates back to the 1960s with the development of packet
switched networks the most ground breaking being the department of defence funded ARPANET
network which became functional in 1969 with four interconnected nodes, University of Utah,
University of California (Santa Barbara), University of Los Angeles and Stanford research institute.
Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) was conceived in 1974 provided a
protocol for reliable communication including the development of Ethernet which became
the principle way of connecting computers on a local area network. The Internet began to be
commercially viable in 1990s as the World Wide Web with the introduction of the browser and
Hyper Text Markup Language. Computer systems started as single processor systems where it
soon became evident that increased speeds could potentially be achieved by having more than
one processor in one computer system leading to the adoption of the term parallel processing.
Individual computer systems were then interconnected together in a bid to boost computing
performance. The common denominator between grid and cloud computing lies in the use
of the Internet to share resources. Grid computing focuses more on collaborative and shared
resources while cloud computing is geared towards placing resources for users to pay while
shared on a common platform.
Unit Assessment
Check you understanding!
Formative assessment
Grid Cloud Computing
b) Computer hobbyists
c) The CIA
d) US department of defense.
c) reduced cost
d) Small bandwidth
a) True
b) False
a) privacy
b) security
c) reliability
d) costs
e) Loss of control
a) True
b) False
7) Grid computing:-
Cource Overview
8) Server virtualization uses software based partitions to create multiple virtual servers
a) True
b) False
10. Which of the following statements concerning cloud computing is NOT true?
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
Grid Cloud Computing
You are requested to provide this feedback on all the four units of this course. Answer the
questions objectively as this will go a long way in assisting in the future development and
improvements of materials presented in each of the units.
• Does this assessment adequately test the materials contained in this unit?
• Do you think the questions are clearly stated?
• Do the questions relate to the unit objectives?
• Suggest any improvements on the assessment styles.
The readings in this unit are to be found at the course-level section “Readings and Other
• https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/cloud/
• https://www.aerofs.com/blog/the-history-and-development-of-cloud-computing/
• https://web.stanford.edu/class/ee204/Publications/Amazon-EE353-2008-1.pdf
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
Grid computing on the other hand applies the resources of numerous computers to work
to work on a problem simultaneously. In most instances, this is done to address a scientific
problem such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence whose goal is to detect intelligent
life outside earth. It uses radio telescopes to listen for narrow bandwidth radio signals from
space. Such signals are not known to occur naturally so a detection would provide evidence of
extraterrestrial technology.
People globally contribute the unused power of their computers to the SETI project and you
too could participate and learn more on what this scientific expedition is all about! You may
also have heard about the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) which
conducts protein-folding experiments in order to create better and more durable rice crops to
mitigate against world wide hunger. You probably didn’t know you can elect to dedicate a part
of your idle CPU processing power to help in this noble project!
Unit Objectives
Grid Cloud Computing
hardware virtulization:
Data grid: Is a grid for managing and sharing a large amount of distributed
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
Learning activities
A cloud computing model is made up of several components i.e clients, datacenter and
distributed servers. Clients are devices you use to interact and manage data on the cloud and
these include tablets, mobile phones, desktops, workstations, PDA’s and laptops. These clients
can further be grouped into Mobile clients (Smart phones such as iPhone and Blackberries), thin
clients which do not have any processing power of their own but only display information they
get from the servers, and thick clients which are desktop computers that use web browsers such
as Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox to access the cloud. The applications that you subscribe
in the cloud for your usage are housed in a datacenter as a collection of servers. This can be
a physical server though logically can be instances of multiple servers which is often referred
to as virtualization. The distributed servers are in most cases geographically dispersed so as
to mitigate against natural and man-made disasters. The distributed nature of these servers
ensures that if the cloud were to require additional software or hardware, this can be provisioned
at any site that is part of the cloud.
Therefore, having a third party host the applications means you need not pay for power nor the
personnel to maintain them. Another added benefit is the convenience accorded telecommuters
who can simply log on wherever they are and use their applications on the go. Others are
improved performance (applications can be scaled up or down), reduced costs (no costs for
initial capital expenditure),outsourced management (your organization only pays for operational
costs) and improved reliability through SLA. Some shortcomings with cloud computing include
Internet outage, cloud failure and security of your mission critical data.
Grid Cloud Computing
• Network Access - Cloud services can be accessed via the Internet which through
use of heterogeneous platforms such as smartphones, desktops, workstations,
tablets and laptops.
• On-demand service - Users can provision cloud services without the intervention
of the service provider since the process is fully automated.
• Pooled resources - Multiple users can access the cloud resources that reside
on the same physical server. This is made possible by the various forms of
virtualizations such as full virtualization, para-virtualization and hardware
• Fast elasticity - Cloud resources can be scaled up or down depending on the
users request. example you can scale vertically which involves changing the
computing capacity assigned to the server while keeping the number of servers
constant. Horizontal scaling involves providing additional server resources.
• Metered service - Cloud computing resources are billed on per usage basis based
on metrics such as CPU cycles consumed, network I/O requests and storage
capacity used.
a) Other than the examples given in the activity, list three other examples of each these clients
i) Mobile clients
c) How does cloud virtualization differ from OS virtualization and virtual memory creation?
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. Do do it in groups of three and submit your
work within three using the class email address to the instructor whose email that will be
provided in due course.
In this activity, you have learnt about the components of a cloud computing model and its
fundamental characteristics. The key defining feature of the cloud is the aspect of virtualization
which refers to the seamless integration of geographically distributed and heterogeneous
systems to enable you use the services provided by the grid in a transparent manner.
Grid computing has emerged as an important field analogous to high performance computing.
