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An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal

Presented to
The Faculty of the Education Department
Lanao National College of Art and Trades
Mindanao State University
Marawi City

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Sciences


March, 2024

Chapter Page


Rationale 1
Theoretical Framework 4
Conceptual Framework 6
Statement of the Problem 8
Significance of the Study 9
Definition of Terms 10
Scope and Limitation of the Study 11


Related Literature 12
Related Studies 13

Research Design 18
Locale of the Study 18
Respondents of the Study 19
Research Instruments 20
Data Gathering Procedure 20

Statistical Tools 21

Table Page

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents 20

Chapter 1



Hands-on-Activity is an instructional approach in which students are guided to learn

information via experience; it is a process of doing in which students become active participants

in the classroom. According to Haury and Rillero (2015), a hands-on learning strategy immerses

the kid in a comprehensive learning experience.This improves the child's critical thinking

abilities. Hands-on learning has been recommended as a way to improve students' academic

accomplishment and understanding of scientific topics by handling things that might make

abstract information more tangible and obvious. Students may engage in real-life examples and

witness the impact of adjustments in diverse factors using a hands-on approach. It provides real

examples of topics.

Hands-on-learning method is one of the ways that promotes more stability between the

instructor and the student, both of whom play an important part in the learning process. While

instructors retain power, they now serve more as facilitators, coaching pupils and assisting them

in their learning (Lathan, 2021). Teachers should consider their students' chosen learning styles

in order for this technique to be effective. Students that are aware of their learning styles will

find it easier to adapt to this technique. Both teaching and learning styles are important in the

growth and accomplishment of learning. As a result, academics have devoted close attention to

identifying pupils' learning styles, particularly under the New Normal.

Learning styles play a crucial role in delivering lessons effectively, enabling students to

cope with diverse teaching strategies and achieve educational success. A study on Iranian High

School Students found that understanding students' learning styles helps teachers deliver lessons

more effectively. This is supported by the Philippines' DepEd K to 12 Basic Education Program

(2012), which emphasizes the learner as the driving force behind the curricular system.

Instructors should create an environment where students enjoy learning, engage in meaningful

activities, and achieve success, even if they make mistakes. This allows students to make

decisions and take responsibility for their learning and future life. According to a group of

psychologists, there is insufficient evidence to support introducing learning type evaluations into

general educational practice. As a result, limited educational resources would be directed to the

adoption of other educational techniques, resulting in a significant evidence-based rise in

numbers. Given the rarity of methodologically competent research on learning styles, presuming

that all probable learning styles have been examined may be a mistake, according to Rohrer and

Pashler (2012) . More study into the use of learning type testing in the classroom may be

required in some cases, but it must be done correctly.

This study examines the effectiveness of hands-on learning approaches on Marawi

National High School grade 10 students, focusing on the development of active participation and

scientific process skills. It highlights the importance of understanding students' unique learning

styles and preferences to create a successful classroom environment. Teachers should be

knowledgeable about class preparation and tailor their approach to match students' preferences.
Theoretical Framework

This section discusses the theoretical framework of the study. Some theories serve as

anchor in this study as the educational research, teaching learning process, developmentalism

and curriculum theory. The discussion hopes to enhance a better understanding on the content of

this research.

Experiential Learning Theory

Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) emphasizes the importance of experience and its

role in the learning process (Kolb, 1984). Moreover, it uses experience to describe its vital

difference from cognitive learning theory, which focuses on cognition and behavioural learning

theory. These theories “ignore[s] the possible role of subjective experience in the learning

process” (Cherry, 2019), while, as Kolb (1984) attests, “learning is the process whereby

knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” ELT has served a central role in

various studies that use the theory as a theoretical framework to investigate its effectiveness in

the learning process. For example, Lai et al. (2007) used ELT as a framework to investigate the

contribution of technology in experiential learning. They considered the possibility of using

technology to provide and support experiential learning. Their results indicate that using

technology while going through the four-stage process (explained below) helped students to

improve their knowledge; emphasizing the importance of experience gives students a chance to

act and reflect on their actions.

