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American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Original Research Paper

Manufacturing Smart Industry Perspective an Overview

Ayyaswamy Kathirvel, 2V M Gopinath, 3Kathirvel Naren, 4Damotharan Nithyanand and 1K Nirmaladevi
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Artificial Intelligence Data and Science and Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai, India

Article history Abstract: Within the past few decades, the increasing use of advanced
Received: 19-10-2023 technology in the manufacturing industry has drawn extensive study
Revised: 03-11-2023 attention from all around the world. Smart technology is technology that
Accepted: 29-11-2023
gives previously thought-to-be-inanimate objects cognitive awareness
Corresponding Author:
through the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big
Ayyaswamy Kathirvel data analysis. Smart Technology (ST) involves many emerging technologies
Department of Computer like the internet of things, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), cyber-physical
Science and Engineering, production system artificial intelligence, blockchain and systematic data
Panimalar Engineering analysis. We provide an overview of different smart technologies to control
College, Chennai, India the intensive features of computer and sensor technologies to diminish the
Email: ayyakathir@gmail.com gap between humans and machines. This research paper shows the complete
literature review of ST to increase the production and maintenance of
machinery equipment and future threats faced by ST. This study also includes
the survey report of the rate of adoption today as compared to the past five
years, to obtain real-time results, cost-effective techniques and the use of
different sensors to reduce human workload in the manufacturing sector.

Keywords: Block Chain, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber-

Physical Production System, Internet of Things, Big Data Analytic

Introduction agendas. The overall concept of smart manufacturing

systems in Fig. 1 has to be translated into architectures
Smart technology is a technology that uses big data that are quite specific. Efforts are under thanks to
analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence to develop such architectures (Kusiak, 2018). Because the
provide cognitive awareness to objects that were in the world is beyond the fourth generation, we are going
past considered inanimate. Smart Technology (ST) has towards the integrated and collaborative system of ICT;
a basic origin in Information Communication moreover, every field of science has its own tools and
Technology (ICT) and intelligent manufacturing. It mechanisms to use. So as to leverage automation control
involved many terminologies including time data, Industry 4.0 manufacturing systems require
synchronization, AI and network communication industrial devices to be connected to the network.
associated with accuracy with rapid and blistering work. Potentially, this could increase the chance of cyber-
Many manufacturing sectors developed their own Smart attacks, which might compromise connected industrial
Technologies (ST) to turn their raw work into quality- devices to accumulate production data or gain control
derived work with great and brisk production. The over the assembly process.
intention of Smart Technologies (ST) is meteoric Globally the huge automated data and network
development and vanguard technologies like energy operating system is significant, though in smart
saving/efficiency, cloud manufacturing, Cyber-Physical technologies the issue of cyber security arises many
Production Systems (CPPS) smart factories, intelligent web search engines are utilized to direct the cyber-
manufacturing and advanced manufacturing. Smart attack Sentient Hyper-Optimized Data Access
manufacturing has attracted attention from industry, Network (SHODAN) is also utilized. Manufacturing
government organizations and academia. Various operations can be closed somewhere around a cyber-
consortia and discussion groups are formed to develop attack, along these lines, organizations have money
architectures, roadmaps, standards and research losses, yet the fundamental issue is that cyber-attack

© 2024 Ayyaswamy Kathirvel, V M Gopinath, Kathirvel Naren, Damotharan Nithyanand and K Nirmaladevi. This
open-access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
Ayyaswamy Kathirvel et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 17 (1): 33.39
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2024.33.39

