Final Piece
Final Piece
Final Piece
A Dissertation Submitted to
in Partial fulfillment for the Award of the Degree of
Submitted By:
College Roll No: BC21-185
Exam Roll No: 20521170
This is to certify that the candidate RANJAN SWAIN, bearing
College Roll No.- BC21-185, Exam Roll No.- 20521170, a student of
B.Com for the session 2021-2024 is a bonafide student of S.C.S. (A)
College, Puri. He has prepared the Dissertation entitled “ROLE OF
piece of work and to the best of my knowledge, no other candidate
has submitted the same paper for the award of Bachelor Degree in
Commerce under P.G.Department of Commerce, S.C.S (A) College,
College Roll No: BC21-185
Exam Roll No: 20521170
College Roll No: BC21-185
Exam Roll No: 20521170
• FINDINGS 31-32
In the contemporary digital landscape, the fusion of social media and e-commerce has
reshaped the traditional retail experience, giving rise to a phenomenon known as social
commerce. Social media platforms, once primarily used for communication and
networking, have evolved into powerful tools for businesses to engage with consumers
and facilitate online shopping. This transformation has revolutionized the way people
discover, research, and purchase products and services, blurring the lines between
social interaction and commercial transactions.The integration of social media and
online shopping has been fuelled by several factors, including the widespread adoption
of smartphones, the increasing popularity of social networking sites, and the changing
consumer behavior towards digital channels. With billions of active users across
various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat, social
media has become an indispensable part of everyday life for many individuals
worldwide. This vast user base presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses to
connect with potential customers and drive sales through targeted marketing strategies
and personalized content. One of the key advantages of using social media for online
shopping is its ability to create a seamless and immersive shopping experience. Unlike
traditional e-commerce websites, social media platforms offer a more dynamic and
interactive environment where users can engage with brands, explore product offerings,
and make purchases without leaving the platform. Features like shoppable posts, live
streaming, and augmented reality filters enable consumers to visualize products in real-
time, making the shopping process more engaging and convenient.
Moreover, social media platforms leverage algorithms and data analytics to deliver
personalized recommendations and advertisements based on user preferences,
browsing history, and demographic information. By harnessing the power of artificial
intelligence and machine learning, businesses can target their marketing efforts more
effectively, increasing the likelihood of conversion and customer retention. In addition
to enhancing the shopping experience, social media platforms also play a vital role in
shaping consumer behavior and influencing purchasing decisions. User-generated
content, such as product reviews, ratings, and testimonials, can significantly impact
brand perception and credibility. Positive endorsements from influencers and
celebrities can propel a product to viral status, driving demand and sales
volume.Furthermore, social media platforms serve as valuable communication
channels for customer support and feedback. Brands can interact with customers in
real-time, addressing their inquiries, resolving issues, and soliciting to improve product
offerings and service quality. This direct line of communication fosters
trust and loyalty among consumers, ultimately leading to repeat business and
advocacy. In conclusion, the convergence of social media and online shopping has
transformed the way businesses market and sell products in the digital age. By
leveraging the reach and engagement capabilities of social media platforms,
companies can create meaningful connections with consumers, drive sales, and stay
competitive in an increasingly crowded marketplace. As technology continues to
evolve, the role of social media in shaping the future of e-commerce is likely to expand,
offering new opportunities and challenges for businesses and consumers alike
The objective of this study is to investigate the role of social media platforms in online
shopping behavior. With the rapid growth of social media platforms, there is a need to
understand how they influence consumer purchasing decisions. The study aims to examine
the impact of various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, on
consumer attitudes, preferences, and behaviour’s towards online shopping.
This chapter enshrines the ‘Research methodology’, which explains the
research problem, the significance of the study, scope, sampling, sources of
data collection, used for data analysis, etc.
Socio and Economic profile of the respondent such as gender and age,
education, occupation and income
The technological, consumers and product/service factors influencing the online purchase.
various attributes induce social media are entertainment, networking,
information on new brands, and so on.
• study was conducted by considering only Instagram and hence, the results of
this study cannot be generalized to all the social networking sites.