Behaviorism Theory

Behaviorism: Theorists like Skinner (1953) usually focused on observable behavior,

believing that practice and accompanying reinforcement aided learning. In its directed lectures

and practice problems, behaviorist training usually use multiple choice questions or other rote

approaches. It also regularly employs objective evaluations. Behavioural learning theory

emerged in the early twentieth century as an alternative to introspective psychology, which relied

on subjective descriptions of mental processes and emotions. People who specialize in behavior

analysis, such as B.F. Skinner believed that mental states and cognitive processes were irrelevant

or unattainable, and that psychology should be based on visible and quantifiable events and

actions. According to behaviorists, operant conditioning is the method by which learning occurs,

and that environmental signals and consequences shape behavior. The technique of rewarding or

punishing activities based on their outcomes is known as operant conditioning. When a student

receives praise for answering a question correctly, for example, they are more likely to repeat the

activity in the future. A pupil, on the other hand, is less likely to repeat that conduct if they are

reprimanded for speaking out of turn.

Behavior theorist focus on observable behaviors, thus discounting independent activities

of the mind. Behaviorism defines learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior

based on environmental conditions. The psychological theory of behaviorism is used as an

educational theory when the learning experience is based on a stimulus and a response and by

rewarding behavior that will meet the educational goal and ignoring (or correcting) behavior that

is not goal directed. Large tasks are broken down into smaller tasks, and each task is learned in

successive order. The process is called successive approximations.

Conceptual Framework

The schematic diagram highlights the study's input-through-output. The first selection

represents the students' respondent's profile. The first selection is the students' personal profile in

terms of age, gender, and ethnicity, and section. The second selection contains how effective is

the science learning method in terms of Experimental Method, Scientific Reasoning Hands on

method and practical work method. The third part reflects the implications of the study.

Respondents Profile
1.2Sex Perception L
1.4parent’s I
Of the C
Challenges Faced on
Hands on Activities in A
terms of;
2.1 Time constraints
2.2 Resource Limitation
2.3 Peer engagement

Figure 1. A Schematic Diagram showing the Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the effectiveness of science learning methods in grade 10 students’ in

Marawi National High School for the year 2023-2024. Specifically this study sought to answer

the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Ethnicity

1.4Parent’s monthly income

2. What are the Challenges Faced on Hands on Activities of the respondents in terms of?

2.1 Time constraints

2.2 Resource limitation

2.3 Peer engagement

3. What are the perceptions of the respondents on hands on activities?

4. What implication maybe drawn from the findings of the study?

Significance of the study

The results of this investigation and results may benefit science teachers, school

administrators, future researchers, and students. This may provide them with some information

into how effective science learning methods are in terms of the quality of learning instruction

and other capabilities that promote good quality learning.

Curriculum Maker. In this study, it is beneficial for them to create and build

curriculum that responds to the needs of the time so that it can be used by the students.

School Administrator. The result of this study would provide a baseline date in

decision making regarding to improvement of the science teaching in this Institution. (Hassan

and Noor, 2007)

Science Teacher. Through this study, the teacher realized how important is science

learning method. They should assist students as they explore and discover new things on their

own. They will also be the ones who advise students as they approach challenges, encourage

them to develop their own knowledge, and provide them with useful knowledge. (2006)

(Sumugat and Talaboc).

Students. This study is useful for the students to identify the science learning methods is

as important as any other subject. Also, can improve their capability in learning.

Future Researchers. The finding of this study may serve as a guide and source of date

for individuals especially students of science major who are interested in pursuing studies of the

same nature.
Definition of Terms

For a clearer understanding of the concepts used in the study, the following terms are

conceptually and / or operationally defined.

Hands on Learning Method. Hands-on learning is an educational method that directly

involves the learner, by actively encouraging them to do something in order to learn about it. In

short, it is 'learning by doing'.

Learning Method. Learning is how we perceive, interpret, and understand new

information or obtain new knowledge. We can learn through experiences, instruction, or

observation. In this study it refers to the method that will be used in this study.