targeting systems require safety operations and Table 1: Theme of the survey
represent a serious risk for the safety of the operations. Sr no. Theme of survey
Smart manufacturing is a broad idea that is something 1 Article shows the industrial Internet of Things, recent
advances, enabling technologies and open challenges
that will be executed during a production process
2 Massive internet of things for industrial applications:
directly with some tools and technologies with Addressing wireless IoT connectivity challenges and
diversified technologies and solutions which ecosystem fragmentation
simultaneously if evaluated in a manufacturing 3 Articles show a brief description of smart manufacturing
industry is termed as smart manufacturing. We also 4 This article presents a systematic review of determinants
call these technologies problem solver which assists in of information and digital technology implementation for
boosting the whole manufacturing process and this will smart manufacturing
5 These articles show technology using graphs to link data
enhance the profit.
across the product lifecycle for enabling smart
Smart Technologies (ST) collects manufacturing site manufacturing digital threads
data analyses it and then provides summarized better 6 This article shows a complete literature review of a smart
decision-oriented and optimized results. The benefits of manufacturing adoption framework for SMEs
IOT are goof off and enhance the production. The core 7 This article shows digitally driven smart technology
concept behind smart technologies in manufacturing prioritization challenges towards the development of
means to establish a smart factory to derive accurate and smart manufacturing using the BWM method
8 This study shows the fundamentals of smart manufacturing,
efficient results. To acquire productive, energetic,
a multi-thread perspective
efficient manufacturing some steps that should be 9 This article shows the literature review of the conceptual
followed, consider the following steps that are shown in framework of enablers for smart manufacturing tools
the given Fig. 1. 10 This article shows smart manufacturing based on
It's been nearly 260 years since the start of the initial cyber-physical systems and beyond
age, thought to have started around 1760 in the USA. The
most recent iteration of this process, the fourth Table 2: Abbreviation of technologies used in manufacturing
technological revolution, has been called "smart sectors
manufacturing," while in Europe it's referred to as Terms used in ST
"Industry 4.0." IOT, 5G, Artificial Intelligence (AI), technology Abbreviation
blockchain, edge computing, predictive analysis and CPPS Cyber-Physical Production System
digital twins are coined together smart technologies that ML Machine Learning
derive long-term savings, safety and security and increase CAPEX Capital Expenditures
productivity as shown in Tables 1-2. OPEX Operating Expense
CNC Computer Numeral Control
The structure of this research paper includes the CAD Computer-Aided Design
introduction: CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing
 A new definition of smart technology is advised IOT Internet of Things
IIOT Industrial Internet of Things
 The state of art research literature review RFID Radio Frequency Identification
 Structure of any smart manufacturing technology MEMs Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Sensor
 Various technologies related to the manufacturing SNA Social Network Analysis
sector CCT Computer and communication technology
 Challenges in smart technology AI Artificial Intelligence
 Conclusion MBE Model-Based Enterprise
MIOT Manufacturing Internet of Things

Khan et al. (2020a) show IIOT the latest technology

in the manufacturing sector, which includes the latest
framework communication and protocols and also
highlight the different heterogeneous technologies that
are involved in meeting the challenges of ST. Kusiak
(2018) also elaborated on the solution how to make smart
manufacturing more effective and more productive, he also
discussed the pillar of smart manufacturing. Liu et al. (2020)
also discussed the issues of digital twin-deriving
techniques in view of Industry 4.0 and its future
challenges in smart manufacturing and also defined
industrial communication twining tools. The literature
Fig 1: Step-by-step smart IOT review of smart manufacturing (Kusiak, 2019) that smart

Ayyaswamy Kathirvel et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 17 (1): 33.39
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2024.33.39