You will note that contrary to other systems where the focus is to achieve greater performance
measured in terms of the number of floating point operations the system can perform per
minute, grid performance is measured in terms of the amount of work they are able to deliver
over a period of time. Grids are actually not considered as an revolutionary technology but have
evolved from existing technologies such as distributed computing, Internet, cryptography, web
services and virtualization. As you can see, none of these technologies is entirely new but have
existed for quite some time. Grid technology has taken features from these to develop systems
that provide specific tasks such as SETI. Grid computing involves use of software which can be
divided and then send pieces of the program to hundreds of thousands of computers as a form
of public collaboration. Sun Microsystems provides Grid engine software which allows engineers
of some companies to pool the computer cycles of up to eighty workstations per given time.
Grid Cloud Computing
• Fault tolerance. Grids makes provision for automatic resubmission of jobs to other
available nodes when failure is detected. You need to note that where data grids
are used, they increase file transfer speed and several copies of the data can be
created in geographically dispersed locations. Should you require data for any
purpose, it can be accessed from the nearest machine hosting the data. Moreover,
if it is known prior that a particular machine will access the data more frequently
than other machines, the data will be hosted close to that machine.
• Load balancing. This feature enables the grid to evenly distribute jobs to the
available resources and if a machine becomes overloaded, the scheduling
algorithm can reschedule the tasks to other underutilized systems.
• Parallel processing. You may reckon that some tasks such as mathematical
modelling and 3D imaging and animation can be broken down into independent
sub-tasks and the results combined to arrive at the desired output. However, one
constraint is that these sub-tasks need to operate on same set of data structures.
A locking mechanism similar to concurrency control in databases or semaphores
in OS needs to be implemented so the data structure does not become
• Quality of Service: You may require the services of the grid for e.g. a real time
application and therefore a more strict QoS level than other students. Therefore
it is important that a grid scheduler gives your job a higher priority than other
jobs and hence provide the needed QoS to your real time application. This is
implemented by reserving grid resources for certain jobs but once this is done,
the grid scheduler can report its status to a resource management module in the
grid. The resource is then freed for other jobs.
You may be asking now, how do grid and cloud computing differ? Just realize that grid
computing divides a large project among multiple computers while cloud computing allows
multiple applications to run at the same time among the various platforms on the cloud.
Grid Architecture
Grid architecture is mainly concerned with aspects that are important in the design and
implementation of the grid system. It is a layered model where the top layer consists of grid
applications and APIs from a users point of view. The second layer is the middleware which
consists of software and packages for grid implementation such as glite and Globus Toolkit. The
third layer consists of resources for the grid such as storage and processing capabilities. The
fourth layer is composed of network components like routers, bridges, switches and protocols.
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
Applications ApplicationProgramming
Interfaces (API)
You should know that security forms an important aspect of grid computing. The security
features include sign-on, authentication and authorization. Sign on implies that a user
can log-in in using his security credentials and access the grid services. Authentication is
concerned with the user providing proof in order to confirm his identity. Finally, authorization
is a process that will check and assign a user privileges based on e.g a guest may be allowed
to perform basic tasks while a registered user is able to perform more advanced tasks.
Resource Management
This includes submission of a job remotely, checking its progress report and getting the
output upon completion. Once a job is submitted, the available resources are obtained
through a directory service from where resources for a particular job are selected to run the
job. This decision is made by the grid scheduler based on the priority of the job as indicated
in the SLA. If an application requires sequential execution where results of the job are
required by another job, then the scheduler schedules these jobs in a sequential manner.
Data Management
This implies that a grid scheduler should ideally assign a job close to the data in lieu of
transferring vast amounts of data over the network a process that can result in significant
performance overheads.Other aspects of data management include data security, replication,
migration, metadata, indexing and caching.
You have learnt that a grid scheduler queries the directory service for available resources and
puts constraints such as finding resources relevant and best suited for the job. For example,
if a job requires fast CPU’s for its execution, the scheduler should select only those machines
fast enough for the timely completion of the job. The information discovery service can
access these resources through a well defined interface of web services or the scheduler can
query it for the list of available resources.
Grid Cloud Computing
a) A distributed system provides features such as fault tolerance, sharing of resources and
b) Think about real systems that have implemented grid computing in your country. List three
c) Grid security is concerned with sigh-on, authentication and authorization. Explain how
tasks can be automated through computer biometrics such as fingerprints, retina scanning
d) What problems exist when data is moved through great network distances to the
location? Suggest ways in which the grid can solve this problem.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. Do it individually and submit your work
within two days using the class email address to the instructor email that will be provided in
due course.
In this activity you have learnt that grid computing and high performance computing are
related only that grid computing places more emphasis on the amount of work achievable
in a given period of time. Additionally, grid computing is seen to have evolved from existing
technologies such as the Internet and distributed computing. Grid computing offers a wide
array of benefits as discussed in the learning activity such as parallel processing and load
balancing among others.
You will recall that the word cloud is used to represent the Internet where various services
such servers, storage devices and a myriad of applications are delivered to an organization’s
computing devices e.g desktops and workstations via the Internet. The term services in cloud
computing refers to reusable and fine grained components across an internetwork. This
concept is widely referred to “as a service” which includes features such as low entry barriers
hence available to even small businesses, scalability, heterogeneity and multitenancy.
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
This provides a complete software application or the user interface to the actual application
which is accessible via the Internet. Since this is hosted off-site, the user does not have to
incur charges to maintain or support the application. It is the job of the cloud service provider
to manage the underlying cloud infrastructure such as servers, network, storage, application
software and operating systems. In this scenario, the user is unaware of underlying cloud
architecture as access is via a thin client such as a web browser. SaaS applications are platform
independent eg they can run on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Linux, apple
Macintosh etc and can equally be accessed from various client devices such as smart phones,
tablets and workstations
SaaS services can be billed as a once upfront fee or it can be on per application usage basis.
