Test of MBA27 (Or 28) - Prof Ha FTU
Test of MBA27 (Or 28) - Prof Ha FTU
Test of MBA27 (Or 28) - Prof Ha FTU
When the parties to an international contract have not selected a governing law and a
conflict occurs:
a) the court must first rule on the matter of its competence, then decide on the law governing
the contract before judging the case on the merits.
b) the parties have to agree on a governing law before making a claim
c) the court will apply the law of the country where the defendant is located
d) the parties have to submit their dispute to arbitration
5. Contract acceptance:
a) must be given in writing to be enforceable
b) must not differ from the terms of the offer to create a contract
c) becomes a counter-offer is made under conditions
d) does not create a contract if it does not expressly bears on essential elements of the deal
6. An offer to contract:
a) is the legal equivalent of a promise to contract
b) is a unilateral declaration that the offeror can revoke at any time
c) cannot be revoked once it has been accepted
d) must include all essential elements of the deal to have any legal value as an offer
8. Assume that, as you walk by the breach, you hear someone call “help” and rescue a person
from drowning:
a) You can claim payment from that person under contract law, since “help” is an offer and your
diving into the water, its acceptance – and further since your risking your own life constitutes
proper consideration, if under common law
b) you are not entitled to any payment, as this was a gratuitous unilateral act, not performed in
exchange of a promise or any undertaking from the victim
c) if you suffer injuries in saving this person’s life, the victim must pay for your hospital fees
d) you can be sued if you fail to save the person
9. Assume that you bet a large amount of money on a horse with your friend, based on the
“tip” received from such friend. The horse loses the race, can you refuse to honor your debt:
a) yes, on the grounds of misrepresentation, as the tip proved inaccurate
b) yes, on the grounds of common mistake, since your friend sincerely believed his/her horse
c) yes, as betting on a future uncertain event cannot constitute any legal obligation
d) no, as the bet itself is sufficiently certain and specific to found an obligation to pay.
14. Paul purchases a novel at a bookstore and when he opens it, he discovers that it is written
in a language he does not understand.
a) Paul can bring the book back for refund, on the basis of misrepresentation, since the book
was not in a foreign book section of the store.
b) Paul cannot rescind the sale but can sue the store for damages on the grounds of failure of
the store to perform its duty to advise and alert clients
c) Paul can bring the book back and ask for a refund, on the basis of mistake
d) Paul cannot invoke any of the above, since the mistake was his.
29. in case one party fails to perform its contractual obligations, the other party:
a) has to bring a claim with a competent jurisdiction to enforce sanctions and obtain remedies
b) can suspend performance of its own obligations until the failure is cured
c) can unilaterally cancel the contract
d) can unilaterally terminate the contract.