manufacturing is not a single domain but this is a multi- Materials and Methods
domain that shows the different perspectives of smart
manifesting using hardware and communication tools, Manufacturing Led Design
showing the difference between resilient manufacturing This smart technology is used to give direction to
and Sustainable manufacturing. Hedberg Jr et al. (2020)
design, making early decisions and efficient industry. This
researchers also elaborate on the graph cycles and linking of
different diagrams for accessing the different technologies smart technology officially decides the right things at the
for designing and quality domains for increasing the right time. The integrated CAD/CAM software was used,
lifecycle of the product also defined the term Model-Based to provide a solution for the integrated complex design with
Enterprise (MBE). Also elaborated on the research about the the help of computer network protocols are used.
cost analysis of smart manufacturing technology like
3D Printing
digital twin is affordable (Yao et al., 2019). Giving
attention to the trending technology in smart manufacturing 3D Printing is additionally clear as additive
like CPPS also defined the SCPS including eight tuples of manufacturing mainly focuses on the hardware.
CPS-based smart manufacturing to society. Tao et al. Numerous companies utilize compulsive technologies for
(2018) also elaborated the terms like cloud computing, fog improving their products, to meet the product application
computing and edge computing. and material necessity. Its name 3D originates from three
During the past decade, we have boosted our measurements. 3D printing begins by making a virtual
technologies and techniques with the assistance of plan of the article you wish to frame. The virtual structure
communication, networks and artificial intelligence to is utilized as a format for the article to be made. This
reduce the cost of Capital Expenditures (CAPEX) and virtual plan will be made by utilizing a 3D modeling
Operating Expenses (OPEX). The advances in the program like Computer-Aided Design (CAD) to form a
communication and computer intelligence industry design from scratch as shown in Fig. 3. On the other hand,
enhance the accuracy towards the perfection of a 3D scanner will be utilized for an existing object. This
automation in the manufacturing sector. Published a scanner makes a 3D digital copy of a product and places
journal on automatic manufacturing in 1995 the work of it into a 3D modeling program.
an intelligence manufacturing system started for the The abridgment of CNC is computer numerical
support of the industrial industry. Well-reputed control, the purpose of this Smart Technology (ST) is to
companies from different countries like Japan, Korea and run and control machinery in the manufacturing sector
the USA started the intelligence manufacturing system to through computer software, whereas it is used to
give worth to their industrial sector. Smart technology is a discipline and supervise machinery parts and their cutting
technology that uses big data analysis, machine learning tools through material removal.
and artificial intelligence to provide cognitive awareness
to objects that were in the past considered inanimate. Cloud Computing and Storage
Some of Smart Technologies (ST) is discussed the Fig. 2. Cloud computing storage devices involve the handling
Smart technology is the term that is used to reduce of data, this also involves the collision of cyber security
human load, error-free and highly productive industries intelligence and many other machine-elated smart
along with productive and predictive maintenance using techniques to make effective and reduce the cost by using
artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things. Industry many efficacious data storage techniques. The main idea
4.0 is the recent technology used to run efficient behind cloud computing is to create bonding between
collection and maintenance of data, technical and skilled chain suppliers to make the product. Distributed devices
full staff is required to run these computer sensing are used for cloud computing, there are three formats that
machines and communication networks. are mostly used for cloud computing named as PAAS,
SAAS and AAS (Xu et al., 2018).

Fig. 2: Smart technologies Fig. 3: Chart of 3D printing in different years

Ayyaswamy Kathirvel et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 17 (1): 33.39
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2024.33.39