Many softwares lend themselves well to the SaaS but typically, those that perform simple
tasks without much interaction with other systems are the most ideal. Such applications
include, CRM, accounting, web content management, video conferencing and web analytics.
SaaS benefits
• Staff - Outsourcing the SaaS applications reduces need for many IT staff.
• Customization - SaaS applications can be customized to an organization as
opposed to earlier applications which needed a lot of coding.
• Marketing - Since the application is hosted on the web, its marketing is open to
wider audience.
• Security - SaaS uses SSL a secure application which has been around for long and
widely trusted by many organizations world wide.
• Learning - Many employees are familiar with Internet operations and therefore
the learning curve for using applications in SaaS is much shorter.
• Bandwidth - Many organizations now experience better bandwidths due to
proliferation of fiber and other high speed technologies and hence applications
can be accessed with low latencies.
Grid Cloud Computing
This provides users with the capability to develop and deploy software in the cloud such
as application design, development, testing, deployment and hosting. PaaS provides the
development tools to accomplish this such as application programming interfaces,and software
libraries based on HTML or javascript. PaaS also provides other web development interfaces
such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer (REST), that
makes it possible to develop multiple web services which are sometimes are referred to as
You should note that one drawback of PaaS is lack of interoperability and portability among
various cloud vendors. Should you create an application with one vendor and decide to switch
to another, it may be costly or not possible. In addition, should the cloud vendor close shop,
your applications and data will be lost.
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
You should realize that whereas SaaS and PaaS are about provisioning of applications to clients,
IaaS or hardware as as Service (HaaS) offers hardware so you or your organization can put onto
it whatever you want. IaaS allows you to rent resources such as server space, memory, storage,
CPU cycle and networking equipment (firewalls, routers etc) which can dynamically be scaled
up or down depending on the users resource requirements. These resources are also provided
as virtual machine instances and virtual storage and are billed on a pay per use basis.
Public cloud
You can access cloud services in this model since they are available to the general public and
the services are shared among individuals, organizations and even government. They are
ideal for users who would want to use cloud infrastructure for development and testing of
applications without large investments in IT infrastructure.
Private cloud
This type of a cloud is for use by a single organization and can be provided in house by a third
party provider and the management can equally be in-house or a third party. They are ideal
where security is paramount and the organization desires tight control over the data.
Community cloud
In the community cloud model, the services are shared by organizations having the same
information requirements such as applications and data and the costs are shared amongst
Hybrid cloud
The hybrid model combines the services of private and public clouds though individual clouds
retain their unique identities. Since they are intertwined by technology, data and applications
are easily portable across the clouds.
Grid Cloud Computing
This type of cloud is great for organizations desiring the security of a private cloud and the
savings accruing from hosting applications in the public cloud.
It was among the first to offer cloud services to the public. Its services include:-
• Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) - Offers CPU cycles and virtual machines.
• Simple Storage Services (S3) - you can store up to 5GB in the virtual storage
• Simple Queue Service (SQS) - Machines are able to talk to each other using this
API message passing service.
These services can be accessed via the command line interface and virtual machines are Linux
Google has an offering of spreadsheets and other online documents and developers can
build their online software using the Google App Engine.
You will learn that Microsoft cloud solution lies in an operating system called Windows Azure
which lets organizations run Windows applications and store files using Microsoft datacenters.
Azure Services Platform has services allowing developers to manage work flows, synchronize
data and build software programs on Microsoft’s online computing platform.
a) List any four software or hardware services that can be offered in SaaS, PaaS and IaaS from
b) What are the benefits of IaaS and PaaS? What are the limitations?
c) Use the Internet to find out companies offering private, hybrid, community and public
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
You may want now want to ask yourself the question, what does cloud computing actually do?
Well look at the applications running on your laptop, servers and phones. You realize that
they are either on the cloud or the cloud has the potential to bring them to you! So in short,
cloud computing lets you share applications and store data on the cloud without incurring any
upfront charges. The most popular methods of data manipulation on the cloud are storage
and databases.
In this unit, you have learnt what grid and cloud computing involve and the strengths and
weakness of each. The various cloud computing services and models have been discussed
including the architecture that forms a grid computing network.
Source: Https://www.safaribooksonline.com
This is a pyramid model of cloud computing services. The infrastructure provides the basic
resources; the platform adds an environment to facilitate the use of these resources, while
software allows direct access to services.
Unit assessment
Check your understanding!
Formative assessments
Grid Cloud Computing
b) PaaS and IaaS are the two of the three main categories of cloud computing.
Which is the third category?
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for general computing but store data within its own
data center.
e) Payment for cloud computing services is based on this model. What is it?
a user need.
g) Is the private cloud or public cloud the standard cloud computing model?
h) What is the benefit of cloud based anti-virus protection over standard anti-virus
i) According to industry buzz these small but low power laptop computers known as
k) What is the acronym of the international grid that supports LHC activities?
(LHC) is performed using a distributed computing system called a grid. This links
computing resources located at partner institutes (grid sites) from around the world.
o) What are the common set of technologies used to create a manageable cloud
computing environment?
q) Which billing model allows companies to have a predetermined and recurring costs
Unit 1 : Overview of Grid and Cloud Computing
a) Cloud computing is the general term for the delivery of hosted services over the Internet.