Peer engagement. Refers to the active involvement of peers in learning and teaching

processes. It involves collaborative activities, group discussions, and feedback exchanges among

students who have similar academic levels. (Ewing, R. 2011). In this study it refers to the

students peer engagement performance on hands on activities

Resource Limitation. Refers to the constraints that prevent an organization or a system

from utilizing all the available resources to achieve its goals. (S. Kotha, 2012). In this study it

refers to the limitation of the students on hands on activities.

Science. It is the study of the physical and natural world of phenomena, especially by

using systematic observation and experiment ( George, 1993).

Time constraint. Refers to the limitation or restriction on the amount of time available to

complete a task or project. Friedman, C. B., & Schraw, G. (2003). In this study, this refers to the

student’s performance with time constraints on hands on activity.

Scope and Limitation

This study solely looks at the efficiency of scientific learning methods among students in

Grade 10. The researcher administers a survey that contains the respondents' personal

information. Also, how successful is the scientific learning approach in terms of Experimental

approach, Scientific Reasoning Hands on Learning Method, and Practical Work Method, as well

as the implications of these methods. The study's participants were Marawi National High

School Grade 10 students.

Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the local and foreign literature 4 studies, which considered

significant & relevant in the present investigation.

Related Literature

Boyuk (2010) stated that Open-ended inquiry can be intimidating due to the variety of

possible outcomes. Teachers can help students consider the nature of science when making

decisions about research questions, procedures, measurement techniques, data recording

methods, and reporting methods. They can serve as both a resource and filter, ensuring all

student decisions align with the principles of science. Over the past ten years, researchers'

perspectives on aspects of the nature of science have converged, with recent agreement on seven

aspects: scientific knowledge is both durable and speculative, empirical evidence supports ideas,

social and historical factors influence the formation of scientific knowledge, laws and theories

serve different purposes, and accurate record keeping, peer review, and experiment replication

help validate scientific ideas. A thorough comprehension of every facet of science's nature will

facilitate excellent inquiry investigations. Education worldwide has evolved from teacher-

centered learning to student-centered learning, teaching students to take responsibility for their

own learning and become more independent.

Dillon (2008), there are many reasons for doing practical work for scientific subjects in

schools. Some of the reasons are to encourage accurate observations and descriptions, to change

theories into real-life application, to keep the interest of students in scientific studies and

promote a logical and reasoning method of thought. As well, Bryson, Millar, Joseph and
Mobolurin (2002) argue that practical work helps to improve students’ scientific knowledge. It is

widely argued that practical work is essential to teaching and learning in the field of scientific

studies and that good quality practical work helps develop students’ understanding of scientific

processes and concepts (Jakeways, 1986). However, whether this has an effect on the attainment

scores of the students is still under investigation.

Jun Sun's paper "Learning and Individual Differences" suggests that attitude development

in human learning affects individual learners' experiences with different learning objects. He

hypothesizes that learner's object-related perceptions, personality traits, and situational

perceptions may have varying correlations with their general attitudes towards learning objects

and their specific attitude. Hatami (2012) defines learning style as a preferred approach to

applying talents, with three main objectives: understanding, anticipating, and increasing

educational accomplishment, and improving occupational selection, instruction, and placement,

the audience of this study are the students' of MNHS. This study's findings may be useful for

science instructors, school officials, future researchers, and students, providing insight into

effective scientific learning approaches and high-quality learning

Millar (2004) proposes that students’ minds should be stimulated prior to starting any

practical work by providing them with some background information on what it is they are

investigating. Also, the task design should direct students’ efforts to make links between the two

domains of knowledge. Consequently, science teachers should be trained based on the most

recent research studies to amend their practices and put forth more time and effort to reflect on

linking scientific concepts with the natural world (Jokiranta, 2014).

One should keep in mind that the feedback from teachers of laboratory work is a vital

source of information about its value. In previous studies, they mentioned that laboratory work is

vital for studying sciences but there are certain problems they faced such as: lack of materials

needed for the required experiments, insufficient information for carrying out the experiment,

insufficient techniques followed during the experiment, lack of information about the glassware

and the chemicals that are needed for the experiment, lack of information about safety rules, lack

of information about the steps that should be followed to avoid any accident during the

experiment and finally what should be done in case of an accident during the experiment

(Aydogdu, 2015; Boyuk, Demir & Erol, 2010).