• Since the responses were collected from the respondents through online mode,
the responses may not be as accurate as one collected from a personal
• While collecting primary data, respondents may not be able to fully understand
the content of the question being asked; hence response error may distort the
result of the research.
• As the respondents belong to heterogeneous groups i.e., from different states
across India and also from abroad, the culture of the people may not be similar
and hence, their perception may differ while giving the response.
• . The study was conducted by studying a few samples that could be
representative of population. So the result derived by studying samples cannot
be generalized to a larger population.
• . The sampling method adopted for the drawing samples from the population
was convenience sampling hence the limitation of the convenience sampling
itself signifies its own constraints.
• The methodology of this study for analysing the data may not be able to fully
assess the online shopping behavior of consumers based on discussed
2. Marketing Strategies:
3. Platform Dynamics:
4. Economic Implications:
5. Future Directions:
• Speculating on the future evolution of social commerce and its integration with
emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and
blockchain, to further enhance the online shopping experience.
• Identifying areas for future research and development, such as cross-platform
interoperability, omnichannel integration, and the ethical implications of
algorithmic-driven recommendation systems.
Social media platforms play a significant role in online shopping by providing a
space for businesses to create profiles and engage with customers. These
platforms enable businesses to showcase products, share updates, and
interact with a global audience, fostering a sense of community. The direct
connection between brands and consumers on social media enhances
marketing efforts and promotes e-commerce growth
Social media platforms have become virtual marketplaces where consumers not
only connect with friends and family but also seek product recommendations,
reviews, and inspiration. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, have particularly
excelled in curating visually appealing content that drives purchasing decisions.
The phenomenon of "social shopping" has emerged, wherein consumers
discover products through influencers, friends, or sponsored content on their
feeds. Moreover, the interactive nature of social media allows for real-time
engagement between brands and consumers. From responding to inquiries to
addressing customer feedback, businesses can establish direct lines of
communication, fostering trust and loyalty. The ability to personalize
recommendations based on browsing history and preferences further enhances
the shopping experience, increasing the likelihood of conversion
• Brand Engagement and Visibility
For businesses, maintaining a strong on social media is no longer optional but
essential for staying competitive. Social media platforms serve as digital
storefronts, offering brands the opportunity to showcase their products, share
behind-the-scenes content, and communicate their values. By cultivating an
authentic and relatable brand image, companies can forge meaningful
connections with their audience, ultimately driving brand loyalty and advocacy.
However, with the increasing reliance on social media for shopping, businesses
must also navigate challenges such as algorithm changes, platform policies, and
competition for consumer attention. Maintaining a cohesive omnichannel
strategy that integrates social media, website, and physical stores is crucial for
maximizing reach and driving conversions.
2010).Today, email servers will accept and store messages which
allow recipients to access the email at their convenience. In 1969,
ARPANET, created by Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a
U.S. government agency, was developed. ARPANET was an “early
network of time-sharing computers that formed the basis of the internet.”
CompuServe, the third development of 1960s, was also created in 1969 with a
mission to provide time-sharing services by renting time on its computers. With
very high fees, this service was too expensive for many (Rimskii, 2011; Ritholz,
It includes enterprise sites such as IBM, Best Buy, Cisco and Oracle. The
social web is a new world of unpaid media created by individuals or
enterprises on the web and includes:
➢ Social Networks Sites (SNS): The websites where people can build
their personal profiles connect and share information with their
friends (Mayfield, 2008). The most popular social network websites
are Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace.
➢ Wikis: Wikis allows people to add and edit information and create an
online database (Mayfield, 2008). Such like Wikipedia.
➢ Podcasts: The websites, which offer audios and videos subscription
services to users (Mayfield, 2008). ITunes is the most popular
podcast platform.
➢ Forums: Forums are the online discussion places where users create
and discuss specific topics (Mayfield, 2008).
➢ Reputation aggregated: search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Ask
and Live. The aggregate site with the best product or service to offer
and usually put things in order of reputation (Webber, 2009).
➢ Blogs: online journals where people can post ideas, images, and links
to other web pages or sites. Some appear on personal or corporate
sites, while others are hosted on Blogger, BlogHer (for women),
Weblog, Tumblr, and other blogging sites (Webber, 2009).