Grid computing is harnessing power of unused computers such as CPU cycles to boast the
d) hybrid cloud
e) Utility computing
f) Scalability
g) Public cloud
h) CloudAV - It is a program that combines multiple antivirus applications and scans user files
over a network of servers. It was developed at the University of Michigan.
i) Netbook - It is a small low power notebook computer that has less processing power than a
full sized laptop but is still suitable for word processing, running a web browser and connecting
wirelessly to the Internet. It has a slimmed down OS, keyboard and screen.
j) Particle physics
l) Analogy with the electricity grid which is easy to use and provides power on demand 24/7.
p) While in operation the application automatically scales up or down based on resource needs
q) Subscription
r) firmware based
Grid Cloud Computing
• Magoules Frederic, Jie Pan et al, Introduction to Grid Computing, CRC Presss,
• Velte Anthony, Toby J.Velte and Robert Elsenpeter, Cloud Computing: A Practical
Approach, 2010.
• http://www.gvsu.edu/e-hr/cloud-computing-1.
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
Unit Objectives
AVI - Audio Video Interleave. It is the file format for Microsoft video for
windows standard.
Grid Cloud Computing
Learning activities
Processing pipelines
These compute and data intensive applications represent a big chunk of applications that are
currently running on the cloud. I will discuss them here below:-
i) Indexing. Large databases created by search engines are indexed by the use of the processing
pipeline model.
ii) Image processing. This is where you can store your image on the cloud eg www.flickr.com and
you later do image conversion such as enlargement, compression and encryption of the said
iii) Video encoding. This is where you can convert one video format to another such as MPEG
to AVI.
iv) Data mining. This is the examination of large amounts of information stored in a computer in
order to look for patterns or changes e.g. buying patterns or new trends in computing.
v) Document processing. Here, you can convert large documents written in WORD to PDF or
can use Optical Character Recognition to generate digital images of documents for emailing
to a third party.
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
Batch Processing
These are mainly enterprise applications that are characterized by deadlines of which non
compliance results in dire economic consequences. Examples of these include the following:-
Web access
As you may be aware, some web sites have temporary or periodic presence e.g. conferences,
workshops or even a country’s revenue authority’s deadline for submission of income taxes.
These and other web sites used for promotional activities are inactive at night but auto-scale
during the day. It therefore makes sense to store data in a cloud close to where these applications
will be often used so as to lower transmission and processing costs.
a) Search the web for reports of cloud system failures in pipeline, batch and web access
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. This is an individual assignment which should
be four pages long with 1.5 line spacing. Submit it within a week using the class email to the
instructor email that will be provided in due course.
In this activity, you have learnt cloud computing paradigms such as processing pipelines, batch
processing and web access services. Processing pipelines represent the vast majority of the
applications while batch processing is concerned with periodic reports such as billing, payroll
and inventories. Web access is mainly for activities that are short term or seasonal in nature such
as promotions or other periodic events such as tax compliance which have a limited duration.
Grid Cloud Computing
Cloud applications are generally based on the client/server model where clients communicate
with stateless servers. A Stateless server does not require a client to establish a connection before
hand to the server. Stateful servers incur considerable overhead because they maintain the state
of all the connections and therefore recovering from a failure has considerable overheads. A
stateless server is scalable and simpler as the client does not have to be concerned with the
state of the server. When a client receives a response from the server that indicates that the
server is up and running and if it does not receive a request it means it should resend later.
A web server is stateless and it responds to HTTP requests without maintaining the history
of past connections with the client. The browser which is the client is equally stateless as it
sends requests and has to wait for a response. HTTP makes use of TCP which is a connection
oriented protocol. However, this exposes the web server to DOS attacks where malicious clients
attempt a TCP connection forcing the server to allocate CPU time for the bogus connection. The
servers and clients that run on the cloud communicate using RPC which use stubs to convert the
parameters in a RPC call with the stub marshaling the data structures and serialization.
Source: http://www.ois.com/Products/what-is-corba.html
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
The Object Request Broker determines the location of the target object sends
a request to that object and returns any response back to the caller. Through
this technology, developers can take advantage of features such as inheritance,
encapsulation, polymorphism and runtime dynamic binding. These features allow
applications to be changed modified and reused with minimal changes to the
parent interface.
Source: http://www.ois.com/Products/what-is-corba.html
Source: http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/1012/web_services/ws_
Grid Cloud Computing
<message name=”getDate0Request”/>
<message name=”getDate0Response”>
<portType name=”JavaClass1PortType”>
<operation name=”getDate”>
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
<input name=”getDate0Request”>
<output name=”getDate0Response”>
<service name=”MyJavaClass1WS”>
<soap:address location=”http://UKP16211:8888/
An example of a WSDL for a simple web service that returns current date and time.
Source: http://download.oracle.com/otn_hosted_doc/jdeveloper/1012/web_services/ws_
vii) It enables client applications to easily connect to remote services and invoke
remote methods.
Grid Cloud Computing
Header - Contains any optional attributes of the message used in the processing of the message
either at the intermediary point or at the end point. It is an optional element.
Body - Contains the XML data comprising the message being sent. It is a mandatory element.
Fault - An optional element that provides information about errors that occur while
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=”http://www.w3.org/2001/12/
soap-envelope” SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=”http://www.w3.org/2001/12/
Source: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/soap/soap_message_structure.htm
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
Source: http://www.service-architecture.com/articles/web-services/representational_state_
You need to note that cloud applications need completion of several independent tasks which
is a complex activity known as a workflow.
Workflow models are abstractions revealing the most important properties of the entities
participating in a workflow management system. Task is the central concept in workflow
modeling and is a unit of work to be performed on the cloud. State the meaning of the following
attributes of a task:-
• Name
• Description
• Actions
• Preconditions
• Post-conditions
• Attributes
Grid Cloud Computing
• Exemptions
• Composite task
• Routing task
• Fork routing task
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. This individual assignment consists of brief
descriptions of the terms with appropriate examples. Submit the work within three days using
the class email to the instructor whose email will be availed in due course.
