Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
National Highschool
The rise of online games has revolutionized the entertainment industry, captivating millions of
individuals, particularly students, with their. immersive and interactive experiences. While online
games offer a plethora of benefits, concerns have been raised about their potential impact on
the academic performance of students. This introduction aims to explore the effects of online
games on students' academic performance, considering both the positive and negative aspects.
Online games have become a popular form of leisure activity among students, providing them
with an avenue for relaxation, social interaction, and cognitive stimulation. These games often
require strategic thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, which can enhance cognitive skills
and promote social engagement. Additionally, some educational games are designed to
supplement classroom learning, offering opportunities for students to reinforce their knowledge
in a fun and interactive manner.
Another aspect to consider is the potential impact of online games on students' sleep
patterns. Many online games are designed to be played for extended periods, often late into the
night. This can result in sleep deprivation, as students sacrifice their sleep hours to indulge in
gaming. Sleep deprivation, in turn, can impair cognitive function, including attention, memory,
and problem-solving abilities, making it difficult for students to concentrate, retain information,
and perform well academically.
According to Dondlinger (2007) much attention has been directed to the use of video games
for learning in the recent years, in part due to the staggering amounts of capital spent on games
in the entertainment industry, but also because of their ability to captivate player attention and
hold it for lengthy periods of time as players learn to master game complexities and accomplish
Furthermore, excessive engagement in online games can lead to social isolation and a decline
in emotional well-being. Students may spend more time interacting with virtual avatars rather
than engaging in face-to-face interactions with peers. This can impact their social skills,
emotional development, and overall academic engagement. Feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and a
lack of connection with peers can further hinder their academic performance.
Anderson and Bushman (2001) have recently published a meta-analysis of the research. Their
analysis concludes that exposure to violent video games has a negative effect on a variety of
measures. The analysis of greatest import is the one indicating that playing violent video games
causes an increase in aggressive behavior. On the basis of their overall analysis and presumably
especially the one regarding aggressive behavior, the authors assert that video games pose a
threat to public health.
It is important to acknowledge that not all students who engage in online gaming will
experience negative effects on their academic performance. The impact of online games on
academic performance can vary depending on individual factors such as self-control, time
management skills, and the ability to maintain a healthy balance between gaming and academic
Lojo (2008) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games on the academic
performance and behavior of high school students. The results of her study disclosed that
tomaintain the good academic performance of students, parents should set limits on how often
and how long their child is allowed to play video games
In conclusion, while online games offer various benefits, excessive engagement can have
detrimental effects on students' academic performance. The potential distractions, reduced
study time, decline in academic motivation, sleep deprivation, and social isolation associated
with excessive gaming can hinder students' ability to excel academically. It is crucial for students
to develop effective time management strategies, prioritize their academic responsibilities, and
maintain a healthy balance between online gaming and their studies. Educators, parents, and
students themselves should be aware of the potential impact of online games and work together
to ensure that gaming activities do not hinder academic success.
It is undeniably questionable that playing online games provide something that no one
can give. Studies revealed that the human brain is easy to destruct and one of the reasons
is using technology. The education system tends to go with the flow with this constant
change in the society in order to get things relevant to the generations today. The dark
side of playing online games became an issue of debate in school and the whole
Education Department at large. Thus, this study is conducted to determine the
associations of playing online games towards students’ academic performance.
The researcher of this study seek the effect of online games on impacts of students
life.The researcher also seek to inform students about the importance of socializing with
students and others will be responsible.The researcher wants to be use online games to
find out and determine the attitude of Senior High School students in Balindong National
High School.The purpose of this study is to determine the implication of online games to
the students it has an aim to find out how online games affects intelectual capacity
relation to their academic performance.
The psychology of motivation in computer gaming has gained interest in at least three areas of
research. The first is the field of cyber addiction (Young, 2017),including pathological online gaming
(Kuss, 2013). According to Griffiths (2005), components of gaming addiction include the use of the
activity to alter mood, and withdrawal after cessation of the activity, both of which can be thought of
as related to motivation. The second field is gamification, defined as the use of game-design
elements in non-gaming contexts (Deterding 2011). A well-designed game is understood to generate
intrinsic motivation, which gamification designers attempt to harness for behavior-change purposes
or to increase engagement in targeted activities. The third field is Flow Theory, also known as the
study of optimal challenge, which has been studied in the context of game playing (Cowley , 2008; Su
,2016). According to Flow Theory, the psychological state of flow arises when skill and challenge are
matched, and both above average for the individual. Components of flow include “intense and
focused concentration, loss of reflective self-consciousness,a sense tha time has passed faster than
normal,experience of the activity as rewarding, such that often the end goal is just an excuse for the
process” (Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). These components of flow suggest overlaps with
both the cyberaddiction and gamification literatures, each of which involves aspects of motivation
that are parts of Flow Theory. Thus, it seems natural to further the investigation of Flow Theory in
computer gaming.The relevance of this investigation to Economics is motivation that are parts of
Flow Theory. Thus, it seems natural to further the investigation of Flow Theory in computer gaming.
Acland and Chow (2018) found that approximately 15% of players of one casual game appeared to
play more than they themselves wanted to, as evidenced by their willingness to use voluntary
commitment devices to play shorter sessions, leading to significant reductions in session length and
frequency. This number probably understates the number of players who play excessively, relative to
their own preferences, because it only includes thosewho are sufficiently aware of their self-control
problems to use commitment devices, so-called “sophisticates” (O’Donoghue and Rabin, 1999).