Worth (2010) emphasizes that learning science involves more than just gaining facts and

understanding. Hands-on experiments can be an effective option for students to experience and

discover from observation or feelings, leading to the development of problem-solving, creativity,

and independent learning skills. Kolb's experiential learning cycle, developed based on Lewin's

social psychology, Dewey's philosophical pragmatism, and Piaget's cognitive-development

genetic epistemology, can be used to structure and sequence the curriculum to improve student

learning. The diagram below shows Kolb's experiential learning cycle, which is based on Lewin's

social psychology, Dewey's philosophical pragmatism, and Piaget's cognitive-development

genetic epistemology.

Related Studies

Research indicates that hands-on experiments positively impact learners' development, as

they involve derived concepts and continuously modified by experiences. This method increases

students' interest in science and other subjects, builds intrinsic motivation, and encourages them
to take initiative. Allen (1973) found that students' discipline and behavior improved

significantly in Science classes when teachers used hands-on experiments. Jindrich (1998) also

found that people recall things better when learning by doing.

Arnold and Paulus (2010) utilized English Language Teaching (ELT) as a theoretical

framework for their study with pre-service teachers. They learned how students might use

technology in the classroom by experiencing and using it themselves. The ELT process allowed

teachers to reflect on potential challenges and take students through the entire process in

sequence. For example, before conducting interviews outside the classroom, teachers would

direct students to develop questions and practice with classmates. After reflecting, they would

move to the next stage, where they would conduct interviews outside the classroom, developing

new experiences that could be subjected to another round of the ELT process.

In a study conducted over a duration of eight weeks on a group of 40 students from grade

5, from two different classes selected through purposive sampling, it was shown that students

who were instructed through inquiry-based learning achieved higher scores than the ones who

were instructed through traditional methods (Abdi, 2014). Several studies examining the role of

practical work on student attainment investigated many aspects of the quality of the practical

work, such as the design of the task given in terms of encouraging students to make links

between the theoretical and practical sides.

In a study done on a sample of 25 science lessons involving practical work in English

secondary schools, the results showed that the practical work supported the direction of the

lesson in that it kept students focused on tasks and doing the hands-on work. However, practical

work was proven less effective in getting those students to make a connection between concept
and application in the lab and reflect on their collected data (Abrahams & Millar, 2008). The

study found that there was insufficient proof that linking concepts to observables is taken into

consideration by the people who design these activities for the science lessons.

However, very few teachers carry out hands-on experiments in their Science lessons. One

of the reasons is because in the past, ‘the textbook was the curriculum for science and hence

what passed as the teaching of science was nothing more than information-giving by teachers

and memorization of the information by students’ (Collison and Aidoo-Taylor, 1990 cited in

Ghartey-Ampiah, et. al, 2004: 2). ‘The theoretical approach to teaching science was further

encouraged by the emphasis it received in public examinations’ (Ajeyalemi, 1990 cited in

Ghartey-Ampiah, et. al, 2004: 2). These have led to some of the teachers’ beliefs in teacher-

centered approach when delivering Science lessons based on their experiences in school (Jones

and Wyse, 2004). One of the teachers interviewed by Jones and Wyse stated that ‘as a Year 6

teacher, (his) primary concern when teaching science was to ensure that the children had enough be able to tackle a variety of Key Stage 2 SATs questions and he claimed that he

had achieved that (2004:51). Besides that, the emphasis of practical works was minimal due to

their disbelief in practical Science to convey the large amount of information that the children

are required to learn (Jones and Wyse, 2004).

21st-century science education aims to equip students with research skills, which are

essential for acquiring scientific knowledge and solving problems using scientific methods.