In this activity you have learnt that cloud applications are based on the client/server via a stateful
or stateless server model. Remote procedure calls are the primary means of communication
with technologies such as CORBA, SOAP and REST among others being the intermediaries
facilitating this RPC call architecture.
Hardware dependencies
If you have an application requiring some very specific hardware, the cloud may be inappropriate
for you since its unlikely that the cloud provider will have your precise hardware requirements.
Server Control
Should you require complete control over the server such as memory, CPU and other interfaces,
a cloud solution may not work for you since these are the things entrusted to the cloud provider.
You may notice that ultimately, the cost of cloud subscription over time may equal to investing
in your own computing infrastructure. So, before going the cloud way, factor in the total cost of
ownership if you invested in your own facilities vis a vis leasing hosted facilities from the cloud.
Applications integration
It may not be wise to have some non sensitive applications on the cloud and other sensitive
applications locally since chances are that the sensitive data will eventually find its way on the
cloud. In equal measure, if you are running a high-speed application in house that’s relying on
cloud data, that application’s speed will depend on how fast the cloud is leading to reliability
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
Your data in the cloud is often located on servers dispersed in several geographical areas
meaning that there is a delay between making a request on the server and receiving the reply
on your client. For time sensitive data e.g. tele-medicine applications, a delay of even a few
seconds can make a big difference.
Legal issues.
Different countries have different sets of laws governing the Internet eg Canadian government
has a law that forbids government workers from accessing network services operating with U.S
borders. Therefore, if you are in Canada and wanted to post data on an American cloud it would
not suffice. The U.S government also allows the FBI access to data even on the cloud without a
warrant or the consent of the owner whereas that would be against the law in some countries.
Posting patients health care and customers financial data on the cloud can also attract a torrent
of legal suits in some countries.
Apart from the legal issues discussed above on cloud computing, analyze the moral,social and
ethical issues pertaining to cloud computing with specific examples.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. This individual assignment requires you to
analyze the moral,social and ethical issues raised by use of cloud computing technologies. You
are required to submit a typed,1.5 line spaced five page report in form of hard copy to the
instructor within five days.
In this activity, you have learnt about various shortcomings pertaining to cloud computing such
as latency, costs and others such as lack of control over the server that hosts your applications.
Cloud computing is an emerging technology and as with any new technology, its bound to
present developers and users with new challenges as it matures and gains a critical mass.
In this unit, you have learnt about cloud computing applications such as processing, batch and
web access. Cloud computing architectural styles include the Common Object Request Broker
Architecture and Simple Object Access Protocol among others. You have also seen that cloud
computing as with any other technology has its own unique limitations such as cost, integration
of hardware and software including various underlying moral, social and legal issues.
Grid Cloud Computing
Check your understanding!
Formative assessment
b) Virtualization has made it easier and cheaper to share resources between users.
c) Virtualization machines have greater performance than their physical counter parts.
d) Mainframe.
a) availability
b) network bandwidth
c) network latency
d) security
4) What can be done to make maximum use of the interoperability principle of cloud
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
5) What is not a valid reason for a customer asking a cloud provider where their servers
are located?
c) The number of sites tells you something about disaster recovery possibilities.
d) When a server breaks down, the customer wants to send a technician to fix the
problem soonest.
a) The application should be compatible with the browser of the users computer.
b) The application should use the same programming language as the clients.
7) Which model allows a customer to choose more layers in the computing architecture?
a) Iaas
b) PaaS
c) SaaS
8) How does cloud computing change the relationship between provider and
Grid Cloud Computing
10. Which of the following is NOT a mitigating measure against data loss?
a) Audits
b) Authentication &authorization.
c) Encryption.
c) Less knowledge needed. Cloud computing does not require special skills.
d) Lower stress levels: Less worry about normal daily activities like making backups.
a) Additional storage does not require budget for new large storage devices.
b) Storage in the cloud has a higher availability than storage devices in the LAN.
c) Storage in the cloud has shorter access times than storage in the LAN.
Unit 2 : Cloud Applications
c) Reduced cost.
d) Small bandwidth.
1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. A
15. C
Grid Cloud Computing
Unit Objectives
Unit 3 : Security in Grid and Clod Computing
Learning activities
You realize that security is a major concern for cloud computing users as the cloud is a target
rich environment for malicious individuals and criminal entities. You already know that cloud
computing is an entirely new paradigm to computing based on emerging technologies and
therefore new methods to attack the computing assets are evolving every day. One consequence
of rapid strides in information technology is that standards, regulations and laws governing
cloud computing are yet to be devised let alone adopted. Coupled with this, different legal
systems across different countries governing activities such as e-business have not made this
situation any better.
a) Traditional Threats
These are experienced from time to time by any system that is connected to the Internet but in
this case, the problem is cloud specific. This impact is made worse by the large amount of data
resources available in the cloud and the large user community that can potentially be impacted.
There is also the problem of assigning responsibility between the cloud provider and the users
plus identifying the root cause of the problem. Many of the traditional threats emanate from the
user and the burden therefore is on the user to protect their infrastructure which connects to the
cloud through technologies such as firewall, authentication and authorization mechanisms.. It is
also important for an organization to assign users distinct levels of privilege depending on their
roles plus harmonizing the security policies of the organization with those on the cloud. Cloud
computing threats are mainly seen thorough distributed denial of service attacks, cross-site
scripting, phishing and SQL injection. Identifying the path followed by an attacker in the cloud
is also much more difficult due to the multitenancy nature of the sites.