➢ Topic-specific e-communities are generally advertising supported all
though some are free. Hewlett Packard for example has communities
on it websites, and there are communities’ involving sports such as
kayakMind for people who enjoy kayaking. Password-protected e-
communities are growing especially
Social media platforms play a significant role in online shopping by serving as
both promotional channels and networking hubs. They enable businesses to
showcase products, engage with customers, and leverage social connections for
marketing. Users, in turn, benefit from product recommendations, reviews, and a
sense of community around their shopping experiences. The integration of
shopping features on platforms like Instagram and Facebook further enhances
the seamless transition from social interaction to online shopping. Overview of
integration of platforms and online shopping.Importance of social media in
shaping consumer behavior and preferences.Purpose of the project and its
significance in understanding modern consumer trends.
✓ Regulatory Landscape: of relevant regulations and guidelines governing
social commerce.Discussion on compliance requirements for businesses
operating in the social shopping space.
Social media needs to be a part of a company’s marketing budget
because it gives a powerful way to create a connection with the targeted
audience. Social networks enable to connect with new customers and
stay in touch with the existing customers. Another use of social media is
to make customers and potential customers more aware of what a brand
is all about. This can be in the form of promoting specific campaigns,
updating people on changes and showing off success. It enhances
customer service by creating accessibility to customers who have a
tendency to seek immediate feedbacks
Smith, A., & Chaffey, D. (2019). Social media marketing: A strategic
approach. Routledge.Li, C., & Zhang, Y. (2020). The impact of social media
on consumer behavior. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53,
101721.Kumar, V., Aksoy, L., Donkers, B., Venkatesan, R., Wiesel, T., &
Tillmanns, S. (2019). Undervalued or overvalued customers: capturing
total customer engagement value. Journal of Service Research, 22(4),
376-393.Lee, M., & Youn, S. (2021). Social media engagement's effect on
brand loyalty: mediating roles of e-brand credibility and consumer
satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59, 102354.
Statista. (2023). Share of social media in digital marketing strategies
worldwide in 2023. Retrieved from
indigital-marketing/Evans, A., & Bridgewater, J. (2021).
consists of insight into data analysis of the Impact of Social Media on online shopping
and factors of online shopping are presented and analyzed. In this chapter, discussing
the results of the survey which is gathered from online shoppers and users of social
media for buying the products was investigated with the help of primary data. Statistical
tools are used to analyses the data like chi-square analysis, ANOVA, etc. hypotheses
were tested which were developed based on objectives of the study.
Fig 4.1
Interpretation - Above pie diagram indicate that out of a total of 66 respondents 63.6%
(42) are Female and remaining 36.4% (24) are male respondents.
Fig 4.2
Fig 4.3
Interpretation- The responses represent that 71% of respondents are Under-graduate,
24% are Graduate, 2% are Post-graduate and 3% of respondents are Professionally
Fig 4.4
The social media used by respondents are studied which is shown in the following table
4.1 & fig 4.5.
Yes 65 98%
No 1 2%
Table 4.1
Fig 4.5
Interpretation- This that 98% of the total respondents are using social media whereas
only 2% of respondents are not using social media.
The social media mostly preferred by online respondents are studied which is shown in
the following table 4.2 & fig 4.6.
Instagram 36 55 1
WhatsApp 26 39 2
Facebook 3 5 3
Twitter 1 1 4
Table 4.2
Fig 4.6
The use of social media by respondents are studied which is shown in the following
horizontal bar graph fig 4.7.
Fig 4.7
Interpretation- of 66 online customers, 44 (66.7%) use social media for
communication purpose, 42 (63.6%) respondent preferred social media for
gathering information, whereas 49 (74.2%) respondent use for entertainment
purpose and 17 (25.6%) for shopping purpose. Respondents most likely preferred
to use social media for entertainment i.e., 49 (74.2%) of the total response.
Does social media influence the purchase intention of customers is studied which is
shown in the below table 4.3.