These skills are crucial for facing competition in the 21st century, and are built on scientific

skills, problem-solving, and communication skills. Research competencies involve implementing

scientific methods, such as identifying, constructing a hypothesis, selecting variables,

experimenting, and interpreting data. Research skills include the ability to conduct research using

tools, strategy, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and explaining findings. The Research

Competencies Framework (RCF) categorizes research competences into groups such as practical

skills, dissemination, problem-solving skills, thinking and communication, attitudes, professional

ethics, dissemination, and understanding the role and aim of the research.

Fischer et al. (2014) and Opitz et al. (2017) conceptualize indicators of research skills,

namely identifying problems, formulating research questions, determining hypotheses, designing

research, collecting data, evaluating data, drawing conclusions, and communicating research

results. (Davidson & Palermo, 2015) stated other indicators of research skills: designing

research, determining samples, selecting respondents, collecting data, statistical testing,

reporting, and presentations. Biology research skills have essential requirements to give

experience to students (Maknun et al., 2020). Research skills are essential in the working

environment because the company can continue doing research and business development

(Bandaranaike, 2018). Research skillsframeworks and working ability are related to each other.

This skill is the basic to develop working ability (Bandaranaike, 2018).

Research skills should be the primary competence for science teachers in Indonesia, as

they are the primary purpose in science education. However, pre-service teachers often fail to

teach students about research skills, leading to low achievement of research skills competencies

at secondary and higher education levels. Research shows that students still lack mastery of

research procedures, implementation, and reporting. At the university level, mastery is low in

intellectual ability, implementation stage, and research data analysis. Willison (2018) developed

a Research skill development (RSD) framework to evaluate and classify students' research skills
based on autotomy level. The study aims to analyze various research methods to provide students

with research skills and provide recommendations for teachers to deliver practical research skills

through appropriate learning methods.

Chapter 3


This chapter deals with the settings and procedures that were used by the researchers in

gathering and analysing data. It includes the research design, locale of the study, and respondents

of the study, data gathering procedure, research instrument and statistical tools.

Research Design

The research method in this study will be descriptive method. Descriptive research design

involves observing and collecting data on a given topic without attempting to infer cause-and-

effect relationships. The goal of descriptive research is to provide a comprehensive and accurate

picture of the population or phenomenon being studied and to describe the relationships,

patterns, and trends that exist within the data. Since, it aimed to determine the effectiveness of

science learning method in grade 10 student of Marawi National Highschool.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted in Marawi City represented Marawi National Highschool

located at Bo, Datu Saber, Marawi City.

Marawi National High School is a school in Soccsksargen, Mindanao located on Barrio

Green Street. Marawi National High School is situated nearby to Marawi Central Park and the

power station Agus I Hydro-electric Power Plant.

Marawi City is a Muslim City In the province of Lanao del Sur, Philippines. It is the

capital city of Lanao del sur in Mindanao, it is located at the shores of lake Lanao and straddles

the area where the Agus River starts. It has a total area of 87.55-kilometer square.

Marawi City is bounded on the North by the municipalities of Kapai and Saguiran, on the

South by Lake Lanao, on the East by the Municipalities of Bubong and Ditsaan Ramain, and on

the West by the municipalities of Marantao and Saguiran.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are the grade 10 students of Marawi National Highschool.

The actual number of students in grade 10 is given in Table 1. where there are 40 respondents.

Students Section Actual Population Frequency Percentage

Grade 10- Section 1 55 10 25%

Grade 10 -Section 2 50 10 25%

Grade 10 -Section 3 76 10 25%

Grade 10 -Section 4 ` 61 10 25%

Total 242 40 100%

Research Instrument Used

The major instrument in this study is a one set of questionnaires for the students. The set

of questionnaires will composed of three parts the first is the personal profile of the respondents,

the second and third part is the effectiveness of hands on learning method in grade 10 students in

Marawi National Highschool.

The first part represents the students’ respondent’s profile. The first selection is the

student’s personal profile in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and there section. And the

Challenges Faced on Hands on Activities of the respondents in terms of; Time constraints,

Resource limitation and Peer engagement

The second part reflects the perception of the respondents on hands on activities.