You notice that there are many catastrophic events can negatively affect the cloud services
such as system failures, power outages and even outright sabotage. Should such situations
lend themselves, data lock-in many prevent an organization from accessing its data of which
it depends to function. When this happens, users cannot be guaranteed that the applications
on the cloud will yield correct results due to the resulting instability of the system a situation
referred to a s phase transition phenomena.
In a cloud environment, you have limited control and the provider may in some instances
subcontract some services to a third party whose level of trust is in doubt. In some cases, this
has resulted in loss of data due to substandard storage mechanisms and this makes auditing a
very difficult proposition in cloud computing scenario.
Grid Cloud Computing
If the only copy of data you have is on the cloud, it can be permanently lost if file replication
mechanism fails which is in most cases followed by the storage media failure. Should the failure
result in leakage of sensitive data, the loss occasioned would be unrepairable with severe and
far reaching consequences.
e) Service hijacking
Your user authorization credentials such as user-names and passwords can be revealed through
repeated guesses or even brute force attacks. Unknown risk profile is the general term used
to refer to the underestimation of cloud security risks or the ignorance resulting from being
unaware of other security risks associated with cloud computing.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. You are supposed to answer each of the above
questions in a paragraph format. This is an individual assignment and work should be submitted
within a week to the instructor via an email to be provided.
Grid security computing is challenging as a result of virtual organizations (VO) which are
geographically dispersed organizations created to share resources and services within
themselves. Their cross organizational nature renders the problem of implementing security if
grid entities a herculean one.You may also want to appreciate that grids do not have a central
point of control which implies that each service provider has to make their own risk impact
assessment prior to interacting with the others.
Unit 3 : Security in Grid and Clod Computing
This involves establishment of user identity, process or a resource which normally is validated
using a username and a password. Kerberos is a network authentication process for client/
server applications that uses symmetric key cryptography. Authentication in grids is via Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) which describes a security system that identifies entities through the use
of X.509 certificates. Highly trusted organizations which as known as certifying authorities (CA)
are responsible for issuing those identity certificates in which various VO have agreed on their
usage terms.
It is the second step of the trust establishment in grid organization and involves validation of
privileges assigned to a user or process to access a given resource in the grid. You can only be
authorized to access a grid resource only after a successful authentication has been performed.
This is mainly left to resource providers to grant or deny access based on the membership to
the VO.
Globus Toolkit Gridmap file was one of the first authorization methods applied in grid computing.
The gridmap file contains a list of global names of the grid users and local account names to
where they are mapped. Access control is done by the host operating system in conjunction
with prevailing local security policies which involves quite some work in maintaining a current
version of the gridmap file. The Community Authorization Service (CAS) allocates resources to
those who need them in the VO based on what the resource owners defined access rights. A
CAS server acts as a trusted intermediary between the resources and the users in the VO.
You need to look at confidentiality as a way to hide sensitive data from people who have no
rights to see it and of course, grids contain databases holding such data such as medical and
financial information. Such data needs to be protected due to privacy laws in various countries or
intellectual property rights. Cryptography is the most common approach to data confidentiality
and it involves transforming data into unreadable format called cipher text and only those who
possess a secret key can decipher the message into plain text for it to be read.
All these security technologies are based on open standards and form a key part of grid security.
It provides a way for secure communication in an insecure public network using public and
private keys. It incorporates a trusted third party called a certifying authority (CA) which issues a
digital certificate to individuals and organizations. It conforms to X.509 system where a distinct
name of the user of the certificate is tied with its public key by a certifying authority. The private
key of the certificate is kept securely with owner of the certificate while the digital certificate
containing the public key is available for us by the public. A piece of data signed the private
key can be decrypted using the public key and vice-versa.
Grid Cloud Computing
Certifying authorities are responsible for publishing the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) which
contains the serial numbers of those certificates that have become invalid due to expiration of
validity period or due to some form of fraudulent activities. These CRLs are also signed by the
CA that issues them and then published on their websites to preempt generation of false CRLs.
PKI uses a hierarchical structure for establishing a chain of trust where at the lowest level are
the end users who are issued with the digital certificate. At the next level are CAs who are
authorized to issue certificates on a regional level. There is no fixed specification for the size of
a region which can be as small as an organization or as big as a country. Each of the CAs has a
digital certificate which are in turn signed by another CA which is at a higher level in the hierachy.
At the uppermost level are those CAs that issue certificate for small CAs. Please note that there
can be more than one CA at the top of the hierarchy. These CAs are in the business of issuing
digital certificates and are trusted by everyone. Supposing a user obtains the digital certificate
of an individual. The user examines whether the certificate has been signed by a trusted CA
and if the user does not trust the CA who has signed the certificate he or she may request the
digital certificate of the CA which is turn signed by another CA at an upper layer in the hierachy.
Unit 3 : Security in Grid and Clod Computing
This can continue until the user finds that the certificatehas been signed by a CA which he or
she trusts. This chain of trust is important because a user may trust very few recognized CAs.
b) Kerberos
It provides a symmetric-key cryptography for client and servers which implies that the same key
is used for both encryption and decryption of the message. The following are key terms as used
in Kerberos network authentication:-
1. Key Distribution Center - KDC is a trusted third party which runs a service on a physically
system. It maintains a database of account information of all security principals in its docket.
KDC has two entities which are Authentication Server (AS) and Ticket Granting Server (TGS).
2. Authentication Server (AS) - Its purpose is to issue the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) which is
used by the client to authenticate to the Ticket Granting Server (TGS). TGT is issued by the AS
to the client and a normal ticket issued by the TGS to the client.