Yes 38 57.6%
No 16 24.2%
Table 4.3
Fig 4.8
Interpretation-The data clearly shows that most respondents get triggered by
social media to purchase goods/services online. 57.6% respondent said yes, 24.2%
said no and 18.2% not sure about that social media trigger them to shop online.
How frequently consumers do online shopping has been studied to understand the
buying habits of customers. Frequency of shopping is categorized into four different
aspects which are shown in the following table 4.4.
Never 32 48.5%
Sometimes 27 40.9%
Often 7 10.6%
Always 0 0
Table 4.4
Fig 4.9
whereas 7 (10.6%) respondents often prefer online shopping shows interest in
shopping from networking sites.
Amount (money) sent by respondents on online shopping in the last three months
has been studied to understand the buying habits of customers and categorized into
four different aspects which are shown in the following table 4.5.
1000-3000 30 45.5%
Table 4.5
Fig 4.10
media sites, 15(22.7%) respondents spent 1000-3000, whereas 30(45.5%) respondents
spent 1000- on online shopping shows interest in shopping from social networking sites
and 12 (13.6%) spent more than 3000. Clearly data represents that most respondents
spent in between 1000-3000 on online shopping in the last three months.
There are various factors that motivate respondents to shop online such as
convenience, time-saving, 24*7 availability, discounts, wide variety etc. In fig 4.11,
which factors motivate respondents to go for online shopping are shown.
Fig 4.11
Online is not free from any difficulties or problems. The analysis can be seen in the
following bar graph 4.12:
Fig 4.12
There are various mode of payment for purchasing products online. In fig 4.13, which
mode of payment respondents prefer to go for online shopping are shown.
Fig 4.13
H01. There is no relationship between social media and online shopping.
To test the above hypothesis correlation is applied. Results of the test are as follows:
Results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a significant positive
association between social media and online shopping, [r (64) = 0.26, p = 0.03 < 0.05].
H02: There no significant difference between the Age groups who purchase
To test the above hypothesis chi-square test is applied. Results of the test are as
P-value = 0.56
Degree of Freedom =6
Conclusion of the Test- There is no significant difference between the Age groups who
purchase online.
H03: Social media fashion trends have no effect on purchase intention.
To test the above hypothesis chi-square test is applied. Results of the test are as
Observed frequency Expected frequency
Agree 28 13.2
Neutral 20 13.2
Disagree 3 13.2
Total 66
P-value = 6.03125E-08
Degree of Freedom =4
A chi-square test of independence was performed to examine the relationship
between social media trends and purchase intention. The relation between these
variables was significant;
H04. Convenience will have a significant positive influence on the amount spent
while online shopping.
To test the above hypothesis ANOVA test is applied. Results of the test are as follows.
Between Groups 13.21 3 4.40 2.65 0.05
Total 116.26 65
There was a no significant difference between Group means was determined by one-
way ANOVA;
Conclusion of the Test- Convenience will have a significant positive influence on the
amount spent on online shopping.
To test the above hypothesis chi-square test is applied. Results of the test are as
Observed frequency Expected frequency
Agree 14 13.2
Neutral 28 13.2
Disagree 15 13.2
Total 66
Table 4.8: -Square
P-value = 6.78397E-06
Degree of =4
A chi-square test of independence was performed to examine the relationship between
age and purchase . The relation between these variables was not significant;
H06. There is no significant relationship between a wide variety of seeking and
frequency of purchasing.
To test the above hypothesis correlation test is applied. Results of the test are as
Results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a significant positive
association between a wide variety of seeking and frequency of purchasing, [r (64) =
0.12, p = 0.33 < 0.05].
To test the hypothesis correlation test is applied. Results of the test are as follows:
Results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a significant positive
association between Direct interaction and satisfaction, [r (65) = 0.43, p > 0.000].
H08. Celebrity posts & followers on shopping sites are not likely to have
impulsive sales.
To test the above hypothesis chi-square test is applied. Results of the test are as
Observed frequency Expected frequency
Agree 22 13.2
Neutral 22 13.2
Disagree 3 13.2
Total 66
P-value = 1.19548E-0
Degree of Freedom =4
A chi-square test of independence showed that there was no significant association
between on shopping sites and impulsive sales;
7 Reject H0
Direct interaction with the seller doesn’t satisfy customers.