Among the 15% who used commitment devices, play time per week decreased by 26 min. If we treat
this as excess time caused by self-control problems, accept 15% as a lower bound on the number of
players who play excessively, and assume that the numbers would be the same for players of other
games, the total excess time among U.S. adults over the year would be 560 million h, worth almost
11 billion dollars. In light of the fact that the hourly wage is understood to be a lower bound on the
value of time, this suggests a considerable welfare loss. Because my data includes usage of voluntary
self-control devices, I am able to make observations about the relationship between the psychology
of motivation and demand for commitment and thus contribute to the literature on selfcontrol in
behavioral economics.Further, given that 26% of adult players report playing primarily during breaks
at work, excess game playing could have a considerable impact on productivity. Furthermore, to the
extent that we can think of excessive play as representing a misallocation of time, we mightsuppose
that it reduces subjective wellbeing. Thus, a better understanding of motivation and self-control
contributes to labor economics, the economics of happiness, and public health.
In the context of online gaming, a primary question is whether there are different motivational
types among players, and if so, whether there are observable differences among them, both with
respect to individual characteristics, and with respect to how they play. One hypothesis would be that
flow types will challenge themselves more than other types, in the search for flow. To the extent that
flow involves intrinsic motivation, which has been associated with motivation to play games in the
gamification literature, we might also hypothesize that flow types will play the game more than
others. In addition, because of a unique feature of the game I study, I will be able to explore
differences in self-control and demand for commitment among types, which is to say, whether types
differ in the extent to which they experience loss of self-control over how long or how frequently
they play, and in howlikely they are to take advantage of devices designed to improve self-control, a
question that may contribute to the understanding of gaming addiction. A natural hypothesis would
be that flow types, because the experience of flowcauses them to lose track of time and become, in
some sense, disconnected from other aspects of their life, will exhibit the greatest level of loss of
control, and thus have the highest demand for self-control devices.
Based largely on evidence from interviews, the initial belief was that individuals would be most
motivated in the flow channel, in particular because one of the characteristics of flow is intrinsic
motivation (Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). Based on subsequent observation, however
(increasingly using the experience sampling method), it appears that different types of people are
most motivated in different channels. Thus, for example, LeFevre (1988) found that among workers in
five large corporations in the U.S., approximately
40% were most motivated when in the flow channel, while another 40% were most motivated when
in the apathy channel (The same study found that flow experiences were more likely to occur at
work, while apathy experiences were more likely to occur during leisure hours). In a similar study,
Csikszentmihalyi and Nakamura (1989) found that, among U.S. high-school students, those in a
program for high-achieving math students were most motivated in the flow channel, while more
“normal” students were most motivated by the experience of relaxation, which arises when skill is
above average and challenge is below average. Most of the literature on Flow Theory has focused on
the flow channel, and how it contributes to intrinsic motivation (Bakker and van Woerkom, 2017),
but if the above empirical findings hold, then intrinsic motivation will come from different states for
different types of people, making the full set of Flow Theory channels particularly important to
The game includes two devices designed to allow players to control how long they play, so-called
“self-control” or “commitment” devices. The “ ex-ante” device is a dialog box that appears when
players login to the game, allowingthem to limit the number of games they can play. The “in-game”
device is a button that appears between games, that allows players to play only one more game. Both
devices cause players to be blocked from playing the game for 1 h. Players who choose to use the
devices typically do not log back into the game immediately after the block ends.
This study attempt to gather much information about the effect of online
games to the academic performance of Senior High School students in
Balindong National High School (BNHS).
Demographic profile of the Data gathering, Distribution Effect of online games to the
respondents: of survey questinnare to the academic performance of
respondents. the Senior High School
Name: students in Balindong
National High School
Fig.1 Research paradigm showing " the effect of online games to the academic performance
of the Senior High School students in Balindong National High School."
This study aims to find out the"effect of online games to the academic performance of Sinior
High School students in Balindong National High School.
The study seek answers to the following questions:
3.What are the effect of online games to the academic performance of Sinior High School
This certain study which predominantly targets to determine the effect of online games to the academic
performance of Sinior High School students in Balindong Natuonal High School.
Students. The result of this study will help the students have an insight on the impact of online games
towards their academic performance.
Parents. The resultbof this study will servw as basis to help share with other parents the information
about certain games or ideas to help each other in parenting.Also it will help them understand the
bahavior and study habitvof their children when they qre engaged into such activity.
Teacher. The outcomeb of this study will provide additional information on what strategy to use to
educate students about the well known effect of online gaming on the academic performance of
students,problem solving strategy,decision making and spatial visualization.
Netizens. This will be their guide on how to deal with the effect of online games to the academic
performnce not only in Senior High Shool students but to all who all the youth who involved about this
thing.this will be an instrument for awareness about what they are doing.
Department of Education. This will provide them optimistic understanding and yawning awareness to
the diverse causes that would affect academic performance of each students who take part about online
games.This will be a big help for thier further consciousness about what they will implement in every
school,what will they do modern generation student who were part of it.
School Administrators. The result of the study will also be helpful to administration as it can be used
in developing a framework for the program which needs implementation involving the Senior High School
students of Balindong National High School and realizing their essential role in supporting the academic
performance of each Senior High students for keeping aware and well informed about the impact of
online games to their academic performance.
Researchers. The researcher,they shall be benefited as well because they will be aware about the
effect of online games in academic performance among Senior High School students (SHS).
Future Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a basis and as a resource for supplementary
information and ideas for researchers to be conducted in the future.
Academic Performance. How student deals with their studies and how they cope with or
accomplish different tasks given to them by their teacher.
Education. The knowledge,skills,understanding and attitudes that you can get from attending