3. Ticket Granting Server (TGS) - It is a trusted third party that uses short term keys known as
TGT to provide tickets to clients that want to authenticate to the server. All security principals
4. Ticket - It contains information which may be in plain and encrypted texts needed for clients
It defines the complete architecture for implementation of security in grid computing as is part
Grid Cloud Computing
ii. Privileges delegation. Suppose you have three entities X,Y and Z. Y trusts
X and Z trusts X. Suppose X wants Y to perform a task that requires access
to a resource on Z. But as Z does not trust Y it cannot allow Y to access
its resource. To solve this, X can delegate a part of its privileges to Y by
issuing a proxy certificate which along with its private key is referred to
as proxy credential. This proxy credential provides Y restricted access to
those resources on Z that are needed to complete X job. This delegation of
privileges is what is called credential delegation.
iii. Inter-domain security support. A good grid security solution must provide
support for interaction among different entities located in various security
domains. However, a proxy agent on a local system should provide access
to on behalf of a remote client based on local security policies.
iv. Secure communication among the grid computing entities should in place.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. This individual assignment requires you to
answer the questions in short essay type answers and submit them to your instructor within a
week in an email to be provided.
You have learnt that cloud and grid computing security threats include the traditional ones
such as phishing, SQL injection and distributed denial of service attack among others.Others
include unavailability of cloud services which can potentially be caused by power outages,
sabotage and system failures. The sub contraction of services to third parties is also a potential
problem for cloud services and may lead to data loss. These threats can be mitigated by using
authentication, authorization, confidentiality, PKI, Kerberos and Grid Security Infrastructure.
Unit 3 : Security in Grid and Clod Computing
Lab exercise
Amazon Web Services elastic compute cloud can launch instances of windows or Linux virtual
machines. The cloud computing lab will provide students with access to virtual machines
running various operating systems and applications. These virtual machines are grouped into
several categories such as storage, content delivery, databases, networking, Internet of things,
Enterprise applications and management tools among others. What is required of the students
is a computer with Internet access which therefore eases the financial burden from them of
acquiring the needed hardware and software.
The major goal of this exercise is to create a lab that that accomplishes the following:-
d. scalable
Resource required
a. Internet access
b. PC/laptop
Submission requirements
At step ix, you will receive an RSA private key file. Send this RSA private key file as an attachment
to your instructor as evidence that you have followed the above instructions.
Assessment criteria
This lab exercise will contribute 10% of your overall marks for this course.
Grid Cloud Computing
iii. You can now choose one of the many ready to use Amazon Machine Image
(AMI) e.g. Red hat linux, Ubuntu server, Microsoft Windows depending on
the software running on your PC.
iv. In the “choose an instance type” - chose under family the default general
purpose since it is free tier eligible
v. In the next step “configure instance details” - leave the choices at their
default levels.
vi. In the “ add storage” step it shows a virtual HD volume type /dev/sda1 of
30GB - This can be edited but leave them for now.
vii. This brings you to a page on “adding tags to your instance”. Use your full
name and your student registration number for the value.
viii. This brings us to a page on Create a new Security group (Configure Firewall).
Leave the rules at their default. Continue.
ix. Go to the next step “review instance launch” where a dialog box will ask
you to “select an existing key pair or create a new key pair” - Create and
download. You will receive a file with a .pem extension. This is the RSA
private key file that you should keep on your local machine. Send the RSA
private key file as an attachment to your instructor as evidence that you have
followed the above instructions.
x. You now be in “launch status” - Save the AMI you created and launch in later
EC2 sessions.
In this unit, we have explored the security vulnerabilities that apply to both cloud and grid
computing. It has been noted that these being fairly new technologies, the threats they are
exposed to are legion. Coupled with the fact that there is no common point of control e.g. in
grid computing makes the problem even more catastrophic should a security breach occur.
The geographical dispersion of resources in both cloud and grid computing is another area of
security concern and you should be aware of these threats in order to mitigate against the risks
Unit 3 : Security in Grid and Clod Computing
Check your understanding!
Formative assessment
c) Its where cloud services are overwhelmed by system outage such as power failure, system
Grid Cloud Computing
Unit Objectives
Unit 4: Grid Projects and Applications
Learning activities
This is a European project that targets building the next generation of computing infrastructure
providing intensive computational ability in shared large scale databases. It consists of Replica
Management called Reptor, which is a a midleware that enables management of files on the
grid. Reptor is a virtual single access point which the enables the user to access the replica
management system providing transparent access to the underlying grid infrastructure through
a SOAP interface. Reptor can be configured as a distributed service providing file transfer, file
registration and file access. Access to requests coming from one VO are scheduled through well
defined priorities so the available resources are made of in an optimal manner. Reptor offers
consistency services in order for files to be consistent with the replicas such as:-
• Lifetime management - These replicas are created for temporary use and are
deleted once their predefined lifetimes have expired.
• Update propagation - This is where once you make changes to a file, the said
change should be propagated to all the replicas.
• Inconsistency detection - Should a system fail or crash, this feature should find the
inconsistency caused by such.
c) Mass storage management in relation to Storage Resource Broker (SRB) and Sequential
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. Answer each of the above questions individually
in a short answer format and submit the work within a three days to the instructor via an email
to be provided.
Grid Cloud Computing
To overcome this, a database conversion system has been developed to transform heterogeneous
database format into an XML standard format using conversion rules. You can then access the
database services through XML based SOAP protocol. An automatic update system is also
being developed to update new sequences of data that are added into the system everyday
including a data comparison mechanism to reduce data redundancy.
Log on to http://ww.biogrid.org/ and write a three page report on the activities of the biogrid
including the latest research developments. This report should include who funds the biogrid
projects and the different search mechanisms available on the site.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. This should be a three page report double
spaced and should be submitted within a week to the instructor email to be provided.