8 Celebrity posts & followers on shopping sites are not likely to Reject H0
have impulsive sales.
Table 4.10
FINDINGS, . It has been analyzed that age groups of between
15-25 years were more interested in online purchases and
people were more on social networking sites as compared to
other age groups.
▪ Majority of the respondents monthly earning ranging less
than Rs.30000 pm.
▪ Study revealed that SNS mostly preferred by respondents
was Instagram and WhatsApp these are top two networking
sites mostly preferred.
▪ Study examined social media used as per the importance,
it exposed that most of the time people were using the
internet for entertainment purposes and communication
purposes i.e. for emailing, chatting, making friends etc. and
also using the internet for gathering information and
shopping purposes
▪ More than half of the respondents are said social media
triggers them to purchase a product/service.
▪ Study exposed dominant factors for online shopping which
influence people to shop online are discounts/price deals
and time-saving & convenience. Online shopping sites
provide offers and discounts and saves time as well with
availability of a maximum variety and 24*7 service.
▪ But Study expressed, people were demotivated because of
lack of trust then for privacy issues of credit/debit card
transactions. Also, shipping costs demotivate them to
shop, and still people believe in touch and feel of products
while purchasing the products.
▪ . It is that more than half of the respondents like cash on
delivery mode of payment and few others like debit/credit
▪ Majority of the respondents are never purchased from
social media sites.
▪ Study showed that people were actively spending between
Rs1000-3000 on online shopping in the last 3 months.
▪ In this study, it is found that there is no significant
difference between age of respondents and online
shopping behavior.
▪ There is an association between social media trends and
purchase intention.
▪ .Study has exhibited that a wide variety of seeking has a
positive relationship withfrequency of online purchases.
▪ In this study, it is found that there is a positive relationship
between social media and online shopping.
▪ .It is identified that people were not found social media
trustworthy to shop.
▪ For shopping attitudes, the result of study shows that
purchase intention has a significant positive influence with
respect to convenience and number of followers on social
media sites with celebrity posts.
▪ Study examined that there is an association between direct
interaction and customer satisfaction
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations outlined below are
suggested . I recommended social media to most firms since through social media
businesses can communicate information in a flash, regardless of geographical
Also, firms need to integrate social media in their communication strategy since social
media allow firms to tailor their content for each market segment and give the
businesses the opportunity to gettheir messages across more widely than ever before.
Indeed, once a piece of content goes viral there is no limit to the amount of people it
could potentially reach at no extra cost for the business.I recommend also for Job
vacancies in E-Commerce to be published in various Social media platforms due to the
increase patronage in this era. Various advertisements can be broadcasted which can
be easily accessed by everyone.To add, I recommend various firms must publish
transactions in a very common and understandable manner and language in order to be
easily accessed by the publicS
The main objective of this research is to find the factors
influencing online shopping behavior and find whether
there is a relationship between social media and online . In
this study, based on literature review hypotheses were and
tested using various statistical techniques, Chi-square
test, ANOVA and correlation. Age, education are found to
be influencing online shopping behavior. Shopping
reduction in time and cost, trust, shopping habits,
convenience, shipping costs, discount deals, wide variety,
comparison facilities, direct interaction, and privacy issues
are found to be influencing attitudes towards online
shopping. Additionally, this research shows that
consumers are willing to shop online despite the risks
involved. The research shows how social media and social
factors influence intention to buy through social media
sites. These findings will be useful to the e-marketers for
effectively targeting their market to enhance their
profitability. To make products globally recognized every
small or big, National or International company needs to
focus and start selling their products online. In which
social media can play a very crucial role so there is a large
scope for apparel marketers and retailers to promote their
products through social media if designed and processed
in the quick, secure and qualitative way. Marketers need to
concentrate properly on the requirements of the e-
Commerce and online tools and techniques to make
wonders and hype their sales.
M. E. Porter, Competitive Strategy(New York: Free Press, 1980)
L. Wrigley, Divisional Autonomy and Diversification (PhD, Harvard Business School, 1970)