Internet of Things (IoT) Sensors and Automatic Identification

This smart technology includes sensor technology and Different types of sensors are used in the automatic
a coin of many internet technologies like artificial identification of different factors like cost, temperature,
intelligence, network and immutable communication. motion and environment, however, the most popular sensor
There is a central system on which the data is delivered that is used in automation is called Radio Frequency
and then provided to a central system many researchers Identification (RFID), these sensors are used to meet the
used different protocols at different topologies using complete quality of the products in manufacturing sectors.
different hardware and software with different designs for The tags are used in the RFID technology to control wireless
different industries. The main issue is to cover the technological devices, every product is labeled with different
different problems of the industry to provide the tags, however, these tags are used to perform all particular
connectivity between the manufacturing software tools activities including storing and retrieving data. Cyber
and hardware, to support the company terms related to the security and privacy issues always involved in RFID, the
computer wireless device to reduce the labor cost. This tags that are used in RFID that are used in these sensors have
smart technology starts from the collection of raw data some range and can be easily hacked from other RFID
implementation of smart using Computer-Aided sensor tags. There are many sensors that are used in the
assistance (CAD) and manual system management. This industrial and automation industry like temperature sensors,
smart technique also requires a platform of technical staff pressure sensors, Micro-Electro-Mechanical (MEMs)
to run the smart technologies to meet the challenging task Sensors, motion sensors and torque sensors.
(Khan et al., 2020b)
Big Data Analytics
Cyber-Physical Production Systems
There is A colossal amount of data also requires a highly
Cyber-Physical Production System (CPPS) is a smart productive computing system, the demand of high amount
technology that is proposed for artificial intelligence, this of data that is collected and then analyzed how to handle,
system is a collection of collaborative technologies with how to work with this data, some specific data collection
this global world and its ongoing process related to the techniques are used in the smart manufacturing technique to
further development of Computer and Communication reduce the cost, time constraints and budget issue, there is
Technologies (CCT), this become the cause of fourth also need of collection of correct raw data, big data
generation industry named as 4.0. The heap of raw data analytic system play as a key role in the manufacturing
that is collected for industrial manufacturing from sector (Wang et al., 2018) made research on the big data
different sensors is very helpful for the detection of faults analytic industries and their challenges in his research he
or to prognosticate equipment wear. There are different also defined the term Manufacturing Internet of Things
five-level architectures of CPPS that produce an efficient (MIOT) perform the big analytic data technologies and give
productive system. The five C levels of architecture are comprehensive reviews of different big analytic data in
described in the following Fig. 4. smart manufacturing and give enhanced briefing on how to
These five 5C surface levels of CPPS show the close get productive results.
bonding from the 1st level to the 5th level. All levels start Figure 5 CPPS system it consists of cooperative
from C, CPPS starts from the connection of self-senses and computational systems that are closely linked to the real world
collection of data that has to be obtained from this system and its ongoing activities. They also provide and utilize
to network implementation to produce cost-reducing internet-based data processing and access services.
products. The main architecture of a cyber-physical Automated pilot avionics, robotics, industrial control systems,
production system is given below. smart grid, autonomous car systems, medical monitoring,
robotics and recycling are a few examples of CPS.

Fig. 4: Cyber-physical production system Fig. 5: CPPS system works

Ayyaswamy Kathirvel et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 17 (1): 33.39
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2024.33.39