The EGI is a publicly funded e-infrastructure put together to give scientists access to more than
530,000 logical CPU’s, 200 PB of disk capacity and 300 PB of tape storage to drive research and
innovation in Europe. It is a federation of resource infrastructure providers working together to
provide leading edge computing services needed by European researchers.The infrastructure
provides high throughput computing and cloud compute and storage capabilities. Resources
are provided by about 350 resource centers distributed across 56 countries in Europe, Asia-
Pacific region, Canada and Latin America. The National Grid Initiatives (NGI) are organizations
set up by individual countries to manage the computing resources they provide to the EGI.
They also provide the country’s single point of contact for governments, research communities
and resource centers as regards ICT services for e-science.The NGI’s are the main stakeholders
together with CERN and EMBL.
Log on to http://www.egi.eu/ and analyse the services provided and solutions. Click on the case
studies section and under engineering and technology, read the case study on “predicting the
risk of dam failure”.
Assessment Submission
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. Write a detailed report covering five pages
on the services and solutions provided by the European Grid Infrastructure. On the case study
write a one- page report on how grid technology can mitigate the effects of a dam spillage in
the event of a toxic spill.
Unit 4: Grid Projects and Applications
TeraGrid is one of the most significant high speed networks constructed for grid computing
and funded by the National science Foundation (NSF) in 2001 to connect five supercomputer
centers which are:-
TeraGrid provides open access for scientific research with users making requests for resource
allocation from a big range of extremely powerful computer systems. Open Science Grid (OSG)
is also another NSF funded initiative with a very large number of participants with interests
in particle and nuclear physics,astrophysics, bio-informatics and gravitational-wave science.
The South Eastern Research Association (SURA) is a collaborative venture between universities
that provides a shared grid computing platform but is not focused on any application specific
domain. It can take in new members working on new and specific projects but they need to
know the required software and hardware.
a) Physical Sciences.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the worlds largest and most powerful particle accelerator
which started in 2008 and is the latest addition to CERN’s accelerator complex. It consists of
a 27 km ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost
the energy of the particles along the way. Inside the accelerator, the two high energy particle
beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide. The beams travel
in opposite directions in separate beam pipes and are guided around the accelerator ring by a
strong magnetic field maintained by superconducting electromagnets.
b) Astronomy
There is a large amount of astronomy based data on the Internet in which research is being
conducted by among others D-Grid, DutchGrid, Chinese OSG, ChinaGrid and AmericanSDG.
Astronomy is a dynamic filed of research as human beings have always been curious about the
outer space since time immemorial.
c) Biomedical
Grid Cloud Computing
d) Earth Observation
Earth observation satellites return gigabytes of data daily which can be used to analyze the
ozone profiles,forecast floods or detect oil. The grid allows data to be shared between different
countries and establish a testbed specialized for ozone data.
In this activity, you have learnt about some active grid projects such as the DataGrid, BioGrid
and the European Grid infrastructure. Common to these projects is the aspect of sharing
information in form of large databases spanning several countries. It is important you realize
that grid infrastructures due to the massive scale and the quantity of resources involved are in
most cases government funded.
In this activity, you are required to to some research on BeInGrid and list at least seven business
applications that can be solved using grid technology.
This assessment is on the just concluded activity. You are required to list seven business
applications that can be supported by way of grid technology.This is a one page assignment
a where you are expected to list the application solved by grid technology accompanied by a
brief explanation.
In this unit, you have learnt about the various grid projects such as the data grid which is a large
European project geared towards building the next generation computing infrastructure. The
BioGrid is a biological database that strives to provide a comprehensive resource of protein-
protein and genetic interactions of all major model organism species and the European Grid
Infrastructure for driving research in Europe. A number of grid solutions in physical sciences such
as astronomy, biomedical and earth observation applications have also been briefly discussed.
The largest grid computing project in the world which is found in the US is known as the TeraGrid
and it connects a geographically distributed group of super computers in five major cities.
Unit 4: Grid Projects and Applications
Unit Assessment
Check your understanding!
c) What is metadata?
a) It is a grid devoted to the processing of and access to large amounts of scientific data.
b) SDG
e) Job scheduling - It deals with the interaction of services through an extensible and integrated
resource management.
f) CrossGrid, GridPP,CNGrid
This module has covered introduction to Grid and Cloud computing. The module has covered
overview of grid and cloud computing in which the concepts of grid, cloud computing and
cloud services were introduced; cloud applications in which an attempt was made to cover
various aspects of cloud applications such as cloud computing paradigms, cloud applications
architectural styles and cloud computing limitations; the module also covered security in grid
and cloud computing including security in cloud computing and security in grid computing; and
finally the module covered grid projects and applications with a focus on data grid, biogrid, the
European Grid infrastructure and other large scale grids as well as grid applications. The module
specifically brought out clearly the advantages of cloud computing as well as the differences in
concept and architecture of grid computing and cloud computing.
Grid Cloud Computing
Module Assessment
Attempt all the questions:
1. Discuss the major trends in computing that have led to the emergence of Cluster
2. Describe the design issues and the architecture of Cluster computing systems.
3. What is a Single System Image (SSI) ? Describe different SSI services that cluster
middleware need to support.
4. Discuss SSI architecture of implementing at Operation System and Tool levels with
a suitable example.
5. What are the key distinctions between Cluster and Grid computing?
10. DiscussDeadline-and-BudgetConstrainedTimeandCostoptimizationscheduling
algorithms for Grid Computing.
14. Describe the bases for cloud computing (demands, technical possibilities).
Unit 4: Grid Projects and Applications
Grid Cloud Computing
Unit 4: Grid Projects and Applications
The African Virtual University
PO Box 25405-00603
Nairobi, Kenya
2017 AVU