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1. Find a parametrized curve a(t) whose trace is the circle x? + y? = I such that e(r) runs clockwise around the circle with e(0) = (0, 1). Startiry fren o cue dar we \uvw Whot gives the tree cele xy ted, Wheres B= (tata, emis) ve Cerne) =T Yar Con cw IRy (-20,22) Ba webed tomty-Chekwire ool porggen | CHC. ech ges He re F (ou, So Te Croge etertathe o£ a ene ve de &Eo-t Trndfurredtin grunt ( Gone cme Ys (at) 910% Fura WR) | ¥ the tare’ cae 6 lb) := Plt) loo orarbatnn 1 revel TE Clecume orertad Tow aly Shift the strby gemb y & — ea >a go He desred cure X(t) =(a(r4-2) ,2m(%,-4)) () sec | 2, Let a(r) be a parametrized curve which does not pass through the origin. 42 If @(ig) is a point of the trace of e closest to the origin and a'(f) # 0, show that the position vector a(t) is orthogonal to a'(fy): Smee klk) B closest prt the anyin. ts a criree pomt for He fret Jal: TR i> Ae =F ay’ ead do A? =(aie ale) sd lel, =o Su its squere \auerl” a Whe mmimek omens the volves f |alt)I* | bET 3 0 lowe dl om gust —— ne hove Sp Lleui*) les. =0 (tea 2 £(ea)) Hel letol") = J. (xpealt)) = 2olOealt) Tew holds m generoh 8 wh t= ve be dl UbeJe lls) =0 9 ab) edly). (atte Alin) #9 0 fot Ahyrrolity to robe a wre obey fey wee 7? Uegow> =0 1B Olwys due. fet | 3. Aparametrized curve a(t) has the property that its second derivative a”(1) is identically zero. What can be said about «? Let Ak be defmed os. Alt) = (xt, 90 2047) g AX) = Ow, yw. 21) = (0,00) > Xa att , ylO=Cidb ela cr$t Oruibyerdie ¥ EIR. ge xt) o a tre. (cf dro o RY Ses Re? ye 4, Let w: J > R® be a parametrized curve and let v € R° be a fixed vector. 74 | Assume that a(t) is orthogonal to v for all t € J and that a(0) is also orthogonal to v. Prove that a(t) is orthogonal to v for all ¢ € 1 3 Reet ogom for two ove op iT lk 4 (apie) = aluLyepie) + ode). Bled toke B= frre veety ( Bo Coufet carat) we sme lleV=0 far ech v€T, ve toed (aed) = c' =0 © dul Vac ElL- & eosbort, tb fd pk t20 dlp)-V=C oat by Vryphoteso the auectron c=0 & db)eG =o We. 5. Leta: ] > R* bea parametrized curve, with a'(t) 4 0 for allt € 7. Show ab that |a-(t)| is a nonzero constant if and only if a(t) is orthogonal to a'(t) for allt ¢ J. =) Let [Alt)| = CER wostort then ge £0) = PRCT) = dale dle) as desired: Si Albdic wttgool-t alt) vel so O=altledles) ald (alte) = £ Cunt?) © [dul ac a evimb .(AH=0uH.4 2441) ) TL cao then (Xela | xomyuite aut? <0 Sp X=y=t=0 bo A=0 #1 Cotrodredon (Calera o) LAL 2 wire cuter _ | Find the oe length poowettete of tha cwve AR) d= (e%sme ; east) he®) Chee [Altil=t erred s dle =( eft inte), Cate) — Chmte), BE” ) \dtul = é 2 (sent emeatt)ecat)) )\+é Hedin 12th) kt) 10%, =er{y aac 41 ( jlerbroay we 1) So ows can ve eforetne Ho cue te bne oe dogth promekitetien? & Step tc Defme ec = J [etenldt (frore sure etnn(d) ) + SeE2 golve the clove equatiin In dyms of ¢ (Wem de So we howe a facten $18). Steg 3. your curve Ios been ce-poremeteeed «(ell dare , $ Sub) \ \alue) lat = Sadat = 2(e— 4) ser By S22) Sata e® 4 la(gat) = 6 pet Ereene: Cheek Hod an=(e"", (ma) © lea} ot) 1 poencdved by or length. (@) | Easier Guster) Find ore loyth of De Soll. lao Porretniches XO) = Cesar) sintoe), bb) Ae = (-asmlas), ator(or) b) 5 | At) =] atsmias) 4 a2eetot) +L” = (atir (fatseoy Hh ue howe oe Lagi en) iE vet ther 6UsL= . (delde = [ome — ster So 4 =f — feed ae Sy ore length poonehoreel wie Q a0) = ism Ce st) ° (ee)! = dy ac] 1: Check whether the following bases are postive: ty a. The basis (1, 3), (4,2)} in R?. b. The basis (1, 3, 5), (2,3, 7), (4,8 3)) in R’. a) Strole! orotrel bese for Rs £ (49) Co) whch wrepools to the politive orentrhen. Reel bow we do bee choye : Gar a finite dire reol veety spote \V& IRC We tor yore severol bans for Vi Let wh coll two of then as A owl Bo wt A= ey On} onct Bef byr--y bn} The cwrelnote Cloye wobrx P=[dn te 4m] frm A —»B Ay ——— Kan (or be Cobeutoted oy follrud : * Waite Zech bases alemenh of Am toms of B as Oy dy by tolez by +-- tan bn \ ! ' ; esth nyse = Ayr byt _ ‘ om be So) oe er byt Aug ly + +n ba bene Bt oes On= dyabatanrkr t-- +&mnbn fu V- then, $43), uel} > 4 (1). (outl| then (413) = 1-4) +3-(0.3) (42) = 4 Ga} +2004) P= 1 | wl detP— 2-12 = -10 <0 4 4 thor $ (43) (42) ) hos negosbine wrreatobran

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