Block Chain Technology Table 3: Survey report of MHI in 2018

Rate of adoption in
In the latest smart technologies, blockchain has a key role Name of ST manufacturing sector (%)
in IIOT leading towards the next generation in the Cloud computing 57
manufacturing industrial sector. Blockchain technology is Inventory and network optimization 44
Sensors and automatic detection 45
not involved not only in the manufacturing sector but also in Predictive analysis 20
healthcare, finance supply chain and car insurance. The Internet of things 22
unique characteristics of blockchain technology are dispense Robotics and automation 34
nature, discoverability, durability, trust, security and cost- Blockchain 6
effective characteristics making it the trending smart Driverless vehicles and drones 11
3D printing 16
technology in IOT. Ethereum is a term that is defined by the
Artificial intelligence 6
researcher as a blockchain platform, the user can sign the
Ethereum, this Ethereum is decentralized and runs not only
by one person but also by a peer. Ethereum Virtual Machine Discussion
is also established, mainly the nodes that are present in ork.
Latest research shows how blockchain can be developed for Present and Future Challenges
Digital Twins (DT) to produce authentic, efficient and
securing manufacturing. Due to the diverse and complex nature of ST due to the
diversity of communication and network intelligence, there
Artificial Intelligence are many challenges that are present in this sector that should
Artificial intelligence is a key element of ST, due to be resolved. Some of these challenges are given below.
AI industry 4.0 coming into exist, without artificial Technical Staff
intelligence there may be no concept of ST, the success
of any smart technology depends upon the rate at which The technical staff is required to run this complex and
level of AI is involved in that technique, the term AI and compatible architecture, however processing of efficient
Machine Learning (ML) are related to each other. The ML, understanding of communications networks and
motivation behind the AI and ML to create ST is to
smooth running of these topologies over the network with
increase the fast process of analysis and decision-making,
Social Network Analysis (SNA) derived from the social a better understanding of fast data-driven techniques and
network theories. In 2018, MHI and his team took a operating systems. If the staff is technical, then it is easy
survey of different STs that are used in the whole world, to handle data managing schemes and machine
this survey takes a long time of five years. integration with the software strategies to gain efficient
Sensing devices, such radar, cameras and results of ST IN manufacturing sector to meet the security
microphones, are also necessary for the CPPS to gather and sustainability of computer-related results.
environmental data. This information can be utilized to
track the flow of commodities, spot irregularities and Difficult to Handle Huge Data Analytic and
streamline manufacturing procedures. Cyber-Physical Management Techniques
Production Systems (CPPS) refer to industrial automation
systems that integrate digital components like databases, There are many data analytic techniques to cover the
networks and software with physical components like collection of data, sensing of data and process of future
machines, robots and sensors (Fig. 6). decisions on the basis of these data management techniques,
Table 3 was discussed about survey report of MHI was the running of different IIOTs run in an effective way by
given in the 2018. Rate of adoption in manufacturing sector handling and retrieving a large amount of data.
was given in the percentage. Cloud computing was used as
57%, similarly Inventory and network optimization and System Integration
sensor automatic detection was used 44-45% vice versa. The compatibility of different smart technologies
with machine learning and the new manufacturing
system required IPV6 connectivity for smooth running
of different interfaces. In the previous decades many
technologies and platforms have been used to attain
productive results for the manufacturing sector, but
this is a bit difficult to integrate all the platforms. The
technology moved from mechanical manufacturing to
man production and then proceeded further to
Information Technology (IT) and now a day's physical
Fig. 6: Some type of sensors production system is used.

Ayyaswamy Kathirvel et al. / American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 2024, 17 (1): 33.39
DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2024.33.39

Big Data Analytic Tools durables techniques are used in this term, there are many
wireless technologies including many challenges that are
This is difficult to handle a large amount of data and then
used in IOT and industrial 4.0. The customer should be
analysis of that data has occurred, many data analytic tools
aware of these technologies by making effective software
are used and the big issue behind these tools is sharing and
models that are human-to-machine oriented.
maintaining that record on different networks.
Robustness and Security Issues Conclusion
To cover the security issue, cyber and many artificial This research paper gives a perspective review of smart
intelligence tools are used but lack of security is also technologies that produce energetic and profitable
occurring in different technologies over the network, the products, involving wireless communication by using
trust issue in the use of smart technology arises because different operating systems using reliable and effective
all the data between different resources are through the
systems and communication protocols. However, smart
use of different communication networks.
technologies are also emerging towards robotic technology
Use of Wireless Technologies and Different Protocols to reduce the involvement of human machines and human
workload. Digital twins involve the use of sensor
This is not easy to use the different technologies by
technologies and have many benefits in reducing the cost
use of wireless, all the communication between the
of the products and enhancing the quality of products.
machine and human is done through the use of networks
by using different topologies over the centralized or
distributed network. There are many communication
networks and wireless technologies that are used, but this Thank our department HoD and management of
is not easy to make a decision about which Panimalar engineering college provide wonderful
communication network is better for the productive opportunity to do research.
manufacturing system. There are many technical issues
that are related to communication networks like latency Funding Information
bandwidth and many more factors.
The authors have not received any financial support or
Invention of a Specific Operating System funding to report.
There is a need for specific operating systems that are
Author’s Contributions
used in manufacturing sectors. TinyOS and Contiki are
the most commonly used operating systems that meet the All authors equally contributed to this study.
requirements of smart manufacturing techniques. There is
a need to design the operating system that has Ethics
characteristics of running smooth traffic, smart grid,
This article is original and contains unpublished
intelligent communication framework, bandwidth
material. The corresponding author confirms that all of
consumption and interoperability.
the other authors have read and approved the manuscript
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