The third part reflects the implication of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

To obtain the required date for the study, the researchers will first request permission

from the school head via a letter stating that they are required to conduct a survey in their

institution and collect data to aid in the researchers' investigation into the effectiveness of the

Hands on learning method in the selected Grade 10 students of Marawi National High School.

Statistical Tools

The gathered data employ to analyzed the data of the study using the following


1. Percentage. This was used to describe the profile distribution of distribution of the

respondents of personal profile in terms of age, gender and section of the respondents.
Formula: P= f/n x 100%

Where: P= percentage

F= frequency

N= number of observations

2. Weighted Mean (WM). This will use to determine the effectiveness of the learing

method to the respondents.

Formula: xw=n/z fxi


Where: f= frequency


N= total number of observations


General Direction: Please fill out this questionnaire as completely as possible. You may be
confident that any information you provide will be kept private.

Part I; Respondent’s Profile

Instructions: Read carefully the instruction and understand the given question. Answer it
honestly by putting check (/) in proved space.

Name (Optional) ____________________________________

1.1 Sex

( ) Male ( ) Female

1.2 Age

( ) 13- 15 ( ) 16-20 0thers:_______________

1.3 Ethnicity

( ) Meranaw ( ) Iranaon ( ) Tausug

( ) Cebuano ( ) Maguinadaon others:______________

1.4 Parent’s monthly income

( ) Below P5,000 ( ) P5,000- P10,000 ( ) P10,100- P20,000

( )P21,000-P30,000 ( ) P 31,000 and above

Part II: Respondent’s effect on Hands on Learning

Instruction: Please put a check mark (/) on the provided that best corresponding to your answer.





Indicators/ Statements 1 2 3 4
Challenges faced on Hands
on Activities
1. Limited time to complete
the activity.

2.Pressure to finish within

specified time frame

3. Inadequate supplies or
4. insufficient access to tools
or equipment.

5. Difficulty collaboration
with peers effectively.
6.unequal participation
among group members
7.Lack of clear instructions
or objectives
8. Uncertainly about
expected outcomes.
9.inadequate support or
guidance from teacher. opportunities for
clarification or assistance.
Time Constraints
1. The time allocated for
hands-on activities is
sufficient for me to complete
the tasks.
2. I often feel rushed and
struggle to complete hands-
on activities within the given
3. The time constraints in
hands-on activities
negatively impact my
4. I have enough time to fully
explore and experiment
during hands-on activities
5. I feel pressured to finish
hands-on activities quickly,
sacrificing the quality of my
Resource Limitation:
1.There are enough resources
available for me to
effectively participate in
hands-on activities.
2. I often face challenges due
to a lack of necessary
resources during hands on
3. The limited availability of
resources hinders my ability
to fully engage in hands on
4. I feel well-equipped with
the necessary materials and
tools for hands-on activities
5. I often struggle to find the
resource I need to complete
hands-on activities.
Peer engagement :
1. I feel actively engaged and
supported by my peers
during the hands-on
2. I often struggle to
collaborate and work
effectively with my peers in
hands-on activities.
3.The lack of peer
engagement negatively
affects my learning
experience in hands-on
4. I enjoy working with my
peers and find their input
valuable in hands-on
5. I feel comfortable seeking
help and sharing ideas with
my peers during hands-on
Task Clarity:
1. The instructions and
objectives of hands-on
activities are clear to me.
2. I often to find it difficult to
understand what is expected
of me in hands-on activities.
3. the lack of clarity in task
instruction hinders my ability
to perform well in hands-on
4. I feel confident knowing
the steps and goals of hands-
on activities.
5. I sometimes feel confused
about the purpose and
requirements of hands-on
Teachers Guidance:
1. The teacher provides
sufficient guidance and
support during hands-on
2. I often feel unsure an need
more guidance from the
teachers in hands-on
3. the lack of teacher
guidance impacts my ability
to fully grasp the concepts in
hands-on activities.
4. I feel comfortable asking
the teacher questions and
seeking clarification during
hands-on activities.
5. I receive clear instructions
and feedback from the
teacher to improve my
performance in hands-on

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